
Showing posts from August, 2012

objective c - how to search for an image in iphone -

, how can I search for an image in the iPhone program? As I am developing this kind of application, which will browse for the image in the iPhone. If you get the IMS stored in the photo library which you can easily do by using a UIImagePickerController .

c# - MVVM setting default values -

I'm sure this is a very common scenario, and I would like to know how MVVM developers deal with it. I have a villa that is urgent on demand, and remains until it is clearly not removed by the user. This related view is loaded on the UI on demand. The view is capable of unloading and this visual model can still be present in the application. In my scenario, I have a list box of preset colors in the view (setting it up to select an Xaml-defined supervisor of items to choose SolidColorBrush). I have compiled the selectedItem property of ListBox for a property in ViewModel so that when the view is reloaded, the selected itam shows the last selected item in the list box correctly and when Also the user selects different colors, will handle VM changes. My question is, how will u determine the set value, what will be seen when the first time the view is loaded, see the third item in the Observed Collection of Solid Collarbrushes? I believe that the error of MVVM is in yo...

Glassfish logging to multiple .log files -

We have a glassfish v2 server and there are some modules: ebb, web-application, etc ... from different modules Logging is required in various log files, such as Tomcat or other app servers have been allowed to do this. Glassfish forced us to use our logging system with all logs in the same server.log and looked with the admin console. This can be a good practice for a single application but not for 10 different apps deployed with glassfish for all logs in a file same I tried, it helped and I am able to write many files, but is a disadvantage - if log4j has been installed like this So it can allow you to write on many log files, but to modify the log level It is necessary server / domain restart , log file (a log related configuration in log4 conf) It is possible to use anything in Glassfish Which allows me to: Write log log files different from different loggers? and Modify log levels without logging server, log appenders etc. (Like I can redeploy in Tomcat ...

resources - How can I use external article in my website? -

I would like to know whether it is legal to use external articles on my website? I think if I refer to the author then it should be fine, but I do not know where to get information about it. see

Profiler for a Grails Application -

Is there any device that deploys total memory usage, CPUs, and other information about the resources of a special grails web application Can a Tomato Server? In addition, if my Grails app is using Quartz plugin, can anyone tell me how to know about a specific job example? Thank you! I am using a bunch of tools for outline and monitoring my own grails application . These are the plugins / tools that help me to achieve this and work without any problems: : This tool is a Must be . Just install the plugin and go to / myapp / monitor and you're done. You will get all the information on CPU, Mem access, SQL queries, HTI errors ... this should be enough for your needs described in your query : This very recent plugin is very useful and almost indispensable, it gives you different information about the status of your application. For your concerns, you have access to the graph for detailed information on every aspect of memory usage, information about sessions (op...

download gmail attachements from php -

Can you please tell, how to download attachments from a Gmail account using PHP? Thanks IMAP Solutions / * Connect to Gmail * / $ hostname = '{}INBOX'; $ Username = ''; $ Password = 'David Walsh'; / * Try connecting * / $ inbox = imap_open (hostname, $ username, $ password) or die ('can not connect to Gmail:' .imap_last_error ()); / * Grab email * / $ email = imap_search ($ inbox, 'ALL'); / * If emails are returned, cycles through each ... * / ($ email) {/ * output var * / $ output = ''; Put the latest email on * * top * / rsort ($ email); / * For each email ... * / foreach (email as $ email $ email_number) {/ * Get specific information for this email * / $ overview = imap_fetch_overview ($ inbox, $ email_number, 0); $ Message = imap_fetchbody ($ inbox, $ email_number, 2); / * Email header information * / output output / $ output. = '& Lt; Div class = "toggler...

javascript - Dummy AJAX calls to force a "wait" cursor. Bad idea? -

I want to place the user's cursor in "wait-state" during some tasks, but the CSS cursor property lets me search more Forcing ... creative solution (The problem I am referring to is that the cursor does not change unless the user takes the cursor. See for example.) I have found that most browsers are correctly Feeling while AJAX requests wait and switch back and forth through the default cursor, so now I was thinking that as long as I want the cursor to be in "waiting" a dummy makes ajax request. I think it might be a very bad idea, but why can not I really tell why any good reason why this is bad? (Or better solution?) Yes, it is a bad idea that a wait cursor user thinks Its browser (or connection) is frozen. Web pages give you many options to wait for feedback: disable progress bar, spinner, feedback text, modal feedback window, command. Instead use one (or more) .

how to register for distribution in iphone -

I'm new to iPhone and I have a problem for distributing applications. In fact I have a PC. Which supports version 3.0 to 3.1.2 which is registered for distribution. But another p. Which I upgrade to 4.0, how do I upgrade to Advanced PC? I have a lower version delivery certificate iPhone OS deployment target in your target creation settings Set the setting to 3.0 and Base SDK on setting 4.0. This will still allow you to use the latest SDK to create apps for devices running 3.0. You will not be able to use any of the features added later in SDK versions, but it will run on the old device.

Are Programatic events possible in SQL Server -

Scenario: An application has started, it connects to the DB and hears itself for the specific event name. Then some criteria are used when using a trigger or stored procedure, the event can be picked up. DB then notifies all applications that are registered that they are listening for that event. This application is then able to work and does some processing. This prevents the program from regularly voting for the database so that it can be assumed that the criteria have been fulfilled or not. This scenario is possible with Interbase / Firebird SQL, but is it possible to do it with SQL Server (2005 or more) and if I am getting strangely to find any such information, then what do I do Should cheese If this is not possible, then there is a better way of not keeping this scenario in the election. Yes. You can use it for However, I think the warning about not having too many customers to register will still apply. How many customers are you waiting for notifications?

java - PathParam how to set Regex to allow URL? -

I am using pathpara @ and the request format is like this: @ Path ("/ XXX / XXX / {testvariable: [\\\\ ss \\\\ S] +}") here, testvariable value, or I can assume that a string I have used with a particular character does not allow value for this. I get the answer, . An action mailing request path .

html - Why does adding a DOCTYPE affect my CSS? -

I'm wondering why the following html / CSS renders are not valid unless I put it in a doctype: & lt; Body style = "margin: 0; padding: 0; background color: #eeeeee" & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "header container" style = "background-color: #eeeeee; color: black; border bottom: 1px solid #cccccc; height: 60px; margin: 0 pixels" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div style = "width: 100%; background-color: white; margin: 0 pixel; padding: 0 pixels" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "margin: 30px; width: 840px; margin: 10px auto; margin-top: 50px; background-color: #cc0000;" & Gt; Text & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; What do I want a top (a gray bar) below with dark brown border below it, I want my content, which goes to a large 100% width div That's white (as the page is gray). The code above looks ok, but...

php - What's the best practice in using if/else as a substitute for try/catch or vice versa? -

Possible duplicates: I want to know that generally trying to speak / use grip is better or better to use this exception (at most) if I use other / Example: Do I have to hold a FileNotFoundException Should, or should I try and try to find the file first. What will be the best way? They are completely different, they are not interchangeable, and which are determined on the basis of proper and required is. Edit: This answer is based on the original, unpublished question. Originally, it was completely done in: PHP: if / other vs. attempt / hold which is better

javascript - Close colotbox callback only if a button is clicked inside the colorbox -

मैं उपयोग onClosed: function () {window.location.reload (); } रंगबॉक्से बंद होने के बाद पृष्ठ को पुनः लोड करने का विकल्प होता है लेकिन मैं हमेशा पुनः लोड करने के लिए नहीं चाहता हूं लेकिन केवल जब कोई उपयोगकर्ता रंगबॉक्स के अंदर एक HTML बटन पर क्लिक करता है Colorbox बंद है अगर एक खिड़की के बाहर कहीं या क्लोज़ बटन पर क्लिक करता है ... मैं इन मामलों में रंगबॉक्ड को बंद नहीं करना चाहता हूं, इसके बजाय मैं एक HTML बटन क्लिक करने पर फिर से लोड करना चाहता हूं। तो बटन को रंग बॉक्स बंद करना चाहिए और एक ही समय में कॉलबैक उठाना चाहिए। कोई भी विचार? एचटीएमएल बटन को पेज पुनः लोड करें। रंगबॉक्सेज़ को बंद करने के क्या उपयोग हैं अगर आप किसी भी पेज को फिर से लोड करेंगे?

javascript - Google Chart odd rounding for values -

So I'm using the jquery plugin to create a good pie chart on my website. The problem is that the plugin is rounding values ​​very oddly. This is the table that I give it to: & lt; Table id = "piechart" & gt; & Lt; Captions & gt; Priebezné výsledky ankety & lt; / Caption & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Tuto formula vzdelávania využívame uj dlhšiu dobu & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Som zastcom štandardnej prezenčnej formy vzdelávania & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time. & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Dotraj Som Nipokel O Lazito Forms vzdelawvania, El Zozalo Ma. & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; 100 & lt; / Th & g...

c# backgroundworker for socket application -

I'm working on a C # window application This app is primarily related to socket. I have a class called TCPPS, which manages all socket-level functionality, receives data, and so on. The controller class calls this TCPPSset. In addition, this file does all other work of logging data and updates the GUI. I thought it would be good to have this controller in the background controller, to make sure that he is responsible all the time. First of all, is there a good idea to do this? As I am trying to do this, I have to face a problem about the progressive handler for the background player. I want to be able to display the connection status (type: string) in the text field and the data received / received by the application (type: byte []) in the rich textbox as the controller can only send data to Guateta through progress Is the changing event, how can I pass different types of data (string / byte []) to Gui? If you decide to run the controller on a different thread other th...

c# 4.0 - How to modify a nullable type's value? -

सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग L2SEntity {सार्वजनिक शून्य पैमाने (डबल डी) {अगर (this.Amount.HasValue) यह राशि। मूल्य * = डी; }} निम्न त्रुटि में परिणाम: त्रुटि 2 प्रॉपर्टी या इंडेकर 'सिस्टम। शून्य & lt; डबल & gt;। वेल' को असाइन नहीं किया जा सकता - यह केवल पढ़ने योग्य है मैं राशि की (डबल का प्रकार?) मान कैसे बदलूं? बस इसे सीधे निर्दिष्ट करें। सार्वजनिक आंशिक कक्षा L2SEntity {सार्वजनिक शून्य पैमाने (डबल डी) {अगर (this.Amount.HasValue) {this.Amount * = घ; }}} पर क्लिक करें

sql - How can I update a newly added column in the same batch statement -

In SQL Server 2008, I would like to add a column to a table and would like to update it properly, but only when it The column is not created before, if the column was previously created, then I do not want to run the update. IF does not exist (SELECT * FROM [INFORMATION_SCHEMA]. [COLUMNS] Where adding a "GO" after adding [TABLE_NAME] = 'SETTINGS' and [column], add columns After [COLUMN_NAME] = 'COLOR_SCHEME'] Add Start List [Settings] [COLOR_SCHEME] Integer Faucet Update [Settings] SET [COLOR_SCHEME] = 1 END does not work because it is a complete The batch statement will not be there, but if I try to run it like this, I get an error, "Invalid column name 'COLOR_SCHEME'. How to Also think that the column to be present in the update update? You can use dynamic SQL instead Change the statement: DECLARE @ SQL NVARCHAR (4000) SET @ SQL = 'ALTER TABLE [SETTINGS] ADD [COLOR_SCHEME] Intel NULL' EXEC (SSL) - Parallel.ForEach local storage -

I have recently changed to parallel each of the loops. Fearich loop I'm worried about an object declared outside of the loop, but specified during the loop again. Here's the simplified code. Model Results as Slim Results New List As Model Models (ModelResults) Dim Object as New Object Parallel.ForEach (_modelEngines, Sub (Model) Results = model .Execute If the result IsNot is nothing, then Sync Lock Lock is Nostalgals Models. Added (results) and Sync Lock and if Results = None End Sub) What a possible race with the result object Is the situation? Will something different if I declare results in the loop? Yes, the condition of a race with the declared variable outside the loop: Thread 1: Results = Model. The results of the 'Exit' are from the current model of Thread 1 Engine Thread 2: Result = Model The result of 'Exit2' is the current ModelEngine Thread 2 of Thread 2: If the result is not the result then the result is from the current model of T... mvc - How do I access an unhandled exception in an MVC Error view? -

जब एक नियंत्रक पर हैंडलएअर विशेषता एक अनियंत्रित अपवाद का पता लगाता है और त्रुटि दृश्य में पुनर्निर्देश करता है I उपयोगकर्ता को त्रुटि के संक्षिप्त विवरण के साथ प्रदान करना चाहते हैं, और त्रुटि को एप्लिकेशन व्यवस्थापक को ईमेल करने का विकल्प। मेरे पास एक कस्टम हैंडल त्रुटि है जो एलमाह को सूचित करता है त्रुटि लॉग इन करें, लेकिन एल्म लॉग में त्रुटि देखने के लिए एक अंतिम उपाय का एक सा लगता है हैंडलएअर ? HandleErrorAttribute प्रकार के एक मॉडल ऑब्जेक्ट की आपूर्ति HandleErrorInfo आपका त्रुटि पेज इस तरह दिख सकता है & lt;% @ Page Language = "सी #" इनहेरिट्स = "सिस्टम.Web.Mvc.ViewPage & lt; HandleErrorInfo & gt;" & Gt%; मॉडल में अपवाद के विवरण के साथ अपवाद संपत्ति है। मैं आमतौर पर एक कस्टम त्रुटि हैंडलर का उपयोग करता हूं जो लॉग इन करता है अपवाद का उपयोग करते हुए और मेरे पास एक एसटीएमपी एपेन्डर है, जब भी मुझे कोई भी अपवाद फ़िल्टर द्वारा संभाला जाता है। - custom control inside xslt file -

Hello all I am trying to keep a custom server control when it has a factory control inside my XSLT file . / P> I use this file for custom generated forms Anyway I have no problem in putting the asp server control inside XSLT, but .. I get an error when I A diffrent namespace Here's the code: & lt; Xsl: if test = "@ type = 'html'" & gt; & Lt; FCK: FCKeditor runs = "server" id = "{@ name}" & gt; & Lt; / FCK: FCKeditor & gt; & Lt; / XSL: If & gt; And this is the error: 'The FCC is an undeclared naming place thanks You need to include the FCK namespace similar to the XCL name space, along with other namespaces in your names.

android - Which background model to run -

I'm trying to develop an application that requires background play services. I'm relatively new to Android programming, and after reading books to create and manage many posts, blogs, how and services, I'm still quite confused about which model I should try to use. First of all, I present the application's requirements (normally): I need an application that will create a background process that will be connected to the Bluetooth device. I Bluetooth device Android The device is designed to deliver data. The issue is that the data can arrive at any time, so the Bluetooth connection needs to be active. Note that the app is a very special app and it is not for public use. I understand logic to run background apps at all times, but please understand that this is a very specific application for a very specific client. Now, in general, I think the program will flow to launch the application (and launch a UI activity) then I need to configure and connect with the Bluetoot...

javascript - execCommand insertHtml in Internet Explorer -

I am creating a wysiwyg-editor with execcommands using an editable iframe. Now I have to use the 'insertHtml' command which works correctly in Chrome and Firefox, but of course it does not work in Internet Explorer. What is the standard solution to this problem? It's okay if it works only in IE8 but IE7 support will also be good In IE & Lt; = 10 You can use the pasteHTML method to represent the text range selection: var doc = document.getElementById ("your_iframe" ). ContentWindow.document; If (doctor selection & amp; doc.selection.createRange) {var range = doc.selection.createRange (); If (range.paste HTML) {range.paste HTML ("& lt; b & gt; some bold text & lt; / b & gt;"); }} UPDATE In IE 11, go to document.selection and enter HTML is still not supported, so you'll need the following:

c# - Store Byte[] in Access 2010 -

Simple work such as: How to store byte in Access 2010? See this for the entire day on the Web.) I have to use the "attachment field" in Access 2010 because as far as I can see available any possible (varBinary, Image, ..) is not a field. I tried: (ConvertImageToByte returns a byte []) Cmd.CommandText = "Update Club Set Field 1 = @File Where Name = @Name"; Olead papermator para = new OLDP parameter ("@file", OLDB type Verbari); Paragraph Value = convertimagetoobet (logo); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); Exception: "Can not include a multi-value field to delete an update or query." I tried: DBEngine DBE = new DBiGin (); Database db = dbe.OpenDatabase ("database.accdb", incorrect, incorrect, ""); String command = "select * club"; Recorset RS = DB OpenerCenset (Command, RecordSet Type ANU DB Open Deinetate, 0, Lock Type ANM DBOptimic); Rs.MoveFirst (); Rs.Edit (); Recordset 2 RS2 = (RecordSet2) R. Field [...

entity framework 4 - Using CreateSourceQuery in CTP4 Code First -

I think this is impossible, but I will remove it anyway. Is it possible to use CreateSourceQuery while programming with the EF4 CodeFirst API in CTP4? I want to do this in relation to the properties attached to a collection of properties, impartially: on sourceQuery = this.CurrentInvoice.PropertyInvoices.CreateSourceQuery (); SourceQuery.Include ("property") toList () .; But definitely EntityCollection is defined on CreateSourceQuery, it is defined by T & gt;, while using CodeFirst plain old ICollection (Obviously). Is there any way to convert? I have given down to work, but this is not enough which I see. Anybody know that in the above version which is given below (what is the code given below which refers to dubnexation)? ObjectSet person & gt; OSPeople = base.ObjectContext.CreateObjectSet & lt; Person & gt; (); OSPeople.Include (Pensor => Piner Books) .Oolist (); Thanks! EDIT: Here is my version of the solution posted by Zeissenh...

Validation in jsp using javascript -

' & lt; टीडी क्लास = "इनपुट-लेबल" VALIGN = "top" & gt; एक: & lt; / टीडी & gt; out.println (widget_renderer.getEditableField ( 'ए')); & Lt; TD CLASS = "इनपुट-लेबल" VALIGN = "top" & gt; बी: & lt; / TD & gt; out.println (widget_renderer.getEditableField ( "बी")); मैं एट्रिब्यूट फ़ील्ड ए के लिए दर्ज किए गए मानों के आधार पर विशेषता बी फ़ील्ड की आवश्यकता करना चाहता हूं। इसके अलावा मैं इसे मान्य करने और जेएसपी पेज पर नीचे दिए गए त्रुटि संदेश को प्रिंट करने के लिए भी कहूंगा: - & lt; टीडी क्लास = "इनपुट-लेबल" VALIGN = "top" & gt; ए: & lt; / TD & gt; out.println (widget_renderer.getEditableField ( 'ए')); स्ट्रिंग पीपीएन = (स्ट्रिंग) डेटाबीन.गेटइटम एंटिटीडेटा ()। प्राप्त करें ("ए"); Println (। DataBean.getItemEntityData () मिल ( "ए")); अगर (पीपीएन! = नल एंड amp; (पीपीएन == "ए 1" || पीपीएन == "ए 2" || पीपीएन =...

AMQP + Android libraries -

itemprop = "text"> Is there a library for Android? It depends on how well you integrate it with Android. It should work on Android, but it has not been tested for it, and it will almost certainly require some changes.

c# - Why all the event checks in the ButtonBase WndProc method, .Net WinForms -

I am creating a base class for a button that comes out of control in opposing the buttonbus. To see ButtonBase to reflect I am using, make sure that I do not ignore any important thing and am surprised by the contents of the WndProc method. There is check, click and capture for things like buttons, which can be told as far as I can tell that all of the classes are handled within the 'On' methods. Does anyone know why he is there? This is a cover for the original Windows Button control in a nutshell: 0x00f5 = BM_CLICK: Run OnClick () 0x2111 = BN_CLICKED Notification: Run OnClick () Deal with a bunch of workaround owner scare. You do not need to worry about it because you do not wrap the original button and do not require a master draw. Make sure that you implement IButtonControl so that your buttons behave properly when the Enter and Escape is pressed and it is selected as the form of accept / cancel form of the form is not strictly required, but when you h...

java - Struts2 JQuery how to do onchange ajax -

मान लें कि मेरे पास sj है: इस तरह स्वत: पूर्णांक: & lt; sj: autocompleter id = "IdDistributor" नाम = "idDistributor" सूची = "% {idDistributorList}" लेबल = "आईडी वितरक" सूचक = "सूचक" / & gt; जब मान बदल जाता है, तो मैं इसे अन्य पाठ फ़ील्ड में विस्तार मान देना चाहता हूं: & lt; sj: textfield label = "नाम वितरक" आईडी = "नामी वितरक" नाम = "नाम वितरक" आवश्यक = "सच" /> जहां इसका मान स्ट्रॉप्स बैक बीन (फ़ॉर्म एक्शन) से प्राप्त किया जाएगा। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? वास्तव में अग्रिम धन्यवाद Mr.K निम्नलिखित आपकी कार्रवाई में स्वत: पूर्णतया मूल्य भेज देंगे और लौटे हुए स्ट्रिंग के साथ #namaDistributor का मान सेट करें: $ ('# idDistributor')। परिवर्तन (फ़ंक्शन () {// AJAX अनुरोध $ को बनाएं अजाक्स ({url: 'path / to / back-bean.action', डेटा: "आटोक्लोप्लेटर वैल्यू =" + $ (यह) .val (), डेटाप्रकार: "जेसन", सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {// सेट...

performance - 64 bit integer math and bitwise operation benchmarks -

I am trying to feel the difference between the performance of the integer multiplied by bitwise action ... I have two potential hashing algorithms that act on 64 bit keys, which use a single multiplication, single right shift, and a mask, which includes many changes and mask functions. It is ... but I want to try and compare the magic hashing number Yaon take some time to locate them before implementation already understand. On a typical 64 bit processor, how many bitwise actions can executing approximately 64 bit integer multiplication instructions? This gives a general comparison ... specify 64 bit or 32 bit Does not .. but I'll use it as a baseline.

language agnostic - Is it safe to use floats as keys of hashtables? -

मुझे float, int के जोड़े को संग्रहित करने की आवश्यकता है जिसमें int मान एक मॉडल के अंदर एक float मान की संख्या को संचित करता है, मैं एक ऐसे उपकरण के लिए उपयोग कर रहा हूं जो मैं विकसित कर रहा हूं और मैं सोच रहा था कि क्या ऐसी चीज़ों को करना सुरक्षित है .. परिमित परिशुद्धता एक समस्या होनी चाहिए जब सीधे तुलना करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले फ़्लोट्स (या सामग्री को धोया गया हो), तो मुझे लगता है कि एक समान दृष्टिकोण निराश है, क्या मैं सही हूं? असल में समस्या यह है कि मैं इन फ़्लोट्स के साथ कोई अन्य जानकारी नहीं है इसलिए मैं केवल हैशटेबल के लिए एक कुंजी के रूप में और कुछ भी उपयोग नहीं कर सकता, लेकिन एक ही समय में, चूंकि चाबियाँ बहुत हैं, एक अच्छा प्रदर्शन होने पर अच्छा हो। हो सकता है कि सबसे अच्छा उपाय कम से कम ओ (लॉन्ग्न) के एक औसत मामले को भी प्राप्त करने के लिए द्विआधारी खोज पेड़ (या एक और भी उन्नत डेटा संरचना) का उपयोग करना है अगर एक निरंतर कारक बेहतर होगा। क्या आपके पास कोई सुझाव है? बस आपको बताने के लिए कि मैं ओकैमल में विकसित कर रहा हूं लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि य...

Validating XML in Perl with libxml and an XSD file -

I am trying to get an Xxml file from my Perl script online and validate it according to an XSD file . The code to do this is as follows: My $ url = shift @ARGV; My $ response = $ ua- & gt; Get ($ url) || "File can not be brought" dead; My $ file = $ response- & gt; material; My $ schema_file = "schema.xsd"; My $ schema = XML :: LibXML :: Schema- & gt; New (place = & gt; $ schema_file); My $ parse = xml :: libaxem-> new; My $ doc = $ parser- & gt; Parse_string ($ file); Eval {$ schema- & gt; Valid ($ doc)}; Die $ @ if $ @; Run this error in a secret error: "Element Crudadata Content Check Failure" (Cropdata is the first of my nonontot tags). My XSD file looks like an entry in: Then a bunch of " >" and then: & Lt; / XS: sequence & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: element & gt; Going to Perl Debugger shows that the line "my $ doc = $ parseer-> pars...

sql - nvarchar concatenation problem -

I'm trying to do a simple thing after dealing with all the hard things, but it seems that it's me Headache is giving. I want to add text to @rxtxml, which is a innovative variable for creating XML elements, but @traxax is the reverse null. Please help. I am posting my code below. DECLARE @strXml nvarchar (max) = '' SET @strXml = '& lt; Promonym & gt; ' + (Choose Promonym from #Temp) + '& lt; / PromoName & gt; ' SET @strxml = @strXml + '& lt; Promosysk & gt; + (Select PromoDesc from #Temp) + '& lt; / PromoDesc> SET @strxml = @strxml + '& lt; Promocode & gt; + (Choose Promo Code from #Temp) + '& lt; / PromoCode & gt; ' SET @strxml = @strxml + '& lt; Get Started & gt; ' + (Choose Convert (#temp from nvarchar, BeginDate) + '& lt; / BeginDate> SET @strxml = @strxml + '& lt; Endadette & gt; + (#Topp from RawHtml) + 'convert from Tamp (Narvrat, E...

iphone - How many ratings are enough to display an average for an app on the App Store? -

I have seen the message "We have not received enough ratings to display on average for the present Version of this application " How many ratings are enough for the display? According to, about 5

eclipse - attached source and Open Resource feature -

I have imported jars for a project under libraries and attached the attached source zip. However, the source files in the zip are not visible in the open resource view (Ctrl + Shift + R). You can see the source by opening this class. P>

html - How to stop someone uploading a script in textarea? -

I have a situation where users can submit feedback via HTML text on a HTML page or JSP. It works fine and the text ends up in the database. But can anybody recommend safeguards that could prevent anyone from submitting malicious scripts that could possibly affect the behavior of the page? I can parse the text I entered and any & lt; For 'and LT'; And> to 'and' GT '; But can I do anything to verify the signed text? Thank you Mr. Morgan Check it out: Apache String Escape Utilities escapjavascript and escape html

database - how to declare global variable in sql -

I want to make a global script in a skeleton. For my understanding, using DECLARE, I would be able to create local variables only. Any idea how to make it? Thanks Assuming MS SQL Server, and " Definition can not be assumed. If you need access to a variable in many stored procedures, or ad-hook questions, then you will need some other ways to keep the data: a table that holds the variable for you. Note: : Hyperlinks do not go to Microsoft, I could not find a copy of Microsoft's specific definition, but the linked website came very close to this discussion.

cpu usage - How to get the CPU information of a process in Linux? -

In my server, many CPUs (0-7) exist. I need to run parallel code, and each process is associated with a CPU, so how do I know CPU information for each process? For example, if two processes (# 0 and # 1) exist, and the process # 0 uses CPU 5 and process # 1, uses CPU 7. How do I know whether programming in C or Fortran? Use Keep in mind that a process / thread to run on any available CPU / core independently Can be determined, so one of your processes can run one second on Core 1, and the next millisecond on Core 2 allows you to restrict processors (with processor) Are allowed to walk

c++ - DuplicateHandle: need to OpenProcess, but the access is denied -

I send a message in my application using the hooks of windows, which are notified about each event on the system about the Windows event is done. To execute the martial of the message parameters, I use shared memories. I call the external process, but to share the handle with my application frequency, it will call with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE privilege requirements. Actually every application is capable of sending messages using this architecture, even if I need to enable SeDebugPrivilege. External process actually works except for the 'Explorer' process, in which the Siebiebog prizele Do not have a token ... State Documents: AdjustmentTokiwalge Function Can not Add New Privileges for Access TokenAccording to the current privileges of this token Can enable or disable. To determine the token's privileges, call the GetTokenInformation function. So, the question is ... How to add SeDebugPrivilege token to the 'explorer' process, or alternatively, how to allow e...

mysql - Updating a Database With PHP -

I am trying to update my database records with the following code, but there is no luck yet. Any help to care? Thanks & lt? Include php "base.php"; ? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Stronger // N" ""> & Lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Project Spoke & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css" type = "text / css" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php if (empty ($ _ session ['login in']) & amp; blank ($ _ session ['username']) {if (! (Empty ($ _ POST ['username']) & amp; ;;; ($ _ POST ['email'])) {$ newusername = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ['username']); $ Newemail = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ['email...

.net - Handle in a console app -

I have a console app in .NET that I am doing some processing of fonts I am using Win32APIs for it And one of them needs a device reference to load the font - actually a IntPtr hdc = GetDC (the operation of the screen element) . Obviously, this app is not in my handle because it is a console app, is there any way to get rid of it? IntPtr hdc = GetDC (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess (). MainWindowHandle); works fine in the .Net console application. I do not believe that it will work in null . As the net it can not convert error, logic: from '& lt; Null & gt; to 'System.IntPtr'

mysql - What is an efficient way to query against an entity-attribute-value model -

I am working with a database like this: unit field value 1 And I want to ask all the entities with the artist name "some names" which have started but have not ended. I came up with something like this: select from start.entity field_values ​​as' start 'INNER field_included as values' end 'Inner Field' contains the values ​​as' Artist 'where (begin .field =' start_date 'and end.field =' end_date 'and artist.field =' artist ') and (STR_TO_DATE (start.value,'% M% D,% Y ') & lt; now () and STR_TO_DATE (end .value,'% M% d,% Y ')> NOW ()) and artist.value = "some artists"; But does not it hurt me as being incredibly efficient, is there a better view on this? For the sake of clarity you join the section, but in terms of query optimization it is too much of doing this The way. You might consider writing the query again in this way: Join SELECT start.entity unit FIND_value...

WIX Installer time frame to develop an installer -

My boss has requested that I build Win installer MSI using WIX. He gave me 2 days on the basis of the fact that PA of the group says that it is easy to use Volks (he made an installer in about 2 months). Now for the fun part, applications put 4000 files at 14,000 locations, there are custom actions in it, and 25 services have been installed. The files go to the D drive along with the C drive. I have used WIX for about 8 hours and do not really know the design of this application ... but this is another problem ... I'm new to the group. Do you understand Windows Installer (aka: MSI)? If not, then a big part of your time will be learning MSI. After that, heat.exe can help you prepare your authoring very quickly. Services will take some time and custom actions based on their complexity can be simple or complex. I want devo time for at least two weeks to do this ... but I know the Windows Installer and YX) very well;) If the custom actions are all complex then I have 4 - 8 W...

multithreading - In pthread, how to reliably pass signal to another thread? -

I am trying to write a simple thread pool program in pthread. However, it seems that pthread_cond_signal does not block, which creates a problem. For example, suppose I have a "manufacturer-consumer" program: pthread_cond_t my_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; Pthread_mutex_t my_cond_m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; Zero * Savior (Zero * Arg) {// XXX Make sure that he is ready to be free (1); Pthread_mutex_lock (& ​​my_cond_m); Pthread_cond_signal (& my_cond); Pthread_mutex_unlock (& ​​my_cond_m); Return tap; } Int main () {pthread_t t1; Pthread_create (& amp; t1, NULL, Savior, NULL); Do not be too long to get ready // // XXX. Otherwise, I would remember that always sleep // (3) to wake up; Pthread_mutex_lock (& ​​my_cond_m); Pthread_cond_wait (& my_cond, & my_cond_m); Pthread_mutex_unlock (& ​​my_cond_m); Pthread_join (t1, NULL); Return 0; } If I remove the Sleep call, then the main , as specified in the two XXX digits Stall can ...

How can I use CAS in .NET 4 to lock down my MEF extensions? -

I have an application in .NET 4 that uses accessibility for MEF. My main application consists of three assemblies: host , applications and contracts . Host "Boot-stacking" is executable which creates and stays the container. In the application , there is a logic of my application, and there are more expansion points for third parties. Contracts contains interfaces (and some supporting classes) that are used in detail points. Therefore, no contracts , but for application , which develops a third party application. I think my security model should look like this: Should be host and the application Protective Contracts should be SecuritySafeCritical All third-party extensions Security I think that will be satisfied with 1. default I know that I can apply 2. With an assembly feature. The question is how do I apply Rule 3? Does the operating system automatically flags with all download extensions unsafe? Is it possible to get the down...

iphone - How to hide variables for distributed code -

So I have created some apps and are now trying my hand in creating a piece of iPhone code that others Their application question is that how will the user hide the data element in the object class header file (.h)? For example, it is not certain that people used IdealEleets but their H does not seem to define any data element: #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h & gt; @ Class CLLocationManager; @class CLLocation; @Interface Fluari API: NSOBK {} // Miscellaneous Function Call @ and With that header file, they also provide an assembly file (.a) containing some data elements in it Are there. How do they retain those data elements throughout the lifetime of the object without declaring it in .h file? I am not sure that this is the case but the .h file is used only to create a single object, not many objects of the same class (fluariapi). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Take a look at this:

python - Approaches to embedded vector images/charts into PDF -

How do people in Linux world embed vector images in PDFs? I am trying to automate the report from the data that currently presents as SVG images. Ideally, I have PostScript , PDF or DjVu format. Which degree are able to handle SVG originally? More broadly, what are people's experiences? Should I Reuse the Original SVG XML Rasterized SVGs which have been built already? Or use any other format? I have been limited to those formats which are accessible from Ubuntu 10.04 Android i Python. This will probably separate me from the use of Adobe Illustrator files. Checking, its main purpose is to convert XML to Upsides (for this project): The complete Apache project (=> trusted) Downsides (for this project): Need to learn No Python

vb6 - handle the total of Integers exceeding Long -

I have the following code: Integer dim as the integer dim R Over the limit >. To handle this case: I have three options: long write as a (or r ) Define = ((CLNG (L) + R) / 2) New variable to long : Announce long S as the slow S = S + L + R I'm confused who to implement Is the best for I will choose # 2 I think (not sure) that it is a bit smaller than # 1 Uses less memory because the equation has only one long value where L or R to Long will be replaced by a space for 2 long values. I'I am thinking that after compiling the # 2 and # 3, one can come looking for (or very close) and I personally think that in this case an additional The variables will not be more readable at all. The difference is that in # 2, the results of L + R can not be saved anywhere, but for calculation the registers went away. I'm thinking a lot here, but I'm posting it partially because I hope that if I am wrong then someone will correct me anyway, with th...

java - how to obtain JSF app username from stateless session bean -

In our app, we get JSF & amp; Amp; EJB 3.0 (Eclipse Link 2.0) We need to use the Oracle Proxy authorization for each connection in our Stateless Session Beans. For this, we have to get the DB username to connect with the Threat Proxy. There is an article on the topic So when a certified user calls a JSF managed bean method in which it calls a few sessions, the Bean method can be used in some way by using its username Should be passed for. I do not have very good solutions right now: - Pass the username as a parameter in every session method (not very clean but will work); - Solution of the above article: To use the class member variable of Session Bean to store the Usage (thread is safe and potentially not dangerous) PS I have found a solution which thread is using local variables: _http: // works fine, but still there is a problem that I have given to each JSF session Before the Bean, each e-SB session need...

ruby on rails - Does postgres automatically change record ids? -

I rely on the id area of ​​the postgresql record, not changing the railway app. Some tests have indicated that postgrads can change the ID of some records, do posters do so? Databases do not manipulate their data - they need to execute INSERT, update, and / or / Or delete statement. Any automated job can be done ... Strange data means that whatever you thought was what you were, or not allowing bad data to be inserted. Post the expected results to review your query, sample data, and what we have to do.

c# - how to insert data into db as a serialized object -

My basic question is how to insert data as a serialized object in DB and remove it and use it. .. any suggestion !!? Example: {id: 1, userId: 1, type: photo, time: 2008-10-15 12:00:00, data: {photoId: 2089, photoName: As you see how I can insert data in column data and then use it ! Another question is if I add data inside photoName and get the name Instead of id according to this table ( photos ) photoName (right !?) Also I can not be able to create a relationship between the table photo and the current table - (id = & Gt; photoId) - If I store data like this I am .. So one part of the problem is that I do not know what kind of information is being stored in the column data so I do not customize a different column All these types of information ... Usually I look here for two options. You can store an XML serialized object in a database, and you can only use standard XML serialization, here it is that you can optimize for your need...

unit testing - Stop generation of TestResult.xml with NUnit GUI test runner -

क्या NUnit GUI का उपयोग करते समय TestResult.xml की पीढ़ी को रोकना संभव है टेस्ट रनर , या उस स्थान को बदलने के लिए जिसे इसे सहेजा गया है? फिलहाल, यह हमेशा एक ही निर्देशिका को न्युनिट प्रोजेक्ट फ़ाइल के रूप में सहेज रहा है, और मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता व्यवहार को बदल दें (संभवत: मेरे भाग पर मस्तिष्क-फ़्रीज।) मैं NUnit V2.5.7 के नवीनतम रिलीज़ का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। धन्यवाद। ऐसा नहीं लगता है कि यह संभव है, लेकिन संस्करण 2.6 में ऐसा करने में सक्षम होने के बारे में एक चर्चा थ्रेड है। 0 यहाँ: शायद आप अपने $ 0.02 को इस सुविधा अनुरोध पर जोड़ सकते हैं और उस व्यवहार को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं जो आपको चाहिए। मुझे यकीन है कि आप पता है कि आप टूल मेनू के माध्यम से किसी भी फ़ोल्डर में एक्सएमएल के रूप में मैन्युअल रूप से अपने परीक्षण के परिणामों को सहेज सकते हैं, लेकिन यह सिर्फ एक दूसरी कॉपी सहेजता है जहां आप जाना चाहते हैं और पहली जगह में एक्सएमएल फ़ाइल को सृजित नहीं करते हैं।

xaml - WPF - DataGrid Column with Width="*", but MinWidth to Fit Contents -

DataGrid कॉलम का एक सेट के लिए सबसे अच्छा / सही तरीका क्या होगा? width = "\ *"), लेकिन उनकी न्यूनतम चौड़ाई उनकी सामग्री की कम से कम होनी चाहिए? फिलहाल, यदि मैं width = "*" का उपयोग करता हूं, तो कॉलम वास्तव में आनुपातिक होते हैं, लेकिन यदि कॉलम बहुत पतले हो जाते हैं तो सामग्री बढ़ जाती है। अगर मैं width = "auto" का उपयोग करता हूं, तो कॉलम स्वयं को पूरी तरह से अपनी सामग्री में आकार देते हैं, लेकिन यह उन्हें सभी अलग-अलग आकारों में बना देता है। मुझे क्या चाहिए वास्तव में इसका एक संयोजन है दो, जैसे width = "\ *" , मिनव्यूथ = "ऑटो" ताकि अतिरिक्त चौड़ाई हो, कॉलम सभी बराबर चौड़ाई तक बाहर जाएंगे, लेकिन जब ग्रिड दुर्भाग्य से, न्यूनतमवृत = "ऑटो" मौजूद नहीं है, इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि मुझे कॉलम के मिनवेथ संपत्ति, लेकिन यह पता लगाना बहुत मुश्किल है कि मैं इसे कैसे बाँधूँगा मैं डब्ल्यूपीएफ "मिनव्यूथ =" को कॉलम की सबसे विस्तृत सामग्री की चौड़ाई कैसे बताऊं?

c# - How to add a custom FxCop rule? -

Below is my custom rule assembly and embedded XML resource file. Both my assembly name and default namespace name are MyRules I can not understand why it may be difficult to add custom Fxcop rules? I always get the error " No rules selected " I'm getting mad ... using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Text; Using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk; MyRules: {Public class} MyRule1: BaseInstructionRial {Public MyRule1 (): Base ("MyRule1", "MyRules.TutorialRules", TypeR (MyRule1). Assembly) {}}} & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Rules friendly name = "favorable names of my rules" & gt; & Lt; Rule type name = "MyRule1" category = "My category" check id = "SM 0001" & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; My name & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Details & gt; My Desciription & lt; / Description & gt; & Lt; URL ...

sql server - How to calculate the local datetime from a utc datetime in tsql (sql 2005)? -

I have to loop in TSLL over a period of time, and print UTC datatoms and our local version. We live in UTC +1, so I could easily add 1 hour, but in the summer we live in UTC +2. In C #, I can make a datetime and use a method to ask for the UTC version. And vice versa So far I have this:. declared @counter declared @localdate datetime declared @utcdate datetime @counter set int = 0 while @counter & lt; 100 @counter set start = @counter + 1 + print cast (@counter as four) set @utcdate = DATEADD is 'counter' (day, @ counter, GETUTCDATE ()) --set @localdate = ???? After the print @localdate print @utcdate end Assume that you use SQL 2005 On the up side, you can do the development of the SQL CLR function to convert a UTC date and convert it to a local date. How is an MSDN, to explain how you can create scalar UDF in C #. Create a SQL function on the pattern of [SqlFunction ()] Public static SqlDateTime ConvertUtcToLocal (SqlDateTime utcDate) {// You to conv...

java - ExtJs dynamic Id generation when using Selenium Tool -

I am trying to test a web application which uses the UI using EXTJS. The problem I am facing is that when I try to record macro and automate the test, then I have a big problem. ExtJs IDs are dynamic (the next time I try to play the record macro when I record the macro ID the ID is not the same) So I get a run time exception and the macro does not have complete execution. Tried the solution: I tried an alternative test tool for semitium and faced the same problem. Done As far as I understand, there should be no way to stabilize this ID so that the problem can be solved or there is some work available. We use the following overrides for ext (see 2.2.1) Also gives the extension, whatever we specify instead, it is not certain where we met it, possibly due to the Ex Forum Ext.override (Ext.Button, {initButtonEl: function (BTN, BTNEL) {this.el = btn; btn.addClass "X-btn"); If ( {// = =; // override = bt...

javascript - How to make a rating image like -

I am trying to create some things in my website. I want a rating image, when the user moves the mouse from the first star to the 9th star, in order to brighten all the stars. And when the user clicks for 9th star, then the movie's rating is nine. How can I do this?

vbscript - QTP: Set relative Path in QTP during the run time -

Using the QPP menu bar, I can set my folder path and use the relative path in the action script Can i First of all, if I want to get one in the script, how can I do this? Secondly, if I want to set the system environment variable named "TEST_ROOT_PATH", can I achieve it during the run time of every test? Allows dynamic modification of the collection of QTP folders, as the basis for finding relative paths Do the work. You can access this collection by the "Folders" method of the QPP application. This should be something like this: set qtApp = CreateObject ("QuickTest.Application"). QtFolders = QtApp.Folders qtFolders.Add "Your Path"

java - Design approach (Domain driven or Service Driven) -

My problem statement is: I want to write design file management (add, copy, Etc.)). There are two approaches: service-driven approach Write a file Vo that contains only file attributes, for example. Public class file {Private Boolean hidden; Private Boolean read; Write private boolean; Public Boolean Hahid () {hidden return; } Public Zero sethold (Boolean hidden) {This hidden = hidden; } Public Boolean is Reid (read; } Public Zero set read (Boolean reading) { = read; } Public Boolean isWrite () {Write Write; } Write public zero set (typing boolean) {this.write = write; }} and separates the service for file related tasks. For example: public class file service {delete public boolean file (file file) {// Add deleted logic. } // In the same way you can copy and copy the file. Domain induced approach (I may be wrong here.) Where File VO includes all features and expected operation: public class file {Private Boolean hidden; Private Boolean read; ...

Easiest way to embed flash videos in Rails - must be cross browser compatible -

I need to embed flv, mp4 and other potential videos in a RL 2.3.5 application. I have a lot of problems showing the video in Safari 5 and Firefox 3.5. Is there an easy way to get a cross-browser video player and embed it in a Rail app? I tried swfobject 1.5 and 2.2 with jw_player, and no results. I used the 2.3.5 application JW player in Rail Rail Plugin. It's easy to use: Install plug-ins Run the rake jade-player: In your layout Enter and lt;% = javascript_include_tag 'swfobject'%> You can then use the following accessory: & lt; % = Player ({: file => path_to_flv}, {: width => 680 ,: height => 420})%> I got it in Firefox 3.6.8 Tested, Opera, Chrome 5 and Safari 5 and it's working well ...

python - Elegant way to remove fields from nested dictionaries -

I had to remove some fields from a dictionary, the keys in this area are on a list, then I type this function: def delete_keys_from_dict (dict_del, lst_keys): "" "Delete the key in lst_keys from the dictionary, repeatedly loop on nested dictionaries." "Dict_foo = dict_del .copy () is used as an iterator to avoid 'dictionary: side-changel' error for fields in dict_foo.keys (): If the field contains lst_keys: del dict_del [field] if type ( Dict_foo [field]) == dict: delete_keys_from_dict (dict_del [field], lst_keys) return dict_del This code works, but it is not very elegant and I'm sure you Better solution codes can be done in advance. def delete_keys_from_dict (dict_del, lst_keys) For: l Lst_keys: try: del dict_del [k] except for keyError: pass for v in dict_del.values ​​(): If ifinstance (v, dict): delete_keys_from_dict (v, lst_keys) return dict_del

javascript - Non Destructive WYSIWYG editor? -

I'm looking for a very user-friendly WYSIWYG for text areas, which allows text to allow normal JavaScript Maintains the area recognition. I have tried tinike and it is not easy to do this. I am currently using Markdown wmd, but because it is displayed in the text field, my target audience works as to how it works. Any tips or resources that can help will be appreciated. Take a look at Here WYSIWYG has been used.

clr - Why is C# 4.0's covariance/contravariance limited to parameterized interface and delegate types? -

Is it a limitation of CLR or is there a concern with compatibility with the existing code? Is it related to the deviation of the confusion of the representatives involved in C # 4.0? Edit: Is it possible to use a co-contradiction without this limitation running on CLR to be a language? Simple Answer: This is the CLR limitation. (I did not see a good, solid explanation anywhere for this ... I do not remember one of Eric's blog series about it, though I do not remember it somewhere. I can remember somewhere.) One thing I say is that both the representatives and interfaces actually make "layers of indirection" on the actual types; Thinking about the methods or classes, if you do, changing from one scene to another is quite reasonable. The actual class feels like a more solid representation - and seems less appropriate than transferring from one solid representation to another. Although it is a very emotionally-judicious interpretation rather than a real ...

How to purge specific users/groups from a SharePoint site collection? -

I am trying to write utility to find / delete specific users and groups from a SharePoint site collection. At this time I am using the property of SPWeb to work on SiteUsers , but I am thinking: why there is no such property SPS ite class? It seems completely intuitive (though I am no wonder now about SharePoint about this point). What is a better way of doing what I am trying to do? Related: Unfortunately, I can not really answer Why ended this way ... :) It is a fact of SharePoint that you use SPWeb to call SPS ite.OpenWeb () or SPS ite.RootWeb and then go to the site user. Are there. I think that the way you are using the object model is OK. If you switch to using SharePoint's web services, then you can use these two methods: and.

ide - Scala programming environment -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मैं ओर्डेस्की एट अल द्वारा पुस्तक 'प्रोग्रामिंग इन स्काला' को पढ़कर स्काला सीख रहा हूं। क्या प्रोग्रामिंग वातावरण लोग स्काले के लिए उपयोग करते हैं? मैंने TextMate और emacs का उपयोग किया है, और जावा के लिए एक्लिप्स का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा है परिपक्वता की अलग-अलग डिग्री के साथ कई विकल्प हैं: Emacs के अच्छे बाइंडिंग हैं; ग्रहण के पास एक प्लग इन है; इंटेलेल आईडीईए में स्काला प्लगइन और एक सामुदायिक संस्करण है; नेटबैंस के स्केल के लिए इसके प्लगइन हैं (मेरा मानना ​​है कि लिफ्ट की ओर से बहुत सारे लोग हमें यह कहते हैं)। अन्य उपकरण जो आईडीई नहीं हैं, लेकिन इन पर मदद मिलेगी आपकी रूटीन (विशेषकर यदि आप आईडीई के आदी नहीं हैं): एसबीटी (स्काला बिल्ड टूल) में, स्काला में लिखे गए मेवेन कलाकृतियों, निरंतर संकलन और परीक्षण सहित कुछ बहुत अच्छी सुविधाएं हैं; मेवेन भवन के लिए अच्छा समर्थन प्रदान करता है (लेकिन आपको मावेन सीखना है); चश्मा एक भयानक परीक्षण ढांचा है मुझे पसंद है आईडीईए बेहतर तो ग्रहण, यद्यपि ग्रहण अच्छी तरह विकसित हुआ है मै...

c# - Binding to an ancestor in WPF -

I have a window in a assembly that has a text block control which I want to attach to the value of a class property which That is the property of Windows Parents DataContacts, the class which is serving as a data contantex is defined only within the second assembly. My question is, what type of requirement do I have to specify in my bond statement as type? Can I just use the type of property of the datacontent which is normal between two assemblies or do I need to use the type of datacontext? Below is a prototype that I feel it should work, but I am not confused about anything :) Assembly # 1 Strong> window & lt; TextBlock Text = "{Compulsive Relative Soros = {Resultant Surge Origin Type = {x: Type Client: Client}}, Path = Name}" /> Assembly # 2 application shell set square shell {public client client} {client = value; }} On startup () {Navigation window window = new navigation window (); Window.DataContext = This; Window.Navigate (GetHomeView...

ipad - UIPinchGestureRecognizer (Zoom out /Zoom in) -

I have used the UIIngGustrector in my application to zoom in or out. While working at zoom in / out at zoom out But I want to set the minimum and maximum scale UIPinchGestureRecognizer so that the image should not be smaller than the iPad size. There is a way to set the scale minimum and maximum UIPinchGestureRecognizer, please reply as soon as possible. Thanks Worship Russiaia iPhone Developer peak scale float scale = FMXF (Pinchskel, FMINF (iPadWith / ImageWith, iPadHead / ImageHit)); Use scale instead of // pinchScale

how to learn c basic easily and quickly? -

आसानी से और जल्दी से सी कैसे सीखें? (जिसे के & amp; आर भी कहा जाता है): एक प्रति उठाओ और पढ़ने शुरू करें यह शुरू से ही मूलभूत बातें सिखाता है और उनमें से सबसे तेज गति से निर्माण करता है।

iphone - How can I declare a global integer and use it across my app? -

How can I declare a global integer and use it in my app? // SomeFile.h extern int n; //SomeFile.m int n; // Someomefile.m #import "SomeFile.h" Now you can use global n in some of your upper file.m file

php - Paypal IPN returning HTTP/1.1 200 OK -

I am testing to integrate a website into PayPal using Web Payments standard and HTML variables. I have written a simple PHP script to handle IPN information. A simple ' verified ' or ' INVALID response according to the PayPal server, once you ping the received data back to PayPal. In my handler, I am comparing case sensitive strings for those two keywords, if none of these are known keywords, then it is considered as an error. & lt ;? Php $ fp = fsockopen ($ socket_url, 80, $ error, $ errstr, 10); If (! $ Fp) {// socket error returned false; } Other {fputs ($ fp, $ header. $ Req); $ Is_ok = false; While (! FIF ($ fp)) {$ res = fgets ($ fp, 1024); If (srcmp ("verified", $ this-> ipn_response) == 0} {// do something ...} // if the IPN post 'INVALID' and if (SRCMP ($ SES, "INVALID") = = 0) {fclose ($ fp); return false; } Else {echo "Unknown response from PayPal: $ res"; Fclose ($ fp); return false; }} Fclose ($ fp); ...

JavaScript | Detecting the WebKit over Browser/Phone Type -

Instead of identifying each phone or browser individually, the web-kit engine (i.e., iPhone, Android, Blackberry 6) It is possible to find out Each webkit browsers should report the version of WebKit in their user agent string. This is Google Chrome on User Agent Strings and Mac OS X used by Safari; Similar strings are used by browsers on other devices. Mozilla / 5.0 (Macintosh; U. Intel Mac OS X10_6_4; N-U) Apple WebKat / 533.17.8 (KHML, like Geico) version 5.0.1 Safari / 533.17.8 - Mozilla / 5.0 (MacAutosh; U. Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; N US) Apple WebKat / 533.4 (KHML, like GECO) Chrome / 5.0.375.125 Safari / 533.4

c# - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected -

I get the following error when the status matches below, I am using the code at the bottom of the content page And in my master page it's & lt; ASP: Enable Script Manager Patient Rendering = "True" Enable Positioning = "True" ID = "SIGRAR" Runat = "Server" /> Error: Microsoft JScript Runtime Error: Object Expected if (lstRecipient.Items [i] .text == {lstRecipient.Items.RemoveAt (i); IsDuplicate = true; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock (this, it is.), GetType (), "AlertAid", "Jellert ('The name of the recipient is already in the list.', 'Duplicate Entry!');", True); } This usually happens when a jscript function can not be resolved. What is a reference of the JQuery library with your JAlert function?

asmx - ASP.Net Web service. How to reject request? -

I have an ASMX web service and I would like to reject all incoming requests from all IP addresses, only I know. I have used Application_BeginRequest but after confirming that IP is not IP, I would like to know what I want to change the comment in the code. Thanks Secure void Application_BeginRequest (object sender, EventArgs e) {var address = "916.222.18.0"; Var ip = context.Request.ServerVariables ["REMOTE_ADDR"]; If (IP! = Address) {// reject request}} Try it: Reference. response. Status code = (int) HTTitus code. Forbidden; Context.Response.End (); Or you can redirect to another page that does not have a customer restriction: context.response.Redirect ("head-fake. Aspx ");