
Showing posts from January, 2015

php - Which XML-RPC Library? -

PHP has at least two implementations for XML-RPC. Which is the best and why? I'm using one in the O'Reilly Jellyfish book, but I find it extremely difficult to do strange and workbooks and debug it. The version looks a bit cleaner, but the warning is that the extension is experimental. Is your favorite? A different one? XML-RPC is mostly about Marshalling data, so there is a performance difference between the native PHP extension and the implementation of pure PHP. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> is negligible though PHP has been created, just about the encoding data, so you can actually send the RPC call to add the add-on API is required. The useful ins xmlrpc library was a susceptible to excavation. So I would know that keeping in mind what it looks today Make better use of the basic PHP xmlrpc_ * function and forget about experimental tags. An optional will be the Zend Framework Function, which is a pure PHP code and most verbose, but...

jQuery AJAX timeout undefined -

I was trying example examples of jQuery and to my surprise, I got an error for AJAX calls Found the state, define T when I removed the timeout attribute, it worked fine. I downloaded jQuery a few days ago, so I'm pretty sure this is not a version issue. I was trying with Firefox (3.6.8) and not from any other browser. Why does this happen? Edit : Code snippet has been taken from the comment to the question $ Ajax ({Type: "GET", Data Type: 'Jason', URL: PHPServiceProxy, Timeout: 5000, Success: Function (Answer) {} // Note: The original code snippet provided was missing a comma here Error: Function (xhr, textstatus, errorThrown) {}}); timeout property is present in jQuery for long time So I do not think your problem relates to that there may be a syntax error in your code. This should work: $ Ajax ({type: 'GET', Datatype: 'Jason', URL: PHPServiceProxy, Timeout: 5000, Success: Job (Answer) {}, Error: Function (Excerpt, Textsta...

Intellij is stealing focus from editor after compile -

I am using Intellij IDEA 9.0.2, after every make, if I have errors, window "message Make "stealing the focus, do you know from the chief editor how is this right? There is no way to change this behavior into a configuration. There is a keyboard shortcut that allows you to change the focus on the specific 'window' within the IDEA. CTRL + SHIFT + TAB CTRL is replaced with CMD on Mac and Super key) On Unix it lets you manually edit the editor tab of your choice, Will allow you to switch back to another window.

android - How to use Two ListView in one screen? -

I want to use two list view in a ListActivity. how can I do this? Please help me create two separate list views in a list activation. Thanks Lamp Just create an XML file named XML: & lt; Relative layout xmlns: Android = "" Android: layout_width = "Fill_parent" Android: Orientation = "vertical" Android: layout_height = "fill_parent" & gt; & Lt; ListView Android: id = "@ + id / listView01" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: gravity = "center_horizontal" /> & Lt; ListView Android: Android: Android: Android: layout_width = "failparent" Android: layout_height = "rap_sign" android: layout_bel = "@ + ID / list visas 101" Android: Gravity = "center_ horizontal" /> & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; Load this XML file via: setContentView (

IlMerge Silverlight Class Library with Custom Controls -

I have a single. I am trying to merge all the assemblies of a class library into a Dll file. I can merge all assemblies using iLerji but it is that when I use DLL merged in a Silverlight application, then when I use a control, one The problem applies to my control and compulsive problems that are processed with UserControl. Is there a solution to solve this problem? The problem is that when the initial DLS is built, then the project will have XAM in the form of a resource. The DLL code added to load this xaml will look something like this: - System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent (this, new system .iuri ("/ SilverlightLibrary1; component / MyControl.xaml ", System.UriKind.Relative)); Note that the URL of DLL form URL needs to be brought to me. I suspect that Elgerge is able to detect and fix it. Therefore, once the merger can not be found, the ureus can not be found. An offer for this is probably useless in comparison to many references or simply creating an...

php - Doctrine - how to get the SQL INSERT query, in the postSave() event? -

I would like to get the exact SQL INSERT query when the principle is saved to a () method. Preferably, I want to get it in the PostSave () event of the model and would like to log it into a txt file. For example: & lt ;; Php $ user = new user (); // A principle model with timestamp behavior $ user enabled- & gt; First_name = 'manny'; $ User- & gt; Last_name = 'calvar'; $ User- & gt; Save (); ? & Gt; I want to receive / log the following SQL queries: Log in user (first_name, last_name, created, updated) value ('Manny', '' Kailwara ',' 2010-08-03 12:00:00 ',' 2010-08-03 12:00:00 '); Background requirement is that I want to import a large amount of data after parsing the TST file and after the data. I do not think there is any easy way to do this because the behavior of saving is something different (if you insert / Updates). If you have created a theory query object, you can call the getSqlQ...

Pass by value vs Pass by reference performance -

I'm basically creating a light square, it is passed in approximately 10 parameters, these paramteres do not change It is only in the manufacturer when stores them locally. There are some reference types (strings, classes), others are price types (int, bull, enormoes). My question is, should I pass all these (except my classes) with "referee"? My idea here is the performance. Use only riff , if the method needs to change the parameter , And these changes call calling code. You should only optimize it, if you have run it through a professor and determined that the barrier is actually copying the method parameters on the CLR stack. Keep in mind that the CLR parameter, so I do not think this will be the problem.

line breaks - PHP nl2br() basic function -

Can anyone help me with this mail script? I'm just trying to send an HTML email and a part of the message is from a user Texter, which puts in \ r \ n. I think Nl2br or any other similar function unable to use it. I am not using the code given below, but still generate error. Code: $ to = ''; $ Theme = 'test topic'; $ Message_var_1 = 'test1 \ r \ n test2 \ r \ n test3'; $ Message = nl2br (" $ message_var_1 & lt; / div> & lt; / div & gt;"); $ Header = 'mime-version: 1.0' "\ r \ n"; $ Headers = 'Content-type: text / html; Charset = ISO-885 9-1 '"\ r \ n"; $ Headers = 'X-Mailer: PHP /'. Phpversion (). "\ R \ n"; Mail ($ $ $ $ theme, $ message, $ headers); message_var_1 = 'test1 \ r \ n test2 \ r \ n Test3 '; PHP \ r and \ n within " , not inside ' . Therefore nl2br will not apply here. $ message_var_1 = "test1...

model view controller - How can I check if UIViewController "Did Dismiss"? -

I would like to know, I have a UIButton in class A which is presentModalViewController: aViewController ... I want to see that when VVUA controller is dismissed. How can I do this? Thank you! In fact, you can not have a solution: Consider: Ideas: .h: Consider using the view: / P> is a model in BOOL; .m: - current zero {hasmodel = yes; [Self-Present Model View Controller: _viewController Animated: Yes]; } - (zero) viewDidAppear: (BOOL) animated [[Super Viewedapper: Animated]; If (Hmodel) {// your code}} Good Luck ^^

html - Unable to select a particular radio button choice by clicking on the choice text -

& lt; s टेम्पलेट सजाने के लिए "/ layout / display-text.xhtml" & gt; & Lt; h: selectOneRadio लेआउट = "पृष्ठ डायरेक्शन" मान = "# {_ _ _ _ _ _ _}}" & gt; & Lt; f: चयनआइटम मान = "# {_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _}" /> & Lt; / h: selectOneRadio & gt; & Lt; / s: सजाने & gt; मैं फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स को छोड़कर सभी ब्राउज़रों में रेडियो बटन पसंद के आगे पाठ पर सीधे क्लिक करके यूजर वरीयताओं को चुनने में सक्षम हूं। मुझे यह कैसे तय करना चाहिए? आपको एक & lt; label & gt; रेडियो बटन के लिए तत्व ताकि आपका मार्कअप निम्न प्रकार से दिखता है: & lt; label = "radio-button" & gt; रेडियो बटन लेबल पाठ & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "रेडियो" मान = "1" नाम = "रेडियो-बटन" id = "रेडियो-बटन" / & gt; के लिए और id टैग के गुण होना चाहिए। इस लेबल को बनाने के लिए, आप टैग का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

syntactic sugar - Ruby: Shorthand for a[1] || a[3] || a[6] ...? -

I have a regular expression that gives more than one variable within a match. I am interested in the first non-redundant variable in the subset of the index inside the match, so I result = a [1] || A [3] || A [6] || ... I would like to store the relevant index with a regular expression in a configuration file. What does not mean the best short story signage? Use values_at to get an array in which the specified indices only Elements include then find | | | | X} to get the first element which is not zero or false. results = a.values_at (* index) .find {| X | X}

python - process_file(sys.argv[1]) IndexError: list index out of range -

This is the code with which I work with practical programming: import sys 'Input' file for the row in the input file = open (file name, 'r') '' '' '' Open, read and print file '' '' input_file: line = line.stip () print Line input_file.close () After importing this module into IDLE and passing a text file argument through process_file (), I get this error : (___name__ == "__main__": process_file (sys.argv [1]) traceback (most recent call final): the file " Lt; pyshell # 8 & gt; ", line1, & lt; module & gt; Process_file (" data.txt ") file" C: \ Python26 \ ", in line 14, process_file process_file (sys.argv [1]) Index Error: List index out of range How can I get this program done without getting this error? Any help is appreciated. It looks like you if __name__ == "__man__": process_file (sys.argv [1]) block process_file at the sa...

spring - Eclipse does not deploy jars into WEB-INF/lib directory -

I have to integrate JSF with Spring added these lines in web.xml Is: & lt; Context param & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Name & gt; ContextConfigLocation & lt; / Lastname & gt; & Lt; Ultimate Price & gt; /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml< / Super-valued & gt; & Lt; / Reference param & gt; & Lt; Listener & gt; & Lt; Audience category & gt; Org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener & lt; / Listener Category & gt; & Lt; / Listener & gt; & Lt; Listener & gt; & Lt; Audience category & gt; Org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener & lt; / Listener Category & gt; & Lt; / Listener & gt; I have included all spring dependencies using Maven, but when I run the project I get the following error message: java.lang .ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.contex...

http - Android emulator to communicate with pc emulator running on -

I have an application that I will run on two different emulators. This application uses the httpclient to communicate the server application, that I will run on the same computer as if the emulators are running. "Localhost" will not work for Android emulator because the local emulator will be the same. The computer will not be connected to a laptop. Which address should I specify? Use IP from within the Android emulator to connect to a local machine. See on the Android Developer Site.

c# - ImageButton in UpdatePanel doesn't PostBack -

I have created a form in a popup window, in which it is UpdatePanel with ImageButtons. Initially, I used to test linkbutons, but I need image buttons. The thing is, it works well with linkbutton and the image is not with buttons (absolutely nothing happens). Checking the source, I think the Javascript call is slightly different: link button: ; a href = "javascript: WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions (New WebForm_PostBackOptions (& amp; quot; ctl00 $ CPHC $ ctrlAdr $ AdrMapo $ lbAdresseSaisie & amp; quot;, & amp; quot; & amp; quot;, true, & amp; quot; & amp; quot;, & amp; quot; & amp; quot,;, false true)) "id =" ctl00_cphC_ctrlAdr_AdrMapo_lbAdresseSaisie "& gt; Trial & lt; / A & gt; ImageButton: & lt; Input align = "absmiddle" type = "image" style = "border-width: 0px;" Onclick = "javascript: WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions (New WebForm_PostBackOptions (& amp; quot; c...

php - Dependent dropdowns in Drupal -

I am trying to create a form in Drupal where a dropdown shows value on one another. In my case where I am making a form for some student program, I need to ensure that the options available for 'areas of interest' depend on 'department' which the user selects. Can someone recommend a way to do this? Anyway, I was using the 'webform' module for this form. you can try

php - Most efficient way of checking if a user as activated his/her account? -

I want my users to be able to activate their accounts before being able to login, they can register with an activation link After an email is sent, something like this: Of course, when anyone logs in, I have to see the weather or not that the user has activated it / In his account, I can think of two ways to solve this problem, either my 'use' The subject is an extra column in the table, which is set to free whenever the user is active: ----- --------- --------------------------------- | ID | Username Password | Activation_token | ----------------------------------------------- | 1 | User1 | Blala | | ----------------------------------------------- | 2 | User1 | Blala | Asd232DA34qADJs2 | ----------------------------------------------- Then whenever user logs in, I remove activation_token with user information. Or I may have a separate table that contains only activation tokens, which are then linked to the 'Users' table each time the user logs in: ----...

subversion and symlinks on windows for wordpress development -

I want to use the method described in the subdivision for the development of WordPress: Does anyone know that linkd.exe will work for Simlinking part? Thank you! linkd.exe and mklink can do this. Linkd.exe can be found The mklink is available as standard on Windows 2008. Note that folders for specially synchronizing mklink require a / D logic

Invoking a python script from a makefile in another directory -

I have a mess file that calls a dragon script which remains in the same directory as messphyme. It works just fine. makefile # 1: auto: ./ Now, I have another message file, another in the directory, and Want to call it makefile before it. In Makefile # 2: Target: CD $ (DIR); $ (Make) auto; The problem is, when the script runs, it runs as if it's in the same direction, as Messiefile is # 2. At Stdout, I see a path to "create [3]: Exclude directory" and # 1, just after executing and before running the script. On a suggestion, I tried to modify message # 2: target: (cd $ dir; $ make auto;) but it has been interpreted as "CD IR: AK Auto" when I change the brackets around the DIR and I do, I get the same behavior as before. I have tried to modify the Python script, assuming it in # 2 it is given a path to # 1 Update : Below Code is formatted in my comment, so it is here: I tried to put it out and basically what you describe ...

ruby on rails - RoR: How to use *_path in a model? -

I need to generate a "report" in a model. I have to include a link in this "report", however, all * _path functions are not available in model classes (a simple test shows me that new_post_path raises an exception in my model but works fine in my controllers) What is the method to use Polymorphic_url Or, at least, * _path methods in my models? If you are: contains ActionController :: PolymorphicRoutes In your model: class SomeModel & lt; You receive polymorphic_path and polymorphic_url in ActionController :: PolymorphicRoutes closing in ActiveRecord :: Base. If you are preparing a route for the current AR object then it can be used to pass self in these methods. - Environment.NewLine in .NET does not have correct value -

Environnent.NewLine दो रिक्त स्थान (जैसे vbCrLf और ControlChars.CrLF) के लिए हल हो रहा है। StringBuilder का उपयोग करते हुए, AppendLine भी ऐसा कर रहा है। मैं अपने दिमाग को बेदखल कर रहा हूं और इंटरनेट को यह पता लगाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि ऐसा क्यों है, लेकिन मैं खाली आ रहा हूं। > मैं उपयोगकर्ता अंतरफलक निर्णयों के आधार पर .bat फ़ाइल बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं I मुझे लाइनों के बीच अलग होने की आवश्यकता है मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूँ: नया एसआरबी के रूप में मंद एसबी एसबी के साथ। एपेंड ("कुछ")। एपेंडलाइन () .एपेंड ("कुछ और {0}", पर्यावरण.NewLine)। ("तीसरी पंक्ति") के साथ समाप्त जब मैं sb.ToString () को हल करता हूं, तो सब कुछ एक पंक्ति में होता है। जहां सीआरएलएफ होना चाहिए, वहां दो स्थान हैं (हेक्स 20)। यह दृश्य स्टूडियो 2010 के अंतिम के साथ है। सहायता! धन्यवाद। एक प्रारूप स्ट्रिंग नहीं लेता है। आप चाहते हैं। sb के साथ नए स्ट्रिंगबिल्डर के रूप में मंद एसबी। एपेंड ("कुछ")। एपेंडलाइन () .AppendFormat ("कुछ और {0}", पर्यावरण.N...

plsql - Multiple Attachment problems in PL/SQL using utl_smtp package -

I am using the code from this link to send attachments in our system's email notifications; The problem is that the second attachment has an encoding problem, if I send it in a text file, then the text will be mashed in the text file. If properly printed then 'b' u [ÈØ]] \ The first attachment For, I print the MIME border; utl_smtp.write_data g_mail_conn, chr (13) || Chr (10) || Chr (13) || Chr (10) || '-' || L_boundary || Chr (13) || Chr (10)); Utl_smtp.write_data (g_mail_conn, 'content-dispute: attachment; filename = "test2.txt"' chr (13) || chr (10)); Utl_smtp.write_data (g_mail_conn, 'content-transfer-encoding: base64') CRR (13) || CR (10)); Then I run the loop which I took from the link (also copied below) and after the loop, I reset the v_offset variable, then I gave it above The second boundary for the attachment is to enter the code. Then I utl_smtp.write_data (g_mail_conn, chr (13) || chr (10) || '-' | | ...

database design - How to build a scalable statistical system? -

Say I have a table called products and I want to know how often the products are searched , Have seen and bought me, when products have to be searched, viewed and purchased. My first method was that product_id , a field indicates that the item 0 = searched , 1 = visited and 2 = purchased and any other area has 'WETTIME' of the event, so I can filter time. It works very well, but is not scalable if I have 50,000 products in the database and 1,000 users use 5 searches every day, then I have 50,000 * 1,000 * 5 = 250'000,000 is a new record per day , so it does not look like the right solution for me. I have some ideas about how to increase it, but I really want to read it better, because I am not happy with myself. Keep storing this data (storage is cheap and relatively scalable, if you do not have access to it) / p> Overall, which is interesting to you. Once you know which statistics are interesting for you, then you can generate these incremen...

iphone - Data modeling in CoreData, (folders and documents with many children, etc) -

I have used the codead in some time but data modeling is very easy. This time I should implement the following: Users can create documents and folders (they do not have to be real folders / directories). Documents or other folders in the folder Documents are: 1 title, 1 description and 8 Each child may also have a title and a description and it can have 8 children (optionally) Levels (recursive) may be as if the user desires I'm not sure how to express it in CoreData. Can someone give a hand here? Right now I think about: "title" with title "title" and "child" as a specialty (as many as one). "Aizenfolder" with a "file" unit as a boolean feature and "document" as a relationship (many from one, pointing to "hair") I'm not sure It applies well above the structure in the coredata. Am i on the right track Re-modeling data structure in Coradata can be painful (I have heard) I wo...

drupal - Is "Similar Entries" or "Similar by Terms" a better module for listing nodes similar to the one the user is currently viewing? -

I am looking at these two modules for the "related article" style entry: Similar to rules Similar entries Any opinions on any of them? I have a tag system set, so the search will be corrected by words, but it has not been updated recently as another module. How reliable is "identical entries"? Does anyone have any experience with either field? Looks better according to the rules, because There is a version for Drupal 7. It has been updated at the end of July (similar listings have been updated in May 2009). This cache result. If I have to choose a different module, then I will choose relevant content, which also has a CCK field which allows you to enter the list of related nodes in each node.

javascript - Jquery: Count node separation in xml -

I am loading an XML document using Javascript (Jquery $. Ajax ). I should be able to calculate the number of branches (B) Separating 2 text nodes. Example & lt; Bn = "ARCHIA" & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Archia & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; B n = "Ubetaria" & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Cyanobacteria & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Spirochaete & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; B n = "sewds" & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Red Rugs & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Calliblepharis & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; B n = "ground plants" & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Liverwort & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Mass & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Bracken Fern & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; B n = "seed plants" & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Scots Pine & lt; / S & gt; & Lt; S & gt; Ginkgo & lt;...

iphone - Loading PDFs into iBooks programmatically -

I have a client who wants to keep my course material, which is already in the PDF format, in the Ibook PDF section On / iPad Device I have loaded one of the PDFs and it looks great but this process is very manual and the end user is not very technical, sensible or patient. Is there a way where I can provide a link to a website that will either load PDFs in my iBook catalog if they are navigating with device (iPhone / iPad) or iTunes Load in, if they are on your PC? As a side, you will think that a single Ibook PDF will give priority to 26 different iBook pdf, the curriculum content is currently divided into lessons, initial download time will be very high, if there is an automatic process The concern for me is that the PDFs are displayed on the device and that the library will be wasted and will reduce the overall experience less than the ideal. I answer this for complete purposes currently (9/2010) to book any book in iBooks There is no automated process to install, ther...

c# - How to write every time to a new row of data table? -

How do I insert a separate row into a datrator each time? The data table is used to write a data in the DataGrid view. I need every time, which needs to be written in a different row (row) in the data, when I do not know how many rows should be required in runtime. talk; The data is loaded with an XML file, so data tables can already have rows. What can I do? (In short, I always write in the same line) Edit in C #: Here is the code: For some reason, DateGridView is only one line (this is a Method which is active in one click of a button) public zero gridstart (string i, string b, string c) {datatabase dt = new datatable (); // empty table without schema DataColumn colContactID = new data column ("date", typef (string)); DatacolumncolContactName = new data column ("collar", typef (string)); Data column collarsalt = new data column ("result", typef (string)); Dt.Columns.Add (colContactID); Dt.Columns.Add (colContactName); Dt.Columns.Add (colResult...

java - Setting wallpaper in Android -

I am developing a simple app that sets a wallpaper based on user input. I'm missing the code to set the wallpaper. I'm searching it out for a lot of websites. Can anyone post a sample code which can be saved as a drawer in the res folder Works on Android 1.5 and above Public Zero Set wallpaper (reference) {reference reference = this.getBaseContext (); Bitmap ambitmap = bitmapfender Sequoed resources (resources received), MIJIID [P]); Context.setWallpaper (mBitmap); }

oop - why wasn't the idea of nested functions, implemented in older c++ standard? -

Nested functions are considered useless during the development of the older C ++ standard, because its use is basically covered Another concept like object-oriented programming; Or was it not implemented as a matter of simplification? nested functions - be useful - see the stack frame of functions containing the need reference: square fu () {zero triprip () {int i = 0; Zero dip () {// ...} int x = 12; For (i = 1; i & lt; 3; ++ i) {int z = 33; Dunk (); // ...}}} Which value should access the debug ()? Nobody? You have just duplicated the functionality of anonymous (anonymous) namespace, more or less. Only me, because there is only one defined before the function? Only for I and x, because they are in the field of SM Dip () ? Is the compiler to ensure that the constructors of x were already executed, or is this your job? What about G? , __auto_struct_Dip * stackContext) {// ...} You have repeatedly duplicated the functionality of structs / cl...

$(this) vs this in jQuery -

इसमें $ (this) और यह में क्या अंतर है JQuery? ये दो अलग-अलग उपयोग हैं: $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("# आदेशसूची")। ("ली") खोजें। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन (i) {$ (यह) .append ("बेम!" + I);});}); $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {// एक बार $ ("# रीसेट") पर कई रूपों को रीसेट करने के लिए इसका उपयोग करें। (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ("form")। प्रत्येक (function () {this रीसेट(); }); }); }); "इस" वेरिएबल का संदर्भ देता है (ऐसे मामलों में जैसे ईवेंट हैंडलर आपके पास हैं आपूर्ति) एक DOM तत्व के लिए इस प्रकार $ (यह) एक jQuery ऑब्जेक्ट है जिसमें सिर्फ एक डोम तत्व होता है। आपको सादा "इस" का प्रयोग करना चाहिए जब देशी DOM API पर्याप्त हो, और $ (यह) जब आपको jQuery की मदद की आवश्यकता हो। आपका दूसरा उदाहरण एक अच्छा उदाहरण है; एक और हो सकता है जब आपको किसी तत्व के "आईडी" या "नाम" की आवश्यकता होती है।

bash: Filtering out directories and extensions from find? -

I'm trying to find recently modified files on -MTM 0 Who gives me en / content / file.xml es / file.php en / file.php.swp CSS / main CSS JS / Main.JS but I would like to filter the n and es directory but would like to take anything else In addition, I would like to filter the .swp file with the result of those results Then I want to go back: CSS / main CSS js / main.js xml / foo.xml es / en and .swp OK, just search for: find -mtm 0 -not \ (-name '* .swp' -o-path './es* '-o-path' ./en* '\)

How has C++ changed in the past decade? -

In the last decade I have used C / C very difficult, and now it seems that I have some Am doing then I am waiting for it, but I would be surprised when I finally changed it. Have any good / short web pages, blog posts or even books that have changed in C ++ the past decade? Please note that this question has additional information about working with language or working in C ++, especially in Windows, using VC ++ 2008 I am here. While not the official standard, a lot has changed in the last decade, it has many significance Gone: While this is not yet an official standard, an upcoming new standard (usually C ++ 0x) is 'around the corner'. GCC and MSVC 2010 incorporate the important part of that new standard, but I'm not sure how much is in common use. has become a major player in providing additional support for language - at the point that it had a significant impact on the new standard 'Template-based' programming techniques are more prevalent , ...

printf - What is the use of the %n format specifier in C? -

In C, the % n is the use of the format specifier? Can someone explain with an example? Nothing has been printed Logic should be an indicator for signed int, where so far The number of characters is stored. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int val; Printf ("Blah% N Blah \ n", and Val); Printf ("val =% d \ n", wal); Return 0; } Previous code print: blah blah val = 5

flash - Production live streaming with Red5 - oflaDemo required? -

I have just finished putting a basic Flash Video Chat client that publishes the camera in a stream and so on. One receives a stream from another customer (something in the spirit of this.) The streams are being pub / subla "oflaDemo" which ships with Red5. This works fine for my prototype, but if I want to roll this chat application into production then I'm worried about using some "demo" names in the name. Alternatively, it is to re-write the demo, possibly with some other features, which do not seem right to take advantage of one of the main functions of Red 5. So, my question is: What is the standard / best practice for the live stream for production in Red5? What is the use of Olademo? Should Custom Stream Brokers Be Written? If I do not host myself, then do most hosts have their own (production-quality) version? That demo was written for a conference some time ago and you are sure to use it Welcome as Many people use both server and client si...

while loop in C programing -

Type a program that contains a loop while (scanf ("% 1f" loop A 17% federal blocking tax and 3% state stopping tax in the body and == 1) {...} Print with these prices related salary, pay all the salaries and taxes My current code: float pay, federal_tax, state_taxa, pay_yah_ tax, Salary_su M, tax_sum, salary_after_tax_sum; printf ("enter pay: $"); while (scanned ("% lf", & amp; salary) == 1) {salary_sum = salary; federal_tax = pay * (.17); state_takz Salary_after_tax = Salary_after_tax_sum = salary_after_tax; Printf ("salary before salary =% lf", salary); Printf ("federal tax =% lf", Federal_tax); printf ("state tax =% lf", state_taxa); printf ("tax after pay =% lf \ n", salary_after_tax) break; } Printf ("Total salary before tax =% lf", salary_sum); Printf ("total tax =% lf", tax_sm); Printf ("Total salary after tax =% lf \ n", salary_after_tax_sum); System ("pau...

elisp - emacs lisp library for input forms? -

In the Emacs Lisp (elisp), if I want to get many value from the user, then simply ask for a better way than asking the minibus In return for each value? Ideally, there will be a library that will allow me to define an input form with multiple fields, present that form for the user (in text as text-based dialog) mode, and As a GUI-based communication in GUI mode), and let me examine the results. Thank you! > is the Emacs Widget Library ( C-HIM widget RET for information >) You can create text fields, check boxes, buttons etc. in an AMACS buffer. In graphical frames it is more graphical, but still in a buffer, just like a customizer buffer, which uses the widget library.

actionscript 3 - Can an flash menu coded in AS3 be used in Flex Builder 3 -

I want to use a flash menu encoded in AS3 in Flex project. Here's the menu in question: Can this be done? Thanks yes you can but i do not think that You should (for many reasons which are probably slightly out of the scope of this question) You add sub-squares to UICMpoint, just add the menu and override accessors for width and height and ensure that Flex can interfere with the app menu and vice versa. I do not have access to the code, but it should be very trivial. Congratulations - back2dos

c# - How to write a XML file using dataset having multiple table with the help of XmlWriter? -

I am using a dataset and storing a query result in that data set. My question id is such that string query = @ "SELECT * FROM TABLE1; SELECT * FROM TABLE2; SELECT * FROM TABLE3;"; I am using the following things: XmlDocument relationSheepDoc = New XmlDocument (); Stringwriters sWriter = new stringwriter (); XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter (sWriter); Dataset odetasset = new dataset ("relationship"); ODataSet = sql.ExecuteSqlDataSet (query); String fileContent = string.Empty; For (int i = 0; i & lt; oDataSet.Tables.Count; i ++) {oDataSet.Tables [i] .WriteXml (xmlWriter, XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema); FileContent = sWriter.ToString (); } RelationSheepDoc.LoadXml (fileContent); XmlWriter.Close (); Return Relationships Doc; It only writes the first table and produces an exception how can I write all the three tables in a single XML file? Please help me ... You should write the whole dataset at a time, such as: oDataSet.WriteXml (xmlWri...

What is the correct syntax for this JQuery statement please? -

I post through Ajax and get a return value that I want to insert into an input text field - so on the "many" pages in the note so similar. Use parent $ j (this). Parent ('form input [name $ = "tesitID"]'). Values ​​(data) The following jQuery form should cross a trigger inside the form The parents of, then get the input and set the value in the given data. $ (this). Parent ('form') ('Input [name = "testID"]') .val (data); Example: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () (click (function () {$ (this) .Parent ('form'). ('Input [name =' testID "] '). Val (' data ') ;});}); & Lt; / script> gt; & gt; & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; form & gt; & l...

In haskell, combining "case" and ">>=" -

I have a lot of code in style: do X & lt; - Get some X-X of this case - & gt; ... that - & gt; ... other - & gt; ... Any combination of "x and lt; - ..." and "case x" lines to eliminate the need for a variable in any way? You can use the bind operator in the x pipe. import system. Environment (getArgs) Main :: IO () Main = getArgs & gt; & Gt; = Process where the process ["xxx"] = putStrLn "You have entered xxx" process ["yyy"] = putStrLn "you entered yyy" process _ = putStrLn "error"

language agnostic - Get a stream from client microphone via web browser? -

I want to implement some VoIP communication that the client does not need to install additional applications, they just open the webpage and Do you have a way to access the audio stream from a client's microphone via a web browser on a server? I do not want an extra plug-in like an applet, the user to install. I think Flash can do this, but what is it anyway? Thank you, voter There is no standard, I think the flash is yours The best bet is

indexing - Which databases can create function-based indexes? -

I know that such indexes exist in the oracle. I can create the old version function-based index on MySQL ( Thanks, Google) and newer versions? How about PostgreSQL, SQL Server etc I do not know the internal details of Oracle, but on postgrad expression Create an index, which can be a function: An index field can be an expression calculated from values ​​of one or more columns of the table row. Get instant access to data based on some change Area could be. For example, an index calculated on upper (call) will allow clause WHERE upper (call) = 'JIM' to use an index. Edit Edit: MySQL still seems to forge, see for details, besides some discussions are not very active. DB 2 does. MS SQL can not do this, but you can get similar effects using calculated columns; See.

Silverlight 4 ManagedRuntimeError 4004 Listbox Scrolling Image XamlParseException -

Silverlight 4 is crashing on me Just-In-Time Debugger says: Exception code without a verb ('without error error in Silverlight application'): 4004 Category: ManagedRuntimeError Message: System.Windows.Markup.XamlparseException: [Row: 0 Position: 0] I am tearing a list in the collection of 20 (or so) items. The collection loads properly and binds correctly. However, when I scroll down to the bottom of the collection and then try to scroll back silver light accidents. The error occurs when I include an image control within a contentcontrol, contentpresenter, or my item template. For example, if I set the 'inner-border' height to 100 and remove the content control, the light will not crash. Apart from this, {visual binding} is defined on the visual model of an image item Here is my code . & Lt ;. Border horizontalAlignment = "left" margin = "2" padding = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; Control: Spread expansion = "correct...

ant - Hudson and UCM ClearCase -

I recently used one of our projects on the Hudson by using the UCM ClearCase plugin. Hudson works well for one of the configuration changes and then hangs on updates. In ClearCase, the user is prompted and asked if he changes a change (yes / no), then it is being estimated where Hudson is hanging. I have configured Hudson to work with Snapshot View for speed, so I would ideally want to switch to a dynamic view. The ant uses the project to build the project. I think you used the 'Update' option in the ClearCase section of your Hudson job has gone. What version are you using? and what is the exact update command used in the Hudson Job Log? An update-force-overwrite , for example, will make sure to ask the user nothing.

php - Catch and log fatal errors, warnings, notices in Zend Framework -

Currently I'm using a basic error controller that looks like this: class error controller expand My_MyController {public function error (action) {$ errors = $ this- & gt; _getParam ('error_handler'); Switch ($ errors-> type) {case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler :: EXCEPTION_Plugin_ErrorHandler :: Case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler :: EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER: Case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler :: EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION: // 404 error - controller or action $$ not found- & gt; GetResponse () - & gt; SetRawHeader ('HTTP / 1.1 404 not found'); $ This- & gt; View- & gt; HeadTitle ('HTTP / 1.1 404 not found'); $ This- & gt; View- & gt; Message = 'HTTP / 1.1 404 not found'; break; Default: // Application error; Display error page, but do not change // status code // Exception log: $ exception = $ errors- & gt; exception; $ Log = new Zend_log (new zend_log_overter_stream (BASE_PATH. '/logs/applicatio...

java - Xml document to DOM object using DocumentBuilderFactory -

I am currently amending a piece of code and I am thinking that XML is formatted (tabs) And the difference) will be affected by the way it is parsed in the DocumentBuilderFactory class. In short, the question is ... Can I pass a large long string with no differences in DocumentBuilderFactory or need to be formatted in some way? "Class Document Builder Feature " Factory API defines which DOM Object tree produces XML documents that enables the application to be parsed. " This should not affect the efficiency of the parser as long as the string valid XML's tabs and newlines have been snatched or not been ignored by the hands and in fact the human reader's aesthetics. Note that you have a input stream (StringBufber InputStream for example) Document Builder Parsed String Version perceive that as a URI for XML.

silverlight - C# Web Application Question -

The first question on stack overflow ... I am a newbie in C #, yet it Looking forward to doing it straight forward in learning it. I saw it a few minutes ago. Reading through with different C # technologies WCF, WPF, Silver Light, C #, which has lots of techniques to take it with C #. I make a web application C # I think silver light is the best choice for me The application will have a database that will be hosted on a hosting server in the UK. . The programming language should also be in C #. This project is to promote your knowledge and skills in the web application (inside the C #) I hope that the web application is installed on a test domain name. If possible, I would like to deploy the web application on other domains. I gather to research that maybe a configuration file will be required so that the domain name, DB name, password etc. is configured on an individual basis. Can go Will it also be possible to make changes in the web application after 3 months...

windows installer - How to launch the application after the setup finishes, but in non-elevated mode? -

When I launch my appliation after the setup is complete, it launches the app in the elite mode. One of the problems, it creates that this user can no longer drag the drop file into the application. Running an application from the Start menu works well. Is this possible? This is a topic in the YX manual:

*.bat Files opened from Eclipse is opened in the wrong directory -

I'm completely new to scripting, but I'm sick of compiling my original code for Android manually And tired so that I wrote a little bit in cybbin to run this script. Both the .sh script and a .bat file are placed in the root of a project, the NDK directory is set in the .sh file and then the .bat file By running I compile my original code Am. The problem is that I want to do this because it is dynamic so I use% cd% to get the current directory (which should be a project folder) and start the .sh file in that directory I do Here are both files: .bat: @echo off: To keep an alert about the DOS directory format Used CYGWIN = Set the nodosfilewarning C: \ cygwin \ bin \ bash --login -i% cd% ./ pause .sh: #! / Bin / bash # Run this script through compileNative.bat. This will compile the original code of the project #IIF, this file will be changed under Windows "tr -d" \ r ' Sh "# Project Root to remove the bad line end Place both this a...

Expiring date today in Java -

I need to see today that the date given is today after 23:59:59, How can I create: 59: 59? Use: calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance () ; // represents now, i.e. today's date cal.set (calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); Cal.set (Calendar minutes, 59); Cal.set (calendar. SECOND, 59); Cal.set (calendar. Millisecond, 99); // date of date to date f1sh = cal.getTime (); I think you can get it from a little wrong angle, though. Rather than trying to make an atom before midnight, a better method could be to make that date which reflects at midnight and tests that the current time strictly less than that I believe that it would be a bit clearer to read the code to anyone else in terms of your intentions. Alternatively, you can use a third party date API that knows how to convert back date. Java's built-in date API is generally considered to be a defect in many ways. I do not recommend using any other library to do this, but if you have to manipulate a lot of dates and / or ar...

c++ - STL vector usage problem -- Function returning non-zero Iterator -

I was trying to use vector STL, where IAM is facing a strange response from the following sample program : #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; # Include & lt; Vector & gt; using namespace std; Vector & lt; Int & gt; :: Interesting Iterator (); Of vector & lt; Int & gt; Myvector; Bull iodide (int i) {returns ((i% 2) == 1); } Int main () {vector & lt; Int & gt; :: iterator; This = funny (); If (this == myvector.end ()) cout & lt; & Lt; "Reach the end, global" & lt; & Lt; Endl; And cout & lt; & Lt; "Not the End" & lt; & Lt; Endl; } Vector & lt; Int & gt; :: Interesting Iterator () {Vector & lt; Int & gt; :: Iterator; Myvector.push_back (10); Myvector.push_back (26); Myvector.push_back (40); Myvector.push_back (56); This = search_if (myvector.begin (), myvector.end (), isodod); Cout & lt; & Lt; "The first strange value is" ...

tsql - Date Range between the Last 2 Records Sql Server 2008 -

Hi, Seeing that I have a table with 2 columns. The table bookings column - TransactionDate I get the total amount between the previous 2 transactions. How do you do this? How do you get the last transaction but 01 any suggestions? You assign a serial number of each row based on the descending order of the transaction date Can use normal table expression (CTE). And then select the rows with a filter to get the last 2 rows. This query displays the last two transactions in the table with the BookingCTE AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER () sequence (amount, the form of booking from the transaction) In the form of the order (transaction date DEC) from order, select the booking, the ticket, the booking of ticket from CTE and Lt; = 2; This query will give you the last two lanes - The total amount of the donation is received. Booking as CT (Selection Number ROW_NUMBER) (Ord Off Anjakshn sequence where debt Diissi) as sequence, amount, select the transaction date) the booking amo...

stored procedures - Paging with the Telerik MVC grid when using a sproc -

The document only shows how to share an IEnumerable (which uses the page linq and sorting) ... but I need it to go against a sproc because I'm working with the query I'm working with linq is a bit slow. Is there any direction or hint that what is the best way to do this? You need to use How to get the linked example current page.

php - WordPress plugins and problem with magic_quotes_gpc -

I want to write some plugins that add form to the admin panel and in the blog post, now I am struggling with Magic_Quotes . I first tried to use Magic_quotes_gpc as a clear PHP. But it seems that WordPress ignores this flag and always submits the form content (at least in the form of the form, the forms are not quoted in the administration panel). But then I'm uploading my plugin to DreamHost and it is Actually, you (probably) think about a different PHP configuration between your development environment and Dreamhost, I think you want your plug-in to handle both scenarios: magic_quotes on and off here There are some ideas / ideas. You can not always change the php.ini settings on runtime - this depends on the server configuration. You can not always change php.ini either. , But unsupported. You can find out that magic_quotes have been activated with. magic_quotes_gpc Essentially runs on all GET, POST, and cookie data You can perform an inverse op...

java - how to convert binary string data into String in android -

Can someone give me some clues on how to convert binary string into string (English) I have tried a lot And did the goggle, but no answer could be found. Here is my code: InputStream iStream = getApplicationContext (). GetResources () OpenRawResource; InputStreamReader input; String line = ""; // four character [] = null; // string rays = ""; Input = new inputstream reader (iStream); Buffed reader bf = new buffed reader (input); Log.i ("Helloo I'm on Variables", "Variable"); Try {line = bf.readLine (); } Grip (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace (); } Log.i ("hello hell", line.stustring ()); Thanks in advance. Have you tried constructor InputStreamReader (InputStream in, Charset charset) With Charset.forName ("UTF-8") as Charset ? However, if you try to represent the data that is in addition to the string, it will not give you anything worse or worse except ...

testing - Test driven development: Void methods -

I'm learning about TDD (using JUnit) and I have doubts about how to get rid of zero methods To be tested, in which case I can not use any type of value directly for any method (for example). For example, I have a simple console based application, and a part of it prints a menu on the screen, using this method: Public Zero Print Menu () { System.out.println ("menu:"); System.out.println ("1. Option 1"); System.out.println ("2. Option Two"); System.out.println ("Exit 3."); } My question is, do I really have to test this method ?? And if so, how should I do this? First of all: The test UI is difficult. Some people do not bother to test things in this way because it is very difficult to write a meaningful test which is not fragile for the unemployed situation. I would not have been bothered to test this method. But: If you want to test the menu generation, because your menu code is complex and you need ways to make sure that it...

templates - Define a specific case for a templated function (C++) -

तो मेरे .h फ़ाइल में मेरे पास टेम्पलेट & lt; class T & gt; शून्य getValue (T * val, int तत्व, int सूचकांक); और फिर मेरे। सीसी फ़ाइल में मेरे पास एक फ़ंक्शन है: टेम्पलेट & lt; class T & gt; Void RParser :: getValue (T * val, int element, int index) { मेरे पास यह स्पष्ट रूप से तत्काल है: टेम्पलेट void RParser :: GetValue & lt; char & gt; (चार * val, int तत्व, std :: string subrecName); टेम्पलेट void RParser :: getValue & lt; लंबे समय तक & gt; (लंबे समय तक * val, int तत्व, std :: string subrecName); टेम्पलेट void RParser :: getValue & lt; float & gt; (फ्लोट * val, int तत्व, std :: string subrecName); ... यह काम करता है, लेकिन मैं std :: string के लिए एक पूर्ण भिन्न कार्य करना चाहूंगा: मैंने कोशिश की: टेम्प्लेट & lt; class std :: string & gt; Void RParser :: getValue & lt; std :: स्ट्रिंग & gt; (std :: string * val, int element, int index) { लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता। कोई सुझाव बहुत सराहना की जाएगी, धन्य...

c# - MOSS 2007; Added custom fields not showing up in NewForm, EditForm, DispForm -

I have a menu list that is registered in every list. If enabled, this action, 4 creates custom fields. Field creation works in every list. The problem is that on lists, which are created through our site template, these 4 fields are not displayed on any form (disfirm, newform, edit). In each other list, fields are displayed normally. This is my code to add a field to the list (on the field example): if (! List.Fields .ContainsField ("RemindTo")) {list. Fields.Add ("RemindTo", SPFieldType.Text, Incorrect); SPFieldText text = (SPFieldText) list.Fields ["RemindTo"]; Text.Description = "Snooze to the email address, leave blank for default value. (Default author's email address)"; Text.ShowInDisplayForm = True; Text.ShowInEditForm = True; Text.ShowInNewForm = True; Text.ShowInViewForms = True; Text.Update (); "text"> To show custom areas, you must manually Your field type XML and ascx file should be copied to the C...

what is the max number css rules I can specify in style sheet per browser -

What is the maximum number of CSS rules that I can specify in the style sheet in each browser. Any rule after 4,095 has been ignored Li> @import , & lt; Link & gt; or & lt; Style & gt; Any stylesheet first 31 @import statements are ignored for the foundation of 4 or more levels In these bounds they are underlined A stylesheet can have 65,534 rules A document can use up to 4,095 stylesheet @ Import NESTING has no longer its limit There is no such limit for other browsers, but in principle Many of those execution problems include unused CSS rules various sources:

xamarin.ios - How to implement "Load New Posts" like Facebook at top of UITableView? -

I like that there is a "load new post" in Facebook at the top of the Uiittal view. Is this just a "view" in the Uiittal view? And how do they load UITableView so that it is hidden, that is, the UITableView is aligned with the first cell top so that you actually have to scroll down to see the "load new post" area? Thx Yes you can display a custom view at the top of the UitBable view - View its tableHeaderView property. To initially "hide", you have to scroll the table in the top row in 1 row: Scroll tableViewToundPix: [NSINXPath indexPathfire: 0 in particular: 0] Parsecrolling: Animated UIPT ScrollsPoptop: No];

php - Why does filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) allow test@test? -

I was just setting up the verification for the form in which I used the filter_var function to check my verification Attempted email address I do not know if filter_var actually allows anywhere (because the documentation is very simple), and I found out that it is allowing an email address like test @ test. Do not have to have a .com, .net etc ... in the domain? See behavior has changed somewhere around April and. This e-mail is actually invalid, or at least this is what the PHP developers think is the source: / * * Below are regex Michael Based on a regex by Rushton * However, this is not the same, I've considered it only by treating the path * addresses as valid. Michael's Reggae considers an @B as a valid address * that fights with section 2.3.5 of RFC 5321, which states that: * * Only the claimant, the full-qualified domain name (FQDN) is allowed * when In other words, names that are * MX RR or address (i.e. AAAAA) RR (as discussed in section 5) can be solved,...

amazon - Major Retailer Gift Card APIs -

I was looking at which major retailers have gift card API for example Amazon There is a Corporate Gift Card program: where you can either purchase a Gift Code in bulk and then they can send you a CSV file which can be imported into DB, or (if you spend enough) gift to them The code is on demand. I was thinking that if a person can verify / reject such services like: iTunes Best Buy Barnes and Noble Home Depot With the redemption of gift cards? Primarily it will be done with PHP through web services / API calls Check out the Tango card at the Geet Hub - whatever you need is

c# - Mono Compiler as a Service (MCS) -

I want to consume mono compiler as a service from my regular .NET 3.5 application. I downloaded the latest bits (2.6.7), created a simple console application in Visual Studio and mono. CSHRP has given the reference to DLL. Then, in my console app (directly out of the online sample): Evaluator.Run (using "System; using System.Linq;"); Bull race; Object res; Evaluator.Evaluate ("system.IO.Directory.GetFiles (\" C: \\\ ") select X to X," Out RSS, Out Reiss "); Forex Currency (varn (IEnumerable) res) {Console.Write (v); Console Write (''); } This throws an exception on the evaluator. Move (first line): Invalid value value: 2049. Parameter name: Access The reason is that mono.xa, csc xes Using DLL was not compiled. I do believe. I have tried downloading mono. CSHRP DLL Direct Demo - file ... and it does not throw an exception ... However, after calling the evaluator, the parameter (res) Evelatte is empty ... so I'...

debugging - C# binary search tree - stack overflow - debug -

I'm a newbie learner after C ++ VS2010 I am trying to debug my code, I have come in strange blank lines in the "local" frame. Thank you. I have spent at least 3 hours in search of solutions and playing around without profit code. value property recipients and the setters are infinitely recursive - on them Change: get public t value {receive; Set; }

Can I use a delta index with sphinx to update existing records? -

Can I add my database data to some bulleted fields like "up-to-date" and if it is true (that would be Update or added records) Reindex it in my delta index? I believe that I believe mine index will be in my main and delta index for the updated record. EDIT: It seems that I can do it if I had a murder list that used this boolean on my main index? Yes, this is possible, and this is why index merging back in the "delta" main index has come. Unless you have a way to select the part of the data that is created for "delta" index, then it will be fine.

Launch Time Zone list in Android for pick/result -

I think it is possible through an intent in Android, but what I want to do is launch this list only Click the time zone (click on "Select Time Zone") and modify the user's date to get the selected value without & amp; To set the time. Any idea how to do this? If you are talking about a spinner then you can do something like this: Arrayadapter & lt; Foursensane & gt; Adapter = new array adapter & lt; Foursmain & gt; (This, android.R.layout.simple_spinary_item); Adapter.setDropDownViewResource (android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); String [] tz = timezone.getavfid (); ArrayList & LT; String & gt; TZ1 = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; TZ.length; i ++) {if (! (TZ1.contains (timezone.getmeMozone (TZ [i]). GetDisplayName ()) {TZ1.add (timezone .gatemezone (.tz [i]) for getDisplayName ());}} (int i = 0; i & lt; TZ1.size (); i ++) {adapter.add (TZ1.get (i)) ;} Find the final spinner t...

c# - Convert string to Date format -

मेरी स्ट्रिंग इस प्रकार है: स्ट्रिंग s = "20000101"; मैं इसे तिथि प्रारूप में बदलना चाहता हूं। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? मान लें कि आप सी # और उपयोग कर रहे हैं। आप इसका उपयोग करना चाहेंगे या प्रारूप स्ट्रिंग सबसे अधिक संभावना है "yyyyMMdd"। var datestring = "20000101"; Var date1 = DateTime.ParseExact (आंकड़े, "yyyyMMdd", नल); या दिनांक का समय दिनांक रिज़ल्ट; अगर (! दिनांकटाइम। ट्रीपेर्सएक्सैक्ट (डेटास्टाइंग, "य्यायएमएमडड", रिक्त, दिनांकटाइलस्टाइल। एसेट्यूमलोकल, आउट डेट रेसल्ट)) dateResult = DateTime.MinValue; // संभाल यहाँ असफल रूपांतरण

php - shell_exec() timeout management & exec() -

I am running a third party script which I have written using a wrapper class shell_exec () and Pipes a file into a file which is then parsed using the PHP code. I should tell that it is working, but I am trying to increase the functionality, which I Never thought. How best is it to manage timeout on shell_exec ()? I was thinking about wrapping it in try () grip () , but I'm not sure how to handle time component best. I am reading some questions but related to shell_exec () and exec () and it looks like exec () , but it depends on the script with the status of the return. Also in my mini test page, I can not get it to take any output back! I thought that with the second option, an AJAX style spinner, and setting a manual timeout in Javascript Is there any acceptable way to use this experiment? My mini test, including the following, public $ e_return = array (); Public $ e_status = ''; // Path / Public Function ExecutionCak ($ ​​domain) is absolute fr...

Help with mvc and ViewData in MasterPage -

Before availing the data that is run in the main page of my site before each view of each controller I created An application for the controller that sets the data on its constructor ... The problem with this approach is that the videotapes I have to pass are the URL of the profile which is the image of the currently logged in user. [Author (roles = "Administrator")] Public Abstract Class Administrator Controller: Controller {Personal IPortal Administrators Administrators _ Serving Administrator Administrator; Public Administrator Administrator () {_servicioPortalAdministrator = New PortalManagement Services (); See data ["affiliate"] = _servicioPortalAdministrator.getAssociates (); See data ["picture"] = _servicioPortalAdministrator.GetPic (); Public Administrator Administrator (IPORA Administrator Service Service) {_servicioPortalAdministrator = service; }} And so my companies are the controllers who get from the administrative controller, now ...