
Showing posts from May, 2013

http - php parameters over specific port -

I have a php page, this page will be public and accessible by our partners, to send a post request to my partner on port 7333 needed. How can I accept parameters now if and only if they came to port 7333? I want to differentiate between the parameters coming from our partners by the parameters sent by a hacker thanks You have to set your web server to listen to that port. View in Apache Manual This system is not possible without system administrator privileges. Besides, it is not good to use a non-standard port for security, at least if it is only security, instead you should implement certain types of authentication!

Query Query Task Silverlight with ESRI Maps -

How do I ask the layers of an ESRI map? I need to query the layer of the esri map and store the data in the data. ESRI Silverlight SDK provides a query task for the object ArcGIS server Your map should be published from, for which a final endpoint (URL) is available for the query. Check it out. Check it out. This includes several examples of various types of inquiries. In its simplest form, a query will appear ... zero doQuery () {query task query task = new query task ("[AGS service endpoint ] "); // service URL usually http: // [servername] / ArcGIS / rest / services / [ServiceName] / MAPSERVER / [LayerId] queryTask.ExecuteCompleted + = QueryTask_Execute format; ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks.Query Query = New ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks.Query (); Query.Where = "1 = 1"; // Return all features queries. OutFields.Add ("*"); // Return all the fields query. Task.ExecuteAsync (query); } Zero QueryTask_Execute complete (object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Client...

eclipse - How do I get access to my java source model (from JDT) from a GEF editor? -

I have an original GEF editor, where I currently want to use the model from open / selected java source editor Additional information may be displayed, but I do not understand how to use Java model from within my editor. Any thoughts? I find it hard to navigate to the ELLEPS docs. This is a difficult task, GEF editor is the current editor GEF editor, not Java. If you have a representation of the Java file to display the IRSOSROM, you can use the static methods of the Java class to get the outgoing model. / P> How to obtain IRSors: You may be able to turn open editors back on, and choose their input, and check if its IFileInput, etc., or the selection in the package explorer Listen to changes.

ruby on rails - RoR live search -

iam is doing live search function, using this observer_field for IAM, but I get an error on pageload jquery ('# name'). I do not know what the problem is. JS libraries were not loading in the proper order. If you are having this problem, then it will be a good strategy for you to remove all other libraries, to see if they solve this problem. Once you are working on it, Add back until you do it in the proper order. script src = "/javascripts/jquery.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; Script src = "/javascripts/jquery-ui.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt; Script src = "/javascripts/jrails.js" type = "text / javascript" & gt;

How to update WCF service refernce dynamically in silverlight? -

How to dynamically update the WCF service in Silverlight? Suppose I created a WCF service in my system and connected to the Silverlight project, now when I host it on the server, I think that this system automatically takes a referencing. Take a look at Tim's post:

mysql - php flash highscore system for a games site -

I am currently working on a php / flash / mysql based high-score system for a website. The main purpose of this system is to score scores in the database using flash games. Whenever the user creates points, it will appear in the database. When I submit scores from the Flash file, the database is accumulating in the score. Note: Registered in this system and both guests of the guest can submit their scores. Case 1: If the registered user collects points, then it will be credited to the database if the user is not already logged in but he is not a registered user and has created a highest score and depositing scores. After this I want to submit my score to the database. Here's how I can get it. Case 2: How can I get it if the user is not a registered user and wants to submit as a registered user. I'm thinking that if you got 2 different tables and I'm sure this is an ideal way No, but I think this is the trick: User: user_id, session_id, username, etc. Score: sco...

silverlight - PropertyChangedTrigger doesn't work - wrong namespace? -

I put the following in my XML file (via expression blend 4): & Lt; Me: Interaction.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Ei: Datastore Chengalated Trigger Binding = "{Binding Status Message}" & gt; & Lt; Ei: ControlStoryboardAction / & gt; & Lt; / Ei: DataStoreChangedTrigger & gt; & Lt; / I: Interaction.Triggers & gt; When creating a project, Expression Blend throws the following error: The tag 'Datastore Chengalated Trigger' is not present in the XML namespace ' P> What's the problem? Thank you! Looks like you did not add context in Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.dll or if you The Blend SDK version 4 of this Dell has not been referenced.

Download ics file in android? -

मैं & lt; डेटा एंड्रॉइड: mimeType = "text / calendar" / & gt; मेरे में उपयोग करता हूं मैनिफेस्ट फ़ाइल यह आईफोन फाइल को एंड्रॉइड डिफॉल्ट ईमेल एप्लीकेशन में खोलने का समर्थन नहीं करता है। क्या आईआईसी फाइल को खोलने का कोई अन्य तरीका है? मैं & lt; डेटा एंड्रॉइड: डेटा एंड्रॉइड: mimeType = "* / *" & gt; का उपयोग करता हूं, लेकिन यह सभी फाइल प्रारूप को खोलने के लिए समर्थन करता है.मैं केवल आईआईसी फाइल खोलने के लिए अपने आवेदन को प्रतिबंधित करने की आवश्यकता है। मैं एंड्रॉइड के लिए नया हूँ कोई मुझे इस को हल करने में मदद कर सकता है ???? उपयोग करें यह पथ पैटर्न जैसे * .iics का समर्थन करता है: दस्तावेज कहता है: पथपेट्रान विशेषता एक पूर्ण पथ निर्दिष्ट करती है जो पूर्ण पथ से मेल खाती है > इंटेंट ऑब्जेक्ट में, लेकिन इसमें निम्नलिखित वाइल्डकार्ड हो सकते हैं: एक तारांकन ('*') तुरंत पूर्ववर्ती वर्ण के 0 से कई अनुक्रमों के अनुक्रम से मेल खाता है। एक तारांकन ("। *") के बाद की अवधि 0 से कई अक्षरों के किसी भी क्रम से मेल खाता है। ...

java - Remove "empty" character from String -

I am using a framework which periodically returns a faulty string with "empty" characters. For example, "foobar": [, f, o, o, b, a, r] The first character is not a white space (''), hence a system. Outprintin () "FOObar" and "FOOBR" will not come back. However, the length of the string is 7 instead of 6. Obviously this string methods (equivalent, split, substrung, ..) are useless. Is there a way to remove empty characters from a string? I tried to create a new string like this: stringbilder sb = new StringBuilder (); For (The last four characters: Perverted strings.overwater ()) {if (character. Defined (character)) {sb.append (character); }} Sb.toString (); Unfortunately this does not work with the following code: stringbilder sb = new stringbilder (); For (the last character character: Perverted strings.karkararere ()) {if (character! = Null) {sb.append (character); }} Sb.toString (); I can not even check an empty cha...

Magento: Extending a community module -

मैं एक सामुदायिक मॉड्यूल की Unirgy_Dropship_Block_Adminhtml_Shipment_View वर्ग को विस्तारित करना चाहता हूं जो कि Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Shipment_View को My_Bshipment_Block_Adminhtml_Shipment_View को बढ़ाता है मेरा XML है & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & LT; config & gt; & LT; मॉड्यूल & gt; & LT; My_Bshipment & gt; & LT; संस्करण & gt; 0.1.0 & lt; / संस्करण & gt; & Lt; / My_Bshipment & gt; & Lt; / मॉड्यूल & gt; & LT; वैश्विक & gt; & LT; मॉडल & gt; & LT; bshipment & gt; & LT; वर्ग & gt; My_Bshipment_Model & lt; / वर्ग & gt; & Lt; / bshipment & gt; & Lt; / मॉडल & gt; & LT; संसाधनों & gt; & LT; bshipment_setup & gt; & LT; सेटअप & gt; & LT; मॉड्यूल & gt; My_Bshipment & lt; / मॉड्यूल & gt; & Lt; / सेटअप & gt; & LT; कनेक्शन & gt; & LT; उपयोग & gt; core_s...

python - how can i verify all links on a page as a black-box tester -

I'm trying to verify if all my page links are valid , and some Similar to me, if I have a specific link in all pages such as Contacts I use Python unit tests and Selenium IDE to record the tasks that can be used to test the wanted. So my question is, can I confirm the link in a loop or do I have to try my own link? I tried to do it with the __ iter __ , but it did not stop, there could be some reason that I'm bad in the oven, but I still feel that I want to Another way of linking them to the link link and recording them one by one I just want to Use standard shell command: You if you download wget to download pages Spun, the link so you can scan with the file as a result grep --files-with-match , which do not have contact. If you are on windows, you can install or install these devices.

php - Returning random rows from mysql database without using rand() -

I would like to be able to pull 15 or more records from the database I have seen that WHERE id = rand () Performance problems can be caused by using because my database gets bigger I have seen that all the solutions are ready to select a random record. Edit: Edit Further Read More: On a new database using MySam I Simple table is created. I gave this 3 fields: autokey (unsigned auto number key) bigdata (a big blob) and somemore (a medium int). I re-applied the random data table and ran a series of queries using Navicat. Here are the results: Question 1: rand () range 15) Question 2: * join the test Select (select round (rand) * * maximum (test autocomplete)) as rows on rnd.val = rt. Test.autokey; (I tried to select both and select different and did not find any difference) and: Question 3 (I only ran in the second test): SELECT * FROM (SELECT @cnt: = test (*) + 1, @lim: test from 10) vars STREIGHT_JOIN (SELECT r. *, @lim: = @lim - 1 test r WHERE (@cn...

When are views drawn in android? -

I have to get the size of a scene in my activity, but I can not get that information in any Activity Lifecycle Callback (On Crate, OnStart, Honorsum) I am assuming this because the ideas are not ready yet. At what point have the ideas been prepared and whether there is a callback, can I put my code so that I can get the size of the scene? findViewById ( .getHeight (); Provides a good overview of the process of drawing drawing. In fact, there is a passage where everything can happen, and then when the things are kept out of each other. It looks like your problem, however, you should be able to accomplish your goal by handholding the height values ​​of the hand. Do you have the stretch modes of your gridview, gravity, layout, Have played with the hight etc. See some details of the ultimate options.

c# - Date validating Textbox server control -

I am trying to create a custom server control which is a valid text box with AJAX MASKEDEDITEXTENDER When it becomes focused to ensure that a proper date has been recorded. All I have done so far and I am capable of creating control, but there is no verification that what I am doing wrong here. Namespace One_Eva_Control_Library {[ToolboxData ("& lt; {0}: Valid_Date_Textbox runat = Server & gt; & lt; / {0}: Valid_Date_Textbox & gt;")] Public class Valid_Date_Textbox : System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox {#region Methods /// & lt; Summary & gt; Creates /// Valuerator /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Ultimate name = "E" & gt; Init eventArg & lt; / Param & gt; Safe Override Zero OnInit (EventArgs e) {base.OnInit (E); MaskedAddedmarketDataDavidator = new maskedEditAct (); MeDateValidator.ID = "Date Accender"; MeDateValidator.mask = "99/99/9999"; MeDateValidator.MessageValidatorTip = Tru...

apache - .htaccess rule for rewriting a GET URL -

I have a search form with a method on a website. I would like to know if I want to re-enter that URL to look better For example, after submitting the search form I now get the URL like this: It would be great if I can see it like this: Thank you. option + follow-up links rewriteignin on rewritebase / revised rules ^ / search /(.*) /search.php?search_category=0&search_term=$1&submit_search= [L]

python - How do I disable default Tkinter key commands? -

I want to implement my own key command However, when I do, both of it I tell it and the default How do I disable the default command, so that my command runs only one? It is on Windows 7, BTW I The end of your event handling function Put return 'break' in . This tells the tininkter that the event does not broadcast on the default handler.

networking - What port does httpclient use? -

क्या पोर्ट httpclient का उपयोग करता है? 80, 8080, ....? कनेक्शन में हमेशा शामिल दो बंदरगाह हैं - सर्वर पर एक और क्लाइंट पर दूसरा। सर्वर-साइड पोर्ट निर्दिष्ट है (और क्लाइंट के लिए जाना जाता है) (डिफ़ॉल्ट कनेक्शन के लिए 80 कनेक्शन है और HTTPS के लिए 443) और hostname: port notation। P> क्लाइंट साइड पर, चीजें थोड़ी अधिक दिलचस्प हैं क्लाइंट एक अस्थायी या गतिशील पोर्ट खोलता है जो केवल तब तक रहता है जब तक कनेक्शन बनता है। क्लाइंट-साइड बंदरगाहों को हमेशा खोला जाता है, जिसे आमतौर पर नए ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम पर लागू किया जाता है (मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि Windows XP आईएएए के निर्देश को इस पत्र के अनुसार, लेकिन)।


I'm trying to get all the records that use this query $ Min = 60 * 2 SELECT COUNT as the total number, from job_id to tlb_stats WHERE log_time & gt; = DATE_SUB (CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL $ min MINUTE) GROUP by job_id This only selects Recent Records and old ones when I log_time and lt; = If I change, he only chooses the old and leaves what is new. What am I doing? Try $ min = 60 * 2 SELECT COUNT ( `Id`) Where` tlb_stats` is `log_time '& lt; as` total`, `job_id`; Use brackets to quote the field (words like "total" and "id" can be a few days Use For CURRENT_DATE NOW () is used only for 2010-08-04 to get the entry & lt;

css3 - Rotate in Opera -

I just downloaded the latest version of Opera. Is there a way to rotate my element with CSS3? According to , something like this should be done: div {-o-transform: rotate (30deg); } Do not forget the properties of other browsers ( -moz-transform , -webkit-transform ), if you have cross-browser Support!

ruby - Padrino, compass and heroku's read-only file-system -

I really like that padrino 'just works' with compass, but i have some questions because i use Horoko (and their read-only file system ) By showing things, Pedro Compass Combo only compiles the sass if the change has been made to the sass file and a user hits the server Is this true? If yes, am I right in thinking that I will not be worried about the compass in an attempt to write in the file - system once the app production mode Because I can not make any changes to my SAS file when they are on the server Are there any other conditions, changes made to other SAS files, file systems What would be the reason for padrino / compass to write in? If I am making a mistake in Question 2 then it is wrong, so how can I stop the file system from writing padrino / compass? To use Sass :: Plugin :: Rack of Nathan Weisenbum (Asus Fame), shaking Sinatra, Sass, Compass and Horoku, but thinking a lot After that, I decided the best option (at least for my needs) w...

oracle - Autoextend on chunks informix -

Do anyone know that the information has the same capabilities as the Oracle, which is in relation to the AutoXand facility, with Oracle i. I can create a data file and using the AutoAccand feature, Oracle automatically increases the file only. Is there anything like this for chunks in infographic? You can add manual to existing deployments to give more space to your database, Can be done online and it has no effect. There is nothing built in the information that will automatically do this for you. A solution would be to write a script that periodically monitors free space in your depsaces and executes onspace - if it is a desposite. A similar solution must be written to a squared process which is executed by the Informix Scheduler to check the deface free space and uses a SQL Admin API. You can also modify the alarm program to catch the alarm. The informix arises when a dbspace gets full and to run a script to use onspaces-A to add a space . This is not very good because i...

What's a fast way to check if an item is the most recent version in mongodb? -

I have a collection of items in Mongod that looks like this (I'm using Pyonga): {'type': '_ esquetape', 'name': '_ somename', 'date': datetime, 'incoming': bool} Type and names are not unique in all items, so it is possible to have items with the same type and names , But different dates s. Issue: Sometimes I'll need to decide whether the item received in some queries is the latest version of that item. What I'm doing: def isLatest (items): do not return to the collection.Find_one ({'date': {'$ gt': item ['date']}, 'type '[' Type '],' name ': item [' name '],' incoming ': item [' incoming ']}) for which only This function returns the incorrect if a matching item that has a more recent value for date if any such object is found (because item Is not the latest version passed in). I call this function several times, once fo...

bash - How to configure firefox over command line on a linux machine -

I use two internet connections so I switched between the two scripts to automate the task of bash script I want to use .. The problem is that I am not able to configure the Firefox Proxy setting via script, so there is a way to do this ... Any configuration file for Firefox exists, so that I can modify the command line I have read it, but this dint helped me a lot .. (in its windows) You take this field" PAC "file for" Automatic Proxy Configuration "which is actually only a JavaScript function which is named FindProxyForURL Can use things like dnsResolve or isInNet or a file which is not a proxy is needed Explains in detail and I have written a while that gives the example function.

show dialog for option submit data -

I have a submission form. I want to show a jquery dialog when someone submits the same data "This data first Exists from! Are you sure about input? " Then select OK or Cancel Can you please tell me what should I do? Thank you. Send an AJAX request with data from the server - with it, and if the data is present then any The type of error code is returned. Then check for error in AJAX handler, if it is present then "data added" will not show the message to show the message "already exists". The server-side should check the duplicate, as well as enter new data as well. If the user selects "OK" in the "Data Exists" dialog, then send another request with the parameter to prevent duplicate error. > Customers: $ Post ("server.php", {"data": somedata}, function (result) {if (result.error & amp; result.error == 1) if (confirm ("duplicate data, continue? ") $ .post (" server.php, {"dat...

.htaccess - Need regex to match two rather similar URL patterns -

I need a regex (can be used in .htaccess) with the following properties, the number of four digits and After capturing the text: Match: / 9876 / text_text_more_text_still_more_text / 8765 / 1234_text_text_text does not match: / 2010 / 08/01 / Text_text_more_text_still_more_text / 2010/08/01 / text-text-more-text-still-more-text I still have: / ([0 - 9] +) / ([^ - /] +) This unfortunately matches a non-match-match pattern. I am definitely a newbie at Reggae, but I feel that if I had an indicator in the right direction then I could understand it. Thanks in advance. Try it: ^ / (\ d {4} ) / (\ W +) $

how to Create Virtual drive in local machine from FTP folder in C#? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: नमस्ते, कैसे स्थानीय मशीन में एफ़टीपी फ़ोल्डर में सी # में वर्चुअल ड्राइव बनाने के लिए? कोई भी कोड स्निपेट ... क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि सी # .net का उपयोग करके मेरे सिस्टम में कुछ वर्चुअल ड्राइव कैसे बना सकते हैं मेरा लक्ष्य है कि मेरे एफटीपी होस्ट से फाइलें और डायरेक्टोरिज प्राप्त करें और कुछ वर्चुअल ड्राइव के तहत स्थानीय सिस्टम में दिखाएं। ताकि उपयोगकर्ता सामान्य सिस्टम सामग्री के रूप में सामग्री को एक्सेस कर सके। कोई भी कृपया मुझे बता सकते हैं कि यह कैसे प्राप्त करें? एक साझा फ़ोल्डर से वर्चुअल ड्राइव बनाने के लिए कमांड है शुद्ध उपयोग \\ कुछ \ साझा & lt; ड्राइव & gt; / U: & lt; फ़ोल्डर में प्रवेश करने के लिए यूज़रनेम & gt; & Lt; उपयोगकर्ता के लिए पासवर्ड & gt; उदाहरण शुद्ध उपयोग \\ कुछ \ शेयर j: / u: डोमेन \ उपयोगकर्ता पासवर्ड में सी # आप प्रक्रिया वर्ग के माध्यम से ऐसा कर सकते हैं प्रक्रिया proc = new process (); Proc.StartInfo.FileName = "net"; Proc.StartInfo.Arguments = @ "उपयोग \\ कुछ \...

resources - How to resolve CVT1100 in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate? -

I am working on a medium sized project that uses QMAC to create Visual Studio 2005 project files is. I'm trying to make it created under Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate because QMAC does not support this IDE, even though I had the Conversion Assistant converted to my solution. When I try to create, I get the following error in a subprojects: CVTRS: Fatal Error CVT1100: Duplicate Resource Type: VERSION, Name: 1, Language: 0x0407 What has been told about Google's results It seems that this error occurs when migrated to the new version of Visual Studio I know, why and hacks have not worked for me. The name that I have already tried is changing the name of the reshuffle in random numbers, even a different "name" at all times of the version information. When I create this project again after reading this error and removing the relevant RC-file, it works once. But this is a lot of hacks. Any idea anyone? thank you in advanced. By changing the settings under...

Why does font-size CSS not work on iPad HTML emails? -

I am working on an HTML email and running a problem on the mail client only on the iPad. It seems that despite the font size displayed correctly in the Mail app for Mac OS X, the inline CSS is "font-size: 12px" or another size setting for the iPad app. But does not work on Any ideas? Webkit adjusts the font size on the iPad to read easily. This CSS fixes the problem: -webkit-text-size-adjust: none;

Sharepoint 2007 DateTime column default value? -

I have a list with a datetime column. I want to set the default value of the field December 01, 2010 1:00 pm How to obtain it Is the formula for Thanks = date (2010; 12; 1)

How do I detect the current security-context from a Java Applet -

I have an applet that needs access to the host system (for launching programs, queries for system settings etc.) ) The applet has been signed, and when the end user accepts my certificate, the applet's end-user is free to do whatever he wishes on the machine. If the end user rejects the certificate, the applet is still running, but it can not perform duties. I have used System.getProperty ("") to determine whether the applet is restricted. It works fine with Windows, but somehow Java behaves differently on Mac OS. (I thought that part of the point with Java was a system-independent language with well-defined behavior - but I end up writing a specific code for Mac and Windows - like I do with C ++) . Is there a reliable way to define security - is the inside of the applet running? public stable boolean is trusted (security manager security = System.getSecurityManager); If (security == zero) {return true; } And {try {security.checkPermission (new...

python - Fast replacement of values in a numpy array -

I have a very large numerical array (containing one million elements) such as the one below: [0 6 6 1 2 7 6 2 3 8 7 3 4 9 8 5 6 11 10 6 7 12 11 7 8 13 12 8 9 14 13 10 11 16 15 11 12 17 16 12 13 18 17 13 14 1 9 18 15 16 21 20 16 17 22 21 17 18 23 22 18 19 24 23] and a small dictionary map for the replacement of some of the elements mentioned above {4: 0, 9: 5, 14: 10, 19:15, 20: 0, 21: 1, 22: 2, 23: 3, 24: 0} I want to change some elements according to the map above. The oval array is really large, and only a small group of elements (only in the form of keys in the dictionary) will be replaced by the most appropriate values. What is the fastest way to do this? I believe there is an even more effective method here, but for now, try copy of numpy import to newArray = copy (theArray) k, in v. d.iteritems (): newArray [theArray == k] = v Testing for microbainchmarks and correct: / code / # / / / bin / env python2.7 numpy import, random, arange random.seed (0) data...

Android File Path NOT Found -

I am trying to XML parsing program. I put the XML file under FileInputStream is also used I Android Asset Folder, Miattia-INF folder of your XML file is given. This is the reason that the file name is "container.xml". Here is my code parseXML, public FileNotFoundException zero parseXMLinfoBook (), ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {FileInputStream throws = new FileInputStream ( "file: /// android_asset / META -INF / container.xml "); Stringbuff inline = new stringbuffer (); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (in); BufferedReader inRd = new BufferedReader (ISR); SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance (); SAXParser spr = spf.newSAXParser (); XMLReader xmlreader = spr.getXMLReader (); Xmlhander xmlhe = new xmlhandler (); Xmlreader.setContentHandler (xmlhe); } Here is Button.SetonClick code, View public void onClick (v) {// TODO Auto-generated method stub try {parseXMLinfoBook () ; } Hold (FileNotFoundException E) {// TO...

What are the supported image file formats for display on the iPhone? -

I have an image in the .jpg format. Is it readable within an iPhone app? Are all Iphone file extensions that can be loaded originally within the iPhone app? I think many images file extensions are readable in the iPhone just a few names: jpg, jpeg, jpg, jpg, jpg, jpg, jpg, jpg, Png Here is the full list: format | Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Combined photographic expert group (JPEG) Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) Portable Network Graphic (PNG) Windows bitmap format (DIB) The Windows Cursor (.org) The Exclamation Bitmap (.xbm) )

sql - How can I search the string X times in the DB? (MYSQL + PHP) -

Hey, first I use SQL + PHP DB type is mysql. I have a column with many strings, but I want to find the string 08/08/10 if it is present in the column 5 times for example, then how do I do it? ** If I will: very much Thanks! Bring the rows where the string is present at least once and calculate the count for php (eg Substrate). foreach ($ db-> fetchAll ("where y '% blah%'") as $ rec) if (substr_count ($ RE-gt; Y, "Blah ") == 5) Bingo ... This can also help tell us about your problem - perhaps there are better ways to organize the database.

ruby - private method `split' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) -

I am trying to use domaintracks with Nokagiri and coming up with a holdup. Being relatively new to Ruby, I tried to distinguish every syntax on the function on the left side of the domain. I can do a href to parse properly. They print during the "puts" command, but when I do not launch domatics code problems: 'rubygems' is required 'domaintracks' is required 'anonymous' Requires 'Open-Yuri' to be required 'Doctor' Doctor = Doctory :: HTML (open ("")) doc.xpath ('// a / @ href' ). Every do Node | Linkage = Node. Link to the link URL = Domatics. From (Linkage) Print url.domain Print url.public_suffix end Anyone have any ideas on this? I think this is just a syntax issue or maybe I can not use the Domainetics function where I am using it? This seemed to be a nose on some improperly formatted URL.

How can we get details from twitter and facebook using PHP -

How can we get details from Twitter and Facebook using the PHP / PHP - I think that site I am developing, who will enter Twitter and Face Book, I have only one user name, this is not so much details, that is why I am asking, how do I describe the details, doob, address, content town, country etc. > How to access your API doc I started to go to Number?

objective c - iphone mapkit application performing local business searches -

Developing an iPhone application using the MacKit framework I've got integrated map view in the application. Using some APIs, there was some help about searching in the field (local search), I tried to search for the Google Java Script API and AJAX API, but could not point to my solution, anyone Also help would be appreciated. Below is a partial bit code that I used for the Google Search API. You need to go to the Google Labs API to get a key that you can use to search. There is also a GDATA library, but I was having trouble working on local search because I went with the HTML / JSN version. My code shows you how to decode the return JSON, I cut the loop because it is a bunch of other stuff. This is a link. I recommend making an API call and then setting up a breakpoint where you can see the dictionary of JSON results, so you can see how it is structured. NSString * searchString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Http://

php - Text email template in using Zend_View losing line breaks -

I am using Zend_View for template text email content. However, I encounter a problem that I could not solve: if a line ends with a php block (?>), Then line breaks are lost. Do anyone have any ideas, can I solve it? This application is using the Zend Framework, but I have no specific reason to use Zend_View to present an email template (except that it is the easiest, most obvious to do this Method), so if there is an alternative solution, then it would be good. I have tried to check raw text production, and the linebreak is completely lost. No "\ r" or "\ n" has to be seen, so nothing is left which I can change. Email sending code: $ emailView = new Zend_View (); $ EmailView-> Setscape Path (actual path (front END_APPLICATION_PATH. '/ .. / email /')); $ BodyText = $ emailView-> Render ('recruitment-job-alert-text.phtml'); // $ model = new Model_VacancyDetail (); // $ Model-> Search (1); // $ emailView-> blankDefil = $ mod...

PHP - filename calls function on different script, get filename from script containing function -

fileA.php: को की आवश्यकता है और x () उस फ़ाइल में शामिल है fileB.php: को फ़ाइल ए.एफ़पी की आवश्यकता है fileA.php प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोगकर्ता fileB.php को आह्वान करता है फ़ंक्शन x () - उस फ़ाइल नाम को लौटाता है जो इसे लागू करता है PHP सर्वर चर या जो भी हो फ़ाइल ए.एफ़पीपी का नाम के भीतर ? Usecase - function x () एक mysql_query () या मर सकता है (मेल ({त्रुटि के बारे में जानकारी के साथ-साथ फाइल किस कारण हुई}) नीचे दिए गए उत्तर के आधार पर - यह काम करता है: फ़ंक्शन x ( $ Q) {mysql_query ($ q) या मर (मेल ('खुद @,' त्रुटि @ '। $ _ सर्वर [' PHP_SELF '], सीरियलइज़ (डीबग_बैकट्र्रेस ())। "\ N \ n" .mysql_error ( उस व्यक्ति के लिए जिसने इसे नीचे वोट दिया - क्या आप इसके बाद के संस्करण फ़ंक्शन के लिए एक बेहतर विचार / समाधान प्रदान कर सकते हैं? जहां तक ​​मुझे पता है वहाँ एक नहीं है। आप इसे खोजने के लिए आउटपुट का पता लगा सकते हैं।

osx - Low level hotkey kext to kill WindowServer? -

I need to create a quad that does a very simple job whenever a key combination is pressed, a process Should be a "Windsor Server" killer Due to the nature of the problem it must be a strict one. It should be independent of the UI of the system so that it is hanging, so I can suppress this combination and restart it. Can anyone provide a starting point? How to make a major handler? I'm not sure that it should be a quad. An application that you asked for authentication for admin powers and then used to run command line equipment (like pseudo) that used to kill the window helper, should work properly. As a bonus, authentication testing will be doubled as a confirmation dialog before running the device.

cocoa touch - UIsplitViewController not RootViewController -

I want to show the SplitViewController view. But I do not want to have my SplitViewController as the rootview controller. I want to view UViewViewController as a root viewcontroller and want to present the SplitViewController view after the first view. Is this possible? No "view of the partition view controller should always be installed as the root view of your application window You should never show a partition view inside the Navigation or Tab Bar interface. " You can formally display other views on this UISplitViewController as if it is not the root controller ...

Password hint font in Android -

When an edit text is in password mode, it seems that the signal is shown in a different font (courier?). How can I avoid this? I have to reveal this signal in a single font, when EditText is not in password mode. My current XML: & lt; EditText android: hint = "@ string / edt_password_hint" android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: password = "true" android: singleLine = "true" /> Changing typeface in Xml did not work on the hint text for me. I got two different solutions, one of which is better behavior for me: 1) Remove from your xml file and instead, remove android: inputType = "textPassword" In: Edit Text Password = (Edit Text) Find VVBIID (RaidPasswordText); Password.setTransformationMethod (New Password Transformation Method); With this approach, the hint font looks good, but as you are typing into that editing field, before it turns into a password do...

java - When I insert 78.9 into Mysql (using JDBC) it gets rounded up to 79? Is this normal -

When I put 78.9 in MySQL (using JDBC) it gets up to 79 goals? This is normal ... if so, how can I stop it? More information: Column name: num Data type: decimal (12,0) * the above items to phpMyAdmin The query is stmt.executeUpdate ("TRANS (INSERT IN triples (sub_id), PRO_ID, number) value (" + Subid + "," + Proid + ", 78.9)"); Ideally I would use a variable instead of hard-coded 78.9 BigDecimal obj = New BigDecimal (78.9 ); You have to set the datatype of the column that you float (x, y) or decimal (x, y) Where x is the total number of digits and y is the total number of decimal. For example Float (5,2) - & gt; 325.46 decimals (10,5) - & gt; 42579.12345

html - How come there is 4px of extra padding appearing under my <a> element? -

एच 3 एलएलओ, किसी कारण के कारण / मजबूत> तत्व मैं फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स और क्रोम दोनों में यह प्रकट कर रहा हूं। मुझे याद है कि इस घटना को अपने प्रारंभिक दिनों में फ़्लिकर पर छोड़कर याद किया गया था, सिवाय इसके कि यह एक नीली बार है जो कि तत्वों में लिपटे हुए तत्वों के अंतर्गत प्रकट होता है। यहाँ एक है जो मेरी समस्या को दिखाता है पृष्ठभूमि: एक लाल रंग की गई है और सीमा: आईएमजी की रंगीन ग्रे हुई है। जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं, एक तत्व img के नीचे 4px के आसपास विस्तार कर रहा है कोड को देखने के लिए बस " JSBIN का उपयोग करके संपादित करें " लिंक को दबाएं, जब आप विंडो पर होवर करते हैं तो शीर्ष दाएं कोने पर दिखाई देता है। एक तत्व के अतिरिक्त नीचे पैडिंग से छुटकारा पाने के तरीके पर कोई भी विचार? धन्यवाद अपने आईएमजी सीएसएस गुणों में लंबवत-संरेखित करें: नीचे; जोड़ें।

stored procedures - SQL wildcards not returning data? -

I have a select statement that is used in gridview through a stored procedure: from T_Computer SELECT * where ('%' + ISTag + '%' like ISAG) and position & lt; & Gt; 'Trash' and status & lt; & Gt; 'Sold' and status & lt; & Gt; 'Stored' @Istag, a nchar is determined by a text box value, if the text box is empty then I have the default value set, which is essentially in my head Part should be refused where all the rows except the refused and the column column will be returned. Instead it is not returning anything if I remove "+ estag +" then it is my wish. Actually three% return is nothing, but 2% return which I want. How can I fix this? I am very worried about this for a start, I have asked these two questions with 13221 rows Run against one table, and get one row in the first example, and about half of them in: declare @rad char 30) xofdoc 'rad ='% 'selection count (*) Choose 'doc...

javascript - Web iPad app - how to differentiante between one- and two- finger scrolls -

Making a web application for iPad customers, but recognizing where the user is working - and two finger scrolls Does anyone know how to implement this? Any convenient jQuery plug or anything else? Thank you. I'm going to think that 'scroll' means you have panning gestures. In search of mobile safari, it appears that as long as the element is not scrolled, you can find any difference using high-level DOM-events (both one and two finger panning gestures Is not capable) oncoll event when the movement stops). If, the element is scrollable, you will get a series of mousewill events instead. If you have a little dirty hands on your hands, you should take a look at the column, by opting you to get more low-level multi-touch events (TouchStart, Touch Men, Touchand, Touch Canal) You can get it. The incident item given to the operators of these events is a 'touch' asset that allows you to see the status of all the "fingers", it will give you all the nec...

winforms - how to move tool strip to right end of a form? -

I have a toolbar in which I need to add some buttons. When I drag this toolbar on the form, So it is at the top of the form, but I want this tool at the right end of the form. How to do this replace the dock property with DockStyle.Top docstyle. Right .

oracle - Update only date on datetime field on Pl/SQL -

So I need to update some dates on the Oracle database, the field is a datetime, but I only update date and time Leave it as ... The query is also such as this: update table SET field = to_date ('07312010', 'MMDDYY'); But it is overriding hours, minutes and seconds from the field, I want to update the date, but I want to leave this time, any thoughts? You can use: update table SET field = TO_DATE ('07312010' || '' TO_CHAR (field, 'HH 24: MI: SS'), 'MMDWYH 24: MI: SS');

c++ - item size not adjusted after font change in CTreeCtrl -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I change the font of tree objects in CTreeCtrl with the following code: zero CTreeCtrlEx: : OnNMCustomdraw (NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * pResult) {LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW pNMCD = reinterpret_cast & lt; LPNMTVCUSTOMDRAW & gt; (PNMHDR); * PResult = 0; Switches (PNMC-> nmcd.dwDrawStage) {Case CDDSPRAPTNT: * PRSLT = CDRF_NITIIFIITMAR; Return; Case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: {CFont * pco_font = GetSomeFont (); :: SelectObject (pNMCD-> nmcd.hdc, pco_font-> GetSafeHandle ()); * PResult = CDRF_NEWFONT; } Return; }} However, the item is being deducted at the end of the text, apparently it is not being adjusted for the length of the text with the new font. What will be the remedy? "itemprop =" text "> I was the only problem and can confirm that CCM_SETVERSION did not work. In fact there was only one thing that works reliably for me, paint process after the end after text was to set up the way I d...

Recommendations for Linux based SOAP web services server -

I want to create a SOAP server on Linux so that users can read a scalable number with database dependent requests ( Read / write)). Can you recommend a server stack? I

jquery - How do you return the data from an AJAX success event to the outer function? -

I should have the check_membership () function below to return AJAX "data" However, the "result" is set to the XHR object Is not back, JSON object How do I fix this? function check_membership () {var results; Results = jQuery.ajax ({type: 'post', url: '/ ajax / member', data type: 'jason', async: falls, success: function (data) {return data;}}); Return result; } Thanks. Javascript will not be '$ wait' for returning to $ .jax success before returning from main function For a callback, then there is a good chance that nothing will be returned to you async option to false (which will block the browser for the duration of the request) or your strategy By modifying a synchronous -Jax call will be used, as you finally get a successful callback of inside The Ahte. For example: function update_membership_status () {jQuery.ajax ({type: 'POST', url: '/ ajax / member', datatype: 'jason', success...

Newline in datagridview cell -

I am trying to insert a new row into the cell of my dataset. When I hover the cell, it looks like it needs it. Everything is a new line. Otherwise, I am seeing strings in line 1 in Gridview. String = dttopdrachten.Rows (j) .em (0) as retarded information. Toaster & amp; VbCrLf & amp; Dttopdrachten.Rows (j) .emem (2) .ToString & amp; VbCrLf & amp; Dttopdrachten.Rows (j) .emem (3) .ostring & amp; VbCrLf & amp; Dttopdrachten.Rows (j) .emem (4). Ostring & amp; VbCrLf & amp; FEUVIRCT & amp; VbCrLf & amp; As you see I tried vbCrLf, vbNewLine, environment. New Line, DTAPDRActane ROS (J). IOM (6) .Stosting DTAT Agenda ROS (J). ITEM (I) = info "\ N", .. I do not know if this is possible, but if anyone knows that this solution is very will help. When I hover the cell, it looks like this. Your entry has succeeded Otherwise, I see a string in 1 line in Gridview. You have to adjust the height of the rows, and possibly the...

wcf - Cannot access a disposed object -

I am writing a tool to integrate with a web service, I have a method that is just an ImportExportSoapClient object Call API methods for the web service that creates, but when I call in one of the ways, I can not reach a dealt object system. ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel? Can anyone have the same experience or can lend a hand? communication object (like ChannelFactory ). When the object is in a off or closing position, you get an ObjectDisSpace exception . MSDN Reference:

regex - How do I create a regular expression to negate a string but include anything else -

I am trying to create a regex for Apache, which will ignore some strings, but will use anything Ive Have tried many different ways but I just can not seem to get it right. For example I want to ignore it text "> If you want a regex which is whatever , where is whatever is a possible hostname, but you do not want to match regex , try again : ^ (ignore ?!) [a-z0-9 -] + \. Mysite \ .com The trick is to use. - How do you determine cookies are disabled *without* javascript and *without* redirecting? -

If I disable javascript and cookies, detects that cookies are disabled without any redirects. If you click on the cart link, then only one on the cart page is found. I'm guessing that Amazon Com highest ASP.NET , But how will you succeed in detecting inactive cookies while using ASP? Net without the use of javascript and redirect? Is it possible to find that cookies are incomplete in a round trip? I believe that what you're describing is impossible. Amazon does not appear to do this Disable JavaScript Clear your cookies (but enable them) Go to: You will receive "Enable cookies in your web browser to continue" message. But if you reload the page, the message will be removed, because cookies are set to first look. The reason for this does not work that when a page sets the response then the server can not tell that they are set up properly until the next request. You can use javascript, of course, but there is no way to know the server with...

How can I stop user being able to stop design view on a query in Ms Access 2007? -

I am about to release some reports in Access 2007 and I have to lock queries so that any query can be changed Does anyone know how can I do this in Access 2007? Please note: just adding a GUI and hiding "database window" is not enough because people can still get into the right key stroke etc. You can, and can give it to your users to execute. You can create an .accde file from the .accdb file, by clicking the database tools on the Office Fluent Ribbon, and then clicking Create ACCDE, when you create an .accde file, the Access database Compiles all the code and strips the editable version of the code from the new .accde file. In this process, both result in reduced size of the database and guarantee that no original source code can change. Form and Report Designer and Visual Basic Editor are not available when you open a .accde file in the login. In addition, you can not transfer forms, reports, and modules from export, import or other databases. However, sin...

php - query_posts and post thumbnail -

यह मेरा कोड है: $ data = array ('cat' = & gt; '3'); $ SliderData = query_posts ($ डेटा); लेकिन मैं कस्टम फ़ील्ड का भी उपयोग करता हूं, और थंबनेल पोस्ट करता हूं, मैं उनको कैसे प्राप्त करूं? हल: $ url = get_post_custom_values ​​("url", $ स्लाइडर- & gt; आईडी); $ अंगूठे = get_the_post_thumbnail ($ स्लाइडर-> आईडी, "बड़ा");

c++ - API's similar to GLUTesselator? -

I am looking for an API which is an open source and which is the input of the triangle as the input and return policies Can take the form of the lower part I would also like to support different curved rules. Thanks has a GLU style tacilitator, see for details. Tesselator, see for more information. Both the libraries are open sources.

android - Able to insert passed image value into sdcard? -

As asked, is this possible? Here is part of my code. I do not know how to change it, please help me! bundle b = (). GetExtras (); string s1 = b.getString ("image"); Try {"/ sdcard / myimages"). Mkdirs (); In InputStream = getResources (). OpenRawResource (imageSID [status]); file f2 = new file ("/ sdcard / myimages" + file name [status]); OutputStream Out = New FileAutputed Stream (F2); Byte [] buf = new byte [1024]; int lane; While ((lane = in read (buff))> 0) { Out. Written (buff, 0, lane); } in.close (); out.close (); } hold (exception x) { Toast MakeText (getBaseContext (), "Error!", Toast.LnnGHHRT) Show (); } And yes, the toast came in error! It seems that you are missing a trailing slash on this line: file f2 = new file ("/ sdcard / myimages" + file name [status]); However, I do not think it will crash - it will just cause the image to be written in the wro...

javascript - get referer of website that is requesting your js file -

मेरे पास एक एम्बेड स्क्रिप्ट है जो बस यह करता है: document.write (unescape '% 3Cscript src = "' + mp_protocol +" '+ खिड़की.स्थान +' प्रकार = "पाठ / जावास्क्रिप्ट"% 3E% 3C / स्क्रिप्ट% 3 ई ')); जैसा कि आप अभी देख सकते हैं कि वेबपृष्ठ का यूआरएल जो कोड एम्बेड कर रहा है, खिड़की का उपयोग करते हुए पास किया जाता है। स्थान। लेकिन यह क्लाइंट द्वारा आसानी से संपादित किया जा सकता है। मुझे यह जानना है कि मैं यूआरएल पास करने के बजाय रेफरर प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। मुझे यकीन नहीं था कि ये स्क्रिप्ट एम्बेड किए जाने के बाद से संदर्भित जानकारी पारित हो जाएगी? (हाँ, आप फर्जी रेफरर भी कर सकते हैं ... लेकिन यह थोड़ा अधिक प्रयास है जितना मैं सोचता हूं कि ज्यादातर लोग चाहते हैं) । ब्राउज़र आमतौर पर स्क्रिप्ट अनुरोधों के लिए एक "रेफेरर" (एसआईसी) हैडर भेजता है जिसमें यूआरएल शामिल होता है यह पृष्ठ स्क्रिप्ट लिंक युक्त है, भले ही वह स्क्रिप्ट तत्व कैसे बनाया गया हो। यह "रेफरर" HTTP चर (नोट असामान्य वर्तनी)...

How to send Facebook users back to their respective Profile pages? -

Facebook users are logged in to my site. After being on my site, I want to put each user in their own personal profile Want to return Specifically, I want to return to the profile page that shows their tabs. Like instead of sending them back to their default home page What links can I use to do this? just send them to & Lt; UID & gt; url.

sql - How to get updated row's PK_ID -

अपडेट की गई पंक्ति का पीके_आईडी कैसे प्राप्त करें UPDATE [M_RATINGS] SET [RATING] = @ रेटिंग WHERE [POST_ID] = @postId और [USER_ID] = @userId; आउटपुट क्लॉज का उपयोग करें DECLARE @MyTableVar तालिका (ID पूर्णांक नहीं है); अपडेट करें [एम_आरएटीएटीएस]] [आरटीआईटी] = @ आरटीयूटीयूटीयूटी इनरेटेड.यूरपीके_आईडी @ माइटेबलवर जहां [POST_ID] = @पोस्टआईडी और [USER_ID] = @यूसरआईडी; SELECT * से @MyTableVar;

c# - How to get a previous page value -

Using C #, I have to get a value from the previous page. For example, I have a text box value like "apples" in page A, I want to get the same value in Page B Page One Code. & lt; "Href = And added lt; / A & gt; The above code is adding page B to page B How to obtain a value page A textbox value in the page page Help Why not just open the pageB.aspx in your call as the parameter value Do you pass? & lt; A href = "javascript: void (0)" onclick = " ('pageB.aspx? Param =' + document.getElementById ('text boxfreempage'). Value, 'add', 'width = 700, height = 400 ') "& gt; And added lt; / A & gt; this pageB.aspx? Param = Apple will generate the URL of . After that, behind the page B.aspx code, you can access that value by using the request ("param") call. - Is storing Image File in database good in desktop application running in network? -

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in the network. I have developed a desktop application. It runs in the network , its central database system, the user logs in to the network from their computer and do their work. So far the database operations are not working properly. Users share data from the same database server. Now I am being asked to save the image of the [operator] I am being confused whether to save it as another data in the database or store it in a different file server. Do I know what better images to be stored in the database or in the file server? Edit: The main purpose is to store the photo and signature of the account holder and later show it during the transaction so that Taylor can verify the person and the signature is correct or No? Since it is a desktop application, it is slightly different. It is actually about how much data we are talking about here. If you have only 100 or so users, and this is only a profile pict...

dispaying top 10 players and monthly top 10 players using php mysql -

I am currently working for a highscore system for my sports website. And I have written the code for it. It shows only 1-player when I click on the top URL of the players and I click the URL of the top men's top players then I want to display the top-top players. How to do it. I am trying since 2 days I have been killed at this point. Please note that the code is as follows. For reference, please refer to the input. I need this kind of any idea .. & lt ;? Php include_once ("_data.php"); $ Game_name = "test"; $ Db_table = "newhs_" $ GAME_NAME; $ Conn = mysql_connect ($ db_host, $ db_user, $ db_pass); Mysql_select_db ($ db_name, $ conn); // Record of all time ... if ($ command == "name") {$ sql1 = "SELECT id $ db_table ORDER name ASC"; } And {$ sql1 = "select id $ db_table ORDER score by DESC"; } $ Result1 = mysql_query ($ sql1); // Top 10 players .... if ($ 10 top 10 == "name") {$ sql2 = "selection...

jquery - fadeout effect not working -

I want to load new data after the effects disappear callback: function (data) {parent.fedot ('slow'). Delay (5000); $ ('# Div_one') HTML (data) Modal_message (); }, If I extract $ ('# div_one') HTML, then the fading effect will work. But if I have the effect of fading this sentence then it is not working "post-text" itemprop = "text"> fadeOut like this: / P> parent.fadeOut ('slow', function) (// to load data to your code)};

c# - Generating wcf proxy vs ChannelFactory -

Which of the two methods of using WCF service is better? This is a bit boring to call wcf service IMyContract proxy1 = null; Try {Proxy1 = factory.CreateChannel (); Proxy1.MyMethod (); (ICommunicationObject) proxy1) .close (); } Hold {(IommunicationObject) Proxy 1) .bort (); } Should this snippet be repeated for every proxy call? Or is there a general way to create a wrapper class to close and cancel the proxy? In this way, serviceExecution.Execute (proxy => proxy .maymathim ()) is typing; which creates a proxy, and is a good way to turn it off or turn it off? An MSDN post is that it is not recommended to use the generated proxy in .Net 3 Because it makes the channel processor every time. Net 3.5 channel feature is cached. But personally I like to use the channelfifiers, generated code always hurts after pain come out

silverlight 4.0 - PRISM exception on not existing method -

I am using PRISM for Silverlight 4.0 in one of my projects where I also use SharePoint 2010 . The strange thing is that I get an error randomly: An exception has occurred while starting the module 'SharepointServiceModule'. - The exception message was: Die Method AdGateListSupport SharepointServiceModule.Services.SharepointObjectModelService Der Assemblies SharePointServiceModule, Version =, Culture = Neutral, PublicKeyToken = null hat keine Implementierung - The assembly from which the module was trying to load: SharepointServiceModule, version =, culture = neutral, public keynote = tap For more information, check the in-house property of the exception if you get an exception when creating an object in a container, Can do it. Gatoroots () can help in detecting the root causes of the problem. Which is very strange for me because first of all it is randomly and secondly that the method "add_GetListCompleted" is a program that should be imple...

iis 7 - IIS 7 on Win 2008 R2 does not display images by default -

On IIS 7 there are some images of the host on the default web site, but when I try to browse them, IIS blocks the images. Please help me! )) This solution can be: Check the Static Content checkbox World Wide Web Services / Common HTTP Feature. Here is a screenshot page: Another page:

iphone - expandable and collapsable uitableviewcell -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मैं ऐसा कुछ हासिल करना चाहता हूं एक विस्तार योग्य और खुलने वाला UITableViewCell । उपयोगकर्ता नल पर ढहने और विस्तार करने का हिस्सा प्राप्त कर लिया गया है, लेकिन जो कुछ मैं देख रहा हूं वह कम-से-कम दिखाने की सुविधा है यही है, जब UITableViewCell पूर्ण दृश्य दिखाने के लिए विस्तारित नहीं हुआ है, तो शब्द "अधिक" प्रदर्शित होना चाहिए। जब UITableViewCell विस्तार किया जाता है, तो इसे अंत में "कम" शब्द दिखाना चाहिए इसलिए जब भी उपयोगकर्ता अधिक पर टैप करता है, तब केवल UITableView का विस्तार किया जाना चाहिए और इसके विपरीत। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ पर कोई विचार? वेब पेजों पर ऐसा कुछ जब आप अधिक लिंक पर क्लिक करते हैं तो यह क्षेत्र फैलता है और आपको इसकी संपूर्ण सामग्री को देखने देता है। iWasRobbed के विस्तार जवाब, आप WWDC 2010 सत्र 128, मास्टरिंग टेबल दृश्य की तलाश कर रहे हैं, जिसे आप आधिकारिक तौर पर पा सकते हैं। इसमें tableView: heightForRowAtIndexPath द्वारा लौटाए गए मूल्यों को अपडेट करके तालिका कोशिकाओं के वि...

C++ boost forward declaration question -

I spend some time investigating the architecture of boost :: libraries and the following facts I'm interested in: / P> In a few parts of the libraries, a yyy_fwd.hpp idea is very common (see boost / detail or boost / flyweight for example). These files are clearly forward-forwarded announcements of some template-based classes, and as far as I understand, there can be profit in the context of compile time. Did anyone tell me in which cases they help and should I use the same idea while designing my ideas? Thanks. Forwarding dependency time, forwarded announcements are necessary. For example, when applying Pimpl idiom. There is one more case, for example, boost :: pool * depends on windows H Windows platform But while building my interface I do not want my class users to force the system headers to be included using my interface. * Okay, this is a bad example, because boost / poolfwd.hpp still windows.h , but I hope they will fix this...

c# - How Can I Customize Date Format -

One of my table columns looks like the "SetDate" typetime type: 2010 -08-02 02: 55: 58.420 The date format for the application appears in the form: 2/11/2010 The problem is: I am passing the DB through a SQL query application. The query contains the WHERE clause that compares the date to the SetDate application. The Setdet column has this format: 2010-08-02 02: 55: 58.420 This format is done with the application: 3/12/2010 I need to compare two dates without time 2010-08-02 and 3/12/2010 . Since they are in different formats, I do not get any records back from the database. I am using C # and T-SQL. Any thoughts? Try something like this: select * your Tables WHERE RTRIM (Convert (Cher (19), Setdate, 101)) = '3/12/2010'

Create SharePoint 2010 ribbon button programmatically w/o feature XML -

I have to create a SharePoint 2010 ribbon element (tabs, buttons, groups, etc.). Is there a way to create such elements through the SharePoint API without using custom actions? EDIT: I just got the ability to add elements like this: SPRibbon r = SPRibbon.GetCurrent (page); R.RegisterDataExtension (/ * Ribbon element code with * XmlNode *); Another solution would be to add custom web controls and add dynamic controls to this "placeholder". Is there a way to create elements without using xml nodes? For layout pages and webpages, you can create ribbons without any XML. For example, for the layout page, you get the Ribbon Youthil. Ribbon must be inherited from the layout page and must provide its own definition of the ribbon. Code for the simplest page with custom ribbon tab & amp; A button will look like this: Public Partial Category MyRibbonPage: Ribbon LayoutPage {Public Override Tab Definition GetTabDefinition () {New Tab Return to Reflection} {ID =...

Is there a point to multithreading? -

I do not want this subjective ... If I / O and other input / output Related obstacles are not a concern, should we write multi thread codes? Theoretically the single threaded code will be better because it will receive all the CPU cycles. right? Whether JavaScript or Action Script has performed any better, are they multilingual? I am just trying to understand the real need of multithreading. I do not know that you have noticed trends in hardware recently (in the past 5 years) But we are heading towards a multicore world. This article was a normal wake-up call. On a dual-core PC, the single-threaded app will get only half the CPU cycle and the CPU is not getting faster, that part of the Moors law is dead.

java - Getting a single instance of an object -

Assume that I have a class A and the list of this class l . There is a square B which increases A which will reach the list l , as shown below. In my program, there should be an example of class B (I am using singleton pattern), and should be just one example of the list l , so I want to do this I am doing: Public abstract class A {secure list & lt; String & gt; L; Public A () {} Secure synchronized list & lt; String & gt; GetList () {if (l == faucet) l = New Linkedist & lt; String & gt; (); Returns L; }} // --- Extends the public class B {Personal Static B Example; Private B () {super (); } Public stable synchronization b getInstance () {if (example == faucet) Example = New B (); Return example; }} What do I do: b : println (.super.getList () Shape ()); // should print super.getList (). Add ("a"); Println (. Super.getList () size ()); // will print B : In another example .println (super.getList () .size ()); // 1 sho...