
Showing posts from May, 2012 - Installing Windows services gives an error -

I have created a simple Windows service on my local PC and added the following code to it Protected Override All OnStart (as String) as the same Argus ()) Instring = const iTIME_INTERVAL as 6000 '60 seconds. System as Dim oTimer. Threading.Timer System.iofile.panded text ("C: \ AuthorLog.txt", _ "The author logger service is turned on" and now. DOM TDLigate as a toasting () threading. Timer callback = addressoffactation otimer = new system threading. Timer (Tidelet, M, 0, ITIMIMTRRLL) and sub-protected override sub-onstop () end sub-public sub-event (system-by-by-send) system.IO.File.AppendAllText ("C: \ AuthorLog Next I added a setup project for this solution and added a custom action (DoubleClick according to the application to be clicked) folder then click the Output folder, then select the primary output from the dialog ) Correcting the process, but I have 2 problems I 1) Every time I set up the service, it asks me for the username, password...

php - MySQL query results are not a resource -

I have trouble with the query in this code. The problem is that I have previously, $ num = Mysql_num_rows ($ result); The part tells me a MySQL error that it expects a resource. Normally when I am getting this error, I have lost a single quote, but I see that I am not getting any problem, although this question is a bit more complex which I have to deal with usually. // Connect to database and $ last_year = idate ("Y") - 1; $ Month = date ("m"); $ Day = date ("D"); $ Query = "SELECT bills.b_id, bills.c_id, Bill.Gr_tatic, bill.voice, bilceddated, customer.b_name, customer.l_name, customer.f_name, bills, customers WHERE bill c_id = customer. C_id and = '0' and added between date ''. $ Last_year. "-". $ Month "-". $ Day. "'And kurt ()"; $ result = mysql_query ($ query); Mysql_close ($ link); $ Num = mysql_num_rows ($ result); Edit: Although I already know mysql_clos...

what is the difference between servlet and JSP? Please describe <% expr %> and <%! expr %> tags of JSP, when and where they get executed? -

संभावित डुप्लिकेट: सर्वलेट और जेएसपी के बीच अंतर क्या है? कृपया & lt;% expr%> और & lt;% का वर्णन करें! एक्सपीआरपी> जेएसपी का टैग, कब और कहां निष्पादित होते हैं? एक सर्वलेट एक जावा वर्ग है जावा सर्लेट एपीआई के अनुरूप है, एक प्रोटोकॉल जिसके द्वारा जावा वर्ग एचटीटीपी अनुरोधों का जवाब दे सकता है। एक जेएसपी या जावा सर्वर पृष्ठ एक सर्वलेट है जो एक को आसानी से मार्कअप (HTML, Xml, आदि) और लिखना JSPs को सर्वलेट्स में संकलित किया जाता है, जिन्हें एचटीटीपी अनुरोधों के लिए निष्पादित किया जाता है jsp पृष्ठों में घोषणाओं को जोड़ने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है & lt;%%> कोड संकलित जेएसपी (जो एक सर्वलेट है) की सेवा पद्धति में जाती है और वहां निष्पादित होती है। अधिक और

c# - Post message to a place using Google maps -

Is it possible to post a message at a place indicated by a user using Google Maps API? I am using ASP.NET / C #. It looks like you need to use Google Map data API. From the documentation (Javascript version): The feature is created by passing a feature-find object to include on the feature feed. You can read the rest of the steps (lots to post here) in the assumption that you are using the JavaScript version of the API.

c++ - Overloading operator<< to accept a template function -

I am trying to be able to write an extensible grammar using the function, but the correct syntax can not be found for this Accepting the template's function. I am using Visual C ++ 2008. This will accept a variable similar to the template function, or a similar non-templates function, but not just the template function. Error 1 Error C2679: Binary '& lt; & Lt; & gt; : No operator was found which operates the right hand of the 'overloaded function' (or no acceptable conversion) (line *** ) class grammar {friend grammar operator & lt; & Lt; (Const Grammer & LHS, Const Charl * Ras) {Return LHS; // Add rhs for grammar} template & lt; Typename T & gt; Friend grammar operator & lt; & Lt; (Cost Grammar & LHS, T (* RS) ()) {Return LHS; // duplication rhs () for grammar}}; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Class expression page {}; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; ExpressionParticle & LT; T & gt; Expres...

symfony1 - Problems with redeclaring classes when using PHP's class_alias in a functional test -

I am using class_allage of PHP 5.3 to help with the process of my Simplified 1.4 (theory) forms. I use a single function to process multiple form pages, but using a switch statement to select a form class to use. Public function execution (sfWebRequest $ request) {switch ($ request-> GetParameter ('page')) {Case 'Page-1': Category_Allius ('MyFormPage1Form', 'FormAlias '); break; ...} $ this- & gt; Form = new formualius ($ obj); } It works brilliantly while browsing the website, but fails in my functional tests, because when a page loads more than once, it will: $ browser-> Information ('1 - Edit Form 1 Page') - & gt; Received ('/ myforms / edit') - & gt; ;); () -> (* / myforms / edit ') - & gt; Start (->) with start (-> -> - (' feedback '); isStatusCode (200) -> & Gt; & gt; With IstatusCode (200) -> End (); I get 500 requests with the following error to get another r...

image - Specifying width and height as percentages without skewing photo proportions in HTML -

I was thinking that in the width and height attributes, can I specify width and height as percentages? Okay, I think it's clear, because when I try, it changes its shape, but it seems to obliterate the quality of my image. Here is an example of my markup with certain properties: Now, trying to measure this scale, say half by percentage: I get absolutely something: I think that I only consider my percentage markup or something wrong because my second and third example has a visually different difference. Update: Thank you to all for all helpful posts! I actually really created a pat for JP suggestion, because with a snippet he has suggested, I can actually modify the selector and all of my Fancybox affected images such as- Then: apply to $ ('img.FancyBox'). Each (function () {$ (this) .Wide ($ (this). Width () * 0.25);}); It's so great! You can check the live effect here on your site: It is working very well, considering the fact...

website - Building a web on server, how to stop search engines to find it? -

I am building a website and have heard that if the website is listed on search engines, then this bad reputation And it is very difficult to raise it on the rank of those search engines. I would like to know, how can I not index my website in search engines until I can complete it Most obvious: No In addition to: , Especially As they say, note that robots .txt is only a suggestion that Google will pay attention, but not spam.

How to find the HTTP links in HTML mail using regular expressions in JavaScript -

I am working on a mail client application. I want to show all the HTTP links as clickable hyperlinks. I have noticed that some clients are sending an HTTP link without enclosing them inside the anchor tags. In this case I have failed to show those links as a clickable link. My requirement is to get all the HTTP links in a HTML mail and need to change these links by applying these links within the anchor tag and I need to exclude links that already have anchor tag Or any tag in the source attribute. Ex: Suppose that my HTML mail has the following text Input: "" & lt; A href = "http: \\" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; After replacing I want to put the following Output: I think I can not directly look for patterns that start with http ... because it can also come in the form of src for any tag. So can someone help me in solving these problems Thank you in advance SubBi Check this: (function ($) {...

Cocoa Touch - Play an Animation Once -

I have this code, but it plays an animation on a loop and I want to play only once. Any help - (zero) Gameover {// Ship to fly // Explostion UIImage animate * firstBoom = [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Explo_0.png"] ; UIImageView * Big Boom = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: firstBoom]; Big image.edit = Explo_2.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_2.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_2.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_3.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_3. Png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_3.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_4.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_4.png "], [UIImage imageNamed: @" Explo_4.png " ], [UIImage imageNamed: @ "Explo_4.png"], [Uii Dana Picture Nominated: @ "Explanation page"], zero]; = CGTEX (Exordinate, eCordinate); // then it torn to the top of the ship [start big boom]; [Self.view addSubview: bigBoom]; ...

iphone - Help! Adding image to UIViewController Transition! :S -

I currently have several view controllers and changes that have been completed in my app: ViewController2 * Controller 2 = [[View Controller 2 Alok] initWithNibName: @ "ViewController2" bundle: zero]; Controller 2 Model Transition Style = UModeltransitionstyle Cooperative; [Self-Present Model View Controller: Controller Animated 2: Yes]; [Controller 2 release]; Controller 2 = Zero; When I was made vertical transition, I really wanted that I want an image of the bubble to travel to the screen with the transition. Is there any way to add an image to these changes? If not, I would like to know how to make the effect as I have seen it in the app before. Thanks in advance, Adam to a UIImageView The size of the viewing must be added in an easy way to be animated, in which your bubble image is set as the subview of that scene. Then you can remove it in viewDidUnload or where appropriate in your code.

c# - Understanding System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute with base classes -

मेरे पास दो वर्ग हैं, जो नीचे दिखाए गए हैं: [serializable] [XmlInclude (typeof SomeDerived))] सार्वजनिक वर्ग SomeBase {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग SomeProperty {get; सेट; }} पब्लिक क्लास SomeDerived: SomeBase {[XmlIgnore] सार्वजनिक नया स्ट्रिंग SomeProperty {get; सेट; }} जब मैं सीरियलाइज़ करता हूं और SomeDerived का उदाहरण मुझे SomeProperty के लिए मान देखने की उम्मीद नहीं है हालांकि, मैं करता हूँ मैंने SomeProperty को वर्चुअल में SomeBase के रूप में घोषित करने और इसे SomeDerived में ओवरराइड करने की कोशिश की है। फिर भी मैं इसे SomeDerived के एक क्रमबद्ध उदाहरण में देखता हूं। क्या कोई यह भी समझा सकता है कि XmlIgnoreAttribute पूर्णता के लिए, मेरा deserialization कोड नीचे है वर्ग प्रोग्राम {स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {SomeDerived someDerived = new SomeDerived {SomeProperty = "foo"}; XmlSerializer ser = नया XmlSerializer (टाइपफ (SomeBase)); मेमोरीस्ट्रीम memStream = नया मेमोरीस्ट्रीम (); XmlTextWriter xmlWriter = नया XmlTextWriter (memStream, एन्क...

sql server - Is there a way to disconnect a Visual Studio 2008 Schema Compare from a database without closing the schema compare? -

Let's say I compare a schema between two databases (want to use Visual Studio), restore one of them by backup, and run the schema comparisons again. The schema maintains a connection to the comparison database, and SQL Server will not let me run the restored without removing all the connections. Is there any way I can force schema to disconnect without discontinuing it? You can: Close all activities on the database (Click on MSSMS server> Activity Monitor> Closed Processes) Delete Database (Turn off All Connections) Then Restore Database Change Connection to Other Databases Compare schema> turn it off> Restore> Compare open schema

ruby on rails - How do I silence the delayed_job output in test? -

I am using delayed_job for background tasks such as system e-mail and event at different times. I delayed the closure of events in my RSPEC tests: the worker New.work_off, but then put into the exams like: * After completion I think for debugging Output is useful, but is there a way to mute it? Thank you. Try this: worker = delays :: worker New (: max_preity = & gt; zero: min_priority = & gt; zero ;: cool = & gt;) Worker.work_off This is to clear the spam by telling the worker to remain silent Should ...

jquery - Why is this code running before the 'click' event? -

I have a simple issue This is a function: There is a function: click Is there any way to stop this code from running before the 'click' event? Thanks! Edit: Complete jquery code: $ (document) .ready (function () $ ( $ ("# Tag connect"}); $ ("# tagctxbox") Multiple selections ({minimum content: 130, selected list: 5, showheader: wrong}); $ ('# box Show $ ('#color box'). ({Height: 'toggle'}, 400, function () {// complete animation}}}}; $ ('# test') .colorPicker (Default color: 0, the default color (optional) column index: 13, click on the number of columns (optional): function (c) {$ ('# BoxShow'). CSS ("background -color", c);}}};}); Edit: Also, after making some changes here, this is the final version that it should be made sufficient for many 'colorable' items: If you If you want to try for yourself, you can download the color picker plugin from the Syrenex site. P...

sql - Create a DATABASE using as a Name from a Variable -

I want to create a database using a variable using Valuable. Here's my script but it does not work. any idea? - Set Data Base name DECLARE @ DataBaseName char (64); SET @ database name = 'DBCSSWiteTest'; - Create database of data base @ Database name; You think I need dynamic SQL for this (with proper caution if name is given by user) - Set Data Base name DECLARE @ DataBaseName sysname; SET @ database name = 'DBCSSWiteTest'; IF (@ DataAbaseName '% [^ 0- 9A-Z]%') Receiver ('name,% s', 16,1, like 'invalid characters in databasebase') ELSE BEGIN SET @ DataBaseName = QUOTENAME (@DatabaseBaseName) EXEC ('Create Database' + @ Database Name) END

port - Is there a processing python implementation? -

इसमें और बंदरगाह हैं क्या कोई अजगर पोर्ट है? वहां है, जो प्रयोगात्मक है।

linux - Edit shell script while it's running -

Can you edit the shell script when running and the changes affect the running script? I am curious about the specific case of a CST script, I have a batch that runs a set of different build flavors and runs all night. If something happens to me for the middle operation, then I want to go in and want to add additional commands or comment on people without execution. If it is not possible, then there is any open or batch mechanism for doing this to me? Of course I have tried to do this, but before I see whether it works or not, it will last for a few hours, and I am curious what is happening behind the scenes or No. / P> Scripts do not work that way; The execution copy is independent of the source file that you are editing. Next time the script is run, it will be based on the most recently saved version of the source file. To split this script into several files, and to run them individually, this will reduce performance time failure. (I.e., split batch into a taste sc...

c# - How to break up regular comments into paragraphs while keeping StyleCop happy? -

Sometimes a long comment is required; This can happen when a disturbance hack that requires long explanation is. Yes, it is better to fix / fix hacks, but often time is pressurized and it has to be pushed forward in the future. If this is the case, then making a detailed comment is very helpful, which would be replacing the hack with better code. The key would be to ensure that they understand what the hack is doing and why. Often, many paragraphs are required if the comments like // comment were allowed, the comment would be more readable. However, StyleCop does not like those people, and we agree with it, so we try to stick with all of our suggestions. Now, I can think of three options: //// This is a hack ... //// ................ ..//////// to hack this hack When deciding on ... //// ........................... ........ (I do not like for the first time because I usually use double / triple / quadruple comments for comments of sections of code I'm sorry). // ...

php - The server at is taking too long to respond -

A very strange thing is happening I'm running a script on a new server (this is on my current server and laptop Works). The strange thing is that when I increase the memory limit to 1024m (only)! It's going to extract a large zip file and go through the files, so I thought it was normal. Instead of ending this script or ending with errors, I get an error from my browser: The server at is taking too long to respond. The web server is just localhost: 9090 and I can see that Apache is still running, maybe Apache crashes horizontally and this server can not be found? Nothing about Apache crashing in log files. This is not a server issue, it is more so with my PHP script and memory usage, so there is no need to go to server fault. What could be the problem? I can narrow the cause, I am in loss here! The server is a Windows server that runs Apache 2.2 with PHP version 5.3.2. Be sure that, Ini_set ('display_errors'...

perl6 - Sockets code in Rakudo Perl -

I am trying to run some socket code in Rakudo Perl (made from the latest repository) but the implementation appears Incomplete The code I am trying to run is here: This error is: method 'Input-line-separator' not line 13 But in main program body on Lib 30 / lib / IRC / 'Ic; Client :: Connect' class in 'IO; Socket was found for inventor of INET: This is what happens with the official Rockstar Star Rock Star. IRC :: Client code is now quite old (look at the last acts) and it is quite likely that he will not work with current Rakudo. If you really want to try, then you can try the old Alpha branch, there are lots of old Pearl 6 codes that make it look good on it. About IO :: Socket :: IET, I do not really think this is incomplete or anything, the case that you've shown is IRC :: Clients directly. And as I said, Rakudo and even Pearl 6 are still evolving and it is possible that something has changed about them.

WPF repeatbutton in scrollbar only triggers IsPressed from the template, not the style -

I have a minor issue to simplify the theming, we have more stylish items in styles and styles of control templates Want to lay out. Therefore, for the repeating button of the scrollbar, I can get it to do all this work but the issue only works from the template. Then the template (originally) is: & amp; ControlTemplate x: key = "ScrollBarButtonCT" TargetType = "{x: Type RepeatButton}" & gt; & Lt; Border x: name = "border repertory button" margin = "1" cornerreadia = "2" background = "{template binding background}" & gt; & Lt; Path x: name = "pathway" horizontal alignment = "center" vertical alignment = "center" Fill = "{DynamicResource ThumbBrush}" data = "{binding content, relative source = {relative serus templated pent}}" /> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "Issued...

design - CSS: Display element with width "inline" -

I have an icon that I want to drop into text in arbitrary points and text it with "flow". Background: An and tag tag works best for it. However, I should not specify everywhere href . It should change the icon / location in the future. It depends on knowing the path of that image, which I do not always know-url-rewriting and on the same page due to different mapping, etc. I & lt; Span class = "icon" & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; and keep my icon as background-image Of course, this does not work because you can not have width on inline element. This is not working as a block (i.e. & lt; div & gt; ) element (for obvious reasons) and it does not work temporarily Display: Inline-block; Works in some browsers, but not all. Using the padding: The correct height and width for pad-out gives mixed results in different browsers with a transparent image for href And lt; Img & gt; Using a tag and a background-image works but looks...

xpath - Concatenate multiple attribute values -

इस प्रकार की एक्सएमएल फ़ाइल को देना: & lt; डेटा & gt; & Lt; पंक्ति val = "3" / & gt; & Lt; पंक्ति वैल = "7" / & gt; & Lt; पंक्ति val = "2" / & gt; & Lt; पंक्ति वैल = "4" / ​​& gt; & Lt; पंक्ति val = "3" / & gt; & Lt; / डेटा & gt; मुझे स्ट्रिंग '3; 7; 2; 4; 3' को एक्सपीथ 1.0 का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि मैं अपने XForms एप्लिकेशन में Google चार्ट सेवा के लिए गतिशील लिंक बना सकूं। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? क्या यह संभव है? XPath 2.0 समाधान: string-join XSLT 1.0 समाधान: & lt; xsl: स्टाइलशीट संस्करण = "1.0" xmlns: / / / XSL = "" & gt; & Lt; xsl: आउटपुट विधि = "टेक्स्ट" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: टेम्पलेट मैच = "पंक्ति" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "कॉन्सैट (उपस्ट्रिंग (';', 1, स्थिति () - 1), @ वैल)" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: ...

primes - Project Euler #10, java -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: इसलिए, मैं जावा में हल करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं, और मुझे सही जवाब नहीं मिल रहा है। यहां मेरा कोड है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग समस्या 10 {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {long sum = 0; के लिए (इंट I = 3; i & lt; 2000000; i + = 2) {if (प्राइम (आई)) {sum + = i; }} System.out.println (sum); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर बूलियन isPrime (int n) {बूलियन प्राइम = सच; यदि (n & lt; 2) वापसी झूठी; यदि (n == 2) सत्य वापस; यदि (n% 2 == 0) वापसी झूठी; के लिए (इंट आई = 3; आई & lt; = मठ.sqrt (n); i + = 2) {if (n% i == 0) {prime = false; टूटना; }} वापसी प्रधानमंत्री; (कोई भी विचार) (इसके अलावा, मैं अपनी पद्धति को जानता हूं) Primes ढूँढने के लिए बहुत ही अक्षम है।) के लिए (int i = 3; i & lt; 2000000 ; I + = 2) 2 प्रधान है।

php - "if" versus "switch" -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: मुझे हाल ही में बहुत अधिक परिस्थितियों का सामना करना पड़ा जहां मेरे पास बहुत ही सरल शर्त है और उन्हें आवेदन प्रवाह में शाखाएं की जरूरत है I मैं क्या कर रहा हूं पूरा करने का "सरल" साधन सिर्फ एक सादा पुराना अगर / elseif कथन: if ($ value == "foo") {// ...} अन्यथा ($ value == "बार") {// ...} elseif ($ value == "asdf" = $ value == "qwerty") { // ...} ... लेकिन मैं भी ऐसा कुछ विचार कर रहा हूं: स्विच ($ value) {case "foo": // ... टूटना; केस "बार": // ... ब्रेक; केस "क्ववेयर": मामला "asdf": // ...} यह थोड़ा कम पठनीय है, लेकिन शायद यह अधिक प्रदर्शनकारी है? हालांकि, जब सशर्त में अधिक से ज्यादा "या" भाव होते हैं, तो ऐसा लगता है कि स्विच स्टेटमेंट बहुत अधिक पठनीय और उपयोगी है: स्विच ($ value) {case "foo": // ... टूटना; केस "बार": केस "बाज़": केस "sup": // ... break; मामला "एबीसी": मामला ...

language agnostic - Determining edge weights given a list of walks in a graph -

These questions are in relation to the list of works done in the succession and the data set with the total time required to complete them. I am thinking that it would be possible to determine useful things about the length of the tasks, either as either or with some initial cavity based on the proper domain knowledge. I think graph theory will be a way of presenting this essence in essence, and there is a good understanding of things, but I am definitely unable to know whether I am on the right path. Apart from this, I think it is a very interesting question to crack, so we can go here: Is it possible to determine the weight of the edges in the guided weighted article Is there a list of walks in that graph? I recognize the quantity and quality of the sequence on the identified pathways, will direct the quality of any possible answer, but we estimate all possible movements and their length is given. If a definitive answer is not possible, then what type of things about the grap...

sockets - Connection timed out error -

I am getting the error when I'm trying to connect to a TCP server. My programs try to open around 300-400 connections using different sources and this is happening during the 250 th thread. The can be caused by invalid address (: uses its own connection to send each thread and receive data .SocketException :. connection timed out: 372) on ( ( on (SocksSocketImpl .java: 385) here is the code I use to get a thread socket: socket = new socket (my_hostName, my_port ); Is there a default limit on the number of connections that a TCP server can have at one time? If not, how to solve this type of problems? server, you may be getting a connection timeout a Srhwarseket which port you can connect , But is bound, but he is not accepting the connection. ...

curl - Crawling -

I'm trying to crawl the apple iitos website. I am getting the output in binary format. For example Curl-A "Mozilla / 5.0" returns binary returns. Can anyone tell me what am I missing? Thank you You are retracting binary because the page you quoted HTML / XML is not returning, it is returning an Apple WebObject wget to: wget Far-islands-by-john-buchan / id327765949? Mt = 8 --2010-08-03 12:38:38: 14- John-buchan / id327765949? Mt = 8 solve itin solving ... connect to | |: 80 ... Added HTTP request sent, waiting for response ... 200 Apple Web Objects Length: 22 9 00 (22K) [Text / html] Saving them: Id327765949? Mt = 8 '100% [=========================================== ==== 0.05 S in 2010-08-03 12:38:14 (440 KB / s) - `id327765949? Mt = 8 'saved [22 9 00/22 9 00] Look for more information, but if you wan...

javascript - Fermat's little theorem in JS -

I just tried to apply the minor theorem of fermat in javascript. I tried it in both ways, a ^ (p-1) mod p = 1 and a ^ p mod p = a modern p. function formatted (A, P) {return (((a ^ (p -1))% p) ​​=== 1); } and function formatted (A, P) {return (a ^ p)% p) ​​=== (one% p); } It does not work in both ways, is there any way to fix it? javascript ^ Math.pow (x, y) for you. function formatted (a, p) {return Math.pow (a, p - 1)% p is required === 1; }

What is the best practice configuring CSS properties to get a horizontally centered page? -

By now I have two options (maybe more than that): Set the horizontal margin of body tag width and body tag to a certain length, set it to Auto, it focuses all the contents horizontally. Create a wrapping div inside the body. Set the wrapping width of the width to a certain length and set the horizontal difference of the auto. Any material inside this wrapping device becomes horizontal. I do not know who is better or if you have the second option that you think best, then let me know. A wrapper division is more flexible, because you never know that when you focus an element Do not want to have a line below a few months if the site requires a change, you would be happy that you used to have a wrapper div, less work because you can make a sister of the rapper div and what you want to do with them . He said, if this is a very simple example / site, then make sure to proceed and 0 Auto element of body.

iphone - How to add a contacts to contact book in own program? -

I want to ask a question about the iPhone application. The application can allow the user to enter information in a garment table (entry book). After this, the program will use the retrieved data to add to the address book. But how do I add content to the contact book? Can somebody help me out? Thanks a lot. The framework you are looking for is addressbook framework, and guide SDK to "iPhone OS Address Book Programming Guide ". This method is called abderrace book coordinate

visual studio - Studying tutorials for ASP.NET MVC2, struggling to apply to bigger problem -

I am starting ASP.NET MVC2 by going through some tutorials, but this is all very basic when implementing it Let's try my real world problem. I am following a tutorial based on a simple table database. I ado I create a data model using the Net unit data model and select to generate the model from the database. Then I make a controller for the table, whatever I do in the controller is the list of items, that is Personal Sample DatabaseDBEntities _dataModel = New Sample Database DBETT (); Public Performance Index () {Return View (_dataModel.TheOnlyTable.ToList ()); } So I'm trying to figure out how to start, when the schema is more complex. Say that I have fruithop and there is a vegetable in it that references any value from another table (for example color). Obviously the generated generated code will not work: Because I need to look for value based on samples, on the second table (for example, the color of the vegetables table) This table In fact, I just...

.net - How to write an NTLM Authentication Module? -

I have to write an authentication module for IIS7, which actually behaves like NTLM, but does some additional checks module Active NTLM against the directory (hence the module knows that the user is OK) and then finally need to call any other service to verify. I have to do this in an authentication module because the content on the actual IIS website is served through a custom IIS module which is a black box for me and I can not modify the client because it is black There is also a box. Apart from this, I can not use Windows Security Groups because I have a user database of my own according to the need to call. I have received this article about writing, but I do not know how I user Active Directory / Windows. Does anyone know how I can implement NTLM? IIS does not have to be centric, my problem is more "What do I get from the client's browser and how do I verify it?" The description that you are describing does not sound like an authentication provider, i...

sql server 2005 - Delphi - Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted -

This error has been detected when I tried to select on the empty table in MS SQL Server 2005: "either BOF Or the EOF is true, or the current record has been removed. " I used TADOConnection and TadodataSet in Deadly 5 to connect and retrieve data from the database. Conn: = TADOConnection.Create (zero); Dataset: = Tedodetaset. Cut (zero); Conn.ConnectionString: = 'Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Password = a; ' + 'Permanent security information = true;' + 'User ID = user; Initial Catalog = mydb; ' + 'Data Source = MYPC \ SQLEXPRESS;' + 'Use the procedure to prepare = 1;' + 'Auto translate = True; Packet size = 40 9 6; ' + 'Work id = MYPC;' + Use encryption for data = False; Tag with '+' column collation when possible = false '; Conn.LoginPrompt: = False; Conn.Open; Dataset Connection: = Kon; DataSet.CommandText: = 'Choose from silently'; DataSet.Open; DataSet.Free; Conn.Free; Is there a database table...

jquery - Fundraising Thermometer Approach -

I need to create a thermometer type widget for a website, where I can feed in a target and current amount , Then a graphic that shows progress I was thinking something with jQuery / CSS that would be the best method, but then I hardly started using a vertical slider from the jQuery UI library and skinning it. How do you all approach this? I have searched for a plugin but nothing is relevant. You can create indicators, located by JS, with a background image Create a div Set height / width Set a BG image Calculate the position of BG image

php - getting attachments from a mailbox without the imap module -

We want to implement a POP3 client that receives an attachment from an email, checks whether video files are And the problem is, we can not use the IMAP php module. So we need a custom pop3 class which I think. Does a good pop 3 customer class know which handle the attachment? Greetings I finished using phpclasses using pop3 class.

python - Comparing strings using '==' and 'is' -

संभावित डुप्लिकेट: हाय। मेरे पास एक सवाल है जो संभवत: मुझे जो कुछ पूछ रहा है उससे अधिक जानना चाहिए। इस पर विचार करें: & gt; & gt; & gt; X = 'नमस्कार' & gt; & gt; & gt; Y = 'हैलो' & gt; & gt; & gt; X == y सत्य & gt; & gt; & gt; एक्स सच है मैंने हमेशा तुलना ऑपरेटर का उपयोग किया है इसके अलावा मैंने पढ़ा कि है मेमोरी एड्रेस की तुलना करता है और इसलिए इस मामले में रिटर्न true तो मेरा सवाल है, यह चर का तुलना करने का दूसरा तरीका है पायथन में? यदि हां, तो इसका इस्तेमाल क्यों नहीं किया जाता? इसके अलावा मैंने देखा कि सी ++ में, यदि वेरिएबल्स का एक ही मान है, तो उनके मेमोरी पते अलग हैं। {int x = 40; Int y = 40; Cout & lt; & lt; & Amp; एक्स, & amp; y; } 0xbfe89638, 0xbfe89634 पायथन के समान मेमोरी पते वाले कारण क्या है? पायथन में समानता की जांच करने के दो तरीके हैं: == और है । == मान की जांच करेगा, जबकि है पहचान की जांच करेगा। लगभग हर मामले में, यदि है सच है, तो == सच ह...

mysql - On using letters as unique identifiers -

कोड / संकेताक्षर की एक तालिका बनाना, प्रत्येक मामले के एक अद्वितीय संयोजन के साथ संवेदनशील अक्षर क्या यह एक पूर्णांक आईडी का उपयोग करना छोड़कर ठीक है और उन्हें विदेशी कुंजी जांच के लिए उपयोग करना ठीक है? या फिर ऐसे मुद्दों होंगे जिन्हें मैं अनजान हूं? देश या एक भाषा तालिका जैसे अपेक्षाकृत स्थैतिक डेटा के साथ काम करते समय यह आम तौर पर एक मुद्दा नहीं है, country_code या language_code पर keyed। मैं निश्चित रूप से एक पूर्णांक आईडी से परेशान नहीं हूं। लेकिन अगर यह एक मेज है जिसमें नियमित रूप से अतिरिक्त डेटा डाला जाता है, तो यह आमतौर पर एक पूर्णांक आईडी के साथ काम करना आसान होता है, विशेषकर एक ऑटोमैन्रिमेंट मान।

c# - How .NET Transactions are working on Sql Server Database When conducted a small analysis -

I have a simple test transaction works to understand .net Sample Code On which my transaction has been tested _sqlHelper = new SqlHelper (true); {_sqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery (Try SpName.sp_UpdateRoomStatus.ToString (), Parameters. SQLParam & lt; int? & Gt; ("Department ID", try this Department ID, SqlDbType.Int); _sqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery (SpName.sp_UpdateRoomStatus .ToString (), parameter. SQLParam & lt; int? & Gt; ( "Vibagnirdec" it. DepartmentId, SqlDbType.Int)); _sqlHelper.CommitTransaction ();} catch (SqlHelperException ex) {_sqlHelper.RollBackTransaction (); } test the details about when I write new SqlHelper (true); start a new transaction internal And the connection is made and the database is created New is opened. _sqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery (SpName.sp_UpdateRoomStatus.ToString (), parameter. SQLParam & lt; int? & Gt; ( "Vibagnirdeshit" it. DepartmentId, SqlDbType.Int );; The function now executes my p...

mysql - What to use to save important generated data as-is? PDF/XML/DB or other? -

My question is about creating invoices and receipts, said bills use rates, names and values ​​from a database. If the sources of making receipts remain unchanged, then each single receipt can be generated dynamically every time. However, since the names, rates and values ​​can be changed or removed, the receipt also changes over time, so the physical receipts can only be good for the first time after the creation of receipts, then it gets accumulated. , Currently in the form of PDF. And the relative path of PDF is stored in the DB table. In this way, the legitimacy of a receipt can definitely be ensured whether it is the best way to go about it or I should save data in DB or XML or any other format. How do you guys do it? Are you You can store PDF in a blank column in a database, if it helps you It sounds good to me, as long as the number of files is growing ineffectively.

iPad Keyboard comes on from wrong side -

I am working on my first iPad based project, which has proven a large scale learning stages, but I Almost there I have a small problem though. I have found my iPad to work in all the speeds fixed by Apple, but unless the user comes back from the portrait position without the first time moving the device. Is there a suggestion from where is this coming? Just can not seem to understand the logic for him. Any idea appreciated so much, I'm sure it's simple, but I'm just pulling my hair here. Displays any visual layout keyboard based on the actual orientation of the device if device picture , The keyboard shows in the picture and it will not change until the device is physically rotated in the scenario.

ruby - Make space to dash with regexp -

I've got a Sinatra app where I'm planning to make a Fried-url when I fly. I have found a regexp function which looks like this, but it will not change 'empty space' from 'dash', '' to '-'. def self.make_slug (title) title.downcase.gsub (/ /, '-'). Gsub (/ [^ a-z0- 9 _] /, ''). Squeeze ('-') termination Thanks in advance! Update Now I am trying to change to o in another o, my code looks like this but won 'work' any idea? gsub (/ [åä] /, 'a') gsub (/ [ö] /, 'o') "-" with "" are changing, and then everything changes but with a-Z0-9 _ (Thus, "-") "". Include in the list like [^ a-z0- 9 _-]

What languages or libraries will I need in order to write a cross-platform game? -

Which languages ​​or libraries do I need to write cross-platform games? Can I just create a game that will work on all platforms, or should I re-duplicate it for every platform? C ++ with a multi-platform library such as SDL

jQuery: how do I append variables onto a form path? -

चलिए कहते हैं कि मेरे फॉर्म में यूआरएल है action = "/ medias / new_from_disk? CKEditor = content_body और CKEditorFuncNum = 1 & amp; langcode = en " और फ़ॉर्म में आईडी myform है, मैं एक्शन में जोड़ने के लिए jQuery के आदेश को कैसे बताना चाहूंगा & var = value ? पूरा फ़ॉर्म: & lt; form enctype = "मल्टीपार्ट / फॉर्म-डेटा" आईडी = "मायफॉर्म" विधि = "पोस्ट" एक्शन = "/ मीडिया / न्यू_फ्रेम_डिस्क? सीकेएडिटटर = कंटेंट_ऑब्स एंड सीकेएडिटरफंकन्यूम = 1 एंड लैंगकोड = एन" & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; इस तरह: $ ('# एट्र ('एक्शन', $ ('# माइफॉर्म')। एट्रर ('एक्शन') + '& amp; var = value'); अधिक जानकारी:

java - Arrays are more serializable than ArrayList? -

Some time ago our architect gave me this fund and I can not talk more about it to get the details at that time But I could not understand that arrays are going to perform more serializable / better on array lists. Update : This web server is in the code, if it is important and it can be Update : There is no problem with XML serialization for array lists. & lt; Sample-array-list & gt; Reddy1 & lt; / Sample array-list & gt; & Lt; Sample array-list & gt; Reddy2 & lt; / Sample array-list & gt; & Lt; Sample array-list & gt; Reddy3 & lt; / Sample array-list & gt; Could there be a problem with distributed applications? There is no such thing as "more serial" or either a category is or is not, . Both arrays and ArrayList are serializable For display, this is a totally different subject. Array, especially the oldest, use a little less memory than the array list, but the serialization format is actually compact f...

networking - Haskell network package documentation -

I want to experiment with network programming in Haskell I have the problem that the network package The documentation is very rare for me, especially the one I want to use. Do you know about some other references or have clearly written projects where I can see how to use it? Is network There are no good alternatives to the network .Set only binding for the Berkeley Socket API you should read in network programming. EDIT: If you are * on the nick, look at the man page for the socket, pack, listen, accept, connect, rec, send and family. It does not matter to your OS, there are some high level packages too (eg :,) You should see that what you want to do is not communicated (and not included in the gritty details).

sql - Android Adapter for 2 Database Sources -

In my app I have 2 Android databases For example, say database # 1 is called Jobs and in it The following columns are: "Jobs Primary Key" - "Job Title" - "Job Display" Database # 2 is called People and the following columns are: "People Primary Key" - "First name" - "Last name" - "Jobs ID key" (Yes I know that these are the databases I do not have to design larger designs, this is just to help in painting a picture for my question.) Within a list view, I want to display the "first name" column - " Last name "-" Job title "(1 column from database # 1, 2 columns from database # 2). Using SimpleCursorAdapter, is it possible to complete anyway? If I do not use a simple Finder adapter, then the only way I can think of it to complete is to use an ArrayAdapter, where I use StringBuilder together at 3 columns By adding, and listing the list, I am thinking that this is a better wa...

c# - Can someone decipher whether timeGetTime() or QueryPerformanceCounter/QueryPerformanceFrequency has lower overhead or/and accuracy? -

It is an idea that an existing project uses timeframe () (for frequent targets) milliseconds = timegate time (); Now, it can be changed with double tmp = (double) lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart / lpFrequency.QuadPart; Millisecond = print (tmp * 1000); Using a call with lpPerformanceCount.QuadPart and lpFrequency.QuadPart is being taken for query enforcement control () and QueryPerformanceFrequency (). I know that Windows' internals are like Voodoo, but can anyone understand who is either more accurate or / and what are more overheads? I suspect that the accuracy can be similar, but the query can have fewer overheads in the function quarter. But I have no hard data to return it. Of course, I would not be surprised if the opposite is true. If the overheads are small in any way then I will be more to know whether there is any difference in accuracy. The accuracy of the time () The last time the biniperion used it will never be better than a millisecond on har...

sql server - Best way to design this database scenerio? -

Required archiving attachments for different entity types. Say that we have a 3 unit type company, department and staff can have multiple attachments in each. What is the best way to handle it? Solution 1: company table CompanyId section table Type (Company, Department, Employee) Employee Employee AttachmentType table Attachment table Attachment id Typed (map for attachment type) Entity ID (Company ID / Professionals: I can easily add new organization type in the future Cons: In this case Foreign key relationships created between the organizations can not be found in the attachment. Solution 2: Company table Company table DeptId Employee table Company ID (s) Company ID Attachment ID Company ID (FK) Attachment id Employee ID (FK) Professionals: Foreign Keys DATA Cons: I need a separate new attachment table to add a new unit. So what is the best way to go with thinking that I may have to add ne...

sql - Combine multiple rows in table into 1 resultset row -

I have a table that stores this type of record: names | State | Price -------------------------- Item 1 | Stat1 | Val1 object1 | Stat2 | Val2 object1 | State 3 | Val3 object1 | Stat4 | Val4 But I would like to query the data so that it will return such lines name. STAT1 | STAT2 | Stat3 | Stat4 ------------------------------------- object1 | Val1 | Val 2 Val3 | Val4 Will I use case statement, or how will I accomplish such a thing? My example only shows 4 possible figures, but hopefully I can make something dynamic, where I add new figures in the future, the query will not be rewritten if this is not possible, what are my options? typical pivot query: SELECT, MAX ( CASE WHEN T. STAT = 'STAT1' THEN T. value ELSE NULL END) AS stat1, MAX (case when T. STAT = 'stat2' THEN t.value ELSE NULL END) AS State 2, Max (case when T.STAT = 'State3' then T. value ELSE Null & AS) State 3, Max (Case when T.Stat = 'State4' then T. value al...

c# - Is it possible to combine SOLR and NHibernate Search -

I am new to SOL but I know that it is made up of Lucene I was thinking that the current NHibernate search Is it possible to use, which clearly works with Lucene to add / update objects in SOLR? If so, is it considered a bad practice? NHibernate Search deals with Lucene.NET, which works on a very different level from Solr, it does not just understand the use of the same code with Solar, which BTW is a separate process. The closest thing is that you can write to your own NHibernate event listeners to map your NHibernate units to Solar. Or use something completely, like that. There are several options ...

How to define permissions in Amazon s3 -

I have a structure on Amazon like this - (name of bucket) MyImages - - (key) Normal ---- 1.jpg ---- 2.jpg I have created key (normal) using the S3 Firefox Organizer tool and for all Set the read permission. Now, when I am uploading images inside this key by the Java program, I want to set the value of each object as a key. But this is not happening and I need to write some additional line code to allow each object. AccessControlList acl = s3.getBucketAcl ("MyImages"); // read everybody using ACL Grant Promotion (Group Granty. ALUURES, Perm., Reid); S3.setObjectAcl ("MyImages", "Normal / 1.jpg", ACL); Is there any way to get rid of the above code? Why not get permission for objects or keys? The following code works for me Change file_to_save with the file object that you are writing to S3 Are there. PutObjectRequest por = New PutObjectRequest ("MyImages", "general / 1.jpg", file_to_save); O.setCannedAcl (CannedAcc...

xslt - How can I change the order of an xsl for-each? -

I need to change the order in which each of me is executed, if some conditions are met. Here looks like my XML: & lt; OptionList & gt; & Lt; Option name = "my first option" /> & Lt; Option name = "my second option" /> & Lt; / OptionList & gt; However, in some cases, my XML may be like this: & lt; OptionList & gt; & Lt; Option / & gt; & Lt; Option name = "my second option" /> & Lt; / OptionList & gt; In my XSL, I am doing this for each: & lt; Xsl: each selection = "// options list / options" & gt; {...} & lt; / Xsl: each -G & gt; I know that I can change the order of option node by using this line for each: The problem is that I want my order to be removed only when my first audience node is empty and its name is not attribute otherwise I want to keep the default ascending order. How can I get this? So far, whatever I tried, it ended with ...

sharepoint 2010 - Can an external list have event receivers -

SharePoint 2010 supports external content types and external lists. I was wondering if it is possible to attach an external receiver to an external list or external content type. If event receivers are not possible, a workflow will also be in line with the requirements. What I want to do here: I have an external content type 'product' which is linked to a table in SQL Server I know how to write the event receiver, but when I have no access to the SharePoint 2010 environment and I have a project technical Checking the feasibility, I would like to know whether the event receiver exterior Ion is possible to engage. Regards, Tom This is not possible Although you can add event holders to an external list, it will not be executed. Workflow settings for external listings have also been grayed out in the SharePoint user interface. An action appears in Visual Studio to create external content types. In this way you can add some code to make the method to do ex...

java - Why does DistributedCache mangle my file names -

I have a strange problem, the distributed catches appear to change the names of my files; Uses as a folder and adds the file as a child ie. Folder \ filename.ext goes into the folder \ filename.ext \ filename.ext Any idea, my code is down thanks to the Accto string parameters location = "/ User / fwang / settings / ecgparams.txt "; Distributed. AdKach file (new URI (parameter location), First Stage Config); Path [] path = distributed Cache.getLocalCacheFiles (job); (Path path: path) {if (path.getName (.) Equals (ecgParamsFilename)} {file f = new file (path.toString ()); If (f.exists ()) {ecgParamsFullFileName = f.getAbsolutePath (); // It updates /user/fwang/settings/ecgparams.txt/ecgparams.txt}}} Updated: August 16, 2010 with the following, prevents mangling in place of the original call Is the name Deliver. AddcacheArchive (new ecUParamsLocation, first StageConf); Are you sure you want to delete addCacheArchive () Want to use? There is also addCach...

ruby - Create plugins or gems for Rails 3? -

I have to be portable between my own Rail applications. I wonder if I should create a gem or a plugin for every feature that I want to be portable (fast). They are for rail (now) because they include CSS, HTML, JS and image files. But I was thinking, things provided with plugins can be provided with gem, but not the opposite? So it is better to know how to make gems, because then you do not have to learn how to make both gems and plugs? But then, what I can understand is that a gem is shared between all the Rail app in the OS. So that means that I can not do it right for every rail app? In that case, maybe creating a plugin is a good reason because it should be allowed to customize each feature (editing it CSS, JS etc.) and it must be stored inside the Rail app and at the OS level No. Some advice would be appreciated! Update: So does Gems work with CSS, HTML, JS and image files? In a plugin I think you can be an MVC, your own model, idea and controller. "Store yo...

how to assign a block of html code to a javascript variable -

What is the syntax for storing a block of HTML code in a javascript variable? & lt; Div class = 'saved' & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; Test.test & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'remove' & gt; [Remove] & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I want to allocate the above code in a variable 'test' var test = " But this is not working, which are the correct syntax for specifying the code? TIA var test = "& lt; Div class = 'saved' & gt; + " Test.test & lt; / div & gt; & lt; Div class = 'Remove' & gt; [Remove] & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; ; "; If you need line-break then you can add "\ n".

Linux command for a ruby script -

How can I run a Ruby script as a command in Linux? I have this script which is accessible Lib but I have to run it teraData.rb I will call it on Linux from any command prompt I want to run as a terredata (or some meaningful command). Where should I put the script and what should I do? I'm new to Linux so please If the script is executable and the script First line of #! / Usr / bin / ruby ​​ (or whatever path might be for your Ruby interpreter), then you should be able to launch the script directly (i.e. $ ./myscript .rb ). Otherwise, execute the interpreter and pass the script as an argument ( ruby ​​./myyscript.rb ). If you want to run the script anywhere using a simple command, then wrap one of these methods in the bash function: function from RData {Ruby / Path / To / Script / Eradata RB $ *} Load this function in your .bashrc file automatically load whenever you open a shell.

iphone - Problem adding a UIView created from a NIB to the window and offsetting to compensate for the menu bar -

I have noticed that when you create a new Xcode project as a visual based application, it creates NIB and when it comes to NIB It loads this menu loads down the bar, I am trying to create a window-based application and add a scene to the program window, but the view is loaded under the menu bar so that the portion of the scene is stopped going I have tried - (BOOL) Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions {// Override for Adaptation after Acquisition Point MYViewController * viewController = [[[MYViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "MYViewController" bundle: zero]; [Add window] View: Controller view; [Window-making and knowledgeable]; Yes come back } And I have also tried to misfigure the view controller's "wantFullScreenLayout" property; Application: (UIApplication *) Application FinishLaunchingWithOptions: (NSDictionary *) launchOptions {// Override point for optimization after appl...

Is it possible to determine what language a .NET assembly was written in? -

If there is no source code available, then there is no way to determine the native language of a .NET assembly? Not really, but you can sometimes guess. For example, if you have a compiler-generated name in an assembly with anonymous forms in the VB.NET assembly, such as: VB $ AnonymousType_T An C # type assembly type: Individual compilers will implement these types of things slightly differently. There are many types of assemblies in the C ++ / CLI assemblies with "weird" names (for such work that are related to the global scope). Visual Basic Applications also refer to Microsoft. Visualbase assembly (though any NAT app can technically refer to any assembly, so it is not 100% indicator).

apache commons httpclient - Java HTTP Post Raw Data -

I'm looking to request an HTTP post near a raw data that I have Have spent some time, have made a few handfuls and I'm looking for some help. What I'm looking to do is look at the PHP code like this: & lt ;; $ Url = "http: // localhost: 3000"; $ Postdata = "& lt ;? Xml version = \" 1.0 \ "encoding = \" UTF-8 \ "? Gt; & gt; & lt; hi & gt; & lt; / hi & gt;"; $ Ch = curl_init ($ url); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_POST, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $ postdata); $ Result = curl_xac ($ CH); Curl_close ($ ch); Echo ($ result); ? & Gt; My attempt was to: throws private string setXmlPostHeader (document doc, post-method post-method), java. Io.UnsupportedEncodingException, javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {BiteArrayOnputTream xmlBytes = new byteOnputStream (); XML.serialize (...

internet explorer - CSS Gurus please help me figure these rounded corners out? -

I have a webpage that I'm designing and my design works well in Google's Chrome browser but I I'm using 'border-radius' property, as I'm sure you know that IE is not supported by IE I am trying to do everything I can think of, but I'm getting some things that make me Trouble is having 'I' in the question Ane'm trying to have a white background with the background of a background on the rounded corners page background is a shield and outer corners should be transparent to the right look. I have a green border moving around my box. Here is a sample image that shows what I am trying to achieve: I know that this is my current CSS and HTML. I have tried many different things but all of them have a problem or any other The background of the box is set in my CSS as a non-repetitive image in the lower right, and the fading effect comes from being partially transparent, so it becomes white with the background color. A liquid solution would...

css - IE8-Click on the Button Image Position has changed 1px -

जब मैं कक्षा = "डाउन" के साथ बटन टैग का उपयोग करता हूं .listdown .down {background-color} : पारदर्शी; पृष्ठभूमि छवि: यूआरएल ( "../ छवियों / listdown_active.png"); पृष्ठभूमि-स्थिति: सही केंद्र; पृष्ठभूमि दोहराने: नहीं दोहराने; सीमा: 0 कोई नहीं; कर्सर: सूचक; बाईंओर तैरना; ऊँचाई: 32px; पैडिंग: 8 पीएक्स 0; चौड़ाई: 30px; } IE8- बटन पर क्लिक करें छवि स्थिति 1px बदल गई है, इसे कैसे हल करें? के रूप में मैं उस पर कई बटन छवियों के साथ एक एकल प्रेत का उपयोग कर रहा था और शिफ्ट कुछ छवियों को प्रदर्शित होने वाले अन्य बटनों के बिट्स के साथ फाड़ रहा था, मैं इस समस्या को ठीक करने के लिए थोड़ा समय लगाता था। यह एक अच्छा संसाधन है: लेकिन ... मेरी पत्नी को सवाल में पेज दिखाने के बाद उसने शिकायत की कि उसने ऐसा नहीं किया, जहां ऐसा लगता है कि आप वास्तव में बटन दबा रहे हैं, इसलिए मैंने हल किया मेरी एकल छवि फ़ाइल में बस मेरे बटन को छोड़कर आगे की समस्या!

iPhone UINavigationBar custom look and feel -

An attempt to know how to display a background image behind a UINavigationBar on my iPhone The app and the same solution have appeared many times as follows: @implementationUINavigationBar (UINavigationBarCategory) {- (draw) zeroRect: (CGRect) rect {UIImage * img = [ UIImage imageNamed: @ "logo_bar.png"]; CGContextRef Reference = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGContextDrawImage (Reference, CGRectMake (0, 0, 317, 27), img.CGImage); } @ And that works for the degree My image is upside down and back !! Why would this happen on earth? I have examined this image myself which is fine. How can I choose to show BG image or toggling it Can alpha on selected screen? A special screen where there is a back button and the image is covered in it, which I do not want, I would not want to display the image on that screen. The image is not the full height of this UINavigationBar , it has a small piece (as you can see 27). How can I keep tint color in the rest ...

adobe - Flex Text to Speech Program -

I am developing an Adobe Flex application that gives lectures to some of the text inside the text box. Here is considered to be an inbuilt function or something else, because I do not want to give an external link to convert text to speech because the internet connection will not be available. Sample program written in the air can also be applicable Can someone post a sample code or link? Thanks in advance I keep an Hmm-based TTS engine for flash using the Elmimi compiler. The demos, explanations and codes are here:

text - Haskell, Char, Unicode, and Turkish -

For four data types, how do I specify that I want to use Turkish instead of English for English? ToLower and toUpper Functions? text and text-icu package 2011 As a matter of fact, your best bet is to use the package, and the job of toLower , which supports four actions taken by a locale parameter, From: Import data. Import text (pack, unpack) Data.Text.ICU (local name (locale), toLower) main = tarlocale = locale "tr-TR" UpStr = "ÇIİĞÖŞÜ" lower $ stront = $ unlock $ toLower trLocale $ pack up string Pt STLN $ "toLower" ++ upStr ++ "" ++ less + cents It is running: & gt; When this example changes between string , you can also leave the data in the text format

c# - Error sending email -

When the user forgot the password, I was the solution to recover the user's password. I did the code well, but the error appears with an SMTP exception (sending error). How can I fix this problem? Secure Wide Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventAgps E) {Usage (SQL Connection Connection = Connection. Gate Connection ()) {string sql = "Select password from registration where username = @ Username and email = @ email "; SqlCommand Com = New SQL Commands (SKL, Kon); Com.CommandType = CommandType.Text; Com.Parameters.Add ("@username", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) .Value = TxtUserName.Text; Com.Parameters.Add ("@ Email", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50). Valu = TxtEmail.Text; SqlDataReader dr = com.ExecuteReader (commandback.exerelease | Commandback.close connection); While (Dr. Reid ()) {SendMail ("", "xxxx", TxtEmail.Text, "Hi", "Hi" + Dr. ["Password"]. ToString ()); } Response.Redirect...