
Showing posts from April, 2012

iphone - Crash in UIKit UINavigationItem -

I have a problem with my iPhone app, I have a crash log from the tester that I ran through a symbolic crash But I'm still not sure what caused this accident is only on the tester's device and I am unable to reproduce it on my device. Hardware model: iPhone2.1 OS Version: iPhone OS 4.0.1 (8A306) Exception type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS + 212 3 UIKit (SIGSEGV) Exception Code: 0 Thread Crashed Crashed: - - [UINavigationItem _updateViewsForBarSizeChangeIfNecessary] + 30 2 UIKit 0x000a26c8 [UINavigationBar _popNavigationItemWithTransition] 0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000286c objc_msgSend + 16 1 0x000a25d0 crashed thread on UIKit 0x000765c6 KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x534f5031 - [UINavigationBar popNavigationItemAnimated:] + 76 4 UIKit 0x000a2492 - [UINavigationBar _handleMouseUpAtPoint : + 390 5 UIKit 0x000a22f2 - [UINavigationBarEnded: Event:] + 54 6 UIKit 0x000614e6 - [UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent:] + 362 7 UIKit 0x00060e60 - [UIWindow sendEvent:] 256 8 UIKit 0x0005cb54 - [UIApplication sendEve...

php - Which to use: REMOTE_ADDR or SERVER_ADDR -

$ _ सर्वर [$ REMOTE_ADDR '] $ _SERVER [' SERVER_ADDR के बीच कोई वास्तविक अंतर] '] मैं एक पृष्ठ पर विज़िटर को ट्रैक कर रहा हूं, और मैंने हमेशा REMOTE_ADDR का उपयोग किया है, लेकिन हाल ही में मैंने एक स्क्रिप्ट देखी जिसे दोनों जानकारी एकत्र की गई थी क्या यह एक बेहतर अभ्यास है या नहीं? SERVER_ADDR इसका पता है सर्वर पीएचपी कोड चल रहा है। आपको इसे इकट्ठा करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है REMOTE_ADDR वह है जिसे आप चाहते हैं।

iphone - detect UITableViewCell id on UIImageView -

मेरे पास एक UITableView है मैं प्रत्येक पंक्ति UITableViewCell पर एक UIImageView जगह मैं UIImageViews - (शून्य) स्पर्शबैगन पर स्पर्श का पता लगाने के लिए नीचे दिए गए कोडों का उपयोग किया है: (NSSet *) साथ भी स्पर्श: (UIEvent *) ईवेंट {CGPoint pt = [[anyObject को छूता है] locationInView : स्वयं]; } ऐसा लगता है कि मैं केवल पीटी प्राप्त कर सकता हूं, क्या यह पता लगाने के लिए संभव है कि कौन सी पंक्ति के UIImageView को छुआ? धन्यवाद interdev P> - (शून्य) स्पर्शबैगन: (एनएसएसेट *) साथ छू भी: (UIEvent *) इवेंट {CGPoint pt = [[किसी भी ऑब्जेक्ट को छूता है] स्थान इनव्यू: स्व]; CGPoint बिंदुInTable = [[किसी भी ऑब्जेक्ट को छूते हैं] स्थान इनिव्यू: yourTableView]; NSIndexPath * पथ = [yourTableView indexPathForRowAtPoint: pointInTable]; }

iphone - Image multiple tap zooming -

Can someone recommend me a good sample code for more than one tap zooming image Thanks. An example of zooming on Apple's answer to the sample tap (It seems that this code is touch so that you are targeting iOS 3.x you have to find out the old version of that sample).

Best IDE for developing java web services (for beginners) -

I am trying to learn to work with Java webservices, but I had some problems working with eclipse with some Equated modules, which give me some errors while trying to program. Can you suggest me an IDE for the development of Java webservices, which would be easy to use especially for beginners (or eclipse packages ...). / P> If you move some simple tutorial about creating a simple Java webservice step can also point me it will slit. Those people who are "old" are called "old" like 4-6 years ago. I just got the same process, and there were not many problems using eclipse. Once you avoid the initial learning stages of setting things up, it is not really bad :) Here are some other formulas that I wanted to know about how JADS services To create: JAX-WS / Java EE Tutorial from Oracle, Updated June 2010 > It gives some useful snippets of code whether you are starting Java or WSDL files. The Ail. Information on JSP tags and JSTL standard librari...

c# - Page method multiple callbacks -

I am calling the image on an image slider to display an image from a database to show a picture with an image . The problem is that I am getting many callbacks. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? The code that I am using for the page method: var contextArray = "img"; PageMethodConcept = {callServerSideMethod: Function (id) {PageMethods.GetItemLargeImage (ID, PageMetConceptEllbackback, PageMapContactor.filecolalkback, referrals); }, Callback: function (results, user contexts, image preview) {// warning (results); If (userContext = "img") {// img source the result with the document .getElementById ("displayPreviewImage"). Src = Results; return false; }}, Failcallback: function (result, user contaxes) {warning ("unsuccessful"); }} Code to set the timer: var alertTimer = 0; If (warning timer == 100) {warning ("time 100"); AlertTimer = setTimeout (pageMethodConcept.callServerSideMethod (, 0); } Other {alertTim...

iis 7 - IIS7 ASP classic Mysql and ODBC Driver problems -

We just used Windows Server 2003, 32 bit, IIS 6, MySQL Server 2008, 64 bit, IIS7 We are slowing down some cut data and pages on some pages that make a lot of calls on DB. We are using the ODBC driver 3.51. We are sure that it is the Odyssey driver, but it does not have any idea how to fix it Any ideas Thanks. The answer is simple I have screwed many SQL queries on the site by ODBC driver 3.51. Slow speed and sorting of the data are some of the obvious problems and can be fixed by handling the data through rewriting the loops. It has helped in handling a lot of resources in memory. We are soon going to check the new version of the ODBC client that it is fast and more stable.

c# - Different behaviour between formatting strings for TimeSpan and DateTime -

While coding today, I saw something odd with timepoints and formatting strings. I was trying to print again and again, for example 01:03:37 as 1:03:37 (without leading 0 for hours). So I used the format string h: mm: ss . This, however, gave me a major 0. If I changed the Timespain to a date time and did the same again, then the h formatting string was a hope for me as a work. A sample console program: class program {static zero main (string [] args) {var time = new timespan (01, 03, 37); Var Culture = New CultureInfo ("SV-SE"); Thread Present. Culture = culture agriculture = culture; Thread Existing content Current uk agriculture = culture; Console.WriteLine (time.ToString ()); Console.lightline (string format (culture, "{0: h: mm: ss}", time)); Console.light line (string format (culture, "{0: hh: mm: ss}", time)); Console.lightline ((new datetime (timetix) toasting ("H: MM: SS", culture)); Console.lightline ((new datetime (timet...

list - Usage of Procedure and Map in Scheme -

I am very new to the plan and I am slowly searching for my way around it. I have something (map plus1 (list 1 2 3 4)) Basically give me results: (2 3 4 5) This is fine if the process only takes the list as the only parameter. My question is, how do I Am I able to use a process that takes 2 criteria with map? (plus list (m list) (define + m list)) Thanks in advance for help and advice. (defined (plus x x () (map (lambda (x) (+ mx )) X)) or (adder M) (lambda (x) (+ mx)) (defined plus (m xs) ( Map (Joiner M) X)) allows you to reuse the adder function for other things as well.

iterator - enumerate()-ing a generator in Python -

I want to know what happens when I pass the result of the generator function to calculate the dragon (). Example: def too BigHello (): i = 0 while i whether the math becomes dull, or Does this mistake all in the first? I am 99.999% sure that it is lazy, can I treat it like a generator festival or do I need to see anything? It is lazy to prove that this is a matter of fact: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Def abc (): ... letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'] ... for the letter in the letter: ... print letter ... yield sheet ... & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Numbered = count (ABC ())> gt; & Gt; & Gt; For me, the numbered word: ... print i, word ... a 0 a b 1 b c 2 c

Flex Builder 3 IDE - Mouse Wheel Scrolling -

Currently, when I'm working in the source code view of Flex Builder 3 IDE, my mouse does not scroll the scroll wheel window. I had the same problem, it's just a work, get flash builder 4.x And point to SDK for 3.x

c++ - Question about abstract factories and injection -

This is similar to one of my other questions, but I think enough is enough to ask a new question. Actually I am writing a user interface, and there are nodes in my user interface that can be selected. When a node is selected, the user interface ends with an intangible node base class "INode". From this, I get a factory by making node-> fortifier (), and by this I can make an approot dialog or view for that node because the right factory is able to create concrete node (eg factory-> adidial dylog)> view (node ), e.t.c.). My question is that the factory must first try to find the best way to enter the node. So far, I have thought of 3 ways: 1) When I create a node, then inject the right factory: AreaNode * Node = New Arianode (New AreaAntactor ()); So the definition of field node is: fieldNode: public INOD {Areaode (INodeAbstractFactory * Injectature) {m_injectedFactory = injectedFactory; } INodeAbstractFactory * getFactory () {return m_injectedFactor...

sql server - tray notification on database update -

I want to create a small app that pops up a tray notification (or toast popup or something) when Also an update or insert is going to a specific table in a SQL Server database. What is the easiest way to do this, if possible, I want to avoid voting? This is a SQL Server feature that allows an application to subscribe to notifications when data changes Then gets pushed to the server. It is usually leveraged through the classroom. I have recently posted that allows you to add SQL Doppli based information and invalidate the cache to LINQ queries: var query = (from Ctx. Select table in r). Escached ("table", new cachedoccus () (OniValidated = (sender, args) {// query was invalid, data changed // notify the user or inform user}})

Create txt file in PHP -

I am creating a text file in PHP, the file is created in the right format from the local PC and if I'm trying online I do not have a line, it's a brake and is not looking formatted. I am using this code. header ("content-type: app / txt"); Header ("content-length:". Size ($ content)); Header ("content-dispute: inline; filename =". $ File); Print $ content; Die; If there is any solution please share with me. Thanks in advance. You have a typo: header ("content- Length: ". Size ($ content)); Also, you should use the header ("content-type: text / plain");

java - gwt in netbeans -

क्या मैं नेटबींस में जीडब्ल्यूटी स्थापित कर सकता हूं? आप एकीकृत कर सकते हैं।

c# - How to hunt down WPF binding errors? -

We have a very large project that has many duplicated WPF binding errors in the Visual Studio debug output log, for example: System.Windows.Data Error: 5: Value produced by the binding expression is not valid for the target asset. Value = 'nan' binding expression: path = width; DataItem = 'Content Viewer' (name = ''); Target element 'content display' (name = ''); Target Property 'MaxWidth' (type 'double') Lines are printed during some actions. However, this is a very heavy operation, in which tens of WPF classes are included. Is there a quick way to find the exact source of the binding error? Some devices that can help The error you see is because MaxWidth For the second control the width is being compelled MaxWidth must have a certain numeric value, but width There may be many non-fixed values. In this case, the source control width is NaN - which is an invalid value for MaxWide . This is causing the er...

visual c++ - C++ Function Pointer Syntax -

I am trying to create a function in VC ++ which takes the function pointer, but I keep the syntax errors . The declaration in my header file looks like this: Apply zero to fit Select (zero (* function) (CPoint, * CSpreadWnd)); Here's the definition: Zero CspreadWind :: Apply FitConference Selection (Zero (* function) (CPoint, * CSpreadWnd)) {... } and receiving error messages here: c: \ ... \ spreadwnd.h (274): error C2059: syntax error : 'Function-style cast' c: \ ... \ spreadwnd.h (274): Error C2059: Syntax Error: ')' c: \ ... \ spreadwnd.h (274): Error C2143: Syntax Error: Missing ')' first ';' I know that its probably something really simple that I am missing but I can not find this. This is usually a good idea to define a type-tof for your function pointer type is. It helps in using it in more announcements, and when you write an error, then it has to be changed twice. Here, you put an asterisk on the wrong side of ...

iphone - action for selecting an index in an indexed uitableview -

In my section, sectionInndexTitlesForTableView has been applied to my controller class. When I chose an index, I had to have my custom action. Is there any way to do this? I think what you want, when you select an item in the table? Apply delegation method - (zero) table view: (UITableView *) table view was SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath

vba - Connection string syntax for Classic ADO / ODBC / Oracle 10g EZConnect -

I do not try to use different VBA projects using an Oracle 10G back end and ADO (2.8) and no TNS I am here. After various attempts, we have decided to include the simplest series of steps for a clean installation: An Oracle instantly set up customers with ODBC (Test the connection by creating a Windows DSN) > The problem I can not understand the syntax instant customer ODBC The driver, which is called "Oracle in MyTest" (quotation marks) in my ODBC driver list, is used to tell the ADO. MSFT uses the ODBC driver with ezDanact, as it is suggested that immediately does not do any better work before installing the client (which is not at all to say). But it is possible, in fact, seems to suggest without suggesting it, and only tells you that the data source portion of the string, such as someUser / SomePassword @ AServer, appears: portnumber / InstanceName Short version: What is the exact syntax of a classic ADO connection string, refers to a quick custom...

.net - Indicating a selected item in a listview -

I have a list view control. NET Winforms contains file names from directories. When I first display the control, I pop the list view, then choose the first item in the list in the program like this: if (lvwFiles.Items.Count> 0) { ListViewItem firstItem = lvwFiles.Items [0]; First item Selected = true; } It works fine, except that the first item in the list should be highlighted visually (reverse-highlight?) To indicate to the user that it has been selected , As the user then clicks on one of the items. It seems like a stupid question, but I looked at Stakeoverflow and elsewhere and did not see a clear answer. Is this an easy way to do this through a property or something similar? HideSelection property designer (or via code) is wrong Doing will allow the selected items to be shown, even when the control is not focused.

php - Populating Navigation Tabs with SQL? -

I am looking for any kind of new tab (vertical) which allows it to populate by SQL. For example, the SQL table will have a column for the title (which is the title of the tab) and a column for the contents of the tab. I have tried to build myself myself, but I do not know how to fit it in the shipping times, because usually I loop for sometime to do some popups with SQL, But because the NAV has two things that need and and gt; bits), this is uncertainty how I do it. Thank you. Edit: You feel that it would be fine, you might be able to do something As for ending half of your DB calls, get information from // db. & Lt ;? php $ query = tep_db_query ("selection tabbed, tabulate, tab 1 ($ Line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ query)) {$ table [] = $ row;}? & Gt; & lt; ul & gt; & lt ;? Php foreach ($ Table $ line) {Echo & lt; li & gt; & lt; a Href = "# tab- '. $ Line ['tabid']. "" & Gt; . $ Line ['tabetl...

mysql - Using LAST_INSERT_ID() within a multi row insert -

क्या एक सम्मिलित क्वेरी में LAST_INSERT_ID () का उपयोग करना संभव है? mytable में INSERT (Col1, col2) मूल्य ('val1', null), ('val2', LAST_INSERT_ID ()) उपरोक्त LAST_INSERT_ID () की कोशिश कर रहा है 0, बस देख रहा है अगर मैं गठबंधन कर सकता हूँ क्वेरी। मैंने जो पाया उससे यह काम नहीं करेगा जैसा कि LAST_INSERT_ID में कोई मान नहीं है पूरे वक्तव्य समाप्त हो गया है।

Error PLS-00103 compiling user-defined function in Oracle -

I am trying to create a user-defined function in Oracle which will return on DATE, when a date sub-word Giving a text argument will be given. I have tried some ways of writing this, and all start throwing the same error: create or function lm_date_convert REPLACE (lm_date_in (50) in VARCHAR2) Date of return determinant returns (IS TO_DATE (REGEXP_REPLACE (lm_date_in, '([[digits:]] {2}) [- /.] * ([[Issue:]] {2}) [- /.] * ([[: Points :]] {4}) ',' \ 3- \ 1- \ 2 '),' YYYY-MM-DD '); End; Error: compiled Lm_date_convert function 1/46 PLS-00103: symbol "(" While expecting one of the following: : =.), Indicating "% of the default character emblem" "symbol": = "was replaced for" ("to continue. Any ideas on this, and general UDF writing tips (and good references) are welcome! We restrict datatype The parameters can not be specified in time stored procedures. That is, just use VARCHAR2 instead of VARCHAR2 ...

Compare two strings regardless of case size in perl -

Is there any way to compare two strings regardless of size size? For example "steve" acu "steve" and "-" - this "SHOE" will match eck "shoe" P> $ perl -e 'print uk ("steve") eq uc ("STevE"); Print "\ n"; '1 $ perl -e' print uc ("SHOE") eq uc ("shoe"); Print "\ n"; '1 $ perl5.8 -e' print uk ("shoe") eq uc ("shoe1"); Print "\ n"; '$ You can also explicitly use as lc () . If you want the actual "eq" operator to be case insensitive, it may be possible using the surcharge, but I do not think what you are asking - please clarify your question if it That's the case. Nor is it a great idea if you want, IMHO - is very delicate and it is probably difficult to trace and debug the bugs. In addition, this is an overkill in your specific case where you want parallelism, but case-independent modifier ...

nhibernate - ORM and NH for business people -

I have to prepare a case to explain the managers to promote development using ORM. I do not want to go into technical details in this case, profit is visible to business people . I am not very happy with my arguments The case I am going to will be in two points: Conway High Productivity => Less Time Writing Tireless Data Access Code lets you focus more on solving real 'real' business issues. High maintenance => Low number of LoC == System is easy to understand (Hmm ... maybe ...) Correct use Nearly no performance has been hit when the loop is For the ORM: O / R mapping tools do not perform well with bulk processing of data There may be better performance in stored procedures, but are not portable. Great dependence on ORM software has been described as the main factor for creating poorly designed databases NH: Very mature yield Supports a lot of DBs> Developers do not have to learn a new SQL bid on every other project O...

Extending the Django change list view to include the object title it is related to -

I am using the Django Comments Framework to allow comments on articles in a blog The comment (comment) that I want to display is in the list view of the comment section where the comment's name, content type, object id etc. is to be displayed. How do I do this? I know that you can hook up the actions in your admin or list view by typing a model method, but in this situation I do not have a model for comments because I am using the built-in one. Thanks Anywhere in your code, you can override the comments ModelAdmin class and do whatever you want to do They can expand it. This code has not been tested, but you should give a general enough idea about how to customize the comment admin: django.contrib Import admin from django.contrib.comments.admin admin admin class MyCommentsAdmin (CommentsAdmin ): # This is the list that will call list_display def show_object_title (self): return self.content_object.title list_display = super (MyCommentsAdmin, itself) .list_display list_di...

java - Can I improve this Pig-Latin converter? -

I am spanking new in Java and I have made it a little translator for Pig Latin. package stringnipulation; Public Class Piglatin Controller {Public String Convert (String Word) {Ent condition = 0; If (i.e.V.V.Lat (0)) {for (int i = 0; i and lt; word lilayat (); i ++) {if (i.evw.well (word chat (i)) {status = I; break; }} String first = words bstring (position, word.length ()); String II = Word Springing (0, position) + "AE"; First + second; } And {return word + "route"; }} Public Boolean isvovell (four c) {if (c == 'a') returns true; And if (C == 'E') is true; Otherwise if (C == 'I') is true; Otherwise if (C == 'O') is true; And if (C == 'U') is true; Second false return; }} Is there any improvement that I can do? Is there any Java Java tricks that are in the latest Java version, maybe I do not know? I came from C # background. Thank you! I want to rewrite isVowel (char ch) as follows : return "aeou...

attachment - ICS in Outlook being sent as a .msg file -

I have an application, an ICS is creating similar to the following: start : VCALENDAR Version: 2.0 Method: Request Start: VEVENT ATTENDEE; Role = request-participant; RSVP = true: mailto: Organizer: mailto: DTSTART: 20100803T190000Z DTEND: 20100803T200000Z Location: Go to http: for accessing the web conference: // and enter the conference ID: 0000 sequence: 0 UID: 352C75A6-0ll7-4B3A-AFE6-7Bl8649CD45A DTSTAMP: 20l00803Tl84455Z click description \ n \ n links bell ow: \ n summary: Test user conference priority: 5 category: public BEGIN : VALARM trigger: -PT15M action: performance description: reminder end: VALARM end: VEVENT end: VCALENDAR when a Gmail account various Is to it being referred to as ICS files and everything is right. When sent to Outlook 2003 or 2007, it is enclosed as an .msg file and is binary. The server being used is Windows Server 2008. I ics that have set the MIME type text / calend...

sql - How would you implement a very wide "table"? -

Suppose you are modeling an entity that has many attributes (2400+), which gives a given physical Database Engine (such as ~ 1000 SQL Server) a) EAV: Do not know anything about the significance of these data points (people who are often hot / used) domains / Except the candidate key (Boo ... Original Relational Tools window was thrown out.) B) Go directly across the first table in the primary key and there are 1000 columns, which are right to the limit, the next table is 1000, the foreigner The first table is closed the remaining table is 400, the foreign is also closed. c) Roof (n / limit) Evenly stripe in the tables is the number of columns in each table, foreign keying for the first table. And why? EDIT: This is more of a philosophical / general question, and not linked to any specific limit or engine. Edit Edit ^ 2: As many have stated, the data was probably not normalized, in general, business barriers make timely research impossible. My solution: Check furt...

Google App Engine - Bulkloading using RemoteApiServlet - Billing -

I am using App Engine RemoteApiServlet and Bulkloader to load the data in the datastore. Since the dataset I was uploading was very large (one million entities) I enabled "billing" on my application and set the maximum. Daily budget of $ 5 and later up to $ 10 Using the App Engine Admin Console, after I loaded the institutions, I was determined that I had ~ 7 dollars for CPU hours (as I ~ 70 CPU hours). However, when I look at the billing history, I was only charged $ 0.05 (for storage) and $ 0.0 for CPU hours. I should know what is this hope? Is not bulkloading billed for CPU Hours using Remote APISlate? If so, when I set a maximum daily budget of $ 5 and exceed my CPU quota then I started receiving HTTP 503 from the service if RemoteApiCurllet is exempt from billing, then I will get 503 errors Why was he looking? There is nothing special about remote_API and billing, even if you do this before tomorrow Whenever, you are not billed for any datastore CPU fee, whi...

How do I get the querystring from a web page loaded in an Android WebView? -

For example, if a WebView is "test.html? PageId = 10" full, how do I get that PageID is equal to 10 Try getUrl () Or getOriginalUrl () to get the URL, then parse the URL to find the page number.

How do I fix a bug in an open source R package? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 3 जवाब मैं ठीक करना चाहता हूं एक पैकेज, लेकिन इसे संपादित करने का पता नहीं लगाया जा सकता है। मैं .tar.gz के रूप में कर सकता हूँ और इसे खोल देना स्रोत के साथ एक "आर" निर्देशिका और "परीक्षण" निर्देशिका भी है। मेरे संपादनों का परीक्षण करने के लिए मैं अपनी प्रोजेक्ट में स्रोतों को कैसे शामिल करूं? मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं परीक्षण चलाएं? परीक्षण "पुस्तकालय (ब्लोटटर)" से शुरू होते हैं मैं डाउनलोड किए गए स्रोतों से पुस्तकालय को कैसे लोड कर सकता हूं। अनुशंसित प्रक्रिया वर्णित है मैन्युअल 'लेखन आर एक्सटेंशन' में कुछ विस्तार से जो आपके आर अधिष्ठापन के साथ आया था। वेब पर कई ट्यूटोरियल भी हैं।

c# - Server Push vs Client Pull for Agent-Server Topology -

I need to create a system with two components: A single server Which processes the data and stores it periodically sends updates to agents Multiple agents that are installed on remote endpoint collect data (often But not always) long-running operations, and this data needs to go to the server I am using the Net, and ideally I want to use the communication method in accordance with standards (i.e. one that can work with Geo, because we can also use Java agents in the future). Is there any alternative to web services? What are my options? The way I see, I have 3 options using web services, and have made the following comments: Client pull Push the server Hybrid Port on Open Agent, because it both a client and server no polling is; The server removes the update when it is required, 'hybrids' (where the agent is both clients and The server seems obvious - but this app will usually be installed in enterprise and government en...

google app engine - GAE java.lang.IllegalStateException: Must call one of set*BlobStorage() first -

I'm trying to upload using a file Blobstore API GAE. I am getting the following exception when running GAE Server Local (Dev Mode): Warning: / _ah / upload / ag10cmlwc2NoZWR1bGVychsLEhVfX0Jsb2JVcGxvYWRTZXNzaW9uX18YFQw java.lang.IllegalStateException: One set * BlobStorage (must call) first . ( on javax.servlet on ( on .GenericServlet.init org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.initServlet ( ( on org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.getServlet ( org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler at $ CachedChain.doFilter ( ( I have tried all versions since I am running GAE 1.3.5 but GAE 1.3.0 (first version with Blobstor). I am usin...

caching - cache file model cakePHP -

Cache model file in the app \ tmp \ cache \ Model \ I set the configuration cache :: configuration ('default', array ('engine' = & gt; 'file', 'duration' => 3600000, 'serialize' = & gt; wrong)); Why the model looks cache in 3s, if> 3s reload this model. (Because my app loading> 4C if I do not cache, then if I refresh the page then it is only loading 1s, but if> 3s is loading> 4s. I'm loading slowly Because the app model in the plug-in) Why do I set a 3600000 or a '5 minute' period, it still caches & lt; 3s model file and serial las => false it is still doing serial (I have been checked in the file) and the error may usually be c: \ xampp \ htdocs \ myapp \ app \ tmp \ cache \ model \ cake_model_default_poll_votes) [function.fopen]: failed to open the stream: invalid argument [core \ cake \ lbs \ file.php, line 154] Anyone can help me> & lt; (I read a lot of documents, please...

c++ - getpeername sa_data -

I want to get the socket IP address associated with my server socket. I've included my code. sa_data "["] does not return four types of [14]. Instead, it is [11] [1] [xxx] [xxx] [xxx] [xxx] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ... [] [] [] [] ... [] returns. Can anyone help? int initial results; Four sandmus [1024]; Four receive messages [1024]; WSADATA WSAData; Connector signal; IDR * results; Socket SunSocket; Socket client socket; Zoramori (and signs, shapes (signs)); Signal AE _Family = AF_INET; Signal AIICTIP = SOCK_STREAM; Signal E_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; Signal AI_flags = AI_PASSIVE; While (1) {Initial results = WSAS startup (MacWorld (2,2), and WSAData); If (initial results! = 0) {cout & lt; & Lt; "WSA Start Up Failed."; } Initial results = Getadienfo (faucet, port number, and signal, and result); If (initial results! = 0) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Fetching address information failed."; WSACleanup (); } List...

Best Data structure in C++ to find a string in a dictionary -

I'm beginning to get a C ++ file to store all the words in a dictionary. Can tell the best data structure in it and find if a word is present in the dictionary or not. I know that hash tables are the best, but I do not know which data structure uses them? Thank you very much earlier. unordered_set or hash_set in your C ++ implementation standard library may be. They are essentially the same thing; Formerly a part of the pre-C ++ 0x standard and supported by some of the latest compilers, the latter is the original SGI STL and includes several standard library implementations.

javascript - function to define current class in js -

What I want to do is a function that defines a "current" class for "code"; Li & gt; The tag depends on the page name. For example, if the name of the page is index.php, then I have to decide whether and I am sorry that I am not the best by explaining it. Here is an example code & lt; Ul id = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "index.php" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; I want the class to be "on" to & lt; Li & gt; tag, if the link is similar to the page name, is there any way to do this? Or am I on a waste mission? I think what you are asking, do you want to change this to the current page of the link Pointing here what the code looks like. var list = document.getElementsByTagName ('a'); Var page = window.location.pathname; Var i = list.length; While (i -) {if (list [i] .src.indexOf (page)> gt; {list [i] .className = 'current...

Tomcat Classpath -

I have a factory method in my JSP that seeks a config file in a predefined location example \ abcd \ configfolder \ conf Does. Xml and I have no control over this path ... currently the file is in this location C: \ Myfolder \ project \ abcd \ configfolder \ conf.xml and do not get Tomcat. So I think I'm C: \ Myfolder \ project is in my tomatoes square path, so the factory method conf.xml Can someone tell me how I can do this .. Thanks . Kaddy You are the right candy, put you in a folder like 'con'. Enter the folder in the path and you enter the file in the path as file myConfFile = new file ("../ conf / conf.xml").

html - Work out how many characters can fit into DIV with JavaScript -

Does anyone know how many letters can fit within the HIV block in HTML using Javascript, this is the best The way? Any advice will be of great help. You are not sure to check your words hidden div and its width that there is no better The way. Edit: Something like this: var targetWidth = document.getElementById ('DivToCheck'). ClientWidth; Var stringToFit = 'abcdefghijk'; Var numChars = 0; (Var i = 0; i & lt; stringToFit.length; i ++) {document.getElementById ('hidden'). InnerHTML + = stringToFit.charAt (i); If (document.getElementById ('hiddenDiv'). ClientWidth & gt; targetWidth) {numChars = i - 1; break; }} And lieutenant; Div id = "hidden" style = "visibility: hidden; width: auto;" & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;

svn - How to get local snapshots of the CVS repository -

I need to set only the CVS repository mirror for reading. Its purpose is to get a snapshot of the project from a set time And store it on a window box. Can you recommend the best way to do it? I do not have to use CVS at the local. Our team works with Subversion and if it is possible to check from CVS to SVN then it would be better. There is no need to make any changes in the CVS repository. I only need actual snapshots of sources from CVS. Do I have to schedule the migrating tools like cvs2svn with the cron for windows? Or better solution? You can simply use the CVS export command to get them. But I would recommend migration through the mentioned CVS2 SVN script.

background - iphone app if backgrounded and then killed from fast access bar, on next restart will crash with SIGKILL and iphone will turn black -

So I made that iPhone app ... if it has background for Another app or something else ... and then killed using the fast action switcher Resume the app crash app The iPhone The black screen with the status bar located at the top and just hangs there. If I can see a unconscious line again in the home button again, then maybe there is a faster app switcher. Although crazy funny, the id is correctly Want to handle it .. thoughts? Thank you! Try it running without attaching the debugger.

jquery - Show one <div> and hide another -

मेरे पास दो & lt; div & gt; तत्व: & Lt; div id = "छिपा हुआ" & gt; & Lt; div id = "hideitem" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "आइटम 5" प्रकार = "रेडियो" वर्ग = "आइटम" नाम = "आइटम" मान = "सामान्य" / & gt; सामान्य फ़ंक्शन & lt; / div & gt; मैंने & lt; div id = "hidden" & gt; से डिस्प्ले: कोई भी सेट नहीं किया है। मुझे यह दिखाना है कि जब रेडियो बटन क्लिक किया जाता है: $ ("# item5")। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("# hidden")। Show ();} लेकिन मैं & lt; div id = "hideitem" & gt; के बाद & lt; div id = "छिपा" & gt; दिखाया गया है? अधिकांश jQuery fx विधियों की तरह , .show () एक वैकल्पिक पैरामीटर है जहां आप कॉलबैक फ़ंक्शन सेवा कर सकते हैं। आप जिस पास से पारित किया गया फ़ंक्शन Fx प्रभाव समाप्त हो जाने के बाद निष्पादित होता है। $ ('# छिपा हुआ')। दिखाएँ ('तेज', फ़ंक्शन () {$ ...

iPad Splitview template and modal views -

I am trying to make a model view inside the Split View template. I can make one, but if you turn on the device or just press on the modal view, then it disappears behind everything. How do I create a full screen model view? I have tried every modal style but the model view will never stick. [urmodalviewcontroller setWantsFullScreenLayout: yes]; or urmodalviewcontroller.wantsFullScreenLayout = Yes;

select - Which option is selected in jQuery 1.2? -

jQuery 1.4 के साथ एक चयन-सूची के वर्तमान मूल्य को ढूँढना आसान है: । $ ( '# selectList') वैल (); लेकिन jQuery 1.2 के बारे में क्या है? मुझे एक "अपरिभाषित" मिलता है। मैंने भी कोशिश की $ ('# selectList: selected')। Val (); $ ('# SelectList विकल्प')। Val (); $ ('# SelectList विकल्प: चयनित')। Val (); कुछ भी नहीं काम करता है, लेकिन इस परियोजना के लिए मुझे jQuery 1.2 का उपयोग करना होगा क्षमा करें .val () jQuery 1.2 में काम करता है, भी। मेरी गलती मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि क्यों val () नहीं है आपके लिए काम कर रहा है, लेकिन आप तत्व प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और सादे DOM संपत्ति का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, मान : $ ('# selectList') [0]। मूल्य; // या $ ('# selectList')। प्राप्त करें (0)। मूल्य;

Alternative for OpenID? -

Is there an option for OpenID, what I mean is a site that provides our details completely, and we Site with that ID? Update It seems that I'm developing a site that has OpenAid integration, I do not have only one username as much details, so why am I asking There is no such system that you are looking for. You can request from many people the characteristics with OpenID, although you can not depend on being sent on them. Generally, the Ex Extension extension for OpenID is suited for your needs, however most providers supply only a few of the AX features - and of course, a user refuses to provide them.

Setting the xaml of the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox -

I can retrieve the XML with rtb.xaml.ToString () and store it in the database. But how do I set it? For example, I thought that RTB2 Xml = rtb.xml will work XML property is a type of string Therefore there is no need to use toString on it. You simply restore > Xaml as a string in a database and later with an assignment: - rtb Xaml = myXamlString; You should also note that only limited number of elements will perform serial implementation in this corps, you can not expect embedded controls like combo box In addition to the serials, only the relevant properties of the remaining elements will be sorted, then they will be related to the presence of the text. See for details.

django subquery via orm -

मेरे पास मॉडल हैं: वर्ग साइट (models.Model): profile = models मैं इस क्वेरी के बराबर डीजेंगो orm के माध्यम से कैसे कर सकता हूं? SELECT * साइट से जहां 2 नहीं है (साइट_आईड प्रोफ़ाइल_ब्लैक सूची से WHERE profile_site.profile_id = site.profile_id) मुझे कुछ प्रकार की ब्लैकलिस्ट फिल्टर की आवश्यकता है I प्रत्येक साइट में उपयोगकर्ता (प्रोफ़ाइल) है। इस उपयोगकर्ता की साइटों की काली सूची है मैं एक्सपैमल के लिए आईडी = 2 के साथ साइट की खोज करता हूं और मुझे साइटों की जरूरत है चुड़ैल के मालिकों की कोई सूची नहीं है। 2/2 एसक्यूएल। आप जो परिणाम चाहते हैं, उसके संदर्भ में सोचें। मुझे सच में समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि आप उस एसक्यूएल में एक subquery का प्रयोग क्यों कर रहे हैं। ऐसा लगता है कि आप जो करना चाहते हैं वह सभी साइटें मिलती हैं जिनके पास एक श्रेणी है जिसका आईडी 2 है। क्या यह सही है? यदि हां, तो आप क्या चाहते हैं: Site.objects.filter (category__id = 2)

drupal 6 - Embed node creation form using PHP -

I have content type called "Inquiry" I want to embed node creation form at different places on my website. How can I do this via PHP? Looks like a job for webform modules if you really want to go cck route Try something like this: $ node = new stdClass (); $ Node- & gt; Type = 'store_review'; Module_load_include ('inc', 'node', 'node pages'); $ Output = drupal_at-form ('store_review_node_form', $ node); Print output $; Ref:

Integrate regular and full text index in SQL Server -

मेरे पास निम्न स्तंभों के साथ SQL सर्वर में तालिका है: id int (प्राथमिक कुंजी) पाठ nvarchar (अधिकतम) (पूर्ण पाठ अनुक्रमित) प्रकार int और मेरे पास इस तरह के प्रश्न हैं: जहां शामिल है ([पाठ], @ टेक्स्ट) या जहां शामिल है ([पाठ], @ टेक्स्ट) और [प्रकार] = 3 हालांकि दूसरी क्वेरी धीमी है मुझे लगता है कि मुझे [type] क्षेत्र के साथ पूर्ण पाठ अनुक्रमणिका को एकीकृत करना चाहिए। क्या कोई दूसरा समाधान है? धन्यवाद मैं मान रहा हूं कि आप एसक्यूएल 2008 नहीं चला रहे हैं, क्योंकि उस संस्करण के एकीकृत पूर्ण पाठ इंजन को आपके जैसे प्रश्न के लिए बेहतर निर्णय लेना चाहिए। पिछले संस्करणों के लिए, मेरे पास कस्टम टैग के कुछ फार्म के साथ टेक्स्ट में अतिरिक्त कुंजी एम्बेड करके सफलता मिली है। उदाहरण के लिए, "यह मेरा नमूना पाठ है। TypeKey_3" तब जहां ([पाठ], @ टेक्स्ट और "प्रकार की_" + @ टाइप)

java - Hide Rubik's Cube Internal Wirings -

In terms of Java / OpenGL application, I am depicting the large cube made of a black wired (only without filling) 27 hours. cubes. To do this, I wrote the following code: for (int x = 1; x & lt; = 3; x ++) {for (int y = 1; y and lt; = 3; y ++) {For (int z = 1; z Vircube is using the method using GL11.glBegin (GL11.GL_LINE_LOOP); To define the projection and correct the "camera" position, use the correct call to gluPerspective in the case of "camera" I am capable of displaying it as needed and .... I am very happy with that! My new problem is now, how to modify this code to "hide" all the wiring coming inside the big cube? Thanks in advance for help Manu Depth Test ( glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST) ) and put the quad on the cubes' surfaces. To draw a quad, glBegin (GL_QUADS) Use the four corners and glend () calls.

How to store data in array in mysql function or procedure -

How to store data in the array in the MySQL function or process? How to start an array in MySQL? Array ( array (1 => 1, b => 2) Is it possible in mysql? You can serialize () and unserialize () using a PHP array in MySQL. Serialize () converts any data, including an array, for a string, which is anarchized () I believe that other languages ​​have the same possibilities and methods. The only choice is to parse it Can not search and search with pure SQL.

oop - Modeling question about categorization. To subtype or not to? -

How to model this simple classification (?) Example I would like some advice: I have a product, a product There may be different types, such as ProductType 1, ProductType 2, and ProductType 3. All products have a part number and a name. Whereas they are different, their prices are calculated accordingly. Depending on how much product product is in type 1 product. So if I have 5 products, then the value is $ x if I have 20 products, then the price is IN $ Y, and so on. The price of the product 2 types depend on the weight of each product. If weighs 5 kilograms, then the price is $ x, and so on. Product is a simple product in 3 types, such as $ x for each product. The way I see it, the table / class devoted to each "value structure". Depending on the type of product of a product, its value will be a reference to the structure. Can you just create a "product type" table and have properties with type attribute on the product class or will you use normaliz... mvc - Unique constraint with data annotation -

I System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations'm using namespace to validate sections of your domain . How can I create a custom attribute to validate the property's specificity regardless of the database (through some interfaces, for example)? This is what I came up solution to this solution, it is only for a record with a different ID Checks the table, which is the same value for the property as confirmed. It assumes that you will be using LinqToSql, and there is a single ID column on any table on which this type of verification is required. I also want to put a unique barrier on the underlying table in the database. This feature allows me to put a good error message on the form and to associate with the proper property public category UniqueAttribute:. ValidationAttribute {public celebration & lt; DataContext & gt; GetDataContext {Get; Private set; } Public string IDProperty {get; Private set; } Public string message {get; Private set; } Public unique propert...

statistics - Ruby statistical gem -

What are Ruby Gems that can do data processing? The Rishrabi is the slowest, RSRBB is fastest and is close to RSRBB in performance. RSRB is a very specific platform, and you need to compile R with the sharelib option. Router-Ruby-Client is easy in that aspect because the RuralView provides a TCP socket server so that you can send commands to the R-interpreter. All 3 of the AFAs are unfortunately not even documented for beginners. Router-Ruby-Client is very active, the other 2 are less.

java - Running a standalone Hadoop application on multiple CPU cores -

My team created a Java application using the Hadoop libraries to turn the bunch of my output files into useful output. Looking at the current load, a single multicore server will work fine for the next year or so. We do not have to go for a multi-level Hadoop cluster (yet), yet we decided to start this project "being prepared". When I run this application in command-line (or in eclipse) or Netbins I still have not been able to reduce it to a map and / or thread at a time to convince it. Given the fact that the tool is very CPU intensive, this "single threadedness" is my current obstacle. When it is run in the Netbeans Profiler, I find that the app starts many threads for different purposes, but only one map is running at least one moment. Input data has many input files, so Hadop should be able to run per input 1 thread at the same time for the mapping phase. What can I do to run at least 2 or 4 active threads (which is possible for this application'...

Java: StringUtils.join on an ArrayList returns NoSuchMethodError Exception -

I have an ArrayList that I would like to connect with a delimiter of ',' I have read here in some answers that StringUtils. Joint is a good choice but the problem is that when I try to join an ArrayList, I get the following error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache. Commons.lang.StringUtils. Ljava / Lang / string; (C Ljava / util / archive); Code: Array list & lt; String & gt; Friends list = new Array's & lt; String & gt; (); . . . StringUtils.join (Friends list, ','); What am I missing? When I am coding with Netbeen, I do not warn this error, this is when I try to compile. You have an older version of Commons-Lang, get the latest version, which has this method. Alternatively, you can call StringUtils.join (friendsList.toArray (), ',')

android - Put constrains to an EditText -

I have an edit text and I want to put the following restrictions in XML code (if possible): Disable all capital letters (inversion of android: collocation or similar focus than live cass) Block text to maximize 1 text . (For example, to avoid when I enter editing, then it grows up to create a new line) In fact, my edit text is a search field ( But in my case I do not want to use the special search widget.) Thanks To add a single line to the editive, add it to its tag: android: singleLine = "true" In addition to Android: Capitalization dropped And instead the following should be used android: inputType = "textCapCharacters" Although no matching lowercase input is typed , So you may have to apply it manually using setOnKeyListener.

iphone - Fetched Results Controller with NSPredicate vs. Core Data NSSet -

OK, so I have a UITableView hierarchy top level controller, for categories, that for category unit The results obtained with the specific definition are chosen by the controller. When a user taps a cell, those items are advanced to the table view controller. At this point, I was assuming that I should use a result controller with the prospectus so that the results are not found to filter the results. However, I have many difficulties to explain what it does for all the examples search string for comparative properties are looking for. Corunda is not comparing the rationale. So is it a better practice to use this method, or simply get the NSSet of items passed in the class managed object? Your second level view controller should be in the selected category through dependency injection as the asset. To do this, when a category is selected in your top level controller, you get a pointer through the NSFetchedResultsController , the new view controller Set up an immediate,...

c++ - Design pattern to refactor switch statement -

I have something like the following in the header class messenger {public: unsigned int GetMsgType () Const {return type_; } ... Private: Enum type {MSG_DERIVED_1, MSG_DERIVED_2, ... MSG_DERIVED_N}; Unsigned int type_; ...}; Square MsgDerived1: Public MsgBase {...}; Class MsgDerived2: Public MsgBase {...}; ... class MsgDerivedN: Public MsgBase {...}; and is used as ; Msgbase msgHeader; // In the input stream the peep / / is the derived message type to obtain the base class // Non-destructive input stream deserizable (msgHeader); Unsigned int msgType = msgHeader.getMsgType (); MsgDerived1 msgDerived1; MsgDerived2 msgDerived2; ... MsgDerivedN msgDerivedN; Switch (msgType) {case fills out MSG_DERIVED_1: // msgDerived1 inputstream // destructively inputStream.deserialize (msgDerived1); / * MSMDereViet1 processing * / break; Case MSG_DERIVED_2: inputStream.deserialize (msgDerived2); / * MSMDereViet1 processing * / break; ... Case MSG_DERIVED_N: InputStream Disease (msgDerivedN);...

templates - C++: Inheritance v. Containment for a templatized class -

मेरे पास निम्न संरचना है: टेम्पलेट & lt; typename T & gt; संरचना ओडपी {टी एम_टी; }; मैं इसे विशेषज्ञ करना चाहता हूं ताकि मैं एक ऑपरेटर जोड़ूंगा ताकि टाइप एसटीएल सेटों के साथ अच्छी तरह से नाटकों हो। (मैं सीधे ओडीपी को संशोधित नहीं कर सकता, यह लीगेसी कोड है।) यहां दो तरीके हैं जो मुझे करने के बारे में है: struct Ftw: public ओडीपी & lt; int & gt; {बूल ऑपरेटर == (कॉन्स्ट एफटीडब्ल्यू और आरए) {रिटर्न एम_ टी == आरएमएसएम_टी; }}; संरचना FtwContain {Odp & lt; int & gt; ODP; बूल ऑपरेटर == (कॉन्स्ट एफटीवी कॉन्टैनैंड और आरए) {return odp.m_t == rhs.odp.m_t; }}; क्या पहले से दूसरे को पसंद करने का कोई कारण है? क्लीनर कोड की अनुमति देने के लिए पहला तरीका दिखाई देता है: Ftw ftw; Ftw.m_t = 2; FtwContain ftwContain; FtwContain.odp.m_t = 2; (इसके अलावा, यह एक मौका है कि मैं "टेम्पलेट विशेषज्ञ" शब्द के बारे में उलझन में हूं।) मुझे विश्वास नहीं है कि कोई नया प्रकार बनाने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है - बस एक नि: शुल्क कार्य लिखें: टेम्पलेट & lt; t...

flex - Enumerate the properties of an AS3 object that may or may not be dynamic -

To send a POST request I have to calculate all the properties of a given object. This object can not be dynamic or may be. I'm looking for the most beautiful solution this is what I've got so far: function createURLVariables (params: object): URLVariables {// solution: Flash Player does a GET If no parameters are passed in Param = = force post: true}; Var vars: URLVariables = new URLVariables (); Var property name: string; Var attribute list: XMLList = Description type (parameter) .. variable; Var Property Lamps: int = propertyList.length (); // A dynamic object will not return the attributes in this property if (Propertyist Lingti & gt; 0) {for (var i: int; i & lt; propertyListLength; i ++) {propertyName = propertyList [i] @ Name; Vars [propertyName] = Counselor [property name]; }} Else {for (propertyName in params) vars [propertyName] = params [propertyName]; } Returns Wars; } One potential problem is that it will not return the attributes for the gates. ...

java - HashMap implementation of DataSource interface : nextRow() method? -

I would like to apply a DataSource interface (in Java), which, among other things, To get nextRow () from the data, I want to initially implement the data store through the Hashmaps, but it will be different from the underlying data structure, and will provide an interface as mentioned has been done. Is this sound a good idea? Implementation of next line () implementation hashmap seems a bit messy - I think it is necessary to provide an Iterator on the collection view of the data. And I think I'll also need to provide the resetIterator method? To provide more details: I'm thinking newRow () method hashmap Implementation of Hashmap data store Hashmap Any thoughts or comments are highly appreciated! Interfaces, through ITR, and revealing methods. You can use any of these behind the scenes to do what's in your mind. On one side note that a hashmap for every data line is too overhead. If you can already fix a set of columns, then to repr...

javascript - How to do multi-line Title in div tag? -

I would like to display a tooltip on mouse hover to the following div tag. But, it displays it as a single line. How do I display it for several lines? & lt; Div title = "a good & lt; br / & gt; day" & gt; Blown & lt; / Div & gt; It appears that modern browsers will show a tooltip on the new line after the train's return: & lt ;! - I have "row" - & gt; The word is entered after; & Lt; Div id = "myDiv" title = "first line multilevel" & gt; Hello World! & Lt; / Div & gt; Or you can try the value defined by Javascript: var myDiv = document.getElementById ('myDiv'); MyDiv.title = "First line \ n multiline";

Adsense ads don't show up, only "Ads by Google" and a textbox -

I'm not sure this is the right place to post this question. Feel free to close this thread if necessary, but this is my question: the page where the ad is located I copied / pasted the ad code and it was a Placed in simple page (because it was not working on my actual website). The ad code is for "Ads for content" Adsense. It is considered to be something like this: Ads by Google Ad1 Ad2 Ad3 .... But it shows: Google Text Box Button Advertising Is there a way to decide that I It's not related to code, but instead of Google Ads Settings. Are any of you familiar with Google Adsense? This is working as intended due to lack of real content on the page to show in There are no ads.

error handling - How to exit a matlab m-file (NOT the matlab itself) if the user enters bad inputs? -

If the user enters bad input, then how to get out of a matlab m-file (nor matlab)? I know that if an M-file goes wrong on runtime, then we can press Ctrl-C to stop it. But I need an order to put in my M-file to do this, if something bad happens Please do not suggest the 'exit' or 'quit' command, because they Finish the entire matlab and I do not want this. You can just enter an error command like error ('bad user input'), Must stop. Edit: Alternatively, you simply do not set the input flag to true unless your code refactor if you are valid or input or call your main function Then fprintf ('invalid input') end inp = input ('& gt;', s)>

amazon ec2 - Programming on Highly Distributed Clusters -

I want to practice programming on a distributed cluster and I will not have to pay. I know about Amazon EC2, but this type of certain use is not for free. Why do not you make clusters locally? You can install SW like virtualboxes and create virtual servers. There are some Linux distributions ready to be installed on the virtual server, e.g. . Or if you can leave the computer you can play.

performance - C++ & DirectX - setting shader -

Does anyone know a faster way to process shader via directX? I am currently setting the shaders using the D3DXCreateEffectFromFile call, from * to (once every shader copy) in order Create shaders. Fx files. Rendering parts for each object ( every patch in my case - look forward ), then it means: // ---- ---------------- // preprocessing effect-> Start (); Impact & gt; BeginPass (0); Effect-> Setmatrix (or vector or whatever - internal shader parameters) (...) effects- & gt; Commute change (); // -------------------- // Geometry Rendering // Pass the Geometry to Render // ... // -------- - ---------- // Postprocessing / End Effect passes through effect - and piece (); Impact & gt; the ending (); It's okay, but the profiler shows weird things - preprocessing (see code) about takes into . 60% of the time (I'm rendering of 256 patch of terrain where every patch contains about 10k vertices) takes actual geometry rendering ~ 35% and pos...

Microsoft Search Server 2010 Accessing different content sources in C# -

I have created two separate content sources in my Microsoft Search Server 2010 and I am thinking that I would like to crawl results for them How can I personally get C # thanks Setup scope for and when you create your query includes the name of the scope is a useful tool that helps in our development

How do you get Intellisense for Python in Eclipse/Aptana/Pydev? -

Is gaining intelence in functionality like eclipse (better than the default) for dragon development? I am using eclipse 3.5 with aptana and pydev and interpreter is python 2.5.2 you Probably never going to get something as intellisense for Python as the dynamic nature of the dragon, it is often impossible to know the type of variable and if you are not about your type You know, you can not automatically complete things like class members. Personally, I think that autocomplete in PyDev is very good, the nature of the dragon. This is not so good for Java and probably will not happen, but it's definitely not going to happen. By doing this I have not tried that PyDev is capable of using parameter types in Python 3.x Otherwise, this can be an improvement that makes life a little easier Could. Update: Curious and tested promptly, it seems that alternative type information in Python 3 has not been used by PyDev.