I am trying to send color text to the TextCtrl widget, but I do not know how Style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | Wx.bordER_SUNKEN | Wx.TE_READONLY | Wx.TE_RICH2 self.status_area = wx.TextCtrl (auto.panel, -1, position = (10, 270), style = style, size = (380,150)) Basically this snippet Defines a status box in my window, and I want to write a colored log message for it. If I just do self.status_area.AppendText ("blah"), then it adds text as I want, but it will always be black. I can not get the documentation on how to do this. You need to call SetStyle to call text behavior. import wx square F (wx.frame): def __init __ (auto, * args, ** kw): wx.frame .__ init __ (self, none) style = wx . TE_MULTILINE | Wx.bordER_SUNKEN | Wx.TE_READONLY | Wx.TE_RICH2 self.status_area = wx.TextCtrl (auto, -1, position = (10, 270), style = style, size = (380,150)) self.status_area.AppendText ("Blahblahhblah") fg = wx.Colour ( 200,80,100) = wx.TextAttr (fg) self.status_area.SetS...