
Showing posts from July, 2012

Jquery ajax with multiple modal windows -

I am using a Struct application with JQuery as a Javascript library. I have JSP which calls a javascript method with a button that fire an AJAX request for an action. (Action 1) The action returns a JSP page that is displayed in a model window. Now, this JSP page is a button that calls another action (action 2) that returns a JSP page or should return to the base page. So here is a modal window click here or move forward to another modal window or base page. How can we complete this with JQuery? You can return the string "off" or html for the new modal window and do something with this line : $ .ajax ({url ('& lt; html') == -1) $ ('# modalwindow1'). Dialog ('off'); Otherwise {"some URL", success: work (data) {if (data. $ ('# Modalwindow2') .html (data); $ ('# modalwindow2'). Dialog ();}}}); Believes that you are using JQuery.dialog for your modal window

java - scheduling different crontimers with the same job id -

How to schedule different times for the same task. For the East: I have a job job name = "Job 1") The difference timer in Job 1 ( 20 * * * *?) and ( 0 0/2 * * *?? ) The first timer needs to be scheduled for every 20 seconds and the second timer will be set to set the time of each 2 minute Required. My problem is that the last timer is just scheduling. You can set it for only 20 seconds, in this way, you have 2 minutes on the 6th trigger Must have to trigger. Or was this just an example? Otherwise, AFAIK, you will need to create two examples.

templates - source code(COBOL) generation using a java program -

I'm going to write code generator to generate a cobol program by using some input file in the record. I'm going to implement it as a Java program. I think the XML / XSL approach will not be suitable in this case, because the input file is not in the XML format. I think a template processor will be helpful, because some part of it can be generated using the current source template. What tool should it be useful for Apache velocity? What would be helpful in this regard? I have used velocity for the source code generation in the past. It worked quite well, but ended up writing a fair bit of generator in Java. When your data is straight-forward in the target code from the structures, then the velocity is good. Before starting the move, the in-memory data structure is to be found in the correct form. (And I'm not going to criticize Cobol as a target language. It is clearly a practical reason to use it.) Nuff said that P> Other velocity options include freem...

php - Generating {$num} inside {foreach} -

I am working on a smart template. I should have a number in my list array then I tried {foreach} {$ num} {/ foreach} Which prints 0 1 2 3 4 5 ........ I want my numbers to begin with 1 Become; 0 How do I get it? OR Is there any other way thanks {Foreach} {$ num | Assign: $ num + 1} {$ num} {/ foreach} or {foreach} {assign var = new value = $ num + 1} {$ newnum} {/ foreach}

java - how to store and retrieve items? -

I need to store all encrypted messages so that it can be recovered and displayed by pressing a button, that is Press button 3 time for the last third message; After retrieving the encrypted message, give the user an estimate (type in the original text) and send a basic message and press a button. How many characters are displayed and how wrong they are. Sorry for the really bad question. Here is an example of my current coding, basically I get input from a textfield, how do I retrieve and retrieve the input? string input = txtInput.getText (); Stringbuilder builder = new stringbiller (); Char [] charArray = input.toCharArray (); For (int i = 0; i.e.R.R.E.Langle; i + = 2) {if (I + 1 & lt; char. Line) {// Even builder.append (I + 1); } // Strange Builder.Append (Chair [ii]); } String flipped text = builder.string (); Lblencryted.setText (flippedText); For (int i = 0; i & lt; 100; i ++) {string [] storeArray = {flippedText}; }} Private Zero jButton2ActionPerformed (java...

Java and SSH: maintaining a connection -

Target: Remote control SS server with a connection and multiple sessions or a continuous session. Problem 1: I am currently using sshj to do some remote control through SSH and it works well, but I think it is the right way to handle it. Indicates (the host does not provide the true root, just the pseudo-i will have to log in before). Problem 2: I'm downloading XPtags to handle quickly but I can not understand for my life how to maintain the session after logging in once and being certified as root. The current hack solution requires that I log in again every time: than the public class {spawn shell; ExpectJ exp; String host; Int port; String user name; String password; Boolean pseudo = false; Public expectations (string host, int port, string username, string passwd) throws IOException, timeout exposure, expedgexation {exp = new ExpectJ (5); = host; This.port = port; This.username = Username; This.passwd = passwd; Shell = exp.spawn (host, port, username, passwd)...

jquery - PHP Query Generator/Reporter -

I am in the process of tweaking a web application and so far I have explained some very helpful people from here, explain Thank you in the words of the common man. In my app I wanted the ability to generate different types of useful reports to search for records and use the results in one of the capabilities. In my workplace we had a system like the image below Use, to do so. In addition to searching and creating reports, I reprints the user's search criteria for easy future searches. Is there an easy way to do this? The image you've linked looks like a lot of things I have done many times. I have thought of diving in my own app, but there was never a good enough reason. I did some searches and found out there is not much else. This is a very basic but will work for generating custom SQL statements or for someone who is not able to write their own SQL queries. Wish I had more thoughts! Hopefully someone else will.

iphone : facebook application responce error message -

I am trying to integrate Facebook into my iPhone application. After logging in with my iphone, I am receiving a response message as "Appointments error" Can anyone help, why am I getting this error ??? Thanks in advance ... Yes, I get the answer. When you have made some changes registered with Facebook with Facebook, then the need to refresh the API key and secret key i.e. this will change. Then the face book will provide "Application Feedback Error" error. Just change the AP key and secret key and the application will be running. Hurray .. I have done ....

.net - Problems with VS2010, Framework 2.0 and KB979909 -

Our team has installed VS 02010 on Friday afternoon. When I came to work on Monday morning, then this The establishment of the Net Framework (especially 2.0 part) was corrupted. The programs were complaining that they did not get 2.0 assembly, and our main app failed to start. The reflector will not start because this system could not be found. Data Still trying to run the existing VS 2008 version solution on my machine was still unsuccessful. It was working perfectly on Friday, and I did not update the code. I searched through the event log and found that late late night, the machine automatically started installing hotfix among others. It stood one, however, because it failed to install. The hotfix details are: MS10-041: Description of the security update for the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and for the .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 for Windows 2000 2003 for Windows Server , And for Windows XP: June 8, 2010 It seems that the installation has corrupted 2.0 frame...

How Silverlight code gets exceuted -

Can anyone tell me how the Silverlight code executes? For example, if we request an .aspx page in, then the browser requests http over the server and then it goes through the pipeline at the server level and requests the last html handler processes and plain on the browser HTML gives. What happens in the light of silver? Great article

cocoa - How can i use NSSavePanel to select a directory? -

I have to select the user's existing or new directory where my app can save some files. Can I do it with NSSavePanel or is there any other directory selector class? does not give capacity to choose folders, but (a sub-section of the nsweeppanel) Set Yes for setCanChooseDirectories: and -ControlCredit Directories:, set a signal that is understandable with -setPrompt:.

documentation - Is there a reason why we don't embed the design document for code in the source itself? -

Can not we write design documents for source code within the source code? I feel like Doxygen, but basically (and rather exciting) you have a big part at the end of your source file with the focus that has taken away from the implementation to the design. Every time I start writing a new source file (and its crisp white pages), it would be good if the first things were written, notes, thoughts and ideas were; The module which was hoped / wanted / dreamed. Perhaps the proximity of the source code will encourage more and enthusiastic attention to its documentation? Or maybe I should spend time in preparing self-documentation code. One problem with embedding the design in the source code is that the source layout / structure is probably too grainy to file at the file level - that is, covered, writing good, clean, self-documentary code If you are making a recapitulation then you may have too many small files, and the documentation of each one is useless (all the notes will be ...

javascript - URL Validation - Accepts URLs without protocols -

I have a basic url validation in my applican right now I am using the following code. // is valid whether the value given is valid URL function is valid URL (value) {var regexp = / (ftp | http | https): \ / \ / (\ w +: {0,1} \ W * @) (\ S +) (: [0-9] +)? (\ / | \ / (\ W #: +!!? = & Amp;% @! \ - \ /])) / return regexp.test (value); } but it is not accepting the URL without the protocol. If I provide for the former, then he is not accepting it. How can I modify this RegEx to make the URL acceptable without the protocol? There is a long regex for matching a URL: (? I) \ b ((?: (?: [Az] [\ w -] + :)? (?: / {1,3} | [A -z0-9%]) | www \ d { 0.3} [] | [One-Z0-9 \ -] [] [az] {2,4} /) (: ...? [^ (S) ] | \ (([ ^ \ S () ( ] | (\ [[^ \ s () ]))) * \) | [^ \ s` () \ [\] {}:: ''., An extended version of it (to help understand it): (? Xi) \ b (# Capture 1: Completed match URL (?: (?: [Az] [\ w]] + :)? # URL protocol and colon (?: / {1,3} # 1 -3 slash...

read html/text from another html page using jquery -

Is it possible to read or remove html / text from a different .html page using jquery? This is what I would like to read and display in a different page Content 1 content1 content1 content1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "newsItemContent" & gt; & Lt; H1 class = "title" & gt; Title 2 & lt; / H1> Content 2 content2 content2 content2 & lt; / Div & gt; thanks most definitely what you want to do , He will.

Regex that defines a regular language with {a,b} without a substring with exactly 3 b's (bbb) -

बहुत ज्यादा सवाल क्या कहते हैं (ba)? (A + bb + bbbbb + aba) * (ab)? क्या कोई और अधिक पठनीय है? या यह गलत है? मुझे पता है कि वास्तव में आप रेगेक्स के साथ इस तरह की चीज नहीं कर सकते हैं जब आप बस जा सकते हैं! ~ / बीबीबी / अपने कोड में, लेकिन यह एक सिद्धांत व्यायाम है धन्यवाद। स्पष्टीकरण के लिए संपादित करें: मैं | का उपयोग नहीं कर रहा हूँ, या फिर रेगेक्स में और + इसके बजाए गलतफहमी के लिए खेद है। संपादन 2: {a, b} केवल 'a' और 'b' वर्णों वाली भाषा के लिए है नहीं {न्यूनतम, अधिकतम} दोबारा माफी चाहूंगा। संपादित करें: क्योंकि यह एक सिद्धांत वर्ग का हिस्सा है, हम केवल रेगेक्स की बुनियादी बातों के साथ काम कर रहे हैं। केवल उन चीज़ों को आप उपयोग करने की अनुमति है +,?, () और * आप {न्यूनतम, अधिकतम) का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते। 6,696 24 37 3 अगस्त को 13:30 पर 1,745 5 28 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; मुझे आपका प्रश्न समझ में नहीं आ रहा है। {a, b} का मतलब है कि कित...

html5 - Does iPhone/iPad Safari require 'Accept-Ranges' header for video? -

I am having trouble serving the video to my dev server who plays in Mobile Safari. My dev server does not support 'accept-range' header and after reading some forums I have found that my problem may be. Is that correct? Does Mobile Safari Need Accept-Range Headers? Does anyone point me to any Apple document that really tells? Thank you. I have found some Apple documentation that says that in fact it is necessary for the video. Can support HTTP server byte-range requests for hosting media files for iOS, which is used to access random access to iOS media playback (Byte-Range support is also known as content category or partial-range support.) Most, but not all, HTTP 1.1 servers already support byte-range requests. If you are not sure whether your media server supports byte-range requests, you can open Terminal applications in OS X and download a small section of the file on the server to execute the curl command. Line Tools can be used: Curl - Range 0-99 ht...

qt - Restrictions in creating a plugin -

Tried the example of QT plugin example it did not work at all and I was confused as a reason for this Found solution on one of the forums all three of the QT, applications and plugins with the same configuration (release / debug) It should be made for me because I can make everyone debug / release mode in three but if I have users If I want my applications to use plugins, then I need to provide a debug build of my application. (If I provide a Release Build, users will not be able to bother plug-in). QT source is available, so it can be made in any way. I do not want to provide debug builds to users of my applications. Is there any work for this restriction on build mode for plugins? PS I understand that users can debug with logging statements, but it is not certain how many people like this approach. This is why QT has a so-called build key Qt is a string with configuration information, it is documented in. So you should proceed and build your debug. Your appli...

python - Django: Model field for storing a list of floats? -

I want to store a variable-length list of floats in Django. Com-separated Integer field, but is there anything I can use? Would it be best if I applied my commonsparent floatford or is there something that is missing me completely? Thank you. I think you can easily define your own area: comma_separated_float_list_re = re.compile ('^ [[+ +] \ d * \ \ d + [, \ s] *) + $') validate_comma_separated_float_list = RegexValidator (comma_separated_float_list_re, _ (u ' Class CommaSeparatedFloatField (CharField): default_validators = [validators.validate_comma_separated_float_list] Description = _ ("floats apart from comma") def formfield (self, ** kwargs): defaults = {'Error_messages': {'invalid': _ (.u'Enter only by commas Different floats'),}} defaults.update (kwargs) return super (CommaSeparatedFloatField, self) .formfield (** defaults) This snippet is not, but you may find it Can adapt for your needs.

html - How simple CSS breadcrumbs work -

I'm trying to duplicate this tutorial, here's a simple apple-themed breadcrumb made: Even after viewing the updated example and downloading the source code from here: I can not tell that HTML and CSS only "Who knows" which page is currently is. Obviously, if your browser is pointed out that the browser knows that you are on this page, but what part of HTML or CSS determines that the breadcrumbs are for later pages Should skip graphics, and erase current page graphic? Sorry for the simple question. XD Update: OK, now it is resolved, There is a suggestion for the easiest way to influence anyone. It is not. This tutorial is for bus styling, not to produce breadcrumbs; You have to do that part manually or by some scripts manually. Re-update The breadcrumbs are essentially the current path below the tree. Your site is Site Map (XML, not SEO, but also your site Let's start with the actual page structure). For example: Home JavaScript Vani...

objective c - How to use the @dynamic directive in a Category implementation? -

When I try to use @ dynamic directive in the class implementation, I'm not assigned "dynamic @ dynamic An interface can be done ". Does anyone know if there is a proper way to use this instruction in this category? Define the interface for the class, as you would with a class: @interface NSObject (RetainProperty) @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL more ThanOneRetain; @end @implementation NSObject (RetainProperty) @dynamicMore ThanOneRetain; - (BOOL) more orthodontane {Returns (1 Lt; [self-sustaining number]); } @end

Is there any tool that can monitor status of my working copies from SVN repository? -

I'm looking for a device that will warn me (or to check the status of several folders) when Also I have some pending changes in my working copies I have many projects on which I work and in fact can use such equipment which will attract my attention in such a case. I know that the Tortoise SVN mark overlays that work if it works well Works from, but it is not. I tried, and had more issues with TortoiseSVN than before. I do not want to go through 10 + projects periodically and check for TortoiseSVN "" modifications manually. I'm looking for some other solutions UPDATE: I can really be OK with a script. The important thing is that after execution I should get the status of several working copies. What is SVN Monitor? All your commonly-used svn-actions (Update, Commit, Back, Difference ...) - Keep your source up to date with minimum conflicts and manual mergers Offline disconnected from SVN repository ) While browsing and searching svn logs from your...

entity framework - ASP.NET MVC 2 Create Model using POST -

मेरे पास निम्न मॉडल है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग उत्पाद {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी}; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } प्राइवेट इंट क्लास आईआईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक श्रेणी श्रेणी {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग इन्वेंटरीडिफ़िक्स {get; सेट; }} मेरे पास एक नियंत्रक है जो एक नया उत्पाद बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि कैसे मेरे मॉडल की संपत्तियों को सीमित करना है जो POST डेटा से बाध्य किया जा सकता है? चूंकि मैं केवल उपयोगकर्ता और पोस्ट के लिए नाम और श्रेणी चाहता हूं। या क्या यह एक बेहतर दृश्यमॉडल बनाने के लिए बेहतर है, जिसमें केवल इन गुणों को बाध्य किया जा सकता है? सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही परिणाम (उत्पाद पृष्ठ) या सार्वजनिक एक्शन रिजल्ट (CreateProductViewModel मॉडल) बनाएँ जहां सार्वजनिक वर्ग CreateProductViewModel {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट;} सार्वजनिक एटआईसीआईडी ​​{प्राप्त; सेट;}} दृश्य के साथ जाएं आदर्श। यह डेटा मॉडल से आपके दृश्य को घटाना होगा। जैसा कि आपने पाया है कि उन्हें हमेशा की जरूरत नहीं होती है और मॉडल को देखने के लि...

c# - How to pass a class into another class to a codebehind? -

How to pass a square into another class in Codebahind? When I look in debug and my.categoryObj in the default .aspx page, I can see that the object is in debug. What am I doing wrong? I know that I can create an object in Default.aspx, but I should be able to call the business logic level and return to the object and then fill the object and pass it back. Default.aspx using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Web.UI.WebControls; Using SC1.Models.OBJ; Using SC1.Models.BLL; Using SC1.Models.DAL; Namespace SC1 (Public Partial Category) Default: System. Web. UI page (safe sender, page alag) (object sender, eventArg E) {// I know that I can do this but I do not want it unless I do not even have it. // Category Category OBJ = new square (); Category BLL myCategoryBLL = New Class BLL (); Object myCategoryObj = myCategoryBLL.CategoryNew (); // How can I work out the code below or what I'm doing ...

How to display list of WordPress custom post types? -

I am using WordPress 3 and I have created a custom post type that the article has been written, My website / article / article title. How do I view all article entries in the url website / articles? Assume that you set up everything properly and you see the post type on a public template page See this code in mycustomtemplate.php or eqivilate. & lt ;? Php $ loop = New WP_Query (array ('post_type' = & gt; 'article', 'post_pages' = & gt; 10)); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php while ($ loop-> is_pause ()): $ loop-> The_post (); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php the_title ('& lt; h2 class = "entry-title"> , '& lt; / a & gt; & lt; / h2 & gt;'); ? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "login-content" & gt; & Lt ;? Php the_content (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;? Php timeline; ? & Gt; You can customize the loop as you would blog posts and pages if you want to get all...

.net - ImagExpress Version 8 on 64 bit -

I'm trying to find a 64 bit version of Pegasus Imagex. They have one for download v10 and they have changed the signature and use of the library. We are now forced to change code base. Any thoughts? It has been noted that version 8 is not a 64 bit version of the eXexpress version download us version 10 Need and use, and make necessary changes.

c# - still trying to understand the dispose pattern -

I have read MSDN and various positions about settling the pattern, and there are still some things that I do not understand . I have written the following code to test the settlement pattern Please note that there are not extraordinary resources, I am using versus 2008 and 3.5. Public Partial Category Form 1: Form {Public Form 1 () {Initial Timeliness}; } Try Private Zero () (// Test 1: Assign the resource and assign it to GC BL.MEXA class DF = new BL.Maxal (); // test2: Try to collect garbage / GC / compiler () ; // Test 3: Dismiss the call itself // // (BL.myclass df = new BL.myclass ()) // {}} Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs) {tryDispose () ;} This is my disposable category: class myclass: IDisposable {private StronglyTypedDs myDS; Private Bull _ Dispute; public myclass () {(myDSTableAdapter DocDo Cadpt = new myDSTableAdapter ()) {myDS = new StronglyTypedDs (); docDocadpt.Fill (myDS.TheTable);}} # Area IDisposable Members Public Disposal Disposal (...

Optimization of F# string manipulation -

I'm just learning F # and converting the library of C # extension methods to F #. I am currently working to implement a function named ConvertTterTurnerCupCase based on C # under implementation : public static string conversion freterCuperCase (this string value) {If (string.IsNullOrEmpty (value)) return value; If (value.Length == 1) return value. ToUpper (); Return value Thabstring (0, 1) .User () + value. Thambaring (1); } F # implementation [& lt; System.endime.complierserve Extension Attribute & gt;] Module Public StringHelper Open System Open System.Collections.Generic Open System. Lynch ConvertHelper (X: Four []) = X with x | [| |] | Zero - & gt; "" | [| Head; |] - & gt; Char.ToUpper (head). Ostring () | [| Head; _ |] - & gt; Char.ToUpper (head) .ToString () + string (x.Skip (1) .toArray ()) [& lt; System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute >> Go ConvertFirstLetterToUppercase (Only this: string) = match with this...

tfs2010 - Can't Open from Source Control in TFS -

I do not know what happened here, but I wanted to open a project from a different source control or a different TFS server VS Using 2010 Open from file-> source control-> source control, I can get a PC where TFS server is running, however, the OK button is disabled or can not be clicked, even if the workspace and local path entries are filled VS 2010 tried to remove and re-installed, but still the problem exists, here is the reason? What is the only basis that the right button can be clickable? Thank you. Friedrich I think you need to change the TFS server from Connected Select "Connect to Team | Team Foundation Server" and select or add new TFS server. If you get a blank source control window with workspace grade out / unrelated and no source control option, on a project you probably have to change the provider. Go to "Tools | Options | Source Control" and make sure the provider is set to "Team Foundation Server".

iphone - Best way to implement a custom UITableViewCellAccessoryType to use as check mark (like a to-do list) -

I need to create a checklist using UITableView as a custom list, and tick, what's the best Will (fast and efficient) way to do this? In addition to this, what is the best way to tick / uncheck the inside of the AccessButtonTapPowerReviewAndInpath, for example, archive / retrieve the current state of the line (check / uncheck): - (zero) tableview: (UITableView *) tableviewTableviewTapFourWareNDExpath: (NSIndexPath *) indexpath {if (some == is checked) {Change accessory to uncheck {do stuff} else {accessoryView unchecked Sector // do stuff}} for Thank you! I have just found that Apple has made such an example! Here is the link to search for the same thing:

Loop through a .csv file in R, computing relative frequencies? -

I'm new to R and I'm trying to create one. Me and some frequencies are counted in this file and the values ​​associated with them are either 10, NA, or -4. What I want to do is known through each vertical line and then calculates their frequencies. I'm sure this is an easy script, but I'm not sure how R's syntax works so far. Can anyone get me started on this? The exact script can vary depending on your input, what type of output do you want (just interactive Has been printed on the console? CCV? Written), but here's my attempt: Read the data in CSV - it assumes that the heading & lt; - read.csv (file = "yourfile.csv") # For now, use this fake data & lt; Receive the frequency of values ​​for each column - data.frame (x = c (-4, 0, 1, 1, -4, n, suppose data is applied in each column (x = DAT, margin) , NA, 0), Y = C (1, 1, 1, 0, -4, NA, 0, NA)) = 2, Fun = function (x) {summary (factor (x)}} The apply function applies to the funct...

java - How to perform: Upload Image > Recognize Text > Make Image Searchable > Store into DB? -

I have to know how to do the process, you've already read in the title. You can upload an image (such as a piece of text, an article) and the server-side text will be identified through OCR and stored in the database. Which best programming language would be for this? It should be a browser application I got the Octopus project, but how can I add it to general web scripting languages ​​such as PHP? Is it possible at all? So far have not worked with Python. Or a completely different approach ..? Java Enterprise? Chris It may be that you Using the php library, I can use the images to recognize text and store the text read in the database. Download the Rare package and run example.php and then See example1.php how it works Here you have an image upload example: Hope it helps

keyboard shortcuts - SVN key bindings not working in Eclipse -

I have installed Eclipse 3.6 64-bit on a new Windows 7. I tried to set some key binning by using the key section of preferences + C - Command using SVN + U - Update using SVN Alt + R - Return using SVN All this past XPlus 3.5 works incorrectly on Windows XP on 32bit, but it does not work in my recent setup when I go to Navi on the 'Team' menu Magistrate am, shortcut appears next to the above actions (ie assumed Alt + U 'Update writes next to head'). Any suggestions? This may be due to the break in the eclipse 3.6: EDIT: It seems that this is definitely. See . In the "exactly the same perspective" dialog, go to the "Command group availability" tab and check "Team" and "SVN". Eclipse in Mars.2 (4.5.2) This window-> Perspective-> Perspective perspective ... dialog is under the "Setting availability availability" tab. (If you do not work after changing it, try restartin...

Toad truncating/rounding large Oracle numbers? -

We have the table with a 'value' field type NUMBER (20,7) . I do this in TOAD: update mytable set value = 1234567890123.1234567; Then I select: From mytable, select value, to_char (value) PRICE TO_CHAR (PRICE) 1234567890123.12 "1234567890123.1234567" The question is, Why are Todd's results reducing when displaying the NUMBER (20,7) field? The data is clearly there because it prints with to_char. ?? Todd limit number for 15 digits in the data grid. I believe this is because Excel numbers number 15 (or used to limit them) as well as numbers. You can turn on "scientific notation" in the option -> data grid -> data, check box display large numbers in scientific notation . It probably will not help, either.

What are the browser capabilities of the e-ink Amazon Kindle's WebKit offering? -

It seems that the new "experimental" web browser is limited in capabilities. Even the bookmarks of included bookmarks look a bit thicker In one, the person mentioned Javascript being able to "advanced" mode, but what did it mean was no demonstration. In this form of writing, only provides a quick paragraph about international support borders. Kindle WebKit Browser officially supports what kind of web standards? Kindle 3 handles javascript, but none of the flash, movies or other features. I found this website with my Kindle 3 - where I added hundreds of great burning friendly websites together. I chose the challenge myself to set up websites that were useful, and I could read on my burn without the need to change any settings, that means I need to change the font size or screen settings. Was not there. By doing so, I have created a site that drives browser boundaries, but saves you much time and frustration.

javascript - Find a JS function/string in Firebug script console -

I am using firebug to debug 3 lines of pocket, but I generate 10k line of JS code Am And I want to search those 3 lines manually. Is there a way to search for string / function in firebug script console? Any work around? Thank you There should be just one search box console - modal popup effect from silverlight usercontrol -

I'm playing around and trying to learn Silverlight4. I have an existing ASP.x page and the area of ​​600 * 400px is available for my Silverlight form. There are 2 user controls in my Silverlight application 1 There is a list view of some data in the user control, when a user clicks the item item, I display the second user. Is it possible from second user control to call the clientside function within the page, so that I have a similar effect as a model popup? Any help would be great! You should get your second control from ChildWindow (and Examples of using ChildWindow are to search the web). This control is designed to give this model pattern.

php - I need a tool that allows me to quickly generate html and xquery it -

Currently I have a good class that generates HTML and I like to stop without worrying about things like pg Allows to make, proper nesting, or explicit formatting syntax is straightforward and straight forward, // an anchor tag $ anchor = new tag ("a", array ("name "= & Gt;" anchor "); // Create $ Paragraph = Tag :: Craft (" p "," article android developers almet, painted ".); // container for them $ Div = & tag; plus ($ paragraph); $ div; echo; creates: gt; ; P & gt; Code> It's all well and good, I can immediately create tags, fill them with content and other tags, and can clearly output them However, I can not do such work, like take the existing HTML and find it in Find the tag using something like, or something like the xpath. As far as I can be told that I have 2 options: Write time to write functionality in the Exception and My Tag Tool, annoying and possibly elsewhere Efforts to be spent U...

How to cancel tasks in a Google App Engine task queue from within your code -

I am working on a GAE app that will take a comma separated list and make a batch work from it. I want to add a task to the work queue from any one batch work in a certain time. The problem with this is that if a task can not be executed then it will only retain and the rest of the work will never be added to the queue. Can I kill a task in the queue in any way from within my code if it is executed many times? There is an HTTP header for the tasks named "X-AppEngine-TaskRetryCount", which you will try again Tells the count. If exceeds a certain limit, then get out of work.

Dynamically finding build files with <ant> task -

I am trying to create a sub project from my main ant build script. plugings / & lt; PluginName & gt; /build.xml I want to do something effectively & lt; Ant antfile = "plugins / * / build.xml" ... & gt; This should be dynamically created files in the plug-in directory Solution: Thanks in advance. These links show you a way of building sub-projects: Check this answer:

Permutation of char array In C -

I am working on an algorithm that searches for all permutations of elements of four arrays for a few days and Ok just do not seem to work. The four array is a ** array, which I repeat based on the number entered by the user and then the malloc location for each word (every 40 characters) Is the number entered by the user, the length of the array , And this is the number that they expect to enter. This part works as expected. The problem I am facing is running through four arrays and calculating the permutation of the entire set (array **). I again want to combine all the permutations of the set to another character array. Now the permutation of the unit index ** array, not individual letters of each index. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to successfully do this regardless of the size of the initial set? I believe if the set size is stable, then it will be very easy. My initial array looks like this in an example char * array [] = {"hello", "calcula...

OpenGL - How Transparency works? -

Do I need alpha channels for transparency to work in OpenGL? Can I use glBlendFunc or some other to make / make any black or white color transparent? If so, how to do it? No, you do not need an alpha channel in your texture.

unix - Kill and restart multiple processes that fit a certain pattern -

I am trying to write a shell script which will kill all the processes that match a certain pattern, then Restart them I can display this process with them: ps -ef | Grep | Grep -v grep | Sort -k 10 The list provides relayer processes: User 2220258 1 0 16:53:12 - 0:01 / bin / KSH /../../../../../ws_sched_600 Sh EDW02_env User 5562418 1 0 16:54:55 - 0:01 / bin / KSH /../../../../ EDW03_env User 2916598 1 0 16:55:00 - 0: 01 / bin / ksh /../../../../../ EDW04_env But I'm not sure how to kill the pass of the process ID? sort does not seem necessary to you command-line arguments to the , you can use awk to print the other columns and xargs . . ps -ef | Grep | Awk '{print $ 2}' | | Xargs kill Alternatively, you can use pkill or killall , which kicks on the basis of process name: Pkill -f

iphone - Strange SQLite problem testing if column was returned -

The best part of me is what I'm doing on the results to show the code: This works: if (sqlite3_column_text (statement, 0)) {[Marker set object: [NSNumber numberHome: sqlite3_column_int (Statement, 0)] for KA: @ "id"] ; } This is always wrong for the if statement: if (sqlite3_column_int (statement, 0)) {[marker set object: [NSNumber numberWithInt : Sqlite3_column_int (statement, 0)] for: @ "id"]; } This returns the wrong result for the column: if (sqlite3_column_text (statement, 0)) {{marker set object: [NSNumber numberWithInt: Sqlite3_column_text (statement, 0)] for: @ "id"]; } Any ideas what's going on? You should meet the number of columns returned to the value of the column. int count = sqlite3_column_count (statement); When you say sqlite3_column_int (), it returns the integer value of the column. What if that value is zero? You can not tell the difference between a valid zero result and a zero value for that ...

jQuery: if element gets loaded with ajax event? -

Comes with. There is a form in it and when it is submitted, this ad loads iv # error_msg or div # success_msg (through all AJAXs). Is there any way to find out when one of these divisions appears? Just get what I want: When the form is presented, I want to prepaid a text in the form in the sidebar. As soon as loading two divs (either error or breakthrough) is loading in that form, I want to delete the redone element. Do you know a way to do this? I do not want to edit the source code of the plugin! Edit: checkMsg () is not defined! Why? var check = 0; Function sholoder () {$ ('# mc_signup_form'). Prepaid ('& lt; span class = "Loading" & gt; Loading & lt; / span & gt;'); Check = set interval ("check meg ()", 300); } Function checkMsg () {if ($ ('(.mc_error_msg'). Length == 0 || $ ('.mc_success_msg'). Length == 0) {$ ('# mc_signup_form .loading'). Remove (); ClearInterval (probe); }} ...

how to avoid "wrong number of arguments" in rails -

मेरे नियंत्रक में मेरे पास कोड है def create @employees = Group.find ( पराम [: कर्मचारी] [: समूह_आईडी])। कर्मचारी "गिनती करता है !!!!" + @ Employees.count.to_s Communicate.deliver_message (params [: subject], @ कर्मचारी, पैराम [[body] .to_s) फ्लैश [: नोटिस] = "आपका संदेश भेजा गया है" redirect_to root_url end मॉडल: def संदेश (उप, लोग, msg) #puts "कर्मचारी गणना !!!" + People.count विषय उप बीसीसी "" '' से भेजा गया समय समय। अब शरीर: ग्रीटिंग = & gt; Msg end त्रुटि मैं "code> create विधि की तीसरी पंक्ति पर" तर्कों की गलत संख्या "प्राप्त कर रहा हूं। अगर यह ActionMailer :: Base से वारिस हुआ है, तो समस्या विधि का नाम है: " मेसेज "का उपयोग एक्शन मैलायर के अंदर किया जाता है विधि नाम बदलने की आवश्यकता है।

java - What is simplest way to read a file into String? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 28 जवाब मैं एक पढ़ने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ स्ट्रिंग में सरल पाठ फ़ाइल बेशक इनपुट स्ट्रीम प्राप्त करने और रीडलाइन () के साथ दोहराते हुए और स्ट्रिंग में सामग्री पढ़ने का सामान्य तरीका है। अतीत में सैकड़ों बार ऐसा करने के बाद, मैं बस सोच रहा था कि मैं यह कोड की न्यूनतम लाइनों में कैसे कर सकता हूं? स्ट्रिंग फ़ाइल कंटेंट = XXX.readFile (myFile / * File * /) जैसे जावा में कुछ भी नहीं है .. ऐसा कुछ भी ऐसा दिखता है? मुझे पता है ऐसे अपाचे कॉमन्स आईओ जैसे लाइब्रेरी हैं जो ऐसे सरलीकरण प्रदान करते हैं या यहां तक ​​कि मैं यह करने के लिए सरल यूटील वर्ग लिख सकता हूं। लेकिन जो कुछ मुझे आश्चर्य है - यह एक ऐसा अक्सर कार्य है कि हर किसी की जरूरत है, इसलिए जावा ऐसा सरल कार्य क्यों नहीं करता है? क्या वास्तव में कोई भी विधि नहीं है जहां किसी फ़ाइल को कुछ डिफ़ॉल्ट या निर्दिष्ट एन्कोडिंग के साथ स्ट्रिंग में पढ़ा जा सकता है? हाँ, आप इसे एक पंक्ति में कर सकते हैं (हालांकि मजबूत IOException से निपटने के लिए आप नहीं चाहते हैं)। स्ट्रिंग सामग्री = नया ...

iphone - Adding text into a Sprite -

How can I add text or characters to Sprite? If this is not possible, then what is the option to get the same effect? Note: I am using the COCOS2D Framework. Edit: I have tried this way - CCLabel * label = [[CCLabel alloc ] InitWithString: @ "H!" Dimension: CGSizeMake ([spriteObj contentSize]. Wide, [spriteObj contentSize]. Highlight) Alignment: UITextAlignmentCenter fontName: @ "Wordana" font size: 15.0f]; //label.position = newBubble.position; // ccp ([spriteObj contentSize] .wide / 2, [spriteObj contentSize] .height / 2); [Spritebose Adbild: Label Z: 10]; This lesson 'H!' Shows in the lower left corner of the phantom. As always points out, the phantom trick is adding a label as a child. The advantage of setting up sprat and labels in the same place is that, as a child, the label will participate in any animation that you can apply for the phantom. For example, CCScaleTo animation will scale labels with the image of the phantom.

Forms Authentication with Active Directory in ASP.Net 2.0 -

Please tell me that you have implemented form authentication in ASP.NET 2.0 with Active Directory, so I have implemented this "Page. But I'm getting an error saying that" the provider has to implement the class "system .web security.reoprover". In fact, appreciate it if you can kindly provide some assistance. Thanks 1) Open a command-line window on your system and aspnet_regsql. To run the exe feature, ASP.NET 2.0 is installed under your C: \ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ directory. If you use Framework 4.0 Go to that directory. Here are more instructions: Make sure that you go to the database and set up RoleProvider data for each user. 2) That is the database where you have created tables with aspnet_regsql.exe aspnet_regsql.exe with your connection string OleConnectionStringSource? More details: 3) You can configure your datasource in web.config as the website administration tool has been described or used which is y...

javascript - greasemonkey adding onclick event to button -

I am attaching the onclick event to the dynamically created button, but the event is not firing var ind = location.href.indexOf (''); Function init () {warning ('h'); } If (IND! = -1) {var elem = document.createElement ("Input"); = 'btnGumb'; Elem.value = 'Select the check box'; Elem.type = 'Button'; = 'fixed'; = '0px'; = '0px'; // This elem.setAttribute ('onclick', 'init ();') is not working; // but being alert: elem.setAttribute ('onclick', 'alert ("h");'); Document.body.appendChild (ELEM); } elem.addEventListener ('click', init, false); Your init function content is not defined on the page window, so you can not set the function name as a string.

What kind of Java syntax is "== null? false:true;" -

I'm looking through code and wondering what this means: Boolean foo = Request GetParameter ("foo") == Tap? True False; This should be something that changes the returning string from getParameter () to a boolean. But I have never seen this type of java with a question paper and colon (except for a foreach loop) and appreciate any hello! This is a turner operator snippet: boolean foo = request. GetParameter ("foo") == Tap? True False; equals: Boolean foo; If (request.getParameter ("foo") == faucet) foo = false; Else foo = true; or (customized): Boolean foo = request.getParameter ("foo")! = Null; The basic form of the operator is as follows: (condition)? (Value if the position is correct): (value if position is false)

vbscript - QTP: How can I return multiple Values from a Function -

I am trying to write a function that can return many values ​​from the function, which contains 2 arguments. Example: function sample_function (arg1, arg2) '' # # some code ................. passenger = List 1 (0) Name1 = list1 (1) age1 = list1 (2) seatNumber = list1 (3) '' # this is an incomplete function ... end function sample_function sample_function here In this function called 2 argument arg1, arg2. When I call this function in my driver script like value = sample_function (2, name_change), this function will return me passenger, name 1, age 1, seat number number. How can I get it? Edit (Lb): The QTP test uses VBScript to specify the routine, so I retagged it in VBScript, VB because the solution is probably within VBScript . function foo () foo = array ("hello") A direct solution must return an array:, "world") end function x = foo () MsgBox x (0) MsgBox x (1) If you use only one batch of values ​​more than once, t...

Help with sql query on the same table -

मेरी टेबल (प्रोजेक्ट लिस्ट) कॉलम हैं: प्रोजेक्ट आईडी, मैनप्रोक्जआईडी, माध्यमिक प्रोजेक्ट, प्रोजेक्टनाम, एंडडाट मुझे ज़रूरत है एक क्वेरी लिखने के लिए जो मुझे इस तालिका से सभी पंक्तियों को लाती है जहां एंडडाट & lt; = 40394 और प्रत्येक परियोजना के लिए मुझे फिर से सभी पंक्तियों को लाने की आवश्यकता है जहां (MainProjectId = ProjectId ) या (SecondaryProjectId = ProjectId) उदाहरण: 1, 0, 0, "project1", 54789 2, 1, 0, "project2" , 3, 1, 2, "प्रोजेक्ट 3", 40393 क्वेरी को सभी 3 पंक्तियाँ वापस करनी चाहिए (तीसरा व्यक्ति दिनांक की शर्त और अन्य 2 पंक्तियों को पूरा करता है धन्यवाद मुझे लगता है कि यह वही है जो आप की तलाश में हैं - चुनें प्रोजेक्ट लिस्ट से * जहां एंडडाट & lt; = 40394 या mainProjectID में (प्रोजेक्ट सूची से mainProjectID चुनें जहां एन DDate & lt; = 40394) या माध्यमिक ProjectID में (प्रोजेक्ट सूची से secondaryProjectID चुनें जहां EndDate & lt; = 40394)

java - Documenting use of EJB3 annotations within a code base -

Text after " We have a large code base and I want to generate special reports on the use of EJB3 annotations within the code base. The simple use case is to generate an HTML / PDF report with details of all sections / methods that use EJB3 security annotations. The objective of this document is to review non-developers to what interfaces are in the product, so the roles are so poor that can be plugged. I look at similar reports for the use of persistence and session based comments and the uber report of all annotations. @RolesAllowed ({"Administrators", "UserAlarmsRO", "NetworkAlarmsRO", "DeviceAlarmsRO", "ServiceAlarmsRO", "UserAlarmsRW", "NetworkAlarmsRW", "DeviceAlarmsRW", "ServiceAlarmsRW" "UserGraphsRO", "NetworkGraphsRO", "DeviceGraphsRO", "ServiceGraphsRO", "SLMRO", "SLMRW", "SLMTemplatesRW"}) Public class Visual...


How to use the external code left in C # LINQ without using add-on-to-equal section? Is there a way to do this where section? Right problem: Internal is easy to add and I have a solution like this list & lt; Join & gt; Internal Finals = (From R to L of the right of L in the selection of l.Key == RKE new joint pi {LeftId = l.Id, RightId = r.Id}) but left the external solution for this. I need a solution. I have something like this but it is not working list & lt; JoinPair & gt; LeftFinal = (Select the new challenges from the lefts between R of the rights {LeftId = l.Id, RightId = ((l.Key == r.Key)? R.Id: 0}) Where JointPayer is a class: public square jointspair {long time left; long time true}; As stated: var q = c in categories Select the ifEmpty () default from ps to P.C. in P.Category New {class = c, ProductName = p == empty? (No product) ": p.Pro DuctName};

windows - Python multiprocessing continuously spawns pythonw.exe processes without doing any actual work -

मुझे समझ में नहीं आता क्यों यह सरल कोड # file: से बहुप्रोसेसिंग आयात प्रक्रिया आयात एसईएस डीईएफ़ फेन्क (एक्स): प्रिंट 'वर्क्स', एक्स + 2 sys.stdout.flush () पी = प्रक्रिया (लक्ष्य = फेंक, आर्ग्स = (2,)) पी। स्टार्ट () पी। ) P.terminate () प्रिंट 'किया' sys.stdout.flush () "pythonw.exe" प्रक्रियाओं को लगातार बनाता है और यह कुछ भी मुद्रित नहीं करता है, भले ही मैं इसे चलाने से कमांड लाइन: python मैं विंडोज 7 पर नवीनतम अजगर 2.6 दोनों 32 और 64 बिट्स चल रहा हूँ आपको इसकी आवश्यकता है। यह एक विंडोज विशिष्ट समस्या है विंडोज़ पर आपके मॉड्यूल को एक नया पायथन इंटरप्रिटर में आयात किया जाना चाहिए ताकि यह आपके लक्ष्य कोड को एक्सेस कर सके। यदि आप इस नए इंटरप्रेटर को स्टार्ट अप कोड चलाने से रोकते हैं तो यह एक और बच्चे को पैदा करेगा, जो फिर एक और बच्चे को पैदा करेगा, जब तक कि यह pythonw.exe प्रक्रियाओं जहां तक ​​आंख देख सके। अन्य प्लेटफार्मों को उपप्रक्रिया शुरू करने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं, इसलिए मॉड्यूल को फिर से भरने की समस्या नहीं है। ...

html - Why isn't my UL Menu working? -

यहां HTML है: & lt;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C / / डीटीटी एक्सएचटीएमएल 1.0 सख्त // एन """> & Lt; html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; मेटा http-equiv = "सामग्री-प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8" / & gt; & Lt; title & gt; हाय दुनिया! & Lt; / title & gt; & Lt; link rel = "स्टाइलशीट" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / सीएसएस" href = "c / main.css? 95" / & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div id = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; div id = "विभक्त" & gt; & Lt; h1 & gt; लोगो & lt; / h1 & gt; & Lt; ul class = "underlinemenu" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; मेनू आइटम & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; मेनू आइटम & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; मेनू आइ...

.net - FxCop + command line execution? -

Nobody knows how to run the FxCop through the command line or how the syntax can be provided. I want to define a task to run defined rules. The Fxcop file (this is an empty project that I created with a set set of rules that will be able to reduce the noise and things I am interested in) How can I explain this? .. I think I have to get the latest version of the code and the first one. Dll must be compiled, then somehow analysis of FXPP project to add and run DLL as a target. So I want to export or export violations in the directory through email. Thoughts? Have you tried something like: fxcopcmd .exe / project: "& lt; path your .fxcop file" / File: "& lt; path your target DLL" / Out: Path for Output Report & gt;

java - Open Popup from servlet or jsf managed bean? -

Is there a way to open a popup from a servlet, I have an incomprehensible process, and I am in any way To inform the user "P>" To refresh the page Without it " This is Ajax that I suggest that you can enable some Ajax JSF framework, like if you are using, you can do the diff T Use of Ajax behavior. To check after some time with Richface, & lt; A4j: poll & gt; if the Asynchronous process has ended, then you should provide the correct message again. & lt; A4j: polling interval = "1000" enabled = "# {notificationBean.isTaskComplete}" render = "full messaging" /> The general idea is.

Parse google reverse geocode json on iphone -

I am using json-framework to parse some simple Jason in my iPhone app, and it works fine But now that I need to parse Jason by changing Google's reverse geo-symbolic words which is very complex and really big. JSN Output can be seen here: I am trying to get out of "Administrative Arena", "Locality name", and "Country NamedDod", but also think about how to do it I can not even know I know that JSON is itself a NSDition, in which there are other NSDKX and Arrays but I can not know this. Does anyone give me some hints or maybe some example code how would I parse JSON using this complex JSON-framework? Thanks so much, any help is appreciated! Are you considering asking a CSV response instead? / P> It is a bit simpler: -) Marcelo. - jQuery call __doPostBack on LinkButton -

I have a link button for which I need to click to create a postback, the actual link target is: Javascript: __ doPostBack ('ctl00 $ c1 $ btnRefreshGrid', ''); Postback from clicking on the link, as verified by the code-back breakpoint. Also paste the javascript: __ doPostBack ('ctl00 $ c1 $ btnRefreshGrid', '') in the address bar of the browser works with the same effect. I have tried the following with no effect: __ doPostBack ('ctl00 $ c1 $ btnRefreshGrid', ''); . Click on $ ('# ctl00 $ c1 $ btnRefreshGrid') (); . $ ('# Ctl00 $ c1 $ btnRefreshGrid') trigger ('click'); Eval ($ ('# ctl00 $ c1 $ btnRefreshGrid') attr ("href").); I have both the & lt;% = btnRefreshGrid.UniqueID% & gt; and and lt;% = btnRefreshGrid.ClientID% & gt; to generate selector You were locked, it works in Firefox: Function ClickButton () {Javascript: __ doPostBack ('& lt;% =...

algorithm - C++: Rounding up to the nearest multiple of a number -

OK - I'm almost embarrassed to post it here (and I'll delete if I vote off any votes) . Is this the correct way to score more than one number in C ++? I know there are other questions related to this, but I am quite interested in knowing what is the best way to do it in C ++: int roundUp (int numToRound, Int multiple) {if (multiple == 0) {return numToRound; } Int roundDown = ((int) (numToRound) / multiple) * multiple; Int roundUp = roundDown + multiple; Int roundCalc = roundUp; Return (goaltrap); } Update: Sorry, maybe I did not clear the intention here. Here are some examples: roundup (7, 100) // return 100 Roundup (117, 100) // Return 200 Roundup (477, 100) // Returns 500 Roundups (1077, 100) // Return 1100 Roundups (52, 20) // Return 60 Roundups (74, 30) // Return 90 Edit: Thanks for all the replies. This is what I went for: int roundUp (int numToRound, int multiple) {if (multiple == 0) {return numToRound; } Int balance = numToRound% multiple; If (bala... - How to display a number (generated dynamically) into a square using CSS -

I'm new to CSS. On the me square need to display a number (dynamically generated via the ASP.NET MVC verb method) (normal image, whose face should be replaced with dynamic number). Can someone help me do this? I'm sure it knows something for just a minute that knows CSS. Thanks, Victory The easiest way to do a & lt; Div & gt; will be the one who uses your image as a background-image property so it will be a matter of writing a number in that div: HTML & lt; Div class = "square" & gt; 123 & lt; / Div & gt; CSS .square {/ * below is the width and height of your background image / / width: 100px; Height: 100 pixels; Background: URL (yourimg.png) no-repeat 0; } If you see & lt; Img & gt; tag, then it is a bit tricky, but it is still possible: HTML & lt; Div class = "square" & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; 123 by & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Img src = "yourimg.png...

windows xp - Virtual memory size -

I have virtual memory size 756 MB on Windows XP. But while reading on MSDN, it says virtual memory 4 GB for each process on 32 bit OS by default. How is it different from the size of the virtual memory I set? ** Memory ** ** Category ** ** Usage ** Used less than 2 GB (0x00000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF) process High 2GB (0x80000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF) used by the system Also, how is the limit for each process the same? Your page file is set to 756 MB page file as additional RAM , But is supported by disk. However, virtual memory is different and complex. Every process gets 4 GB address space. This is the limit of a 32-bit indicator, so that 'works well out of it is reserved for half the kernel (operating system), and every process is similar. The second half is for the process, and unique to that process. assigns the "page" to the private portion of the memory for the process because the process asks for it, the pages get a slot in the address space of the proce...

wpf - Binding A Value in Header WP7/Silverlight -

Nob Query :) I try to add the margin to a header through my app I have been and connecting manually not in all my thoughts and I want many header text. I know that I need to add it to App.xaml and I can apply margins but I can not seem to bind the text. My header looks like this: & lt; C: panoramite Header & gt; & Lt; Text Block Margin = "50,0,0,0" Text = "Message" /> & Lt; / C: PanoramaItem.Header & gt; I want something like this: & lt; C: Panoramite Header Template = "{Static Resource Panarama Header Template}" Header = "Message" & gt; And there is something like App.xaml: & gt; Datatomplate x: key = "panarama header template" & gt; & Lt; Grid margin = "50,0,0,0" & gt; & Lt; TextBlock TextWrapping = "wrap" text = "{TemplateBinding Header}" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; But I'm not getting...

iphone - Positioning circles -

I would like the position of circles given in a field, which is also known as size. The size of the circle can be chosen independently (though it should be> 0), they can not overlap. Issue: Performance is important My goal is iPhone, so I'm using Objective-C. Any thoughts? Sort your circles according to size, then exclude them Keep it.

android - how to pull strings from an array adapted listview for a clicked list item -

Ok so I have an array shield ListView (array adapting another class) .. I just click The listener got the job done for the list, but now I want to set it up so that when I click on an item it pulls the wire from the item clicked and it is based on the intent for a new activity. I understand but intent. Do not use putextra to im sure how the item is B i .. to pull the right strings to click on my code is below .. im just lost to be honest // Start ListView lstTest = (ListView) FindViewById (; // Start ArrayList alrts = New Arrestist & lt; Alert & gt; (); // Start array adapter notice Listitems.xml layout array Krenadaptr = new Alrtadaptr (This R. Leautklilistims, Artrt); // Set the adapter as the adapter for the list lstTest.setAdapter (arrayAdapter); (New AdapterView.OnItemClickListener () {public void onItemClick (AdapterView adapterView, to see whole item, click to the long arg3) {Intent intent = new Intent (HomePageActivity.this, PromotionActivity.class /...