
Showing posts from May, 2014

silverlight - Sketchflow Binding Between Screens -

I want to bind the selected elements from the grid to the text box on a separate page. Can this be done? If you mean completely different pages, then the screens are only present when your " Text box page "appears, the last" grid page "no longer exists. If this can be done then my answer will be "Do not do this" because you will be tied to each other with different pages. This is considered a bad practice. The latest Silverlight practices believe that the data should be shared through models and visual models that are longer than the screen (Silverlight MVVM pattern to see on Google). View Models are basically a place for your code-transfer, the purpose is to leave your XAML pages almost code-free. Actually you want your screen to share common data. In this case, your current selection will be included in the list of data items (you do not really care that it was the actual selection grid). The "grid-screen" data model has been ...

Drawable image in GWT -

I should be able to draw the line at the top of an image in GWT. Anyone should know how to do this? BR turned out GWT invoice project See the part You can drag the picture and then you can draw the line above the image on the canvas.

sql - mysql, use two select -

मुझे त्रुटि क्यों मिलती है: उपकुंजी 1 से अधिक पंक्ति देता है SELECT name, cat_id, (विषय का चयन करें श्रेणी WHERE बिल्ली = u.cat_id) नाम से नाम से धन्यवाद मुझे शायद एक मूर्ख जवाब मिल गया है लेकिन आप एक सम्मिलन का उपयोग क्यों नहीं कर रहे हैं? का चयन नाम.cat_id,, category.topic नाम से INNER जुड़ें श्रेणी पर श्रेणी.cat = name.cat_id

Spoofing postMethod (apache in java)? -

I am quite new to this, so please do not slam me. I have a postmath so that I can determine the status of the return. For example, I want to set my postmath 200. The reason I do this is because I'm trying to mimic the computer without an internet connection Thank you in advance What are you using the funny library? The syntax will vary. For example, you can do the following: Last Postmotion MockPost Matthew = Mokty Mock (postmath class); When (Mock.pustom.p.exicute (Mokito.eannie (HTTTPT class), Mokitoia (httpconconnection class)) then return (200); And of course you avoid additional qualified references You can use a static import of the Mokitio range.

r - Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है आर मुझे "लंबे ऑब्जेक्ट लम्बाई के बारे में एक चेतावनी देता है जो कि छोटी वस्तु की लंबाई का एक बहुमूल्य नहीं है" मेरे पास यह ऑब्जेक्ट है, जो एक एक्सटीएस श्रृंखला से एक समग्र रूप से काम करता है जिससे सप्ताह के अंत का माध्य उपलब्ध होता है: u & lt; - कुल (डी, सूची (उकेडग = प्रारूप (इंडेक्स (डी), "% डब्ल्यू"), मध्य) 1 314.0 2 282.5 3 270.0 4 267.0 5 240.5 फिर मैं इसे अपने मूल एक्सटीएस श्रृंखला में लागू करने की कोशिश करता हूं, जो इस तरह दिखता है (केवल बहुत कुछ) head (d) 2009-01-02 116/2009-01 -05 256 2009-01-06 286 का प्रयोग: coredata (डी) & lt; - coredat (डी) - यू [प्रारूप (सूचकांक (सूचकांक घ), "% w")]; कौन सा परिणाम चेतावनी में होता है। इसका उद्देश्य सप्ताह के दिन का अर्थ घटा देना है। यह चेतावनी के बावजूद काम करने के लिए प्रतीत होता है, लेकिन मुझे किस बारे में चिंता करनी चाहिए? संशोधित समाधान: प्रयास 2 apply.daily (d, function (x) coredata (x ) - य...

android - Can data stored in iPhone App be taken from sqlite or Preferences list file? -

I plan to store a password in my original app (Android and iPhone). Should I archive it after encrypting it? Or can I store it without any encryption? Are they really safe? A jailbroken iPhone will give a user access to the documents folder of the application. So, yes, this is insecure. In addition, if you enter the password inside the code, then you still get weak, because someone can reduce the program and get the key. The suggestion I give is a proxy. For example, we have an app that connects to the Facebook API on the phone. However, we do not want to store our Facebook API Private Key on the phone, because then any user who can hack our Facebook application with reverse engineers! Instead, we store the Facebook private key (secure) on the proxy server when the device needs to interact with Facebook, it connects to the proxy, to log in Proxy asks, and then gives a session key in the tool to use the proxy directly with Facebook. Of course, it is still compatible - but...

.Net framework 4 SDK download URL? -

You were able to download a neatly packed .NET Framework SDK, which outlines + Developer Tools (Visual Apart from the course's studio) What is the equivalent of Net 4? For this reason I ask that I need to upgrade my build server to create .Net 4 code, and I do not want to install Visual Studio on it. It should be my belief: If the link dies in the future, the search is accurate For string, " should get new links for Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows SDK for .NET Framework 4" ".

modifying xml attributes using Installshield -

I am using installshield 2010. I am trying to modify XML attributes related to the connection string in the installshield. I've imported the XML file and have selected the elements that I need to modify. After creating a SQL Connection for the username and password given by the user, I am using the function on SQLLogin. The strange behavior is that if I debug, XML properties get updated, if I test using the "Test Release 1" in the build menu, the file is not updating. Any thoughts Thanks I got the answer for my query. Except that I am using the "test release1" menu option, from which it is expected that it will update xmlfile. The XML file updates only when we run "Run 1 Release" instead of "Release 1".

If i can store my data in text files and easily can deal with these files, why should i use database like Mysql, oracle etc -

I can easily do my work with both text files and databases. But I want to know which is good in terms of reaction time. If text files are not the best solution for the fastest result, then in the context of the reaction time, which data is the best I can turn off size for the response time please help me. Databases are databases for a very good reason, they are highly customized for one) Storage your data. You can not query on a text file, so there is no sorting, ordering, etc. The text file is not password protected and no file can easily be viewed, it is not in the case of database, the list is endless, and you are actually using a database! If you are looking for a solution similar to a text file, try SQLite,

Drag and drop ala GMail a gem for Ruby / Rack? -

Is there a widget or a gem that implements this feature? It works only in Chrome and Firefox, but it is very cool and no plug-ins are needed Or what would be best practices for implementing it? You do not need a plugin, gem or widget to do such things in browsers (Gmail Now supports this functionality in Safari, BTW) because it is part of the HTML5 API. More on this, you should be given a lot of relevant content (though I have not tried) with quick search for some things like "Gmail Attachment HTML5". - multible-dynamic-array overflow? -

I have a question, I am programming with I have a Multi-Dynamic Array_results (i, 0) = tmpdoc.Get ("title") array_results (i, 0) + = tmpdoc.get ("doc_typ") array_results (i, 1) = tmpdoc gate ("pfad") array_results ( I, 2) = tmpdoc.Get ("date_of_create") array_results (i, 3) = tmpdoc.Get ("last_change") array_results (i, 5) = tmpdoc.get ("doc_typ" I "is about 4426, I also tested it with 2377 [files, with information] and I get a memory exception error. Is it possible that multiple dynamic arrays I think you should have Use IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; to check and read a little bit on the keyword yield and yield returns and yield breaks . Essentially using a method Ode> IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; Your calling method will help in preventing unlimited memory exceptions, especially when combined with the method that I previously suggested ...

mod rewrite - .htaccess (Apache mod_rewrite) RewriteRule to match email adress? -

मैं edit/ से एक फिर से लिखना नियम बनाना चाहता हूं Edit.php? : रीवरइटइन्गइन ऑन रिक्वेरा नियम ^ संपादित करें / ([\ w -] + (?: \। [\ W -] + ) *) @ ((:। [\ w -] \) * \ W [\ w -] {0,66}) \ ([az] {2,6} (:।?। \ [az] {2})?) $ Edit.php? ईमेल = $ 1 [एनसी, एल] ~ जहां [\ w -] + (?: \। [\ W- (]) *) @ (: [\ w -] \) * \ W [\ w -] {0,66}) \ ([az] {2,6} (:।।?। \ [ Az] {2})?) regexl से regexlib से सरल मेल ईमेल लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है! edit.php एक ही निर्देशिका ( क्रिया ) में है जहां .htaccess है ईमेल एड्रेस का मिलान करने के लिए रीव्रेटरेबल का सबसे अच्छा परिदृश्य कौन सा है, जैसे: का अर्थ होगा में क्रिया dir? शायद मुझे भी % 40 का उपयोग करना होगा इसके बजाय @ ?

javascript - How do I get this JQuery to target & shorten URL's in a string? -

I'm just starting with JQuery. My question: I want to know what I can do to modify this code below to shorten the long URL, but ignore anything that is not a URL? My problem: This code fragment targets everything in DIV ('work-overflow'). Although I only need this to affect the url based on protocol (.) In that DIV. The sentences on both sides of the URL are $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (". Task-overflow: in ('http: //')") .each (function () {$ (this ) .text ("http: // ...");});}); Any help would be appreciated, thanks My Awnser After I read my questions better, try it: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ (". Task-overflow: in ('http: //')") .each (function () {Var self = $ (this), txt = self.text (); txt = txt.replace (/ (http [s] *: [\ / \\] {2}) [^ \ S] * / g, '$ 1 ...'); self.text (txt);});});

php - mod_rewrite works for URLs with en, es but not zh-tw and zh-cn? -

My sites are in 4 languages ​​and are used with the following pattern: Http: //example/index.php? Lang = en http: //example/index.php? Lang = es http: //example/index.php? Lang = zh-tw http: //example/index.php? Lang = zh-cn I am using the following mod_rewrite rule in my .htaccess file: RewriteRule ^ RewriteRule ^ ([az] {2} (- [AZ] {2})?) / (. *) $ 3? Lang = $ 1 [L, QSA] then typing and effectively redirecting me and respectively. But he does not work with and it just says: The requested document was not found on this server. This hyphen (zh-tw and zh-cn)? How can I fix this problem? change [AG] with [az] .

java - Problem arise while integrate hibernate with restful web service? -

I am using hibernate for a while now, now without any major problems, I am now working with Project Jersey for Silk Websites I am trying to work. It seems that the Hibernate dependent on ASM framework (asm.jar, asm-attrs.jar) and jersey depends on ASM (asm v3 asm-3.1.jar AS.1) There are problems with ASM implementation versions. When using asm.jar, then any method is missing in jersey org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor. When using asm-3.1.jar as jersey distribution, class complains about net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer which is provided in cglib-2.1.3.jar. Both the libraries are using cglib.jar Thanks and regards the asteroid I Resolved "Dependency Problem" by switching from cglib to javassist in hibernate Use the.

jquery - read contents from $(this) selector and its children separately? -

$ (this) How to read the content of the selector and his children separately? & lt; Div class = "paragraph" & gt; & Lt; H1 class = "hd" & gt; Title 1 & lt; / H1> Advertise on this website Now after starting, it best wishes to you for a lot of competitions for the eligibility of the class, according to our competitor, & lt; / Div & gt; I & lt; H1 & gt; can use the content of $ (this) separately. Children ("h1") Text () but how do you & lt; H1 & gt; ? Thanks You can get content like this: $ (this) .clone (). Children ("h1"). Remove (). End (). The text () , which is cloning the element we are doing, from that clone & lt; H1 & gt; , then the text will be received.

html - Remove individual td's during deleting rows using jQuery -

In my web application, I had to add dynamic / delete rows from my html table using jQuery. $ (function () (/) * Existing table * / // one line $ Add new row to HTML template of "(contact #"). Each (function () {$ ("button.addCommentRow", this) .live ('click', function) {var curr_row = $ (this) Html = '& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td & gt; gt; & lt; td & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; at the closest (' tr '); ; TD & gt; gt; & lt; TD & gt; '+ col_ninth +' & L T; / td> gt; td & gt; & gt; button type = "button" class = "addCommentRow" & gt; + & lt; / button & gt; & gt; button type = "button" square = "DeleteCommentRow" & gt; - & lt; / button & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & lt; / tr & gt; Var newre = $ (Html) .insertAfter (curr_row); // last new Add after 'row.find' ('.com.conduitR... - jQuery slideDown select certain element? -

I have a jQuery function that slides down an animation on a certain element when it is clicked like this $ ('decrease') (function () {$ ('. Content entry'). SlideUp ('slow', function) (// animation complete}}}} ; The above script is written inside the web user control. The problem is that if one page has many examples of controls, the slidedown function Also present in the example in the page. I want to execute the function only in control. How to do this? Thanks You can climb on the container in both of them and click relatively find this element (function () ($ (this SlideUp ('slow');}); It considers some such markup: P> As long as they are inside some containers with one class or other specialty, you can use it and get the .contentTD only that container or, if they have a simple example above, works, or something like other , the point is $ (this) (Find the .imimize you clicked) and its related element

How to convert a .java file to a .class file? -

I am new to Java I was given some .java file and I was told If I can change them, then I can use them. This is for a game bot which I am using. They turned into a new API that I could not understand, so long as it is not implemented in the .class files, the bot will not run Can anyone explain to me How to convert these .java files to fully functional .class files You must compile the .java source code in the .class byte code. Use a java compiler such as javac from Sun's JDK or if you are using IDE as Eclipse, then there is already a compiler which will be used for .class file (usually in the \ bin directory. See also / javac / Related links for the manual page: /

VS 2008 professional "close all documents" very slow -

The VS2008 supporter closes its editor window very slowly on its machine. This type of installation on a similar machine is quite fast. I have done many things that I found with Google, to solve it, but to no avail. Hardware: Core i7 920 @ 3.6 GHz, 6 GB RAM 1800 MHz, 1 TB Samsung Spinpoint HD OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits Here is the list of installed patches: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Edition 9.0.30729.4108 QFi Microsoft. NET Framework version 3.5 SP1 installed version: Professional Microsoft Silverlight projects 2008 91605-130-1673954-60589 Microsoft Silverlight projects 2008 Office 91605-130-1673954-60589 Microsoft version of Visual 9.0.30730.126 Microsoft Visual C # 2008 91605-130- 1673954-60589 Microsoft Visual C # 2008 Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 91605-130-1673954-60589 Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Equipment Studio 2008 Work Rhythm tools of Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2008 91605-130-1673954-60589 Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2...

runtime error - Please clarify the issue in the java code below -

आयात करें java.lang.Process; Import * *; Import; आयात; सार्वजनिक वर्ग prgms {public static void main (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {try {/ /} बिना किसी आदेश के आदेश कमांड स्ट्रिंग कमांड = "जावा जावासिंपलडेटाफ़ॉर्मेट उदाहरण"; प्रक्रिया बच्चे = Runtime.getRuntime ()। Exec (कमांड); // एक तर्क के साथ एक आदेश निष्पादित करें / / कमांड = "जावा जावास्ट्रिंगबफ़रअपेपेंडैक्स"; // बच्चा = रनटाइम.गेटरीटाइम ()। Exec (कमांड); } पकड़ (IOException ई) {} InputStream में = child.getInputStream (); Int c; जबकि ((c = ())! = -1) {प्रक्रिया ((चार) सी); } In.close (); }} मैंने इस तरह से संशोधित किया है ... लेकिन निम्न त्रुटि उत्पन्न होती है, प्रतीक प्रतीक नहीं मिल सकता है: चर बच्चे स्थान: वर्ग prgms InputStream = child.getInputStream () में; ^ 20: प्रतीक प्रतीक नहीं मिल सकता है: विधि प्रक्रिया (चार) स्थान: वर्ग prgms प्रक्रिया ((चार) सी); ^ 2 त्रुटियां आप वास्तव में लौटाए गए धाराओं की अनदेखी कर रहे हैं।...

Is it safe to upgrade Jboss 4.0.5 quartz jars to Quartz 1.8.3? -

I would like to upgrade the quartz version from 1.5.3 which is currently at jboss for the latest 1.8.3. Changing old jars with new ones is a test and it is dependency that Jebus started well and I was also able to execute a specific task. Should I be aware of any backward compatibility problems? Thank you I think it's probably okay. Jebus does not use quartz heavily, I suspect that the API is particularly difficult to push. If this works for you, go for it.

help understanding perl hash -

Need help in understanding and if it can be written in a way that I can understand the use of Hashas more easily or eye? In the summary, a regex does a script to filter the date and the remaining regex will drag data related to that date. Use strict; Use warnings; Use continuous debug & gt; 0; My $ som = 'july'; My $ day = 28; My $ year = 2010; My% items = (); While (my $ line = ) {chomp $ line; Print "line: $ line \ n" if debug; If ($ line = ~ m /(.* $ mon $ day) \ d {2}: \ d {2}: \ d {2} $ year: ([a-zA-Z0-9 ._] *) :. * /) {Print "### Scan \ n" If Debug; My $ date = $ 1; My $ set = $ 2; Print "$ date ($ set):" If debug; $ Item {$ set} - & gt; {'A-logdate'} = $ date; $ Item {$ set} - & gt; {'A-dataset'} = $ set; If ($ line = ~ m / (ERROR | backup-date | backup-sized | backup-time | backup-status) [: =] (. +) /) {My $ key = $ 1; My $ val = $ 2; $ Item {$ set} - & gt; {$ Key} = $ val; Print "...

java - How large should be Data Transfer Objects? -

As I have understood, the data transfer object is used for various purposes, so the boundaries with the view layer in Java (JSF); ) -Web-applications (i.e. usually some unit-objects are mapped to db, which is a business logic Can also be used in the layer, and some transfer objects used in the presentation level). So, I have some misgivings about how DTO should be designed properly, should I keep them as short as possible? Or should I try to design as much of the information as I possibly can to get started in a few parts of the DTO areas (in some different usage cases) at one time? Would I consider using some oo principles (at least heritage and structure) while designing DOTO or should they be as simple as just some primitive-type fields with their accessories? DTO, if domain is different from objects / entities, then the larger you should be as large - you All data must be transferred exactly.

c# - MSMQ: Remote message queue access -

Is it possible to have a MSMQ queue in a machine and read a message from that machine to another? If so, what path should I use to make the method from the MessageQuote class? Thank you Surely to read messages from the queue on any other machine It is possible, depending on the version of Windows that you are running. It sounds like you are asking if the create message queue is possible on any other machine. According to the documentation, you can use the "MachineName / Private $ \ QueueName" format for a personal queue only to "MachineName \ QueueName" for the public queue. In my experience, permission to read remote messages Qi is a bit difficult; It may also be difficult to get the right permissions set to permit creation of message queues, so you may want to consider using pre-built message queues.

jquery - Looking to simplify adding an attribute based on sibling's text -

I would like to add a title attribute to a line and the price is taken from the brother of that line which is hidden, as long as Not clicked I wanted to handle it normally when some screen does not have a hidden row with text. This is the first pass that works: $ (function () ($ ("td.commandText pre"). Each (function (index) {$ (This) .Parent () .Parent (). Attr ('title', $ (this) .text ());});}); To make the idea even more elegant? Here's an example of the HTML table I'm working on: class = "merridrid "& Gt; & lt; thead & gt; & lt; TR & gt; & lt; th & gt; session id & lt; / th & gt; & lt; th & gt; Username & lt; / th & Gt; & lt; th & gt; Start time & lt; / th> & lt; th & gt; Termination Y & lt; / tr & gt; & lt; / thead & gt; & lt; tbody & gt; & lt; tr square = "record" & gt; & lt; td id = "174" & g...

visual studio 2010 - Using GlobalFlags to call vsjitdebugger with VS2010 -

I have upgraded to Win7 and VS2010. First, on Win2K and VS2008, I initially debug an application to GlobalFlags Using it, just by setting the debugger for it, you can see the screenshot below. Unfortunately, this does not work on my current setup - the search of a Google and SO has not responded anymore Update: It's forgotten to tell that my global There is some effect in the flag setting - Running my command on the causes of the command line Windows says that the program has crashed - it works fine without a global flag, it is leading me thinking that my command for debugger Lai Neither is it wrong - but it is just an estimate that I have got to work, who will be interested in hearing from anyone. = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Running a 64-bit version of Windows 7? Using the 32-bit version of Gflags.exe? You can edit the registry directly too. Example of a .reg file for Notepad.exe: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Wi... - Visual Basic and Resolution/Zoom? -

Is it possible to change the resolution of the form without changing the computer's resolution? And if not, I think I would ask how would I be able to zoom / hoop the form to make it bigger? Thank you. "Resolution" is actually nothing to apply to the form; actually what you try to do are doing? If you are trying to make the form larger, you can increase its size feature in the Properties window. If you are trying to maximize control and font, you will need to modify the font attribute for all the controls, as well as their size attribute.

sql - accessing a bind variable in sqlplus -

In the following example, variable record ID number; Initially select the record (record value); End; Print records; Where else do thermal record from SELECT * & amp; Record id; The last line selection statement can not reach the value of the record. I know that I can use recordId inside the PL / SKL block: record ID but Is there a way to access recordId in a SQL statement which is not in the PL / SKL block? (As in the last line). You can also use the bind variable in the SQL * plus, : recordId / Code>. & amp; The version will prompt for a value, and there will be no direct link with the variable version. variable record ID number; Initially select the maximum (record value): Record for some time; End; / Print records; SELECT * with some more thermal record =: record id; A slightly more common way to assign values ​​to bind the variable is exec: recordId: = value; , but exec is actually a random block for an anonymous block anyway. Of course you...

@font-face problem, Firefox adds padding, Chrome does not -

When the custom font is used through @ font-face , this is equally Renders as much as I think Chrome should be in Firefox, however, extra padding (top and bottom) is added to the font. Can I do anything about it? FYI, it happens on Linux in Firefox (and not in Chromium). I tried to load my font and immediately received a warning: The following table (fonts) in the font has been ignored by fontfreeze. Ignoring 'LTSH' linear threshold table 'VDMX' is the vertical device metric ignoring table. 'HDMX' horizontal device metric table Ignoring I think the problem is that the rhythm The drawback: Avoid to avoid grid, fitting the entire font to determine the correct height, is defined VDMX table. It looks exactly what happens in Firefox: The minimum and maximum height is calculated incorrectly. It is also obvious when you choose text: the selection box extends up and down the line; If the h1 element was actually padding, you would see...

mysql - DBLinq for a production system? -

We are working behind the C # code on the ASP.NET web app. The database is using MySQL 5.1 InnoDB. Data access layer ado Uses the net to call accumulated processes and then creates separate data structures from the result set (an object mapping). It works fine, but this is a small thing. Not surprisingly, we made some mistakes while designing the first version of our data model, but the experience has made us smart and we have decided that the data model We do not need to change our Data Access Layer, but we are also considering our options for this. These days it is difficult for us to ignore the popularity of ORM equipment; We feel that we are behind them not being acquainted with them or some are behind them. Not only that, but we have already designed an object model that best describes our data model. The main ORM tool will be assumed that NHibernate, ADO.NET Entity Framework, and LINQ to SQL we prefer LINQ to SQL because we have read (SO on) that it is a light weight comp...

php - Open source cms ltr rtl? -

Any open source CMS exists with a front end to work on RTL LTR? I asked about this yesterday and got a very good response, but, if I have to make a lot of changes in this way on my own source, then it is starting in almost the same way as starting a project Any suggestions thanks As always, really sorry for my English. > ps: Language php with mysql, (php and javascript any framework framework is accepted for me: d) Drupal This is what you need to do to download additional localization. The best e-commerce solution for Drupal is called Übercart.

Javadoc Generation Problem in Eclipse -

I'm having problems with the Xavadoc generation in eclipse. Thanks in advance, take time. Here's what I do: I use the project & gt; Go to Javadoku ... , select all the files in the project, then press Finish. Eclipse occurs and it appears that its 'cheese' The output looks more or less like this in the console: Loading source files for the package client ... Load the source files for the engine ... Creating Javadoc information ... Standard Doklate Version 1.6 0_16 Building tree for all packages and sections ... Generating C: \ Tempus \ API \ client / \ tempus.html ... Wait, what is that? " / \ " ??? It does not make any sense (or, at least, I do not think it does!)! This is the " / \ " pattern for all classes in each package of my project continues, later, the console window bar & lt; Teminated & gt; Just after generating stylesheet.css , Javadoc Generation instead of Javadoc Generation (which I beli...

objective c - How to steal audio from specific application? -

I am trying to explain how to capture the audio of the given software on Mac, such as I know that it is not on this subject, but I want to understand better how to do it. Is Crate a User Space Driver the only way to achieve it? The best way to get what I have found is to basically make your computer an internal interface Which lets you route the audio program. If you get audacity like Ded, you can choose sound flower as your audio input, you can set the soundflare as your system audio output and record the audio directly into your ded. GW

functional programming - Concise Lisp code to apply a list of functions all to the same argument(s) and get a list of the return values? -

Suppose i have an element, and i have a list of predictions. I want to implement each of these predictions for each element and get the same list of return values. I know that the same function can apply to each of the map and the friends' logic list, but is there any short syntax to implement any of the arguments? Of course I (mapcar (lambda pred single-element) list but it would be good (single-element of test-prediction-paradox-list-list) Obviously I just cancel it , But I wanted to know that there is an acceptable method to do this. This operation is not common And in addition to actually writing this, in general Lisp, a predetermined way of doing this Many people like a small syntax and enhanced syntax elements which will help in all types of lisps in such a case. In mango liz, write any such function you want (instead of adding syntax). (defun fmap (functions and rest of the arguments) (declare (dynamic-bound args)) "Applys each function to a...

overwrite php loop while looping it, then break? -

I was thinking that this code snippet is considered legal: $ arr = Array 123,456,789,123,456,789); Forex Currency ($ AR $ one) {$ arr = $ a; break; } // print 123 acres $ arr; It executes, but can I have any disadvantages by using this method? Update: Here is the real problem You have an array of database queries ([code> select * from table where code = $ code ] Array ([0 ] = & Gt; Array ([id] = & gt; 1 [code] => 1234567 [member_id] => 7) [1] => Array ([ID] => 5 [ Code] => 1234567 [member_ id] = & gt;) [2] = & gt; Array ([ID] => 67 [code] => 1234567 [member_id] => 43)) If you care about the first (if any) line which is empty member_id (it means the code has not been claimed) lost It's been happening. How can you go about doing this? According to the Felix Cling using variables to capture the array of codes and then writing from that line from which you do not want the best solution, what do you offer In addition, bon...

android - optimizing bitmap loading by using aSyncTask -

I'm trying to optimize my single thread app that loads a big bitmap makeup to a bunch of tiles is. This app was very slow when it would load the new tile in the system timer. Im now trying to use Async's work for this purpose, the app detects that in a method called by ODW, what is the tile at the top left, creates a string that has a bitmap path in the Asset folder, And to see if there is a bitmap tap before drawing. If it is empty, it will load it in memory. I thought it was processing at bitmap in DoBackground, and a view is invalid for displaying async loaded bitmap in postExecute. Some questions: 1.) Can I perform my SSCC work for each bitmap? (This statement: New myAsyncTaskManager (). Execute (bitmap path); If not, what is the best way to go about it because a sync that only does the same thing, can it load the bitmap in memory only? 2.) Is it possible to set a SICTT preference to slow down loads of betamaps? 3.) Is there a better way to go about this? It is ce...

cocoa - What could be causing all these Objective-C build errors -

moveMe [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt ;: CGContextSaveGState: अमान्य संदर्भ हल ME [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt ;: CGContextSetBlendMode : अमान्य संदर्भ कदम मी [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt ;: CGContextSetAlpha: अमान्य संदर्भ कदम मी [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt ;: CGContextTranslateCTM: अमान्य संदर्भ हल ME [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt ;: CGContextScaleCTM: अमान्य संदर्भ हल ME [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt; : CGContextDrawImage: अमान्य संदर्भ हल ME [639] & lt; त्रुटि & gt ;: CGContextRestoreGState: अमान्य संदर्भ इसके अलावा, 639 मेरी कक्षा फ़ाइलों में से एक में एक पंक्ति संख्या है? इसका संदर्भ क्या है? मैं अनुमान लगा रहा हूं कि आपके कोर ग्राफिक्स संदर्भ अमान्य है बस एक कूबड़ है। मेरे पास एक परियोजना की जांच करने के लिए खुला नहीं है, लेकिन 639 आपके प्रोग्राम की प्रक्रिया आईडी होने की संभावना है।

e commerce - How much effort would it take to build a web store in ASP.NET MVC? -

Another little non-technical question, but I could not decide whether to ask here or on server defects ... I can not say that I am an MVC master yet, but I have created many LOB applications in ASP.NET and WPF / Silverlight so far and currently working on MVC 2, That's why I know the way around me for the most part of my concern about the accounting side of things It is high. It's easy to go wrong; For example, I once hired to fix a situation where the report of the old transaction records was being calculated using new taxes. Obviously I know now to avoid that particular problem, but there are all other types of things, especially when international billing is involved. There are packages in which Magenta and OSACAA (which I have used with PHP very good success), but this is it - they rely on the LAMP stack. Integrating it with the rest of the website can prove to be a real pain, especially if I want to host it on a different Linux machine - that I might kill user ac...

C# WPF Program crashing when opened by a different Windows user -

I have created an application that loads data locally from XML files, and with these files this picture, The video, and the EXE that the player can play with the dynamically created button while loading files and images and the EXE is running, I try / catch it at all places to crash. However, today a user crashed by trying to use it as another Windows user. The files are not protected by a user (as far as I know), but if they are, then the program should capture it. For some reasons it crashes instead of trying / catching. The functions I am using are System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (), File.Exists (), and Directory.GetCurrentDirectory (). Is this a big problem that I am missing when it comes to these files which will be beyond the scope of the general effort / hold of these tasks? Thank you, Andy Does the other user's location have their user name? If the exception is not catching your catch blocks, then you should ensure that you have a top-level exception handler...

getopt long - Ruby GetoptLong how do I parse comma separated arguments? -

How can I parse subtle arguments in Ruby? For example: $> main.rb --xmlid 1,2,3,4,5 I used 1,2 in an array, I want to parse and archive 3,4,5. How can I do this? Thank you. Once you know the ARGV index in the list (in this case 1), use: ARGV [index] .split (',') # = & gt; ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]

MySQL Replication -

Will I use MySQL replication to synchronize a local database and a remote database? If so, how can I establish both master and slave? Are there any other ways to do this? How to set master / slave? There are two in this guide that you need to master and slave. Any other method available to do this is also for the MySQL cluster.

toggle - jquery capture onToggle -

I have set the DIV and I present the checkboxes in each of them. Number of DIVs and number of checkboxes are dynamic Each device has a button associated with it, which will change the visibility of that specific DIV. Every time the user clicks the checkbox, I need to display the text in that checkbox in a label. I am thinking that I attach an event to the toggl event of DIV so that when a Divi becomes, I can tie a function on the click event on the check box of that section which will display the text of the clicked checkbox. I am struggling to find a way to capture when the divi becomes visible or invisible Itemprop = "text"> If you want to bind event handlers / actions at any time: Code> $ ("div # thecontainerId") (":" Visible) .each (function (/ * do something * /)); If you want to force some other action (except hide / show) during toggles, then do this: $ ( ". ToggleTarget"). Toggle (function () {$ (this). Roun...

c# - Same class comes within different web services -

I have 3 different web services working with the same class library, these three web services return the same class type object. . But on the customer side, I am getting 3 different object types, they are also similar. I can not treat them for a class type I think I will add a method that can take the object and set the property with the object's prop. Is there any way (something like a legacy)? You can use (what visual studio is for web references behind scenes) and / shareTypes . As long as the types given by the 3 web services are actually the same type, the generated code will include only one generated square instead of duplicating it for every web service . wsdl.exe / shareTypes Http: //server/service1.asmx http: //server/service2.asmx etc.

c# - use user32.dll in win ce5.0 -

I am trying to use the sendmessage of user32.dll in the embedded windows ce5.0 computer I am embedded user The app and the DLL are working in the same folder on my Windows XP computer to test 32. When I get the win in CE 05.0 then the message is: Pinwalkie DLL 'user32.dll' can not be found Code: (I search it in the web and try sending it Is used to) Private Ent SC_MONITORPOWER = 0xF170; Private int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112; [DllImport ("user32.dll")] Personal static extern int SendMessage (int hWnd, int hMsg, int wParam, int lParam); Private Zero Button 3_Click (Object Sender, Event AGS E) {SendMessage (this.Handle.ToInt32 (), WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MONITORPOWER, 2); } Can anyone help me with it? Send message defined in coredll.dll in windows ce. Check out this link:

.net - regex split implementation for sql server -

I created a function to implement regex.split in scll. Here's the code: Private static IEnumerable & lt; Indexed value & lt; T & gt; & Gt; ToIndexedValue & lt; T & gt; (IEnumerable & lt; T & gt; List) {int idx = 1; Foreign exchange (T-value in the list) yield returns new indexed value & lt; T & gt; (++ idx, value); } Private Start Indexed Value & lt; T & gt; {Public INS index; Public t value; Public index value (int index, t value) {index = index; Value = value; }} Fixed static IEnumerable RegexSplit (SqlString Input, SqlString Pattern) {If (input.IsNull) input = string [SqlFunction (FillRowMethodName = "FillSplit", TableDefinition = "[ID] int, [value] nvarchar (max)")] .Empty; If (pattern.IsNull) Pattern = String.Empty; Try {Return toIndexedValue & lt; String & gt; (Regex.Split (input.Value, pattern.Value, Options); } Hold {throw; }} Public static zero FillSplit (commodity obj, out id, outside SqlSt...

Extract last K characters from a string in Perl -

I have a string that looks like this my $ str1 = "ACGGATATTGA" ; My $ str2 = "alex"; What do I have to do to remove the last three letters from each of those? $ out1 = "TGA"; $ Out2 = "lex"; How can I do this in Perl? Usage: $ out1 = substr ($ str1, - 3);

java - How to duplicate liferay portlet -

I have a custom portlet that I added to the lifier. I am looking for a way to copy the portal, make some minor changes on it and use it on other community i. I want to be able to see two portlets when I login as Super Admin and click on the Add App link. Does anyone know an easy way to do this? You can define any portlets in portlet.xml - so if only one currently , You can add each other, copy (copy / paste, legacy or delegation, as you wish) to implement. If you take a look at the typical deployment details that emerge in Web-NEFF / you can also provide more information about your modified portfolio there.

javascript - JS/Jquery syntax for IE Window width and height -

I am measuring the window and document width and height through the following properties: // Dynamically measure the height and width of the window and document w = $ (window) Width (); Var h = $ (window) height (); Var wd = $ (document) With (); Var hd = $ (document). height (); Works fine in Firefox but IE kicks a nuisance. Is there any alternative to this syntax that works in IE? JS error received - Could not get property of status. Invalid logic I just found out what the "bug" is in the code. Firefox is able to get width and height, although you put your javascript but IE is only able to achieve this values ​​when the script is within the body element. I had the same problem here and was trying about an hour. I noticed that the JSWin script is inside the page and my javascript has been moved to the body and wow - it works in IE: -) Best regards

ruby - I'm trying to extract each a href link on an html page for evaluation w/ nokogiri and xpath -

I am trying to extract every a href link on html page for html / nokogiri and xpath on html page. I have just seen the page titles just dragging out. I'm not interested in the link title, but it is pointing to that URL. Here's what I have: doc = Nokogiri :: HTML (open ("")) doc.xpath (' / /a').each do | Node | Does node.text put an end Can someone guide me to fix this thing that I'm pulling the actual href instead of the text? Your XPATH // is pulling back all the elements that contain text content to access the attributes You can use @attrname for example // a / href You will get a href of the document

xslt - Get distinct node values in XML with XSL -

How do I get all the specific names in my XML using XSL? & lt; NewDataSet & gt; & Lt; SearchResult & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; HAREDIN & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Surname & gt; FEIMI & lt; / Nickname & gt; & Lt; FathersName & gt; QAMIL & lt; / FathersName & gt; & Lt; Date of birth & gt; 1949-06-13T00 00: 00 + 02: 00 & lt; / Birthdate & gt; & Lt; Customer Segment & gt; Individ Standart & lt; / Customer Segment & gt; & Lt; / SearchResult & gt; & Lt; SearchResult & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; HARMENAK & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; Surname & gt; BADEJAN & lt; / Nickname & gt; & Lt; Father's Name & gt; VARAHAN & lt; / Father name & gt; & Lt; Date of birth & gt; 1943-10-02T00: 00: 00 + 02: 00 & lt; / Birthdate & gt; & Lt; Customer Segment & gt; Individ Standart & lt; / Customer Segment & gt; & Lt; / SearchRe...

javascript - Infinite carousel not working in IE but working in firefox or chrome -

The following link to my carousel is not working because it should be in IE However it works fine in any other browser, such as Chrome or Firefox. There is also a link for: How do I change the source code as I completely via code 10 times Has gone more than. Link to the site you say that it works in IE and still work is in progress I suggest not hacking my code and trying to change it, rather I select another scroller, loads there. There are some links to the question ...

firefox - Serving a XUL application -

मुझे आश्चर्य है कि अगर सेवा एक XUL संपन्न हो एप्लिकेशन ( नहीं एक एक्सटेंशन) (मैं कुछ फाइल बनाऊँगा और अनुरोध के अनुसार सर्वर साइड पर फ़्लाई पर एप्लिकेशन को पैकेज करेगा) और फिर उपयोगकर्ता डेस्कटॉप पर एप्लिकेशन को चलाने में सक्षम होगा ( जावा के लिए कुछ जवानों की तरह)। मुझे आवेदन कैसे पैकेज करना चाहिए? माइम-टाइप क्या है? आप शायद ऐसा नहीं करना चाहते हैं।

c++ - Windows: File rename and directory iteration clash -

I am using boost :: filesystem to rename a file like this: boost :: filesystem :: rename (tmpFileName, targetFile); tmpFileName / targetFile type :: boost :: filsystem :: path While doing this, I use this code on a directory in another thread : directory_iterator end_itr; (Directory_iterator itr (dirInfoPath); itr! = End_itr; ++ IRR) {path currentPath = itr-> Path (); If (is_directory (itr-> (state ())) {// Skip Directory} Other {std :: string file_name = currentPath.leaf (); If (! Boost :: algorithm :: starts_with (file_name, "new") & amp;! Boost :: algorithm :: begin_with (file_name, "finished") and boost :: algorithm :: ends_with (file_name, " .info ")) {// The saved filename is correct in some variable returns; }}} When this code is executed, I get an exception to rename: boost :: filesystem :: rename: process File can not be accessed because it is being used by another process Is it possible that the recurrence and re...

annotations - Java APT and __LINE__ -

In another post () I asked about the preprocessing of Java and Scala using a tool like M4. I need to add the __ file / __ and __ line __ capabilities (please, "do not use cases" question). Someone suggested to check Java compiler plugin ( javax.annotation.processing.Processor ). Special comments (can be @File , @line , or @FileLine )? An example like this would be greatly appreciated. You mentioned in a comment on your last question, which uses a JavaWab code It should be relatively easy to modify so that a single change can be run in a preprocessing phase. You will need to remove CodeLocationClassAdapter in your own upper class and have to call for each of your class files: string name = "com / stackoverflow / Test ".qq"; Byte [] bytes = // Reading class-by-series bytes; Classreader CR = New Class Reader (bytes); Classware cw = New Classware (CR, 0); Class Visitor CV = New Codelication Class Adapter ); Cr.accept (cv, 0); // Modify class...

java - Problem with JNIRegistry -

I am using the JNI registry API to access the Windows registry. Here is my code: import; Import; Import; Import; Public Square JNIERGrassist Example {Public Static Zero Main (String [] Args) {Registry Line = Registry Hke_ohlal_mac; Registry Key Key = Registry Open Sobki (Reggae, "Software \\ SMS \\ DHC", Registry. ACCCSEAD); Println (key.getFullName ()); Try {RegistryValue value = key.getValue ("ProntoPort"); String x = new string (value.getByteData ()); Println (x); } Hold (registry exception exemption) {ex.printStackTrace (); }}} This code works well for some registry keys, but not for others. For example, it works well for HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ MICROSOFT \ WINDOWS \ CurrentVersion \ ProgramFilesDir, but for many others it's not. (The example in the code does not work, and I'm 100% sure it is present in the registry...

javascript - Which is faster, XPath or Regexp? -

I am creating an add-on for Firefox and it loads an html page using Ajax (add-ons) In it is the XUL panel). Now at this point, I was not looking for ways to create a document object and to keep Ajax request contents in it, and then what do I need using the xpath . Instead I am loading content and parsing it as text with regular dissemination. But I got a question which would be better to use, xPath or regular expression? Which fast performance? The HTML page contains hundreds of elements that contain the same text, and what I want to do is count how many elements exist. I want to add my add-on as soon as possible and I do not know the mechanics behind the regxp or xpath, so I do not know which is more effective. Hope I was clear. Thanksgiving Whenever you are working with XML, XPath (or XSLT, XQuery, SAX, DOM or any other) other XML-aware method to go through your data). Why? XML processing is complex and dealing with all its incompatibilities, external / pars / ...

InstallShield 2009: detect system CSV separator and update INI value -

OK, as you know that the CSV separator in French is not , this ; . We need to deploy an application for both French and English systems. What I would like to do is that the InstallShield system will detect the CSV separator and then this value will be installed with the application in INI (I know, INIs is a long time ago by the Registry, Is the design chosen). Is it possible to do this with InstallShield 2009? I can not find anything for this value in the help file for special property values. Edit: Since it can be unclear, keep this INI framework in mind: [settings] separator =, I want to set the value of separator to dynamically at the time of installtion Install itself (depending on system settings) I InstallShield I know some "special values" like [INSTALLDIR], but I'm not sure that the system is the one for the CSV separator (you know that the CSV separator is all Windows N Many years Krnon share local settings). I do not know, or; As par...

Javascript / AJAX - Send Data to Server w/o Headers? -

JS - क्या सर्वर बैकएंड बिना हेडर को डेटा भेजने का एक तरीका है? कई हेडर्स अनिवार्य हैं। यदि आप एक ब्राउज़र का उपयोग कर रहे हैं आप ब्राउज़र द्वारा भेजे गए हेडरों को नियंत्रित नहीं कर सकते।

R - How to turn a loop to a function in R -

Thank you for your reading. I often find that I need to apply the function to the slices of my data, and then tie the output. I usually create a loop for that purpose, but I'm sure I'm doing it wrong, and I should think about it in a different way. Can you please help me learn a better way to do this? With thanks, Adam rm (m); Meter = 0; # The loop will be produced for this variable (as standards.) Numeric (Level (factor (factor (s1 $ obs)) Go to the supervisor index for # {(Numerical level in NSSE (level (factor (subset (s) 1, Obs == nobs) $ session)) {Session session index ns1 = subset (s1, obs == Knox and session == NES and %%% c (1,2)); # interest DS = round Data fragment of (CLFDMC (ns1), 2); cs = round (cfdmc (ns1), 2) # data slice rw = cbind (nodes, nses, ds [2,3] ], DS [3,3], DS [2,3] -des [3,3], cs [1,3], cs [2,3], Knowles + nse / 10, ds [2,4], DS [3,4], CS [1,4], CS [2,4]) # Rows from output function = RBID (M, RW); # print (Paste ('obs:', Knowles, ...

invalid HTML rendering logic -

Almost all browsers use a certain amount of rebate to provide invalid HTML. For example, they are x & lt; Y as it was written x & amp; Lt; Y because it is "clear" to is not a part of an HTML tag, it is in the form of a literal character. Where can I find that as a different "cleanup" module? One such module is x & lt; Y to x & amp; Lt; Try to see the source code for . Before HTML is organized: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Bu & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; X & lt; Y & lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; Only one HTML after running through the clever mode: Note that x to the x & amp; Lt; Y . UPDATE Depending on your comment, you should use systematically to clean your HTML. I believe that most common languages There are clean libraries that will clean up your HTML for you. If you are usin...

actionscript 3 - dynamically created buttons are not working externaly loaded swf files in actionscript3 -

I have a SVF file that has been filmed in a net frame and I am loading several SPF files. The SWF file loads multiple SWF files in one of the loaded SWF files in the works fine, but loads the swf file in which it loads multiple swf files in it. Button dosent works at all. I am not able to click on any button. I am creating a tree structure which can be easily understood. Container SFF - External SFF -> Mini SIFF file and Mini SWF Dynamic Button Click But they have all the mouse event listener Whether the mouse / osers / MOUI_UET events are all But do the buttons work on? It seems as if it could either be that your parents have included those items in the SWF files that cover the button, or you use the original mouse SWD's "Mouse Childland" and " Can the mouse-animated "properties set in false? Try clearly to set the mouse and mouse to the right on the original container and see if it helps?

c# - How can I convert a binary file to another binary representation, like an image -

I want to take a binary file (exe, msi, dll, whatever) and actually look at "binary" Enabled code or whatever base I like (hexadecimal whatever) is the easiest way to output one code to a textile, so I can check it. What is the best and easiest way to do this? Actually I want to convert binary code into a picture for one of my projects. Similarly, if I can take some binary code, then it will be nice and then convert it to a binary file. What are your methods to do this, I have listed C, C ++ and C # because they are the fastest programming languages ​​and I thought it might take some time. I think I am more interested in the answer in C, but I am looking for some arguments behind this. Here's a way to pack byte in images ... The funny part is that if you If you record the length of the original file and use a lossless image format, you can safely remove the binary data later. has been packaged as ARG ... var exefile = Directory.GetFiles (" . ...

mysql - Mediawiki Database Error 1205 -

I have just installed a new copy of MediaWiki I was playing with my wiki, Filling the information with information and, strictly, when I made an article in the name of Gameplamenics, then it all died. I got this error: A database query syntax error has occurred. This software could give a bug in the last attempted database query: (SQL query hidden) returned the error from the "function" of the database "1205: lock waiting time limit exceeded; try to restart the transaction Do ( ". I was able to fix it by 'empty' article and then saving it - only to recapitulate it again ... but it happened in less than 1 day ... Again, I am thinking that what is the real root of this ridiculous error. All help was appreciated Try removing the page, then it's a little bit Rebuild with a different name. This can be a strange ominous thing to do especially with that page.

How can I get a rails route to keep the extension as part of the id? -

मेरे पास निम्न मार्ग निर्धारित है: map.resources: images,: only = & gt; [: सूचकांक: नया,: नष्ट] जब मैं एक राक मार्ग करता हूँ मुझे निम्न मिलता है: छवि DELETE /images/:id(.:format) {: action = & gt; "नष्ट",: नियंत्रक = & gt; "चित्र"} मेरी समस्या यह है, मैं इसका उपयोग करना चाहूंगा फ़ाइल नाम के रूप में मेरे : id किसी भी विस्तार सहित फिलहाल मेरे आईडी नियंत्रक से घटाकर विस्तार कर रहे हैं I क्या कोई तरीका है मैं उपर्युक्त मानचित्र को अनुकूलित कर सकता हूं। संसाधनों का पालन करने के लिए निम्न पथ: छवि हटाएं / छवियाँ /: id {: action = & gt; "नष्ट",: नियंत्रक = & gt; "चित्र"} अर्थात् : format ? के रूप में उपयोग किया गया विस्तार नहीं है। चरित्र को ActionController :: routing :: SEPARATORS में परिभाषित किया गया है, जो उस URL को विभाजित करने के लिए विशेष वर्णों को सूचीबद्ध करता है। यदि आप । s, आपको एक : बाधाओं = & gt; {: आईडी = & gt; / Regexp /} तर्क से map.resources । अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखें...

timer - A Java Program to run at particular time of day -

Does anyone set a Java program that runs at a specific time of day? Does the forum make any difference? I am using Windows You can of course run the Java program continuously, and there Can schedule time to work I do not know that this is an option for you, but at least you can get stage independence. Java has different options for scheduling, such as Java. Ooty Timer / Java Util Timer Tasks, etc. I think that is asking questions on different options.

caching - Appfabric cache -

I am downloading files (zip) directly from the content by specifying the server path in the iPhone from the iPhone to the server. Appfabric is a way to cache content in the server from the appfabric and iPhones to read content from the cache. Any help or pointer really will help me complete the project deliverables. So if I understand the question correctly (and do not feel free to correct me ), Then this '' Do I come directly directly to the items cached in the appfabric phone ''. Currently, only Client Libraries for AppFabric are for .NET applications (and I do not have any producer in Microsoft's Objective: P). Also keep in mind that the Windows Server Apachebic is designed to be positioned behind the firewall, it is not directly accessible to the Internet (although I can reasonably get it with the VPN client ). So on the surface, the answer is 'No, you can not do' but you can put a website or web site in front of the appraffic that returns i...

ide - PHP Komodo getter/setter auto-generation -

Is Commodo's Support Recipient / Setter Auto Generation La Lightbans or Eclipse? If so, how do I use it? I do not think so. I do not think commodo [edit / open] supports this, about Komodo IDE Not sure in.

Writing a Shell in Python? -

यह ऐसा एक बुरा विचार क्यों है? (कई लोगों के अनुसार) मुझे नहीं लगता कि यह एक बुरा विचार है। बहुत सारे लोग आईप्याथन का उपयोग करते हैं जो कि पायथन में लिखे एक शेल है:) वास्तव में आप आईप्याथॉन के आसपास अपना प्रयास करना चाहते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, इस प्रकार,

bash - remove duplicates per line -

I have several CSVs that look like this: I have many large text files ( CSV) There are unnecessary entries on some lines, this is the reason that the way they were merging a specific area, the same value would be twice or thrice. It is not always in the same order. BWTL, Newsletter, Newsletter - BWTL, Newsletter, R2R, Newsletter MPWJ, OTA Hot, Ota Hot, OTA Host - OTA Hot, ITOs, OTA Host etc. Entries that are next to each other are quite easy to clean with SAD sed -i "/ NEWSLETTER, newsletter / newsletter / g" *. Csv What is a quick way to fix the second duplicate? You can do something like this sed -i "/ / \\\.: * Newsletter. * \), Newsletter / 1 / g 'eNewsletter.csv_new.csv It works by capturing everything and starts with another newsletter, ^ , whose vote Capture captures the line from that line \ ( and \) , and . indicates absolutely nothing to capture it again Changes the string of matching with part taken.

c++ - Is it possible to force an access violation when a specific address is accessed? -

We have an array that has grown for alignment purposes, such as not being caught by the common mechanism by the same errors . Is it possible to preserve a small, arbitrary region (16 bytes of start and end of array) in Windows, as it causes an access violation? The language is C ++. I believe the best granularity in the x86 architecture can be found in marking memory Protected one page (4K I think) is for You can set the array that the beginning or end falls into the page range (and that page is safe). But in such borders, for both ends to fall, definitely a very specific array length will be required. How to set up a Patron page

error handling - Should app crash or continue on normally while noting the problem? -

option: 1) When a bad input occurs, the app crashes and a message Prints the console saying what happened 2) When there is bad input, the app exits the input and continues as if nothing happened (although the problem in the different log files No problem). > Although 2 can seem like a clear solution, the app is a game and game structure for development, so if a user is writing something and does something wrong, then it can be beneficial for that problem It is being ignored rather than being apparent immediately (app crashing), and the user is likely to forget to check the logs to see if there is a problem (forget that programming and Behavior is not very noticeable on the screen, so it is missing do not believe it). There is no size-fit-all solution is it really depends on the situation and how much the input It's bad. However, since you have specifically told it for an engine or structure, then I would say that it should never have an accident. It should take an...

ListBox Disabled state in Silverlight 4 -

So I'm styling a list box and I've got this part where I want to grid out The listbox is disabled, however, when I see state tabs in Blend, only validation states exist - there is no indication of normal general states which have incompetent states. I tried to create a vanilla project with a custom style and only one listbox and so on. My question is, how do I go about styling a disabled state for a list box? is? Am I clarifying something ?? Tried the first simple approach: ListBoxItem instead of the edit list box Template. This is the item that appears in the disabled state, not the list box. mix.> Edit a Copy "additional templates Edit"> "items container generated edit (ItemContainerStyle)" I have to red as a test For the background color forced state in the disabled (see picture below) background color is usually taken from the original list. (To provide border color effect) XAML is also big for listing here. An item container in ...

javascript - How to detect whether a protocol is supported through web browser? -

Similar to iTunes "link maker" (). Through the web browser, the iTunes webpage is able to know that if itms: // has been registered on the client workstation, so look for the correct message ('iTunes' or 'Download iTunes' Promotional banner) has been displayed. How is this done? Unfortunately, there's really no easy way to do this. ITunes actually uses the following to find out. With the code you can see that they use a browser plug-in inside each web browser to complete it. In Internet Explorer, there is a feature through the property, which can be used, but clearly this browser is unique Other hacks may also be available, but I think some sort of solution will be a definite solution on the browser plug-in.

Objective C - Number to String and Grab length inconsistencies -

I am trying to capture a number from a text box entry, convert it to string and take the length of it . (IE: Do some LEN (some integers) on the number). I am capable of working on it, though there are some discrepancies when the number is 0 or zero. For example; - Update (IBAction) {// Inputfield number pad text box is double-input input = [input field.text double value]; // nsnm * c = [nsnumber number repeat: my input]; NSString * myOutput = [c stringValue]; NSLog (@ "start number (number) =% @", c); NSLog (@ "MyOutput (string) =% @", MyOutput); NSLog (@ "MyOutput (length) =% d", ([myOutput length])); } The conversion works fine for the number for the string. The problem I have is with length, especially when there is no number (or zero) entry. I have a number pad text box entry that is on XIB in which "text" of 0 (placeholder bus "Enter number here") When you first entered the text box If you start typing then "...