
Showing posts from February, 2015

When do you have to use @property and @synthesize in the iPhone SDK? -

You have to use when @property and @synthesize IPhone SDK? And why use @property and @ synthesis ? I was studying the property, but I can not find the right idea. @property: This is used when you use it: / P> You can actually create useful generating codes such as nonatomic, atmoic, without writing any line of code. You have gotter and setter methods too To use it, you have 2 other ways: @ synthesize or @dynamic: @ synthesize, the compiler will automatically generate recipients and setter for you, @dynamic: you have to manually would write. @Property is really good for memory management, for example: Maintaining How can you maintain without a property? if (_variable! = Object) {[_variable release]; _variable = zero; _variable = [object maintenance]; } How can you use it with a @ property? self.variable = object; When you are calling up the line, you actually call the Setter [Auto SetValue: Object] and then the Generator Setter will do your job ...

How to see multi-byte strings in Xcode -

Is it possible to see the strings that use 16 bit characters in Xcode debugger? I use custom string class, not NSString. The wire taps have been eliminated. The only way I can see the stars is if I see them as a memory but they become difficult to read. Thank you! You will need to type the data formater bundle - just writing the data formatter expression inside the debugger is not enough in the Xcode debugger Viewing a string is a black art. Even once you've written the data format bundle, be prepared for them that at least 50% of the time does not work. We are fighting on this issue for almost 5 years. Most of the time, Debugger will tell you that they are not really living within the boundaries of the variable, and you still need to drill to see the raw memory. Something like this makes it easy (I have not done this) in the class to write a method that gives a NSString and then you can show the data format expression something useful. May be enabled.

objective c - how do I change auto-generated UIImageViews? -

I create UIImageViews automatically via a for-loop: For (int i = 0; i removeFromSuperview ? Thank you very much!

workflow - Microsoft dynamic CRM Custom activity trouble -

According to this watch-thru, my CRM is trying to add costume activity to the server: When I try to publish a workflow with my activity, I get an error called Trace Fly: & gt; MSCRM error report: ----------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ----------------- -------- Error: The exception of the 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' type was thrown. Error number: 0x80045001 error message: workflow Compilation failed: WF363: Type QAAddActivity, nothing, version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = d888809fdb5a2449 application is not marked as authorized in the configuration file. Error details: workflow Compilation failed: WF363: Type QAAddActivity, nothing, version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = d888809fdb5a2449 application is not marked as authorized in the configuration file. Source file: No line number available: Not available Request URL:

javascript - ExitPopup Script -

I am working on a website, but now I want a popup window to be opened whenever I see the page Do anyone know two script and HTML code for this? Try this code in your main file: window.onunload = function () { ('path to popup file', 'width = " 500 ", height =" 500 "'); };

sharepoint - Deploy Web Part Into windows server 2008 R2 -

मैंने एक कर्मचारी निर्देशिका वेबपार्ट का निर्माण किया है जो शेयरपॉइंट साइट से उपयोगकर्ता की आवश्यक जानकारी प्राप्त करता है मैंने अपने परीक्षण सर्वर "Windows Server 2003 और Moss2007" में तैनात किया है और यह काम ठीक है। जब मैंने अपने उत्पादन सर्वर "Moss2007 के साथ Windows Server 2008 R2" पर तैनात करने की कोशिश की यह मुझे सुरक्षा त्रुटि देता है। 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Security.SharePointPermission, Microsoft.SharePoint.Security, संस्करण =, संस्कृति = तटस्थ, PublicKeyToken = 71e9bce111e9429c' की अनुमति के लिए अनुरोध विफल रहा है " मैंने सुरक्षा नीति फ़ाइल भी बना ली है और वेब। कॉन्फ़िग के संदर्भ में कहा है। फिर भी मुझे एक ही त्रुटि मिल रही है, कृपया इस पर मदद करें। मैं यहां अटक गया हूं और इस से बाहर निकलने का कोई रास्ता खोज नहीं पा रहा हूं। अग्रिम धन्यवाद। क्या आप अपने डीएलएल को जीएसी में स्थापित करते हैं? या तो इसे GAC में स्थापित करें (यदि आप विधानसभा स्थान को जीएसी के रूप में निर्दिष्ट करते हैं तो समाधान आपके लिए करता है) या कस्टम ...

Testing a file streaming with selenium? -

Is it possible to test a webpage that supports the export mechanism? This export mechanism streams the data displayed in a table by the user to XML. At the moment it is enough to test whether streaming works and the user receives the file, regardless of file content. Any idea how can I achieve this with Selenium? I went around for a while and accordingly, you use the Firefox template to do it May need to be done. U can put a glance at it: I have not tested this personally yet.

iphone - can i have mic detection value in decibel range 0.0 to 120.0 -

Now I'm using class AVAudioPlayer. But I still can not find the right value in decibels from Desibel range 0.0 There is no way to get value in 120.0 (-0.0 to -120). If yes, then tell me some body .... 0dB, By consensus, the maximum dimension or SPL is considered, so generally the dimensions are given in the negative decibel. Because decibel is a logarithmic unit (+10 dB2 is a factor), you can not define 0dB as 'mute' in any meaningful way.

Java - How to Give method an array -

मेरे पास निम्न की तरह एक विधि है: सार्वजनिक शून्य लॉन्च (स्ट्रिंग सीएमडी, स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स, स्ट्रिंग वर्किंग डायरेस) इस पद्धति में मैं कॉल करता हूं। उदाहरण, कुछ ऐसा: ProcessBuilder pb = नई प्रोसेसबिल्डर (सीएमडी, आर्ग्स); मैंने नोट किया है कि प्रोसेबिब्लडर के पास यह कंस्ट्रक्टर है: प्रोसेसबिल्डर (सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; कमांड) शायद मैं किसी भी तरह से इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। प्रक्रियाबिल्डर का एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर है - प्रोसेसबिल्डर (स्ट्रिंग ... कमांड) - इसलिए आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं, लेकिन आपको अपने आदेश और तर्क को एक सरणी में बनाने की आवश्यकता होगी। अन्यथा आप अन्य कन्स्ट्रक्टर का उपयोग निम्नानुसार कर सकते हैं: सूची से & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; सूची = नए अर्रे लिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (args.length + 1); List.add (cmd) list.addAll (Arrays.asList (args)); प्रोसेसबिल्डर पीबी = नया प्रोसेसबिल्डर (सूची);


Anyone can please guide me how to insert ITETEM in the IISL database through PHP script. $ dates = date ('Ymd H: i: s', '2010-10-12 15:09:00'); $ Query = "Insert TimeTable Time ('$ Dates')"; Thank you .. for the date ( ) As a second argument, the job function will require you to pass a timestamp. $ dates = date ('Ymd H: i: s', strtotime ('2010-10-12 15: 09:00')); But you have already already done your time in a good form: $ dates = '2010-10-12 15:09 : 00 ';

Generate a POST from C# class library without submitting -

I know that I can generate and send a post via HttpWebRequest , but I I am thinking that it is possible to generate this post and return it to the web application so that he can post it. In other words, I want to call web application a method call in my class library which generates the request for the post, but I want to submit it to the web application. Is this possible? Edit: I know that it looks like "WTF"? Why do you want to do this? Give me some background some very complex logic has been used to create some of the encrypted post values ​​(some of which do not have access to the web app). So to keep the web part simple, we kept the post generation away. The problem now is that we need calling application that actually posts. Another explanation, I want to submit a request to the browser (such as the user has submitted the form and it has been submitted.) There is no request for a HttpWebRequest unless you call GetResponse , you should make sure tha...

android - Resizing the webview content -

I am loading webview to fetch image url as well, but I can resize it There is a need to show in giving, which means that to help reduce the height of the height, help me get the lower height of the image. Clear, I think: myWebView.getSettings () . SetBuiltInZoomControls (true);

cocoa - Getting a CGImageRef out of a PDFDocument -

I have a PDF document (made up of PDF pages) and I need a CGI image RF to paste in my IKImage view is. Currently, I get data rendering from PDFPage, it is inserted in NSIMage, then received TIFF representation of NSIA, it is inserted in CGImeasource, and then CGI image is out of source takes away. It seems that, going through two NSDTa steps ... However, when I try to insert PDF data directly into CGIMSGS, even if it does work Does it, when I get CGI image, then always tap what should I be doing to do this specific thing? There is a method in Snow Leopard - [NSImage CGImageForProposedRect: Reference: Hint:] . Or you can drag the page into CGBitmapContext and CGBitmapContextCreateImage . .

iphone - NSFetchRequest without sort descriptors -

We can not use NSFetchRequest without providing NSSortDescriptor (s) What I want to do is get results And shows them in the order in which they were created. Is there a built-in method to do this, or will I have to create a new "auto-increment" field? (Everything that stands for Coreda, in my opinion). Anything about the core data order does not guarantee that you create an "auto increment" field Do not need; However, you can make a suitable attribute as you clearly note that something that was created, after that you should add the date property to your data object. After that, sort it out. You can easily set the set of the object in the didAwakeFromInsert method.

Unique Index Error when creating non-unique index - SQL Server -

I'm trying and a non-unique index in a table table in SQL Server 2005. I'm getting the following error when I try to make it. Message 1505, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Unique Index Statement expired because the object name 'dbo.oe_pick_ticket' and a duplicate key for the index was found Name 'idx_pick_ticket_popup_wmms' Duplicate key value (1093066, N, N, N, FBF, 100001, 1074359, 1118930). My statement is as follows: make oe_pick_ticket (invoice_fag, delete_fag, direct_shippan, assistant, oe_pick_ticket_type_cd, company_id, location_id, order_no) on countx indices idx_pick_ticket_popup_wmms / I have tried to rebuild the cluster / unique / primary key index and did not change anything. Does anyone know why I got this error and how to solve it? It turns out that I was able to find myself with myself, I started a DBCC checklist on the table And there was an inconsistency after that I went back to Dubai with this option and fixed the primary key discrep...

c# - Making a method generic inside an Interface -

I want this method to be implemented, but the implementer wants in his sub-class. This method remains in an interface : object GetResponseData (object response); I put it in the object, because I thought if I do this, then decide whatever type of incoming response it is, and decide. That's why they want to take this method back. I know I should do what I think is with generic. The problem with which I air, can be some implementation of this interface, it may not use the HTTPEnd or HTTPRPPonation, this is either a HTPPSpension or in some way a WebClient object Like GetResponseData is completely different from the method ... so I do not know how this is being implemented, I want it to be normal anyway. GetResponseData logic to remove the data from the feedback stream, deisize it, and then we want the caller to return the data (object). UPDATED: This is my interface because it is currently (before your suggestions): Public interface IAPIResponse {bool HasResponseE...

Dynamically building up types in python -

मान लीजिए मैं एक संमिश्र प्रकार के प्रकार का निर्माण कर रहा हूं: def subordinate_type (params): सामान एक = () myname, (, dict_of_fields) () toplevelname, (, lots_of_types) प्रकार एक () डीईएफ़ उच्चस्तरीय वापसी (पैरामीटर) lots_of_types = dict (चाबियाँ, मान) myawesomedynamictype = प्रकार #Now मैं कुछ संपादित करना चाहते हैं के साथ #Dink Myawesomedynamictype के #lots_of_types में मूल्यों का myawesomedynamictype () इस विशेष मामले में, मैं "typeclass" के लिए एक संदर्भ चाहते हैं myawesomedynamictype lots_of_types में डाला। मैं वापसी lots_of_types के माध्यम से पुनरावृति और यह निर्धारित करते हैं, मान कि संदर्भ एक ही बात पर ध्यान दिलाया गया करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन मैंने पाया कि myawesomedynamictype भ्रष्ट हो गया और अपने खेतों को खो दिया। समस्या मैं हल करने के लिए कोशिश कर रहा हूँ कि मैं प्रकार subordinate_type से संबंधित मूल्यों को प्राप्त, और मैं एक उच्चस्तरीय उत्पन्न करने के लिए की जरूरत है इन्स्टेन्शियशन के आधार पर subordinate_type । यह एक प्राचीन सवा...

How to create a dynamic form using jQuery? -

I've seen a lot of help in dynamically adding rows or areas, but I'm interested in controlling those areas Which are dependent For example, I have a form with 3 user input: & lt; Select id = "foo" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "0" & ​​gt; No & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "1" & gt; Yes & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; When the value of #foo is set to 1 , then I would like to enable #bar . & lt ;! - By default, the bar should be disabled - & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "bar" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "some_1" & gt; Some 1 & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "some_2" & gt; Some 2 & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Other" & gt; Other ... & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; When the value of #bar is set to other , then I would like to ...

javascript - Rewrite a IE Code to a FF Code -

यह कोड है (अब भरा हुआ है): HTML: & lt; div id = "content" contentEditable = "true" onkeyup = "highlight (this)" & gt; यह टाइप करने के लिए कुछ क्षेत्र है। & Lt; / div & gt; जावास्क्रिप्ट: फ़ंक्शन हाइलाइट (एएमएम) {// स्टोअर कर्सर पोजीशन ववर कर्सर पीओएस = डॉक्यूमेंट। सेलेक्शन.क्रेतेरेंज ()। डुप्लिकेट (); Var clickx = cursorPos.getBoundingClientRect ()। छोड़ दिया; Var clicky = cursorPos.getBoundingClientRect ()। शीर्ष; // div सामग्री की कॉपी सामग्री = elem.inner एचटीएमएल; Var replaceStart = ''; Var replaceEnd = ''; // यदि केवल किसी भी मैचों / स्पेस बैंड को ध्यान में रखते हुए / कर्सर को स्थानांतरित / बदलते हैं - यह डुप्लिकेट को रोकता है अगर (content.match (/ test /)) {elem.innerHTML = content.replace (/ test / g, '' + replaceStart + 'test '+ बदलें + एंड +' '); // रीसेट कर्सर और फ़ोकस कर्सरPos = document.body.createTextRange (); कर्सर Pos.moveToPoint (clickx, clicky); (); }...

design patterns - Why do DAOs have separate create and update methods? -

I'm looking at some design for DAO interface, I have a single update () The method is different, while the other is different create () and update () methods. It is possible to do something on the lines of 'Insert updates', assuming, what is the benefit of a separate form () method? Thanks in advance for your help? Cheers, Ross I explicitly make DAO for clarity and clarification Time uses two different methods. If there is a single update method and passes through an existing object, it will be updated. But what if someone really wants to create a new object and the fact that it already exists is an error? With a single update method, there really is no way to tell anyone what's actually going on behind the curtains.

c# - Im trying to make a Repeater table visible = false -

I have a document management system that creates a report that contains people who have a document. There are times where people have 0 documents and in that case I want to see the repeater table for that person. I have looked around for a while and I do not have much luck, perhaps because of this I am new or perhaps because of that I got my answer. I have repeaters within repeat iterations, but if the first defender should show the rest. aspx file & lt; H3 & gt; & Lt;% # DataBinder.Eval (container.detime, "FULNM")% & gt; & Lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; Table id = "collectortable" run = "server" class = "report-yoga" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Total aggregated: & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; ASP: Liberal ID = "Collective Totalized" Runat = "Server" /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td square = "report-yoga-spacer" & gt; & Lt;...

drm - How do I make a serial/key system? -

I would like to create serial / key system for my program so that the program can be updated to the user's own serial / key. How do i do this I'm terrible with databases: \ Thanks a lot! : D See, and other questions related to it, such as Most people are asked to use other languages, but answer the abstract concepts that apply to any language, note that this is not an easy problem to solve in any way, and a solution is only "good Sufficient "can be, never full.

Floating point problem in SQL Server 2005 -

The code below is used to calculate the miles between the two cities in this case, it Yarmouth, Yarmouth from ME is for distance from ME - clearly zero - meaning that the results within the X miles of Yarmouth should be included in Yarmouth only. The problem is that the latitude and longitude is to create some sort of floating point problems Ermvt (I have not seen it with other cities): DECLARE @ Fromlang float, @ Flomlet float @ Lolon float, @ Potot float, @ Test float SET @fromlong = 43.8219 SET @fromlat = -70.1758 SET @ Tioelong = 43.8219 SET @ Tioelti = -70kl758 SET @ Teaist = Saian (@ Fromlang / (180 / Pi ()) SIN (@TOL / / (180 / pi ())) + COS (@fromlang / (180 / pi ())) * cos (@ Speak / (180 / pi ())) * cos (@ Flomlet / (180 / pi ()) - @ Tolat / (180 / PI ()) Print / *** "1" *** / SELECT 3963.0 * ACOS (@test) / *** show "displays a domain error" *** / the first, it is a SQL server bug? second, I can do to get around it? I know the above example I...

Mysql::Error: Incorrect string value: '\xE9ditos...' with rails -

I am putting data into the database from CSV. While I am trying to insert this line 2 créditos ,,,, R, 75, ... 'for column' message 'in line 1. Opportunities There are data in CSV files in the "windows-1252" format (especially if it is via Excel Has been sorted out). I am afraid that I do not know Ruby / Rail well, but hopefully I should help. : -)

java - How can I find the typelib identifier of the DirectShow interfaces for use with COM4j -

I have a webcam from Windows (without going to FMJ or JMF framework) I am trying to do However, to create an interface I'm unable to find a typeweb identifier for a direct show. The COM4j site has recommended using Olevi to find type-Lib, but I went through the list of typelibes there and I have not found any luck finding something that looks like it provides DirectShow interface Can do. itemprop = "text"> In the form of Loanee I am providing a link that can die tomorrow, only got the only help Site that had a tlb file for the DirectShow interface. The COM4J library can communicate with this file to create this interface. Oddly, it did not create a classifacture system to create the necessary interface for me, possibly because the classifying nomenclature convention is 'create xxxxx' where xxx is the name of the interface, and in the interface question CreateDevEnum Although the manual adjustment for classfetter classes was fixed.

compact framework - List All Files in a Directory using Dot Net Zip? -

Can the dot net be used to list all the names of files in any specific directory anyway? For example, I can specify Directory1 and get File3 and File4. ZipFile ------- File1 File2 Directory1 File3 File4 Directory2 File5 File6 Only entries in the zipfile object, entries are sorted and entries are filenames ... Anyone?, Cheeso? :) No, and yes. Although there are no entries in the directory collection, it is a simple matter of string comparison for selecting "related" entries in a particular directory. In LINQ it looks like: var selection = zip Entries where e.FileName.Starts with (directoryName) selection e; In the loop, it looks like: var list = new list> ZIP Entry & gt; (); Foreach (var in zip.Entries) {if (e.FileName.StartsWith (directoryName)) {list.Add (e); }} Edit You may have to convert to case sensitivity on windows, the case is not meaningful in file names. Further explanation: Zip format does not treat the directory entry ... - Visual Studio 2008 Development Server uses C# 2.0 compiler -

I have an exam website with VS 2008 which just uses code behind files, such as Foo.Aspx . In this way, the web server compiles them on the fly. The problem I am running is that I can not use any of the C # 3.0 features if I do: var x = 1; or public square fu {public int x {get; Set;}} or Foo x = new Foo () {x = 5}; Then the VS will work fine (everything is highlighted and intelligently), but when I run the site, it just throws the compiler errors. Is there a way, or do you have to compile the DLL to target the 3.0 runtime? If it is, then it is lame .. Mike There is only 2.0 runtime, There is no 3.0 or 3.5 runtime. They are just additional library and I believe that a different C # compiler See Are you sure that the machine you are on is 3.0 or 3.5 installed? If it is local on the same machine that you have Studio 2008, then it should Because you need C # 3 compiler and BCL, but the CLR version will still be 2.0. Therefore, please provide new versions in...

java - Weld injection failing when calling a method from an super/abstract class with Wicket -

I am having trouble with weld-wicket when an EJB is injected which is inherited from the abstract class If I try to call any method from the intangible class, I get an ebay ref error, however, if I call a method from the concrete square then it works perfectly. I can override methods and call them, and I can represent an override method for the abstract class (override method call super.method ()) and what works. Is there any type of structure that I have to do for the intangible class? Thank you. Based on my experience with the seam, this is an estimate. The weld injects a proxy that wraps your bean. Proxy only blocks public methods and assigns them to the underlying bean (EJB in your case). When you call a protected method or a package-personal method on a proxy with a class in the same package, the method is not intercepted and is brought directly to the proxy which causes your error. To reduce the story, call only public methods or bring back all your dependencies from a...

python - Controlling a C# Winforms GUI with IronPython -

Then I created Winforms GUI using C # in Visual Studio, but I am working for this project , Because I have code written in Python I'm hoping to write in the "engine" python (for portability), and after that I have an application interface that I can swap. I compiled the C # project for a .dl, and able to import classes into an IronPython script and start the GUI right. The problem is that running a GUI stops the execution of the Python script unless I put it in a separate thread. However, if I put the GUI in a different thread and try to use the original python thread to change state information, then I get an exception about modifying the control with a different thread. Is there a good way to communicate with the UI thread or what I am trying to do is there a way to accomplish this? GUI C # driver: public class program {Private station main window window; [STAThread] static zero main () {Program.RunGUI (); } Public Fixed Zero RunGUI () {Application.Enable...

c++ - how to send the searched string completely to google search (Qt)? -

I send the url to search for the page that I need. Hoverware is a misunderstanding with Google. Baseline Caststring (""); I send the search string q = C ++; But Google only searches for string, does not search for C ++, what to do to change the search key from C to C ++? Url to QUrl :: toPercentEncoding . Try even better than this: QUrl url (" blogsearch"); Url.addQueryItem ("hl", "tr"); Url.addQueryItem ("i.e.", "UTF-8"); Url.addQueryItem ("q", "c ++"); QByteArray baseurl = url.toEncoded ();

c - Windows.h and clang (LLVM) -

I am trying to compile a small project that includes windows.h by using the clang compiler. Unfortunately, the quarrel creates some errors which I can not solve. What is the reason for these errors? Does not support all the necessary features, am I missing something? included in the c: \ program files \ microsoft sdk \ windows \ v6.0a \ air / oh: 155: file included in the c: \ program files \ microsoft sdk \ windows \ v6 .0A \ include / air ef.h: 177: C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDK \ Windows \ v6.0A \ / winnt.h (12857): Warning: Expression Unused [-Use-value] UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (Callback Atmosphere); ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDKs \ Windows \ V6.0A \ include / winnt.h: 12857: 28: Note: Stable of: UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (callback environment); ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The file contains from C: include \ program files \ Microsoft SDK \ Windows \ v6.0A \ air / ows.h: 156: C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SDK \ Windows \ v6.0A \ included /...

java - In what context are angle brackets escaped with backslashes? -

A bit of abnormal question - angle brackets in angle context are escaped from backslashes? I am sending a XML document (string XSD type) through the web service, which saves it in the database, but I see that all the XML Angle brackets escaped backslash So, I'm thinking that in fact (Java XML) document builder and transformer, using the web example: desired XML: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Ultimate name = "qqq" & gt; 1 & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; / Ultimate & gt; Actual results: \ & lt ;? Xml version center code = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? \ & Gt; \ & Lt; Ultimate & gt; \ & Lt; Param name = "qqq" \ gt; 1 \ & lt; / Param \ & gt; \ & Lt; / Absolute \ & gt; Left angle bracket characters are not saved in valid HTML or XML like this In the formats '& lt;' character...

iphone - How does one interact with a string drawn using UIStringDrawing/CoreText -

I'm trying to work on an app that highlights some key words. For this reason, I'm seeing the use of CoreText or UIStringDrawing to highlight these lessons (such as bold / underline / italicize / color) in UITextView are not these features (and I have no luck with CatPlayer ). In any case, I am capable of manipulating and pulling the string successfully. (Ii- I can find my key words in a string and apply appropriate symptoms). The problem I am facing is that when the text is ready in such a way, it can not be interacted directly. Since the user may be able to delete / text the text view in question, this is an important thing. At the moment, I have been trapped in the Drawing Routine. UITextView subclass (mostly just to see what I want to do). Is there a different method in the UITextView, which can be overridden, so that it uses my code to present my string? If not, how can I go about what I describe? See the example of what I'm talking about, how the notes app ...

Magento: addAttributeToFilter but ignore for products that don't have this attribute? -

I'm trying to add some filters to my store, but they have a bad effect. Suppose I have product type A and B. Now I have to show only A where Color = Blue / Red $ collection = mage :: getResourceModel ('catalog / product_collection') - & gt; SetStoreID ($ this-> GetStoreId ()) - & gt; Updater Filter ($ this) - & gt; AddAttributeToFilter (array (array ('attribute' = & gt; 'color', 'in' = & gt; array (4, 6)),)); This trick does, but now that no value has been assigned to color in product type B (because this feature is not assigned to it), so to show any There is no product. I found this code on the forum, but it does not work: array ('attribute' => 'color', 'is' = > New zend_Db_Expr ('zero')) Neither: array ('attribute' => 'color', 'Null' = & gt; true); It actually shows the products that have the assigned assignment but no value has be...

similarity - Algorithm to find if one document is included in another, when those two documents are similar -

I am looking for an algorithm that finds that if two text documents are the same, where one document is in another document Includes. Thank you in advance. You can always use it, it is not accurate about the use of the FTP documentation algorithm (S) , But the original authors have written a letter about it ( Google for diff paper ), and you can always read the source code. You will need a more accurate question for a more accurate answer. Are you only interested in knowing if a document is a piece of another document? Or are you interested in knowing if anyone can be divided into pieces in the same document in the same order? Or do you want to know how much content does not do if you try to match the contents of both documents with fast algorithms? The difference will tell you all those things or do you want to know the absolute best match? The difference does not always give you, you will need something. If one of the documents is much smaller than the other then you...

How can I set the size of edit controls in ASP.NET Dynamic Data details views? -

How can I do this, if I can edit and edit the details of a dynamic data application, the custom page templates Without taking the support? If you want to change all the text boxes in the app, then you should modify the Text.ascx field Templates folder. If you want to modify some text boxes, you should create a custom field template, and assign that control to the fields in the metadata: [UIHint ("TextWide") ] Public object details {received; Set; }

c# - Alert when CPU usage stays over a limit for a period of time -

I have a Windows 2003 server and I need a service code that will email me when the CPU uses 90% How can I do this more than 5 minutes? The first thing you might have read as a processor load is: Secondly, you have to use a timer that checks the processor time in some interval. The standard timer from .Net is sufficiently accurate when we speak 5 minutes. The interval can be something like a few seconds, you measure the CPU and if it is less than 90% then reset some start date time and if it is more than 90% then check that the start date is 5 minutes Is older than And last you will need to send a mail like this: This way uses a SMTP server that you install locally Or otherwise you can get SMTP correctly for one of your e-mails etc. You can send more mail without over land. Find Stackoverflow for that :)

c# - Improve Code: Compare 2 list of elements -

Sorry for the newbie question, but, I am new to programming .. I check I do not already have more than one element in TypeA in listOfDifferentTypes . I have followed the code: Public Zero check type (object param) {if (the absolute is TypeA) {int i = 0; TypeA paramToCheck = (TypeA) Ultimate; Foreign currency (different pariagag, different type in the list) {If (Parab is type A) {var paramInList = (TypeA) paramB; If (paramToCheck.ID == paramInList.ID) {i ++; }}} If (i> 1) {paramToCheck.m_Error = "Error Text"; }}} I think this is not a very clean solution, can this code be improved / customized? You can use LINQ for this :) It would look great: // Check for string - Replace & lt; String & gt; With & lt; Some type & gt; Private bowl for more types on other types (list & lt; objects & gt; different types) {type different types. Type & lt; String & gt; (). Calculate ()> 1; } Usage: list & lt; Object & gt; L...

plotting a route on Google Maps -

How do I use the Google Maps API to plot a route? For example, a bunch of tracks loaded on the map (I currently have this) and draw a line from each of them, so that the user can find a way to see them all? How do I load the map when the user sees the map? You can placepoints property on an object and this route from source to destination You must hide through all the points in your area: The array of intermediate routing points. In this array, the directions from the origin of the directions will be calculated through the destination. Once you set up the waypoint property, you call the route method to calculate the guidelines: route (request: directions request, callback: function (direction result, direction status)) Once you get your directions, / P> Update with work examples The following code is a direction between the hardcod start and the end points. The block creates three types of points: // three points through which point point 1 = new goo...

C# linq dates between -

I am tring to get a list of dates from my db which will eventually be used to populate a calendar Each 'Calendar Event' has a start date & amp; End date, all dates & amp; Start & amp; Public listing & lt; EventFeed & gt; GetCalendarDates () {Return (from event list in getEventsList) select new EventFeed () {// EventDate = todo}). ToList (); } UPDATE Just to be clear, if I have a calendar event called Fobors which starts on 22/08/2010 and 24 / 08/2010, then I should return my list: 22/08/2010, 23/08/2010, 24/08/2010 Thank you KB I had to do something like this, I had to do Func & lt; & Gt; used the resulting linq query. I've added the same Func for your Linq query, if you did not specify the name of the returned object by the GetEventsList () , then the function's Type EventItem instead of type type for the first type of parameter > the way you need it. Public Stable List & amp; Lt; Event Feeds & gt...

running code after opening modal ipad window -

I am opening a modal window with the iPad SDK. [parent current model view controller: myPopup animated: yes]; Its view in the MyPopup view has a lot of building code in the system and therefore there is a 3 or 4 segment break, while the view of my popup is being created before popup animation is started. What I want to do only creates the basics of my popup scene and then calls all the coredata calls and the rest of the scenes after animated popup is created on the screen. Can I currently put a selector or something in Model Viewer's Animation so that I can call a method after completing the animation and building? I have tried Dedeppiar and ViewPaper and they have never been called for the Model Popup (I debug), so nothing has been made! - (void) VisualEvent: (BOOL) animated {[Super Viewer app: Yes]; [Self build]; Thankyou very much. Enter your building code -viewDidAppear: was loaded instead. The building should be done after the screen is animated o...

java - JSF2: add ui:include to binding object's children -

I have a UIComponent which is linked to the backing bean. For example: For example: > & lt; P: tab & gt; & Lt; Ui: Include src = "/ page.xhtml" /> & Lt; / P: Tab & gt; I want to make it in my backing bean: So basically I'm looking for the UIComponent class related to UI: This is included, so I can add it as a child in the property of my tab. Thank you! Update: Now I am trying with Facelt. Index: Include Facelet :) I have read this thread 20 times and I could not find the solution first So, I've got my additional comment after this in the right way: fashseconducted face Context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (); FaceletFactory defaultfactor = ApplicationAssociate.getInstance (facesContext.getExternalContext ()). GetFaceletFactory (); Face facelet = defaultfiniti.jetfelet (xhtml url); Then I have created a Facelift handler to add component. Another solution was: faceTest faceTitText = (faceText)...

facebook - Display FBDialog in correct size on iPhone -

I am trying to display a connect dialog for Facebook in my app. The dialog footage is open and loads from Fesbobb but the page shown is one for regular browsers, not customized versions for mobile phones. Do I need to do anything to work with my app or Facebook? Or do I need to provide that form to my server? Confused JT You need to make sure that the session is actually FBDialog has been established before the immediate establishment.

Help required with audio in MATLAB -

I am trying to write a .m file to remove energy facilities from an audio track but I'm having trouble Its implementation: RMS [F, FS, NB] = wavread ('three .wave') for calculation of % formula; FrameWidth = 441; % 10 mms samples = length (x); NumFrames = (numSamples / 1); Energy (frames) = 0; For frame = 1: numFrames, startSample = (frame -1) * framewidth + 1; EndSample = startSample + frameWidth-1; Calculate frame energy for% I = startSample: end sample energy (frame) = energy (frame) + x (i) ^ 2; Finally closing I run that file in MATLAB and get the following error: ??? Tried to reach x (2); Index out of bounds because error in numel (x) = 1 ==> 12 energy (frame) = energy (frame) + x (i) ^ 2; Any help would be greatly appreciated. using x instead of f , Because the actual signal is loaded from your .wav file f . The variable x was probably some other scalar in your workspace, which is why the error you were seeing was happening. Some other ...

javascript - Posting JSON string using dojo.xhrPost -

I try to post JSON string using a dojo.xhrPost for a flag framework The controller is doing When I post the string to the server, no data is sent to me. I have also tried to send "a test string", even that it is not being sent too. I dump a var to see the content of the request, but as clear as the day, there is no parameter or the data I am posting. My code looks like this: var jsonStr = dojo.toJson (value); Var xhrArgs = ({url: "/ dojo / savedetails /", postData: jsonStr, handles: "text", load: function (data) {if (data == 'success') {// success code dojo.byId ( 'Edit_alert'). InnerHTML = ' The contents of my var_dump ($ this- & gt; _request) are : object (Zend_Controller_Request_Http) # 118 ( 14) {["_paramSources": protected] = & gt; Array (2) {[0] = & gt; String (4) "_GET" [1] = & gt; String (5) "_POST"} ["_requestUri": protected] = & gt; String (25) ...

Does Erlang always copy messages between processes on the same node? -

A reliable implementation of the message-passing words means that message content is logical point of View, even for the irreversible type. Deep-copy of the message contents, the actor model remains an obstacle for implementation, so some implementations for the display support zero-copy messages (although it is still deeply with the point-viewer of the programmer). Is zero-copy message-passing applied in all in Erlang? This can not be explicitly implemented between the nodes, but what is the process between the same node? Is related. I do not think your claim is absolutely correct - the deep copy of the inter-process message is a hindrance in Erlang. And with the default VM build / settings, this is exactly what all Erlang systems are doing. The Erlang process piles are completely different from each other, and the message queue is located in the process pile, so the messages should be copied. This is also true for transferring data to ETS tables as their data is coll...

java - JAXB unmarshals incomplete objects when using XSD <choice> element -

I am facing a problem that is using a JMAB RI 2.2.1 in an XML document. element is defined as (full XSD is too large for posting): & Lt; Xsd: complex type name = "PatternExpression_Type" & gt; & Lt; XSD: Options & gt; & Lt; Xsd: element riff = "pattern" /> & Lt; XSD: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xsd: element riff = "pattern operator" /> & Lt; Xsd: likes maxOccurs = "unbounded" & gt; & Lt; Xsd: element riff = "pattern" /> & Lt; Xsd: element ref = "patternexpress" minOccurs = "0" maxOccurs = "unbounded" /> & Lt; / XSD: Options & gt; & Lt; / XSD: Sequence & gt; & Lt; / XSD: Options & gt; & Lt; / XSD: complexType & gt; Here is the XML that I am trying to unbalance: & lt; PatternExpression & gt; & Lt; PatternOperator tc = "2" & gt; And & lt; / PatternOperator & gt; & Lt; Patte...

visual studio - Freeze header on export to excel from SSRS -

I have frozen headers in reports on SSRs, because this page scrolls down. Is it possible when I export the report to Excel, so will it do in Excel? itemprop = "text"> As far as I know, you can not do this with table headings, however, the page header section of a report The objects visible in Excel are exported to the frozen top rows. - jquery ckeditor language dir -

How can I define language diaries in this code $ (document) Ready (function () {$ ('# header1'). Ckeditor ();}); & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" language = "javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('# & lt;% = OrganizationMeta.vcr_MetaKey + Lang.int_LangId% & gt;'). Cadetter (function () {/ * Callback code *}, {contentLangDirection : '& Lt;% = TempData ["Direction"]% & gt;'});}); & Lt; / Script & gt;

ruby - `-': nil can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError) -

I get an error in my program that says. /ruby_camping.rb:91:in `- ': can not be zero, what I would like to do in complying with FixName (type error), that guest has to checkout that I have just checked. Here is the block of code for the checkout section: def self.check_out "Welcome to checkout!" $ Puts camps. Current_guests says, "These are current guests, what do you want for a checkout?" Puts "state conspiracy number" plot = gets.chomp.to_i guest = $ camping.current_guests [plot-1] says "Date for your checkout (if a number is large" + guest.arrived.to_s + "): "# It should not be possible for the guest to checkout before checking for the departure of the guest. Data = becomes. Chomp.To_ Guest Guest Dated = Departure Date - Guest. Not valid. The guest has been checked in "+ guest.arrived.to_s puts" Please tell a new date. Departure date = gets.chomp.to_i guestStayedDays = Departure date - Guest. The ending end guest...

oop - javascript inheritance - from abstract idea to actual code -

I know how c ++, vb (6-point of shame), and php I have seen many examples and tutorials about javascript. But there is no simple explanation about this. What I want is a starting point that will leave me with the need to learn "just" syntax and use. Hope I am clear enough thanks Crockford is king - therefore I I highly recommend reading the link provided by @WebOctods Since you had asked for practical implementation, I had shown the practical application of the OO model in JS some time ago - Hope this will help

c# - How do I detect when a device attached to the system is ready for use? -

I'm sorry if this is similar to the previous question but this is something that I have seen I can find out that When my device is connected to the system (via USB) and the message is trapped correctly, but if I plug and plug the device again, by always trying to access the device through the function always The error occurs: ERROR_GEN_FAILURE 31 (0x1F) whose translation - The device attached to the system is not working , however, attempts have been made after receiving DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL message, which according to its definition is "strong> a piece of a device or media Has been inserted and is now available ". I believe what is happening here is that despite the device's list being repeated again, the error is not being prepared even when the device is ready, as the device is ready. Has anyone else had to face this problem and got it? Or is there something that I'm missing / looking? The easiest way to deal with this is through the IMO, WMI. ...

linq - Comparing two collections -

I think a common problem / pattern looks like two collection objects of the same object have many properties and in it There are some nested objects. The car has a property called the ID, which is a unique identifier. I want to find LINQ to do a diff, which includes: Items in a collection and not other (unlike the visa) Are there any changes to the item, (changes will be compared to all the properties? (I just care about the settings properties, will I use the reflection for it?) You can use the Enumerable.Except () method. Either a default or you supplied), to evaluate whether the objects are in both views or only one: var sequence A = new [] {"a "Sequence" sequence def = sequence Axide B); If you want a complete separation of both the sequence (ab) union (ba) , then you have to use it: var sequence def = sequence A.Except ( Nukrm B) ion (sequence BkExcept sequence (A)); If you have a complex type, you can use a IComparer & lt; T ...

templates - C# templated / generic method at compile time error -

I am working with .NET 2.0 in C # (I know this) This is my setup: struct asset type {System.type type; } Public Sector Debt Techniques {Private Dictionary & lt; Property Type, Object & gt; a quality; Public Zero Set Property (property type key, object value) {if (value.getType == key.type) // Make sure that they are adding valid data properties. Add (key, value); } Public T GetProperty & lt; T & gt; (Property type key) {return (t) properties [key]; }} Then there is a need to pull the properties in my class, it looks like //, it is used somewhere else for use by many classes Will be announced. // But for example here hash hash type hash; Hash Type = typef (byte []); Byte [] Hashod = Dataset Properties GetProperty & lt; Hash.type & gt; (Hash); Now the last line is that which does not work, but I would like to work. I think the problem is that it's not like typing in the form of being a variable. Many different properties will be type objects ...

java - Retrieving oldest commit with JGit -

I am experimenting with a JGIT for a project and when it mostly works, the oldest (first) Retrieving Commitment Here's the code: RevWalk rw = new RevWalk (new file ("/ path / to / git")); RevCommit Oldest; Iterator & LT; RevCommit & gt; I = RW Knitter (); If (i.hasNext ()) is the oldest = (); Committee C = Old. Comment (RW); // The oldest is here, NPE Do anyone know what I'm doing? I think I found it. You must log in to log in and have to set a starting point to start it through revision. The following conclusions that I wanted, but I somehow doubt how best it is. RevWalk rw = new RevWalk (new repository (new file ("/ path / to / GIT")); RevCommit C = Faucet; AnyObjectId headId; Try {HeadId = git.resolve (Constants.HEAD); RevCommit root = rw.parseCommit (headId); Rw.sort (RevSort.REVERSE); Rw.markStart (root); C = (); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }

c# - ListBox.ItemTemplate with a custom control template inside DataTemplate -

I am developing a Windows Phone application I have defined the DataTemplate of a ListBox.ItemTemplate: & lt; ListBox margin = "10,10,8,8" x: name = "ChoicesList" & gt; & Lt; ListBox.ItemsPanel & gt; & Lt; ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; Stackpane / & gt; & Lt; / ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; /ListBox.ItemsPanel> & Lt; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; Grid X: name = "listboxyl layout" background = "transparent" margin = "10" & gt; & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column define width = "0.281 *" /> & Lt; Column width = "0.71 9 *" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; Image Source = "{Binding ImagePath}" height = "100" /> & Lt; StackPanel margin = "5,0,0,0" grid. Column = "1" & gt; & Lt; TextBlock x: name = "name...

c# - Picking a server control depending on environment -

I have an ASPX page that references a server control from an assembly and stays in Sharepoint (in Knowledge / Sharepoint Experience is not necessary) to answer this question, I am just referring to you). Implementation looks like this: & lt;% @ Register TagPrefix = "wc" assembly = "test.Controls" namespace = "test.config"% & gt; & Lt; Wc: WYSIWYG runat = "server" & gt; & Lt; / Wc: WYSIWYG & gt; I can not change the contents of the .aspx page which currently resides in SharePoint and I have to take the same code and have to run it out of SharePoint, but still one On environment It's calm and nuts in Sametime, I know. Challenge When it is running in ASPX page SharePoint, I want to use the WYSIWYG control of the SharePoint WYSIWYG Editor control when the same ASPX page uses SharePoint Running outside, but still in an ASP.NET environment, I need to use a separate server control that is not dependent...

wpf - How to add a UserControl to a Window in BlendDesigner? -

I am usually beginning to use Blend and WPF. I made three user controls. I also created a window that should be user control. Is there a designer method, such as pulling user controls in the window, which it will automatically appear? Or typing in XML is the only way to include it? The vertical-oriented list of devices and controls, at the bottom (on the left, by default ), A button that looks like right-faced chevres / arrows. Clicking on this will expand the list of controls in the settlement. You can browse, but by default, your cursor will now be in the search box. Type some letters in front of your control name, and you should see it. Click it. Now, below the toolbar's lot , you should be in control. In the object and the timeline pane, select the window or panel in which you want to add control, and then double-click on that button under the toolbar. Alternatively, you can drag-and-drop in your form or in the objects and timeline pane.

troff - Period in a man page? -

I have a bold line, after which the line man starts from a period That . is the beginning of an order ... Is there a way to "escape" it? Bold word. / Some a ./ anything is a command to type in a terminal, not man man for I have tried: ../ something ./ somewhat -text", you have \ & amp; Should not be interpreted as the beginning of an order, i.e. . Bold word & amp ;. / Something

c# - Is new Thread(() => {//logic}).Start(); acceptable for executing logic "asynchronously" in web apps page_load -

(I use the word "asynchronous" with a loose word) I'm using For the initial session reference information to save the DB, the code below for a while, such as the affiliate details for later tracking. I have suggested to others to speed up some of our procedures to use this concept, but I hate to give some suggestions that are potentially dangerous. I want to know whether it is acceptable or there are some threading problems I will cause most traffic times later due to the road? All my arguments to save information to the new thread ((=) {// DB}} {name = "My long moving page process", Iibground = true, priority = Thread priority. General}. Start (); update Thanks! After the reply of David Basir, I think this would be my new method: action Some process = () = & gt; {// you dB work}; SomeLongProcess.BeginInvoke ((x) => {someLongProcess.EndInvoke (x); // Can}}, tap); I will use the thread pool because instead of creating a new one for ea...

Python: saving image from web to disk -

Can I save images using Python? An example of an image would be: The easiest to use. Python 2: import urllib urllib.urlretrieve ('http: // / ...', 'outfile.png') Python 3: import urllib.request urllib.request.urlretrieve ('http: // / ... ',' Outfile.png ')

Customizing headings in git diff -

git diff का उपयोग करते हुए एक diff देखते समय, प्रत्येक परिवर्तन इस तरह से शुरू होता है: @@ -28,41 +20,10 @@ नामस्थान कंसोलअप्पुलेशन 1 सी के लिए, अंतिम भाग काफी वर्णनात्मक है - यह उदाहरण के लिए दिखाता है जिसमें फ़ंक्शन परिवर्तन हुआ। लेकिन सी # के लिए, यह केवल नाम स्थान दिखाता है, जो कि बहुत उपयोगी नहीं है मुझे लगता है कि यह इसलिए है क्योंकि यह अंतिम पंक्ति दिखाती है जो इंडेंट नहीं है। क्या ऐसा कोई तरीका है जिसे कॉन्फ़िगर करना है? मुझे मिल गया है, लाइन को हंक हेडर कहा जाता है यह कस्टमाइज़ करने का तरीका कहता है: कस्टम हंक-हेडर को परिभाषित करना टेक्स्ट डिफाई आउटपुट में प्रत्येक समूह के परिवर्तन (जिसे "हंक" कहा जाता है) प्रूफिक्स की एक पंक्ति : @@ -k, l + n, m @@ text इसे एक हंकर हेडर कहा जाता है "पाठ" भाग डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से एक पंक्ति है जो वर्णमाला, एक अंडरस्कोर या डॉलर के चिह्न से शुरू होता है; यह GNU diff -p आउटपुट का उपयोग करता है। यह डिफ़ॉल्ट चयन कुछ सामग्री के लिए अनुकूल नहीं है, और आप एक चयन करने के लिए एक अनुकूलित पैटर्न का उपयोग कर सकते...

frontend - Preventing line wrapping in CSS layouts -

My CSS designer has created a design where two UL brothers are left from left to right layout ul Specify the width of the tag. He is using Firefox on Windows where everything looks okay I'm using Firefox on OS X where the content of any of the li tags is too much There is more text, so it flows in the second line design was designed for the purpose that the text is on one line. There are a few things to consider: I want to get the solution of being compatible with I18n (strings To translate it should not be the reason for breaking into two rows) If it is defined in pixels, why in OS X different ways than in Windows, why should it appear in the same browser gives? Is there a normal CSS solution that can prevent lines from wrapping or preventing the page from being seen in relation to line wrapping between OS X and Windows? Or is this the reason to be lost? setting white space: nowrap on ul S will prevent the text from wrapping, anytime, until any & ...

What kind of projects are PHP frameworks suitable for? -

I am creating a site such as PHP using a personal project. I started writing flat PHP files (mixed with HTML with SQL queries) After a few pages I saw that it was becoming difficult to maintain. So I started using an ORM (Pelva) then I was introduced to Symphony. I started resuming my code to fit Symphony's MVC pattern. For me, it seems that a small project, such as this symphony has actually made things more complicated and actually has slow development. Are large apps designed by many teams to be outlined? Or am I doing something wrong? Any framework or new technique will be a learning curve, during which you start slowing down if you If you follow MVC patterns and best practices for your framework, you will usually end up with a cleaner, more satisfying code. There is some overhead for MVC and for structuring things well. This overhead will pay more for big projects, projects which will last for long (site age as well as development time), and for projects with more d...

function - Wordpress: how to get first level of children from a category? -

I want to know if there is a function that returns only the first level of children of subcategories. cat 1 sub -1.1 sub -1.2 sub-1.2.1 cat2 sub--2.1 Here only I want: sub-1.1, sub- 1.2 and sub-2.1.1 '$ this_category- & gt; Cat_ID); thanks please try wp_list_categories (array ('depth' => 2));

objective c - Programmatically defining NSSegmentedCell -

I am a little stumped that the NSSegmentedControl created as a program is sub- Class instances if NSSegmentedCell . Using a subclasses NSSegmentedCell on a NSSegmentedControl created using IBC using is as simple as: NSSegmentedControl to NSView drag NSSegmentedCell Class definition in the colony Specify (like myCustomCell ) employed. > However, when programming as the following simple example, as NSSegmentedControl , I do not think how the cell is sub-class ... [MySegmentControlSetContactCount: 2]; [MySegmentControl setLabel: @ Division for "First": 0]; [MySegmentControl setLabel: @ seconds "for Segment: 0]; [MySegmentControl setTarget: self]; [MySegmentControl Set Action: @Selector (Smile Segment :)); NSSegmentedControl is not a method to define classes to use for its square class example. As usual, any Update Trying to implement [mySegmentControl setCellClass: [myCustomCell class] but that's not working. I was thi...

what do I need to use XSLT 2.0 with Delphi -

Why do I need to use XSLT 2.0 with Delphi (Win32)? Currently I use MSXML6 for all my XML conversions. But there is no support for MSXML 6 XSLT 2.0. Solution (by) Using the AltovaXML Library After installation you must import AltovXML typlibrary. After that you can use a source like this: Process TfrmMainAltovaXmlDemo.btnTransformClick (Sender: TObject); Var xmlApp: AltovaXMLLib_TLB.Application; Xslt2: altoxaxmllbptlbxslt2; Start XmlApp: = AltovaXMLLib_TLB.CoApplication.Create; Xslt2: = xmlApp.XSLT2; Xslt2.InputXMLFromText: = FInputXml; Xslt2.XSLFromText: = FXslSource; FOutputXML: = xslt2.ExecuteAndGetResultAsString; In the end; , which is a free COM based component.

entity framework - Relationship Mapping in EF4 code-only CTP (when using inheritance?) -

मैं EF4 w / code-first CTP सुविधा का उपयोग करते हुए एक सरल मिश्रित पैटर्न वाला इकाई मॉडल बना रहा हूँ: सार्वजनिक सार आंशिक वर्ग CacheEntity {[Key] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग हश {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग निर्माता {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक int EntityType {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग पूर्ववर्ती {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक दिनांकटाइमटाइम क्रिएट किया गया {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी आइकलिंग & lt; कैशरेफरेंस & gt; संदर्भ {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग CacheBlob: CacheEntity {सार्वजनिक बाइट [] सामग्री {get; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक आंशिक वर्ग कैश कलेक्शन: कैशइन्टीटी {सार्वजनिक वर्चुअल आइकलेंक & lt; कैशइन्टीटी & gt; बच्चे {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग CacheReference {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग हैश {get; सेट; } [कुंजी] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग संदर्भ {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी CacheEntity Entity {get; सेट; }} पब्लिक क्लास कैशइन्टीटीज़: डीबीसीन्टेक्स {सार्वजनिक डीबीसेट & lt; कैशएन्टीटी & gt; संस्थाएं {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्...