
Showing posts from January, 2014

c# - Which one is faster reading an XML file or querying a database -

I am preparing CMS in C # and need to decide where to save the configuration settings for the site . Also consider defining my base HTML templates and then processing the server side to make the page ahead of time. So what is the faster / less overhead from the server or the local database to read an XML file? It seems that this will be a hindrance in your code. How often are you planning on reading the configuration settings? The configuration is generally enough , and sometimes reads more important things to think about where it and how to store it: Bootstrapping: You can probably access your app's local file system, and you hard-code a configuration file name ... but if all your configuration is in the database, then what database do you configure to talk to Are you Tweaking and ease of deployment: A configuration editing server may be , faster than making changes in the database. ..but if you have multiple servers, do you want to zoom a file on each one of...

coldfusion - How to cache rarely changed many-to-one entity in CF ORM? -

How to cache at least one unit in CF ORM, such as user type where only & lt ; 10 types? I do not want to choose to get additional type name. Why? Any XML needs first configuration? > If UserType is a component, you can use cacheuse = Read-only "cachename =" UserType ". The only fastest to read and is good for such matters as you describe. In my experience, just hoping that caching was not your reason, while specifying the cache value on the property in the owner's component ... I need to specify it directly on component-to-cached Because you are using only for reading speed, you will need some space to cache when you need the data: ormEvictEntity ("UserType") ;

linux - Create multiple SquashFS partitions -

I am working on embedded platforms (Broadcom's BCM5358U proprietor MIP Core), where I'm looking for further purpose Additional partitioning required The upgrade process is the filesystem squashFS used, so I have modified 'struct mtd_partition' accordingly, which has passed the MTD related code, and I ended up with: #cat / proc / partitions prim B minor # block name - 31 0 128 mtdblock0 - 31 0 128 mtdblock0 - 31 1 6016 mtdblock1 - 31 2 4573 mtdblock2 - 31 3 6016 mtdblock3 - 31 4 4445 mtdblock4 - 31 5 4160 mtdblock5 - 31 6 64 Multiblock 6 Now I want to be able to mount / dev / mtdblock4 as a temporary repository during system upgrades, but I can not do this because it seems that this split mtdblock4 does not have any FS Not installed. The kernel image and FS are integrated into an image, which is attached below / dev / mtdblock2 (which is provided as root_fs for the kernel). I only see one solution: to create an empty squash image, write it is on / dev / mtdbl...

drupal - Importing 60,000 nodes -

I am using the table wizard + I am migrating the module to import nodes in my Drupal installation. I need nearly 60,000 questions / answers (they are both nodes) and I thought it would be an easy task. However, the process of the migrate imports 4 nodes per minute, and it ends importing approximately 11 days. I was wondering if I can do it faster by importing it directly into MySQL but I really need to create 60,000 nodes I think Duplal is going to store additional information in another table ... and it is not safe. What do you suggest me to do? Wait 10 days? Thanks Migrating tables should be an order of greater intensity than that. Do you use Pathauto? If so, try disabling the PathOuto module, often causing large performance issues on the import. Secondly, if disabling the pathto does not work, all the non-essential modules you run - some modules do crazy things, remove other modules as the source of the problem. Third, is MySQL db log turned on? There may be...

naming convention suggestion for web developement -

I have applied the notification bar at the top of my web page when the user joins, edit, delete my messages Enter successfully entered // Successfully updated // Update or edit Successfully deleted // delete Is it OK or any other suggestion from user's point of view I Only suggest a meaningful message than to say he "successfully updated" For example Your work address was successfully saved. The user has successfully saved / created the "Muralivijay CSK" In some cases (if your app accidental) you may also be humorous For example in Bugzilla Search, the app says that "your search criteria do not match"

c# - a component for working with databases in .net -

I need a component to work with every type of database in the app. I want to access and annatize any database and bring the tablet and it fills my app. Please help me. In my opinion, the closest technique will be the ODBC object in ADO net, but the other is notable as , It will not solve the issues of SQL bids (for example, Oracle, Access, etc. has a different syntax than SQL Server). An ORM (object relational mapping) can probably help it, as long as it works with ADOnate with ODBC objects.

open source - Change license for Google code project -

I have put my project into the Google code using the GPL 3 license. Can I turn it into Apache 2.0? All copyrights are included in the sources. Renew: I know how to do this. I want to know about the issues that can happen. Or can I just change it and do not worry about it? You can definitely change the license by using the Admin Panel Google code for your project Page of This will certainly not change any license information in the source, which is a good reason not to enter such information in the source. If you are asking "is it OK to change this license", then if you are a copyright holder, then doing this will not cancel the previous license for existing users of your existing code.

delphi - How to fold an inserted region with Open Tools API? -

I want to insert an area into an editing scene and then want to multiply this area. / / FEditView: IOTAEditView; Var Author: IOTAEditWriter; Start author: = fEditView.Buffer.CreateUndoableWriter; // ... Author. Instruct ('{$ REGION' 'Documentation'} '# 13 # 10' {$ ENDREGION} '); Author: = Zero; // buffer F. edit weight composition. Flush the zeitone (line no); // go to field line number fEditView.Paint; End; This code snippet will include an area in the code editor. But IDE requires some action to create such an area in code editor. Is the IDE any way to implement this action and then I can use (fEditView as IOTAElideActions). ElideNearestBlock; to fold it? found with error testing - and - panic: -) (FEditView as IOTAElideActions) .EnableElisions; (FEditView as IOTAElideActions) .EnableElisions; (FEditView as IOTAElideActions). Allianceistblock; Enabled Eclipse () actually appears for the toggle elisions facility. Turning to ...

android - Convert Json Array to normal Java Array -

क्या JSON Array को सामान्य जावा एरे को एंड्रॉइड लिस्ट्यूव्यू डेटा बाइंडिंग के लिए परिवर्तित करना है? सरणी लिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; सूची = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (); JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) jsonObject; अगर (jsonArray! = नल) {int len ​​= jsonArray.length (); के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; len; i ++) {list.add (jsonArray.get (i) .toString ()); }}

ios - Detect Tap on CalloutBubble in MKAnnotationView -

I'm working with Mkemapwu and MK Annoteshn view. I have an annotation in the map. When the user taps on it, the callout bubble is displayed. When annotations are tapped again (and Colopt appears bubble) I need to change in the second scene. How can I find another tap, or tap into a bubble? You can add a signal identifier when you start MKAnnotationView ? Here is the code inside dequeueReusableNnotationViewWithIdentifier: UITapGestureRecognizer * tapGesture = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: self action: @selector (calloutTapped :)]; [See ANNotation viewstationline: tap gesture]; [Tap Jestra Release]; The method for gesture identifier: - (minus) Colauttap: (ID) to the sender {// code to display it next required // To get an annotation associated with callout that caused this event: // id & lt; MK Annnotation & gt; Annotations = ((Mkeanoteshnwu *) Preshkkdrishy) Knoteshn; }

algorithm - F# FSharpMap vs Dictionary performance -

I was wondering how F # does the irreversible map against the standard dictionary. I'm writing What about memory usage? Thanks I was wondering how F # is an irreversible map against the standard dictionary. See page 241-242 "Optimization: Use unstable data structure" in the same setting of calculation of frequencies on the int, as the function of the number of specific keys, in the dictionary Moves from 5 to 40 × fast maps . In general, purely functional data structures, such as maps in the case of serials, are not only very slow but they destroy the scalability of the entire parallel programs. . I recently gave it on. BTW, do not forget that a Seac Seatby function!

linq - Iterating tables in a context and the properties of those tables -

I repeat the tables of reference and then in order to load all the columns eagerly in the context of the properties of those tables . I have received some help through some other question, but I think how to iterate the column properties of the actual table. Last Job Code: Public Static Zero DisableLazyLoading (This DataContext Reference) {DataLoadOptions Option = New DataLoadOptions (); Var contextableables = reference.gettype (). GetProperties (). Where (n = & gt; nproperty == "table` 1"); Forward (table in context reference) {var tabletop = context tab.gate value (reference, empty) .getType (). GetGenericArguments () [0]; Var Table Properties = tableType.GetProperties (). Where (n = & gt; n.PropertyType.Name! = "EntitySet`1"); Foreign exchange (form table in table table) {parameter Exercise Parax = Expression. Parameter (Table Type, "S"); Expression expr = Expression.Property (paramExp, tableProperty.Name); Options.LoadWith (...

Internet explorer, jQuery: input box jumps/moves when being replaced with the exact same one -

What do I want : To focus, change one input box to another () What do I get : In Internet Explorer (7/8), the input box runs some pixels on the right while focusing. Works well in other browsers (obviously). Here's a link where I've rebuilt this problem: & lt; The link has now been removed due to beeing The source is available in the above file, but I will also include it here for your convenience. & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" ""> & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-language" content = "n" /> & Lt; Script src = "include / jquery-1.4.2.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (funct...

objective c - Best practice for View-Routing in iPhone SDK -

I have participated in a little problem developing a core data driven quiz and about a best practice to solve My problem is a bit confused. I have around five templates for different questions, from which the question arises, in which it will be loaded. So I check that there is 1 question in the template and press the new question-template view in my navigation controller. Make all your methods the same code, I want to write a function (I came from php) which argues to the next question-id and decides that the template will be loaded and press the next view in the navigation-controller. What is the best practice to solve this problem? Can I write functions with access to navigation controller, and my core data classes and if yes, do I have to create this function? Greetings, Mr.D OK I think I get a way But there is another error here, I am making a class named Questionerwar and define a class method. I will import this class into each visual controller where it is necess...

oracle - Package recompile after changing nls_length_semantics -

I have a database where the nls_length_semantics value has been changed from byte to four. Is it necessary to recompile all packages that are the externally accessed varchar2 based data types (for example dbms_sql)? @gwu is wrong in my opinion, at least it is wrong in soul, it is not a matter of desire It is a matter of necessity, though, it is also true in the sense that he says: it depends . You need to recompile your package, if the underlying data in the database is multi-byte Today I have a problem where the packages in the byte format were compiled, although my The tables contained in the tables are clearly defined in Unicode (for example) VARCHAR2 (20 CRAR), while the code in my PL / SQL package is defined as VARCHAR2 (20) only This means that a column defined with a length of 50, always does not fit in the PL / SQL variables defined as 50/50 length. My user is reporting the errors of "character buffer very small" type as a result. If you have a simil...

c# - SQL Server2008: BeginExecuteNonQuery / EndExecuteNonQuery Problem -

मेरे पास एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि है, जो एक विशिष्ट डेटाबेस का बैकअप लिखता है मैं इस सपा को सी # / विंडोज फॉर्म में एक asynchrounously आवेदन में कॉल करता हूँ यहां कोड स्निप किया गया है: IAsyncResult परिणाम = कमांड। BeginExecuteNonQuery (); जबकि (! परिणाम। आईपी समाहित) {System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (1000); ...} command.EndExecuteNonQuery (परिणाम)); कुछ समय के बाद प्रोग्राम लूप छोड़ देता है, क्योंकि IsCompleted = true और EndExecuteNonQuery कॉल करता है समस्या यह है कि, नौकरी अभी भी व्यस्त है और एंडएक्सेक्यूट नोनिका अवरुद्ध है! कुछ मिनटों के बाद यह एक सर्वर समयबाह्य का कारण बनता है ऐसा लगता है कि IsCompleted मान क्रमशः अनुरूप नहीं है, जो कि IsCompleted के साथ गलत है? मैं कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं कि मेरा कार्यक्रम "वास्तविक जॉब स्टेटस" सुनिश्चित करें कि आपकी संग्रहीत कार्यविधि कुछ भी प्रिंट नहीं करती है और इसकी कोई गणना रिपोर्ट नहीं है ( SET NOCOUNT ON )। एसिंक टीडीएस कॉल सर्वर द्वारा भेजे गए बहुत पहले पैकेट पर कॉल करता है, लेकिन यह पैकेट इंटरमीडिएट प...

jQuery IE7 problem (using jQuery Cycle plugin) -

I can not work with IE 7 at all. I'm using the jQuery Cycle Plugin, but I believe this problem is with jQuery (and the fact that I am a newbie). I'm trying to use banner rotator which works on Firefox, Safari and IE8. On IE 7, this is not also active ... it only shows each div after each other. Thank you in advance! Example JS $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# myslides'). Lt; div id = "nav" & gt; ') .cycle ({fx:' fade ', // Choose your transition type speed: 600, speedout: 600, timeout: 8000, pause: 0, // so that When a user reaches a slide pager, '# NAV' directs the plugin to create // navigation element}}; // The element of each child in the container is a slide / AJMMathMan.Eight ({manmnude: "Chicken menu 1 ", // Menu DIV ID Orientation: 'H', // horizontal Or vertical menu is created: Set "H" or "V" classname: 'DDSMUTHMAN', // class has been added to the external divis ...

excel- applying a function to the selected cells -

Is it possible to select a range of cells in Excel-A1: B10 and then enter everything into cells ? I have too many cells to enter each cell and enter = and log in each code manually. Thanks You can type the required text by Ctrl-Enter . Update Using a macro I can not think of any of these formulas to apply. If you just want to assume, then you can create a second category with the log values ​​next to the original and then only copy and paste special values ​​can be used to copy the values.

linq to sql - What are Disconnected ORM and Connected ORM -

Can anyone explain these two expressions for me? What are the benefits for each one? // I have just worked and are familiar with codemeth and Linux between all the ORM devices. Thank you This refers to the fact that you can disconnect the database session and still hope that the institutions "live" In the disconnected ORM, you can disconnect and reconnect the database sessions (such as between web page requests) while retaining unit objects (such as in web session status). Personally I do not like to work in disconnect mode (I 'mostly using NHibernate) because it only looks for things, sometimes there are side effects that can be debugged Are difficult for.

Is jQuery method chaining an example of fluent programming? -

I'm new to JavaScript / jQuery, but when I saw the instances of the method, immediately acquainted me it was done. Other interfaces like LINQ do something like this, where there is a type of method of return type in the same way that they work (TweetSharp is something very similar). Is this an example of fluent programming? What I have read about JEL, they say that other libraries have "borrowed" this idea of ​​Chenning of the law - did the idea come with jQuery? jQuery is actually quite heavy after / but it is definitely not the leading of the design pattern. The chances of other libraries followed after jQuery and borrowed its view. This is just the fame of the ground which it looks like to generate from jQuery.

css - HTML table reduces the print font size on entire page -

I had a page that displayed some text and a focused table beneath that text, Added another table nearby. The font size remained the same on the screen, but the font size decreased in print size. It is probably such that in two tables one can fit apart from another. The fact is that the font size on the whole page has decreased, even outside the table (which is unwanted). Does anyone know this because of this behavior and how can I keep the declared font size out of the table (this has been clearly announced but does not have any effect in the print). the user's original answer It seems that the font size did not decrease , But the whole page was scaled to fit the paper size. Therefore, external text can not be clearly set in large size, but setting table text in small size helps reduce page width so there is no need for scaling.

database - Is DDD fit for our scenario? -

We are trying to come up with an API and provide data-intensive services for potential users. Our scenario: We are a low-data vendor where we store large amounts of data in the normalized database and use the query to retrieve them for display in data-driven web applications. . Now, we want to create an API that clients can use to create their own frontend. Looking at the scenario, does DDD help here? From all the readings, DDD helps you with complex event logic, but here we are keeping things together from the database and serving them. Or, would you say that we can not make the API based on our database structure, but on our own domain model? Any kind of help is appreciated. Thank you. If the application is needed only think about DDD .. and please see Why does UDI clearly explain why we should not use the domain model to query ?

NServiceBus is throwing ArgumentNullException in UnicastBus.IsInitializationMessage -

I'm a bit confused with one issue on a particular deployment, but not on my build machine. This is a web application that is receiving NSSSBBs events so that a continuous visualization model can be updated. There are events waiting in the upcoming MSMQ services, so the membership is working properly, but the application is not processing them. Sorry for the mass of the text shown below the output I get; The summary is that log UnicastBus.Address indicates nothing at runtime. Maybe some of my configurations are missing. Here are the logs: [worker .11] INFO NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus [(empty)] - General. User .WebApp.DevTest initials [10] Information NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus [(empty)] - Subscribe to mango. the user. message. Events. ILUsers published, general the user. Message, Version =, Culture = neutral, Sarwajnikki token common .Users.MessageHandlers.DevTest in = null Publisher Q [10] information NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus [(null)] - Common.Users.Me...

ajax - how to update a div with jquery based on drop down selection -

I have a drop down menu with three values, each has an option id I I want to request ajax and want to update a div on the basis of feedback from that request. I have a sample code on jsbin in which I am trying to make an AJAX request to IMDB. I do not want to parse the answer back to IMDB, but someone should show me how to update a Div based on feedback from IDDB is just a sample because I like to implement something in my application like this I am trying to ... The only difference is that instead of making callback to IMDB, I will make a callback for my application. Please See something like this: Whenever there is a value of select element change, it will send a GET request ( to / your / page? Value = thislectValue ) and the ID yourdiv with div . Of course you have to adjust selectors and parameter names. If you want to post a post , You can use the $. Post () function with callback: $ ('selec ('To / your / page', {value: $ (this) .va...

sql - Select rows whose IDs are not found in another table under certain constraints -

The practical problem I am solving is to display a list of items that have recently been updated. Which the user has not seen recently. I am attempting to return a table containing items that are not in the item view table for a given user (we use the user number 1 it is said). I came up with: from SELECT * items where i.updated_at & gt; Date_sub (curdate), interval 10 days) and not (select items from item_id in items_views where i.created_at> date_sub (curdate), interval 10 days) and i.user_id = 1) It works fine (is it the best way to do this too?). However, I am considering the item which is considering the item which was viewed 8 days earlier and was updated 3 days earlier. One such item is clearly new, but it will not be shown under this question. How should I be involved in linking this restriction? If you have the update_at column in your view, then you can always add checks to make sure There is a line that the up-to-date date is not within your ti...

wpf - Custom Message Box Advice -

Well, I'm using a custom window box that comes with some custom control boxes that accompany the text The producers who are displayed are called. I have a defined event, which has been subscribed through the original class, it gets burnt when clicking on the button. However, I can not see how to use it effectively, I would like to return one yes, whether yes or not, but obviously my code will continue to execute, so this Below is some example code to clarify the problem that the method has subscibed by clicking on the button. Message box window Public partial class custom message box: window {public representative message messagebox object sender, event events e); Public event messagebox handler messagebox document; Public Customs Box () {Initial group (); } Public Customsbox (String Message) {InitializeComponent (); This.txtdescription.Text = Message; } Public Customsbox (String Message, String Title, String First BTNtext) {Initialization (); This.lbltitle.Content =...

mysqldump - mysql dump issue -

mysql gives me syntax error from the following line ... I do not know what's wrong with it ... mysqldump -u root -p root mydatabase & gt; I am using Windows Vista ... plz help here .. > Ensure that you are running it from a normal command line and not within mysql command line like this: C: \ [path to mysqldump app] & gt; Mysqldump -u root -p root mydatabase & gt; Dumpfile.sql not mysql> Mysqldump -u root -p root mydatabase & gt; Dumpfile.sql

objective c - iOS4 breaks HTTP requests (POST/GET) -

I've got a working version to work on our codebase 3.1.3 and 3.2, and recently we have a significant focus Drop in the traffic for the given URL, this request is hitting. After investigation, I noticed that there is no traffic to the URL, followed by an application to completely break the This will exact code will execute a thread properly and return data. We are absolutely stumped on this. I've got is that this is a section of code: {NSString * post = @ "data = {\" * \ ": \" Dls \ "}"; NSDTA * PostData = [Post Data Usage Encoding: NASCitit Encoding]; // permission licensed conversion: yes]; NSString * postLength = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", [Postdeta length]]; NSString * url = @ "urlremoved"; UrlDownloaderOperation * op = [UrlDownloaderOperation urlDownloaderWithUrlString: URL representative: self didFinishSelector: @selector (requestDVDsDidFinishWithData :) didFailSelector: @selector (requestDVDsDidFailWit...

c# how to print AssemblyFileVersion -

How can I print the version of the program running in my log? In other words, can I use AssemblyFileVersion using the console. WrightLine? Thanks Tony It seems that something like this will work: public stable string version {meet {assembly asm = assembly.getExecutingAssembly (); FileVersionInfo FV = FileIvarianEnfo.footerdienfo (asm.Location); Return String.Format ("{0}. {1}", FVA.Product MajorPart, FVI ProductManartPart); }}

sql server 2005 - SQL - How can I temporarily protect the data in this table? -

I am populating a table that acts as a cache (this is necessary because the data is linked to the server Comes through and connecting via link is very expensive) I have included the pseudo code below which hopefully what I am trying to do. I really do not know if there is a way to lock down a table like this, or I need to use the transaction, but here are the basics: Delete everything in the cachetable Populate the cachetable Process the data in the cachetable for 10 seconds (it is important that other examples of this stored procedure do not remove the cachetable during processing!) Return processed form (CacheTable is free again) Remove from CacheTable - If these errors are locked, then exit the stored procedure [[Lock CacheTable]] in CacheTable Insert Exec RemoteDB.dbo. [Sp_GrabRecords] @Start, @End, @Key Process Cached Data ... Select Processed Data [[Unlock Cacheable]] How Can I Secure This Data Cachetable While Is it being processed? Note: I am also looki...

lisp - HTDP Exercise 6.6.1 - What does it mean by template functions? -

I'm looking at a plan for a little fun using the book "How To Make Fun Programs". All very easy yet, but ran into this weird words, where I am not clear what the purpose is: Develop the template fun-round-circle, which resolves the function Which uses the circle. The result is undefined. One possibility is that I am being asked to define a higher order function, but it seems that the lambda has not been fit in the form of the book so far And that you were following the book as a novice developer if you had to jump before running. The second option will be to simply look for a function in just a comment, however, exercise 6.6.2 does not fit with the following instructions to use it: Use fun-of-circle to develop a Draw-One circle I'm sure something is clear to me, but I'm not sure what happened. Unfortunately I can not see the answer to see what I intend because I do not have a password, does anyone get any insight? , a template is a type of ...

java - Eclipse RCP File Browser in ViewPart or Editor? -

I am implementing a file browser, using a tree view, in Eclipse RCP I would ask if it would be best to put it into an editor or view papers because, I should be able to pass the root path for the browser and there is no way to do this with any view. As ideas do not start straight away. From the differences between editors and viewers: Generally, the workflow page is only an example of a given scene, but there are several examples of the same type of editor. Editors can only appear in one area of ​​the page, while the consideration can be taken to any part of the page and can be minimized as fast ideas. Editors may be in dirty condition, which means their content is not being saved and if the editor is closed without saving. The scene has a local toolbar, while editors contribute buttons in the global toolbar. Editors can be added with file name or an extension, and this will be replaced by association users Your file browser is actually an editor Instead of ac...

objective c - Nested method calls vs. one-shot variables -

What method is best practice by making a call nest or using a shot variable? Should you never do that? Examples of one shot variable example: [NSDL fileURLWithPath: [applicationSupportDirectory stringBeeAppendingPathComponent: @ "storedata" NSDiction dictionary with object: [NSNumber Number: Forbes: Yes] KA: NSMIGetCentententorsautomatikation] Error: & amp; Error]; You should always break a nested method in a shot variable Example: NSNumber * yesNumber = [NSNumber numberWithBool: Yes]; NSDictionary * optionsDict = [object with NSDictionary dictionary: yesNumber forKey: NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption]; NSString * urlPath = [Application Support Directory stringbappinging company: @ "stored"]; Ns url * url = [NSUr file URL with path: urapith]; [Persistent Story Coordinator Editor's Storwyth Type: NSXMLStore Type Configuration: Zero URL: URL Options: OptionsDict: Error; And editions]; You must use some combination of or two exa...

.net - How to Specify WebRequest IP to use (or HttpWebRequest if applicable) (C#) -

Is it possible to specify an IP address that should be used when creating a connection to a remote resource? For example, I have an MVC 2 website that runs on the IP but it has been assigned to the server in - . The website contains a class that will be started based on user input and will create a request for remote resources. The problem I have is that WebRequest is using the most 0.0 as 0.1 as it is the server's first IP instead of the IP, thus the IPS Requesting to block from remote resources filtered by ... Method of specifying IP should use WebRequest when requesting. Alternatively, this is not the solution of WebRequest, it may be a solution for HttpWebRequest, or something else may be required if I have to, then I will change the code for the requests / reactions. However, help would be greatly appreciated! thank you in advanced! I think you want to use HttpWebRequest.ServicePoint to specify a particular IP address Are there. S...

html - print web page in different print quality width fix element size, mozilla, dot matrix printer -

I have problems with printing in dot matrix printers. My client printer is Epson LX300 + II and Epson LQ-2170. I have to print from a web application written in php. Mozilla Firefox is with a web browser client but I can not set the right width for the layout, for example: When I print those things, different print quality LX 300 + II produces different sizes of printed material using 120x72 DPI quality of print, 2in LX Will be printed around 2in using 300 + II quality will be printed around 120x144 dpi 2in how can I make a fix layout in html to print in different print quality B My client form 2or to print using 3 different printers. Printing does not always seem to be a problem with browsers that the browser has its own headers and footers Add an article (unless the user is cunning enough to know how to close it). I have found the best way around this that is to create a PDF document that the customer can see and print when they want.

linq equals override -

Can someone help me override an operator in C # Linux? This problem is: var temp = from t1 to table 1 in t2 in t2 at t1.column1 ** equal to ** t2.column2 t1.column4 Choose; It is notable that t1.column1 and t2.column2 are actually some specific types if anyone needs more information If so, please let me know. Well, you have not said that it is LINQ object, LINQ to SQL etc. ... Assuming LINQ as an object, you just need to override the types included in the equal and GetHashCode methods. If this is LINQ from SQL, then it is difficult - you can not specify a custom comparison as far as I know. If you can give more information about it, it will be very easy to help you get it. - How to save connection request to database in this scenario -

I am new to and know a bit about its work and as I am moving forward I am getting new and more new suspicion I was working with two RadioLists at this time which are loading on page loads. Now when a user changes the indicator of the radio button, the list 1. The second one needs to be updated essentially, what is the price set for the currently selected radio button. Since the page will be posted back, so I have to urgently ask a query to get new data from the database for the selected index or the form of the dataset as session Can store 2-3 tables in . What should I do in this scenario should I re-request a SQL query or retrieve the dataset from the session . What is the most favorable approach for this and why? The radio button should not be retrieved from the data database for list 1 (rbl1). It should already be populated by viewtest. It is an invisible object on your page that keeps track between loading your control contents in the browser and re...

java - Code Signing J2ME Application -

I have written my application in J2, written for specific mobile phones i.e. Nokia 2690 I need to do file Io operations without the user's permission I mean I want to get a trusted domain [or which it is required] I'm starting entirely. Please help me. Provide me the authorization from where I should buy the certificate All the information you find is essential. . This is a very complex and costly process that I can add.

java - Using multiple property files (via PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer) in multiple projects/modules -

We are currently writing an application that is divided into several projects / modules. For example, let's take the following modules: myApp-DAO myApp-jabber Each module's own spring reference For Xml file DAO module, I have a propertyplaceholder's configurator that reads a required file with DB connection parameters. I also have a PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer for the connection properties for Iqbal module in the Jabber module. now comes in the main application, which includes my app- DAO and myApp-jabber. It reads all reference files and starts a large spring reference. Unfortunately, it seems that there can only be a reference to a propertyplaceholder's configurator, so whatever module is loaded it is able to read the connection parameters first. . The second one throws an exception with an error such as "placeholder '' 'can not be resolved." I understand what the problem is, but I do not really know the solution - or...

Python performance: search large list vs sqlite -

Let me have a database table that has three columns: id , field1 and field 2 . There can be anywhere between 100 and 100,000 rows in this table. I have a dragon script that includes 10-1000 new lines in this table. However, if the new field1 already exists in the table, then it should not be UPDATE , INSERT . Which of the following approaches is more efficient? Select SELECT field 1 ( field 1 is unique) from the table and store it in that list. Then, for each new row, use list.count () , to determine whether INSERT or UPDATE For each line, run two questions First, from the SELECT number (*) to the table WHERE field 1 = "foo" then either INSERT or UPDATE . In other words, is it more efficient to execute the n + 1 questions and get the list, or the sequence to find and search 2n questions? Assume that there is a unique hurdle on field 1, you can do simple access: Enter or change the table values ​​(...) The following syntax is also ...

c# - Move to previous textbox from current by pressing backspace -

I want to know how to move the cursor over the previous text box from the current text box. Example textbox1 textbox2 textbox3 Let's assume that three text boxes are now created and the third one is on a text box. I mean my cursor over the text box 3 and I want to move the cursor to text box 2 or focus on textbox2 to modify. Am I? Please suggest appropriate code for this. Based on: foreign currency (new tab in new [] {Tbox0, tbox1, tbox2}) {tbox.KeyPress + = (Sender, E) => Keypressed (this, e); } Private Zero Keys are pressed (Object Sender, Keypress EventAgages E) {If (E.Kerk == (four) Keys. Back) (Sender Sender) .GetNextControl ((Controller sender, wrong) Choose (); // Focus ()}

ruby on rails plugins - generating a pdf file using prawnto (mysql table) -

I have used pranova in some railway projects. As I am trying to integrate it into this project, I am unable to work it! I have installed the plugin, and there are files: install script / plugin git: // github .com / thorny-sun / prawnto.git I have this line environment Block has been added: config.gem "prawn" Shrimp has been installed as a gem and configured: Gem List - Local Promotion (0.5.1) Prawn-Corps (0.5.1) Prawn - Form (0.2.1) Prawn-Layout (0.2.1) There is an update here to invite Pranas The methods are: like B I've used the above mentioned "souls" method calls, and block through a reaction, such as: ... among others. And finally, I have set up my controlling method to handle PDFs: Hi there, I have used the pranova in some railway projects. As I am trying to integrate it into this project, I am unable to work it! I have installed the plugin, and there are files: install script / plugin git: // github .com / thorny-sun / prawnto.git...

python - Django - Limit users who view the items -

मेरे मॉडल: वर्ग PromoNotification (models.Model): title = models.CharField (_ ('शीर्षक'), अधिकतम_लांबी = 200) सामग्री = मॉडल। टेस्टफिल्ड (_ ('सामग्री')) उपयोगकर्ता = मॉडल। कई मेटाफ़ाइल (उपयोगकर्ता, रिक्त = सत्य, शून्य = सत्य) समूह = मॉडल.घटक, रिक्त = सच, शून्य = सच) मैं उन वस्तुओं को कुछ अनुमतियों के साथ टेम्पलेट में प्रकाशित करना चाहता हूं। टेम्पलेट उन उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए सूचनाएं दिखाता है जो सूची में हैं (उपयोगकर्ता या / और समूह)। मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? हर प्रकार की सहायता के लिए आपका धन्यवाद। यदि आप कर सकते हैं तो मुझे कुछ कोड दिखाएं। आप एक कस्टम प्रबंधक का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, जिससे यह आसान हो जाता है यह उपयोगकर्ता कई दृश्यों में फ़िल्टरिंग करता है। वर्ग PromoNotificationManager (models.Manager): def get_for_user (स्वयं, उपयोगकर्ता) "" "निर्दिष्ट उपयोगकर्ता के लिए दृश्यमान सूचनाएं पुनर्प्राप्त करें" Untested, लेकिन जो आपको सूचनाएं = सुपर (प्रोमो नॉटिफिकेशन प्रबंधक, स्वयं) की आवश्यकता है उसके करीब होना चाहिए। गेट_क्वेरी_सेट () user_...

java - Executing SQL in SQLite on the Android SDK -

So I've just completed it and it works great, but when I read data from my database, I'm stuck somewhere. I am now thanking the database file, but I am now looking for a method that will allow me to return the value of a field. Or at least one way that lets me execute SQL The closest I am calling this is: public list & lt; String & gt; Select all () {list & lt; String & gt; List = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (); Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery ("select * from Android tablet", blank); If (cursor.moveToFirst ()) {do {list.add (cursor.getString (0)); } While (cursor.movetoonext ()); } If (cursor! = Null & amp; cursor.iccllast ()) {cursor.close (); } Return list; } But it only throws a SQLiteException: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: No such table: Android tablet: while compiling : SELECT * FROM AndroidTable I know that I am loading the correct file (which is in this table), such as I change the directory p...

java - case-insensitive search in EJB QL -

It looks really simple and I can not believe that I have not got any solutions. I have a bean named Bean, whose name is now, I want to write a finder method which takes the string and looks for people with that string in their name, case-insensitive. Here's my current EJB QL: select object (P) from person P war (like P. name? 1) I have 2 problems It is: I want search to be insensitive to the case (above is case-sensitive) and I short () or upper () Update: I'm using J2EE version 1.4 and Glassfish version 2.1, if this is the case. I have to give an ugly string for the method, i.e. findByString ("% John%") . Is there a way to write EJB QL so that I get the findByString ("john") CONCAT function, so I think the following should be done: WHERE (like PK name Kanakat ('%', CONCAT (? 1, '%'))) Edit: The above do not work because the QL grammar is only a choice expression String and input paragraphs in Allows Itr...

.net - msdeploy/Web Deployment Tool deploying too many files -

We are using our sites to deploy our servers in different environments from our continuous integration server. Artworks have been manually deployed from command line to dev site. Deployment only pushs changed files and is very fast. However, when we put pressure on our test or live environment, there is a lot of copying of files from the deployment, which should not be changed. I understand that msdeploy is based on timestamp, size and attributes. Comparisons, which should not be changed. We can see the use of the switch -whatif that many files are being reported because they do not really change. Especially umbraco core files (this is a umbraco web site). Anyone walked before this? Our only idea is to exclude the possible artifacts from Build but we want to correct it properly. This is a problem where server time was slightly different for our network time. Adding the following on the command line has corrected it. -usable rules: SkipNewerFilesRule

c# - Linq Where Clause - Accessing a tables column name -

I need inspiration from somewhere and no one is hoping, nobody can help. This I created a previous thread, through which I want to be able to do an autocomplete search on a complete data table i.e. all the data from all the columns I have created a stored procedure that pulls the completed item and the columns are derived from these objects ie tblAutoCompleteItems: Item column item1 product item 2 product item 3 product red category 1 green category 1 blue range 1 small category 2 middle class 2 large category 2 I have sorted the text box autocomplete and It works fine based on client selection, a label display That is generated columns relating to this column (hence the customers are happy with it can check that they're looking for) that. Lovely. However, with my help with hard bits and bits, they are pulling back the second data set based on the parameters selected by them. Other data sets look like ... tblProductInfo: Product Category 1 Category 2 Item 1 R...

c# - How to refresh record after an update with a SP -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I am facing the following problem: I used to store a MSSQL process to display my data in a DataGridView Please. On inserting a new row, the auto-numbered primary key is not sent back to my DataAdaptar: Enter the update and command is work, but there is a problem. Therefore the entry is successful in the database, but the PK datagrid is empty in the view. I tried some code like allready: Private Zero _rowUpdated (Object Sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e) {if (e.Status == UpdateStatus.Continue & amp; e.StatementType = = StatementType.Insert) {Cmd = conn.CreateCommand (); Cmd.CommandText = + e.Row.Table.TableName "Select the identity from @@"; Datarov R = DT. Ro [dt. Ro Number - 1]; R. Itamayr [0] = CMD. Excl. Sslar (); //r.SetModified (); - & gt; mistake? R.AcceptChanges (); }} Data works fine on all the SQL commands, but nothing seems to work on the adapter. When I refresh the data in DataGridView, ever...

javascript - Gif animation does not restart on new page...? -

I have run a GIF animation for a few seconds, and no has been stopped. When I put a GIF on different pages, the animation does not start again because its cached ... it just stays on the last frame when I am on a new page, how can I restart it? I know how to rename it or "?" For this, but this will give me bandwidth issues. Any help would be appreciated. Unfortunately, I suspect that the browser should be able to reload the image without having to reload the image. It is possible (rejecting caching is also possible), but, as you said, the result will be the result of high bandwidth.

c# - do we need to lock this queue? -

If there is only one thread to add to the queue and there is only one thread to get from the queue, then lock it The queue for those access works is not necessary, I think will usually be in a loop retrieved. If he misses an item, then it will be found in the next attempt only Anxiety is receiving partial data. If this value is type queue and value is larger than a basic memory unit, then it can be. But if this is a reference type, then it should be fine. Am I right? Assume that you are talking about qi & lt; T & gt; . Unless the thread is writing and the thread that is reading is the same thread, then no lock is necessary. If they are different threads then yes, actually a lock is necessary. The documentation clearly states that if lockers are required for readers and writers on different threads

How to check if EditText has a value in Android / Java -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 26 उत्तर यह सरल होना चाहिए, लेकिन मैंने कोशिश की है यदि बकाया मूल्यों की जाँच करने वाले और इसके बारे में लम्बाई की जाँच कर रहे हैं: EditText marketValLow = (EditText) findViewById (; संपादन टेक्स्ट बाजार = VALHigh = (EditText) findViewById (; यदि (marketValLow.getText ()। लंबाई ()! = 0 & amp; MarketValHigh.getText ()। लंबाई ()! = 0) {आशय इरादा = नया आशय (); Intent.setClass (v.getContext (), वर्तमान ओवे। वर्ग); startActivity (आशय); } Else {Toast.makeText (CurrentMarketValue.this, "आपको एक उच्च और निम्न दर्ज करने की आवश्यकता है।", टोस्ट। LNGTH_SHORT); } लेकिन यह पता नहीं लगा है कि कुछ भी नहीं दर्ज किया गया था। कोई भी विचार? कृपया == लेकिन बराबर () : स्ट्रिंग yourString =; अगर (marketValHigh.getText ()। ToString ()। बराबर ("")) {// यह काम करना चाहिए! }

xml - Firefox Add-ons, How to execute javascript function onLoad? -

I'm new to the Firefox add-on. I want to create a simple Firefox add-on which automatically adds HTML element to the page on the document load. Honestly, I want to add an extra BBCDE / smiley toolbar to any existing textran I found an example of an XML file: Is it easy to create a toolbar, popup menu or keyboard shortcuts using the above script? I want to know what the XML code is on the page load (without command command from popup, toolbar or keyboard shortcuts) automatically execute the javascript function. I hope that you understand with my question and I thank you whoever helps me. In your XUL file, you & lt; Script & gt; add tags> & lt; Overlay & gt; Tags: & lt; Overlay xmlns = ... & gt; ... other tags here ... & lt; Script type = "app / x-javascript" src = "your_script.js" /> & Lt; / Overlay & gt; Then inside your_script.js , you can execute whatever JavaScript you want. Here is t...

iphone - Custom iPad keyboard that looks like the system keyboards -

I'm looking for a non-hash solution for this, so basically -input view The part I'm not sure about is to show it as a regular keyboard, from the background to the keys. I realized that I can do Photoshop with an apple keyboard, but it seems that it is a little laugh, especially when Apple (probably not, but still possible) decides to change his keyboard, I know that Numbers have done an outstanding job of creating additional keyboards that look like standard systems, and I want to do them like them (although obviously they have the same resources. I used the following Done: tenDigitKeyboard.m - (IBAction) pressed: (UIButton *) Sender {[Repressed Press: sender.tag]; } where the representative is defined as an ID representative; Then in the representative I do ... - (zero) pressed: (NSInteger) key {NSString * bufferString = model.string; If (key == -1) {// delete model.string = [bufferstring authoringwindrange: nsmkrange (0, [buffer string length] -1]; } Els...

javascript - Wait message for slow JSF page -

I have a JSF page that is a request scope bean. A slow database query has been removed in the request scope bean manufacturer. Then, the results of the query are displayed in the JSF data table on the web page. How do I show a waiting message until the database query is completed? I tried to call the Javascript function for the tag's onload only after the slow DB query is executed, the method is called. The server is querying the slow database, long before the built-in page comes out of the browser. The only way you can do whatever you want is to arrange the "wait" message for the browser to display before so that you can start the HTTP request, which is running in your JSF page Ho. Perhaps the best way to spend your time on this, however, is to fix the query.

osx - Growl notification C -

क्या सी प्रोग्राम में गड़बड़ संदेश भेजना संभव है? वहाँ एक है। क्या वह है जिसे आप ढूंढ रहे हैं?

windows server 2008 r2 - sharepoint 2007 installation an installation package for the product microsoft office document lifecycle components cannot be found -

जब मैं Windows Server 2008 R2 पर MOSS 2007 को स्थापित करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो स्थापना बंद हो जाती है और मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है: SharePoint 2007 स्थापना उत्पाद Microsoft Office दस्तावेज़ जीवनचक्र घटकों के लिए एक स्थापना पैकेज नहीं मिल सकता है। अधिष्ठापन पैकेज 'dlc.msi' की एक वैध प्रति का उपयोग करके फिर से स्थापना की कोशिश करें। इसका कारण क्या हो सकता है? धन्यवाद ठीक है मुझे मिल गया। मैंने सिर्फ 'dlc.msi' के लिए स्थापना निर्देशिका की खोज की और मैन्युअल रूप से इसे स्थापित किया और यह ठीक काम किया । मुझे लगता है कि इस तरह की कोई भी त्रुटि उसी तरह सुलझा सकती है

c# - Is there a case for a String.IsNullOrEmpty operator? -

String.IsNullOrEmpty () appears to be a very well-used method and I think I would like to wish there were some short stories for something like this. As it will be used for zero faculty operator in a similar context, but will be extended to test for empty and null string. I.e. string text = some Some text ??? "Not given"; What will be your opinion on this? Will it bloat the language unnecessarily? Will the flood door have to provide such a deep unity with the compiler for other mid-level operations? Or it would be a useful addition to the language. A time ago Phil Hack. Basically, he suggests an extension method on string that you can do var text = someString.AsNullIfEmpty () ?? "Not given."; The extension method is very simple: public static string AsNullIfEmpty (this string str) {return! String.IsNullOrEmpty (str)? Str: faucet; } They have also suggested that instead of checking the whotspace, only with the string.IsNullOhWhitespac...

iphone - Apple push: does it need an application at all? -

Do we have to install an app to get some push from the service? itemprop = "text"> Apple Push Notification service is used with native iOS applications. APNSs can not be used without an application.

python - Confusion about string find? -

I have a list of data that I want to find. Name, address the age of the family members of the Doubt etc. I want to search through the lines of data so that I can stop searching, 'but after the name to customize the search appears. I believe I want to use this command: str.find (sub [, start [, end]]) I'm having trouble writing the code in this structure though. What tips do you make for string to work? Here are some sample data: Bennett, John, 17054099 "," 5 "," 156323558 "," - "," 0 ", 714 // Menendez "Juan, 7730126", "5", "158662525" 11844 // Brown, Jamal, "9", "2296, 92", "+", "0", "4432 // / Pre> The idea is that I want to search my program only for "," and do not want to search through the remaining big lines. Edit. So this is my code . I just want to find the lines from the first comma in PurataSatet. It is confused ...

php - Automatically format sql dates -

What am I trying to do, without any dates in your SQL queries (PHP / Oracle). I am using to_char (pi.date_of_birth, 'YYYY / MM / DD') as date_of_birth to change the formatting of my questions. What I want to be able to do is apply it on any date returned by the '*' operator. My problem is that I interrogate all of my hands, most of them are dynamically generated, and globally, changing the format in any way can be very easy. The problem is now that there is 'zero' control on the database, so I can not go in and change anything or add a process. Is there some syntax, can I add my questions, or is it an easy way to integrate into PHP? Thank you. Why do you need to format the output exactly in the database layer? Why does not it use PHP for date and time, and format it there? Similarly for input values, you should use parameterized queries and specify the value as a date / time rather than inserting it into a specific format in SQL.

serialization - Store And Replay WCF Messages -

I want to store WCF messages in some storage and want to read them again for "to run again" I am Attach some code parts: Private Zero WriteMessage (Message Message, String Path) FileStream fileStream = New FileStream (Path, FileMode.Create); (XmlDictionaryWriter author = XmlDictionaryWriter.CreateBinaryWriter (fileStream)) (XmlDictionaryReader Reader = Message. GetReaderAtBodyContents ()) message.WriteBodyContents ( Author) ; Authors Flush (); } }} Private Message Read Message (String Path) (FileStream FS = Using OpenRed (Path)) Experiment (xmlsdirerreader reader = xmladderreader.cttabinereeder (fs, xmlxidereaderkotas.max)) flush (); Message Message = Message.Scent Message (Reader, int.MaxValue, messageVersion); Return message. Cretbuftercopy (int.MaxValue) .kat Message (); The problem is that before message archive, Message.ToString () returns the message string as it should, the whole message , But after reading it, ToString () shows the body ...

pagination - Only show tables with certain patterns in mysql "show tables" -

There are too many tables in a DB. How can I showcase tables with just a few patterns? Or is there any way i can paging like "| more" in the shell command? Show table like 'pattern';

xml - How to avoid IE warning message when consuming a web service using jQuery -

Someone has posted the following solution to this question to consume web services with this question: Function InfoByDate (sDate, eDate) {var divToBeWorkedOn = '#AjaxPlaceHolder'; Var webMethod = 'http: //MyWebService/Web.asmx/GetInfoByDates' var parameter = "{' sDate ':'" + sDate + "',' eDate ':' '+ eDate +"'} "$ .jx ( {Type: "POST", url: webMethod, Data: Parameter, Content Type: "Application / Jason; Charset = UTF-8", Data Type: "Jason", Success: Function (msg) {$ (divToBeWorkedOn). .d);}, error: function (e) {$ (divToBeWorkedOn) .HTML ("unavailable");}})}} all went well, and The data I want is returned, but, I always get a warning about IE 'This page is available for information. This is a security risk ..., and the opera does not load information due to "security violation" error. How do I recover it? I have to be with Javascript because ...

F# Immutable variable sized window data structure -

I have the details of the data structure below which I want and I want to implement it using irreversible data structures. I am trying to determine ... is there an existing data structure presenting what I am trying to do or whether I need to make one - and if I need to make it Would be good (building blocks) to start? I have a constant flow of incoming values ​​of a certain type. I want to add them to a permanent / irreversible data structure to keep a history, and on each addition, this will review the history and determine whether one or more of the oldest items will be removed (for example, if there is history > A is a certain property of some length or value). Without knowing more about your needs, I want to just set a vanilla Lt; 'A & gt; Tell me more than enough job I like a 'set' on 'list' so that you can always reach the largest and smallest items, which will allow you to put the latest and oldest items for efficient use. Get permission ...

android - How to scroll from code to make a view shown in the screen? -

I have a ScrollView that includes 1 button and 3 text visuals. Currently buttons and first textview are shown on screen and They are capturing the entire screen. The second textview is below the textview and is out of the screen. When the user clicks the button, I want the code to scroll to the second text view that appears at the top of the screen. Can someone tell me how to do this? Thanks! & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt; ScrollView Android: AD = "@ + ID / ScrollView" Android: Layout_Wind = "FailPart" Android: Layout_Hight = "Wrap-Content" Android: Fading Edge = "None" & gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: orientatio...

php - How to paginate results with Custom Post Types on WP? -

It has been asked before WP forums, but none of the solutions has worked for me, I reset permalinks Have done etc. no point. I hope you have the answer to the people. This is my setup: I have a custom post type named ted_venue, and two templates, single-ted_venue.fp (single site description) and page-place.fp (list of locations To display). Permalink is for site information and for place listing. This is the paging code on the list of locations: $ paged = get_query_var ('paged')? Get_query_var ('paged'): 1; $ Wp_query = New WP_Query (array ('post_type' = & gt; 'ted_venue', 'paged' = & gt; $ paged, 'posts_per_page' => 30)); If ($ wp_query-> is_poz ()):? & Gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt ;? While php ($ wp_query-> is_poz ()): $ wp_query-> The_post (); ? & Gt; ... Then on the bottom I add some page link links. If I go to, then it b...