
Showing posts from July, 2015

difference between procedure and stored procedure sql server? -

What is the difference between a process and a stored procedure on SQL Server? There is no difference in the SQL server, there is no concept of "unstructed" processes. build process will create a stored procedure select from Sys.procedures will show you stored procedures ADACH has been opposed to sending SQL statements or statements.

Why does height() return a completely even number regardless of window size in jQuery? -

I'm trying to set the height of a specific element on my page. I have not set the height in the CSS, and regardless of the size of the window, the following code always gives the integer '100' var img_h = $ ("# compare_view"). Height (); Console.log (img_h); When I try a different div element on the page, it gives the integer '20'. It is despite the fact that when I develop the Chrome tools in the element, it shows me height of 415 px or some other height in pixels (which is correct). Edit: Okay ... It seems I have come to know that this is because it is the height of 100% for the basic element, and because there are 5 divisions within the parent, Each has a height of 20%, so I think my new question is ... how do I return it to PX, and not set the percentage in pixels? Edit 2: Okay .... This is true I instead edit it using the following code instead of var img_h = $ ("# compare_view"). Css ('height'); Console.log (img_h); ...

AJAX doesn't send POST query -

$ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {function ajaxselectrss (rssurlvar) {var ajaxRequest; // वेरिएबल जो अजाक्स को संभव बनाता है! कोशिश करें कि {// ओपेरा 8.0+, फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स, सफारी अजाक्स अनुरोध} = नया एक्सएमएलएचटीपीआरइवेस्ट ();} कैच (ई) {// इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर ब्राउज़र्स {ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject ("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} पकड़ो (ई) {try {ajaxRequest = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} कैच (ई) {// कुछ गलत चेतावनी ("आपका ब्राउज़र तोड़ दिया!"); वापसी झूठी;}}} // एक बनाएं फ़ंक्शन जो सर्वर से भेजे गए डेटा प्राप्त करेंगे ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {if (ajaxRequest.readyState == 4) {var ajaxDisplay = document.getElementById ('news'); ajaxDisplay.innerHTML = ajaxRequest.responseText;}} / / Var rssurlvar = $ (this) .attr ("title"); var queryString = "rurl =" + rssurlvar; var urltofile = "rssget.php"; ("पोस्ट", urltofile, सच); ajaxRequ Est.setRequestHeader ("सामग्री-प्र...

javascript - Sending Ajax request only once -

When I change the URL of the main browser, I am using the following code to call the function. var mainWindow = window.QueryInterface (.comonents.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .get interface (Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation) .interface (Components.interfaces.nsIDocShellTreeItem) .rootTreeItem .QueryInterface (Components.interfaces .nsIInterfaceRequestor) .get interface (Components.interfaces .nsIDOMWindow); MainWindow.getBrowser () AddEventListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {getFromDB ();}, false); this sends the request to getFromDB () server request = new XMLHttpRequest (); ("GET", "", true); request. Everything is working fine, but the problem is that sometimes the request is being sent to the server for infinite numbers. If the browser loads from a page within loacalhost , the request is only sent once. I load / request per page (URL changes only) I have used some B...

md5sum of file in Linux C -

I want to find the md5sum of a file in linux, whether there is an API, where I get the file to get the MD5 subsystem I can send the name of that file. is the code. In addition, openssl libs have md5 functions (from): #include & lt; Openssl / md5.h & gt; # Include & lt; Unistd.h & gt; Int main () {int n; MD5_CTX c; Four buff [512]; Ssize_t bytes; Unsigned four out [MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; MD5_Init (& amp; c); Bytes = Read (STDIN_FILENO, buf, 512); While (bytes> 0) {MD5_Update (& amp; c; buf, bytes); Bytes = Read (STDIN_FILENO, buf, 512); } MD5_Final (outside, & amp; c); For (n = 0; n & lt; MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH; n ++) printf ("% 02x", outside [N]); Printf ("\ n"); Return (0); }

roles - Associations among users in ASP.NET Membership -

I want to make a connection between users in my application. For example, there is a program director (roll: PD), in which there are many resident (rolls: resident), similarly each PD is an APD (roll: Assistant Program Director). I want every PD to show him only to the resident who has it. I want to filter the resident's PD. I can filter users by resident role using combinations of GetAlUyures () and Getusures Innol ()) but I may not have to filter the resident by their program directors because there is no way, between two role types Can I make membership tables? What can I do for such functionality? Do I need to expand the role provider for this management? This seems more like a data connection between the object rather than an extension of the rle provider rather than the original form Instead the user plays a group role of type instead of the real user. I will use an additional table to define the relationship between a PD and its residents, and will use role...

c - Change direction of a moving object....(pure physic question) -

This is a pure physical question, but I do not know why this does not work ... I have a moving object .i to get the value of vcos (theta) and versatile (theta) ... from this I calculate the angle of velocity and speed ... I also know another point (x, y) and the object At this point you want to direct. I think that in order to direct the object, I need to implement a certain force (should be the value of X and Y axis in force). So to get the amount of force needed, I follow: fx = v2cos (theta2) -V1cos (theta1) fy = v2sin (theta2) -v1 sin (theta1) There's nothing that ever Also syntex has been given (i aim to give it to those people) ......... my equation does not work ..... any help Can ... ...... if acceleration.y & gt; 1.5) {shakeCounter ++; [_label setstring: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", Shake Cropper]]; // Get the Velocity of Hill Object ....................... b2Vec2 mVelik = ballBody- & gt; GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint (localPoint); Flo...

perl - What is the most efficient way to override an attribute in lots of my Moose based sub classes? -

I'm using it to be used to be a subclass and then you type field_name_space Or overwrite certain attributes like attribute_name_space . However, now I have so many forms that extend the HTML :: FormHandler or its DBIC based version and therefore these super-bound properties have been repeated many times. I tried to put them in a role but got an error which is not supported in roles + attr notation is sufficiently reasonable. What is the best way to destroy this repetition? I thought maybe that is a subclass but then I have to do this twice for HTML :: FormHandler and HTML :: FormHandler :: Model :: DBIC , plus I believe That's the general thought that instead of subclassing is better received with better roles. Update: I thought it would be a good idea to give an example. This is what I am currently doing - and it includes code repeat as you can see that a form uses a different parental class, so I did not create an original class to put the attribute ov...

how to use net::https in ruby -

की आवश्यकता होती है 'नेट / http' की आवश्यकता होती है 'यूरी' नेट :: HTTP.get_print URI.parse ('http: // ') जब मैंने इस प्रोग्राम को चलाने की कोशिश की तो मुझे इस तरह से त्रुटि मिल रही है ?? c : /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb: 560: `आरंभ 'में: getaddrinfo: कोई पता होस्टनाम के साथ संबद्ध नहीं है (SocketError) से c: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb: 560: `खुला 'से c: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb: 560: में' कनेक्ट 'से c: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb: 48: `समयबाह्य' में से c: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb: 76: में` टाइमआउट 'से c: / रूबी /lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rbitter60:in 'कनेक्ट' से c: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb: 553: `do_start 'में से c: / ruby ​​/ lib /ruby/1.8/net/http.rbitter42:IN 'शुरू' से c: /ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb: 37 9: c: / ruby ​​/ lib / ruby ​​से `get_response 'में /1.8/net/http.rb:7: ruby2.rb से 'get_print' में: 3 कोड सही दिखता है और मेरी मशीन पर ...

MySql try catch -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मैं कोशिश पकड़ने के लिए वाक्यविन्यास चाहता हूँ MySql stroed प्रक्रिया में कोई भी नहीं है आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

php - How to handle non-English characters extracting from MySQL database? -

I'm going to extract text from a MySQL database table, collation is set to utf8_general_ci in PHPMyAdmin, I have the characters correctly I can see: "I have a very useful option at the same time:" But when I remove myself, it prints like this: / P> "I can be used in a very good way for the consumer IWrap per I:" How do I print the letters correctly I can? Thanks! Is your script utf8-encoded? Does the browser display it as UT8? Is the charset of your MySQL connection set to utf8? Is phpmyadmin's connection to the charset set to utf8? You can check first in your editor. You can see the other in your browser (also check it receives the http header). You can get a simple SET NAMES 'utf8'; You can set a mysql connection to use utf8 with query. Phpmyadmin's charset is displayed on its index page somewhere

examples of custom google maps -

How do I create my own page / site with Google Maps API, for example looking Specifically, if someone knows the example for a road trip, explain to me: 1. We say that I want to go from California to Manei, obviously I am not going there in a day. 2. Now we say that I have 5 p.m. On the drive at night, 11 p.m - I want to leave for example, so it would be nice to see where I should go after 5, 6 hours. 3. Standard Google (Yahoo, Bing, etc.) is not that option (unless I do not know how it is enabled), but they only give you a total time, for example 30 hours or 30 hours I do not want to drive directly to that I want to see where I will stay after X hours. However, this is happening for a long time, so if any sample code has a collection of good / good / good examples, then post it. Depending on the time when you want to leave, the time of arrival The average speed can be calculated. By using the average speed, you can know how many kilometers you can drive at a given ti...

search - Is content of webpage developed in Flex searchable? -

If I'm using my webpage entirely Flex, then it can be searched by Google and other search engines is? Thanks a lot. Yes Google can If your browser can show you the contents of your Flash object, then there is no reason for Google to fail. Check out this article.

nhibernate - Is this the right way of using ThenFetch() to load multiple collections? -

I am attempting to load all the collections impatiently, by using. I am thinking that is it the right way to use FET () again? Plural names are property collections, others are just one object. IQueryable & lt; T & gt; Milestone Instances = DB.Fund & lt; T, IQueryable & lt; T & gt; & Gt; (Db = & gt; Mile to DB in mi.RunDate == run date select miles) .Fetch (mi = & gt; mi.Milestone) .French (M => Primary Primary Owners). Ft (mi = & m; mi milton). Then Fat (M => M.Secondary Owner). Fitch (mi => M. Melstown). Then Fate (M => M. Predders) Fetch (mi = & gt; mi.Milestone). Then fate (m => m.function) .Fetch (mi => mi.Milestone). Then FetchMany (m => m.Jobs) .ThenFetch (j = & gt; J.Source); I thought about asking it but unfortunately I have been denied access to Google Groups. I know here, so maybe the people of the NHibernate team will put some light on this? Thank you Obviously, in this case, using any of the ...

osx - Barrier to entry for programming on the Mac platforms -

Do any of you suggest how to develop a Mac platform without investing any ton of money Can Hardware and Software Be the First? Mac has an option to reduce the barrier for entry-to-seek tinkers and developers to use. With OS, but you have to install it (which is "Developer Tools" DVD) If you find yourself without a DVD, you can (free) emerge with the Apple developer program and download a DVD image. Free / P> If you are trying to avoid purchasing Mac (to see how it's working, but okay) you can use traditional Unix software Can also be made with the normal tool series (can create amacs, autoconf, GCC), maybe QT or some other cross-platform framework), and cross-compiler for Macintosh

ldap - How to configure OpenLDAP Proxy/Cache to cache all queries -

OK, this is an open lidap innovation that has been tolerated with me. I am unable to get the answer directly on the webinet, so we will go here: Note : The final goal should be an OpenLidap server, which is set as a proxy To get all the results in Master LDAP for a "single" query for the cache (if you are familiar with Net Directory Services, the app is simply calling FindAll () on LDAP.) I am at the place where the proxy Dash is showing similar results for Master (i.e., it is proxying questions), although it does not seem like caching. I say that due to 2 reasons: If I update for an entry in Master LDAP, then I immediately see the updated value in Proxy (using an LDAP browser Which indicates proxy URL), even before TTL expires. If I close Master LDAP and do a query for the proxy, then I get a connection exception. If I'm not mistaken, then I should get cached results instead (once again, TTL has not expired). Here's the OpenLDAP config file that I...

c# - Error - SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM -

I have an app written for 2008. We are using links to institutions. We now have to switch to DB in 2005. I am getting the following error on linux SELECT queries: Error - SqlDateTime overflow between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM should be there. Abusive line is: Date offset = ((s.Date_Of_Birth == empty) || (s.Date_Of_Birth & lt; = lowdate))? DateTime.MinValue: s.Date_Of_Birth.Value, The date before us is the time of our kind and a property (not a unit) in our own business object. Does anybody know how can I modify this line to run this query? Ensure that lowdate is at least 1/1/1753. If you try to supply a date before that date, then EF will change it and pass it in your query. In addition, you do not need to use the DateTime.MinValue in the query, but what will be your minimum: DateOfBirth = ((s.Date_Of_Birth == Null) || (s.Date_Of_Birth & lt; = lowdate))? New Date Time (1753,1,1): s.Date_Of_Birth.Value; Remember with EF...

Matlab: Code Performance Issue Using "ismember" -

I need this section of my code so that it can run as fast as it is called multiple times for the Matlab I am new and I feel like there should be a way to do this that is not so-it's not like-with almost any help you can see what speed I have or improve the speed of other tasks, I will help in doing this work. (The task is to get only the rows of "alattata" where the first column is in the set of "minute internals" in the column "AlumniIntets." MinimumWalds only increases the minimum value of the "AllData" column twenty Maximum altaata from. minute internals = minutes (alattata (,, 1)): 20: max (alattata (, 1));% 20 second interval alldataMinutes = zeros (30000,4 ); For counter = 1; x = 1: length (aldatta) if member (alattata (x, 1), Null internals) aldatiminutes (counter, =) = allaldata (x, :); counter = counter + 1; end end alldataMinutes (counter: length (alldataMinutes), :) = []; This should give you what you need, and it sh...

Batch command to create empty txt files with the file names in a folder -

I have a folder of files, for example: 001zzzqqq. * 002bbbcc * 003nnnff. * ... and want to create an empty text file named after each of those files, for example: 001zzzqqq.txt 002bbbccc.txt 003nnnfff.txt ... Any quick way to knock it into the batch file? It seems that my mind has become empty on this. Thanks Files in folder: For% (*) in% x ... Create empty files: type NUL & gt; % ~ Nx.txt % ~ nx evaluates the filename without the extension of the loop variable % x . Then, combined: For type (*) in the name of NUL & gt; You can also use copy NUL% ~ nx.txt % ~ Nx.txt but it will copy 1 file And if the text file already exists, delete the errors; This is a more silent version (or use copy / y NUL% ~ nx.txt & gt; NUL 2 & gt; & amp; 1 .) A batch file You need to double in % but you will not need a batch file for this one-liner (except that it is part of a larger program): Type (*) for x% NUL & gt; %% ~ nx.txt - Session Expires and User is no longer valid -

I cache information about the currently logged in user in session. Whenever the CurrentUser property is used on my global application class, this information is loaded, it calls GetUser () on my custom implementation of the subscription provider, which loads the user from the session. , Or loads the user with DB and throws the user object into the session. How should I handle this scenario? User login. Deletes the user administrator (or disables ... the issue is that they can not enter any more) The user's session is ending Users navigate or request a page, or whatever. At present, if this scenario comes, NullReferenceExceptions are thrown everywhere, because ASP.NET Framework Call GetUser () does not give anything because it does not allow the user in the database Can not find (and nothing is in the session because it is finished). If your app thinks that a user is signed in, but the user can not be found, then one The option FormsAuthentication.SignOut (...

Way in Python to make vars visible in calling method scope? -

I am getting myself to do something which drag RGR to Vars: some_var = self.request.get ('some_var', none) other_var = self.request.get ('other_var', none) if no one in [some_var, other_var]: logging. Terror ("some RG" Request.path) exit () What I really want to do: pull_ararge ('some_var', 'other_var' ) And by any means by dragging these variables, or entering an error to be available in the current scope, and if not (or if possible, return to the calling method Return). Is it possible in Python? First, a disclaimer: in any local area, the "drag" variable var = actually really actually is not recommended it really makes your code confusable for someone what you do Are not well-acquainted with (that is, who is not you, or in the future, which 6 months you are, etc.) It is being said, only education Costs for tax purposes, in a way. Your pull_args function can be implemented in such a way: def pull_args...

javascript - jQuery Show/Hide Question -

I'm just trying to prepare a very simple jQuery action. I have two components: # security and # security-tab one , hidden on # security should go. When a link is clicked in #Sit-tab , then it will be hide and slideUp to be #safety . This works, but the #safety box just does not show Flickr when clicking: $ (document). $ ("(Security") {$ ("security-tab A"). (Function () {$ (this) .hide (); $ ("# security"). RemoveClass ("hide");} );}); This is the markup: Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? add return false; or event.preventDefault () on your click handler Click $ {$ (this) .hide (); $ (" #Security "). RemoveClass (" hide "); event.preventDefault ();});}); This & lt; A & gt; prevents the default behavior of the element, which is reloading the page. Event Bubble will be preserved by using event.preventDefault () which is sometimes necessary. return false; Defa...

return a specific http status code with php -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 7 जवाब क्या कोई तरीका है एक php स्क्रिप्ट वापस करने के लिए अपाचे पर निर्भर होने के बजाय एक विशिष्ट HTTP स्थिति कोड वापस करता है? शीर्षलेख ("HTTP / 1.0 404 नहीं मिला");

iphone - How to listen to microphone input in real time? -

I'm looking for a tutorial how to tell a microphone input during this recording. I'm searching for a while but nothing really is relevant. Is it supported by SDK or is it a bit of a hack to set up? I have found it, but I have to find some more educational. Any suggestions? Thank you! I think there are some decent example projects, Aryeo Touch I believe you have the necessary pieces.

Handle exception or throw exception in Java -

ऐसे जावा कोड स्निपेट की तरह: सार्वजनिक शून्य func () XXXException {// फेंकता है बाहरी शरीर में अपवाद छोड़ें ------ (2) {......} पकड़ने की कोशिश करें (XXXException ex) {// हैंडल अपवाद ------ (1)}} इस स्थिति में, आप कैसे चुनने का निर्णय लेते हैं (1) या (2)? क्या जावा अपवाद से निपटने में कोई सिद्धांत है? यदि उस विधि को कॉल करता है जो अपवाद फेंकता है अपवाद के साथ ठीक से सौदा करें तो इसे पकड़ना चाहिए। यदि यह अपवाद के साथ सौदा नहीं कर सकता है, तो इसे फेंक देना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि "func" कम-स्तरीय नेटवर्किंग कोड है, तो इसे पकड़ने के बजाय अपवाद को फेंकना चाहिए। जो कोड अंतिम रूप से पकड़ता है, उसे उपयोगकर्ता को त्रुटि संदेश प्रदर्शित करना चाहिए (या जो कुछ भी समझ में आता है)। अगर इसके बजाय "func" GUI परत का भाग है, तो यह संभवतः अपवाद को पकड़ लेगा और उपयोगकर्ता को त्रुटि संदेश प्रदर्शित करेगा (या जो कुछ भी समझ में आता है)।

Why some professional web designers use absolute paths instead of relative paths (e.g for CSS, Javascript, images, etc.)? -

I used to think that all the relative paths (like /styles/style.css ) were used . But I'm surprised that some popular web designers (like and) use the full path ( ). So basically I am asking why some professional designers are using the full path instead of the relative path? ExpressionEngine CMS of both of them, it may possibly link to the stylesheet by CMS. But in reality this is a matter of preference. Personally, I go with the root relative /css/main.css because in this way if I am developing locally + offline then I would like to change the locale of WEB_ROOT fixture No need to worry (less trouble + less) The only case that I am looking for complete, if the domain uses the CDN (content delivery network) and the domain is different from the original domain.

facebook app redirects forever on authentication -

I have the following code in the appinclude.php file and for some reasons the app is always redirected and Firefox me Gives an error I'm not sure that I'm missing something, but I have tried to change the redirect_uri on my server to a directory on my server, where the app is hosted but I have to I get an error on Also tried, but it did not work: ( I am completely lost, any help is appreciated. $ facebook = new Facebook ($ APPKEY, $ APPCAIC); $ user = $ Facebook- & gt; expected_name (); $ facebook- & gt; redirect (' authorize? client_id=132611566776827 & redirect_uri = Http:// '); First of all, I provided you with Facebook on your PHP SDK page Given the sample code I see Github on age After that, if you have problems authenticating your app, then look at this article - it gives a brief section of the authenticat...

how to start android application from my application but the application should not be visible to others -

assuming that I have created an application "MyApp" and have a button in it. When this button is clicked, it should start another application, say "app". This app "app" should not be available in any other part of the phone. Please help me with this. Thank you. Why do not you try to do a service instead of an app? Invite your service when necessary from your app. By this, only MyApp will appear outside.

terminology - Difference between ioc and dependency injection -

The difference between IOC and dependency injection Explain dependency injection in the spring ISC means the control is inverted. Public class MyComponent {Public MyComponent () {:} Public Zero DoSomeWork: See some "strong coupled code" ("MyComponent" depends on "logger"): ( ) {Var logger = new logger (); :}} We can change it to use "interface", but someone has to provide "implementation": public class MyComponent {Public MyComponent () {:} Public Zero DoSomeWork () {ILogger logger = ...; // Who is this to provide? :}} Dependence injection (DI) is a specific implementation of IoC // dependency injection pattern public class MyComponent {Private ILogger _logger; Public MyComponent (Illogger logger) {_logger = logger; } Public Zero DoSomeWork () {// Logger component use _logger.Log (); :}} Another implementation service locator is. // Service Locator Pattern Public Class MyComponent {Public MyComponent () {:} Publi...

c# - Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList' -

मेरे पास एक विधि है: सार्वजनिक डिजीओकोऔरऑप्कीकुणकॉल्यूशन GetChildAndOpiekunByFirstnameLastname (स्ट्रिंग प्रथमनाम, स्ट्रिंग लास्ट नेम) { DataTransfer.ChargeInSchoolEntities डीबी = नया डेटाट्रांस्फर.ChargeInSchoolEntities (); डिज़ेकॉऔपिक्कनकॉलन्यूशन परिणाम = नया डीज़ेक्कोऔरऑपिकुण संकलन (); अगर (प्रथम नाम == रिक्त और amp; अंतिम नाम! = नल) {आईएलआईटी & lt; डीजीओ एंड ओपीकन & gt; परिणाम V = db.Dziecko में p से जहां अंतिम नाम == पी। नजविस्को ** का चयन करें ** नया डिज़ेको एंड ओपीक्यून (पी। आईमी, पी। नजविस्को, पी। ऑफीक। आईएमआई, पी ओपीकन नाज़विस्को); result.AddRange (resultV); } वापसी परिणाम; } और चुने हुए स्थान में त्रुटि: त्रुटि 1 पर आधारित 'System.Linq.IQueryable & wtfService1.DzieckoAndOpiekun & gt; करने के लिए 'System.Collections.Generic.IList & lt; WcfService1.DzieckoAndOpiekun & gt;' एक स्पष्ट रूपांतरण मौजूद है (क्या आप एक कलाकार को नहीं छोड़ रहे हैं?) कोई भी विचार मेरी समस्या कैसे हल करता है? सूची में IQuerable या IEnumerable क...

Emacs ruby symbol word completion -

I often define a ruby ​​symbol (eg. : some_value ), then I Unfortunately, a method with def some_value Unfortunately, for some other duration of the string, the second complete event ( M + / ) works Does not do, a bit different ( : some_value vs "post-text" itemprop = "Text"> Assuming that M / / dabbrev is bound to be expanded, you can use the string To ignore some prefixes, you can configure dabbrev-mode. To make a single colon a prefix, to neglect, MX customize-group and then Type dabbrev This will take you to the optimization page for dabbrev-mode Dabbrev Abbrev Skip Top Regexp and click on Value menu . From the menu, select "Regexp". Now you see a text file named "Regexp:" next to the value menu in which you enter a single colon. : Then click the button state in the next line and select "Save for future sessions" value.

Distributing iPhone apps under Enterprise program -

I am trying to find out more details about how the app is distributed to users under the Enterprise Developer Program . States: If you develop an application that you want to distribute yourself, then it must be digitally signed with the certificate issued by Apple. You should also provide a distribution provisioning profile to your consumers, which allows their device to use the application. What should I know is how the provisioning profile is created so that a specific device app is allowed to be used? Is it done by adding the device UIDID to the profile according to the standard developer program? Or some other means? Provisioning profiles are managed Thanks to the website provided by Apple After that, If you sign an application with an enterprise program license, you will be able to install it on any device. You have to send the user to your application and provision profile. Regards,

audio - How can I tell whether a microphone is available on the device (iPhone, iTouch, or iPad)? -

If the device has a microphone, then I will create an audio device as "play and record". If the microphone is not available, then only "play" audio device can work. Already answered?

named parameters - HQL Query with multiple Criteria -

I am trying to write an HQL query which selects rows from the table based on several criteria. First name, last name It is a catch that the query must be flexible to ignore any empty or zero values ​​ such a from the table Select t (: Firstname = '' or t.firstName =: firstName) AND (: lastName = '' OR t.lastName =: lastName) I would have thought that this would work ? But this is not - does it ever return any rows? Any thoughts that might be wrong here? I am very new to why this question is. If I understand correctly, you can search the user by first, last name or both You should check that if the passed parameter is empty, do not make it a condition if they provide all the blank parameters then it will return the whole table Try: Select the table where (: firstname is IS NULL or t.firstName =: firstName) and (: lastName IS NULL or t.lastName =: lastName)

jquery - Return to top of the page when clicking back -

I have the following question / problem: There are 3 tabs on this page [It's in Greek language but I hope you understand it] Each tab contains links to articles. When you click on an article and then press the back button on the browser, the tab and selected scrolls for the article you clicked on. The more I like this behavior, the more I want in this matter. I want users, always return to the page, always the top. What is the best way to achieve this. Will it have to do this by the fact that I am using the Jabab tab and I have the code to return the reasons of the previously selected tab to jump on the first click anchor ?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks How about $ (document) .ready (Function () {date} (function ()) is your document handler (I know that you may already have one, something like this) Window.scrollTo (0, 0);}); like this

php - IIS 7 Completely Disable Caching -

No matter that I'm still caching my php files. I unchecked all caching options and re-checked the configuration file and it looks okay. How should I stop caching altogether? The way my PHP file is quite simple, its just "somestering" echo It may be a little late But it can be useful for someone else. Are you using PHP Wincache? If you are, just add wincache.fcenabled = 0 to your php.ini file.

sql server 2005 - Working around globalization issues when executing T-SQL -

In an app where SQL Server can be unknown in database time schema and local time (defined at runtime) I need to know how to update the area of ​​decimal - that is to use the decimal separator. So against a server, if I need to update a decimal field, then I will send 100.125. I use the Old School Squadmund-Class to do this, because I do not know the schema at compile time. On the runtime, I can determine which separator should I use? Or is there another way to deal with this, what I see? There is some discussion on this issue. Can you supply some context for your query, so using dot does not work? As far as I understand it UPDATE TBL SET CALL = 1.23 will work anywhere and if you do Then you will only get problems UPDATE tbl SET Col = '1.23'

javascript - how to setCookie and getCookie using domain name -

When I save a cookie, it is stored with the current URL link, whenever I search for that URL I am only for URL. I need to save and retrieve cookies with my own fixed URL link. I can help you. You can not read the cookies set by different domains. If this was possible then this would be a terrible security problem.

java - Guice Inject Field in class not created by Guice -

I have a class that I will make somewhere in my code: Class StarryEyes {@Intject MyValidator validator; Public StarryEyes (string name) {//}} public doSomething () {// validator NULL}} I would like to inject a frequency of the validator, in which a signature annotation . I have a module loaded on startup and has a line in it: bound (MyValidator.class); However, this does not seem to work as "legalization" is always zero. I have tried many variations such as: Bind (MyValidator.class) toInstance (new MyValidator ()); Or other things like that. Is not it that Guice should work? Generally Guice needs to create an object to inject them. If you simply call new starry (name) , the device will never be able to see that item, so that it will not be able to inject it. The one thing you can do is that you can call injector.injectMembers (obj) on the object when you create it. I do not recommend that, however, as you should avoid referring to the injector i...

c# - Change the master page from code behind -

I have a web page called MyPage.aspx and there are two master pages called Home Master and Blanke Master. By default, MyPage.aspx uses Home.Master. But depending on some condition, I have to change the home page from home page.Sorry.Master. So, how to do this with the code back in C #? I mean how can the master page change from the back code? Set it to Pre_Init event: Zero Page_transfer (Object Sender, EventErgus E) {Masterpage file = "~ / Master 1.master"; } See some details and more options.

Handling a class that doesn't throw exception in c# -

I have some UI code that looks like this: try {SomeClass classInstance = New Class (some ID); } Grip (exception exception) {// Content was not created, to show a message, stop processing return; } It seems that the attempt was put on hold because the Constructor will be bombed for some classes if some IID is not received, and the data can not be found in DB. Recently running this code through FXCop, it warns against using common exceptions, but everything class throws a new exception with the message that it starts Has failed. I guess the problem is that the class constructor should have its own custom exception, which I can handle in my UI, but I wonder what else to do with the exception to handle the exception Can I meet the FXCop requirements? The rule of FxCop exists because the above hold (exception) block low- Level catches all possible exceptions, including exceptions, such as stackoverflowexception that you might not be holding in a useful way. The right app...

ruby on rails - Set session variable inside plugin model -

So I want to set / set a session variable from inside the plugin model that I have included in my project. Tried to make a method (a recipient a setter) inside, but it does not work. Where can I use recipient / setter methods to use a plugin model? Create a module in the Lib folder in the directory.

CSS image design problem -

This is working on me testite: As you can see, this middle line In half and why am I trying to solve it. The color of body background is just for testing. The idea of ​​layout is & lt; Div & gt; - The entire box & lt; Div / & gt; - Top (Image with Start Line) & lt; Div & gt; - Content & lt; Div & gt; - left (Test 2 on page) & lt; Div & gt; - medium (it is 12px in width and only has its line in it) & lt; Div & gt; - Right (menu on page) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; - Down & lt; Div & gt; - left (copyright) & lt; Div & gt; - True (end of line) & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; One more thing is Firefox, if I got a blank box (as is the middle device above) then I have to add a location to show it to Firefox. If there is nothing in it, then Firefox will not show it. You can correct this problem in your site_page CSS class Entering an image, because it has the height of y...

OpenGL: Loading a texture changes the current color -

I noticed that when I am loading a texture, then changing the current drawing color, depending on the color of the texture After the example execution glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, info.biWidth, info.biHight, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap); GlTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); GlTexParameterf (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); All consecutive polygons drawn on the screen will have a color based on the image of the texture. Is that standard? I did not find this behavior document. Yes, how it works, remember that GL is a state machine, so you have texture Left (and potentially capable) left, so when drawing, first pixels (you do not consider any textures coordinates) use primitive colors. To solve this, when you do not want texturing, you can do it like this: glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_2D);

How does one specify pathnames correctly in PHP? -

I am projecting a small home computing in PHP and making reference in this way ... & lt; A href = \ "list_beer.php? Order_by = name \" & gt; Beer & lt; / A & gt; This starts to choose the correct file when I'm in it, I need a pathname. include_once ("/var/www/common.php"); I'm sure this can not be true. Maybe you can tell me what is the best practice for these things, so that I can create such a script which is a special pathname (or operating Are not connected to the system) and because the file selected in the first instance can be controlled? Maybe some settings php.ini or apache? Thank you. Basically, you need a complete path for both Web For resources, this web site must start with root - / For files, you need a point where the virtual path meets a file system. Br> $ _ server ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is for that purpose such as & lt; A href = "/ list_beer.php? Order_by = name" & g...

android - Dynamic data for Adapter attached to EditText -

Is there a way to attach the dynamic adapter to EditText? What do I want - instead of providing a search and suggestion in a key (some) custom stores, my code is pressed on the edit text (instead of a fixed Xml-list or array). This store is not a database; I think cursor adapter database results are only for example example snippets are welcome. I found the solution and posted the answer. Write a custom SimpleCursorAdapter . Override runQueryOnBackgroundThread () Return a new matrix kaiser based on method and input content Associate this adapter in the autocomplete edit box. Let me know for this answer @

python - Django Queryset Filter (Maybe Needs a Subquery) -

I want to generate a query to find mismatches. As an example class vehicles (models.Model): car = model. Kharefild (max_length = 100) model = Model. Kharifild (max_long = 100) travelers = models.IntergrillField () I want to generate a query where I am with two different models You can get a listed car incorrectly. On the lines of a question, to find out that car = Wrangler, Model = to find instances of the Jeep car = Wrangler, the model is not Jeep. Is it possible to do within ORM, or do I need to use raw SQL? #django has suggested a subquery, but I am not familiar with how to do this Sample output will be just a queryset of the incorrect matching vehicles (for example Car = wrangler, model = Ford exists for an object but car = wrangler, model = jeep for another object). I was thinking about not having an input which was just able to find mismatch. Does it still make sense? If I think you need a model + the car is unique together, then you're repetitive Need ...

xmlhttprequest - Which Http Status code to return when user provided data fails validation in Web Service? -

When the user enters the data and submits that data, then we use the XML server and XMLHttpRequest . But, if this data fails to verify, then we will have to return the 400 status status code. I thought the appropriate code would be 403. However, my associate does not agree but I do not know who to use. Which would you use? Thank you! 400 will be more correct, i.e. contains invalid data in the request 403 will be a mistake of acceptance of any kind , That the request was well made and correct but action was not allowed. If I was writing code to use a web service and I get a 403 error then it would never be for me because it was sending invalid data, it would be really confusing.

ASP.NET MVC - NHibernate - DropDownLists -

I am just starting with ASP.NET MVC and I am using NHibernate for my data reference. I have placed foreign key areas in my unit sections so that it can be expected to work with the list drop down, but this is not the case. Here is my post-back action: var user = userRepository.GetById (id); If (TryUpdateModel (user, "user", new [] {"user name", "rolled"})) look back (user); // update the role user.Role = roleRepository.GetById (user.RoleID); This lets me user. My validation argument is allowed on the relied property. Until it saves it, everything works fine till then. Here is my user and mapping class: Public Virtual User User ID {get; Set; } [Required (Error Message = "Username Required")] Public Virtual String Username {get; Set; } [Required (Error Message = "Required Role")] Public Virtual Ent RollID {Received; Set; } Role of public virtual role {received; Set; } Public usermap () {table ("user"); ID (x = ...

sql server - Create sql trigger dynamically and rollback if error -

I am creating a stored procedure that will trigger 3 triggers (insert, update, delete) a table name . Here is an example to illustrate this issue I am experiencing: making process [dbo] Start as [Sp_test] Tran - Trigger 1 DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR (Max) = 'Trigger Number 1' as 'Exchange SP_executesql @sql' on Trigger Number 1, but this one will fail because in Table_1 There is an Entext field. SET @sql = 'Create Troubles 1 on Trigger Test 1 - Since Instal * Select Exchange from Search End EXEC SP_XECTSQL = SQL COMMIT TRAN END So I thought a transaction The first trigger will not be made by wrapping the call, since the second will fail but the first trigger is made anyway .... How can I prevent it from happening? I want to make the whole thing nuclear. Try it, try it from BEGIN the process of creating [Dbo]. Start as [Sp_test] TRAN DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR (MAX) = 'Make Tasters on Triser Start Tables XML after INSTATE' EXEC SP_EXECTUTSQL @SQLL SE...

audio - How to apply sound effects like echo, flange etc to music in iphone sdk -

I want to give sound in sound effects like iphone sdk like echo, flange etc. Can someone help me how do I get it? Thank you You can use the sound effects library to be quite easy.

javascript - How to change the selected item in a Firefox Extension's Menulist? -

I am writing a Firefox extension and I have a list of menus that should be set automatically (on load) It was set before turning it off. It's just being set to the first menu item, I've tried to use setAttribute ('selectedIndex', 1), but it does not work what I'm doing wrong? Some sample codes: & lt; Menulist & gt; & Lt; Menupopup & gt; & Lt; Menuitem label = "default" /> & Lt; Menuitem label = "I want to pick it one" /> & Lt; Menuitem label = "or this one." / & Gt; & Lt; / Menupopup & gt; & Lt; / Menulist & gt; Set the selected index property, not the properties. document. GetElementById ("mymenulistid"). SelectedIndex = 1; After adding it to the document, you will usually need to edit properties for such things.

javascript - Add attribute 'checked' on click jquery -

I'm trying to figure out how to add the "check" attribute on the How to Click checkbox. The reason for this is that I am checking a checkbox; I can save my local storage, like when refreshing the page in the form of html, it checks that the checkbox is checked. So far if I check it, it fades the parent, but if I save it and reload it remains faded, but the checkbox is unchecked. I have tried $ (this) .attr ('checked'); But it does not want to add the check. EDIT: After reading the comments it seems that I was not clear. My default input tag is: & lt; Input type = "checkbox" class = "done" & gt; I should be at the top when I click on the checkbox, it checks the "end" pre: I need to do this when I save the html in local storage, when it loads, it checks the checkbox as checked $ (".done"). Live ("click", function () {if ($ (this) .Parent (). Find ('. Editor'). (': Visible...

c# - Using types in a T4 template that exist in the same project as the template -

I am working on my first T4 code generation tool to add some stored process helper code for my project. I have created a custom code (such as StoredProcedure and StoredProcedureParameter ) to help with my code generation and incorporates assembly and namespace references in my code: & lt; # @template debug = "false" hostpecific = "false" language = "vb" # & gt; & Lt; # @ Output Extensions = ". Generated.vb" # & gt; & Lt; # @ Assembly Name = "$ (Target Path)" # & gt; & Lt; # @ Import Namespace = "Archived PRCCDenator" # & gt; This allows me to use my custom types in my T4 template code. Custom types are present in the same project as T4 template code, once I can temporize my project again without restarting Visual Studio. This is not very fun. I've read it using T4 Toolbox to address this exact issue, but it is not working. Either I was unable to install the valilexide direct...

swing - Fastest Way to Draw a Static Image in Java -

I'm in the process of writing a custom heatmap generator. I'm thinking that most of the boxes (approximately 1 million) in Java Fast way. The questions I have received are focusing on dynamic images (like in games), and I am thinking that there is a better way to go for static images, I swing (through a gridlove and each box By using a colorful canvas), using graphics drawing directly on the panel with 2D and processing libraries. While processing is very fast and generates a clean image, there is a problem keeping it in the window; Whenever you minimize, move windows, still generate different parts of the image. I have heard of OpenGen, but I have never touched it, and I need some feedback if it (or something) would be a better way before investing in it. For static images, I color them for a BufferedImage (BI) and then graphics 2 Drawing through D. I keep a boolean which tells me whether there is a binary date or not, in this way I only have to face expensive paint...

c++ - using winhttp to connect to a multihomed host when the first ip is bad -

is trying to confirm that the feature is described here: WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES retrieves the set or an unsigned long integer value, which includes the number of times of WinHTTP to connect to a host. Microsoft Windows HTTPS Services (Win HTTP) attempts to address only once per Internet Protocol (IP) address. For example, if you try to connect to when you try to connect to a multihomed host with 10 IP addresses and WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES is set to 7, then WinHTTP only seven IP addresses. Given the same set of 10 IP addresses, if WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES is set at 20, then WinHTTP tries only once to each of the 10 if the specified efforts make a connection still fails, or If the connect time has expired before, the request has been canceled. The default value for WINHTTP_OPTION_CONNECT_RETRIES is five attempts. Actually works. My code is: int main () {DWORD DwDownloaded = 0; LPPS pszOutBuffer; BOOL bResults = FALSE; Indicator h session = zero, hCon...

How to implement custom NSApplication terminate: behavior in Cocoa? -

I am trying to implement the custom completion behavior in the Cocoa application. Generally when my app gets streamlined, it cleans up the last-runtime database and then exits. This is within the appless gadget (representative of NSApplication ) whenever is called [NSApp termination: acedor] : - (NSApplicationTerminateReply) ApplicationShouldTerminate :( NSApplication *) Sender {// database cleaning ... back NSTerminateNow; } If an error occurs during the runtime (for example the database file was deleted), then I present the error to the user, and the option to recover them I am (put the file back and try again), or if the selection has to be done to quit, I would like to quit the applet, because it is no longer possible because database cleaning is completely Ending with. In essence, I want something like this: - (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate: (NSApplication *) Sender {BOOL gracefulTermination = ...; If (Grace == Yes) {// Database Cleanup ......

Android application security when accessing a web service -

I am creating an Android application that requires communication with a MySQL database. This application is not published, and I want to allow this application to be interfaced only with the web service that I will make for DB access. I was wondering how can I safeguard the system, and this is the idea that I have taken with. I appreciate any feedback or other ideas, definitely made in Android. There is a way that is unknown to me. I think the web service has to give a GUID. Each time it calls in a public way, the web service matches its GUID with the GUID given by the Android application. If the GUID does not match, then the use of the web service refuses. In short, my system has a 128-bit password. If you believe the administrator on your database then everything should be fine, the most important change is That all communications should be done at HTTPS. If a hacker sees this traffic then your database will be disconnected. I will still use the username / password com...

Javascript -- get only the variable part of a regex match -

दिए गए: var regexp = नया RegExp ("& lt; ~~ शामिल (। *?) ~~ & gt; "," g "); जावास्क्रिप्ट में सबसे आसान तरीके से एक वैरिएबल को निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए क्या हो रहा है। *? मैं यह कर सकता हूं, लेकिन यह थोड़ा बदसूरत है: myString.match (regexp) .replace ("& lt; ~~ शामिल करें", "") .replace ("~~>", ""); जावास्क्रिप्ट को रैगेक्स मैच पर सरणी वस्तु वापस करना चाहिए, जहां शून्य सूचकांक सरणी पूरी स्ट्रिंग है जो मिलान की गई थी और निम्नलिखित अनुक्रमित कैप्चर समूह हैं। आपके मामले में ऐसा कुछ: var myVar = regexp.exec (myString) [1]; को के मान को असाइन करना चाहिए । *)? कैप्चर समूह को myVar ।

python - Accessing Dictionaries VS Accessing Shelves -

Currently, I have a dictionary in which the key is in the form of a number and a square in the form of a value I Class characteristics can be used like: dictionary [str (instantiated_class_id_number)] Attribute1 Due to memory problems, I want to use the Plane module I think it is appropriate to do this. Does a Strong Dictionary work as accurate as a standard dictionary? If not, how is it different? The Shelves do not work very similarly to the dictionary, especially when modified objects that are already Are in the dictionary only The difference is that when you add a square to a dictionary, a reference is stored, but keeps a spicy (serialized) copy of the object. If you modify the object, you will modify the in-memory copy, but not the spicy version. It can be controlled by (mostly) transparent shelf.sync () and shelf.close () , which write entries. All work needs to be tracked for all the recovered items, which have not yet been rewritten, so you have to call s...

c# - SQL to select rows that match a URL with wildcard -

I have a column that contains a URL containing * / profile I am a URL ( Like) and want to select all rows in the DB that matches the URL (in this case * is wildcard) I replace it with * regex for any character, do this Was thinking about using Regex but what should be the SQL or LINQ code for selection, it's about dir The Chit. Do you have any ideas? As long as I'm not clarifying anything, it just needs a simple query. Your Table WHERE URL, such as '' from SELECT * :% Character is equivalent to * wildcard in SQL expression. If you want to use LINQ and are only working against SQL Server, you can use this syntax: var result = in YT YourTable where SqlMethods.Like (yt.URL, "") select YT;

c# - Get x number of unique words on each side of a word in a string? -

I am trying to get x number on each side of a word in a string in C #. For example, the method GetUniqueWords ("She sells seashells seashers, she sells shells, are definitely seashells.", "Seashore", 3) (The first parameter is the string string. The second parameter is the word that will be used to get the word on two sides. The third parameter is the number of the check number) Return a list of: Seashals shells that Thanks in advance Not good, but working for your sample: -) Private Static IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; GetUniqueWords (string phrase, string word, int amount) {// clean string and get word string [] word = Regex.Split (phrase.replace (".", ""). Change (",", " ), @ "\ S +"); // Find the first occurrence of the desired word (allows imagination) int index = Array.IndexOf (words, words); // We do not wrap around the edges if the word is the first, // We will not see before,...

Command line character encoding from PHP's exec() -

I have a php exec function and problems for a command line program in UTF-8 text I suspect that this character is due to encoding problems. When I call locomotion from the command line, I get: UTF-8 . But when I do: & lt ;? Php echo exec ('locale charmap'); ? & Gt; I got ANSI_X3.4-1968 How can I change it? It's not something I want to set up once - I'm working with different languages ​​/ encoding, so each call can be different to exec () But to know how to set it up in UTF-8 , it will be useful. LANG = & lt; Language & gt; .UTF8 . $ php -r "prefix command with echo exec ('LANG =' '.' 'En_US.UTF8 \" local magic'); "UTF-8 $ php -r" Echo exec ('LANG = \ "en_US.iso88591 \" locale charmap'); ISO-8859-1 You must have locale installed.

jquery dynamic id selector, remove then add class -

I have a line in which the div has a cell with all the rows in which div contains BTN- Insertidhere. When the table row is selected, then I want to select this div id, then remove a class and change it to another. It wants to change a button image from an add symbol for a down signal which is for the clicked symbol. Javascript code: $ ('* [class ^ = day] TD [id ^ = band]'). Live ('click', function) (var divId = $ (this) .find ('div.add'). Attr ('id'); alert adaxus ('del'); $ ('table # free_time tubs') Anden ($ (this)). Faidine (1000); Returned liars;}); This is an html snippet of dynamically generated code: & lt; Tr id = "band-modest-mouse" & gt; & Lt; Td> Minor Mouse & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 15: 25: 00 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 16: 10: 00 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 45 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> Div id = "btn-mild-mous...

android - Adding direct dial shortcuts to my app -

I'm creating an app that can launch other apps I like to launch apps using spinners, However, I would also like to give the user the ability to directly dial it. As is, right now, I can configure the "Hot Key" button that the user can currently configure, when the user wants to configure any of these "hot keys", then I use the spinner So that they can choose all installed apps on their phone. For beginners, I like it if they can see both the applications and shortcuts installed in the spinner so that they can map one of these "hot keys" to the direct dial. So my main question is, how can I see all those defined shortcuts and execute them and how can I create my own direct dial in my app? To dial a number directly startActivity (new intent (Intent.ACTION_CALL, Uri.parse ("tel:" + NUMBER));

How do I fetch the last record in a MySQL database table using PHP? -

I want to get the last result in the MySQL database table using PHP. How would I go about doing this? I have 2 columns in the table, Message ID (Auto) & amp; message. I already know how to connect to the database. Usage: & lt ;? Php $ result = mysql_query ('select t.messageid, t.messageid by DESC LIMIT 1, t.message from TABLE T ORDER) or die (' invalid query: '. Mysql_error ()); // Prints print to print ($ line = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ result)) {echo $ line ['messageid']; Echo ['message'] per line; } // Set the results related to the results for free // This script is done automatically at the end of mysql_free_result ($ result); ? & Gt; SQL query: select t.messageid, t.message by T. T. CDIDIDCCE Border 1 by the table T command ... uses order bye to set the value so that the highest result is the first line in the resultset. LIMIT says that in all those rows, only for the first time is actually actually returned in the resu...

JavaScript regex: find non-numeric character -

Say I have these two strings: "5/15/1983" and "1983.05.15" All the characters in the string can be visible anywhere in the string, which will be numeric, except the "separator" character. There will be only one separator character; All the examples of any non-numeric character in the string are the same. How can I use regex to remove this character? Is there a more efficient way down? "05-15-1983" .replace (/ \ d / g, "") [0]; Thanks! "05-15- Technically, this gives a string containing a string, But this will convert most of the strings inherently that you need it. / div>

data structures - Binary Decision Diagram library for windows -

After trying to compile under windows and quickly running in hundreds of compiler errors, I have a quality BDD I am looking for library to build windows primarily in C or C ++ but till I can bind it, I am happy. Good is good: I've compiled it in Visual Studio 2005. The pre-compiled binary is present: As a former researcher, I can tell you two years ago, the best in class about the coating efficiency.

Ruby - chaining methods and returning array -

I have some methods for a class that has ["1", "3", "2" , "6", "2"] . It's fine that these string arrays are not numerical, I have another way that takes an array, and it has a = 1 @ dice = [] end df roll @roll = [] x = 5 - @ Dice.length x.times do | I | @ Roll [i] = RAND (6) + 1 end # roll # ["1", "3", "2", "6", "2"] End DEF show @ hate # ["1", "3 "," 6 "] end def line (some) temp =" something " Do it X | Temporary & lt; & Lt; X + "Finally # 39" or "1 3 2 6 2" End End Then I want to be able to chain series together so that I can do it first = turn on.New ago.roll.line However, I do not know how to do it, and I have not been able to find heaven online, I have returned myself , but I can not really understand what it does. Line Pad If I take it to any other method, then the problem is ...

internet explorer - Angle DIV in IE -

I'm stumped by IE! Is it possible for a DIV in IE I am currently using the following in all other browsers: -WebKit-Transform: Rotate (-3deg); -mose-transforms: to rotate (-3deg); You can use this rotation and more.

php - jquery date and time picker -

I am using a jquery date and time picker in my project where the user can create an event. In the Jquery datepicker, I have the option to select today's date and future date, not the previous date which is good for an event creation website. But I stuck with the time picker. For example, if I'm in the event creation page (assuming the time is 9.30 time) and choose the date 2010-08-05, then I click on the area of ​​time, but the time zone shows the time that Already in the past i.e. before 9.30, I can not allow the user to select the time that is before the present time. How can I save it? Or is there no way to show the last time? I am using php, if I decide to validate the use of php, how should I validate, at that time should I use the user as the basis for checking the selected time? Users can come from any country, so I should know what time is the last time for a user. I use this, I use the first option and I can use the last option where the users are two fields whic...

c - why is this function failing? -

I'm trying to understand the windows hook by writing some keyboard hooks. I have a function: bool WriteToFile (WPARAM keycode, char * fileName) {ofstream fout ("filename"); If (fout.is_open ()) {if (keycode & gt; = 0x030 & key code & lt; 0x039) fout & lt; & Lt; (Keycode - 0x030); Fout.close (); Back true; } And fout.close (); return false; } ... that I try to call from here but it almost always fails. Why? LRESULT callback KBHackPrak (int nodod, varm usage, LAPRM LPR) {if (nCode> 0) {WriteToFile (WPAMAM, "log.TTT"); // Why this function always fails) and then return the ColonXHackX (H-Content Hook, Encoded, WPAMM, LPAMM); } I think this is because you want to make the file & ldquo; Trying to open a file called filename & rdquo ;; I think you are writing a keylogger to read it: to go to the end of the file using ios_base bool WriteToFile (WPARAM keycode, char * fileName) {// Cause Output: App Offline Fount (file...