
Showing posts from June, 2013

.net - "Remember Me" does not work through FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage() -

In my login page I'm using FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage () but the user is valid It does not follow the CreatePersistence cookie parameter. I searched in Google and modified my web. Confirm but still remember me the functionality does not work. This is my sample code structure (using the login control as the login UI) if (MyService.ValidateUser (login user.username, Login user.password)) {FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage (login user.USIR, login user. RememberMeSet); } the web. Conflict & lt; Forms login login = "~ / account / login.aspx" timeout = "21600" cookieless = "autodetect" name = "MySiteAuth" sliding aspiration = "true" /> Even when the LoginUser.RememberMeSet is true (the user has selected the Remember me checkbox) the browser does not remember the session. So when I open the web site the next time I am presented with the log in page. Ideally the login page should c...

Can I squash commits in Mercurial? -

I have a pair that should really be just one. If I was using git, I would use it: git rebase -i & lt; Some-commit-first & gt; And then squash them. Can I do that in frugality? if so, how? Yes, you can do it without any detail without any detail. Alternatively, if you want to use an extension that you can use: or

xml - what is the pattern used to set the attributes of an element to a variable to acess it in the javabean using digester -

Setting Room such as ("root \ subletlements", "xyz"); Where xyz bean has a variable, and how can I set the properties of the element in the variable like bean, I mean to use it to do this What is the pattern and method for? & lt; Student's name = "Javargal" split = "B" & gt; & Lt; Curriculum & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; C3 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; EJB & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Course & gt; & Lt; / Student & gt; How do I set names and divisions in variables in the beans? I am parsing an XML file using the digester, where I am sub-elements I set the pattern of bean in the form of pattern like ("root \ subelements \ subsubelements") "XIs"); I'm not familiar with digester, but if you want to do XPath-based mapping, then it's easily @ xmlpit ("root / sublettings / sublettings" ") Some privat...

c++ - wxString to UniChar* -

कैसे wxString से UniChar को परिवर्तित करें? आप wxMBConv वर्गों की जांच करने के लिए है। इन सभी रूपांतरणों के आधार वर्ग wxMBConv वर्ग है (जो अपने आप मानक libc स्थान रूपांतरण लागू करता है)। व्युत्पन्न वर्गों में शामिल हैं wxMBConvLibc, कई अलग-अलग wxMBConvUTFxxx कक्षाएं, और wxCSConv, जो विभिन्न प्रकार के रूपांतरण को लागू करते हैं। आप अपने स्वयं के कस्टम एन्कोडिंग के लिए अपना स्वयं का वर्ग भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और इसका इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं, आपको इसकी आवश्यकता होगी तुम सब करने की ज़रूरत है MB2WC और WC2MB तरीकों को ओवरराइड है। के कई wxWidgets-प्रदान की wxMBConv कक्षाएं पूर्वनिर्धारित उदाहरणों (wxConvLibc, wxConvFileName, wxConvUTF7, wxConvUTF8, wxConvLocal) है। आप इन पूर्वनिर्धारित वस्तुओं सीधे उपयोग कर सकते हैं, या आप अपने स्वयं वस्तुओं का दृष्टांत कर सकते हैं। एक चर, wxConvCurrent, रूपांतरण उद्देश्य यह है कि यूजर इंटरफेस का उपयोग माना जाता है मामले यूजर इंटरफेस है कि में, के लिए अंक युनिकोड-आधारित नहीं (जैसे जीटीके + 1.2)। डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से, यह wxConvLibc या wxConvLocal है, जो...

Sql Server 2005 time conversion from american to indian time -

Can you please tell me how to change the American time in Indian time? Just give me the ceremony which changes the Indian time in Indian times. Probably 11.5 hours of time difference is Perhaps a more elegant solution, but as you are around Can work using T-SQL function to add time difference between time zone

Setting Up an ODBC Data Source for Oracle using vbscript -

I made DSN as when I am trying to connect to the database from Excel It is working fine I manually I am now VSB I want to create a DSN program using Please help me I'm new to vbscripting. Here is some sample code: dim objConn set objConn = CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection") dim connString connString = "on your Oracle connection STRING!" ObjConn.Open connString Dim objRS Dim strSQL strSQL = "select * Set your deferred to objRS = objConn.Execute (strSQL) If the objRS.EOF then" did not return Rikordes' Do what you want with your output objRS.MoveNext loop happens with the end .EOF to objRS if end objRS. set off objRS = nothing objConn.Close set objConn = nothing use the page to find your connection string in. this allows you to VBScript is, VB have to make some changes, such as to define your variable types Are spun. dim strSQL As String

android - How to put Preference into a View? -

I need to create a screen with header (image view and text view in it) and footer (navigation menu, image in it View will be included), in between I need a preference screen with all the default actions like scrolling and setting preferences. Which approach do I want to achieve this? Right now, I have created a scene with frame layout in the middle where I can put that scene in which I want to. But how do I put a priority in it? Priority is normally an automated way to get the normal priority screen if you need additional UI elements You must apply it manually. It will take longer, but not very difficult and you can design it in any way.

css3 - Using Microsoft filters in IE9 platform preview -

I would like to use it, though it is not exactly the opposite in IE8, in IE8, the filter idea was demoted from the new version I went? Is there any way to work here? Thanks If I remember correctly, they removed the filter in IE9 standard mode in favor of CSS3 styles Given I try IE8 mode with the following meta-tag or equivalent HTTP header: & lt; Meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "IE = 8" />

java - Content is not allowed in prolog -

Trying to convert HTML into I use XML xslt I am To do this in Java I am using java.xml.transform . I was working fine as long as I did not collide in some xml . This is called the following error: [Fatal error]: 1: 1: Content is not permitted in Protol javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException: javax.xml Transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog. So I've ensured that there is no character before XML declaration. I also take care of BOM using the solution. There is still no luck and it is only for one XML, I also opened XML in the editor and it was sent to utf-8 Save in file with encoding It's making me crazy. Any remedy? UPDATE: You get this error when you entered the wrong path for the file xsl and no file was found Exception (this was my case, it helped you Someone can be helpful.) If you have a utf-8 file , And if you use an XM...

sql server - If I restore a database and overwrite the original is there any way to go back? SQL Management Studio -

I have no backups available, but I've written it on an existing database with a backup file. The problem is that there is a stored procedure on which I wrote, which I need to get back. Is it any way to do this without the backup file of the database with stored proxy? Actually the answer is no. This may be eligible to appear in your % temp% directory although ~ ... on files named .sql / P> div>

java - Use cases of PipedInputStream and PipedOutputStream -

What are the cases of using Piped Currents? Why not just read the data in buffer and then write them down? One advantage of using Piped streams is that they provide our functionality without our robustness to stream our code. Special currents For example, we can use pipes to create a simple logging feature for our application. We can send messages to the logging facility through Ordinity Printstarter and then, whatever processing or buffering is necessary, before sending the message to the final destination can do it. / P> See more details:

sql - Complex rails find ordering -

I am trying to find out which orders will be in the name of their home and then the customer's last name . Customer.Find (: All, Conditions => [' IN (?)', Intersection] ,: joins = & gt; History history on history. Customer_ID = Customers.Histories.house_id = ',: order = & gt; Homes. Name ASC, Customer.Last_N ASC ",: Select =>" Customers. *, History. Job-Title, Homes. Name " ) My problem is that it will return every history related to each customer. If I add and do history, Finnish_diet IS Null is selected I For every customer coming in the histories, every history will stop, but also to stop the customers in the crossroads, who do not have any history or are returning to the Finnish_Data set. Actually I Every customer has to return to the intersection, in which the name of the present house is (if they have it) and then the order is given after the name of their house Customers P> id last_name 1...

oop - Object oriented tip needed -

I have the situation described below Model class (m) in which a hashp (h) is a private In the form of area (disclosure of recipient and setter) Need to modify (M) with access to a new orbit (A) (H) of Hashpe (H) Which one can be a better way of achieving it? Use a (I) Meter Ie (M) .get map (). Put (a, b) every time I want to populate this map b Make a local map, populate it and then use (M). Sitemap (local hash) add a method to addMapEntry (key, value) {(H). Input (key, value); } And call (m). In Admandry (A) A. Some feel unsafe because we are exposing the personal context. Will consume more memory and therefore I always like to use C. Can anyone tell if there is a better option for achieving this ?? Thank you. c. Hashpe represents the share of M. State, so M should control it. Ways to call on M then, add entries to the map, remove it, or even completely erase the map, depending on the words of operation, without even knowing all the customers, it is all a...

firefox - User hits mouse back button - browser ignores cache settings? -

When I hit back with the user, for example need to be sure, the mouse does not load the browser instantly, by cache The page and the associated connected code run again. How it looks like my .htaccess It just appears that Firefox is ignoring the cache settings . & Lt; IfModule mod_expires.c & gt; ExpiresDefault A2630000 expires image / End of expiry of "Access Plus 1 year" expires Busype image / ICO "Access plus 1 year" Type the closing time of image / gif A2630000Bytype Image / JPEG A2630000 expires. Bail type / image encoding A2630000ByType application / x-javascript M2630000 ExpiresByType text / css M2630000 & lt; / IfModule & gt; & Lt; IfModule mod_headers.c & gt; Header set cache-control "public" & lt; / IfModule & gt; #make php script uncacheable & lt; FilesMatch "php" & gt; Cash-control without setting headers: Header Enclosed Cache Control: "No-cache, should-re-verif...

Altering Mysql Table column to be case sensitive -

I have a table in my MySQL database, which is used for authentication. And now, I need to make authentication case sensitive around Google, I have realized that the Mysore column for search engines are case insensitive (unlike Oracle) and when creating tables by specifying "binary" i.e. "table" The default behavior can be changed. create table user (USSID smalgling unlock fusion engagement, YouTube VARCHAR (50) Binari Noel) Can someone tell me that the table in Mysl How to change "binary" to an existing one db column? Thank you! Alternate table users CHANGE USER_NAME USER_NAME VARCHAR (50) Biniriri Naule;

.net - Bing AJAX Map: Show Info Box firing before Map Zoom and Pan has ended -

In my bug Ajax map app, users are presented with a list of places they can choose. Instead of the place, click on the on the center of the map and zoom, after focusing on the spot, it also shows the notification window for it. The problem is that the information window is being displayed in the wrong place, or not at all, because the information window is loading before the map ends. So far I've put a show notification method in a setout tag to give it one more seconds before loading the information, but it's a pretty ugly hack and still does not work 100%. Before anybody else will participate in this problem? Any suggestions? Thanks, COSCO you clicked Focusing on location and zooming Is it possible that the window you are loading may go to the same place all the time, because you know which place you clicked, once it pensing Will be the center)? The window may look like that when there is a map panning without causing any problems.

c# - Is there an event in .NET for when default audio input changes? -

I am using System.Speech.Recognition in Windows 7 so that the user has a program Recognition code is integrated into the program by controlling voice commands. Now, the recognition engine program is built on startup and the user has been rebuilt on making changes to voice recognition language. All this works well. Recently we had an issue with the creation of a validation engine if the system changes during the running of the default audio input program, then we have no way to answer it. In particular, if the mic was unplugged, the engine would not be able to get input when the program started. I go to a disabled state if Mike gets plugged in later, then I would like to keep the program in mind and update the engine. Is there any disclosure for changes in system default audio input? You need to implement, and call IMMDeviceEnumerator :: RegisterEndpointNotificationClall people for this one C # is the cover; I see it.

java - Message too long for UDP socket after setting sendBufferSize() -

I am trying to send a UDP datagram (which has a protocol buffer message) and receive very long exception messages: The message at is too long. Planetatramasacental impulse asand (native method) on Javanet. Datagram.code ( I sent a buffer shape, and checkback value from getBufferSize (), and it is larger than the message: byte [] b = batare (); System.out.println ("" + b.length + "bytes in serialized message (max length:" + network.getSendBufferSize (+) ");); Datagram Packet P = New Datagram Packet (B, B Long, Host, Port); Network.send (p); Output: VM Version: 16.3-B01-279 Version: 1.6.0_20-B 02-279-9 M3165 Dealer: Apple Inc. . Problem sending packets in serialized 69424 bytes (max length: 531075): very long message I can understand that this is a large size buffer I was refusing to set up, but it seems I do not respect whatever I ask for it to set, and after that. ...

sqlcommand - C# - Output SqlParameter uses different values then the ones given? -

I have a SqlCommand that runs a stored procedure that contains two integer output parameters SqlCommand before running I can see The output parameters are set to the correct value, however, when the command actually executes, then parameter 1 and 0 use a tap for the parameter 2 (verified using SQL Profiler). A simplified version of the code is: foreach (keyvaluePair & quot; output parameters in the string, object & gt; parameter} {SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter (parameter Parameter.Value); Param.Direction = Parameter Direction. Output; Command.Parameters.Add (Ultimate); } Command.ExecuteNonQuery (); I am confused with two different things here: 1) Why does not it use values ​​in the parameter? I can put a breakpoint before command.ExecuteNonQuery () and I can see that the command The output parameters are set correctly in the parameter list, even when the SQL Profiler Trace has different parameters when the query is executed. 2) Both parameters are inte...

ios - Can we use UI Automation tools with the iPhone Simulator? -

I am using the new UI automation tool with the device and the iPhone SDK 4.0, but I have not done so yet Being able to get it to run under the simulator, I have tried to set the goal for each location - the app folder in my build folder, ~ / Library / Application Support / iPhone simulator etc. - but when I try to run it I am a friend Receive the message: - [UIATarget_0x5a1e3b0 frontMostApp], /SourceCache/UIAutomation_Sim/UIAutomation-37/Framework/UIATargetElements.m line 437, Has anyone got it to work? If you have a problem getting the right goals, then your project will have a different device (such as leak) Should be executed with your executable in the "Select Target" list. This is at least one potential error source, you can exit that way

drupal - hook_user op load does not fire? -

To save session_id to comparing after signing in with me I have the following code in the custom module. I want to add it to user object, so I said hook_user like this: function mymodule_init () {global $ user; If ($ user- & gt; UID == 0 & amp;!; Isset ($ _ session [anonymous_session_id]]) {$ _SESSION ['anonymous_sean_id'] = session_id ();}} Function mymodule_user ($ op, & amp; ; $ Edit, & amp; $ account, $ category = NULL) {switch ($ op) {case 'load': $ user-> anonymous_session_id = $ _SESSION ['anonymous_session_id']; breakage; default: break; }} However, this is not a user object. There is a 'session' field in which $ _SESSION is a serial array of information, which means that I do not need a hook user , But Why is this code not working? You have two issues that you are running: is not in the user object $ user in hook_user () (this is not one of the parameters): it is actually $ Account . Global $ user ob...

CSS links behaving differently in Chrome and Safari vs Firefox -

Currently I have 2 issues. First of all, there is a gray border around the image link in Chrome and Safari. Firefox does not have a code here: & lt; A href = "link.html" target = "_ blank" & gt; Link title & lt; Img class = "left" /> gt; & Lt; / A & gt; and CSS: .aving {background-image: url ("images / leaving.png"); Height: 10px; Width: 10px; Display: inline-block; Background repeat: do not repeat; Border: None; } How can I get rid of the boundary? In addition, some top links are being underlined in Chrome and Safari, even if I did not have any text-decoration. I would like to know how to get rid of graphs and how to change colors. & lt; A href = "link" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Title & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; An H2, H3 {color: # 00264B; Text-decoration: none; } "A" is set to underline other places, but "an h3" should not override anyth...

iphone - How to change scenes in cocos2d while retaining state of the original scene -

In my cocos2d project, I have two views. I am in transition between the use of the sedentary instead of the CCC It is possible to save so that when the view turns into different views, and then changed back to the original, all the objects and variables in the original are the same. thanks, nonono Instead of changing >, you can use pushScene: and popScene . Push sensi: puts a new view on a stack and displays it when you complete that view, on [[Share Director] Push Sensei: Newcastle]; // ... [[Director shared director] Popsen]; Note that this leaves your previous scene in memory (as you asked), so it is to replace : if you Possibly, if you use pushScene: and popScene , then it is best to keep your view stack too small.

apache - How to change htdocs with Zend Framework -

I just found and installed the Zend Framework CE to test my web sites. I've used Apache earlier, but this is a great deal more GUI and automatic. My question is how will I replace Apache C: / Program file (x86) with Zend / Apache2 / htdocs / Zend Framework? Also, I plan to use Zend Framework to test my web applications on my computer and use the server MySQL and then manually upload files, Is not it the best way to handle this? (I just got to know about this, which I've been searching for a long time ...) Open httpd.conf in C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Zend \ Apache2 \ conf \ , then DocumentRoot "C: \" You_doc_root "(about 1/3 way down). Along with that line change, the 10-13 line right & lt; Directory "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ ZEdT \ 2 \ htdocs"> & lt; The directory "C: \ you_doc_root"> Then restart the server (right click on the system tray icon).

configuration - Prevent creation of conffiles -

I am trying to create a package that has some file / etc under which configuration Are not there. Automatically included in Confirm , even if I create an empty package.conffiles in the debian directory. How can I stop dh_installdeb by doing this? Basically, this is suggested to provide your own Debian / Confilex files only to set up the actual configuration files, obviously it only works to add more configuration files, but the entire Confirm will not override the file. However, I can not quite see why you want it too if the files are not configuration files, then users will not edit them, so none of the automatic configurable handling will come in the way of your upgrade. Also, if they are not actually configuring the file, then I recommend installing them somewhere other than / etc, as well as avoiding your problem Even for.

php - Foreach loop with multiple arrays -

यह वही है जो मुझे चाहिए: {$ Query = mysql_query ("तालिका (पंक्ति, पंक्ति 2) मूल्यों में शामिल करें ('{$ something}') (foreach ($ _ POST ['उदाहरण'] $ उदाहरण के रूप में) '{$ उदाहरण}') "); }} $ _ POST ['कुछ'] और $ _ POST ['उदाहरण'] एक इनपुट से सरणी हैं नाम = "कुछ []" और नाम = "उदाहरण []" । समस्या: इस तरह से मैं डाटाबेस को दो बार डाटाबेस भेजूंगा। इसलिए मुझे एक समाधान की आवश्यकता है, जहां मैं दो बार डेटा बिना सेंड किए लूप गर्त 2 एरेज़ कर सकता हूं। EDIT दो सरणी हमेशा mysql_query में मेरे पास अन्य तत्व न केवल पंक्ति, पंक्ति 2 होंगे और ये बिना किसी सरणी के स्थिर होंगे। foreach ($ _ POST ['कुछ'] $ कुंजी के रूप में = & gt; $ कुछ) { $ उदाहरण = $ _POST ['उदाहरण'] [$ की]; $ Query = mysql_query ("तालिका (पंक्ति, पंक्ति 2) मूल्यों में शामिल करें ('{$ कुछ}', '{$ example}')"); }

sharepoint - Mouse hover using jquery -

Hello There is something below content editor web part in my entry but I get details for everyone Even if I am on the first item on the mouse please let me know how to change the code in such a way that it will display only the article of the item which is hovering over. Please tell me if I am not clear. My code from xsl: Thanks, Look at your markup like this: & lt; Div class = "divTitleLink" & gt; & Lt; A & gt; Your first link & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "divDescription" & gt; Your first statement & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "divTitleLink" & gt; & Lt; A & gt; Your second link & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div class = "divDescription" & gt; Your second statement & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ... Then, in your JavaScript: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "http: //ajax....

Css, centering links inside div -

Hey there, how can I center my links like this? They all are concentrated inside a diva, but they start from the same distance. I'm a link I am a long link from 1 link. I have a small link, we are all centered in div if I align the text : Center, I get: I am link 1 link I am a long link. I am a small link I have a table {anchor} The link needs to be centered in my way, each has its TD in any other and lt; Edit for dynamic width: "post-text" itemprop = "text"> P> / div>

wpf - Visual Studio 2010 uses Application.xaml; Blend 4 uses App.xaml -

All application level resources were stored in App.xaml before that project I am authoring. Then I decided to migrate from VS from 2008 to 2010 and this is where the trouble started. After migrating, I tried a little test to use a test window instead of the normal startup window. After the startup object was changed, suddenly I had many compilation errors and that (long story short) resulted in the fact that there were now two files, which were in the application level resources associated with the project: App.xaml ( Original), and Application.xaml (actually empty at the moment). I migrated all resources (as well as merged dictionaries) to the application. With respect to the visual studio with XML, and everyone, so far the world was right. I came to know that Blend still wanted to use App.xaml. I have created many resources and application them. Have been placed in XML, and have seen that when I compiled with Blend (but they were still being used when they were compiled with ... mvc 2 - How do I get the RouteData associated with the parent action in a partial view? -

In action for a partial view, I want to know the root directory associated with the parental task. This partial view is part of my masterpiece template, and I want to know the controller and the action that was said as part of page rendering. In the action of my partial view, I have the Routadata.values ​​["Controller"] and Routadata.value ["Action"] I get control and action for my partial view. Any suggestions? - edit - Controlling context (from which view -contact exits) You can get a parent appointment vectlectac: ViewContact ParentActionWinContext.Rouard_Data ["Controller"]

libjpeg PIL photologue django -

So I'm looking up and down for a good solution to display images, audio, media with the demo : I have the following solutions from what I found: 1 Photologue: The khichdi language starts to work. I tried to install both, but participated in various build problems. Someone suggested to me this link on the Stakeoverflow: Which is a great tutorial and also works to remove and reinstall PIL (Which I have to do, I think). But with this tutorial, I have to do this: sudo rm-rf build And I do not feel confident enough to run a sudo rm command. In addition to this, I thought that there should be an easy way to achieve this, because every blog needs to display the media. 2 Djangogo itself says: Perform Apache and use it: ( R '^ site_media / (? P & lt; path & gt ;. *) $ for development, but not for production.', 'Django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': '/ pathtomedia / ',' Show_indexes': true}), / P...

iphone - NSFetchedResultsController: should I always check fetchedObjects==nil before calling -performFetch? -

I am using NSFetchedResultsController for my table view. I call theFrfrech within the view-deedload method of my controller I do Occasionally my controller is flipped and reloads, resulting in other calls -viewDidLoad and -performFetch. I found out that this was causing an error: "NSFetchedResultsController error: section '(empty)' not found in the controller '. I found out that calling -formft was causing problems like this many times, and my -viewDidLoad Modified: Method to do the following: if (fetchedResCtrlr.fetchedObjects == zero) {NSError * error; if (! [FetchedResCtrlr: & amp; error]). .} Being new to core data, I'm thinking that to take this right action Should I be able to actually call - ParformFetch: Once more without error? Normally, should I do something -DownloadDownload:? Thank you! NSFetchedResultsController in -viewDidUnload: There is no need to do anything with it.In addition, checking for a zero against -phid object ...

In PHP, I need to make a POST request, but one of the variables must be a text file. How do I do it? -

What do I have to do here in my PHP script, I need to make a post request, but an argument to the data The text file should be sent as txt I have already written a small script that will send the argument by sending a POST request. The server expects an argument that has an array with two elements, arg0 and arg1. Arg0 is a regular string, but arg1 should be a text file. The content of this file has been serialized in a variable. I could save the content of this variable in a local text file, but how do I load this file as an array of arg1 items? Any help would be appreciated. If you are using HttpRequest (PHP 5.3) then there is a method called addPostFile which you use You can see the document here:

Having Android WebView detect and popup email dialog or phone call dialog -

On Android, when it comes to an email or phone number created in the browser and pressed it, a dialog box appears However, if I navigate that URL in the webview of my application, then this is no longer the case. Is there a property for my webview that is in the browser application? Finding the email and phone number and pressing the relevant default dialogues when pressed? I know that iPhone can be very easily with a checkbox in the interface builder, I hope Android can do the same too I have a link on such links Glance: And using the function that clicks on the link, but does not actually help me because the phone number and email are not necessarily added. needed. I was looking for a problem similar to yours Want to keep in the webview, but start the dialer from the telephone number and start the email address email client then try it. The solution worked for me below.

gettext - Grep for .PO file, or RegEx for a block of text between delimiters -

Start "single string" Use the GrepRegEx to replace all the msgstr lines like this: "a string" msgstr "string" "" A long string "" Wrap on several lines. "Msgstr" "" {A long string rolls over multiple lines.} " In my infinite naivety, I Msgstr "% 1" msgstr ""% 1 "msgstr" "% 1" msgstr "{\ 1}" but I can not find it anywhere. After searching the web and after optimizing various solutions for Java or C #, I left and decided to ask here. / P> For PO translation files if you are looking above, then file syntax. I am using a text editor for this, TextWangler on Mac OS, which supports GRP Regx syntax. Thank you. There are two different patterns "A string" indicates that the following data has the following line code: . The second pattern of `` `` `` This indicates that the data is in multiple rows. / P> Because they have two ...

c# - Best way to combine nodes with Html Agility Pack -

I've changed a large document from Word to HTML, it's close, but I have a bunch of "code" nodes Which I want to merge into a "pre" node. Here is the input: & lt; P & gt; Here is a sample MVC controller action: & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Code & gt; Public Performance Index () & lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; Code & gt; {& Lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; Code & gt; See Return (); & Lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; Code & gt; } & Lt; / Code & gt; & Lt; P & gt; We will start by making the following changes ... & lt; / P & gt; I want to change it in this, instead: & lt; P & gt; Here is a sample MVC controller action: & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Pre-class = "brush: CSRAP" & gt; Public Performance Index () {Return View (); } & Lt; / Pre & gt; & Lt; P & gt; We will start by making the following changes ... & lt; / P & gt; I have finis...

jquery - How do I find which JavaScript is changing an element's style? -

I have an element that is achieving the styles applied by javascript, I'm not sure where exactly ; Is there a way to show firebug that "" is actually coming from? If you are certain that it is set to inline style and stylesheet rules If you do not have the result, you can locate the change using the non-standard Mozilla method: ('color', function (name , V0, v1) {Warning (name + ':' + v0 + '-> -' + v1);}); = 'Red'; You can put debugger in the watch function and to see the call stack in firebug, from where the change began.

sql - How do I search "many LIKE" in the database (mysql)? -

I want to find the number of strings in the database (type: MYSQL) and I did this: SELECT * FROM from 'room' as 'date' like '% 09/08/10%' or '% 08/08/10%' Why this work does not do? When I removed the part of or '% 08/08/10%' then it was working well, I think I do not use it well. How do i do it select ... where the dates of '% 09 / 08/10 % 'Or date'% 08/08/10% '

user interface - How does Qt only use C++ to make custom GUIs for some many platforms? -

I do not think how low level graphics works, to see / feel for its own custom GUI Does each platform use every platform API or something? I will ask because I am really thinking how to create a custom GUI application with a custom graphic form, how can I go about creating my own structure? "How QT uses C ++ only to create custom GUI for several platforms ? " "Does this use every platform API ...?" You answered your question and created a general library to write your applications with the developers. Application developers write their applications only once, do not pay attention to the platform specific. After this, the library author shows different versions of the library for each platform, which handles all the specific UI calls. It is called Encapsulation: If you want to write your own such library, then you have to find out what is common or what is known in all the platforms you have targeted High-level concepts will require your application, ...

mootools - jQuery No Conflict mode doesn't work -

On my page I'm using moo.fx .. Something, I do not really know what and now I A jquery banner was trying to add rotator. But still about the fact that I am installing my banner script in jQuery.noConflict (), moo.fx gives library errors: Function to set: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; JQuery.noConflict (); JQuery (document) .ready (function () {jQuery ('.banner'). Cycle ({effect: 'fade'});); & Lt; / Script & gt; Now my firebug says, "Some $ moo.fx scripts do not have" $ "function. How to solve it? If anyone finds this later, then $ for this, If you add jQuery first, then the previous value is undefined you need to include jQuery after so that you want to restore it to work.

Remote image file to sqlite blob in PHP? -

I have an image file on a remote server. I only have HTTP access to the server, so I use file_get_contents (URL) I'm getting my content. I need to store this content in the area of ​​type 'Blob' in the Local Skelete 3 database. I am using the PDO object to connect to the database, And I $ db-> Exec ("myTableBlob" values ​​(".file_get_contents ($ $ IN filepath)." ') ") To add data to the database This is not working Apologies If I'm not really making any mistake we all have to learn some way ... I will not implicate in the causes, this image for me There is no possibility of storing locally and keeping the database in the database. Can be stored in a blob. You have no control in an SQL. The statement is a very bad idea, for example, image data may contain a quotation mark which will eliminate the string or backslash, which will be interpreted as the control character. I recommend that you use a prepared statement ins...

c++ - why didn't the positive terms get displayed in this asbolute program -

इस डेमो के साथ शुरू करें #include & lt; iostream & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; टेम्पलेट & lt; कक्षा T & gt; शून्य एबीटी (टी नंबर) {यदि (नंबर और लेफ्टिनेंट; 0) संख्या = -म्बर; Cout & lt; & lt; "संख्या का पूर्ण मूल्य है" & lt; & lt; संख्या & lt; & lt; endl; वापसी; } Int main () {int num1 = 1; इंट संख्या 2 = 2; डबल संख्या 3 = -2.1333; Float num4 = -4.23f; पेट (संख्या 1); पेट (NUM2); पेट (num3); पेट (num4); वापसी 0; } आउटपुट केवल अपने संपूर्ण मूल्य फॉर्म में num3 और num4 दिखाए। Num1 और 2 प्रदर्शित नहीं किए गए थे लेकिन क्या कार्यक्रम ऊपर से नीचे तक नहीं पढ़ता है? मैंने सोचा कि अगर num1 0 से बड़ा है, तो यह सभी तरीकों से, cout स्टेटमेंट में जाना चाहिए, और अर्थात प्रिंट 1। ऐसा लगता है कि इस टेम्पलेट फ़ंक्शन उन लोगों के लिए छोड़ रहे हैं जो नकारात्मक नहीं हैं धन्यवाद मानक लाइब्रेरी में एक अंतर्निहित है: int abs (int n); लंबे पेट (लंबी एन); गैर templated फ़ंक्शंस templated फ़ंक्शंस की तुलना में अधिक विशिष्ट हैं, इ...

objective c - How to randomize an NSArray? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 उत्तरों मान लें कि मेरे पास एक NSArray है 50-100 वस्तुओं के भीतर मैं सरणी को यादृच्छिक क्रम में कैसे डाल सकता / सकती हूं? ऐसा करने के कई तरीके हैं, लेकिन अधिकांश में केवल यादृच्छिक संख्या उत्पन्न करना शामिल होगा। शायद आप NSMutableArray का उपयोग करके इस तकनीक का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: 0 और 49 के बीच एक यादृच्छिक संख्या उत्पन्न करें (50 तत्व मानते हुए) तत्वों को स्वैप करें और आप जेनरेट करते हैं 1 और 49 के बीच एक यादृच्छिक संख्या उत्पन्न करें स्वैप तत्व 1 और जो भी नंबर आप उत्पन्न करते हैं आदि। संभवत: सबसे कारगर तरीका है। नमूना कोड (परीक्षण नहीं किया गया): srandom (समय (नल)); (NSInteger x = 0; x & lt; [सरणी संख्या]; x ++) {NSInteger randInt = (यादृच्छिक (%) ((सरणी गणना) - x)) + x; [सरणी एक्सचेंज ऑब्जेक्टआटइंडएक्स: एक्स के साथ ऑब्जेक्टऐटइंडएक्स: रैंडआईएन्ट]; } इसके अलावा, आप दो NSMutableArray ऑब्जेक्ट्स का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, और पहले की ऑब्जेक्ट के दौरान केवल लूप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, एक बेतरतीब ढंग से चुन सकते है...

In SQL Server 2008, how should I copy data from database to another database? -

I am trying to write a stored procedure to copy a subset of data from a set of tables to a different The "source" database in the database requires a parameter to be stored functionality. I have struggled with this for two days, and I thought I have a good solution: Validate that the schema is same. Create dynamic "rmt" synonyms for source tables using dynamic SQL. Use a copy of data to make a selection * from RMTA ou & lt; Criteria & gt; Delete synonyms. This works very well for most tables, but for tables with an identity column, not only do I set IDENTITY_INSERT current & amp; Closed, but worse, I can not use SELECT *; I have to specify all the columns clearly if I add or remove columns later, this will be a nightmare. I will go out of the door somewhat, so I am going to this solution now, but I want to think that there It sounds like you 'are using dynamic SQL in your stored procedure, so you're ready to dynamically p...

jquery - Get content within a tag using Javascript from HTML -

I want a JavaScript code that goes through all the HTML files in my original folder and sub-folders and the content Receives a particular tag, such as: & lt; Div id = "content" & gt; !! This stuff !! & Lt; / Div & gt; It should check for a comment at the top of HTML, and only if the content exists. & lt ;! - Allowed -> It should only be found if it exists there. First of all, is this possible? I want jquery can do that! Update: Javascript is for the client side that enlightened! So one last question, how do you use php to get the content within a particular tag? & lt; Div id = "content" & gt; !! This stuff !! & Lt; / Div & gt; Firstly you must find all the folders in the folder (but the server). It is not possible with JavaScript only, you have to write a PHP (or other web-language supported on your webspace / server) that provides you file namespace. You can then load each file with jQuery's AJAX...

How do I make a fileset from a comma-separated list of directories in Ant? -

I get an asset in an ant target, in which the list of directories to be included in the next action (copying, sorting e.t.c) .). It looks like this: directory = dir1, dir2, dir3 I want a way to convert this list into a fileset or patternset I know that I can use a script to create pattern string and then use it in "include" or "outside", but one way is to avoid scripts. ? How to change comma-separated list to wildcard How to use antcontrib function Fileset? & lt; Property name = "directory" value = "dir1, dir2, dir3" /> & Lt; Property name = "wildcard" value = "$ {file.separator} ** $ {file.separator} *" /> & Lt; Propertyregex property = "my_pattern" input = "$ {directory}" regexp = "," replaced = "$ {wildcard}", & gt; At this point we are now: my_pattern = dir1 / ** / *, dir2 / ** / *, dir3 It can be used with older wildcards to get fu...

c# 4.0 - how to convert hexadecimal from string in c# -

मेरे पास एक स्ट्रिंग है जिसमें हेक्साडेसिमल मान हैं I want to know how to स्ट्रिंग को हेक्साडेसीमल कन्वर्ट करने के लिए c # ऐसा करने के कितने कुशलता के आधार पर ऐसा करने के कई तरीके हैं। // अर्थात् Convert.ToInt32 ("FF", 16) == 255 यह एक Int32 में कनवर्ट करने का आसान तरीका है। आप बाइट, इंट 16, इंट 64 इत्यादि का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। यदि आप बाइट्स की एक सरणी में कनवर्ट करना चाहते हैं, तो आप बाइट्स में उन्हें पार्स करने के समय स्ट्रिंग 2 वर्णों के माध्यम से चबा सकते हैं। यदि आपको यह करने की आवश्यकता है तेजी से लूप या बड़े बाइट सरणियों के साथ, मुझे लगता है कि संभवतः प्रबंधित कोड में ऐसा करने का सबसे तेज़ तरीका है। हालांकि मैं हमेशा इसे सुधारने के लिए सुझावों के लिए खुला रहता हूं।

android - About RenderScript -

Recently, I search for articles about renderscript, but it seems that there is no one Can I give some articles about articles? Resources, documentation, and tutorials for the readership are still very rare here, I have found here that these places Are there. Introducing Renderscript: Part 1 & amp; 2 (Android Blog) Main overview (Android Docs) Android Java Docs (android docs) Renderscript Runtime API Reference Examples and some API documentation Video Learn about Renderscript | Android Renderscript (LLVM) | Blog article

multithreading - Java ThreadPool usage -

I am trying to write a multithreaded web crawler. My main entry class has the following code: Executable service exec = Executor. NewfixedThreadPool (numberOfCrawlers); Whereas (true) {url = frontier.get (); If (URL == empty) return; Exec.execute (new URLCrawler (this, URL)); } The URL crawler brings the specified URL, removes the HTML and sends the link back to the margin. A threshold is the line without any URL. The problem is how to write the get () method. If the queue is empty, then any URL crawlers should wait until the end and then try again the queue is empty and there is currently no active url crawler when it should be blank. My first idea was to use an atomenter to calculate the current number of working crawlers and to calculate an auxiliary object to inform. () At the beginning of the call, each crawler increases the number of current working URL crawlers, and decreases when it comes out, and inform the object that it has completed. But I have read that (...

ruby on rails - How to judge whether a method has defined in a class? -

Class C1 until method_defined? : Hello # Surely, this is not right. I'm asking to find something to do this job. So, how to decide whether a method is defined or not? Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You Posted by code method has been fixed or not It's OK to check it out. Is really the right choice (including variants, and so on.) The problem is def_method with your call, which does not exist. (It is called). It works like a charm: Class C1 define_method (: Hello) Does finish "Hi everybody" until method_defined? Hi-end However, since you already know the name before and nobody do not stop, Module # Pribhashit_mthapn of no use There is no need, you instead only def can use keywords: class C1 def hello say 'Hi everybody "unless method_defined? : Hello and Or have I misunderstood your question and are you worried about heritage? In that case, the module # method_defined? is not the right choice...

iphone - email authentications -

is any example to authenticate e-mail addresses in a Aepiai or iPhone app that can give me tips You need to use regular expressions to check email validation. You can do a simple test: NSString * emailRegEx = @ "(?: [A-z0-9! # $% \\ & amp; + / =? \\ ^ _ {|} ~ -] + (?: \. [a-Z0-9! # $% \ & amp; '* + / =? \ ^ _ {|} "@" ~ -] +) * | \ "(?: [\\ Ks0l - \\ Ks08 Ks0b \\ \\ \\ Ks0c Ks0e - Kslf \\ \\ \\ Ks2l Ks23 - \\ Ks5b \ \ X5d - \\ "@" x7f] | \\\\ [\\ x01 - \\ x09 \\ x0b \\ x0c \\ x0e - \\ x7f] * \ ") @ (?: (?: [A -z0- 9] (?: [a- "@" z0-9-] * [A-Z0-9]) \\) + [A-Z0-9] ([a-Z0-9 -] * [ One-Z0-9]). \\ [(?. ?? :(?: 25 [0-5 "@"] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [01] [0-9] [0- 9]?) \\.) {3} (?: 25 [0-5] | 2 [0-4] [0-9] | [01]? [0- "9" [9] [ 0-9]? | [A-J 0-9 -] * [A-z0- 9]: (?: [\\ x01 - \\ x08 \\ x0b \\ x0c \\ x0e - \\ x1f \\ Ks2l "@" - \\ \\ Ks5a Ks53 - \\ Ks7f] | \\\\ [\\ Ks0l - \\ Ks09 Ks0b \\ \\ \\ Ks0c Ks0e...

Lookup tables in C++ -

I have to implement small multimage graphic controls, which in essence has an array of 9 pictures, which were shown one after the other. is. The final goal is to act as a minislider Now, this graphic control is going to get different integer ranges: 5 to 25 or 0 to 7 or 9-9 to 9 If I am going to use proportion - "rule of all three" I am afraid it is not technically latent because it can be a source of errors. My guess is to use some lookup tables, but Is there any good advice for the approach? Thnx I'm not sure the tables are required to see From your input value, you can get the image indices between 0 to 9 proportionally: int ConvertToImageArrayIndex (int inputValue) {int maxInputFromOtherModule = 25; Int minInputFromOtherModule = 5; // +1 is required so that the potential limit includes both the minimum and maximum input value // 0.5, therefore, round on the closest image instead of the goal always. // 8.0 needs to get an output range of 9 potential i...

gwt - GWTTestcase accessing javascript object defined in an external javascript file fails -

I have defined a GWT module in which the external javascript file is included using the tag. I've written a GWTTestCase that gives the name of the modules described above. When my test case reaches a JavaScript object, I see the following exception For this reason: (null): null How to fix any thoughts? Do I believe that the scripts contained in the GVT module definition file will be available when executing GWTs? I have decided it myself. I obviously, when accessing such objects, The wnd variable should be referenced using. Example: To access it from the test.js object test defined GWT, use $ wnd.test Hope this answer saves someone else. time.

c# - Linq and Dictionary and converting array values -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है IDictionary & lt; string, IEnumerable & lt; नियंत्रण & gt; & gt; मुझे इसे IDictionary & lt; स्ट्रिंग, IEnumerable & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; नया मान के रूप में क्लाइंटआईडी का उपयोग कर रहा है। क्या किसी को भी यह जानने के लिए कि कैसे यह भाषा के माध्यम से चलने के लिए Linq में करना है? धन्यवाद podge हाथ से कंपाइलर के बिना, ऐसा कुछ काम करना चाहिए ... dictOne .toDictionary (k = & gt; के.के, v = & gt; v.value.Select (c = & gt; c.ClientID))

windows - C# catch kill command -

How can I catch windows taskkill command to avoid this? You can not not prevent a program from hitting your process The only way to keep alive is to complete the process to ensure that it is the second watchdog application that is constantly running. So, you have two apps; APP (Main) and APB (Watchdog) apa check if APP is running. If not, then APP starts APP . APP checks if apa is running. If not, then AppB starts APP . But this is usually a design for the malicious process, so I hope you are not unpleasant about anything. You can see the following events in the message queue when the end process is clicked: WM_CLOSE // UI app CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT // console app But if your app does not shut down on time, the kill command will be sent, which can not be captured.

java - entity manager merge method to update blob field -

सार्वजनिक शून्य अपलोडफ़ाइल (ActionEvent evt) अपवाद फेंकता {InputFile inputFile = (InputFile) evt.getSource (); ByteArrayOutputStream = नया बाइटअरेऑनपुटस्ट्रीम (); ObjectOutputStream ऑब्जेक्टऑपरपुटस्ट्रीम = नयाऑब्जेक्टऑटपुटस्ट्रीम (बाइटअरेऑनपुटस्ट्रीम); objectOutputStream.writeObject (inputFile.getFile ()); reportTemplate.setTemplatePath (inputFile.getFilename ()); reportTemplate.setTemplateData (Hibernate.createBlob (byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray ())); This.reportTemplate = reportFacadeLocal.createReportTemplate (रिपोर्ट टेम्पलेट); } मैं ईजेबी 3.0 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और डेटाबेस में एंट्री बनाने के लिए EntityManager क्लास के चक्कर पद्धति का उपयोग करता हूं। अगर मैं सिर्फ रिपोर्ट की तुलना में कोड समझाता हूं। टेम्पलेट इकाई बीन उदाहरण है, इकाई बीन का टेम्प्लेट डेटा फ़ील्ड प्रकार ब्लॉब का है। कोड ठीक काम करने के बाद वर्णन करता है और डेटाबेस में प्रविष्टि बनाता है। ब्लॉब फील्ड अपडेट होते हैं मैं EntityManager का उपयोग मर्ज विधि को अद्यतन करने के लिए कर रहा हूं। EntityManager...

merge - Merging 2 branches together in GIT -

I have just started using GIT and started wondering about it, although I am a little suspicious merge commands. Let us know that we have a working project in branch "A". I go home and make changes in this branch and protects it "B" as another programmer changes "A" and saves it as "C". Is the two branches one way to merge "B" and "C" together, then make changes as a new branch, say "D"? Or missing the 'merge' point? A short example: # On the branch #: Create new branch B $ git checkout - BB # hack hack $ git commit- "Commodity on branch B1" Make # $ git create new branch of B from checkout C # hack hack $ git commit -am "branch Command on C "Back to the branch A $ git Checkout A # Hack hack $ git at least" Commitment at branch A " So now there are three separate branches with different branches (I.e. AB and C) change from B and C A, checkout A (already ...

c++ - stdcall and cdecl -

There are two types of calling summons - stdcall and cdecl itemprop = "text"> (among others) / Strong>. I have some questions on them: When a cdecl function is called, how does a collar know that it should free the stack? On the call site, does the caller know that the function is called a CDACL or a static function? how does it work ? How does the collar know if it should empty the stack or not? Or this linkers responsibility A function which stdcall is declared as a function (which is a calling conference in the form of cdecl), or vice versa, would this be unfair? In general, can we say which calls will be faster - CDECL or pediatric? . (1) After calling the caller function "knows" to clean the stack because the compiler knows the function of the calling conference and prepares the necessary code. > __stdcall StdcallFunc () {} Zero __cdecl zero CdeclFunc () {// compiler knows that StdcallFunc () uses __stdcall // conference at this p...

c# - Killing a process -

We have been developing that for Windows Server 2003, but since Windows Server 2008 R2 issues this migration There is a custom application. Part of the application / process is to kill a Windows process with the C # code. It works fine on Windows 2003, but Windows 2008 R2 fails to kill the code process. Anyone has come across anything like this or has any idea what the problem might be? Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Exception code: 0xe053534f The name is always inspirational when there is a problem with Microsoft programmers often raising an exception code that can decode the abbreviation of 3 characters. The exception code for the C + + exception is 0xe04d5343, the last 3 hex bytes decode "MSC", "Microsoft C ++", the exception code for a managed exception is 0xe0434f4d, "COM +" which was the initial name of .net. Give your exception the same treatment and you will get "SSO" which means "s...

java ee - Writing test code for verifying database entries when testing an API -

I am writing a test code to test a client-server application. The test is included in the application Tomcat or other Java EE application runs on the server and Customers jar to expose APIs I'm basically writing a test code which uses this client API to connect to the server. In addition to the large scale testing of API operations, my senior officials have advised me to verify the server and verify that the fields are being properly populated. I have done this for some of my test cases, but it has not really caught any bug during regression. Bugs are caught when a special functionality fails, but also that code appears in That goes to check the API itself. It seems that DB data validation is not really useful, especially considering the additional efforts required to write and maintain all those code. My question is this: Is there any real benefit to join the DB and write test code to confirm the entries in this manner? Is the benefit paid for these types of ...

Reading and comparing lines in a file using Python -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रारूप की एक फाइल है I 15/07/2010 14:14:13 change_status_from_offline_to_available 15/07/2010 15:01:09 changed_status_from_available_to_offline 15/07/2010 15:15:35 changed_status_from_offline_to_away बन गया_आईडल 15/07/2010 15 : 16: 29 बदल गया_स्टेटुस_फ्रेम_अवे_टॉ_उपलब्ध बन गया_आइंडल 15/07/2010 15:45:40 बदला_स्टेट_संपूर्ण_उपलब्ध_टो_आवे बन गया_आईडेल 15/07/2010 16:05:40 बदला_स्टैट_सर्फम_एवे_टॉ_उपलब्ध बन गया_आइंडल 15/07/2010 16:51:39 परिवर्तित_स्टैट_ऑफ_म_उपलब्ध_टो_ऑफ़लाइन 20/07/2010 13:07: 26 परिवर्तित_स्टैट_संपूर्ण_ऑफलाइन_टॉ_उपलब्ध मुझे अजगर में फ़ंक्शन बनाने की आवश्यकता है, जिसमें तर्क है: तिथि और समय। फ़ंक्शन कॉल में समय से कम होने के साथ, यह फ़ाइल पढ़ लेनी चाहिए और दूसरी स्थिति वापस करनी चाहिए। यही है चलिए कहते हैं कि मैं फ़ंक्शन रिटर्नस्टैटस (15/07/2010, 15:10:01) को कॉल करता हूं। फ़ंक्शन फ़ाइल पर जाना चाहिए और उस दिन उस दिन उपयोगकर्ता की स्थिति वापस करनी चाहिए, जो इस मामले में "ऑफ़लाइन" है। मैं एक पायथन नौसिखिया हूं और कोई मदद वास्तव में सराहना...

What does a client side javascript templating framework offer? -

What is the use of frameworks such as net or jQote etc. I can do dynamic things like jQuery via plain javascript or AGX calls or an advanced library like DWR These templateing frameworks have to bring new things to the table? I need to know because I have been asked to use a browser side templing framework without explaining why: ( I think it depends on the use of your server code, it may be that the recommendation came from someone who has not heard of N / velay for example. / P> I think client templing is that they It removes the weight of the change from the B-server. This can also allow you to send your JSON from a dedicated box, and can serve the template and client code from a different box. / P> In my mind, these two 'bonus' overrides the fact that you are putting the data in the DOM, which should not be there. First of all you will be parsed by the JSON template generator and then You will have HTML . Of course, the source of the page is clearly v...

php - how to show youtube video thumbnails -

My site lets users upload YouTube video code. After showing thumbnails of uploaded videos and clicking on specific thumbnails, I am trying to create playlists by playing related videos. I want to know how to get captions and thumbnail images of videos that have been uploaded using YouTube's embed code? Edit: To clarify the question, my users upload the code, such as the following code: & lt; Object width = "640" height = "385"> gt; Ultimate name = "movie" value = "" & lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Ultimate name = "Allow full screen" value = "true" & gt; & Lt; / Param & gt; & Lt; Ultimate name = "Permission" value = "always" & gt; & Lt; / Ultimate & gt; & Lt; Embed Src = "" type = "app / x-shock-web-flash" permiss...

Any guidelines to create a polling app on android? -

I intend to develop an app on Android that people in choosing the best pizza / ice cream / hot dog in a certain city Based on their rating through a survey, they can help. What resources do I need to get the desired solution now? Do I need a web service or website / device connectivity for the desired voting? I would like to start with a simple application which only shows a choice or rating for a particular item. Anyone put some light on this idea? Look at this article: I have recently used a lot of things I am here. This is very easy for your application. Model your choice Make servlets in GAE Use JSON to convert your information. It also parses in Android with GSS.

php - fsockopen() returns null pointer, and $errstr is empty (no error message) -

[edit] I've redirected the previous question - because I thought this was incorrect What was the problem - and so I had enough snippets that had a red herring. Thanks for the Wimdvx, I have a clear idea about what has happened. First of all, I am using code to handle IPN notifications from PayPal. I was unable to connect using fsockopen, so I wrote a small snippet (shown below) to try to connect to PayPal. & lt ;? Php $ fp = fsockopen ("www.sandbox", $ 80, $ errno, $ errstr, 30); If (! $ FP) {echo "$ errstr ($ errno) " } And {$ out = "GET / HTTP / 1.1 \ r \ n"; $ Out = "Host:\r\n"; $ Out = "Connection: Close \ r \ n \ n \ n"; FILIT ($ FP, $ out); } ?> ? When I run this small script, I get the following error on my server: PHP Warning: Fsockopen (): php_network_getaddrips: getaddrinfo failed: name / Service / line / 2 is not known in the line ...

android - Activity found to handle Intent -

I'm trying to invite Android's internal media player from my activity. There is a problem with the manifold file. Please see this problem. 08-04 18: 08: 47.825: Error / Android Random (1386): Android Content. Activis nonfofaid exception: Intent {act = android.intent.action.VIEW.dat = file: /// Sdcard / audiodata.wav} for this internal audio player Is: intent = new intent (); Intent.setAction (android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); File file = new file ("/ sdcard / test0.mp3"); Intent.setDataAndType (Uri.from file (file), MIME_AUDIO); _context.startActivity;

html - Using the <a> tag as a button without following its link -

I & lt; A & gt; I use javascript to implement behavior. How can I prevent the browser from following the link while executing all the click () events? This: $ ("a.button"). Live ("click", function (event) {return false;}); does not work, because, depending on the condition of that handler, it can prevent other .click () executors from executing. For some buttons this works as I want, but for some it prevents me from executing my other handlers. I know that I can use a button to click on a button, but I call it AOP-path. jQuery provides a method that will stop the event's default action from the event. Following this, the link will be stopped by following the following code, but other operators also should not stop the promotion $ ("a.button"). Click (function (event) {event.preventDefault ();});

java - Defining database independent JPA object uid -

It turns out that the following example works when using mysql 5.x, but this is not when an oracle 10g database. @ ID @ Generated Values ​​(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @ Column ( name = "id") Private long ID; I tested it in Hibernate and the following exception occurs when Oracle is used: org.hibernate.MappingException: Colloquial Identification Generation does not support Use a database table to generate an identifier Portable way. @ ID = Generated Values ​​(strategy ================================= ========== If you are using schema generation then the provider will create the default table; If not, then you must specify an existing table: @TableGenerator (name = "invabab", table = "id_ng", pkColumnName = "id_NAME", valueColumnName = "ID_VAL", pkColumnValue = "INV_GEN") @ ID @ Generated Values ​​(generator = "invoice") @column (name = "id") Private long ID;

Start a process in the background in Linux with C -

I'm trying to do something strange here. I need to start a process from a daemon, lockat, which will run in the background and print on the terminal to not take control of the studin. This is to logging so that the ideal logic will print the log message, while still allowing the user to input standard commands and start the program from a shell. Even I have a code for the daemon. The program, logcat, starts and displays log messages, but I can not enter any command in stdin because it appears that the program took control of stdin is. int main (int argc, char ** argv, char ** env) {int fd; If ((FD = Open ("/ dev / console", O_RDWR)) thanks This command appears to be for Android development - the ones who earn The important task that you need to fix is ​​to make sure that you close your current standard input (terminal) and / dev / null / for input device: close (0); if ((FD = open ("/ dev / null", O_RDONLY)) = 0) ... error - Failed to open / ...