
Showing posts from June, 2014

c# - What should we use when initializing some values from DataTables -

What should be more appropriate when you want to start class properties with datasheets. i.e. name = dt.rows [0] [0] or name = dt.rows [0] ["name"] Which approach is more I use another approach to handle any easy scalable current, but it seems that if I use indexes instead of names, then I only need to convert that UI into stored processes. But the readability of the code compromises, so what do I need for ? One option is to do something in between: personal const int name column = 0; ... name = dt.rows [0] [NameColumn]; This lets you change the position of a if the column order / definitions change but also gives the readable code at the time of access. I'm not sure that it addresses the problem of changing both UI codes and stored procedures at the same time: If your SP is effectively changing its public interface, then you hope should code However, this approach can reduce the pain of that change, as well as not cover your code with magic va...

perl substr to get a substring -

#! / Usr / bin / perl मेरी $ str = "abc def yyyhi"; प्रिंट उपस्ट्रेट ($ str, 0, इंडेक्स ($ str, '')); मैं substr को प्रिंट करना चाहता हूँ प्रिंट substr ($ str, index ($ str, ''), rindex ($ str, '' ) काम नहीं कर रहा है? कोई भी विचार? आपने किया 'तर्क के रूप में आप जितना चाहते हैं उतना स्पष्ट नहीं है, लेकिन सबसे अच्छा अनुमान है कि आप पहली और आखिरी जगहों के बीच वर्णों को मुद्रित करना चाहते हैं। आपका उदाहरण कोड बहुत सारे अक्षर मुद्रित करेगा क्योंकि इससे पहले # वर्णों का प्रिंट होता है अंतिम स्थान (आपके उदाहरण में, 7 की बजाय 10)। ठीक करने के लिए, आपको पहले स्थान के पहले # वर्णों को घटाकर # मुद्रित वर्णों को समायोजित करने की आवश्यकता है। इसके अलावा, आपको एक पहला स्थान छपाई करने से बचने के लिए अपने "अनुक्रमणिका" मान के दायीं ओर वर्ण - $ cat d: \ scripts \ test1 नीचे दिए गए उदाहरण में "+1" और "-1" मेरी $ str = "abc def yyy ghi" मेरी $ first_space_index = इंडेक्स ($ str, ''); मेरा $ su...

jquery - FullCalendar dayClick function conflict with select function -

I have seen that when I'm trying to implement dayClick: and the selected functions take a collision somewhere. Here are some narrow codes I // When you have selected multi-day: function (start, end, all) {var title = prompt (' New selection date: '); If (title) {calendar.fullCalendar ('renderEvent', {title: title, start: start, end: end, allDay: allDay}, true); Calendar.fullCalendar ('deselect'); Warning ("End of Selection"); }}, // Click to add a new event day: Function (Date) {Warning ("The day (" + + + + + "" was clicked);}, The problem occurs when I "click" one day, it warns me which is ok, but then it brings quickness to the SELECT functionality. Then it is an ALERT and Then runs a prompt window. I'm not sure why this is doing this, I'm not able to reduce the logic, maybe what And also has a similar issue? Please tell me whether you are in any fix or the same issue. Cheers. I found tha...

wpf controls - Trigger on Image inside a Button WPF -

I want to control the visibility of the image in a button through a trigger: & lt; Button x: name = "notespanel" command = "{binding adddocument}" & gt; & Lt; Image x: name = "notes image" source = "notes" "height =" 32 "& gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; button & gt; 1 / What trigger will appear in the button or in the container that faces the button? 2 / How to set the visibility of the image? Thanks Zone Since you are updating the image, it should lie with the image (style of image as part) such as if the image is by default Is hidden, so I try the following Using R can choose to make it visible with toggleproperty1. DataTrigger binding = "{binding toggleproperty}" value = "1" & gt; & lt ; Setter Property = "Visibility" value = "View" />

Extract Album Art from mp3 and display in an Image with Delphi? -

I want to do this and I do not have to do any external DLL file. The album art is a picture that is stored in an example MP3 file. I want to take it out and display it. I searched pure but I could not find any source file. Thanks in advance The album is supported in ID3v2 tags in the Art In MP3 . The first experts have calculated how to answer this answer in Delphi. ID 3 includes delphi implementation, - jeroin

installer - WiX major upgrade doesn't run when I remove a merge module from the project -

I have got a YX project in which the installation of Visual C ++ 2008 runtime components for x86 with a merged merge module Includes. / P> Unfortunately MSI is a well-known issue with .msm with v4.5. To be more specific, .msm custom action takes to complete SxSUninstallCA at uninstall. Therefore, the long story short, I decided to remove .msm of the new version of the product, installed quietly with the VC + Component .exe file. If I only change this thing (and product code, of course) then the installer does not detect the product already installed on the machine and does a normal installation, without first uninstalling the earlier version . Any thoughts on what's going on here? Whether MSI has examined to check the upgrade code and product code, whether any product is renewed by anyone else already installed on the system? Check if you have ALLUSERS assets fixed in both installers. I had the same problem with the merge module and he solved it.

revision - Best way to use TFS on new Project -

About launching a new project in VS2010, which will have some windows services, some DLSs, a GUI application and a MS SQL database What is best to handle them in source control and the team foundation server more Specify more? On previous projects, we used Turtle SVN to distribute each component separately in the repository and there was no relation between the projects from the revision control point. I am particularly interested in how the database should be managed, before any development was done with the database.

c - file descriptor polling -

I have created a program in which I want to vote on the file descriptor of the file which I am opening in the program. define # file "help" int main () {int ret1; Structure selection FD FD [1]; Rate 1 = open (file, o_ CREAT); FDS [0]. FD = rate 1; FDS [0] .events = POLLIN; While (1) {Voting (FDS, 1, -1); If (FDS [0]. Rivets and Palin) printf ("polishing"); } Return 0; } It's going in the infinite loop. I hope to run a loop when there are some file operations. (Its an ASCII file) plz help choice () doesn actually 'Do not work on opened files Since read () will not be blocked on a file, poll () will always return that you can read non-blocking from the file. This will work on (approximate) characters' devices, named pipes ** or sockets, however, after those blocks, when you have no data available then read them () Says. (You also need to actually read that data, or the polling will tell you repeatedly that the data is available) ...

iphone - How to add label and textfiled to each row in the UITableview -

How to add labels and textfiles to each line in the UITable view I can add it through the interface builder or in the code Thank you, Sam. You can either create a custom table view cell class, or you use one of these can do. For example, the Applet's "Settings" panel uses UITableViewCellStyleValue1 . Then you can set detailTextLabel for the text, and add a sub view (your text field) to the content view in your cell. Fixed NSString * CellID = @ "cell"; UITableViewCell * cell = [Tableview DeWewer Re-Eligible CellWithIdentifier: cellID]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[[UTableViewsell Alok] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleValue1 re-User: cellID] AutoWrecks]; } Cell.detailTextLabel.text = @ "One Title"; [Add Cell.contentView SUBview: xyz]; // xyz = your text field

java - Scala, Maven, and preprocessors -

I know all the philosophical arguments against preprocessors and macros in Java. I do not agree that some people can abuse a language facility, it should be excluded for everyone. I have macros in my java and scala codes for efficient code logging for __ file __ and __ line __ . Any use of exception due to runtime performance effects is unacceptable. Those people argue that logging can be turned off in the "Production Code", Brian Kerngan's advice should be kept in mind: Removing error messages "Now that the program works "It's like wearing a parachute on the ground, but taking it away when it comes in the air. Can a macro make it in this language? If not, is there any way to run a preprocessor like M4 using Maven? Thank you. update @relalf Well, this is a question 2+ years ago, But since I had mentioned the __ line __ and __ file __ and you SCALA; Here are some ideas that I'm using Scala macros (like v2.10.0-RC1 ) def $ c...

search engine - What should be the initial list of urls for a crawler to start its work -

I want a list of URLs where my crawler can start crawling efficiently so that it can cover the maximum portion of the web . Do you have any other ideas for creating an initial index for a different host? Is good seed As stated earlier, in order to orient a crawl, the inquiry from a search engine gives good results.

Change Android widget size on upgrade -

I wrote a widget with size 74x74 in 1 version. In version 2, I want to change the size to 148x74. I want to do it during the upgrade, is it possible? Or would the user want to remove and add the widget again? User must delete and install the widget. Basically, the widget placed on the home screen is separated from your application - it only sends an update event and the home screen responds to them. And possible updates are very limited.

java - How can I better represent user permissions? -

I have a square in my system (20?) final Define type permissions Booleans What is a better way to do this? I'm sure there are many examples about this, but I You can take advantage of enums, for example: public enum permission {read, write; } Public Class User {Private Final Neemate & lt; Permission & gt; Permissions; Public user (permissions ... permissions) {this.permissions = EnumSet.copyOf (arrays.asList (permissions)); } Public Boolean entry (Permission permission) {Return permissions.Support (permission); } // ...} user user = new user (, permission.wITE);

.net - ssis Derive update -

I am trying to merge data together on a primary key, which will be identical in two record sets. I have a primary key set with 5 column data and then I have a second record set with the primary key and 5 new colums, I am able to merge both record sets together I want to be there, so I can see a primary key and 10 columns which are not applicable to any data, it is just empty. Anyone can help please :) Have you told about the guidance of MSDN? It is a little flakey with detail, but it should help to point you in the right direction. The most annoying part is that data should be sorted before being merged. There is a more detailed guide on how to get merge in MSSQL tips. Good luck, hope you are working on it.

objective c - objc convert unix date -

मुझे एक छोटी सी समस्या है (दिनांक 1280471989140) जब मैं + (NSDate *) का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं, ) DateFromUnixDate: (डबल) unixdate {NSTimeInterval unixDate = unixdate; धन्यवाद मैंने अभी कुछ जाँच की है, 1 9 70 से, सेकंड्स के बाद से जेसनॉन डेट प्रारूप मिलिसेकंड में है। इस कार्य को करने के लिए आप अपने फ़ंक्शन को + (NSDate *) dateFromUnixDate में परिवर्तित करना चाहते हैं: (डबल) यूनिक्सडेट {NSTimeInterval unixDate = unixdate / 1000.0; वापसी [एनएसडीट की तारीख विथटाइम टाइमवेस्टरसाइन 1 9 70: यूनिक्स डेट]; } या किसी श्रेणी पद्धति के बिना यह भी काम कर सकता है int main (int argc, char * argv []) {uint64_t jsonDate = 1280471989140UL; एनएसटीईएमइन इंटरवल यूनिक्सडेट = (डबल) जेएसएन्स डेट / 1000.0; एनएसडीट * तिथि = [एनएसडीटी तिथि विथटाइम इन्टरवॉलसिंस 1 9 70: यूनिक्स डेट]; NSLog (@ "% @", तारीख); }

ruby on rails - Updating UI realtime in RoR after API Calls -

I am developing an app using the Amazon API, which unfortunately is only small at a time Records allow back, which causes significant downturn when loading more than one worth of items worth of calls. I want to acquire these records more. I understand how to do this, use some nodes, or some other asynchronous calls, but there is some difficulty in implementing this idea. Any help would be greatly appreciated. What you need to be able to do is require a more robust client-side JavaScript library. JQuery has a respectable AJAX driver that is a great place to start. If your rail application takes some time to produce results based on the Amazon API, then split page rendering in two components. To dynamically load the results of your call, present the page immediately after the JavaScript trigger, and it can "spin" the call before inserting the HTML in the document. AJX starts to trigger this operation load, because you will not need to render the "progress...

msbuild - Custom common target to build a solution -

मैंने एक कस्टम सामान्य लक्ष्य "RealClean" बनाया है जो प्रत्येक फाइल को आउटपुट और "इंटरमीडिएट आउटपुट" निर्देशिका में हटा देता है। मैं इसे Microsoft.Common.targets फ़ाइल में डाल दिया। जब मैं अपने csproj पर MsBuild चलाता हूँ सब कुछ ठीक है। लेकिन जब मैं अपने एसएलएन पर MsBuild चलाता हूँ (जो सिर्फ csproj की सूची का संदर्भ देता है) मेरे पास निम्न त्रुटि है त्रुटि MSB4057: लक्ष्य "RealClean" परियोजना में मौजूद नहीं है यहां MsBuild चलाने के लिए मैं कमांड लाइन दर्ज कर रहा हूँ सी: \ विंडोज \ माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। नेट \ फ्रेमवर्क \ v3.5 \ MsBuild.exe / P: कॉन्फ़िगरेशन = "रिलीज"; आउटपुटपथ = ".. .. .. \ MSBuild.Referentiel.net35"; nowarn = "1591,1573" / टी: RealClean mySolution.sln कोई भी संकेत समाधान फ़ाइल पर काम करने के लिए, MSBuild एक अस्थायी MSBuild प्रोजेक्ट फ़ाइल बनाता है जिसमें केवल कुछ लक्ष्य शामिल हैं जैसे बिल्ड और साफ़ करें । इसलिए आप किसी समाधान फाइल पर अपने कस्टम लक्ष्य को कॉल नहीं कर सकते।

java - what the name of service in ClientLogin for Android cloud to device? -

I know what is the name of service in the client login for the Android cloud, I got all the service but I do not Find C2DM in service ac2dm . .

Supplying a predefined list of options for an exposed item in a view in Drupal? -

I found a scene that filters by year. There is a normal text CCK field on year content type. I have highlighted this area in this view, so that the user could type a value for it. As with 2010, field sets will show all content types. My problem is, I do not want to type the user in the value. I want to convert that text field to a dropdown for several years. My options are: Hack it with JQ -> Very bad Any other options? My question is, how can I substitute 2, or worst situation, option 3? When you edit the CCK field in Manage fields , you You can set the permission value for that area, if you do this, when you go back to View, you will have a new filter, allows the field - value Returns a selection menu of values ​​allowed when shown. If you do not want to limit prices during creation, then you need to change the highlighted form in the custom module: function mymodule_form_alter (& amp; $ Form, $ Form_state, $ form_id) {if ($ form_id === 'views_e...

Need help figuring out how to write my zend view helper -

I'm new to Zend Framework and MVC in general, so I'm looking for some advice. We have a base controller There are classes in which we have a few ways to get some user information, account configuration, and so on. So I am using some methods to write code in various controlling tasks, but now I want to avoid repeating this code and even further I can see this code outside the controller and help I want to take it in because it primarily outputs some javascript. Then the code in the controller will look like this: $ obj = new SomeModel ($ this-> _getModelConfig ()); $ State = $ obj- & gt; FetchByUser ($ this-> User-> getId ()); // To generate some javascript using this result, see the appropriate amount of logic here ... $ the -> _ getModelConfig and $ this-> user-> getId () These are the things that I can do in the controller, now my question is, what is the best way to pass the assistant to see the information after I remove this code from the ...

Optimize PDF conversion in Django / Python -

I have a webpad that exports reports to PDF Everything is fine when the query returns less than 100 values ​​when the records increase compared to 100, then the server increases the proxy error of 502. The report outputs exactly in HTML, the process of hanging the server is a conversion from HTML to PDF. I am using to generate pdf. Algorithm is something like this: def view1 (request, ** someargs): queryset = someModel.objects.get (someargs) if request.GET ['PDF']: return pdfWrapper ('Template .html ', queries,' filenames') Other: return render_to_response ('template.html', queryset) def pdfWrapper (template_src, context_dict, filename): ############### ################################## There is an old version of the code given below ## recived comment # function now Also works for small HTML documents # 502 for large forese ################################# ####### Production #################### To Import StringI Import through import. Import f...

Reading a simple xml using php -

& lt; key & gt; & lt; नाम & gt; परीक्षण नाम & lt; / name & gt; & lt; परिणाम & gt; सफलता & lt; / result & gt; & lt; / कुंजी & gt; मेरा PHP कोड: $ doc = new DOMDocument (); $ Doc- & gt; लोड ('key.xml'); $ परिणाम = $ doc- & gt; getElementsByTagName ("परिणाम"); ईको $ परिणाम- & gt; आइटम (0) - & gt; नोडवेले; मुझे "परिणाम" के पाठ मूल्य को निकालने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन यह मेरे लिए आउटपुट नहीं करता है। क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? आपकी टिप्पणी के अनुसार, यह काम नहीं कर सकता: $ url = ""; $ डेटा = file_get_contents ($ url); $ Doc- & gt; लोड ($ डेटा); आप सामग्री को रिमोट यूआरआई से ला रहे हैं और फ़ाइल को लोड करने के लिए इसे फ़ंक्शन में फ़ीड कर रहे हैं। एक कोड से DOMDocument :: load लोड, जबकि DOMDocument :: loadXML () एक स्ट्रिंग से लोड करता है। या तो करो $ doc- & gt; लोड (''); या $ d...

ios - UDIDs in provisioning profile? -

Looking at a provisioning profile, does anyone know how UIDIDs are in that profile? Open it in a text editor. You should be able to see the list of UDID. They appear under key "provisioned devices".

ASP.NET - Get website's URL without HttpContext.Current (running in background thread) -

Bit of a long shot, but there is a way in ASP.NET, when the URL of the website gets dynamically There is no HttpContext.Current available There is no HttpContext because the code is running in the background thread * (but under ASP.NET AppDomain). I have a background process that sends emails every evening, and the web address is required to be included, but I do not want to do a hard code due to deployment and testing (this then changes to the live site). . / P> * Please do not advise a Windows service, but I am aware of this, but hosting restrictions prevents me from doing this. Your app should create and start threads. Thread has been created at this point, the HTTP Contex. The current should be available, store the relevant part of the web address that is important and pass it to the constructor of your object that wraps the threading functionality, or if you do not have a custom object, store it in that location. Where the thread can access it If you use the latter ...

python - Django Error "no such column:" -

I found this after installing the tagging application. I have installed it through and put it on the import path so I think I have done everything right. This is what turns it up. You can see my error log. I've run SyncDB, so my database should be synchronized. Have you checked the output of Sync and actually saw that table was created? Have a look at your database and check whether the table has been created. If not, then run sync db and if it does not help, then make the table by hand (or skip the database and recreate it from scratch).

What is the best way to develop a C# project with a MySQL backend? -

Then I am using C # 2010 Express and I am thinking that developing a C # project with a MySQL backend What is the best toolet to do? I know that if you use Compact Edition of SQL Server within C #, then this will allow you to access the DB directly from the IDE. Is there a similar way of integrating development with remote MSQL database? In addition, there is a versatile enough solution for writing a program with MySQL C #? I am trying to create a separate PHP web site (a reporting portal) that will access MySQL data. I would love to go open source all the way, but it seems that the app that creates C # is the best app for creating touch screen interfaces for data entry. is there but it is not free And there is a plugin that you can not use to express. There is no way to do this with Express because you can not add to basic functionality.

.net - Multicolumn ListBox control -

I'm looking for a free ASP.NET 2.0 ListBox control Display supports two columns I do not like to use a monospace font and distraction with formulating my list box objects in columns. I also use other types of controls (such as Datastists) in the column to use suggestions, but clearly I believe that I have to work clearly as a standard list box I do not have enough of my ability to get some control - in the shortest time I have to complete my project. P> Since you are making multiple selections, why not checkbox Control from the X list Does it not solve multiple issues and multiple columns of your problem? Tutorials: Hope it helps!

Push notification architecture for very high volume -

Is Apple Push Information Architecture Setup for sending a lot of volume (dozens of hours per hour)? Is this allowed by Apple? What are the barriers / limitations? Is this reliable? Is there some delay? Is the price to pay for using their service? In order: Yes. Yes. I'm not sure. Most commonly; Notification delivery is not a guarantee, but the service will try to give you the latest information when your app is generated, when the network will be visible again after unavailable. Again, there is no special guarantee, but if the target device is on a good 3G or WiFi connection, then you can expect that the information should be delivered in a few seconds to send. However, you need to run your own push notification server (or the use of third party information delivery service), which can be expensive if you have too much bandwidth and CPU time for your notifications are using it. For more information, see the section in Developer Docs.

Tricky Association Question Rails -

#Vote मॉडल belongs_to: voteable,: बहुरूपी = & gt; सच सम्मिलित है: मतदाता,: बहुरूपता = & gt; सच #votes तालिका Voteid: पूर्णांक, वोट: बुलियन, voteable_id: पूर्णांक, voteable_type: स्ट्रिंग, voter_id: पूर्णांक, voter_type: स्ट्रिंग, created_at: दिनांक, updated_at: datetime #User has_many: voteables,: foreign_key = & gt; : मतदाता_आईडी ,: class_name = & gt; "वोट" है_माया: वोट,: विदेशी_की = & gt; : Voter_id #Vote_Item मॉडल acts_as_voteable has_many: मतदाता: CLASS_NAME = & gt; "वोट",: विदेशी_की = & gt; : वोट देने योग्य_आईडी का कहना है कि 50 उपयोगकर्ता वोट वोट 1 पर मतदान कर चुके हैं, यह पता लगाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है, वहीं 50 मतदाताओं में से कितने मतदाताओं ने मतदान किया है? धन्यवाद आप अभी तक क्या बहुमत का गठन किया बारे में बहुत विशिष्ट। कुछ इस तरह के आइटम लौटना चाहिए उच्चतम से न्यूनतम, उपयोगकर्ताओं का एक संग्रह द्वारा लिए मतदान किया। आप ऐसी स्थिति जोड़ सकते हैं, जहां वोट_काउंट बहुमत से अधिक होता है। वोट करें_आइटम.फंड (: सभी,...

Is there a way in a visual studio database project to exclude certain object during deployment? -

I have a scenario where I use the Visual Studio 2010 database project to implement changes in multiple database installations. But I want to throw out a set of ideas from the copy on some people. Is there any way to use build configurations to separate these scenes from being deployed? Have you tried to make a composite project? I have not applied this scenario to myself, but it seems that you can do this: Create Project 1, in which all the essential objects needed for deployment are included. Create Project 2, in which the group of sequences required for some deployment. Add a reference to Project 1 in Project 2. Thus, when Project 1 is deployed, ideas will not be included and during project 2 deployment, as well as core objects will be included. Take a look at the following Microsoft links. section specifically titled "Use and Limitations of Composite Projects"

database design - Storing different parameter types in a single table -

I have a Java class in which there is an event in which some data is included, and a list of 'parameters' of different types There is also a lack of a better word I want to keep it in a database, and I am confused as the best approach. In the attempt to clarify my rambles: 'Event', contains the hostname, port, date, service name, message of time, digest of certificate (byte array) , Etc. I think the closest parallel is a printf format string and parameter (though it is not what I am doing). It is easy to store the format string, but it is difficult to store the parameters, because I will need to get them back to their original type after recovering them. I am trying to extract a way to store parameters that will be of different types, should I encode them as some string format and put them in varchar (), then when I get the parameters of the event, so what to decode? Storing everything in the form of code / string is a bad idea in my humble opinion if y...

sql - MySQl query problems -

I do not spend a lot of time in MySQL, but I have been asked to check a problem with my church website . It's been down for some time and I'm trying to take it back and run. The original site was made in Mambo 4.5.3, which is an old version. I will upgrade it to some point, but I want to run it for a while. I currently have a problem with the membo that is created in the query below. Wherever the site tries to use pages, I get an error message: unknown column 'c.' I've verified that the column exists in the specified table. Now I'm stumped. I opened mysql query analyzer and pasted the query and got me the same error message with 1054 code. Anyone have any ideas? SELECT c. *, As as groupname,, editor, homepage, s.title as SECTION_NAME, as as author from mos_content as c, f .content_id mos_categories In the form of cic, mos_sections are in the form of = c mos_groups on the left .access join the left. As the mos_user...

c# - Global Static Class with Objects -

OK, so I know that you can not find objects in a fixed square but I need a class that I can hold the objects accessible from different classes. I am creating a DLL which will provide extended functionality to any other program so that I can not only inherit or pass classes around, if needed I can simply create the properties of each object that I have in a stable orbit Do whatever works, but I am not as friendly as I want. Anyone have any other ideas to accomplish something like this? In fact, you can put objects in a static class - they just have to be fixed object. For example: Public Fixed Category Shared Object {Private Static MyClass obj = new MyClass (); Public Static MyClass (GetObj) {back obj; }} And from anywhere you can call the instance methods / properties / etc in your program. SharedObjects.GetObj (). MyInstanceMethod ();

How do TDD and BDD relate to each other in Rails 3? -

When it comes to TDD and BDD, I start. I know this: I use its built-in unit, functional and integration tests to use TDD in the railroad. I use cucumber to use BDD in rail. Two different techniques should not be used simultaneously? If I use TDD, then I should not use BBD / Cucumber and vice versa? Please highlight me on this topic. Thank you It's not that I'm talented but it's my humble Answer is Cucumber is very good for outline your site's behavior, combining business solutions and code together and developing the site properly. After this is complete, make RPC to test how you keep data in your MVC On the conclusion, using all these to ensure that A very wide range of tests is provided before your business solutions are being completed, and secondly, your architecture can face many angles, which are tested with RSPC and factory-girl The Ia can be.

html - How to position this using only CSS and no tables -

मैं इस HTML स्निपेट की स्थिति बनाना चाहता हूं & lt; div id = "d1" & gt; ; & Lt; div id = "D1.1" & gt; हैडर टेक्स्ट & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "D1.2" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "से" name = "से" value = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "D1.3" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "से" नाम = "से" मान = "" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; इस तरह + - (डी 1) ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - + | + - (डी 1.1) --------------------------- ++ - (डी 1.2) ----- -------- ++ - (D1.3) ----------- + | || || + - (से) ------- + || + - (करने के लिए) --------- + || || हेडर टेक्स्ट || से | ||| करने के लिए | ||| || || + -------------- + || + -------------- + || | + ---------------------------------- ++ ------------ -------- ++ ------------------ + | + ------------...

css rollover buttons- great in safari,and firefox/ ie but not chrome? -

I'm just trying a bit of post to create image rollover buttons using CSS, It seems to work fine. No problems were shown in the local test, IE, Firefox, Safari is all ok even the Chrome version for the local version is also displayed. Once I run on the host test, IE, Firefox and Safari, all display is displayed, but Chrome offset all the buttons just above 8-10 pixels. Can someone expose me as to what is happening? The built-in site of the composer I think you should be "architectural design .. . "Under the phrase, sections are discussed. I can not recreate this problem in Chrome v5.0.375.125. Which version of Chrome are you using? Chrome goes geo cache resources, have you tried refresh cash?

How do I emulate a dynamically sized C structure in Python using ctypes -

I'm writing some Pyro code to interact with a C DLL which uses structures on a large scale. One of those structures contains nested structures I know that this is not a problem for the ctypes module. The problem is that there is an often used structure, which is defined by the macro in C because there is a "static" length array which can be different, it is confusing, so here is some code struct VarHDR {int size; } #defined VAR (size) \ straight Var {VarHDR hdr; Unsigned char array [[shape]]; } Then it is used in other structures struct MySruct {int foo; VAR (20) luggage items; } The question is how can I simulate it in Python that the resulting structure can be passed back and forth between my Python script and DLL. BTW, I know that I can hardcoded the number there, but many examples of this "VAR" are of full size. : Another method is that Variables with CTIP The use of data types of size, the dynamic nature of the python is to be us...

java - Hibernate HQL strange behavior with IS NULL -

I want to get the problem with a HQL query I all PID do that 'M' or an administrative Sex There is an administrative sex set for Java (the value in Java is set to zero). PID.class @ Antiti @ Table (name = "Patient Identification") public class PID {@OneToOne (cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn (name = "Administrative SX", referenced columnname = "is_id") personal IS administrative SX; ...} GenerationType.AUTO) @column (name = "is_id") private integer ID; Private string value; ...} HQL query PID where administrativeSex empty or administrative Sakskvlu = 'M' produced SQL pid0_.pid_id the pid1_84_, pid0_.administrativeSex as adminis11_84_, pid0_.birthOrder birthOrder84_, pid0_.birth Place as birthPlace84_, pid0_ citizen as citizenship 12_84_, pid0_.countyCode, as pid0_.datTimeOfBirth, driverL22_84_ as pid0_.driverLicenseNumber, maritalS8_84_, multiple4_84_pid0_.multipleBirthIndicator, nationa17_84_ as pid0_...

user interface - Manual Compile of Netbeans Java Swing Application Created Multiple Classes -

I created a swing GUI using Netbeans, and when I try to do the following manually: / P> # ls myProg.form # javac # ls myProg $ 1.Class myProg $ 2.Class myProg $ 3.Class myProg $ 4.Class myProg $ 5.class myProg $ 6. Square myProg.class myProg.form This made those extra classes. Why is this happening? it's a fluke? I tried Googling but no answer appeared. Those extra classes are anonymous internal classes used by your rotation GUI. Java compiler names anonymous Inner classes like this.

javascript - jQuery UI position() not repositioning the element -

I have a hyperlink that I try to use on the page $ I am '#myLink'). Status ({My: "center", at: "center", of: "#contentArea", offset: "30 130"}); However this is not being kept in a new situation. My page is a complex HTML, so I can not post it. I tried different target elements but the same result (both in IE8 & amp; FF) I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 There is no error in the error console $ ('# MyLink'). Length = 1 What are the limitations for the status () function? How can a browser window or document be used as a target element? .position () is read only. Use the .css () function to set the positions. Edit: Looking forward, I see that you are talking about: It is being said I think you might have to include a jQuery UI library to work for it. Try adding the following to the head of your page: & lt; Script src = "" ...

In Javascript, what is the motivation or advantage of using var foo = function foo(i) { ... }? -

I see that in response to Whatever it is doing var foo = function foo (param) {...} In that special case, why do this Are just using function foo (param) {...} ? Soon, if you take the following code, then the first example is foo Creates a function called, the second example creates an anonymous function and specifies it in the bar variable. In addition to style, the basic difference is that before the definition, code can be said in the code (because it is the name of the function); Otherwise, before getting the bar assignment, there is an undefined variable, so can not be used before. var foo_result = foo (123); // ok function fu (param) {/ * ... *} var bar_result = bar (123); // error: there is no undefined function var bar = function (param) {/ * ... *} var bar_result = bar (123); // ok I would recommend you to read Pekka's suggestion.

tfs2010 - Database reference causes warning in MSBuild -

We reference some .dbSchema files in our SQL Server 2008 database project. When I try to build a database project using MSBuild, I get a strange warning (we are using TFS 2010 for our build server, if it makes a difference): * Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets (1777): An error occurred while opening a file "file.dbschema": Assembly "file.dbschema" is not valid .NET assembly and will be left for analysis. ** What is happening on any idea, and how am I getting rid of this warning? Thanks have you enabled? If you do this, it will appear that TFS Build is scanning your code, facing this file, and to let you know that it is being dropped because it can not recognize it. Another user was faced and one was made.

android - Get filename and path from URI from mediastore -

I have a onActivityResult returning from a mediastore image selection, which I can call for an image You can get the URLR using the following: Ury selected Image = data.getData (); It converts it to string: content: // media / external / images / media / 47 or gives a path: / external / picture / media / 47 However I find a way to convert I can not seem to have it in a full path, because I want to load the image in bitmap without copying it elsewhere. I know that this can be done using URI and content resolver, but it breaks on the phone's reboot, I think that MediaStore does not keep its numbering between reboots. public string getRealPathFromURI (reference references, Ure content Yuri) {cursor cursor = null; Try {string [] proj = {MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA}; Cursor = context.getContentResolver (). Query (contentUri, proj, null, null, null); Int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow (MediaStore.images.Media.DATA); Cursor.moveToFirst (); Retu...

Program the Navigation Pane in Word 2010 -

When I select a picture of a user, to change the tab I want to program a new navigation pane in Word 2010 In the document I'm trying to find, I can capture the selection change from the window selection option (save as a save) in the document, but I do not know that "Browse Browse How to change the tab from "browse to page", which F what I want. According to the MVP, this program is not qualitative / discoverable.

php - tcpdf font ligatures (English)? -

आप PHP tcpdf में लिगचर कैसे उत्पन्न करते हैं? टीसीपीडीएफ या तो फोंट को रास्टराइज़ करने के लिए फ्रीटाइप का उपयोग करता है, या उन्हें पीडीएफ में एम्बेड करता है और वे दर्शक में रास्टराइज़ किए जाते हैं Ligatures वास्तव में फोंट में परिभाषित कर रहे हैं। यदि आप टाइप 1 फ़ॉन्ट का उपयोग कर रहे हैं और अपनी स्ट्रिंग में एक लिगचर वर्ण को निर्दिष्ट कर रहे हैं, तो फ़्रीटीप इसे रेस्तराइज़ करेगा। ओपनटाइप के रूप में लिगेंचर के लिए "फाई", "एफएफ" आदि का स्वत: प्रतिस्थापन फ्रीटाइप द्वारा समर्थित नहीं है, इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि यह टीसीपीडीएफ द्वारा समर्थित नहीं होगा। ग्लिफ़ नाम आदि के लिए देखें।

content management system - How do I use the pages in WordPress? -

1) I am using WordPress as a CMS for site. So I want to use pages instead of posts. When I add a new page, it will make it at the address "", but when I click on the view page, this 404 page does not go to the page. Is there something that I need to set up so that the page can work? 2) Also, I would like to create a default index page, but as it is now, it will use the first post as an index page. How can I set it to show a specific page as an index page or how to create an index page on the page area? 3) I am using wp_list_pages for the list of navigation but is it in the wrong order in any way, can I re-order the pages that are visible in the navigation? 2) In the WPM administrator dashboard, on the left side, click on: Settings> Reading - Select a static page . The page you picked for front page will be the default index page. Post Page will be where your most recent blog post will appear. 3) : & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt ;? Php wp_list_p...

php - This code needs to loop over 3.5 million rows, how can I make it more efficient? -

I have a CSV file that has 3.5 million codes. I should tell that it is only going to happen this once. Looks like CSV age9tlg, rigfh34, ... This is my code: ini_set ('max_execution_time', 600); Ini_set ("memory_limit", "512m"); $ File_handle = fopen ("Weekly CSV", "R"); While {$ line_of_text = fgetcsv ($ file_handle); if (is_array ($ line_of_text) foreach ($ line_of_text $ as col) {if (($ col)) {mysql_query ( Enter in the `action_6_weekly` values ​​('$ col', '') or die (mysql_error ());}} and {if (empty ($ line_of_text)} {mysql_query (" `action_6_weekly` values ​​(' $ Line_of_text ',' ') or die (mysql_error ());}}} Fclose ($ file_handle); Is this code going to die partly on me? My memory and maximum execution time will be quite high? NB: This code will be run on my localhost, and the database will be the same C is at the same time, therefore latency is not a problem. Update: ...

VB.NET - How do I invoke an instance function delegate on an instance of a generic type? -

D is a dictionary whose entry value is of type T What I'm trying to do I'm a representative like "Serializer" below, which I can call on an example of T, like "entry.value" below. Please see the "Return Entry ..." row below for my wishful thinking. Is this possible? If so, is this a bad idea? Public function by serializer (TK) () as function by serializeDictionary_String_Object (TK) (ByRef D As Direction (string, T), as a serializer in the form of bejesurlizer (T)) Entry.Value.ObjSerializer () in D Return for each entry Exit to the next closing function In your serializer representative, you are not using t anywhere, you have to Public Representative Function Byte () as the serializer (TK) (Bawal OBJ ATT) or better yet, just Built in function representative. function serializen_string_object (TK) (Byrph D as dictionary (string, TK), bybysiilizer as funnel (T, byte ()) as a byte () Then call by doing this: ObjSeri...

perl - How to get the type of the reference? -

There is no function available in Perl for reference types: my $ ref = \ @ Array; I need to get the array reference type by function. Use Ref : $ ref_type = ref $ ref; The return value is one of these: SCALAR , ARRAY , hash , CODE context ( context of context) ), globe ( type tag reference) and P> Actually, the Ref function can return more value and object return package instead of name instead of type:.

ruby - Rails 3 - Eager loading on a legacy database -

I've found a web app with the following tables: Categories, sub-categories, and Pages. Pages have category_id and sub_category_id columns I have to write an efficient question for curious load pages according to the category and sub-category for the order sorted in my view (Crude example is as follows): - Category one (categories | Category | ...) - Page one (category.pages.each do | page | ...) - sub-category forest (category.secategory.each do | Sub_category | ... ---- Page To (Sub_category.pages.each do | page | ...) category .rb: Category Category & active; Active Urd :: Base is has_many: pages have has_many: sub_categories end sub-category. Rb: class sub-category: active record: base is_to : Category has_many: pages end class page & lt; ActiveRecord :: base is_to: range belongs_to: sub_category scope: active_pages, : Conditions = & gt; {: is_active = & gt; true} end I have experimented with questions with small success like the f...

php - remove_before() -

Is there a better way to do the down? (Without the possibility of a fatal error) Before removing the function ($ needle, $ hansstack) {return substr (strstr ($ haystack, $ needle), strlen ($ needle)); } such as strstr ($ haystack, $ needle) but without the needle in the returned string, and I can also ask if it can also be improved ... Note that after the last incident of the needle remove the wire after the strips, and before the first appearance of the needle remove before the wire strips. edit: Example: $ needle = '@@'; $ Haystack = 'one @@ two @@ three' ;; ($ Needle, $ hansstack); // a return @ @ two before removing ($ needle, $ hansstack): // return two @@ three edit: I will leave for reference. There are two things about the function Written: They have an error handling For example, in remove_before: due to the green color in the dry drain is due to passing the false as the first argument of substr i do it Have not tried, but I...

c# - Predicates and OrderBy , Func -

I understand that the representatives who take the bool back and take generic parameters, I understand That's when I say: mycustomer => Mycustomer.fullname == 1 This really means: representative (customer mycustomer) {mycustomer.fullName == "John"; } When I pass this lambda expression I am passing: Public Representative Ball Criteria & lt; T & gt; (T value) which is originally called illumination but what I do not understand, it means that when I mycustomer => Mycustomer.fullname I say customers.OrderBy (mycustomer => mycustomer.fullname); How do I implement something like OrderBy ? How do I tell any method, which is to take action on the property! Like the previous example? As an example, there is one case, I want to make a method that receives all the values ​​of the collection of a specific property: list & lt; String & gt; Mylist = customers.GetPropertyValues ​​(cus => cus.Fullname); Thanks in advance....

latex - How to use Sweave (R) code inside a fancyhdr? -

I am automatically generating with the periodic report server generated, I use a fancyheard package to create a good header I'm actually working so far. Now, since my reports are from time to time, I want to change the headers dynamically without giving any argument to the function. This is the reason why I wrote a small R function, which just checks which header is based on the length of which a header string is generated in R. Long story short, I know that today is in latex but I just do not need to use specific information coming from R date. Here is my code: \ usepackage {fancyhdr} \ pagestyle {fancy} \ renewcommand {\ chaptermark} [1] {% \ markboth {# 1} { }} \ Renewcommand {\ sectionmark} [1] {% \ markman {\ section \ # 1}} \ fancyhf {} \ fancyhead [LE, RO] {\ bfseries \ thepage} \ fancyhead [LO] {\ rightmark { Lt; & Lt; & Gt; & Gt; Renew {{footHolder}} {0}} \ addtolength {\ headheight} {0.5pt} \ print [TexHeader] @}} \ fancyhead [RE] {\ bfseries \ left...

jqgrid - How to implement a search in Jquery grid php -

I want to know how to apply the search with jquery in my grid. The form of a grid build search display when I press the search button at the bottom of the grid. How to apply to post data and implement search in the server side. Please help me You can download a demo file for example, there are files in search.php and Inside the search_adv.php file, "search_adv.php" is an example for search.php for "advance circinating" and "simple search". On the demo page you can select "New version 3.5" and "Advanced search". The file search_adv.php matches the backend part of this example.

Can I create a .NET 4.0 application in Visual Stduio 2008? -

I have a Visual Studio 2008. I have downloaded and installed a .NET 4.0 package. But I still can not create a .NET 4.0 application. VS 2008 shows that it can only create 2.0, 3.0, 3.5 applications. This is not possible. .NET 4.0 can only be used with Visual Studio 2010. Visual Studio 2008 can target 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 because all the same scheduling and language (additional additional libraries and updated compilers were required depending on 3.0 and 3.5). 4.0 Although there is a separate runtime.

multitasking - iOS 4.0 Task Completion in Background -

I am trying to download an image in the background when using iOS 4.0 I App suspended. What I am when I applicationDidEnterBackground to get the call representatives, I set up an asynchronous NSURLConnection to start and as representatives for the connection application representative. But none of NSURLConnection representatives is calling back. I have captured the network call using Wearhark and I can see that my request was successful and he also got the answer. . (UIApplication *) application {NSLog (@ "entered in the application background state (zero) applicationDidEnterBackground - but as representatives to enforce any of the ways I anything to do with the data I am unable to do. "); // UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask example variable NSAssert (self-> bgTask == UIBackgroundTaskInvalid, zero); bgTask = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: ^ {dispatch_async (dispatch_get_main_queue (), ^ {[application endBackgroundTask: Self & gt; b...

Two conditions for one field in MySQL WHERE -

Is a field for me on a field in MySQL? ... where is type and I want to do this: WHERE `type`! = 'Name' and 'type`! = 'Photo' I'm expecting a better way to do this, so can I compare type for two possible options? Thank you! If you mean and - you probably do this because, or will always match :) - type WHERE `! = 'Name' and 'type`! = 'Photo' Then where 'type' is not ('name', 'photo') It should be cut.

cocoa - How can I make sure NSOperations execute in a failsafe way? -

what do i want I have received an NSOperationQueue in my application and It is important that all actions will be processed before the end of the application. Before leaving I was left to make sure the NSOperationQueue is empty: if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {while ([[Operation Quyu Operations]] gt; 0] { [[NSRunLoop Current RunLoop] runUntilDate: [NSDT date date time interval now: 0.05]]; }} And {{Operation Quiz Wait UNN OperationErefined]; } I have had a problem with my code, where before it ends an NSOperation "fridge" and it blocks the whole line, obviously, like this Under the circumstances, my code should throw an exception, which now does. But I still want to protect against any strange incident, where the operation stops and blocks the queue, resulting in the application never gets. My Crap Solution I am contemplating an end to a line ending my operation. Then when this time expires, I can throw an exception, then the problem can be caught. Howev...

c# - Is this still an adapter pattern? -

I stumbled on this class and wondered if XYZAdapter might be the correct name I know how the adapter pattern works But this solution is slightly different: instead of implementing the datatable interface and mapping the appropriate method call, im is copying the values ​​and exposing this object and creating a new datatyal object. How it looks: class adapters {Private nodlist list; Datatyal table {receive CreateTable (); }} Adapter (node ​​list nl) {list = nl; } Personal DataTable CreateTable () {// Bring data to nodelight, create a table and return it back / need to be divided into smaller methods; D}} Usually I am doing it this way, but there is the DataTable Interface Enormous: class adapter: Datatale {Private nodelist list; Datatyal table {receive CreateTable (); }} Adapter (node ​​list nl) {list = nl; } // Here all the datatable methods are mapped to the node list. Thanks advance! An adapter turns a non-synchronous interface into a compatible one. As this squ...

android - when a setOnTouchListener is set to webview - loadDataWithBaseURL does not work or shows the same old content -

I am loading some sequence of pages using the animation effect of the user's swipes / flings visibility - that's the iPhone transition Bring the effect. I have two webviews in a viewfinder. Both webwaves have been added to use the gesture detector for set-on touch alisoner and chime. After determining the inclination direction, I am setting the next / previous page and then call the show / decoration of the Pulipti. What happens is that the webview content is not showing anything I pass through LoadDataWithBaseURL? - It shows the old content. If I remove the touch listener, and add a button to navigate, the same process / argument works. My code is similar to this one - Why is this happening? Can anyone help me? I had only one problem and I found that if I returned the wrong reality instead of gesture detector By the way, the data in the webview is updated on every swipe. When the truth is coming back, it seems that only the cache of data used for the web...

How to add multi language functionality to existing website designed using Joomla 1.5? -

I created a sample website using Joomla 1.5. How to include multilingual functionality in the website? If you want to provide multilingual content on Joomla (i.e., translate your articles) As required or

java - Glassfish startup error leading to app showing 503 error -

I have an app positioned in Glassfishv2 that was working properly. When I rebuilt it with the latest code, it is giving me 503 error with the log app listener congifuring error, due to previous errors, app installs left to install listeners, due to the reason behind the startup errors of reference / app_name Used to be. The war folder because I can not have the problem with it Recently, I have found that my glassfish startup starts with these errors: SEVERE: MSG_ErrorReadingConfig org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature End of File On ( ( ( at ( at com.sun on Com.sun.enterprise.update.config.ConfigManagerImpl on .enterprise.update.config.ConfigManag... - Could "Context.User" be a null? -

In my masterpages code, I try to get authenticated (if it is) behind the UserID: Public Gid Current UserID {Receive {GUID userID = New Good (); If (Theme user.Defination.ass not authenticated) {Membership user user = membership Getuser (reference; UserID = (good) user. Provider user; } User ID return; }} Once the error "object reference is not set to an instance of an object" appears. I suspect that the problem is in the case. Could this be the reason for the user = tap? The user may have been removed by the DB, while it was certified, therefore membership GETUser returned null and user.ProviderUserKey removed NullReferenceException .

php - How to redirect a subdomain in htaccess that has no subdirectories -

I've searched Google and stackoverflow for a while, but in reality my question was not answered. Examples should redirect: According to the examples, if I do not have a subdirectory or question then T redirection There is no clue how to do this. I have managed the trigger on the subdomain, but it will also redirect to sub-directories. simply rewrite rule which redirects like this: revert string% {REQUEST_URI} = /

Library similar to BeautifulSoup and "HTML Agility Pack" but for C or Java? -

I am preparing some custom performance tests against a conventional application that is non-standard HTML (unavailable tags), duplicate citations, unavailable Quotes can not be changed for all the usual reasons. I am looking for a library like "BeautifulSupus" or "HTML Agility Pack" which can be told from C or Java on Unix Host. We will build some test scaffolds and then start repairing again and again, but I need some baseline measurements first. or

sql - how to create this as an index view? -

After the users choose u.Id FREETEXT ((first, last name, middleName), '') Select Unions from C.AId where FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECT ad.AId from ApplicantDetails Advertisement Where FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECTED eb.AId EducationalBackground EB from FREETEXT (*, '') UNION Selection Ed. Assistance from EmploymentDetails Where FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECTED e.AId Specialization E. Where FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECTED ge.AId GeographicalExperience GE ou FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECTION pd.AId FROM ProjectDetails Where is the FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECTED R.AId [reference] R Where FREETEXT (*, '') UNION SELECTED T.AId Training T Where FREETEXT (* ',') P> Use in the Group BY section A word on the new column, or Ression an XP results in an overall table. A derived table. A common table expression (CTE). Rowset works. Unions , excluding or intersecting operators. Full-te...

What's the meaning of System.out.println in Java? -

क्या यह स्थिर println फ़ंक्शन इन बाहर वर्ग से सिस्टम नामस्थान? नामस्थान सिस्टम {class out {static println ...} मैं इस नाम की व्याख्या कैसे कर सकता हूं? और जहां जेआरई में यह फ़ंक्शन परिभाषित किया गया है? java.lang.System / java.lang.Object में नहीं वास्तव में बाहर System वर्ग में एक स्थिर सदस्य है (जैसा कि .NET में नहीं है), PrintStream का एक उदाहरण है। println प्रिंटस्ट्रीम वर्ग की एक सामान्य (अतिभारित) विधि है। देखें। असल में, अगर कक्षाएं ( आउट / एर / err / में वर्ग थे > / में ) (व्याकरण की अनदेखी के कारण)।

javascript - Complicated issue in breaking out of an iFrame and loading the 'return url' -

I have the following problem using iframes. I have an IFrame frame inside 'parent' frame. I have a page 'parentPage.aspx' with many links in the format http: // test .aspx? PageURL = http: //something.aspx? ReturnUrl = http: //domain/parentPage.aspx So when you click on the link, the test.aspx frame is loaded inside the parent. Inside Test.aspx, I have a frame 'childframe', using the JS function in Test.aspx, I take the page URL http: //something.aspx? ReturnUrl = http: //domain/parentPage.aspx and set it as src for childframe. Then some. Aspx is returned inside 'parentframe', the URL that has the same basic page space. Aspx is in the form of. OK or Cancel in some. In Aspx I come back to parentPage.aspx but I do not want to load parentPage.aspx in childFrame (because something.aspx is in childframe). Hope I have explained well. & lt; A href = "stuff" target = "_ parent" & gt; Load up one frame ...

c# - Opening a Microsoft Word document in a Windows service seems to hang -

I have a Windows service that is written in C # which reads text from Word documents (Doctor and Doc) , Which use VBA interop. However, on some documents this call is hanging on the open method. It seems that they have macros in problem documents. Locally installed macro macros are disabled and the code I use to open the document is as follows: Word = Microsoft Using Office.Interop.Word; Using OfficeCore = Microsoft.Office.Core; Word.Application m_wordApp = New Word.ApplicationClass (); Word.Document m_wordDoc = null; Object TRUE_VALUE = true; Object FALSE_VALUE = false; Object MISSING_VALUE = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; M_wordApp.DisplayAlerts = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdAlertLevel.wdAlertsNone; // will still fail with this line m_wordApp.Visible = false; // will still fail with this line m_wordApp.AutomationSecurity = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoAutomationSecurity.msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable; // will still be removed from this line m_wordDoc = m_wordApp.Documents...

list - jquery toggle on dt element working in Firefox but not other browsers -

The following works in Firefox but there is no other browser. & lt; Dl & gt; Are different child relationships? $ ('dd'). Parent (). ('H3'). Toggle (function () ($ (this) .next ('dd') Slidedown (500);}, function ($ (this) .next ('dd') SlideUp (500); }); looks like HTML: & lt; dt & gt; & lt; h3 & gt; to make things clickable & Lt; / h3 & gt; & lt; / dt & gt; & lt; dd & gt; & lt; p & gt; Accessories may look like with internal elements in dd & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; ul & gt; Stuff1 Luggage 2 Accessories 3 & lt ; / Li & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; Your work argument is incorrect, but it works in Firefox Yes because it works with your HTML, different than the other browsers. The next () function looks at the immediate brother of the element in the question you can call it H3 element: & lt; dt & gt; & lt; h3 & gt; to click on the c...

mysql - I'm in need of a sanity check on a sql query that will return a value if it exists in the table or return a default value if it doesn't -

What I'm trying to do is returning a mailbox location for some select users and for everyone Catch all mailbox locations. In the postfix you can select mailbox from the e-mail = '% s' mailbox and it will be sent to the% email user Is searching with it. I have a table that contains a group of users that require their mailbox (root, support, postmaster) and I want to be able to create a query that gives the configured mailbox or 'all /' example If the user name is 'support', then I want to draw the mailbox column for the username 'support'. If the user name is 'someone' that does not match one row in the table, then I want to return it 'all /'. Here I come up with the query. Select when v2.username is not enabled, v2.mailbox mailbox2 virtual_mailboxes v1 left virtual_mailboxes v2 ON v2.username = SUBSTRING_INDEX ( ',' @ ', 1) LIMIT 1 as ELSE' all / 'END This works but I think it is ve...

scripting - If I used views for my SSAS DSV, can the relationships in SSAS Data Source View be scripted? -

I have an SSAS 2005 cube based on a data source view included in the views of tables with relationships in relation I did not use schema binding. Now I need to rebuild two projects with these projects, but there is a fear to add ideas and facts to DSV again. Is there any script that will re-establish or remember relationships, or do I have to make in the relational layer, or should I be in tables during the construction of the cube? Thanks very much Drew Regarding your question, what happened to the original DSV? DSV is ultimately just an XML file. If you check your project folder, then it is the Analysis Services data source view file with the .dsv file extension file. So if you only want to recreate cubes and dimensions, then just add your original DSV to the new project and it should work as you make a new project from scratch. Using ideas as a source is usually better than using simple tables because you can use table locking signals like NOLOCK. In addition, you can mod...

Wordpress multisite seo -

Hey, I'm thinking of using WordPress multicite for a network of 30 blogs. The question is: each blog has its own directory, files etc. With multi-size and domain mapping, everything will be good, is it good for SEO? The second question: Which do you think is a better place, a simple HTML SEO site or blog? If you have good content then SEO does not matter though, it does not say that it is ignored should do. You can use WordPress MU either sub-domains or folders like like I prefer subdomains but both are okay for SEO. One-third option (and guess what you want to do) For each blog, you can map each blog to the and, which is also fine. I think the main thing is that if you use domain mapping, then each site is being viewed as a separate site rather than the extension of the original site (I may be wrong here) For your second question, both rates are well structured as soon as the site is properly structured, t...