
Showing posts from March, 2011

what's the difference between mysql 2.8.1 and ruby-mysql 2.9.3 -

Some plugins work well in mysql gem but do not work so well in ruby-mysql Rubygems, mysql gem is a total of 453,540 downloads, and Ruby-MySQL is only 12,137 total downloads. I want to know what is the difference between them. Thank you. The difference can be seen in the project, be happy.

java - remove duplication -

I have a class that includes 10 ways which are doing almost the same thing except an important event, two examples are given below. Gone: public string ATP operation (string pin, string amount) {doSomething (); DoMoreStuff (); Requestbuilder.buildATypeRequest (PIN, zodiac); DoAfterStuff (); } public string BTypeOperation (string name, string sex, string era) {doSomething (); DoMoreStuff (); Requestbuilder.buildBTypeRequest (name, gender, age); DoAfterStuff (); } As you can see from the methods given above, they are similar to calling different methods provided by requestBuilder. The rest 8 are also similar. There is a lot of duplicate code here, I think it's a better way of implementing it, but do not know how. Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated Thanks, Sarah Use something that accepts all these types of criteria: public requestbuilder {// Setsers and Gates Public Requests Build for All Properties () {doStuff (); Request request = new request (this); Do...

delphi - rtl100.bpl was not found? -

I am learning a component from TMS. I found "... rtl100.bpl not found ...". Probably this error occurred if I use "build with runtime package" which contains "rtl" Where is rtl100.bpl (I am using D200)? What should I do to fix this error? Delphi 2006 and Delphi 2007 both come with RTL100.bpl. You can usually find it in your% system32% folder. You should install it on the DLL machine where your application runs. You can install it with your exe or put it in one place where all applications can find it (like% system32%). If you do not want your application to be dependent on this dll, you should turn off "Build with Runtime Package" in your project options.

java - JAXB marshalling problem - probably namespace related -

प्रारंभिक XML (बीपीईएल) फ़ाइल को देखते हुए: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = " 1.0 "एन्कोडिंग =" यूटीएफ -8 "? & Gt; & Lt; प्रक्रिया का नाम = "टेस्टएसवीजी 2" xmlns = "" targetNamespace = "" xmlns: xsd = " / XMLSchema "& gt; & LT; अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; प्राप्त नाम = "प्राप्त करें 1" createInstance = "yes" / & gt; & Lt; असाइन करें नाम = "असाइन 1" / & gt; & Lt; इनवॉइस नाम = "अन्वोक 1" / & gt; & Lt; नाम असाइन करें = "असाइन 2" / & gt; & Lt; उत्तर नाम = "उत्तर 1" / & gt; & Lt; / अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; / प्रक्रिया & gt; मैंने एक फ़ंक्शन लिखा है जो XML के अंदर कुछ डेटा को संशोधित करने के लिए JAXB का उपयोग करता है फ़ंक्शन निम्नानुसार है: सार्वजनिक शून्य संपादन एक्शन (स्ट्रिंग का नाम, स्ट्रिंग न्यूनाम) {Process proc; स्ट्रिंगव्राइट SW = नय...

video - How to track network usage of my app on iPhone? -

My video play video from the Internet using MPMoviePlayer. I should show: Transferring data size and average data transfer speed (for current current video) I can not get this information from MPMoviePlayer so I monitor my app's network traffic and use this information I decide to do My question is: How to track the network usage of my application? Can I determine how much data my app will download from the Net? How can this data be downloaded? Tools can help you Network activity is a tool to collect data.

html - Difference between SRC and HREF -

SRC and HREF attributes to include some external entities Used like an image, a css file, an HTML file, any other web page or javascript file. Is there a clear discrimination between SRC and HREF ? When or when should I use SRC or HFF? I think they can not be used each other. I give some examples below where these properties are: Reference to a CSS file: href = "cssfile.css" inside the link tag . To reference a JS file: src = "myscript.js" inside the script tag. To reference an image file: src = "mypic.jpg" inside an image tag. To reference another webpage: href = "http: /" inside an anchor tag Note: @ John-Yin is more appropriate about changes in glasses. Yes there are differences between src and href and they can not be used alternately between referenced documents and external resources. For the elements to establish a relationship we use href for src . The Href (hypertext...

java - how to automatically and periodically upload a file from a windows machine to a unix server? -

On my window machine, I have 2 csv files which I want to transfer to every UNIX server (because there are 2 files Then I search the web and I get this possibility: to FTP files from Unix files using windows by using batch and task scheduler. I want to know if This is done with a cron job from a UNIX server or with a Java timer. It is possible and not by the machine of the machine, and if there are other easy solutions. Thanks for your help The main problem you want is to allow the Unix machine to access a Windows file. It does not specify which type of networking configuration you use and what Type is a version of Windows, because some later versions use the file on the platform. In the worst case scenario, you will file a FTP (or SFTP) server on your Windows machine, share a specific directory in W. You will keep the file, and then a script on Unix Will download the file from a Windows machine. A change on this is to install a web server on the Windows machine, and ...

html - preg_replace remove only part of a string but leave the rest using PHP -

I'm trying to replace in PHP in a string. How do you delete part that is only in group in PHP? & lt; Font. + (Size. +?.) & Gt; I want to delete size = x, where ever inside. The problem is that I $ text = preg_replace ("& lt?? + (Size +? ..)>", "", $ text); 255, 0 ); "Size =" 2 "> text gt; & lt; / strong> & lt; / font & gt; & lt ; Font size = "2" & gt; more text in Text I'm trying to say where there is a font tag and if I resize I see - anything removes the properties of the shape, but leave it all intact. Not the best solution, but the answer to your question: $ html = & lt; & Lt; & lt; END & lt; font style = "background color: RGB (255, 255, 0); "Size =" 2 "> text gt; & lt; / strong> & lt; / font & gt; & lt ; Font size = "2"> more text end; $ Text = preg_replace ('/...

iphone - Problem resigning UISearchBar's firstResponder status -

मेरे पास UISearchBar मेरे UITableView पर और एक विधि है -finishSearching जो इस तरह दिखता है: - (शून्य) समाप्त खोज [{overlayViewController.view removeFromSuperview]; अगर ([एसबी है फास्ट रेस्पॉन्डर]) [एसबी रेजिनाफर्ड रेस्पॉन्डर]; MyTableView.scrollEnabled = हाँ; } इस पद्धति को हर बार कहा जाता है कि मैं खोज रोकना चाहता हूं। इसे रद्द करें या खोज बटन का उपयोग करें या बस UITableView पर टैप करें समस्या यह है कि मुझे EXC_BAD_ACCESS मिलता है जब [sb resignFirstResponder] की बात आती है और मुझे पता नहीं क्यों है? मेरा लक्ष्य पता पुस्तिका में एक व्यवहार को कार्यान्वित करना है, जहां आप सर्चबार को टैप कर सकते हैं, जो इसे शीर्ष पर चिपकाते हैं और UITableView पर ग्रे ओवरले डालते हैं। पर कोई सुझाव कि एक? सर्वोत्तम -f क्या आप निश्चित हैं कि removeFromSuperview को sb थोड़ा जल्दी जारी नहीं किया जाएगा? पहले इस्तीफा देने की कोशिश करें और फिर पर्यवेक्षण से दृश्य निकालना।

How to manage subprocess in Python when the output is huge? -

I want to control the long-running simulation (hours, days, weeks) using a script that runs on all the parameters. I If only one simulation runs simultaneously, the output is piped to "T", otherwise the output is piped in the output file ">" All outputs are huge: some log files ~ 2 GB and it can also be bigger. The script is working, but there is a hell to maintain. When we add a new parameter, it takes some time to customize the script and all of its sed-foo so I've put it on Python. It's working great. The only problem is that I have now been stopped from using it in production that I can not find the exact way to call Popen () to launch the program. If I pipe everything to the file and not display any output, then by running "silence", gigabytes of python before simulation takes place. Here is the code snippet: FH = open (logfile, "w") pid = subprances POPEAN (shake. Split (command), stdout = fh) pids.append (pid) I ...

linq to sql - Eagerly loading entities in Linq2Sql -

I eagerly load an entity and its related properties (many from one to the other) using loadwidth I am trying to associate with AssociateDialoadOptes, however, after seeing the generated SQL I, I noticed that statements generated by LoadWith add all the left outer ones. Then the code below generates all the left externals to obtain the data of related properties. Why is it like this? And what does it get internally instead of in any way to load to load. I know that I can do this with a simple "joining in the link", however, I like how clean and easy the load works syntax is thanks in advance Load the data. Load (TC customer's) (function (c) c. Order) Dataload opt-in Load (with Torder) (Function (O) O. products) Dataload Load (function (C) c.ProductTranslations.Where (function (T) T. language = "N")) All customer orders for which an English product translation exists Data Load Options With affiliation & lt; TCustomer & gt; (C => c.O...

Is there any way to return HTML in a PHP function? using a string -

I need to return information from a PHP-grab function in HTML, so I can post it in my form . You can do something like this on a page named demo.php ... & lt ;? Php Function Strike HTML () {// Simply display some HTML or query data for the goods .. dumb " Some HTML "; }? & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php strih html (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;

standards - WAP for Android/iPhone/WebOS/Etc -

New to WAP, there are good resources on WAP for smart phones: IE / Android / iPhone / WebOS / etc .. Some god is trying to work but do not know where to start Modern Smartphone does not use WAP ... Just standard HTML / Javascript There are many tutorials on the web for this ... just give some examples:

is it possible to read contents of a div from another html using jquery? -

Trying to read the contents of my DIV, which resides in a separate HTML file and engages in some existing page Is it possible? I know that the load is (), but it shows the whole html as it is. $ (".myDiv") .each (function () {// do stuff}); I have tried to load $ ('# result'). Load ('ajax / test.html #container') path, but it loads content with # div from divas # in the ID from container. I want to read the content of the div from ijax / test.html from id #container , Make some changes, then display it in the div # id #result ... trying to use every function on the div stays on another page, hope to make some sense .load () can load pieces of the page . Example call from Docs: $ ('# result'). Load ('ajax / test.html #container'); can only load from div id #container to test.html , ID Load Update div with #result For & amp; Modify the content under which you need .ajax () method, such as $. Ajax ({ur...

c# - Stored procedure times out when ran from code, but not from query tool -

I'm trying to understand why a stored procedure takes calls in the SQL Server Express Query window, but when I run the call code in the stored procedure in the query time out. We are using SQL Server 2008. I know it is difficult to say what is happening without looking at the stored procedure. I just hope this is a known issue. EXEC STORED_PROCEDURE_X '07 / 01/2010 SQL query that calls "STORED_PROCEDURE_X" and runs in 2 seconds in the SQL Server Express Query window: SqlConnection connSQL = Faucet; SqlCommand sqlCmd = Faucet; SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdpater = null; DataTable Return Data = Faucet; Try {ReturnData = new DataTable (); ConnSQL = new SqlConnection (sqlConnection); SqlCmd = New SqlCommand ("STORED_PROC_X", connSQL); If (connSQL.State == ConnectionState.Closed) {connSQL.Open (); } SqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; SqlCmd.CommandTimeout = 600; SqlCmd.Parameters.Add ("StartDate", SqlDbType.NVarChar) .Value = ...

jquery - PHP: Image upload, thumbnails, specific crops -

I have created a script which implements jCrop to crop an image before displaying it. In CMS the client needs to be able to upload the logo, which are fitted to a specific size as determined by our designer. So I think I'm looking for something that can crop, resize, and save the original, a specific version of the size and possibly other thumbnail size. Can anyone recommend a good solid and beautiful bullet proof method for this? So far, I am using the GD and I am going to the Zaccorp Cord to create an image. This is causing anarchy for the customer, because they are uploading large images and small people and obviously the results are not correct and there are all kinds of issues. I thought that a class could be an idea, and I found, though, I have not really seen it yet. Image uploads are now the mainstream feature of such sites, what are the suggestions for controlling this potential black hole of user input? Currently I & lt; 100kb and bmp, gif, jpg and png a...

linux - Eclipse 3.5+: Loading plug-ins from auto-created .eclipse directory inside user's home directory -

I downloaded the latest Eclipse (3.6) for my Linux machine and removed tar.gz in the / opt / eclipse directory Is root I started Eclipse as a normal user and successfully installed some plug-ins via eclipse. The plug-in is visible from "Installed Software" by Eclipse, but they are not working - there should be no new approach, no features, nothing. Then I looked in my home folder and got the following directory: .class / org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_1473617060 that looks like one in the directory structure / opt / eclipse (Where Eclipse is installed) and it has 4 directories ("Dropins", "Configuration", "Plugins", "FEATURES") and a file ("artifacts.xml"). The "Plugins" folder actually includes all the plug-ins that I have installed. I have already read the following topic: and the "opt / eclipse / dropins" and / or "opt / eclipse / links" directory point to the configuration directory in m...


SQL syntax is still something I'm learning. I am getting the error mentioned below this snippet of code. Select when LTRIIM (RTRIM (CLAHMANO)) = '' then tap when CLAHman has not been non-recalculated (CLAHMANO, SBSTERING (CLAHMAN, PATIdx ('% [^ A-ZA] -Jed-9 '' '' ']%', CLAHman no.1, '') End Allon_ NUMBER, case when LTRIIM (RTIIM (CMRS)) = '' Then zero when CMs are not zero (CMRS, SUBSTRING ( CMRS, PattiDX ('% [^ A-GA-Z-9' '' '']]%, CMRS, 1), '') and M > and its 100 + more. Message 8133, level 16, state1, line 1 Any of the results expressed in the CASE specification can be null What am I doing wrong? How do I keep a summary of the statement and not give this crazy error? This happens when it can be for example select when 1 = 2 again Faucet ends tap end but it works select when 1 = 2 then instead of the place of the tap (zero, '', '') END So I susp... mvc 2 - MVC Areas and routing -

I have to be an area called "product", where I can use routes such as / P> /products/views/foo/index.aspx/areas/products/views/bar/index.aspx I see images, etc. specially Want to keep related to each product (foo, bar) in your respective / region / products / views / (foo | times) / folder I do not even want to add a controller action for each product. If I declare a route context.MapRoute ("product-show-product", "product / {ID}", new {controller = " Product ", Action =" Index ", ID = UrlParameter.Optional}); and url request Then is ProductsController.Index () It is said, as I used to expect, however, "afu" is not visible in scene view / products or ideas / shared folder, so it is not being found. How can I do this so that I can put the pages of each product in one separate folder? I do not have a solid answer to your question because I'm not sure about it though , I fee...

null - Problem with sending data to Modal View Controller on iPhone -

So I've got a main view with some images about it, and when one of the images will touch , The image returns an ID number on this main scene and then this view will present a Model View Controller to display a larger version of this image. But in the current way, I am doing this, the function on Model Controller is being done before the NIB load or something else, because when (in that function) I tell it that it is tap to replace some IB label text However, when I say, press a button that tells the function to do this, it's okay. It is now what I am doing: What is the best way to present data to a Model View Controller? Thanks a lot! - (zero) PhotoViewToought with ID: (Integ) IMGID [current current version controller: Single PhotoWive Animated: Yes]; [Single photo view showsEDIID: IMGID]; } ShowImageWithID instead of the view Object manipulation: Store the parameters in a member variable, then do the work of seeing your setup work, and your visual objects shou...

php - Sessions or cookies? -

I'm creating a platform for most learning, but hopefully there will be a few users in it for a few days. Are you thinking that users should use sessions or cookies for authentication? A cookie is small arbitrarily piece of data that the server sends through a header; The customer stores it locally and sends it back to the next request. This mechanism can be used to maintain a request from the next state, although HTTP itself is a stateless protocol. There are two disadvantages of cookies: they only offer very limited space (4 kb), and because they are sent back and forth in plain, before sending back a malicious client content to the server, feel free to create an incredible form of cookie data. Can create from. A session is a file on the server, which is identified by a unique ID that is forwarded between the client and the server so that the server can identify the client. The most popular way of sending session IDs is through a cookie mechanism, but it is also possi...

iphone - Optimizing a UIScrollView with a lot of subviews -

मेरे पास एक UIScrollView है, जिसका उपयोग मैं एक UITableView जैसे क्रियाकलाप का अनुकरण करने के लिए कर रहा हूं क्योंकि पंक्तियों को थोड़ा अधिक जटिल है जो UITableView की तुलना में अधिक है प्रस्ताव। मेरे पास 4 UILables एक UIImageView और प्रत्येक पंक्ति के लिए एक UIButton है अंतिम परिणाम बहुत सारे सबव्यूज़ हैं यहां तक ​​कि केवल 10 पंक्तियों के साथ, स्क्रॉल दृश्य जो सिम्युलेटर में ठीक दिखता है लेकिन आईफ़ोन 4 पर काफी कम फ्रेम दर है। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक संसाधन खपत समस्या है। डबल बफरिंग की तरह रेड्रा डरिंग स्क्रोलिंग को अनुकूलित करने का कोई तरीका है? यदि अनुकूलन UITableview कार्यक्षमता प्राप्त करने का कोई अन्य तरीका नहीं है? धन्यवाद क्या प्रत्येक दृश्य में 4xUILabels, एक UIImageView और UIButton है? मैं कस्टम UITableViewCell (आप चाहते हैं कि आप उन्हें जितना जटिल कर सकते हैं) के साथ एक निब फाइल बनाते हैं, फिर आप अपने प्रदर्शन के लिए मदद करने के लिए कोशिकाओं का पुन: उपयोग कर सकते हैं। कैसे जानकारी ऐसा करने के लिए यहां है:

TDD in Ruby on Rails? -

I wonder how TDD is used in rail. Here is the step I wrote: Create migration and model for database tables Add affiliation to the model Add assumptions for the model Run the test and see to pass them, if not, the code They pass by editing routing, controller and view (which uses it Write experimental tests Run tests and fail them Edit the code and pass them Write integration test Li I have never done TDD before. It was in my mind, but I wanted to check with the people first. I am sure this Not very "right" and I miss something and things are in the wrong order. Can you correct the above list if Some of the best practices are not in accordance. Share your experience! If there is some misunderstanding (or should I misunderstand it?) TDD does not mean "Write all the code first, then write all the tests". As soon as your app grows, pieces are broken up, tests increase with it. This can be a good place to get some practical ex...

sql - MySQL Sum based on date range and time of day -

There is a large group of data collected every 15 minutes I have to select data between a certain time period I am trying and after that period of time I am dividing it by another date interval. And within a few intervals the zodiac sign during a certain period. For example, I would like to be able to select data between 01/01/2009 and 01/01/2010 and the group from 01/01/2009 - 05/01/2009, 05 / 02/2009 - 11/01/2009, 11/02/2009 - 01/01/2010 and then choose the time data within each group 00:00:01 - 12:00:00 and 12:00:01 - 23.:9: 59 SE sum SUM (Data.usage) data from AS sum.meter_id = WHERE Data.start_read & gt; = '2009-01-01' and Data.end_read & lt; = '2010-01-01 23:59:59' Date range by group? Not sure how to separate the data based on the date range, I often use case statements: group case starts between '01 / 01/2009 'and '05 / 01/2010' January-April 09 'When '05 / 01/2009' and '11 / 2010 'starts ...

Intercept / Disable System Keys in Java -

Is there a way to block system keys in Java, so that the operating system does not promote events? Ctrl + Alt + Del or other security related combination does not make any difference, the main problem, for example the Windows key. The question in question is for a full-screen application that creates a proprietary issue. Currently my only idea is to solve it through JNI, while the solution of Windows seems simple, I'm not sure about Linux and Mac OS X. I prefer a standard solution to some extent, maybe there is something else for Java games. process of the Java key stroke after the operating system), so Java can not "intercept" them. However, you can codify OS specific things in C / C ++ which block keystrokes and use JNI in Java.

ruby - How to run an entire rspec group from the command line? -

मैं एक rspec उदाहरण को के साथ चला सकता हूँ- spec -e 'भयानक होना चाहिए' Spec / models / stuff_spec.rb लेकिन मैं एक पूरे समूह कैसे चलाऊँ? वर्णन 'अच्छाई' यह करते हैं 'भयानक होना चाहिए' सच है। हो सकता है कि यह 'यह भी करना' सच करना चाहिए समाप्त हो जाएगा। होना चाहिए अंत अंत मैंने सुना है कि वहाँ एक कल्पना- g विकल्प है, लेकिन ए) इसकी प्रलेखन नहीं है b) यह मेरे लिए rspec 1.3.0 पर काम नहीं करता है .. spec -l N # thats minus L जहां पंक्ति संख्या समूह का वर्णन करती है .. पीपीएस - मैंने कल्पना के बारे में सुना है - जी 'गुडस्टाफ़' - पर वह मेरे लिए आरएसपीसी 1.3.0 पर काम नहीं करता है

How does CSS 'overflow:hidden' work to force an element (containing floated elements) to wrap around floated elements? -

Anyone know how to overflow: Elements with elements posted to wrap the elements are hidden? I really want to understand the internal functioning rather than using it and trusting 'it just works'. I understand how it works when the element is the same direction as the hair element, which is the beginning, but the overflow: hidden means to hide the crop-growing material (When used with situation: full / relative). Any info appreciated. class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Floats, elements located at the right, inline blocks, table cells, table-captions and ' In addition to 'Visible', set up new block formatting contexts (except that value being propagated in the viewport) with 'overflow' elements. In the block formatting context, the left outer edge of each box touches the left edge of that block (right-to-left formatting, touch the right edge) It is also true in the presence of floats (although one Box boxes of boxes c...

Bash syntax error: "[[: not found" -

I am working with a bash script which is currently working on a server (RHEL4). I am developing on my laptop with Ubuntu 10.04, but I do not think the platform is causing the problem. Here's what's happening :. I call the baseline script that makes the most of the work that is another script. However, this conflicts. Calls for getting a lot. basically parses some command line arguments (using getopts) and calls the Java program to parse some XML files. Anyway, is throwing lots of errors (but still seems to work). Here is the message that I am getting 89: [[: Not found 89: [: Not found 94: [[: Not found I think every time it runs three errors; However, the script is complete and the Java code runs. Here is the relayren code section parseOptions $ * if [["$ {debugMode}" == "true"]]; Then debug = "- DDEBUG = true" echo "$ {JAVA_HOME} / bin / Java $ {debug} -Djav...

Content Assist not working in Eclipse for Android -

I am currently working in Eclipse programming for Android for one year. I have a big problem suddenly, here is the error: "Content Assist" was not completed normally. Please see the log for more information. Java.lang.NullPointerException I see Help> About Eclipse SDK> Installation details> Configuration> View error log and this is a blank page, but nothing is there. No errors. I tried to search online for the most relevant pages I can find and all these pages say that shutting down the FB, removing the metadata folder, restarting FB, importing some SWC file / Export, and / or delete some files with "flexbilder" in its name. None of these work and I do not see anything on my machine as the name of "Flash Builder", "FB", "Flex", or "FlexBilder". As a desperate last resort, I removed Eclipse, Android, Adobe anything , and all the traces of Java from my machine. Absolutely no difference except for exh...

Enterprise library Validation block -

I have a web application project. I want to add configuration source and keep the verification block, caching and logging config files separate is. But as soon as I go to Enterprise Lib's UI and add a configuration source, it adds everything to the same file. Is there any way to separate them all? Yes, you can separate the configuration files. This is some directions

phpmyadmin - where the heck is this php.ini file anyways? -

I am running on PHP with PHP vs 4.1.14 phpMyAdmin. It says that the file is on /usr/lib/php/php4.ini but I can not find it anywhere. Is this in the phpMyAdmin folder? I really have to find out this and soon it will be the turn of magic_quotes or I'm going to post. Thank you. Okay then I suppose it was not clear. I did phpinfo () I do not know how to find that location on the server ..... search php one Iii can be easily done by phpinfo on dedicated servers (as said by others) but I think you are using a shared hosting environment ( So that you can not edit php.ini) and actually need to close magic_quotes_gpc . (Am I right?) If so, just create a file named .htaccess in the web root (or phpMyAdmin root) and insert the following line into it. Php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off Hope is expected: -)

dom - Accessing <span> node in Javascript -

I am trying to write a grezmanki script which only shows photos with tag bacon. The site it runs on is written as: Next I tried to use it to get the tag of this period: tagnodes = document.getElementsByClassName ('tag'); And it returned an XPCNativeWrapper collection, all of which had undefined elements. Any ideas about how to get a tag? I am quite new to javascript, so I'm sorry that my question is stupid. [edit] var spans, tags; Spans = document.getElementsByTagName ('span'); For (var i = spans.length - 1; i> = 0; -i) {tag = spans [i]; Warning (tags.wrappedJSObject.nodeValue); } returns the blank with J. S. object as well. Is that because the Object.prototype does not work for XPCNativeWrapper? Using pure JavaScript (instead of using a library like jQuery - which I am don't / or var spans = document.getElementsByTagName ("span"); (Var i = spans.length - 1; i> gt; = 0; i--) {if (spans [i] .className == "tag...

regex - Selecting text from between two separate strings + php -

I have a string of data, and I want to remove content between two blocks of text using PHP. Here's an example: "dataset123" The text I want is here. "Endfile" I want everything in between them, two quoted price values ​​will not change, so they can be hard coded. Any thoughts? I have tried to find something like this, I'm sure that I will have to use str_match and regex, but I'm not sure how to do this about it. Thank you! John preg_match ('! Dataset123 (. *) Endfile! S', $ string, Matches $); Var_dump ($ matches [1]); Or $ start = strpos ($ string, 'dataset 123'); $ End = strpos ($ string, 'endfile'); Var_dump (substr ($ string, $ start + 10, $ end - $ start - 10)); ps: Because of that limiter, there are continuous liters - I've used 10 constant as a string length - Automatically adding rows to excel file template -

I am running a .NET 4.0 application on IIS 7. I want to know that an easy way to add lines for an Excel 2007/2010 (not a template file) that a user can download from the server. For example, the user can see some tick boxes and click on a button on the web page. A SQL query on the server table and comes back with the result. My web app has an Excel file with some headings, column titles, formatting, etc. on the resource directory. I want to copy this file, insert each result as a line in this file (Enter the first name in cell A3, give last name in cell B3 etc.). And make it available to save the user to your disk. The Excel (XLS) format is an "open format", so I was wondering how easy it would be / straight forward. Is it the case of Loading XML and XML element in Excel XML DOM? What do I need to use libraries? Any help or resources will be highly appreciated. I did this properly, you will see an Excel template that is open source libraries as NPOI How...

repository - Maven getting stuck at a website -

I use Maven to create projects and get trapped in the repository goes. What is the way around it If you are rebuilding co-developers in the same office or Often the same project, you will make a big favor by setting yourself up a Maven Repository Manager. Change your build settings in mirrorOf (*) = maven-repo-manager, initial build will be downloaded and cache repo-manager, and later will solve superfold artworks from cached local repositories. See the Nexus Setup Steps.

iphone - removing the current view from the tabbarcontroller -

नमस्ते कैसे टैबबार नियंत्रक पर प्रदर्शित वर्तमान दृश्य को निकालना है दृश्य [self.tabBarController.view addSubview: myView.view] का उपयोग करके जोड़ा गया है। यह कोशिश करने के लिए [myView.view removeFromSuperview];

How to catch user's click on the android screen of any application? -

Is it possible to write this service that can catch any user's click on the touch screen and read the text of the click Is any application not currently active? For example, click the user browser or any other application and the service will know what the word is written in the place of the screen. Thank you. You select and copy for text Built in functionality, as you can see. If you want to do it programmatically, start reading though, I think it is not most likely that it will work on every app developed for Android.

log JSP output to file -

I am not a java man and I have got some JSP code from a friend for testing purposes. All succession / fallier information is being output in the browser, but the problem is - I am not requesting. So Is there an easy way to copy the default output of JSP / redirect to a file on the server, but still the request is terminating? Create a JSP custom body tag that can capture its body content after body body Processed You will send a cover with jsp to the capture tag and the real jespe will be passed as a parameter. Example: & lt; Mytags: capture filename = "file html" & gt; & Lt; Jsp: include page = "& lt;% = request.getParameter (" realpage ")%>" /> & Lt; / Mytags: Capture & gt; Checkout online tag library: On this library, I found "Postprocessor taglib". GetContentString which can be used in your case.

iphone - Unable to play video using UIWebview in OS 4 -

I was using UIWebview to play video in portrait mode. In the case of the iPhone OS 3.2, it was working fine. Some time ago I updated my iPhone OS to 4.0, then the problem came (now no video player is coming). The version of my current application is 3.1.2. Thanks for any help. I'm not sure that this is an option for you, and you probably know about it Starting with iOS 3.2 you can rotate MPMovieController (or MPMovieViewController) without going to full screen, and you do not have to use UIWebView for that. Kind regards, Phil. - Invalid length for a Base-64 char array -

I'm using + MVC1.0 and have the web page are several forms that I say The following function AntiForgeryToken () to generate a hidden value, and in the controller function I have a valid attribute. When I use JMeter and capture token token post with my form from the server using regular expressions, I found that it is throwing an exception: Description: An uncontrolled exception occurred during the execution of existing web requests. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where the code has originated from it. Exception Description: System Format exception: invalid length for base-64 character array. An unrestricted exception was generated during the execution of the existing web request. Exceptions about the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace. Version information: & nbsp; Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET version: 2.0.50727.3082 [FormatException]:...

ruby on rails - RoR rjs assign prompt value to variable -

How can I specify RJS prompt value for a variable page & lt; & Lt; "Prompt ('Enter new first name:');" When I call in an alert Add your assignment to your Javascript statement Try: Page & lt; & Lt; "Var response = sign ('enter new first name:');" You should be able to reach the value of the response in your client-side JavaScript.

command line interface - What scripting langugae has both ec2 library & easy to use ncurses api? -

I'm looking for a clear replacement for elasticfox using Python / ruby ​​/ bash or some other things Good to do This is a side project to make our Ubuntu environment a little more fun, so much as abstract as possible - I love it :). Any suggestions? Thank you, Maxim. If you prefer python: several third Side EC2 module: A built-in ncurses library: A good and powerful ncurses alternative name 'urwid':

extensible storage engine - Can I access an ESE database that is already in use? -

The windows ESE engine API call is a readable option in JetAttachDatabase. Can I use it to mount a database that is already mounted by another process? The answer is almost certainly "no". ESENT database is only a single process, unless all procedures use the database to read only. The second process probably involves reading and writing databases, so that you will not be able to.

windows - EndDocPrinter Sleeps 3 secs without Shell (explorer.exe) -

On debug, when POS has the default window shell (, it prints successfully, but if we Open the window with our program or any other program (for example, cmd.exe) and we print with the same function, this sleeps about 3 seconds on the endok printers call. In 12 seconds, 3 tickets are not printable, and now I do not know what to test now. Without a workspace taskbar, a standard shell must start (blue bottom bar), but apparently it is not hidden from the start of the windows session. This is not a driver problem, because we test it with our printer drivers and some standard printer drivers, a Embedded POS with Windows Embedded, Windows Embedded 200 9, Windows XP Professor. Print a document with OpenPictor, StartDekPrinter, StartPagePrinter, WritePrinter, EndPagePrinter and EndDocPrinter Functions I have separated the endocrine printer, and it seems that try to find a window with a classname PrintTray_Notify_WndClass. Get rid of the delay by registering a new ...

iphone - NSZombie not logging to console -

I'm getting an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on one of my table views I try to add NSZombieEnabled key in the executable environment variable Have done It looks like the screen is no longer crashing but I did not get any message from the log to indicate what is happening What am I doing wrong? NSZombieEnabled crashes due to simply issuing objects, but EXC_BAD_ACCESS May cause issues If you do not get a zombie warning, the accident arises from another source. On one table, the most common reason will be the index of rows or sequences, due to the table due to the table to ask the data objects about the objects on the data present in the data structure that provides data in the table.

com - Converting CComBSTR to _bstr_t with fcopy as false -

I believe the following is a memory access violation error because the false parameter (fcopy) memory is ccmbrr: CCMBRRI MERCOMBRIST; String strMyCComBSTR = string (_bstr_t (myCComBSTR, false)); However, I am not sure why MSDN document is said to have the following about the FCP: If incorrect , Then bstr logic is attached My question is: Am I correct by saying that this is a problem If so - why? Thanks Yes, this is a problem - both myCComBSTR and try to empty the temporary string because they both think that they believe it. You can see, fcopy value false means "please do not duplicate the string body, just attach to the body that I give you Do " When the first row completes, you have ownership of myCComBSTR string buffer and when the temporary object is created on the second line, then it is the same string buffer due to fcopy Takes ownership of false . Then temporarily destroys and releases the string buffer. Later myccomBSTR will...

c# - Visual Studio 2008 debugger keeps detaching -

Hello, I'm trying to debug some code i.e. trying to get the values ​​of some parameters public SqlDataReader GetAllCompaniesByType (int type) {SqlParameter [sqlp = new SqlParameter [2]; SQLP [0] = New SQLParamator ("@cuttype ID", type); SQLP [1] = new escapemater ("@AriaID", dBinule Value); Try {return SqlHelper.ExecuteReader (Settings.GetConnectionString (), CommandType.StorePrReer, "procExtCompaniesByCompanyTypeIDSelect", sqlp); } Hold (SqlException sqlEx) {Error Reporting. WititeExceptionToLog (Settings.GetErrorLog (), sqlEx); Return tap; }} But the debugger keeps aside for some reasons. It's not just this code, but everywhere I am running INSEE ... does anyone know how to fix this ??? Is this an IIS issue or VIS studio ??? help please! If the debugger is detached at random, then this process usually ends. There is only one wild guess but one common thing is that to eliminate any process without throwing an exception, a stack over...

javascript function modification -

I am trying to write a logger object that logs messages to the screen. Here is my code, which is to be logged in each function, I am writing logger start and loggerend function at the beginning and end of my operation. But I run the Thomas Code Automatic for each function. Function is a way of modifying the prototype, so each function call can run automatically. (I am not using any javascript framework.) edit: it Rewrite the function to make it more modular Well, this is a scary way to do this, but sometimes I need to override some tasks like this. It works well, allows any type of adaptation and easy to understand (still horror) . However, you will need to store all your tasks in any type of global item. See examples for details. dynamic_call_params (func, fp) {return func (fp [0], FP [1], FP [2], FP [3], FP [4]], fp [5] ], Fp [6], fp [7], fp [8], fp [9], fp [10], fp [11], fp [12], fp [13], fp [14], fp [15] ], Fp [16], fp [17], fp [18], fp [19]); } Function attachWrap...

javascript - I want my tabs to be loaded dynamically (only when clicked) -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: हाय, मैं अपेक्षाकृत करने के लिए jquery और वेब विकास के लिए नया हूँ टैब बनाने के लिए मैं jquery टैब का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ यहां कोड है & lt; div id = "tabs-1" & gt; & Lt;% @ include file = "page1.jsp"% & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "tabs-2" & gt; & Lt;% @ include file = "Page2.jsp"% & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "टैब -3" & gt; & Lt;% @ include file = "Page3.jsp"% & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और जावास्क्रिप्ट है प्रत्येक पृष्ठ टैब पर क्लिक करने से पहले लोड हो रहा है लेकिन मैं उन्हें गतिशील रूप से लोड करना चाहता हूं तो क्या आप कृपया मुझे इस गड़बड़ से बाहर निकलने में मदद कर सकते हैं:) Jquery ui विकल्प में देखें, / P> इसमें एजाक्स के माध्यम से सामग्री को लोड करने की क्षमता है (मेरा मानना ​​है कि आप बस यूआरएल को केवल # के बजाय href में डालते हैं और यह यूआरएल से सामग्री लोड करेग...

android - getting the index of clicked item in a listview -

I want to get index of selected items (clicks) in list view. Any one please tell me? Thanks Lamp You get an adapter view and Its ITCLIC method: lv.setOnItemClickListener (new adapter view. OniteClickList () {} adapter on public Zero (adapterview

eclipse - Can a multi-module m2eclipse/WTP project get utility modules deployed into WEB-INF/classes? -

We currently use MyEclipse with the built-in Maven4MyEclipse integration and its built-in J2EE server support, but want to convert it to Regularly being able to use their 64-bit installation on Eclipse (especially in Holeos) windows (MyEclipse does not yet support Windows 64-bit.) So far I have got a work prototype of the eclipse of the Halius, Using lipus, our large web application is being installed on a tomcat. Deployment is a bit processor intensive, but it works and the app starts. What is quite different here is how dependent projects are deployed. In our Myclipus environment, all dependent projects were exploded in the Web-INF / Works folder, and when the server was running, the change in the Java class in the IDE would only copy the affected files (files) to the web-NF / classes of the server and Hot and swap the class in JVM ... Boom - Live changes in server great for debugging. In my Holeus conversion, however, all dependent projects are put in Jared and WEB-INF / l...

actionscript 3 - Removing all event listeners in Flex -

How can I remove all event listeners on all the components at one go, especially when it is not known that each component ? You can override mx.core.FlexSprite, which come from UIComponent, and listeners An array was created to generate. Doug McQueen put the source code. His blog says: removeAllEventListeners () - Deletes all events of all kinds of events, it completely erases all event listeners for a component. We know that it works!

c# - "SelectedIndexChanged" event in ComboBoxColumn on Datagridview -

I want to handle this event on a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn "SelectedIndexChanged", and I fixed it "EditingControlShowing" event gridview Have done Issue: The "SelectedIndexChanged" event is not removed on the first attempt of selecting an item in the combo box, but the item is selected for the second time after the event is removed And everything works fine ! Here is the code: private void dgvRequest_EditingControlShowing (object sender, DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e) e.Control as {ComboBox combo = ComboBox; if (! Combo = null) {if (dgvRequest.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == col_ConfirmCmb.Index) {combo.SelectedIndexChanged - = combo_ConfirmSelectionChange; Combo Selected Index changed + = Select Combo Confirm selection; Return; }}} Void combo_ConfirmSelectionChange (object sender, EventArgs e) {if (! DgvRequest.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex = col_ConfirmCmb.Index) return; Combo box combo = sender as combo box; If (combo == empty) return; Me...

Security of Android assets folder -

Is the asset folder accessible only for the app or can the user also view it? For my app I want to store a credential certificate and video files on local storage but I'm not sure how to hide these items from the user. The property folder looks just like the choice. property / folder is an application readable by any other application though The user does not have direct access to it, but there will be some applications to provide such access to all this. I know that for all, there is an asset explorer app on the market. Also, note that changes can not be made in the assets / folder on runtime, which requires something that you feel like doing.

dynamic - iPhone scrollView add elements dynamically with id -

I want to fill a scrollview with quite a few different UI elements. So I thought I used to write a method that remembers the current situation in the scrollview and just adds the element to the scrollview in the current state. Like:. - (zero) addUIElement: (id) element withWidth: (CGFloat) width andHeight: (CGFloat) height and YGap: (CGFloat) YGap {element.frame = CGRectMake (currentScrollPos.x, ( CurrentScrollPos.y + YGap), width, height); [Scroll-throughsviewview: element]; // and then set the current book position here} Unfortunately when I try to access element.frame = ..., I do not request a member in some of a structure or association. When I try to do the [element frame] = ... lvalue requires the left operability of the work as well. Now, first of all I'm not sure what the best way to do is to dynamically add a scrollview object. Perhaps someone has a better or easier view. On the other hand, I can not find why it does not work at all! Do I have to put my elemen...

java - jsoup tag extraction -

इस html से टैग कैसे निकाल सकते हैं & lt; dl & gt; & LT; डीटी & gt; परीक्षण: & lt; / डीटी & gt; & Lt; dd id = "रेटिंग" वर्ग = "" & gt; +0 / -0 (0) & lt; / dd & gt; & LT; डीटी & gt; अप: & lt; / डीटी & gt; & LT; dd & gt; जीएमटी & lt; / dd & gt; & LT; डीटी & gt; द्वारा: & lt; / डीटी & gt; & LT; dd & gt; & lt; / dd & gt; & LT; डीटी & gt; उदाहरण: & lt; / डीटी & gt; & LT; dd & gt; 5 & lt; / dd & gt; & LT; डीटी & gt; फ़ाइल: & lt; / डीटी & gt; & LT; dd & gt; 8 & lt; / dd & gt; & Lt; / डीएल & gt; मैं jsoup का उपयोग करते हुए इस html कोड में 5 और 8 कैसे निकाल सकता हूँ .... कृपया मेरी मदद करें (" dt: होता है (उदाहरण) + dd ") " 5 "वाले डीडी को चुनें पूरा वाक्यविन्यास उपलब्ध है। ("dt: में (उदाहरण) + dd")। पहले ()। पाठ () खुद 5 हो। ...

sql - How to enforce NOT NULL in a view's computed column -

मैं निम्नानुसार एक दृश्य बदलना चाहता हूं: ALTER VIEW [dbo]। [ ViewOne] SELECT columnOne के रूप में, - नल कॉलम दो, - नल (कनवर्ट करें (दशमलव (2,0), कॉलमऑन) कॉलम के रूप में - मैं चाहता हूं कि यह DBOne से नहीं होना चाहिए। TablesOne चूंकि कॉलमऑन "रिक्त नहीं है" मैं कॉलम को तीन को "नल नहीं" भी लागू करना चाहता हूं। मैं बस सिंटैक्स को जानना चाहता हूं अगर कास्ट का स्रोत स्वयं कभी भी अशक्त नहीं होता है तो स्तंभ तीन कभी भी अशक्त नहीं होगा। हालांकि, इसका यह अर्थ नहीं है कि कॉलम एक को दशमलव (2,0) पर डाला नहीं जा सकता है और आपको नहीं पता कि क्या आपको अपवाद मिलेगा जब तक कि आप दृश्य के विरुद्ध क्वेरी नहीं करते। आपको यह निर्धारित करने के लिए एक अतिरिक्त चेक जोड़ने पर विचार करना चाहिए कि क्या कलाकार विफल हो जाएगा और कोई कलाकार त्रुटि की संभावना को कम करने में सहायता करेगा: आल्टर दृश्य dbo.ViewOne के रूप में चयन करें कॉलम एक, कॉलम दो, केस जब isNumeric (ColumnOne) ) = 0 फिर 0 या फिर कास्ट (कॉलम के रूप में दशमलव के रूप में (2,0)) समापन के रूप में स्तंभ तीन ...

configuration - RApache config problem -

Our System Bit is installed on our 64 bit Solaris box. I can use the page here, this indicates that The module was installed successfully. Httpd.conf has the following entry: & lt; Directory / website / zbroom & gt; SetHandler R-script RHandler brew :: brew & lt; / Directory & gt; All files in the directory must be required to parse through the frame function of the package. As can be seen on me, the R code is ignored. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; R test & lt; This is not a throwing error (nothing in the Apache log). ; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Here is some general text & lt; / P & gt; & Lt;% = rnorm (100)% & gt; & Lt;% Print (rnorm (100))% & gt; & Lt; P & gt; There should be some R output between this text and the first text. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; W...

php - Store dates in MongoDB as integer rather than MongoDate value -

Could there be any damage to the strings (timestamps) in the MongoDB instead of stored in their MongoDate format? Because I'm having problems with the Zend Framework and Principle ODM to read data, because I return them to as the date of the date as an internal form From MongoDB seems to save them as a timestamp, but for this it has its own object. Mongodebi uses its own While using the principle of ODM, This value is converted into a datetime PHP object. You can create a custom date type with the principle that the MongoDate object changes into a Zend_Date object: Principles \ ODM \ MongoDB \ Mapping \ types \ Type :: overrideType ("date", "My_Date_Class"); In this way you leave the datetime object on the PHP side, but store the correct date objects that MondiDiDi can understand.

sftp - How does scp traffic flow between two remote hosts? -

If you issue a scp command between 2 remote servers, then traffic directly to the host For example, I issue this order on my laptop: scp / files / files -3 which is used for your local machine. Will route traffic through the medium. This is useful if the hosts are on different networks and can not see each other. . From your written article it seems that normally the hosts will try to connect directly to each other.

indexing - How can I index a 3-D matrix with a 2-D mask in MATLAB? -

Suppose I have D, an X-by-Y-by-Z data matrix. I have an X-by-Y "masking" matrix, I have to set my target elements (Xi, Yi, :) in D to N, when X in X (Xi, Yi) is false. Is there any way to avoid doing this in a loop? I tried to use ind2sub , but it fails: M = logical (round (rand (3,3)); % Mask D = randn (3,3,2); Try liding the combinations of% data% x, y elements [x, y] = ind2sub (size (m), find (m == 0)); D_masked = D; D_masked (x, y, :) = NaN; % Does not work! % This is the old method D_masked = D; For IX = 1: size for iy = 1 (m, 1): size (m, 2) if ~ m (ix, ii), d_maskad (iX, ii, :) = nyan; End and end I suspect that I am clarifying something here ( You can do this by filling your logical mask «code> M The dimension is so much that it is the same size as D . Then, remove the index: D_masked = D; D_masked (repmat (~ m, [1 size] If the mask Replacing the matrix is ​​undesirable. Then you can search for a set of linear index where M, where is equa...

iphone - Closest thing to XCode, Objective-C on Windows (Not Hackintosh), perhaps interface-builder -

Tomorrow, some Xcode / iPhone SDK has to work, and I would like to know how I can prepare on Windows. The closest I can do for XCode and / or Objective-C developer experience, ideal IOS or similar purpose-C GUI. It can also be called an interface builder that works in the same way. / P> I know that the Hackintosh / VMware solution, I think it will take for a while, especially since I have an AMD laptop which is not much RAM (I have Intel Netbook) Comment 1 I can actually have access to an old PowerPC Mac (I think it might be possible to see some other threads), though the question still stands . You can find the closest and its associated tools. This is clearly not the same as Apple's environment, but it is derived from the same lineage. Cocoa was taken from the OpenStep framework, such as GNUstep (and Gn Eustave tries to track additional than Apple, although they are very few). Developed by OpenStep Project Builder and Interface Builder, Xcode and Interface Builder,...

iis 7 - Create a Global IIS 7 rewrite rule -

I have a wildcard record ( * and *. * ) Indicating my dev machine for my domain, in fact, any subdomain that is not www indicates my god machine (leaving the route). I should never want to be my god machine or search engine. What I would like to do, it is easy to set a global URL rewrite rule like this: & lt; Rule name = "global robots.txt rewrite" stop processing = "true" & gt; & Lt; Mail url = "^ robot \ .txt" ignore = "true" /> & Lt; Action type = "rewrite" url = "http: //localhost/robots.txt" /> & Lt; / Rules & gt; The above rules will not work; Although the following redirect rule does: & lt; Rule name = "global robots.txt redirect" stopProcessing = "true" & gt; & Lt; Mail url = "^ robot \ .txt" ignore = "true" /> & Lt; Conditions & gt; & Lt; Input = "{HTTP_HOST}" pattern = "^ localhost ...

html - what is the purpose of inserting + into a URL instead of space -

For example if we have something like this: Why not Change all + with a space ? The browser has read the URL differently? UI format, which is used by the HTTP protocol, allows spaces in the URL Do not give up. See section 2.4.3

.net - What do we call 'traditional' ASP.NET when trying to reference with respect to ASP.NET MVC? -

It can not be called classic, because classic ASP will be confused with it. I do not like the traditional calling because of the meaning of the word Do we say it: General Mainstream ASP.NET ASP.NET MVP And what? This is called ASP.NET webform.

python - Limiting the searching of a large file -

तो यहां कुछ नया संशोधनों के साथ मेरा कार्यक्रम है: datafile = open ('C : \\ text2.txt ',' r ') fullataset = open (' C: \\ bigfile.txt ',' r ') smalldataset = open (' C: \\ smalldataset.txt ',' w ') मिलान किए गए पंक्तियाँ = डेटाफाइल में पंक्ति के लिए: splitline = line.split () को आंशिक रूप में आइटम के लिए: यदि मद नहीं है, तो। ("नोवा"): यदि item.startswith ("JJJ") या item.startswith ("KOS"): मिलान किए गए लाइन । पूरा आइटम में पंक्ति के लिए एपेंड (आइटम) काउंटर = 1: प्रिंट काउंटर काउंटर + = 1 मिलान के लिए टी में: यदि टी पंक्ति में: smalldataset.write (line) datafile.close () fullataset.close () smalldataset.close () मुझे अब जो समस्या है वो है कि मैं "बड़ाफ़ाइल" के माध्यम से खोजना चाहता हूं लेकिन तेज दर पर। मैं बड़ी लाइन में लाइन की खोज को स्ट्रिंग में सीमित करना चाहूंगा, जो पहले ',' से पहले होती है, मैं कुछ जैसे इंडेक्स = aString.find (',') का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन I बड़...

wpf controls - Show a grabber in a WPF StatusBar? -

In WPF, how can I display a slash in a StatusBar control (the triangle mall in the bottom right corner)? Thank you. The code below will work with or without static control. Public partial squares main window: window {public key window ()} {InitializeComponent (); This.Loaded + = New Routing Avent Handler (MainWindow_Loaded); } MainWindow_Loaded Zero (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {this.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.CanResizeWithGrip; }}

iPhone Smooth Transition from One Video To Another -

I have to know the best way to transition from one video to another Basic IDEA: A The example would be that a person's video is playing ... the user taps the video and has a seamless transition to play a person's video (on a simplified example) My first thoughts 2 movie The player had to make and use the transition between 2 visual elements but the movie-player could use it Udder does not. It is a solution to stop an existing video, load new content, and start up again, but it is not very beautiful We are creating an interactive sales tool for our representative, and we may as a professional Want to see Current Thoughts: If there was some sample code for AVPlayer, it would seem that I can use video to switch between AVVideoComposition? But information on how this can happen is not currently available. Probably short: I thought it would be easy because I purchased an app called Live Ched HD, which once appeared 16 different video feeds. Any thoughts? thank you in...

objective c - iphone-sdk: Adding a textfield to UIAlertview does not work in iOS 4? -

I'm trying to add uitextfield my alterview . User tries to enter text alterview is expected to be considered does not overlap much keyboard to shift a little bit up and disappear when pressing a key on the keyboard and Alertview should change back. Runs in iOS 3.1.2 (and even 3.2) all this works fine, but as soon as I try to run it under iOS 4, alertview is incorrect Displayed in position and the keyboard will not disappear. Any suggestions? Insert here my code: - (minus) addItemAction {workoutName = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "new work" message: @ "name your new workout: \ n" Representative: self cancel buttonTitle: @ "cancel" other button titles: @ "end", zero]; WorkoutName.cancelButtonIndex = 0; UITextField * titleField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (12.0, 90.0, 260.0, 25.0)]; TitleField.delegate = self; TitleField.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect; TitleField.returnKeyType = UIRetu...

.net - Are there any major pitfalls using PostgreSQL as a replacement for SqlSever -

I'm just one. Looking for the possibility of using postgresql as the option of sqlserver for the net web app. (As a host of hosting a cloud, one hand and one leg is spent, your data size is 20 GB or greater) So really looking for something good with performance that has a lot of information. However, I'm not completely sure what I can lose by going to posgresql which can be seriously me minor Issues, or porting issues are not concerned with any issues (until major blocking issues of porting). We use NHibernate, Linq, as well as the raw SQL against the database (this is a legacy product which is gradually moving to NHibernate as your data access technology) Unless you are using the features of SQL Server that are not available in postgrasqual, you should be fine. I am using both PostgreSQL and SQL Server on a daily basis and both work ado. It is OK for any Net-based application that accesses the database through Net and / or NHBnet. NHibernate has proven to ...