
Showing posts from January, 2013

geometry - Can subsonic handle spatial data. If so how? -

I am using subsonic for a while now and I feel very confident about using it in my thesis is. I'm not sure how this handles the geometry data type. Does anyone have an idea? Currently, subsonic geometry types can not be controlled, it is on the roadmap for future releases.

java - JExcel Warning: Could not add cell at A257 because it exceeds the maximum column limit' -

I asked to add the average amount of data in my web-app (basically a list from SQL) to download Was the Excel file, so I did a servlet to generate Excel. The problem is that the jxl API does not like more than 256 rows, and my data is more than thousands Is there any way to go around this limit? If I could, I would like to use this API (there is no need to set up a separate API in the server and it is easy to use). But if I want I will change Thanks for all! PS: Here is the main code of servlet: list & gt; Table project & gt; Sql = (list & gt; TableProject & gt;) session.getAttribute ("sql"); Response.setContentType ("application /"); Response.setHeader ("content-displacement", "attachment; file name = export .xls"); W = workbook Secure Workbook (response.getOutputStream ()); S = w.createSheet ("Consultation Project", 0); For (int i = 0; i & lt; sql.size (); i ++) {S.Dedel (new label (i, 0...

install - "CDO.Message" is not working in my Delphi application -

मैंने एक अनुप्रयोग का उपयोग किया है CreateOLEObject ("CDO.Message") हर चीज मेरी मशीन में ठीक काम कर रही है, लेकिन दूसरे में मुझे मिल गया एर्वेंटेलेन ओस्ज़्टेली काराकटरलांक। त्रुटि संदेश (हंगरी)। इसका अर्थ ये त्रुटि कोड है एमएस समर्थन (): -2147221005 (800401F3) गंतव्य मशीन एसपी 2 के साथ एक्सपी प्रो है। मैं एक संदेश भेजने के लिए सीडीओ का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं एसएमटीपी के साथ इस मशीन में मुझे क्या स्थापित करने की आवश्यकता है, मैं उसी तरह अपने विन 7 नोटबुक (आउटलुक नहीं) के साथ भेज सकता हूं? आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद: डीडी क्या आपने गंतव्य मशीन पर स्थापित करने का प्रयास किया?

Private and public queues on MSMQ -

Is server A possible to access a personal queue from server b? There is a low functional difference between a public and private queue, except that MSMQ publishes information about public queues in Active Directory (AD). I have never done this myself, but it appears that if you know the full path of the personal queue, Private queue queue that are not published in Active Directory and only displayed on local computers: Private queue They include, in which they are included. The private queues have the following features: A message queue registers a personal queue locally by storing the queue details in the LQS (Local QE Storage) directory on a local computer. In MSMQ 2.0, and Message Quizzing 3.0, the default location is% windir% \ system32 \ msmq \ storage \ lqs. Note that details of each public queue created on the local computer are stored locally in a separate file in the LQS folder. Private queues are registered on the local computer, not in the directory service...

PHP script ending early, no evidence of an error and timeout set to 0 -

I think time for some other brain teasers is quite scarce. PHP? Or in Apache? I had a script last night that lasted about 20 hours. Then it has just shut down the middle script on a random line, without which I can get an error. set_time_limit (0); The script was set in but I wonder if there is somewhere else for 20 hours and the other ... Any ideas? Many thanks in advance. EDIT: This is run as a wget. edit2: I'm going to see the memory issue and would like to come back to you, thus thanks for the help! edit3: Oh, I should say that this script is gathering data and storing it in an array, now it's running and it's getting stored very much, yes, All memory "is facing the palm to use here ... Solution: Setting up a large memory for the operation is fixed Thank you. Perhaps the php-cli bus crashed or your server was rebooted. I do not think php is too long to execute the task

ruby on rails - best gem for login system -

जो लॉगिन सिस्टम बनाने के लिए सबसे अच्छा मणि है? मैंने बहुत से प्रयास किए हैं और एथलॉगिक इमो बहुत ही बेहतरीन और विशेष रुप से उपयोग करने में आसान है।

attr - jQuery: ahref title from underlying img alt -

I am using it to open outgoing links in a new window, but when an image is an image, then I Display image alt as the title $ ("a [href * = 'http: //']: no ([href * = '" + location.hostname + " ']), [Href * =' https: ('' 'Title', 'Link in Open New Window' ';)); What is the easiest way to add .attr ("title")? If & lt; Img & gt; is inside the anchor, you can do this; $ ("a [href] * = 'http: //'], a [href * = 'https: //']"). ("[Target]", "_ blank" ("[target]", "no" ); Var img = $ this.children ('img [alt]'); $ this.attr ("title", Img.length? Img [0] .alt: "Open link in new window");}); Here are some changes, your current selector should only & lt; A & gt; The first appears in the http: // check, but then all elements in your https: // check appears, So it will be more efficient. ...

c# - Object array dynamic -

I have the following line in my code: object [] input = new object [] {"Input 1", "Input 2", "Input 3", "Input 4"}; I would like to know how to add dynamically (like how many elements will be without arrays) using a loop like this: object [] inputs ; Foreign currency (string key.form.cans in request) {input [0] = key; } How can I do this? Thanks in advance. Best regards You can not use it: list & lt ; Object & gt; List = new list & lt; Object & gt; (); List.Add (key);

iphone - Opposite of bringSubviewToFront? -

Also want a scene to be above everything, you might want a scene to stay below everything But do not bring Laosubwebaq :. Why not and how do I bring a subview from the back? sendSubviewToBack ?

plsql - Can you use oracle table spaces like variable -

I'm new to Oracle, I have two tablespaces for God and one for living. Is there a way that I can have a variable in the package header, which has a tablepace name, which can then be used from the processes defined in the package headers? I need to do this because I have to query the tables in tablespaceby through the processes for tablespace (Tablespace A). Dev Tablespaceby has a separate table space name, so I was hoping that I can declare a variable in the package headers like Tablespace temp = "TableSpaceName" Tableplaces are an administrative item: They are a way of logically grouping the collection without the need to worry about foldpaths or other administrators. With your modified question it is clear that Tony is right and what do you mean by schema . There is a set of schema-owned items when the user needs to refer to an owner owned by a schema schema, owned by User A. There are two ways to do this. The first method is to name the sche...

.net - I want to parse and send an automated response to an email. Where do I start? -

I had planned to use an open source SMTP server as the basis and to do whatever it needed for parsing To add new feature was to send feedback, but I am thinking that there is an easy way to do this. Is my best option doing a SMTP server roll or is this an easy way for me? I like using .NET to do this. .NET libraries are relatively simple. To start the mail, write a program to download mail:. Once you say that you use e-mail content using regex or whatever rules the engine is building and then use to send your responses.

TranslateAnimated ImageView not clickable after animation [Android] -

I translates to I have 2 ImageView is that I down from the top of the screen. These ideas are explained with XML and the animation is connected to the Java code. The animation works perfectly, but the code that I added to the Java code does not work. After translation iamges used fillAfter attribute animation to remain on his arrival, but not clickable these images ... However, before the translation is clickable their status ... I can not see the logic of this. Can anyone give me some advice about that? That's because animations only affect the drawing of the widget. However, the real location is not affected - it's still in the last one. - To fix this problem, you need to update the layout parameters Imejiwu Install the animation listener manually: Animeshnksetanimeshn Listnr (new animation Listnr () (public Enam Pranimeshneshn Start (animation Ajiaraks) {} public void nuclear replication (animation Ajiaraf) {// TODO auto-generated method stub} public animat...

objective c - Populating NSTableview from a mutable array -

I've been trying it for two days, and the dead is ending continuously. Macro OS X has been done through coco programming of Aaron Hillegage, and has done all relevant studies related to the NSTEView and the Mutateable Areas and I am trying to amend them according to my needs. . Although none of these data uses a array with objects in the form of a source, it seems that the tableview is used as a data source. Any code or suggestion of Jonas Jangjan's " re-code" with the end of the Coco Front to display the results of the results I know it should be simple, but I'm lost in the woods here. I can populate the table by setting the array It really is very Simple, once you understand him (definitely!). You can not use NSArray directly as a table source. You need to either create a custom object that implements or implements that protocol in some existing classes - usually the controller. If you use Xcode to create a standard document based applicatio...

Checking if a channel has a ready-to-read value, using Go -

How do I check if I have a value to read a channel? I do not want to block a channel while reading. I want to see if it has the value or not. If it is one, then I will read it. If this is not one (yet), then I will do something else and check back later. Thank you! warning : it is no longer correct, see the answers given below. From Docs: If a received expression is used in the initialization of assignment or form x, Ok = & lt; -ch x, ok: = & lt; -ch var x, ok = & lt; -ch The action received is non-blocking if the operation can proceed, the boolean variable will be set to OK and values ​​stored in the x; Otherwise the right is set to False and X is set to zero value for its type

Serialization: Write out pre-made XML to XmlWriter. Implementing IXmlSerializable C# -

पृष्ठभूमि / लक्ष्य अधिक या कम, मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूँ दस्तावेज़ दस्तावेज़ > सामग्री जो कुछ की तरह अनुवाद करेंगे (फिर भी यह मूलभूत भिन्न है) & lt; दस्तावेज़ & gt; & LT; दस्तावेज़ & gt; & LT; सामग्री & gt; कस्टम वस्तुएं & lt; / सामग्री & gt; & Lt; / दस्तावेज & gt; & LT; दस्तावेज़ & gt; & LT; सामग्री & gt; कस्टम वस्तुएं & lt; / सामग्री & gt; & Lt; / दस्तावेज & gt; & Lt; / दस्तावेज & gt; क्योंकि इन ऑब्जेक्ट्स को मूल रूप से सीरियल नहीं किया जा सकता है, उन्हें IXmlSerializable इंटरफ़ेस ( पूर्ण संस्करण में प्रत्येक स्तर में अन्य ऑब्जेक्ट शामिल हैं जिन्हें मुखौटा क्रमबद्ध करने की आवश्यकता होती है, शब्दकोश प्रकार दृष्टिकोण मेरा तरीका निम्नानुसार है दस्तावेज ऑब्जेक्ट को सीरियल कराना दस्तावेज़ ऑब्जेक्ट यह सब बाल दस्तावेज़ ऑब्जेक्ट्स को सीरियल कर देगा उन बच्चे दस्तावेज़ ऑब्जेक्ट्स कंटेंट ऑब्जेक्ट्स को सीरियल कर देंगे और इसी तरह .. । समस्या IXmlSerializable वस्तुओं को...

html - Using Z-index, margin not working to push div away from another -

I wrote this post with your question and wrote it in a simple way to understand. Please see below. I'm using some CSS: #wing_right {background-image: url ("../ images / poppadom.png"); Height: 678px; Margin-right: -60px; Margin-left: 500 pixels; Status: fixed; Correct: 0; Top: 240px; Width: 387px; Z-index: 50; } Easy version of the question to understand. I hope. The following is my diagram representation of my site. -> | LW | CN | RW | LW = Left CN = Content RW = Right Wing has very CPU in the left and right wing. See CSS only in the difference of image and its wings are linked to the left. The content is down in the context of the z-indicator and can not be covered with wings. Just like a simple picture, LW and RW run with browser resizing which I want. However, when you shorten the browser window, I need something to prevent LW and RW from covering the content. Both wings are on the same z-indicator and the content is at a lower z-indicator. Is th...

Problem integrating Yale CAS with SharePoint 2010 -

I downloaded sample ASP.NET login page from here: And CAS worked very quickly with the proof of concept site. Now when I'm trying to use this login page with SharePoint 2010, I have a hard time. Any thoughts? After the Thanks Reading Line: FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage (SSOUsername, false); I get "403 unauthorized". Thanks Anyone has got to work with CAS SSO for SharePoint 2010? formatting. RedirectionFromline page (SSOO name, incorrect) claims do not work with certification It was used for older authentication. SPClaimsUtility.AuthenticateFormsUser (URL, Username, Password) to log in with claim. This will require a password against the form authentication.

.net - Best way of expressing Master-Detail in this way? -

I have a master-extension relationship, basically I have a list of states and there is a list of states per state. li> Oklahoma City Arizona Phoenix etc etc and more. The city's name and state name is stored in different cities containing state_id in each city. For the question, using the subSonic 3 (ActivateCorrect) I am here. (Using the Object Data Processing database) What would be the best way to do this in an ASP.NET page? The only idea I can think of is complex nested databasing that I can not get to work. Not sure how easy you will do with the following suggestions: Nested Using repeaters to display data: Working with nested data: If you only want to display nested data and do not edit / update it, then Repeaters can be good choices. You can use the ul li tag for the layout of your choice. Hope it helps!

javascript - How to create a Scrollable Table in Google Chrome -

OK, this is basically about the scrollable table. If I have a table element then I scroll through the content (with some javascript fun, using the width, with access to the scroll bar using the width), making a certain height and the height of the tibb You can set up, then set scrolling on auto to Tony. This works Firefox, but in Google Chrome the heights are ignored on thead / tbody and want to scroll through the whole table versus. Is there a CSS solution that can be applied to the table to create this task in Chrome as well? Or do I need to create a table of headers, body is a separate table, make sure the column width using JS or CSS and scroll the body table with its contents? Here is a complete solution, that should be working (using) of two tables in each one There will be a separate division element in the same table in each table. Only the content section will have tabs section Value 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> Value 2 & lt; / Td> & Lt;...

paint - Fastest way to fill pixels between two points with an ellipse-shaped brush? -

Say I'm making a raster-based paint program. My brush oval shape is that the user clicks the mouse to paint an area and then drags it. I now have two points: the points (where they clicked) and the dot (the first point came back from the mouse-drag). I have to fill all pixels coming within the brush area. What is the best way to do this? My first method is to calculate the slope between two points and then increase from point A to pointB for each point in between, I search all the pixels within the oval range and again Turns on if they are in range but it seems inefficient, because pixels are often checked multiple times - often many times, because increments are much lower than the ellipse (think Wayne diagram). Is that a better view? One which is more efficient and minimizes the number of pixels. I can do something very similar now and you can tell what I'm doing: The mouse moves and I get points (x, y) where the mouse I use the Bresenheim algorithm to guess t...

php - What is the easiest way to integrate iPhone app with Web Sites that don't have web service -

I'm about to offer an iPhone app for travel agency. They probably use web services, but if I can not do what is the easiest way to integrate the iPhone app, which reads and sends data to a website without web service. The site is built with php (I do not know php is a java guy). What can I do for this? Clients A travel agency has a website to make hotels You can connect to the site and its HTML You can still use NSURLConnection to get it. All you need to do is keep a good parser which can deal with the website and use the browser as a person. If the site is not cooperating with you, then this is not really a good idea. Either it breaks the terms of their service or they can randomly change their site and your app will break, generally it is not because they are trying to break your app - they are not about it They know, and they're just trying to keep their site up to date. If you are collaborating, you do not need to go far as a SOAP webservice - or even a complicat...

language agnostic - Project Euler 298 - there must be a correct answer? (only pastebinned code) -

There is a paging file problem (though it is hidden in other words). I tested (pastebin because it did not spoil it for anybody) against the sample data and received the same memory content + Although the score as a problem, nowhere near a coherent group of scores is. It demands a difference in the score after 50 turns, a random sample of the score: some people have been successful, so I am really confused - what do I do remember? Your problem is probably that you do not know its definition. You must run the simulation several times and for each score difference, maintain the frequency of that event and then take the weighted mean to get the expected value. Of course, this project is Euler problem, it is probably a mathematical formula that can be easily used.

uitableview - Table row deletion in Iphone -

I have the table editing in the iPhone. I am using the representative and the data source in my project. The problem occurs when we click delete disclosure, I do not get the delete button. I'm a newbie in iPhone programming so please help me Thank you in advance. You have to implement methods - (UITableViewCellEditingStyle) table view : (UITableView *) table view editing style PhorRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete; } - (Zero) Table View: Send the table view (UITableView *) to the article: (UITableViewCellEditingStyle) RowAtIndexPath for editing style: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath You also need to make sure True that the tblView.editing property is set to true;

mdichild - MDI child form is not allowing other child forms to get focus -

The application is an MDI container app, especially when a child's form (Form 1) gets focus is loaded and Focus does not continue, if any other form is opened, then the user can not select any field within the form if Form 1 form is open. In addition, within Form 1, Focus will not even leave the Cumberaux to focus any field on the same form. I'm not using ShowDialog and TopMost set to false. Check to see if you have any way to leave for ComboBox, So it looks as though your app is setting COombox in active control, whenever it loses focus The same type of code may apply to your form; it loses focus while setting it in an active form.

java - Web Console for Spring Application Context -

Is my spring application to be configured through a servlet or webpage so that I can manipulate the beans in appanktext . You may want to look at a plug-gate component that provides access to any program Spring-based application on run-time You can use JavaScript to change the configuration or manage application behavior at run-time.

c# - Method with Predicate as Parameter -

This is a common question, but here's a special case that I'm looking for a solution: I have a dictionary & lt; Int, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt; I would like a method for various predicates which is that many LINQ queries such as: in X in X where x.Value.Contains ("Test") is X in X Select X Select X.Value.Contains ("Test2"). X.Key So I'm looking for a method like this: Public int GetResult (** WhatGoesHere ** Filters) {Return in Dictionary in X. Choose where (filter) x. KA; } To do this: Full results; Results = GetResult (x => x.Value.Contains ("Test")); Results = GetResult (x => x.Value.Contains ("Test 2")); WhatGoesHere You can Func & lt; KeyValuePair & lt; Int, list & lt; String & gt; & Gt;, bool & gt; : public int GetResult (Func & lt; KeyValuePair Or alternatively: Reverted & lt; Keyvaluepair & lt; Int, list & lt; String & ...

What is an appropriate list of HTML elements that one should style in an site's CSS? -

When designing the base styles for a site, all of them need to address all the different HTML elements Should try that can come in use. This is especially true when developing a skin for a CMS, where the WYSIWYG editor of the administration can start the elements that you did not employ on (strong, them, strikes ... etc). Anyone should know the stylesheet in the list of HTML elements? I'm thinking that this is in a situation where you can not rely on browser defaults or using reset style sheets answer I see I am either an existing resource or article where someone seems to solve it. Or, a CMS theme that does a particularly good job of handling different elements. I think we can make a definitive list here if these resources are not present or incompatible. Notes 1) It may join the community wiki, and I will move it there if it is a consensus though, I believe this is a solid answer There is a specific problem with 2) Almost it had to be taken to the docotype, bu...

c# - How do I make the items in a ListView a different color? -

I have ListView full of ListViewItems. I want to emphasize some of them when a certain event is fire, so I want to change the color of the list other than black color (will be red color). Is it possible to change the colors of objects by dynamically by default? > The color of the list view is straight forward: ListViewItem li = new ListViewItem (); Li.Forecolor = Color.Red; Li.Text = "sample"; ListView1.Items.Add (Lee); Change the background color of the list view only listView1.BackColor = Colors.Red; Modifying an item in the ListView: foreach (see ListViewItem li in list 1) {if (li.Text = "sample") { Li.Forecolor = Color.Green; }}

social networking - Admin section for website - security? -

To design a user content website and question for admin section, from security point of view, where should it be placed? Allow the same domain and administrator to enter the site like other users from the signin form using Admin Email Only a different subdomain for admin login Or any other suggestions? The goal prevents anyone from learning about the administrator section and as much as possible to keep it closed. Thanks Actually I work on a system that has separate subdomains, And there is a complete ASP.NET project that is dedicated to the admin section of the parent domain. It has many advantages for us, some of them are: A completely different authentication mechanism for one site and the other. We can deploy the website without closing the admin site and sub-message.

linux - Calling a python script from command line without typing "python" first -

प्रश्न: कमांड लाइन में, मैं python टाइप करने के बिना एक अजगर स्क्रिप्ट कैसे कॉल करूं स्क्रिप्ट के नाम के सामने? क्या यह भी संभव है? जानकारी: मैंने कमांड लाइन से sqlite डेटाबेस तक पहुंचने के लिए एक आसान स्क्रिप्ट लिखा था, लेकिन मैं टाइप करने के लिए "अजगर" SQLsap args "और इसके बजाय" SQLsap args "टाइप करना होगा मुझे नहीं पता कि यह संभव है, लेकिन यह जानना अच्छा होगा कि यह क्या है। केवल इस कार्यक्रम से अधिक के लिए। आप स्क्रिप्ट की पहली पंक्ति पर शेबांग भर सकते हैं: #! / Usr / bin / env python यह आपके मौजूदा शेल को बताएगा जो कि स्क्रिप्ट को उसमें फ़ीड करने के लिए कमांड है।

wxpython cursor off event? -

There is a mouse-off (or cursor-locked) event in wxpython because I have to pair this kind of event with a panel, From which it can automatically input the values ​​by the user when it is done and clicks on the other panel or any other alternative way of looking at this button properly without making the buttons necessary to force the events is. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> There will be a fire there when the cursor will close the panel Or maybe You want to use it which will be sent when the panel is sent ( like in your example when the user clicks on another panel or button).

Want to prevent opening of 2 popups upon shift+insert (javascript) -

I have a function that opens popup after typing in 6 characters in the input field. It works fine, except when you ctrl + insert, shift + insert and paste it. In that case there are 2 popups (similar) - I agree to make a change and one. It just looks ugly and can be confused. Is there a way to limit the number of popups? How were the characters entered in the input sector? & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; Var Pop; Function OpenPop (border field, border number) {if (limitField.value.length == limited number) {if (pop) {pop.close (); } Pop = ('somefile.php? County = county & amp; pin =' + borderfield.value '' & amp; field = '+,' popupwin ',' menu = no, not history = ' , Resizable = yes, scrollbar = yes, toolbar = no, width = 750, height = 300 '); Pop.focus (); }} & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'text' size = '6' maxlength = '6' id = ...

traceroute ipv6 using vb6 -

Trying to traceroute using vb6, but there is no idea that i use dos to work Thinking of it, and then capturing the output of DOS in my app. Another idea is changing IPv6 to IPv4 addresses and does not support ISP6 in trace hardware. Any ideas? Randy Birch explains how to post here in his article there is too much detail , So just head over it and check it. His solution may appear first verbatim and it uses some / many API calls, but it does not stop you from scaring, while reading it through all the steps, it all goes very straight forward by step . Edit: Sorry, I really should have read the question properly - I do not believe that Randy's article will help you in any IPv4 vs. IPv6 problems, but it will help you get started. Will give good place for

.net - How to configure Automapper to be injected with Ninject 2.0? -

Configuration examples for structure map and Windsor are: But I have not found anything for Ninject . Do you know how these mapping can be translated? Public class automaker module: NinjectModule {public override zero load () {bind> IMappingEngine & gt; (). ToMethod (ctx => gtper.Engine); }}

javascript - Is it possible for a regex to know whether a date is a weekend or not? -

To use Javascript, a form field with date needs to be validated: date 21/04/2010 Should be a weekday. Is it possible to make a regular expression for this or is there a better way to do this? Regex is clearly the wrong tool: Var d = new date (); Var parts = dateStr.split ("/"); // Date of date is 0-indexed Var d = new date (part [2], part [1] - 1, part [0]); Var day = d.getDay (); If (days == 0 = days == 6) {// weekend}

One CSS file vs multiple for different pages -

I have a site where all the pages have the same title and footer, but there is a difference between the content. I guess 30% of the CSS is common on all pages, 70% is different. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of using multiple for a CSS file for different pages? The benefits of a CSS file Only one needs an HTTP request to get it, which improves the first page load time for most users and will speed up the subsequent page loads, especially if users have more than one different page type It is expected to see that this server can also reduce the load. Advantages of Multiple CSS Files Reduces bandwidth, especially if there is no user during your visit There is a possibility to see many page types on your site (which is divided into almost completely unrelated sub-sites on your site) Note that multiple CSS files will increase HTTP requests, which, despite bandwidth savings, can reduce load speed on modern connections. I'm usually in favor ...

g++ - Omitting return statement in C++ -

There was some strange behavior from the version of g ++ for Windows that I found with strawberry pearl. This allowed me to leave a return statement. I have a member task that gives a structure consisting of two points, which is called boundTag : straight bound tag box :: Getbound (int side) {struct boundTag retBoundTag; = this; Set (bound) set // based on the value of "bound" set bounded. Bound)}} This function gave me some poor output, and I found out that no returns Not a statement I meant to return retBoundTag but really forgot to write back statement Everything was fine. But I tested this function and got the correct boundTag output from it. Even now, when I remove the return statement, G ++ collects it without warning WTF? Whether return return Functions use [without main ] and the returned value in your code. ISO C ++ - 98 [section 6.6.3 / 2] A return statement with an expression can only be used in returning a value ...

iphone - Popover shown from inputAccessoryView has wrong rotation -

क्या किसी को पता है कि UIPopover या UIActionSheet से एक UIBarButtonItem में inputAccessoryView में एक टूलबार में अन्य सभी दृश्य नियंत्रकों के साथ घूमती नहीं है? यह पुन: उत्पन्न करने के लिए कदम हैं: एक Xcode iPad प्रोजेक्ट में, आईबी में UILabel संपादन योग्य पाठ फ़ील्ड जोड़ें। आईबी में भी, एक UIToolbar को एक UIBarButtonItem के साथ जोड़ें। कोड में, पाठ फ़ील्ड के inputAccessoryView सेट करें टूलबार पर पाठ फ़ील्ड में बनना फर्स्ट रेस्पॉन्डर संदेश भेजें। [actionSheet showFromBarButtonItem का उपयोग कर उपकरण पट्टी बटन आइटम से एक एक्शन शीट प्रस्तुत करें : प्रेषक एनिमेटेड: हाँ]; आपको अपने आईपैड को पोर्ट्रेट के अलावा किसी भी अभिविन्यास पर घुमाने की जरूरत है, और फिर पॉपवर को यह देखने के लिए पेश करें। अगर पॉप अप खुली होती है, तो आप इसे घुमाएंगे, पॉपओवर भी घूमता है, इसलिए बाकी के एप के मुकाबले यह एक ही अजीब ओरिएंटेशन में है। अपडेट 2010- 08-04 सभी पॉपओवर और ऐप शीट्स को एक उपकरण पट्टी में एक आइटम से दिखाया गया है जो इनपुट गौण दृश्य (कुंजीपटल के लिए) है, यह समस्...

javascript - JS alert in PHP as part of AJAX app -

I have found a PHP file which is being asked to fill a DIV via AJAX. Everything works well and does not divide, except that I can not get the JS warning box popped up with PHP for my life. What I'm using to test here (at the end of PHP, I have tried it at the beginning, middle, etc.): echo "what does this show?"; Echo "& lt; script language = 'javascript' & gt; warning ('thank you!'); "; "Does this show?" Resonated and I can see JS in codeinspector but no warning box. If I take that code and put it in my PHP file (hence it is no longer embedded as part of a larger AJAX app) it works fine. Any suggestions? Send scripts blocks back via AJAX incorrect There is a way to do this. For example, for example, P> PHP: For example, for example (untested, but you get this idea): For example, echo json_encode (array ('operationscooked' => gt; 'true', 'message' = & gt; 'test...

java - Using reflection to retrieve an array of primitives of an unknown type -

I am using reflection to retrieve an example field like this: Private int [] numbers = .... .... With field objects, I can check that the field has an array and if this happens, then I want to loop on the array in the array. So if the object in the above area is called "Fu", then I have something like this: field.setAccessible (true); Object value = field. Get (foo); The above value variables will include an array of my ints. How do I do that object like a regular array and iterate over its values? Edit: Sorry, I remember an important point for the above story, I have been doing the above method in a normal way so I do not know what the array Primitive it can be an int [] or long [] etc. Therefore casting [int] [] clearly will not work [long for long]. Oh, is that so! You can use class java.lang.reflect.Array To access the length of an array and the individual elements, the get method should work normally, perhaps wrapping the oldest in its wrappe...

javascript - Calling a function defined inside jQuery ready from outside of it -

मेरा aspx पृष्ठ: -

perl - How do I access a parse tree created by XML::Parser? -

I have an array reference, in which there are some array references in it. I also include array reference in nested array reference. (This is the style.) My $ filename = "sample.xml"; My $ parse = new XML :: Parser (style = & gt; 'tree'); My $ tree = $ parse- & gt; Parasfoil ($ filename); This array is reference, this array will be referenced, the content and nested depth depend on all XML files. I want to cross the nested array $ tree and print the content. There is a simplified version here: Use strict; Use warnings; Sub Printing Element {My ($ tag, $ content) = @_; If (RF $ content) {# this is an XML element: My $ attrHash = $ content-> [0]; Print "& lt; $ tag & gt;"; #I am ignoring my attributes (my $ i = 1; $ i & lt; $ # $ Content; $ i + = 2) {printElement ($ $ content [$ i, $ i + 1]); } Print "& lt; / $ tag & gt;"; } And (# this is a text pseudo element: printed $ content; # I am not encoding...

No results message on jquery autocomplete -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: जब परिणाम खाली है, तब मैं "कोई मेल नहीं" संदेश देना चाहता हूं। एक आंशिक उत्तर दिया गया था, लेकिन यह बिल्कुल नहीं बताता है कि "कोई मैचों" परिणाम कैसे दिखाना है स्वत: पूर्ण ड्रॉपडाउन में। अद्यतन: वर्तमान कोड के आधार पर मेरा कोड है .. HTML: इनपुट प्रकार = " टेक्स्ट "name =" myAutocomplete "id =" myAutocomplete "& gt; jquery: $ ("# myAutocomplete")। स्वतः पूर्ण ("ajax.php", {selectFirst: false, परिणाम क्लास: 'my_results_class', पार्स: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {यदि (! डेटा || डेटा. लांघ == 0) {$ ('# myAutocomplete विकल्प')। Val ('कोई मेल नहीं');}}, फोकस: फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट, यूआई) { यदि ($ (ui.item) .val () == 'नहीं मिलान') $ (ui.item)। अक्षम ();}, का चयन करें: फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट, यूआई) {if ($ (ui.item)) Val () == 'नहीं मैच') वापसी झूठी;}}); सबसे पहले, कोई परिणाम 'मान से मेल नहीं' या जो भी हो चाहते हैं, तो jquery स्वत: पूर्णतया पर इन संचालकों...

google account - SecurityException in getPassword of accountManager in android -

I'm trying to retrieve the Google Account password, but I'm getting a security exception in the string pwd = AccountManager.get (mContext) .getPassword (account). Apart from this, I have given permissions in AndroidManifest.xml to account_manager, aunthenticator, get_account, account management code:. android.accounts.Account [] gaccounts = AccountManager.get (mContext) .getAccounts (); Logs. I ("Perl", "2222 () lane:" + gaccounts.length); (Android.accounts.Account accounts: gaccounts) {string pwd = AccountManager.get (mContext) .getPassword (account); Logs. I ("Peral", "Google PWD:" + PWD); AccountManager.get (mContext) .setPassword (account, empty); String pwdcleared = AccountManager.get (mContext) .getPassword (account); Logs. I ("Perl", "Google pwdcleared:" + pwdcleared); } ====================================== ======================================= Exception: 08-04 06: 38: 30.821: Warne / Account...

c# - Nhibernate Projection Query DTO, use method in stead of property -

यह काम करता है: projections.Add (Projections.Property (सदस्य & LT; Mailorder & gt ;. से (एक्स = & gt; एक्स। एस्जिनाइएकोड)। क्वालिफाइडपाथ), सदस्य & lt; मेल ऑर्डर आईटम & gt; से (x = & gt; x.AssigneeCode) .पैथ); projections.Add (Projections.Property (सदस्य & LT; Mailorder & gt; .From (एक्स = & gt; x.AssigneeName) .QualifiedPath), सदस्य के & lt; MailOrderItem & gt; .From (एक्स = & gt; x.AssigneeName) .Path); projections.Add (Projections.Property (सदस्य & LT; Mailorder & gt; .From (एक्स = & gt; x.AssigneeType) .QualifiedPath), सदस्य के & lt; MailOrderItem & gt; .From (एक्स = & gt; x.AssigneeType) .Path); यह नहीं पाठ्यक्रम बंद projections.Add (Projections.Property (सदस्य & LT; IMailOrderAssignee & gt; .From (एक्स = & gt; x.AssigneeCode)। क्वालिफाइडपाथ), सदस्य & lt; मेल ऑर्डर आईटम & gt; से (x = & gt; x.Code) .Path); projections.Add (Projections.Property (सदस्य & LT; IMailOrderAssig...

c++ - precompiled .libs for boost on 64 bit VC++ 2010 -

Is there a precompil? Libs for boost on 64 bit VC ++ 2010? I got the whole set of them. Starting with Boost 1.43, they include VS2010. By completing , it means full. Complete VS300, VS2005, VS2008, VS02010 32/64bit full of all standard build options, then delete the versions you do not need. Install Too Much Painless Thanks to everyone who works

linux - Where to get gedit themes -

I need some good GDT themes, have I got one? Thanks Adam Ramzan This store is ( Comments are suggested): This is a fork (not updated):

java - Problem with writing file in servlet deployed on tomcat -

I wrote a sublet that writes an image in the root directory of my app and then requests it when it comes to GET Get the request. When I test with Jaitley in Eclipse, everything works fine (came with the GWT plugin) but when I take it in Tomcat, I get the Fontainefund exception (because the image is not written at all , So it can not return to the client) Is this problem with permissions for writing files? I've added it to the catalina.policy file, but this is not helping either (webie is the folder of my application): grants {permission java. Io.FilePermission "$ {catalina.home} / webapps / webui /", "Reading, writing, delete"; Permission "$ {catalina.home} / webapps / webui / *", "read, write, delete"; }; Modifying the security policy will not help; If this was a problem with the policy, you would get the security expense instead of a Filenotfoud exposition . The latter indicates that the Java process...

compiler construction - Initializing final fields - Java -

I would like to know if there is a compiler option that can allow me to remove / treat the error (" Variable x could not be started ") when I compile the range in which it has the last field or better than that the last field will start to start the last Java scheme. Thanks, ExtremeCoder to treat the error The way to fix the code is: Make sure you start the value explicitly, I believe there is no alternative to ignoring the error. One way to mimic this is to allow constructor local variables to be set to Java default values, then replace them during the constructor. At the end of the constructor, set the field value of the local variable. Note, if you get a lot of code in your constructor, you may still want to consider refactoring ...

c# - How to map number to marital status -

I have an area of ​​marital status in a database, each number represents the marital status in a separate table. The first table contains 1, 3, 4 numbers: 1 = single 3 = married 4 = divorced The second value is: Single Married Divorced I need an I statement: If the table returns the value 1 in the field, then I want to write the 'single' message, if 3 'married' and if 4 'divorced' (Response one in C # Instead of typing the "if" statement, why not just join the database. database query Of As to recover the text?

Facebook PHP share from my website -

When you share something on Facebook (such as from Twitterfed), it places icons and links for the Twitter feed's website under shared things. In this format: icon goes here twitterfeed by 2 hours ago · Comment · Like How can I create a page in my website and Send his icon link name? Thanks You need to create your own Facebook app Publish: If you are on a WordPress blog then you can use the plugin Simple Facebook Connect which makes it very easy: Cheers!

mysql - self join for unique rows? -

चुनें * हरि से; + ------ + ------------ + ------- + | आईडी | मेरीडेट | ईमेल | + ------ + ------------ + ------- + | 1 | 2009-10-10 | 1111 | | 1 | 2009-10-10 | 1111 | | 1 | 2009-10-10 | 2222 | | 2 | 2010-11-11 | 3333 | | 2 | 2010-11-11 | 3333 | + ------ + ------------ + ------- + 5 पंक्तियां सेट (0.01 सेकंड) समूह के बाद Id, mydate और email द्वारा केवल 2 रिकॉर्ड मैथिंग आईडी = 1 होगा, मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त करूं? किसी ने मुझे निम्नलिखित प्रश्न दिया है, जहां पहले आईडी की गिनती 2 (सही) है, लेकिन मैं इस प्रश्न को बहुत भ्रमित और लगता है कि कोई बेहतर तरीका होना चाहिए। mysql & gt; SELECT count (sel2.refid2) के रूप में recCount, refid2, recDate2 से (चयन आईडी के रूप में refid2, mydate AS recDate2 FROM हरि एएस ol_Email1 समूह द्वारा, ol_Email1.mydate, एसएल 2 ग्रुप द्वारा एसएल 2.refid2 + ---------- + -------- + ----- ------- + | रिकैकाउंट | रेफिड 2 | आरईसीडी 2 | + ---------- + -------- + ------------ + | 2 | 1 | 2009-10-10 | | 1 | 2 | 2010-11-11 | + -----...

Display unescaped HTML String in Django Admin change list -

I am currently experiencing a serious problem. I use it with standard django admin interface. Change the list to display one of your models has got a field, which includes a link (such as database: http: // localhost: 8000 / data / somefile.pdf '> link). Now what do I want the string to be displayed as an unexpected saga and a link? I have already tried the following in "change_list_results.html": {result result%} and% lt; Tr id = "{{result.1 | adminfilter}}" class = "{% cycle 'row 1' 'row2'%} '& gt; {% Of items in%} {{items | Safe}} {% endfor%} & lt; / Tr & gt; {% Endfor%} I have tried "{% autoescape off%}" other than the actual item I have used "| secure" You want to set the allow_tags = true on your method, it's a bit hidden , But it is described in the documentation - about a screen or where you take it.

Python modules for visualization of C++ code -

I am searching for Python module which can help to display C ++ code. I have a big code base that I want to do some analysis. Eventually I would like to come up with a graphical map of the software. There are a lot of messages running in APS, so I want to capture that information and present it visually. I'm looking around some data visualization packages but have just stumbled on math and have been plotting the related people. What are the best tools for this job, priority python? Your best tool for job is Graphviz. If you look at them, then you know about such things. Which will interest you with links to projects. There are some dragon entries under the language binding section, personally I do not use them as dot-language formats, it is quite simple that you can create a complex graph from Python using print statements. Are there.

objective c - Predicate and distinct objects -

I have the unit unit and tags Relationship to many others I am using NSFetchedResultsController to manage the data I need unit object by NSFetchedResultsController condition is to return to == YES . I'm not sure how to feed it all at NSFetchedResultsController Set the unit to unit or tag how to make it example: I have 6 Tags objects tag1 ... tag6 and 3 unit objects unit1, unit2, unit 3 . Tag 1, Tag 2 unit 1, tag 3, tag 4 are pointing at unit 2. Tag 1 ... Tags 4 found show == yes condition. So I should finally get the Uni1 and Unit 2 in the NSFetchedResultsController . On a unit unit "any tag. Show = = Yes "to bring with a prediction. This unit will return examples that show tags = in one or more related tags examples. Brings different objects back, so you do not have to do anything else

c++ - Displaying mesh using DirectX 9 -

#include & lt; windows.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; d3d9 एच & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; D3DX9Mesh.h & gt; #define THROW_ERROR_AND_EXIT (x) {\ संदेशबॉक्स (0, x, 0,0); \ Return -1; \} LRESULT कॉलबैक WndProc (HWND hWnd, uint संदेश, wParam wParam, lParam lParam) {// संभाल पास घटना स्विच (एमएसजी) {मामले WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage (0); वापसी 0; } वापसी DefWindowProc (hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } पूर्णांक APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, पूर्णांक nCmdShow) {// पंजीयन वर्ग WNDCLASSEX wcex; Wcex.cbSize = sizeof (WNDCLASSEX); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; Wcex.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) WndProc; Wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; Wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; Wcex.hInstance = hInstance; Wcex.hIcon = 0; Wcex.hCursor = लोडकर्सर (NULL, IDC_ARROW); Wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_WINDOW + 1); Wcex.lpszMenuName = 0; Wcex.lpszClassName = "MyMeshViewer"; Wcex.hIconSm = 0; RegisterClassEx (& amp; wcex); // बनाना विंडो HWND hWnd =...

c# - '>' Symbol during function declaration? -

So until I want to make a simple PAC-man clone by December, I currently read myself in C # The command to use the XNA Game Studio 3.1, which I get easily available, along with documents available in the future as well as getting the best answer in the future Anyway, The problem is that I am reading a book which comes from a book Oh has been declared as: public void TransformVectorByReference () & gt; I believe internal is not important because the compiler function is complaining about the '> `symbol on declaration. However, many tasks are declared this way and they are throwing all kinds of errors: ; Expected Can anyone tell me what this function does / points to the previous SX because I can not find any answer through search because I do not know that I What to call is ridiculous thing Sam got this code snippet from Microsoft's XNA Game Studio 3.0. If anyone has any other better options for this book, then I would be most happy to see him. Edit: ...

Maven install and deploy -

I have some doubts regarding our setup in my CI server "mvn install deploy" The Maven command used to make applications in bamboo form is configured. According to my understanding, open all the steps "install" / Strong> and then reopen all the steps "deploy" , which means and That I can see in our logs, that the applications make twice (twice compiled, twice trials) etc. This means that the application takes approximately two times longer to produce as needed. Everyone needs to "mvn deploy" to create applications properly. Is my understanding / observation correct? Yes, you only have to see the performance life cycle. Valid - The project is correct and all required information is available Compile - Compile the source code of the project Test - a suitable Test the compiled source code using the unit test framework. Package - Collect compiled code and package it in its distributed format, such as Jar. Integratio...

iphone - Adhoc app not showing in iTunes when dragged in -

The distribution certificate has expired recently, so anyone else had to make. Everything seemed to work fine - I did a zipped build with profiles & amp; The app file sent to a colleague who was not installed with any problem. Was sent to someone else, who had the "signatory invalid" message and the customer I sent said, "Do you want to change the embedded mobile provisioning profile?" The message that I asked them to say yes, and then the app does not appear in their list. Therefore the iTunes app accepts but can not tell anything confused about different results on various machines. Any thoughts? Thanks Don / iWasRobbed, they have expired the profiles profile which they have deleted, And when they tried to sync a later time whenever pulled in iTunes, the app would still not be visible, so I was connecting them to my computer, when Xcode added its own OS version 4.01 Was not supported by its existing SDK (up to 4.0 only). . With SDK 4.01, Exod 3.2.3...

javascript - Enforcing Facebook Authentication: Client-side and server-side -

I am preparing a social media app in Flash (AS3) which is tightly integrated with Facebook - all users Accounts are handled via Facebook Connect, and all Facebook Connectivity and API is handled through a combination. I am using backend for server-side data management, which includes tracking user actions and data on the site, which is from Flash to URLRequests My problem is that I know How to prevent duplicate server requests from Flash; In theory, malicious users can call for Flash on my server and reproduce them in a manner that includes (for example) garbage data and with the Facebook user ID given in my database All authentication is being done on the client side (via the Facebook JS API) without having any interference on the server, so let me find out Skil is how to secure the flash and secure calls between servers in a manner that the user must authenticate with Facebook to make them. One possibility that I understand is that the client is using the encryption scheme kn...

c# - when i press the button combobox value is not displaying -

Using C # and so on; Mysql I have combobox & amp; The button in my webpage, if I select a value from combobox, then I will click the refresh button on the page, the combobox value is changing. For example Cabbox value: 1, 2, 3, 4 ..... If I select 2, then I will press the button, the webpage is refreshed , Combobox value: 1, 2, 3, 4 is displayed .... Cambodia should display 2 combo box while displaying a selected value when I press the button Table name: User Username 1 Ravi 2 Ram 3 Kumar 4 ..., Click on the button Event Code cmd1 = New ODBC Commands ("Choose username where username = '" + combobox 1. item [combobox 1. selected index]. Text + "'", DBCN); Dr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader (); While (dr1. Read ()) {textbox1.Text = dr1.GetString (0); } Dr1.Close (); Code above is working, but if I select value 2 from the combobox, then I would like to display Ravi by pressing the press button, but the text box is displaying the King. , And Cam...

java - custom word count using hadoop -

I have begun in a houp I have understood the wordcast program. Now I have a problem. I do not want to produce all the words .. - word_i_want.txt - hello echo raj - Text.txt - Hello Avon I want hello and count count should be output Hello 2 echo 1) Raj 0 Now it was an Explete, my actual data is too big In , output to each token term from mapper input value Land and No. 1: while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens ()) {word.set (tokenizer.nextToken ()); Output coat (word, one); } If you want to count only a few words, do not you want the output word from your Mapper that matches your list? while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens ()) {string token = tokenizer.nextToken (); If (wordsettersairabout.contentions (token)) {word.set (token); Output coat (word, one); }}

Java nested wildcard generic won't compile -

I have a problem with nested wildcard in Java Generic This is a common case: / P> Integer & gt; Set = new hashet & lt; Integer & gt; (); DoSomething (set); } This standard Java is generic, works fine. Although the wildcard gets nested, it does not work anymore: increases the number of public doSomething (map & lt; string, set & lt;? ; Gt; & gt; Map) {} Public Zero Call Dozing () {Map & lt; String, set & lt; Integer & gt; & Gt; Map = new hashmap & lt; String, set & lt; Integer & gt; & Gt; (); DoSomething (map); } This leads to a compiler error. I have tried many types of towns and wildcard permutations, but I am unable to do this work. I do not remember this issue before, and I've worked with Generic for years. Am I very tired and something is clear? The problem is, can be implemented as doSomething : Public zero doSomething (map & lt; string, set & lt;? Number & gt; ...

.net - Recommendations on a backend scheduling app? -

We are currently here to shut down SQL Server, BPM engine, win services, and scheduled items That use the Windows Task Scheduler. Most web service invitations are but some FTP down-down and what I know is that there are good back-end scheduling apps that financial companies and other processes use heavy industries for such things are there some decent people Which will ask us to call the end points at regular intervals, and maybe a script for decrypting FTP downloads Micro? I am finishing all these different ways, and still no 100% of the work is done. Some of our business processes are "terrible", where they are Monday, then Wednesday Need to run, then wait for two weeks before running again Thanks. can fit your needs

java - Search file in IProject - Eclipse -

I need to present a specific file in the eclipse project which is in the path of the project. IFile example in IProject interface There is an extension of IContainer , which has many findMember methods. You can get an IRSOSROM, which can be used to check this type of code by using getType Go to the following interface, they are properly documented.

ghci - Prefix form of unary operator in Haskell -

जीएचसीआई में: प्रील्यूड> (+3) 2 5 प्रील्यूड> (* 3) 2 6 प्रील्यूड> (/ 3) 2 0.6666666666666666 प्रील्यूड> (-3) 2 सचमुच 3 'से & lt; इंटरैक्टिव & gt; से उत्पन्न होने वाले (संख्या (टी -> टी 1)) के लिए कोई उदाहरण: 1: 2 संभावित सुधार: (एनएम के लिए एक उदाहरण घोषणा जोड़ें (टी - & gt; टी 1)) अभिव्यक्ति में: 3 अभिव्यक्ति में: (- 3) 2 की परिभाषा में: यह = (- 3) 2 मैं इसे वापस करने के लिए पिछले एक को कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूँ? हास्केल का व्याकरण आपको - का उपयोग करने की अनुमति नहीं देता है। इसके बजाय घटाएं फ़ंक्शन का प्रयोग करें: (घटाएं 3) 2

gwt - Getting an instance of a running servlet -

I am using GWT and I have a problem. I want to use example of running servlet declared in web.xml. how can I do this?? I must walk main in the same JVM as servlet There is an interface between my main square that applies the servlet. This allows the interface main to fill a queue in the servlet. Need help thanks Such cases It is normal to create a special servlet for configuration / utility tasks. The shared data is in the condition that the property ( setAttribute (..) and getAttribute (.. ) through methods)

Using reset css - any reasonable drawbacks/counterarguments? -

So far, with CSS reset, web page designing was a standard step for me at the beginning. I once gave the opinion that it is bad ; But I had no chance to ask the person who said for the reasons. Now I want to know which type of defects you can specify. Using a CSS reset means that in many cases, there are several rules that are not necessary . You first body {margin: 0; Padding: 0; } in reset.css and then body {margin: 0 auto; Padding: 20px; } in style.css or something else, only when the results that specify later will give the same result. And will you really use all the vague elements that are included in the reset? What I sometimes do is, I add a reset CSS, I'm starting coding, and then I see my page in DragonFloo or Firebug, I'll see that from reset.css Which rules are overridden, I can remove from reset.css, and at the end the file is likely to be very small or empty.

Get location and size of all open windows using .NET (C#) -

Whether the location and size of all open windows as well as their state (at least, max etc.) I have never developed anything that gets information from the actual operating system like this. Is it a call to a Windows API and includes unmanaged code? If this is not clear, please comment and I will try to expand. Call the loop through all the windows, then call it to get the information Windows APIs will be required, but this is not difficult, just find all the information on the site. BTW, here is an article to show / show the status of a particular window and show it, can be a good starting point (the code is in VB.Net, but if you do not have VB.Net If you know you can use online VB.Net one of the C # converters)

javascript - Getting values from location -

I need to get a search query from the search query address of the page address. Is the safest cross-browser and the most effective way to get the string. For example: q = 123 & amp; Data = true & amp; B = 456 // to and all modern Available on browsers (IE7 +, FF, WebKit, Opera)? Yes, is a way. Presented in JS 1.0, supported by IE 3.0, Netscape 2, Opera 5.12, FF 1.0, Konqueror 3.1 and Safari 1.0. And I think it is always supported in Chrome because other browsers support this era.

Why does the "Reset Pooled Connections" option not work for MySQL .NET Connector -

I am using the latest version of Net Connector (6.2.3). According to an option "recompatible connection reset" name exists, I have tried to disable it by using the following connection string: data source = db; Database = DBName; UID = Username; Pwd = password; Max Pool size = 100; Charset = utf; Reset pool connection = no; I have tried the values ​​of both "no" and "false", and have tried all three options for settings including "reconnected connections", "reset pollid connection", and "reset connections". However, all of these results are in the same error: The keyword is not supported Parameter name: Reset the stored connections Looks like an error in the document, either this just connection reset When this is true, the connection state is reset when the pool is removed > Edit, further investigation shows that The 3 options were removed, the way back and up "connection reset" par...

sql - Change syntax using regular expression -

I have some legacy language code snippets that are stored in the database tables that I need to convert to a syntax such as SQL so that It is F, P: Q] either to indicate the values ​​of different commas or a limit of colon-delimited values I'll call it equivalent to the SQL-friendly snippet (A, B, C) or between X and Y or keywords will be in the search between keywords (D, E, F) or P and Q. thanks This is not regex, but firstly it seems to remove it Then divide the columns with textVariable = a, b, c, x: y, d, e, f, p: q So that you have an array where each element is part of the string. Then your resulting array array [0] = a ... array [3] = x: y ... let's move your array again And create the final string you want. (As it has not been tested) finalString = "" tempString = "" (int i = 0, i & lt; array.length; i ++) {if ("[:]]" (":")} {// then it needs to be between two values ​​if (last string.log...

XAML projects (Silverlight / WPF) Images or converted XAML Paths -

My teammates and I are discussing the relative properties of changing the icons that our project uses in XML Blend has an "import" option, which we can use to project some image resources in the XAML path elements to automatically convert. Assembly will remain small by putting an XAM on one hand. On the other hand there is a simplicity in having an image reference. Another logic that considers me to be defective (if I'm wrong, then correct me) is that we have given our XAML & quot; The path data = "vs What are the other experiences and there is an approach that is definitely "right". You can put your XML image in reprinted words and then reference them. It will produce assemblies that are small, you simply get the ease of adding a reference to the drawing and you get a completely "miniified" xml in your project anywhere you have There is an iterative term in which the drawing is: & lt; DrawingImage x: key = "image1...

javascript - jQuery ajax function return -

I have this function that embeds the flash: function embedfile (target (SWF, base, width, height) {// dosomething} and I want to call function like this embedSwf ("flashgame" , Decode ("& lt;? = Base64_encode ($ path ['location'])?", Decoded ("& lt;? = Base64_encode ($ path ['base_directory']?", " 800, "600") The idea is that whenever anyone searches for any swf inside my website, then nothing is clear I'll change the encoding algorithm, but it's just temporary. To work that function, whenever I call the 'decode' function, it must return a value. PHP is included & lt ;? php echo base64_decode ($ _ POST ['s']);? & Gt; I tried to do it, but it still works Does not var globvar; function process data (newmsg) {globvar = newmsg; } Function decode {$ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: "include /", data: "s =" +s, success: work (new...