
Showing posts from February, 2010

java - NoClassDefFoundError when running Facebook official example -

Sorry I'm new, stackoverflow does not allow me to post image and link ... I try to use official Android SDK () I install SDK and try to run an example First of all, it failed on "build" This can not be found in the Facebook SDK, so I follow the steps found in the SDK page. Add dependencies to the Facebook Android SDK library on your app: From the File menu, select "Properties" Once the project properties are In the "Library" section below, click "Add ..." and select the Facebook SDK project Open the Android section, more info See for I check the link at # 4, it's a Mac OS X version Ex It displays the ips, which is the library segment, but on my Vista PC, with the Eclipse 3.5.2, there is no library section in it ... - - I try to add the Facebook SDK to the Java Build Path. Now it can "build" on both the emulator and the device. However, once it started, this accident shows the logcat: Error / And...

html - ASP.NET Dynamically creating HTMLTableColumns (headers) -

Is it possible that the HTML table column (& lt; th> & lt; / th>) is dynamic with names Make the form. UI.HtmlControls? Try this: HtmlTable table1 = new HtmlTable () ; // Set the formatting-related property of the table Table 1. Board = 1; Table 1 Cell padding = 3; Table 1 Cell spacing = 3; Table 1 Border = "red"; // Start adding content to the table HtmlTableRow; HtmlTableCell cell; For (int i = 1; i & lt; = 5; i ++) {// Create a new row and set its background color = new HtmlTableRow (); Line.bugger = (i% 2 == 0 "light": "lightsen"); For (int j = 1; j & lt; = 4; j ++) {// Create a cell and set its text cell = new HtmlTableCell (); Cell.InnerHtml = "line:" + i.ToString () + " cell:" + j.ToString (); // add cell to existing row row.Cells.Add (cell); } // Add the row to the table. Table1.Rows.Add (line); } // Add the page to this.Controls.Add (table1);

c# - ReflectionTypeLoadException for Microsoft.Web.Administration running Test Project in VS2010 -

We have recently upgraded our VS2008 projects to VS2010 Our code base is still targeting the 3.5 version , But I'm sure most of you will know that the test project should be upgraded to framework version 4.0. We have a special test that does not work yet that the testing project is targeting 4.0 framework. It tests all the test codes which are doing some type of reflection. Through some debugging I managed to reduce the problem. The following code for any reason in the upgraded test project: AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies (); A reference will be returned for "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Enterprise.AspNetHelper". If I call GetTypes () on this assembly again, then it says that this "Microsoft.Web.Administration" assembly loads does not make. So I think there are some types in Microsoft. Visual Studio Enterprise. Aspen Heller ", which is in other kind of context in Microsoft or has some context, web administration.I have read something ...

iphone 4 has a GPS antenna yes or no? -

Does anyone confirm that without the WiFi or 3G connection, can the iPhone 4 coordinate with GPS? On my iphone 4 i tested and i do not think to work. On my iPad, I tested and without WiFi or 3G, I got the blue dot running on the map. Yes, but it can take up to 5 minutes to get the coordinates.

.net - How can I see the SQL call to the Db done by NHibernate? -

How can I see the SQL call generated and passed to DB by NHibernate? File Hibernate.cfg.xml to me this line: & lt; Property Name = "Show_Sex" & gt; Wrong & lt; / Property & gt; Any ideas? Thank you Did you specify the "show_sql" Have tried to set on / code>?

SQL date format bind variable -

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this SQL query? Select USERNAME, CallerID from DateCreated, CREDTYPE, USAGETYPE, OPERATIONID, TXNID, arwfissuanceauditlog where in OPERATIONID (2104,2107) and DateCreated & gt; = 'TO_DATE (' 2010/06/21 ',' yyyy / MM / dd HH24: MI: SS ')' and Detrett & Lt; 'TO_DATE (' 2010/08/03 ',' yyyy / MM / dd HH24: MI: SS ')' When I ran into SQL Developer I got this message unknown command bind variable "MI" has not been declared I am speaking from Java like this Try {stmt = conn.createStatement (); Results = stmt.executeQuery (queryToExecute); } Hold (SQLException e) {CredChangeReportSVC.DEFAULTLOGGER.error ("Exception occurred when executing query:" + queryToExecute, e); } I received this message in the log Error 03 August 2010 14: 51: - 06, 939 query while executing an exception: "USERNAME's selection CallerID to OPERATIONID (2104,2107) and D...

mod rewrite - mod_rewrite for PHP's "lang?=" for more than one page? -

I am currently using code follwoing in my .htaccess file RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / #Redirect Language Rev.Rule ^^ (N | SES | zh \ -tw | zh \ -cn) /? $ Index.php? Lang = $ 1 [L] With that code, every time I type, type / n at the end of the URL, > /? Redirects to Lang = en (loads the contents of English from the PHP array): For example: Example / N example /? Lang = en But I have a thank.php page and obviously only after the index.php work for the page. > For both of index.php and thanks.php page The most straight-forward path is just to do this: RewriteRule ^ (en | es | zh \ -tw | zh \ CN) / $ Index Php? Lang = $ 1 [L] RewriteRule ^ thanks / (en | es | zh \ -tw | zh \ -cn) /? Thanks $ php? Lang = $ 1 [L] If you want to make it more general, you have the option of white-listing files, such as: Rewrite $ 1 ^ (thanks) / $ [or] rewrite index ^ (index) $ RewriteRule ^ (./)? (En | es | zh \ -tw | zh \ -cn) /? $% 1.php? Lang = $ 2 [L] ...

Sharing symfony and wordpress session -

I am working on a solution with two applications 1) Wordpress based CRM (Foreground) 2 Symfony based B2C application The Symphony application is created and working fine when we enter Symphony based application, the top menu changes in relation to the person's log. For example sign-in change sign-out, etc. The thing is that we need this same menu on the WordPress based CRM, which should be updated when logging in any simphone based application. Tell me if you have any experience or suggestions. WordPress gives you control over cookie verification function wp_validate_auth_cookie . Fortunately, this function is "plug-in", so you can rewrite it. Ensure that WordPress can view Symphony's cookies (they are in the same domain), and then the function does something like this: session_name ('symphony'); Session_start (); This will give you access to Symphony's $ _ session . By default, user_id by default, $ _ session ['Symphony ...

php - Wrong url parsing -

I always have a URL, where the absolute value is different and I have The URL fragment is the word // show-count / 1 retrieve the scripts on my local machine word = "It is obtained on the show exam machine word = 'show' - '' count '' p> I think this problem is double ignoring the // Lass = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Really strange, I think you need to fix the fact that there is a // in the first place.

c# - IsAssignableFrom or AS? -

मेरे पास अगला कोड है: निजी टी बनाएँइन्स्टेंस & lt; T & gt; (वस्तु obj) / / जहां टी: आईएसएमइंटरफेस, कक्षा {... if (! टाइपफ़ (टी)। आईएसएस्साइनेबलफॉम (obj.GetType ())) {फेंक ...; } वापसी (टी) ओब; } इसे इसके साथ बदला जा सकता है: टी परिणाम = obj as T; यदि (परिणाम == रिक्त) {फेंकें ..; } वापसी परिणाम; यदि नहीं - क्यों? एक और प्रकार: प्राइवेट टी बनाएँइन्स्टेंस & lt; T & gt; (ऑब्जेक्ट ओबीजे) जहां टी: आईएसआईएम इंटरफेस // जैसा ओपी ऊपर उल्लिखित है ... {टी के परिणाम = obj टी के रूप में; यदि (परिणाम == रिक्त) {फेंकें ..; } और वापसी परिणाम; }

c# - How can I get my Web application to communicate with my Desktop application? -

I have developed a web and windows application, both C #. Now in the net, what would I like to do, when a button is clicked on a particular page in a web application, a signal should be sent to the windows that a link has been clicked on how easily I can do it ? I would like to stay away from socket programming ... I thought the web app is collecting cookies and monitoring the desktop app to the cookies folder, but it seems that something looks strange. The desktop app can choose web app via normal HTTP, but with an open connection Maybe it will be better You can also see named pipes for the IPC. You can use anything like NET Remoting or WCF to enable IPC-like communication.

javascript - AJAX Callback not being called -

यह मेरा अजाक्स फ़ंक्शन है: फ़ंक्शन एजाक्स_कॉल (call_method, data_to_send) {लकड़हारा ( "फ़ंक्शन अजाक्स_कॉल। Var data_to_send:"); लकड़हारा (data_to_send); $ ('। Clickable save_button')। ($ Type: 'POST', url: call_method, डेटा: data_to_send, सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {लकड़हारा ("डेटा एजेक्स कॉल के बाद पृष्ठ पर लौट गया:" $ ('। Error_msg')। Html ("डेटाबेस को रिकॉर्ड सफलतापूर्वक सहेजा गया।"); $ ('। Error_msg')। फीडइन ('धीमी'); सेटटाइमआउट ("$ ('। Error_msg '' ('धीमा' ');', 5000); // 5 सेकेंड में उपयोगकर्ता को $ ('। Clickable save_button') पढ़ने के लिए पर्याप्त समय दें। शो () response_dispatcher (डेटा); // इसमें वस्तु प्रकार कम से कम} विफलता: फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('। Error_msg')। Html ("इस जानकारी को सहेजते समय एक त्रुटि हुई थी, कृपया पुनः प्रयास करें।" + "यदि त्रुटि बनी रहती है, तो संपर्क फ़ॉर्म का उपयोग करके हमसे संपर्क करें। "); $ ('। Error_msg')। शो...

.net - Programmatically add footer to Office Word/Excel document -

I am trying to create a solution like this: The system creates what the inclusion How is this possible programmatic form of document file name in DocumentPictor (preferably .NET)? I have to work on code, where I already come from Excel in C #. It's partial, and you have to start ... Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelapp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop Excel.Application (); Excelapp.Visible = True; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbookbook = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Workbook) excelapp.Workbooks.Add (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlWBatemplate.xlWBATWorksheet); ; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._worksheet sheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet) Book. ActiveSite; Sheet.get_Range ("A1", "N999") Font.Size = "8"; Sheet.Page Setup.Paras Size = Axel Paper Legacy; Sheet.Page Setup.Ormentation = XL Landscape; Sheet.Pag...

php - media site design considerations with multiple ways to invoke site functionality -

My friend and I are designing / implementing a web based media application that will provide media management and distribution capability. The short story is less, as we would like to be able to do site functionality (CRUD) for web based GUI users and there is also an administrative area for controlling various aspects of users, one on it And the obstacle is the project. That is, we want a method of inviting site functionality through CII or potentially going down other ways of the road. In this regard, I see that we need some "dispatcher" which will accept different entrance to the code and execute the libraries. In addition to this, we are using Ajax push type strategies (possibly an app project) for the site, but we want to code our server side library in such a way that we have a click on it Can the action through the web (for example through jquery) and also be able to do% MediaSite -refreshlibrary or something like that? Is such ideas designed or designed wi...

C# Unit Testing - Thread.Sleep(x) - How to Mock the System Clock -

I have to test a method that performs certain functions after the interval. while (running) {... // work ... thread. Sleep (interval); } The interval is passed in the class as a parameter, so I can only pass in 0 or 1, but I was curious how to fake the system clock if it That was not the case. In my trial, I just want to be able to determine the time schedule set by the time interval and awakened the thread. I have never written a written test for code that works on the execution thread before and I am sure there are some disadvantages to avoid - please see the approach that you use. Feel free to expand. Thank you! If you do not want to test the fact that the thread actually sleeps, then one more direct The approach (and which is possible) is for an ISST service then you can fake it out, and then can not sleep in your tests, but there is an implementation that causes the thread. Sleep in your production code. IS sleepService sleepService = Container.Resolve ...

magento - Can't require mage.php from an interactive shell -

I have to try some code snippets (about creating a script) which uses Magnets' models and orbits. The problem is that I get the following error: fdr @ fderose-gtrade: / var / www / globaltrade $ fdr @ fderose-gtrade: / var / www / Globaltrade $ php - An interactive shell php & gt; './app/Mage.php' is required; Fatal error: In line 31, 'Meraj' is not found in line 31. The line 31 of Mage.php is as follows: Dana :: register ('original_include_path', get_include_path ()); Does anyone know about this, what could be the reason? Thanks! According to Autoloading is not CII interactive mode Available in using PHP. For more information, see (a note below its description)

ipad - iphone - launching an app and loading a file -

I have created my own URL scheme As far as I understand, now I can have a link to an email, myApp: // .... and my app will start. But I need this: My app creates its own file type, it is a zip file whose name has been changed AnyName.myApp I need this app to allow the user to match this file to another person who uses my app. Tap this person on the attachment and open the attachment with my app. How can I do this? Can you tell me in the right direction or give me some code See for details.

c# - Starting vg dev, which language? -

Hey, I know someone who is trying to develop simple video games on my PC, and finally, hopefully That port or something will develop on XBOX 360 Indie Center, using XNA Studio. So, I've heard about C #? How easy is this for beginners? C ++ is very good, right? But I have heard that this quality is deep, wide, and seems to get a lot. Besides, I am assuming that they will need to apply for the game GUI and graphical development? Obviously we need a menu and some graphics (as long as we start a text-based game). Is the program even good for it? Sorry for the hap-hazardous question, but I'm just trying to feel everything. To enter this bus: The beginning of watching PC and Xbox For, the answer is XNA Studio using the C # language. The Microsoft Visual Studio Developer offers a free version of the environment: C # is a very good modern language, and a very good first time Language is, until you are Microsoft Windows and Xbox (more or less). Programming...

c# - Variable sharing inside static method -

I have a question about the variable inside the static method whether the variable inside the static method shares the same memory location Or will they have different memory? Here is an example. public class XYZ {public fixed int (int value) {int b = value; Return b; }} If 3 different users execute the call method A, XYZ.A (10); XYZ.A (20); XYZ.A (30); At the same time What will be the return value of each call? XYZ.A (10) =? XYZ.A (20) =? XYZ.A (30) =? They are still local variables - the fact that they are not shared between threads They are within a stable method, no matter. If you used the stable variable as an intermediate variable, then would be unsecured: Public class XYZ {// Do not do that! Awesome insecure! Private Static Int B; Public Static Ent A (At Value) {b = Value; Return b; }} Here, all threads are actually using the same b variable, so if you call the method together from multiple threads, thread X can write b , after thread Y...

jQuery: how do I remove an Element from the DOM tree? -

मेरे HTML: & lt; li class = "स्वीकार्य स्वीकार करें" name = "javascript_required "शैली =" प्रदर्शन: ब्लॉक; "आईडी =" स्वीकार करें "& gt; & Lt; div id = "accept-text" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: ब्लॉक;" & gt; अनुबंध स्वीकार किया गया था & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; a href = "/ view / close_contract / 89? स्थिति = 2" rel = "facebox" & gt; यह स्वीकार करें & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; तब मेरा jQuery जो मैं वेबकिट कंसोल में कोशिश कर रहा हूं: $ j ('li # accept')। निकालें ('a') ; उपरोक्त आदेश रेटर्न वस्तु & gt; 0: HTMLLIlelement & gt; संदर्भ: HTMLDocument की लंबाई: 1 & gt; PrevObject: ऑब्जेक्ट चयनकर्ता: "li # accept" & gt; __प्रोटो__: ऑब्जेक्ट कमांड को दर्ज करने के बाद, एंकर DOM = ( इसे इसके बजाय इसका प्रयोग करें: $ ('li # स्वीकृत करें & gt; a')। निकालें ();

triggers - Incorrect TSQL DISABLE and ENABLE statements -

"itemprop =" text "> set to QUOTED_IDENTIFIER set to ANSI_NULLS GO on your process [loan]. Set up the Transaction Analysis Level from [UspHMDAUpdateExport] (@BatchId Integer, @ModifiedById Int), notice noticeable insufficient trigger lending. Audit on Port HMD Editing HMDA Update Linding HMDA SET ISFFended = 1, ModifiedBIIID = @ Modified BIID where BatchId = @BackID Trigger Lend is enabled. Acquisition on POT HMD Editing HMDA EDD set aside from QUOTED_IDENTIFIER [dbo] is disabled as a grant and execute [loan] on the correct syntax is incorrect. [UspHMDALarInfoGet] for [caApplication] Why? "itemprop =" text "> You need at the end of the preceding statement (some semicolons need disabled and statement End of the enable ) On the one hand note the setting of isolation to read unused and disable both runs To scrub me look suspicious. This case does not seem to be isolation level as it would be if there is any difference to the follo...

configuration - purpose of ConnectionString element in .NET .config files -

& lt; App settings and gt; What is the difference between the storage and reading of the connection string of your application in and & lt; Connection.Strings & gt; section of web.config? .net creates & lt; Connection strings & gt; Specified in the section if a provider together support for managing a connection string. In addition, the underlying membership and role providers depend on the connection string present in the appropriate section.

excel - VBA: Using & inside of an equation -

मैं एक & amp; मेरा सूत्र: कोड> शीट ("लवचिकता")। कक्ष (आईआरओ, 38)। सूत्र = "= SUMIFS (" & amp; "All_Models! $ W $ 2: $ डब्ल्यू $" & amp; nrow & amp; ", All_Models! $ G $ 2: $ जी $ "_ & amp; एनरो & amp;", लोच! एल "और आईआरओ एंड", ऑल मिोडेल! $ AL $ 2: $ AL $ "एंड एनरो एंड", लोचटीसी! एके "और आईआरओ एंड ए" , एलामोल्स! $ B $ 2: $ B $ "और amp; एनरो & amp;", "& amp;" "& lt; =" "& amp;" & amp; "&" लोचता ए "और आईआरओ और") " मैं बदलना चाहता हूं: "" & lt; = "" & amp; "& Amp;" & Amp; "लोच! ए" & amp; आईरो और amp; ")" में: "& lt; =" & लोच! ए 2) कैसे बस इस बारे में: मंद s स्ट्रिंग के रूप में = "my_complicated_formula" & amp; "& Amp;" & Amp; "And_another_formula...

wpf - Styling Hyperlink inside a TextBlock -

मेरे DataGrid में कॉलम में से एक में हाइपरलिंक होता है TextBlock । जब कोई पंक्ति चयनित होती है, तो हाइपरलिंक नीले रंग के रूप में नीले रंग के रूप में दिखाता है, इसलिए मैं इसे टेक्स्ट रंग को सफेद रंग में बदलना चाहता हूं। मैं ऐसा कैसे कर सकता हूं? DataGrid इस तरह दिखता है: & lt; DataGrid & gt; & LT; DataGrid.Columns & gt; & Lt; DataGridTemplateColumn हेडर = "शीर्षक" & gt; & LT; DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate & gt; & LT; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; TextBlock TextWrapping = "लपेटें" & gt; & Lt; हाइपरलिंक नेविगेट्री = "{बाध्यकारी यूआरएल}" & gt; & Lt; रन टेक्स्ट = "{बाध्यकारी शीर्षक}" / & gt; & Lt; / हाइपरलिंक & gt; & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & LT; /DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> & Lt; / DataGridTemplateColumn & gt; & LT; /DataGrid.Columns> & Lt; / डेटा ग्रिड & gt; मैंने कोशिश की है ...

large data volumes - Alternatives to huge drop down lists (24,000+ items) -

In the My Admin section, when I edit the item, I must attach each item to a parent item. I have a list of more than 24,000 parents, which are listed in the list below a drop (a list of music artists). The edit page that lists all these items in a drop down menu, 2MB, and it's like crazy for people with old machines, especially in Internet Explorer. It is a good option to repeat the same ceremony, where I will need to select 1 of these 24,000 artists, in fact they are preloaded in the drop down menu Instead of filling a drop list with several names: Create a simple search mechanism where You are matching the beginning of a name Use categories to narrow down the selections (if any available Like some, some type of tree structure with a certain hierarchy A shortcut control where there is a button for letters or alphabet letters ( Meta-category) Of course many of these depend on the stack you are implementing, such as whether you are using AJAX or jQuery, a DB ...

sql server - SQL incrementing help -

1. नाम --- आईडी --- एसईसी 2. * --------- 101--1 3. * --------- 101--2 4. * --------- 101--3 5. * --------- 999- -1 6. * --------- 999-2-2 Iqnore the -s क्या आयात करना है नाम, आईडी, और अन्य फ़ील्ड सौंपने की कोशिश कर रहा आईएम क्या है SEQ मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि जब मैं दूसरे समूह में जाता हूं तब गिनती को रीसेट कैसे करें एमएस एसक्यूएल सर्वर 2005 का इस्तेमाल करते हुए अपने आयात में आप अनुक्रम की गणना कर सकते हैं DestTable SELECT नाम, आईडी, ROW_NUMBER () में INSERT (ID आईडी के अनुसार आईडी) SourceTable से एसईक्यू आपके उदाहरण डेटा से यह स्पष्ट नहीं है कि आप किस प्रकार निर्धारित करते हैं एक आईडी विभाजन क्या है 1,2,3 आदि। शायद आपको ऊपर से विभाजन आईडी आईडी से नाम या कुछ और को बदलना होगा। फिलहाल यह मनमानी होगा।

python: getting only 1 decimal place -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 14 उत्तरों मैं कैसे 45.34531 से 45.3 ? क्या आप का प्रतिनिधित्व करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं यह केवल एक अंक के साथ: प्रिंट "% .1f"% संख्या या वास्तव में दूसरे दशमलव स्थानों को बंद करें? गोल (संख्या, 1) या सख्ती से भी नीचे का दौर? math.floor (संख्या * 10) / 10

syntax - python: how do i know when i am on the last for cycle -

श्रेणी के लिए मैं (लेन (results_histogram)): अगर i! = Len (results_histogram) -1: url + = Str (results_histogram [i]) + ',' मेरी अगर बयान यह है कि मैं अंतिम लूप पर हूं या नहीं, लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। क्या मैं गलत कर रहा हूं? थोड़ा सवाल से बचने के लिए, आपको लगता है कि पुनः लिखा गया है: > यदि आपको typeError जैसे त्रुटि मिलती है: अनुक्रम वस्तु 0: अपेक्षित स्ट्रिंग, int मिला , तो आप मध्यवर्ती परिणामों को '' के साथ एक स्ट्रिंग में कनवर्ट कर सकते हैं। शामिल करें (मैप (str, results_histogram)) str.join निस्संदेह एक पाश में एकाधिक स्ट्रिंग्स को जोड़ने की तुलना में अधिक कुशल है, क्योंकि पायथन में, तार अपरिवर्तनीय हैं, इसलिए हर कंसैक्शनकरण परिणाम एक नई स्ट्रिंग के निर्माण में होता है, जिसे बाद में बाद में कचरा बना दिया जाता है। विशेष रूप से , आपका उदाहरण "काम नहीं कर रहा है" क्योंकि आप अंतिम तत्व पूरी तरह से छोड़ देते हैं, जब आप केवल अल्पविराम जोड़ना छोड़ना चाहते हैं यह एक छोटा सा उदाहरण के साथ स्पष्ट और स्पष्ट है: & gt; ...

jsp - How to get value of bean property when property name itself is a dynamic variable -

I am trying to write a custom JSPX tag that reads the value of the given property in a given list, With the name of property passed to the tag as JSP attribute The tag will look something like this: & lt; Jsp: root xmlns: c = "" xmlns: jsp = "http: //" version = "2.0" & gt; ; & Lt; Jsp: Output omit-xml-declaration = "yes" /> & Lt; Jsp: directive.attribute name = "item" type = "java.lang.Iterable" required = "true" description = "whose properties to read" rtexprvalue = "true" /> & Lt; Jsp: directive.attribute name = "propertyName" type = "java.lang.String" required = "correct" description = "bean property name to read" rtexprvalue = "true" /> & Lt; C: forEach item = "$ {items}" var = "item" & gt; & Lt ;! - It's a job that doe...

android - Duplicate package when deploy apk into Emulator, INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE error -

मुझे INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE के एक समस्या का सामना करना पड़ता है, जब एक एम्पल्यूलेटर में एपीके तैनात करने का प्रयास करते हैं। निम्नलिखित कंसोल डिस्प्ले संदेश है: [XXX] इंस्टॉलेशन त्रुटि: INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE [XXX] कृपया अधिक विवरण के लिए लॉगकट आउटपुट की जांच करें। [XXX] लॉन्च रद्द किया गया! हालांकि, जब मैं लॉककैट से जांच करता हूं, तो मैंने यहां एक समान चीज़ देखी थी। चेतावनी / पैकेज मैनेजर (51): ****** * ************ अनुप्रयोग पैकेज पहले से ही स्थापित है। डुप्लिकेट छोड़ना चेतावनी / पैकेज मैनेजर (51): *************************************************************************************************** ****** चेतावनी / पैकेज मैनेजर (51): पैकेज को /data/app/ में स्थापित नहीं किया जा सकता है जब मैं डीडीएमएस खोलता हूं पैकेज उपलब्ध है या नहीं, यह जांचने के लिए, यह वास्तव में उपलब्ध नहीं है। इससे पहले मैंने क्या किया: एंड्रॉइड एसडीके स्थान बदलना (विंडो> वरीयताएं> एंड्रॉइड> एसडीके स्थान) कारण: हमारी टीम एंड्र...

mysql - alter table add ... before `code`? -

वैकल्पिक तालिका tada_prod । action_6_weekly कॉलम ADD id सदस्य_आईड काम करता है, तो मैंने सोचा कि कॉलम को पहले कॉलम के रूप में जोड़ने के लिए INT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE वैकल्पिक तालिका `tada_prod`।` _____ 'प्रतिलिपि' कॉलम 'आईडी' INT शून्य से पहले 'एन्कोडिंग' कोड से पहले अज्ञात है; लेकिन मुझे सिंटैक्स त्रुटि मिलती है, सही सिंटैक्स क्या है? वैकल्पिक तालिका `tada_prod`।` _____सामादी रूप से 'कॉलम' आईडी 'इंट नेल एटऑन्सेग्रेमेंट अनैक्ज फर्स्ट;

java - Get a Date object out of Lucene Document -

I have indexed the date in lucene using detoxet toothring to store the date in a particular area. Is there a way to find out that this is a date field, and more importantly, how to withdraw the date? This field is qualified with a longer integer value. Thanks The field does not have strong-typing in Lusen, so only one The field can be a date in a record, a string in another record, and a random integer in the third You can use the method to replace a string with a date.

c# - Simulating Screen capturing as a webcam? -

Do we have a way to emulate a webcam driver, which is a realtime capture screen (30 frames per second ) Because it is output? This is one of the many features of free () It is a virtual webcam driver through which you Stream your real webcam video (with optional real-time video effects), video or image files, or your full / partial desktop.

jquery - Plugin - comma decimals -

I have a table with prices in this format: "1.234,56", (Thousands separators have a duration, and Decimal separator is a comma). This format does not work because the Table Player plug-in sees it as a string instead of a number, whenever there is a different letter (only numbers, +/- and "." Is allowed for decimals). How can I change the comma with time before time sorting and sorting? OK, I think I solved it, the currency of my table, so I used to call it 'currency' parser But you can basically do this with any other currency parser at the end looks like this: ts.addParser ({id: "currency", is: function {S} {return / ^ [xus $} .... (s);}, format: function (s) {s = s.replace ('.', ''); Return $ .tablesorter.formatFloat (s .replace (New RegExp (/ [^ 0-9.] / G), ""));}, type: "numerical"}); (By the way, how do you turn Synthax Highlight on StaxHourFlow?)

xcode - Implementing Unit Testing with the iPhone SDK -

So I followed myself for the setup unit test on my app when I was a little stuck. In this tutorial, the bullet shows this image in point 8, which is what I want when I am making it: Although this is not when I create. I get this error message: Command / bin / fail with exit code 1 as well as error message unit test created PhaseScriptExecution "run script" "Build / 3D": Then, when I first expand on error I get this CD "/ Users / James / Desktop / Five Year Plan / 3D Pool" Setenv action creation setenv ALTERNATE_GROUP employees ... setenv XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR 0300 setenv XCODE_VERSION_MINOR 0320 setenv YACC / Development R / usr / bin / yak / bin / sh -c "\" / user / james / desktop / five year plan / 3D pool / construction / 3D \ "" /Developer/Tools/RunPlatf...

python - Changing the encoding of a table with django+south migrations -

Genzo and South Newbie here I need to change the encoding of a table, Also does one know how to do this by using migration? I think the solution would be database-specific, for example, for a MySQL database: south V2 import db to south.v2 import schema migration class migration (schemmaagination): def further (self, or): db.execute ('alter table apjem_model name charset = utf 8') db.xacute (field filter by changing alter table ipm_modelname) = UTF8 ') # and any other four or text column behind the back (def Auto, ORM): db.execute ('table app name_model name change charset = latin1') db.execute ('alter table ipm_model nameName field name charset = latin1') # and for any other four or text column AT at at Apne = ['appname']

perl - When does a global variable get its value assigned? -

I had to face some strange behavior, which indicates that I have some basic about Perl script execution and initial order Things do not understand. The following example: #! Strict / usr / bin / env perl; Use warnings; Print & amp; Get_keys (), "\ n"; Use wars qw /% / hello; # 'My% hello = (...);' % Hello = (a => 1, b => 2); Sub get_keys {joining the return (',', sort key% hello); } Prints an empty string. This means that although the variable is already visible, because the assignment with the state has not yet reached, it has no value. (Using a scalar instead of a hash, a warning will be generated about unregistered variables.) Is that supposed to behave? I would also be happy for the RTFM indicators. to: A my In both the compiled time compiling time and a run-time effect time, the compiler takes notice of it. Its main use is to use quiet strict 'wars' .... delay in running the actual initial time, however, is ther...

Python method for storing list of bytes in network (big-endian) byte order to file (little-endian) -

My current task is to slash the TCPDump data, which contains P2P messages and I have trouble with the data of that piece I'm getting what I get and write a file on my x86 machine. I suspect that I have a simple and endless issue with the bytes typing to file I have a byte Is a list of which P2P is a piece of video and an application Su-Pikepi package BTW has been processed using. Bytes = [14, 254, 23, 35, 34, 67, etc ...] I'm looking for a way to store these Yes bytes, currently in a file in my python application held in a list. Currently I write pieces as follows: def write write (self, file name, trunkindex, bytes, ipsrc, ipdst, ts): file = Open (filename, AB ") Writing them in a file via #bytes if not already fragmented, do not self. PPCMap [IPDST]. Has_key: For Byte In Bytes: file.write ( '% C'% byte) file.flush () ("% d)"% (lanes (bits), pieces index, filename) pieces (% D) bytes Written # Remember that this piece i...

Get total number of matches for a regex via standard unix command -

Assume that I want to calculate the number of "O" characters in the text Ousaidfa Ososogo My first idea was to do grep -co , but it returns 2 , because grep returns the number of mailing lines, and not the total number of matches can I use with grep to change this? Or maybe I should use awk , or any other command? This will print the number of matches: echo "OUsdafa Ososago "| GRP-OO | Wc -l

java - Struts2 param tag with javascript -

I am new to Struts2, but now I am struggling with a problem for 2 days. Actually, I have a & lt; S: param & gt; tag to s: url & gt; With the content of one tag somewhere else in the page & lt; Div id = "div1" & gt; My values ​​& lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; S: url action = "myAction" var = "url" & gt; & Lt; S: Ultimate Name = "Supreme 1" & gt; ... content of div1 ... & lt; / S: Ultimate & gt; & Lt; / S: URL & gt; When I joined & lt; S: param & gt; Javascript call is not evaluated if you try to embed some javascript calls within the tag. My question is: whenever it is evaluated Unfortunately this & lt; S: param> gt; It is not possible with the tag because this tag is provided before the page has been served to the user (i.e. it will have to populate the link that allows the browser to move to javascript). Although with load loader you are tr...

iPad/iPhone TableVIew help pushing a new view -

So we recently started developing applications for the iPad for our company. Unfortunately, none of us have ever developed an iPhone / iPad, so we learn on the fly and are feathering it. Actually our problem is happening when we try to press a view while clicking on a table. None of us can understand why it is not doing this because the code can not tell anything that can tell the code. It looks like the method :: What didRowSelectedAtIndex is here - (void) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) can indexPath {// navigation logic - and a new push view controller that (pdvController == null) pdvController = [[PersonDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "PersonDetailView" bundle: [NSBundle mainBundle]]; Person * aPerson = [App Delegate.people ObjectAutandex: indexPath.row]; PdvController.aPerson = aPerson; [Self.appDelegate.navigationController pushViewController: pdvController Animated: Yes]; } and here is the title for...

javascript - Slideshow not working in IE for Windows -

Any ideas as to why this is happening? Works in Chrome, and not Firefox but in IE Issue: checked? It is in IE and I get this error: Message: 'painter [...]. 0 'zero or no one object line: 34 variable: 3 code: 0 URI: // It should be decided that this Edit: Actually it seems that this code: var mygallery = new simple gallery ({... etc should be wrapped around: window.onload = function () {var mygallery = new simple gallery ({... etc}) ; I think trying to see # simplegallery1 before page # is finished loading.

Windows 7 Ribbon: How to specify "Four buttons, two big, two small"? -

On laying a group, Windows supports Ribbon Framework, one of the layouts, which four The buttons are called FourButtons This layout has 3 different sizes, large , middle , and small in each case: large : // "> small : I am currently using the predefined template in my XML file in the Beaton & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Application xmlns = "" & gt; ... & lt; Application View & gt; & Lt; Ribbon & gt; ... & lt; Ribbon Tabs & gt; & Lt; Tab CommandName = "tabHome" & gt; & Lt; Group commandname = "grpActivity" SizeDefinition = "FourButtons" & gt; & Lt; Button CommandName = "cmd startup" /> & Lt; Button CommandName = "cmdStopWorking" /> & Lt; Button CommandName = "cmd print" / & gt...

php - Security of this cURL code -

Although "little" relates to the previous question, it is different, in reference to curl, how is this code "safe"? Is there any other "bits" that should be added / added? Note that this is not being used to provide "sensitive" information. $ ch = curl_init (""); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $ Data = curl_xac ($ ch); Curl_close ($ ch); Some things to note: If you want to give an error, such as 404 or 500 In that case you may want to take a serious error or present it in your app. You should calculate the amount of data coming on the line what will happen if (or broken in) and test.xml gets several gigabytes of large? The app needs to deal with it, somehow you probably want to include 30x header / redirect logic, curl adherts to a redirect, but in that case, you probably want to Redirection so that you can take actio...

Programatically set the position of CKEditor's dialogs -

Whenever a new one opens, I want to find a way to determine the status of the program in a CeEdit dialog. The real setting of the position section looks simple, but I can not seem to know how the incident of a new CK editor could be framed. I'm assuming it will happen with some of the lines ... CKEDITOR.on ('Edit the dialog', function (e) {...} ); But in fact it can not be found in the documentation. Any indications / suggestions? After spending many hours today, I was able to understand it with full fortune. Conversation definitions can be manipulated on load time. Within your config.js file, add the following: CKEDITOR.on ('dialogDefinition', function (e) {var dialogName =; Var dialogdefinition =; dialogDefinition.onShow = function () {// calculate your newX and newY ... this.move (newX, newY);}} If you want to adjust the position for a specific dialogue to test for it.

jquery - Find location of a checkbox inside a table -

I have a table that has a check box within TDS. Checkboxes have AIDS which make an array (S [1], S [2], S [3], S [4], etc ...) and I try to find the numerical row position of the checkbox I am going to the table> Dune (Yes, this line location also matches the index inside the array. Here is the code I am trying to get but the result is always "0": $ ('Input: checkbox') .bind ('change', function () {var thisRow = $ ('tbody tr'). Index (); $ ('input: text [id = qty [' + thisRow + '] '). Attr (' Focus; Warning (this cry);}); How about: $ ('Input: checkbox Bind ('change', function () {var thisRowindex = $ (this) .clostest ("tr") [0] .rowIndex; ... Demo:

c# - Realtime filtering of listbox -

I would like to be able to filter 1000 string containing a list box, each 50 - 4000 characters in length, as well as the user type In the text box without any delay. I am currently using a timer that updates the listbox after the occurrence of the TextChanged textbox is not triggered in 300ms. However, it is quite jerky and the UI sometimes temporarily freezes. What is the usual way of implementing this kind of functionality? EDIT: I am using winforms and .NET2. Thank you Here is a stripped version of this code that I am currently using: string different search-string = This.filterTextBox.Text; & Lt; String & gt; SearchStrings = New List & lt; String & gt; (Different search-strings. Split (new characters [] {';'}, string split option. RemoveEmptyEntries)); // This is a member variable that is cleared when new data is loaded in the list box, if (this.unfilteredItems.Count == 0) {foreach (this.logMessagesListBox.Items in the IMessage line) {this...

internet explorer - Primer on ActiveX Controls -

I would like to use an ActiveX control - almost exactly the same way - to load and edit MS Word documents in IE . I found ; Can I use framerax? How do I write HTML to include FramerEx? Also, can you point me to the primer on ActiveX controls? Many thanks. FramerEx is sample code, you can use it as a guide, but you can use it as a guide Quality will need to be rewritten, it is probably not enough what you want. I recommend starting from scratch. Look for your control immediately. Here.

c# - log4net: Custom PatternLayoutConverter not being called -

Status: I want to show the method and line number for the code that logs a message. The problem is that I have an intermediate class that calls in log 4 net logger. Unfortunately, due to the current architectural issues, I can not get away from this intermediate class. The result is that I always look at the method and line number in the intermediate class. So I tried to create a custom pattern lossout converter, according to this question: I am also configuring the log4net program, again For architectural reasons, it is not possible to use an XML configuration file (I also find ridiculous that the preferred and only documented method of configuring log4net is through a stupid XML file, but it is a topic for another discussion is). That's why I followed this thread. Everything works fine except my custom converter is never called. Here's the code for custom converters: Public class TVPatternLayout: PatternLayout {Public TVPatternLayout () {this.AddConverter (...

objective c - Unset a UIView's animation transition -

I use the following code to animate a flip transition on a view: Code> [UIView start estimates: zero reference: NULL]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 1.0]; [UIView Set Animation Transition: UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView: self.view Cache: Yes]; [Self.view addSubview: anotherViewController.view]; [UIView commitAnimations]; However, when I switch this view (self.view in the top code snippet above) inside a UIPageViewController, the viewer flips instead of left or right to slide. How can I "unset" this animation transition when the scene is flipped? After the transition was completed, I tried to call [self.view.layer removalAllAnimations] but it had no effect. I have determined that the function displaying the animation was being called by notification callback, When the current page of the page view was changed. Hopefully someone else will benefit from this reply in the hope that the end of the element block (any code between [UIView startAnimati...

Python: Checking if new file is in folder -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 18 उत्तर मैं अजगर के लिए अपेक्षाकृत नया हूँ , लेकिन मैं एक स्वचालित प्रक्रिया बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं जहां मेरा कोड एक निर्देशिका में नई फ़ाइल प्रविष्टियों के लिए सुनेगा। उदाहरण के लिए, कोई व्यक्ति किसी विशिष्ट फ़ोल्डर में एक ज़िप फ़ाइल को मैन्युअल रूप से प्रतिलिपि कर सकता है, और मैं चाहता हूं कि मेरा कोड फ़ाइल को पहचान लेता हो, जब वह फ़ोल्डर में पूरी तरह से कॉपी हो जाए। कोड कुछ जोड़-तोड़ कर सकता है, लेकिन यह अप्रासंगिक है। मैं वर्तमान में अपना कोड सिर्फ एक नई फाइल के लिए प्रत्येक 5 सेकंड की जांच कर रहा हूं, लेकिन यह मेरे लिए अक्षम है। क्या कोई ऐसा सुझाव देता है जो अधिक एसिंक्रोनस है? हर कुछ सेकंड के लिए नई फ़ाइल की जांच करना वास्तव में बुरा नहीं है एक दृष्टिकोण - वास्तव में, यह फ़ाइल सिस्टम परिवर्तनों की निगरानी करने के लिए एकमात्र वास्तव में पोर्टेबल तरीका है यदि आप लिनक्स पर चल रहे हैं, तो उत्तर में आपको नई फाइलों की अधिक कुशलता से जाँच करने में मदद मिलेगी, लेकिन वे आपके प्रश्न के दूसरे हिस्से में आपकी मदद नहीं करेंगे। यह पत...

jQuery dialog: Alternate close button -

How do I define an optional close button for the jQuery dialog? I need an anchor with the class to close the "open popup-close" dialog. The simplest is the best! This should do the trick: & lt; Div id = "dialog" title = "dialog title" style = "border: 1px solid red; position: full; display: none" & gt; I am in a dialog & lt; Span class = "popup-close" & gt; turn me off! & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; An id = "open-dialog-button" href = "#" & gt; Open Dialog & lt; / A & gt; Click and your jQuery ... $ ("# dialogue" .popup-close ") (function () {$ ( "#dialog"). Communication ("Closed");}); Click on $ ("# open-dialog-button") (function () {$ ("# dialog"). Dialog ({// close the escape and default close button for this dialog.OnEscape: false, open: Function (Event, UI) {$ (".ui-dial...

parallel processing - Connecting to a Grid Cluster With GridGain -

I know Gridgen is outside the box connecting to other clients via multicast, but to configure Gridgen One way to accept connections outside the local network? Is there a way to enable encryption for communication as well? and allows you to plug in alternate search and communication mechanisms. For more detail, see comprehensive. This is required on Amazon EC2, which does not support multicast. This setup has been discussed.

tsql - Null or empty full-text predicate -

When I found a solution to resolve the zero value supply variable.And @keyword I by the installation of @keyword An error occurred when the value '' '' occurs when the value is set to '' '' and no results are displayed when you run the query, it must display all records how can I do this? @keyword nvarchar declared (50) set @ keyword = '"' 'to help users from u.Id Wherever you go to FREETEXT (the keyword first, last name, MiddleName) @ certification c union selection c.AId Where FREETEXT (certification, school), @ keyword) UNION SELECT ad.AId Advertiser Details from AD FREETEXT ((City, UNITED SELECTED EB. EducationalBackground EB: Where FREETEXT ((school, fieldofStudy, @keyword) UNION SELECTED ed.AId from EmploymentDetails AD FREETEXT ((Status, DescriptionofDuties, CompanyName, City, Province, StateorRegion), @keyword) Specialization from UNION Selection e.AId E. FREETEXT (expertise), @keyword) Zune selection ge.AId GeographicalEx...

How to determine if an ASP.NET site has a memory leak -

Without the use of any third-party tool, how can you determine that an ASP.NET application (. NET 3.5) Does any memory leak? I want to make sure the app developed by an app is working fine. I agree to use display counters but to see which app memory leaks, which one is right to use? you want to use it: Description from the Microsoft website: Debug Diagnostic Tool (Debug Diagram) is designed to help troubleshoot problems such as Hong, slow performance, memory leaks or fragmentation , And crashes in any user-mode process. This tool includes additional information about Internet Information Services (IIS) applications, web data access components, com + and additional debugging scripts focusing on related Microsoft technologies. / Div>

unit testing - Rails rake: test are slow -

I am developing ROR app for almost a month in my Windows laptop, although every time I take it forever, I run the test. To finish (10+ minutes). On MacBook Pro with the same hardware, it runs in a fraction of the time (2 minutes). Can you give me some suggestions to speed up the whole thing? Or should I consider changing my roR environment to a Linux / Mac box? I develop my Ruby in Ubuntu VM, just because everything is easy to get together under Linux (I imagine that applies to OSX). RVM makes my life so easy. If your hardware supports it and you do not mind working in VM, can I suggest that you try it? VM has its advantages of development (i.e., to take a daily snapshot so that you can roll back the changes of the environment) and loss (you lose a little bit of speed but not much of these days) but I think it Is worth

c++ - Game engine development -

I'm going to make a game engine then made some time ago. This time I want to get it right I, so I did some research into the design patterns and try to collect together the pieces to complete your goal. The idea of ​​the game engine is simplicity, but at the same time I do not want to abandon the utility. Here's what I am thinking, it's a blueprint, let me know whether you can see any fall in particular, in the expansion: class object {public: String name; } Class Object3D: Public Object {Public: int x; Int y; Int z; } Category Object2D: Public Object {Public: int x; Int y; } Class cube: public object 3D {cube (): x (0), y (0), z (0), name ("cube") {}} square squares {...} int main () {SGL Engine (parameter); C = cube (); S = class (); Engine-> Lib 3D-> Adcube (& amp; c, "cube"); Engine-> Lib-2D- & gt; Edscare (& amp; class, "square"); Engine & gt; Input-> Keyboard (& amp; kbevent); While (engine-> ON...

flash - AddChild with Dynamic DispalyObject in Flex -

I'm pretty sure what I want it completely, though I can not get it to work for some reason is. What I would like to do, calls an uncontrolled component that is spread over the canvas. Since the test canvas, test canvas, test canvas can have different types of components, which I will not know until the time because I thought it would be a way to go about it. What do I have here & lt; Mx: script & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [import component. Test Kaavanas; Import mx.containers.Canvas; Import flash.display.Sprite; Import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName; Private Function Init (EVT: Event): Zero {var type: string = "test canvas"; Var controlClass: class = getDefinitionByName (type) in the form of class; This.addChild (new control class (as canvas)); }] & Gt; & Lt; / Mx: script & gt; Any ideas will be awesome! Enter the name of the eligible class completely: var Type: string = "component.TestCanvas"; Var controlClass: class = getDef... map route with parameter inside controller and view -

I need to create a url scheme like this friends / {userid} / Wishlist Where Friend is the controller, wishlist view, and User ID is the ID of the HTA friend, whose wishlist is to see you. I have set up a route such as route. MapPrice ("FriendWishlist", "Friend / {User ID} / wishlist", new {admin = "wishlist", action = "friend list", user id = 123}); When I try to browse / friend / 123 / wishlist , I get the following error Public action method '123' was not found on the controller 'GiffrWeb.Areas.Api.Controllers.FriendController'. Routes are evaluated in MVC, which are declared to them. Your route is declared by default as below as it sounds too much: routes. MapRoute ("default", "{controller} / {action} / {id}", new {controller = "home", action = "index", id = urlParameter.optional}); Routes.MapRoute ("FriendWishlist", "Friend / {User ID} / wi...

flex - Is it possible to automate font embedding in Actionscript 3? Or being able to take fonts from a directory and use them at runtime? -

I have searched high and low for an answer and this may be a stupid attempt, but I want to be able Read the fonts from a directory on runtime for use in an Action Script / Flex App I have seen the answers given on the web and rely on fonts inserted in all external SFFs and of course the embed meta Tags or styles rely on, one place To be able to use the other fonts directory, it is not user-friendly, which tells the user to compile their own switches to use the app only one answer I can see that a server is running mxmlc and every time a user wants to update his fonts, and when he / she wants to compile the app again when needed, but its small amount of embedded tags Making .mxml file area, so it is the only possible answer? Thankyou for your time Adobe has a new library called TLF - though it's Flex 4 Made in, you can easily import the library SWC into your 3.x SDK. It is extremely powerful for the lessons of all things, and allows it to use all the fonts on the user...

jquery - how to apply event.stopPropagation? -

Let me explain this problem first. I am using the following UL structure & lt; Ul onmouseover = "smenu_over (this)" onmouseout = "smenu_out (this)" class = "sub-menu" style = "left: 0;" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Wrap the navigation item text with long text & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Sub NIT Items & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Sub NIT Items & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "border-bottom: 0;" & Gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Sub-Neighborhood Items & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; JS function function smenu_over (obj) {var a = obj.parentNode.childNodes [0]; If (a! = Null) {var top = $ ("topnav_icons...

How to group data in datatable in c# -

I have a figure like this (I'm getting data from Excel sheet) I change the excel sheet into a data sheet I am here. Now I need to format the data. I Lead products can be used in any way. Managed by anindha Anita Sandeep Arjun Sandeep Manu rohit sandeep rohit vinay rohit anitha Now I need to format the data format like this: Lead EMPnames vinay kumar manju.u kiran sandeep arjun manu Anita Maju. Kk rahit sandeep vinay anitha How to do this as any idea? Why do not you use linq with "section by group" section? For example, please see sample 3 in the following link:

Why is not permited to access a member function from my local event handler in ActionScript (Flex4)? -

मेरा कोड ऐसा दिखता है: निजी फ़ंक्शन बनावटपोर्ट बटन (): शून्य {var exportButton: बटन = नया बटन (); ExportButton.label = "निर्यात"; ExportButton.x = 600; ExportButton.y = 10; ExportButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, फ़ंक्शन क्लिकहैंडलर (e: MouseEvent): शून्य {this.export ();}); super.addElement (exportButton); } त्रुटि है: * प्रकार त्रुटि: त्रुटि # 1006: निर्यात फ़ंक्शन नहीं है। समारोह में / () [सी: \ उपयोगकर्ता \ उपयोगकर्ता \ एडीबी फ्लैश बिल्डर 4 \ कृषि प्रशासन \ src \ प्रमाण पत्र \ एक \ सर्टिफिकेट बीलडर 150] * क्या कोई मुझे यह क्यों समझा सकता है? अग्रिम धन्यवाद! क्लिकहैंडलर () सदस्य फ़ंक्शन नहीं है, ऐसा करता है किसी भी वर्ग के नहीं हैं यह एक अनाम समारोह है। इसलिए, यह एक उदाहरण से संबंधित नहीं है। हालांकि, अगर मैं सही ढंग से याद करता हूं, तो आपको भीतर से गुंजाइश (जैसे exportButton ) में चर को संदर्भित करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए । उस स्थिति में, आप एक वेरिएबल के लिए क्लास संदर्भ निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं और इसका उपयोग इस : var निर्यात बटन के ब...

creating function using matlab -

मैंने निम्नलिखित फ़ंक्शन लिखा % e is n × 1 और y is n × 1 vectors फ़ंक्शन z = e_rand (e, y) b_LS = regress (e, y) z = b_LS * 5 मैंने MATLAB टूलबॉक्स में फ़ंक्शन सहेजा है। लेकिन जब मैं चलाता है फ़ंक्शन में मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: इनपुट तर्क "ई" अपरिभाषित है मैं फ़ंक्शन सही कैसे बना सकता हूं? आप फ़ंक्शन को नहीं चलाते हैं। आप इसे अभिव्यक्ति में उपयोग करते हैं आप अपने फ़ंक्शन को कमांड लाइन पर कॉल करते हैं। लेकिन आप फ़ंक्शन पर रन कमांड का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं। रन केवल स्क्रिप्ट के लिए है, फ़ंक्शंस नहीं। कमांड लाइन पर, बस इसे टाइप करें: z = e_rand (e, y);