
Showing posts from April, 2015

php - How to combine result sets of a sql query? -

I have 5 checkboxes containing foods like chicken, fruits, vegetables, snacks. I am trying to apply it, when the user selects the checkbox item and clicks submit, then he will search for the restaurant providing the selected items, The table will contain 2 fields: Rest, menu and data are deposited in the table like this restid-> 1, menu-> chicken restid-> 1, menu-> burger restid-> 2, menu-> and; Fridge-> 3, menu-> Chicken My suspicion is that I have a plan to find a restaurant in the table, for each item select a selection statement (like restaurant_table * with the loop where menu = 'menu'; ) How can we add results when we loop through the loop I hope you are menu - menuid, restid, menu restaurant host restaurant - restid, name Php code can be Hope this is useful

templates - How can I hide the sidebar in MediaWiki? -

I would like to be able to retrieve the entire sidebar (navigation, search, toolbox) and location . In other words, the page should be wide enough to fill the place used by the sidebar. I do not want to do this for every page, but only for specific pages, so preferably using the template. I have found a template that hides the sidebar, but it is important that it does not retrieve the place: & lt; Css & gt; # Column-content {margin: 0 .6EM 0;} # content {margin: 2.8 m 0}} # p-logo,. Built-sidebar, #P-Lang, #P-TB, #P-Search {Display: none;} # p-cactions {left: .1em;} #footer {display: none;} & lt; / Css> This extension is using. Does anybody know that I can modify it to get this place again - or is there any other solution? Update: After helping Adrian Archer (see below), I found that the problem is in my desired skin with monobook Recovering Does anyone know that I need to copy a special part of the Monobook skin? I have tried many things and I a...

javascript - I am looking for good JS Loader and CSS Loader script in jQuery -

I am looking for a good JS and CSS loader on demand loading management in jQuery. Can someone give good advice? I wrote a library, which is a loader utility, it performs well with jQuery

SQL query in OO Base with where and if -

I'm totally blank about SQL, but IO must create SQL queries in the OO Base. The question should be compared when the table is empty in the table. I hope someone will help me SELECT "D". "Emmy", "D". "Nazwisco", "D". "Data Talkatoria", "D" "D". "Observer Bernny", "D". "Jadnostka Kieruzka 1", "D". "Dane" AS "D", "Sukuni" AS "S" where "D" "Data" "S" from "Zednostka Kieruzka 2" "Data_ode" and "S" "Data_to" and if "s" "Emmy"! = "" Then "D". "Emi" = "s" "Emmy" "Nazwisco"! = "D" "=" "D". "Nazwiscu" = "S". "Nazwisco" and "S". "Rods Out"! = "" Then "D". = "S" and "S...

linker - Splitting an ELF executable into two files in an embedded system -

मैं Virtex4 FPGA में Xilinx Microblaze CPU कोर का उपयोग करता हूं। मैं अपने वर्तमान कोड में एक नया कोड हिस्सा जोड़ना चाहूंगा, लेकिन फिर मेरा कोड फ्लैश के आकार से अधिक होगा जो इसे जला हुआ है इसलिए मैं अतिरिक्त फ्लैश में जोड़ा गया कोड बर्न करना चाहता हूं। मेरे कोड को बूट लोडर द्वारा रैम में कॉपी किया जाता है, जो फिर राम में कूदता है और नियमित निष्पादन प्रारंभ करता है। मैं उसी तरह दूसरी रैंक से नए कोड की प्रतिलिपि बनाने का इरादा रखता हूं, ठीक से (रैम में) पहले से इस्तेमाल की गई फ्लैश से कॉपी की गई कोड को। इसके लिए, मुझे वास्तव में दो अलग एल्फ निष्पादन योग्य फ़ाइलों की आवश्यकता है, एक प्रत्येक जला फ्लैश के लिए, और उन दोनों के बीच एक सटीक जुदाई, परिभाषित करता है कि प्रत्येक फ़ाइल में कौन से रूटीन रहते हैं फ़ाइलों के दौरान सामान्य कॉल को सक्षम किया जाना चाहिए। मेरा प्रश्न: मैं इन अलग एल्फ फाइलों को कैसे प्रत्येक फ़ाइल में रूटीन के सटीक विवरण के साथ उत्पादन कर सकता हूं? क्या एक निष्पादन योग्य फ़ाइल को दो अलग-अलग फ़ाइलों में विभाजित करने का एक तरीका है? या एम्बेडेड सिस्टम में एक एकल ल...

java - How to dynamically create params for Cewolf ChartProcessor? -

An issue trying to create a pie chart in my JSP is I'm using Cewolf (and Jfreechart) . My code is as follows: & lt; Cewolf: chartpostprocessor id = "piechartPP" & gt; & Lt; C: forEach item = "$ {requestScope.statsClientGlobal}" var = "statClient" & gt; & Lt; Cewolf: Ultimate name = "$ {statClient.siteName}" value = "$ {requestScope.colorMap [statClient.siteCode]}" /> & Lt; / C: foreach & gt; & Lt; / Cewolf: chartpostprocessor & gt; & Lt; / Cewolf: Chart & gt; As you can see, I want to dynamically create Sevolge Ultimate Line, but I get this error: Error 500: org.apache. Incompatible with taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.ForEachTag de.laures.sewolf.taglib.tags.Parameterized. Any ideas how can I work it out? Try the latest release version of seawall (1.1.4); The main Justal tags are a fix especially for working in Paramatized tags.

Get type name without full namespace in C# -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: वापसी "[नया डाला" + टाइपफ (टी ) .ओस्ट्रिंग () + "]"; लेकिन टाइपफ (टी) .ओस्ट्रिंग () नामस्थान सहित पूर्ण नाम देता है क्या कोई वैसे भी वर्ग नाम प्राप्त करने के लिए है (बिना किसी नाम स्थान क्वालिफायर?) टाइपफ (टी) .नाम // वर्ग का नाम, कोई नेमस्पेस टाइपफ (टी) .FullName // नाम स्थान और वर्ग का नाम टाइपफ (टी) .Namespace // नामस्थान, कोई वर्ग नाम नहीं

php - Redirects - alternative to "<meta http-equiv='refresh' />"? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: नमस्कार मैं कुछ विरासत कोड के साथ काम कर रहा हूं जिसमें उपयोगकर्ता पंजीकरण / लॉगिन के लिए एक मॉड्यूल शामिल है। एक ब्लॉक है जो यह देखने के लिए डीबी से पूछता है कि उपयोगकर्ता लॉगिन है, फिर लॉगिन पेज पर पुनः निर्देशित किया गया है। फिर से प्रत्यक्ष को & lt; meta http-equiv = 'refresh' content = '= 2; index.php' / & gt; से नियंत्रित किया जाता है, लेकिन मैंने यह जानने के बाद से $ username = mysql_real_escape_string $ _POST [ 'उपयोगकर्ता नाम']); $ पासवर्ड = एमडी 5 (mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ['पासवर्ड'])); $ Checklogin = mysql_query ("चुनें उपयोगकर्ता से WHERE उपयोगकर्ता नाम = '"। $ उपयोगकर्ता नाम। "' और पासवर्ड = '"। $ पासवर्ड। "'"); यदि (mysql_num_rows ($ चेक लॉगिन) == 1) {$ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ चेक्लॉगिन); $ ईमेल = $ पंक्ति ['ईमेल']; $ _SESSION ['उपयोगकर्ता नाम'] = $ उपयोगकर्ता नाम; $ _SESSION ['ईमेल'] = $ ईमेल; $ _SESSION ['लॉग...

python - How to read a raw image using PIL? -

I have a raw image where each pixel corresponds to an integer signed with 16 bits I call the PIL image as the following code Trying to read using the framestring () function: if __name__ == "__main__": if (len (sys.argv)! = 4): print 'error: Input logic disappears' sys.exit () file = open (sys.argv [1], 'rb') rawData = () file.close () imgSize = (int (sys.argv [2]), int (Sys.argv [3])) PIL Raw Decoder for reading data To obtain access. # - 'F; 16 'indicates raw decoder that we are reading unsigned integer 16 bit data at a small end. Img = Image.fromstring ('L', imgSize, rawData, 'raw', 'f; 16') ('out.png') PIL documents show that The first argument of the 'function' () function is 'mode', however, seeing the documentation and Goggling, I was not able to explain the logic that what exactly is the logic (I believe this color is related to space or so some). Does anyone know that ...

visual studio - Why should I switch to CodeRush from ReSharper? -

For a long time, I'm working with Risperper. But to codeRush a tutorial video, I wonder if I should consider trying CodeRash. But before giving a try, I wanted to ask you whether you got an opportunity to work with both Reisher and Coddar, so that you have your own purpose You can share on your advantages and disadvantages. Download a demo of CR and give it a shot. If you have already spent good money on the RS, think about the possible learning stage for ROI and CR, although the learning curve needs to be resolved during the assessment. :-) The company I'm using the Developer Express suite of products (which includes CR) and I love it. I find it very useful and useful. Disclaimer: I am a DevExpress "fanboi".

php - mime type not found for file upload in Symfony functional test -

When I run my functional test through symphony, the uploaded file is not being provided with the mime type is. Shows my test case: $ Browser-> Information ('1 - Upload Upload Form') - & gt; ('/ Formpage') - & gt; SetField ('myform [file]', sfConfig :: get ('sf_upload_dir'). '/ Example.doc') - & gt; Click ('input [type = submit]') -> End ; and is executed on the command line like this: . / Symfony test: functional frontend upload given output: array ([name] => example.doc [type] => ; [Tmp_name] => /.../web/uploads/example.doc [error] => [[size] => 15360) Why not Mime type given? Is there any way to insert mime type? information If you know the error then to clear it before trial try. Use this way. $ filename. $ Extension; $ Extension = $ file - & gt; GetExtension ($ file - & gt; getOriginalExtension ());

.NET webcam video capture to file -

I am looking for a solution to record video from webcam. Currently, I am using VideoLab components (). It works, although there is some annoying bug or inconsistency with my device, it is a bit heavier for my simple work. I need to start with the default WebCom and start with the pause control. Is there a simple solution available? Good ... there will be a solution, but it is low-level compared to the videoLab components, then It can be more complex but you will have more control. mvc - ASP .net performance analysis of web pages -

I am working in the 3.5 MVC application. 1) Is there a standard for the response size given by the web request (say that a good response size is 10k) and if it is more than that, then the web page is 10K or less. Occasionally when I get more feedback than the 60s, I think there may be a lot of conflict on that page when more users are reaching the Internet. 2) There is also a way to monitor sessions in Inpra session session mode. Such measures should be able to improve the performance of the application, monitoring the session size occupied by the application. Any idea or comment is appreciated. You can also use IIS compression to reduce the data transmitted through the wire. In my experience, it is actually quite easy and quite easy to enable in IIS. You can use tools like YSlow and PageSpeed ​​(both firefox extensions) to realize how fast / performance based on your site. There are other things that you can do to increase front-end performance in addition t... mvc - DataContext.Entity vs DataContext.GetTable<Entity> -

I am implementing the repository "pattern" in my ASP.NET MVC application. That's why I was reading something to decide that I should expose the whole data syntax or constructor in the constructor or just through the table. GetTable & lt; T & gt; When performance is the most important factor. While goggling me, I went to the following code. In this code, he takes the first table and then asks the question on that object. So now I am thinking that there is no benefit of this method or not. Public Nil Print Vision (//) creates a data reference that takes the path of the database datacountx DC = new datacontex (@ "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL \" .1 \ MSSQL \ Data \ UCL.mdf "); // Retrieve a table of the winning table & lt; Winner & gt; Winner = DCTable & lt; Winner & gt; (); // Winners respectively, respectively, by the winner's order, the winners of the w winners respectively. // Printer prints the sequenc... Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: https:// -

While trying to open servlet in the IBM websphere, I am getting the error mentioned below. The server returned the HTTP response code: for 500 URLs: https: // Please help me debug this issue. However, in this case it seems that you have an imperfect URL https: // .

java - View part of a web application - what technology for a pretty intensive grid view? -

I have to write a web page / app, which will serve agenda of about 100 people on the page. One column per person, one column per day with 3 clickable areas in each column. In HTML, the page is complex to load the browser and there is no possibility to click on the range between 2, for example, cells are split into an event that is divided into several cells Spreads between So I do not find a lot of technology to present such a scene. I am starting with a PHP-generated HTML page but the number of elements in the page makes the mouse jerky. Running for Java, will give me better performance about the reuse of scene generator, but it's still an HTML page. So, my question is: do you think moving forward with Java and its graphical capability is a simple solution or is there a better option for this part of the Flash Web App? I am scared of code, I have to write in Jawa, in order to handle the live presentation, along with the events that arise from more than 1000 cells and b...

android - How can I use a resource within a custom Xml resource file? -

मेरे पास XML संसाधन फ़ाइल है: & lt; संसाधन & gt; & LT; अनुभाग & gt; & Lt; श्रेणी मान = "1" संसाधनआईडी = "@ xml / categoryData1" / & gt; & Lt; श्रेणी वैल्यू = "2" resourceId = "@ xml / categoryData2" / & gt; & Lt; श्रेणी वैल्यू = "3" resourceId = "@ xml / categoryData3" / & gt; & Lt; / अनुभाग & gt; & Lt; / संसाधन & gt; XmlPullParser का उपयोग करके, START_TAG पर, मैं इसका उपयोग कर सकता हूं: int value = parser.getAttributeIntValue (null, "value ", 0); मान 1, 2, 3 प्राप्त करने के लिए ... हालांकि: int resourceId = parser.getAttributeIntValue (रिक्त," resourceId ", 0); काम नहीं करता ... यह सिर्फ डिफ़ॉल्ट मान 0 देता है, या जो भी मैं डिफ़ॉल्ट मान (3 पैरामीटर) को बदलता हूं ... क्या किसी को भी पता है कि मैं क्या कर रहा हूं या क्या यह संभव है? अच्छा, अगर आप अपने संसाधन आईडी विशेषता में देखते हैं, ऐसा लगता नहीं है कि एक int है, है ना?...

iphone - Drawing a solid line in a UITableViewCell -

I do not know anything about graphics or drawing, so I think this is the reason I do not understand That solve it. DrawRect of my UITableViewCell which I have found in - drawRect: (CGRect) rect {[super drawRect: rect]; CGContextRef ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor (CTX, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); CGContextSetLineWidth (CTX, 0.25); (Int i = 0; i & lt; [calculation of column]; i ++) {CGFLOTF = [((NSNumber *) [column objectTitx: I]) float value]; CGContextMoveToPoint (CTX, F., 0); CGContextAddLineToPoint (ctx, f, self.bounds.size.height); } CGContextStrokePath (ctx); } I think it should draw a black line, but the line is graying, inserting whatever is in the background I would like to draw a solid line from the background image is not impressed? I have tried to think of all the mixing modes, probably will not be similar to a mixing mode, because I do not want any blending, but all the lines that blend in some way with the background You can t...

class - When does an F# type need to be initialised using new? -

एक वर्ग को देखते हुए जैसे: टाइप करें MyClass () = सदस्य। एक्स) = प्रिंटफ़न "हैलो% s" x का प्रयोग करते हुए उदाहरणों को प्रारंभ करना उचित है चलिए x = नया MyClass () या new के बिना इसके अलावा, जब नया कन्स्ट्रक्टर का उपयोग से अधिक उपयोगी होता है नया उपयोग करने के लिए F # में मेरा पैटर्न है केवल ऐसा करने के लिए जब प्रकार लागू होता है IDisposable कंपाइलर विशेष मामलों का यह उपयोग और एक चेतावनी का उत्सर्जन करता है अगर नया छोड़ा जाता है। तो आपके मामले में मैं new का उपयोग नहीं करूंगा लेकिन निम्नलिखित के साथ मैं प्रकार OtherClass () = ... इंटरफ़ेस सिस्टम। सदस्य के साथ अव्यावहारयोग्य होगा.निर्धारित () = ... चलो x = नया अन्य क्लास ()

c# - How to make autocomplete posting data to the server with first char only and filter the returned result with jquery -

To get the first four in the textbox and to return all the matching names, whatever auto full jquery plug- These are needed to create a server for example, then after writing the rest of the characters, I can filter the returned result from jquery, posting characters on the server and returning results. I am using a plug-in such as: $ (function () {$ ("#autocomplete"). Autocomplete ({source: function (Request, response) {$ .ajax ({url: "vendor / auto complete /", type: "post", data type: "jason", data: {search text: request.term, column name} column} Success: Function (data) {Vendor = data; response ($ .max (data, function (item) {return {label: i tem, value: item, id: item}}))}}})}}); });

c# - Form must be convertible to System.Web.UI.Page -

I was making changes to my .aspx file, when Intel complained: "LSPF Changes should be made from the system.web.U.Page "I am using the @low line: & lt;% @ page AutoEventWireup =" true "codebehind =" LSPForm.aspx .cs "Inherits =" LSPForm "language =" "C #" MasterPageFile = "MasterPage.master" Title = "DMV: Marker Plate Notice"%> Code-Back Reference .aspx variables that are defined on the .aspx page, but now Errors in the form of the form: "Name is not present in the current context," where there is a defined .aspx page in the field defined. Any help will be appreciated. If you have a direct copy and paste, then you have too many quotes in the language.

python - How to handle tokenization errors? -

Please find below the piece of code that will be used to hook the string. strlist = (Generate_token for token [STRING] token (stringIo (line) .readline) if token [STRING]) Such as: - 'EOF' in multi-line statement, (2, 0)) Pre> I ignore such errors I want to be able to complete the tokenization process. I have a lot of data, so I am fine with losing a part of the data of these errors. However, I'm not sure how to write a piece of code to implement the desired functionality Thanks. Edit 1: - Excluding Tokenize. TokenAir: Pass I get the following error message Token except . Tokenier: Name: Error: Name 'tokenize' is not defined Note that your The error message is called tokenize.TokenError . This is the type of exception is picking up your code to capture the error, you should leave the block .... To leave the error, you just put pass to excluding in the block. Tunken to import: tokenize.goldate_tokens (string) for str...

Associative arrays in Javascript? -

Currently, I am creating a 3D array in JS using the following: " Name ", [" name 2 "," location2 "," data2 "], [" name3 "," location 3 " "," Data 3 "]]; I can use every element using ARR [0] or ARR [1]. But anyway I can use such a key to them: arr ["name1"] Should I give the first one any suggestions? I think I'm looking for a hushmup like functionality. The only way you can do this is wrapping in one object. Name ":" name2 "," place2 "," data2 "], name 3: ["Name 3", "position 3", "data 3"]};

Why is this SQL SUM statement correct? -

In my schema, I have one table projects and one table task. Every project involves tasks, hours and Percentage is complete. Example table: Percentage of ProjectID TaskID hours Full 1 1 100 50 1 2 120 80 I am trying to get weighted for the project Percentage I am using the following SQL statement: SELECT P.ProjectID, P.ProjectName, SUM (T.Hours) as hours, SUM (T.PercentComplete * T. Hours) / 100 AS Full Horse, SUM (T. Parent Campotete * T. Horse) / SUM (T. Horse) AS Percentage P Inor JOIN TAS AS COMPLETE PROJECTS A AS T On T Provided = P. ProvidenceWare (P.Project = 1) My question is about this part of the statement: SUM (T. Parent Collectte * T. Horse) / SUM (T. Horse) AS Percent Full This gives me the correct weighted percentage for this project (66% in case of sample data above). text"> SUM (T.PercentComplete * T. Hours) / 100 is the total number of hours. SUM (T.Hours)) is the total number of hours. The ratio of these two amounts, i.e.: ...

c++ - undefined reference with member implelementation of a templated class -

This is mysterious for me. I am using G ++ on Ubuntu, and this is my code (class With names change, but nothing is because I'm still using stubs everywhere): Bob.hpp template & Lt; Class A & gt; Class Bob: Public Jack & lt; Chris, A & gt; {Public: Bob (int x1, int x 2, float x3 = 1.0, float x4 = 2.0, float x5 = 3.0) throw (exception); Virtual ~ bob (); }; I have implemented this in another file like this: Bob.cpp template & Lt; Class one & gt; Bob & lt; A & gt; :: Bob (int x1, int x2, float x3, float x4, float x5) throw (exception) {} template & lt; Class A & gt; Bob & lt; A & gt; :: ~ Bob () {} And I used it like this: main.cpp int main () {bob & lt; Alice & gt; Example (1, 2); } Compile with: G ++ - A Bob CPP - O Bob.OG ++ - C Micrapee - O.O.O.O.G + + L "Libs" -lib main.o Bob.o prog gives me main.o: in the function main ': main.cpp :(. Text + 0x1fd): Undefined Reference ...

C++ Runtime Error caused by adding new function (which isn't ever used beyond it's definition) -

This is stopping me for a bit I have a class written in C ++ Everything works just fine Next , I get the function zero A (); Adds header files and runs, it still works fine. However, as soon as I add a new function definition to the CPP file, I get a runtime error every time (especially: end-process with position -1073741510 (0 minutes, 7 seconds)) Zero classname :: A () {} I am using Windows on code :: blocks, it is also strange but the permissions of the output directory are changed after the accident and Folders / files are read-only. Note: has no reference to the function / elsewhere in the code, only definition. I'm interested in what kind of bug could be such a runtime error? Maybe there might be a memory leak? Usually this is the result of memory corruption in such error programs.

iphone - Array of NSStrings from filenames within a folder? -

I am trying to create NSStrings of the contents of the folder that I have dragged into my project. But when I later in the array Counting items, it always comes back with 0; Then, my folder looks like this in my project -Cards-Colors and my code is that of the files Tries to get the list (color pngs) NSError * error = zero; NSString * path string = [[NSString alloc] init]; Path string = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: @ "/ card / color /"]; NSArray * fileList = [[NSARLALO] Init]; FileList = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] Contentoff DirectoryAct Path: Pathstring Error: & amp; Error]; [Route release]; NSLog (@ "% @", error); // It is always 0 NSLog (@ "File list contains% i items", [filelist count]); I could not complete the NSERR error domain = NSCKEdirem code = 260 "operation. (Coco Error 260.)" User Info = 0x596db00 { NSUserStringVariant = (folder), NSFilePath = / card / color /, NSUnderlyingError = 0x5925ef0 "op...

Blackberry OS 6 Development Environment -

The development standard for the Blackberry Torch (and other selected OS6 BlackBerry) will be done through a new version of RIM JDE or Is there a new environment or focus on the eclipse side of things? It seems that there is a new eclipse plugin that you can download for OS 6 development:

How can I make a web crawler gather data? -

This is a big question to me but I am beginning to start, I have limited experience in HTML, PHP etc. and some one Want to knock it out, but do not even know where to start from Although I can not use every language, with a little guidance I make a cut and paste and some I can also learn I am a school teacher so I have to fill a long summer vacation. I was thinking that I could get something that would search for the dates of the dates and events and / or travel things such as the train times etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. One way to go is to use a tool for which learning does not require much coding That's what you want yourself to, when you give it a pattern to match it.

.net - Prevent databind on Gridview when clicking the Edit template link -

My Gridview refreshes its data source when the Edit button is clicked. How can I prevent it from happening? is? This is not a lot of problems when not many records, but it takes some time when it takes a lot of time. The data has already been loaded so that the editing button does not need to reload the data. The Edit button is a template editing button, and I am using a SQL datasheet that connects to the Oracle database. SQL DataS uses a control parameter that points in the dropdown list. Any guidance will be appreciated. I look at two possibilities, both take advantage of SqlDataSource control. Enabling caching on SqlDataSource control is my favorite, though it can not really solve your problem. Installing the cache properly means you have the ability to push many pages beyond the simple editing scenario, however, so I get grace for things there. The second option will be to handle the updating event. During the SqlDataSource control updating event, you can set up E. ...

iphone - Animating UIView and its sub layers -

I have a subclassed UIView that contains several layers (mostly CATextre with some CATextLayers) I have the problem If I want to resize the UIView and relay the available override layout shovels by using AIVi blocks (start approvals, cut animation), the layers are not animated with UIView. Below is the code to revive the frame of UIView's: miniView.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor]; [UIView startup permissions: zero reference: zero]; [UIView Set Animation Duration: 1.0f]; [UIView Set Animation Cave: UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; [UIView Set Animation Recurrence Number: MAXFLOAT]; [UIView Set Animation Re: Copy: Yes]; MiniView.frame = newFrame; [UIView commitAnimations]; So the problem is that the scene is animated properly, but not sublayer. I see that growing and shrinking, but the sailors need to move quickly and then stay in newer sizes. When the scene is resized, what is the best way to resize the sublayers of a scene? And how do I see those things basically...

caching - Chrome doesn't cache images/js/css -

When Chrome loads my website, it checks for the updated versions of the files before checking the server (Images / JavaScript / CSS) It gets 304 from the server because I never edit external JavaScript, CSS or images. What I have to do, it also displays images without checking the server. / P> Here are the headers: Connection: Maintenance date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010 21:39:32 GMT ETag: "2792c73-b1-48cd0909d96ed" termination : Thursday, 02 September 2010 21:39:32 GMT Server: Apache / NGX / Varnish How do I check this server? What do your request headers look like? Chrome will set the maximum age at the cache-control header of the request: 0 If you go to your page using a hyperlink, then it should use the expected cache.

c++ - Best way to parse a large floating point file stored in ASCII? -

What is the best way to parse a large floating point file stored in ASCII? What is the fastest way to do this? I remember telling someone that the Eastern is bad because it works on a small number of bytes, and it would be better to read the file first in memory. is it true? EDIT: I am running on Windows, and the file format is for a point cloud that is stored in rows such as xyzrgb. I am trying to read them in arrays, besides files Approximately 20 & nbsp; MB, but I have 10 & nbsp; GB values ​​are. Second edit: Every time I make a visualization, it would be nice to make it as fast as possible, but honestly, if ifstream preforms is reasonably well, I should read it from the code It will not be pasting it is running very slow, but the software which I can do in anything, can have more hardware I / O limits, I just wanted to confirm. I think your first concern should be to figure out how big the floating point numbers are. Or can there be duplicate data there? The ...

c# - Does WriteableBitmap has new features in Silverlight 4? -

And if someone can give me an example to use it with a stream? (Not sure how that works) I know how to make BitmapImage from URI , now let me write this image to the writeable bitmap , but I get a blank exception error with something like this: bitmap image image = new bitmap image (new url ("http: // ")); Writeable bitmap newImage = new writable bitmap (image); In short: No, there are no new features in Silverlight 4. Compensate missing functionality. Regarding your real problem: You should add a handler to the event to see if an error occurs while downloading the image. And you should create a writeable bitmap in the event handler. var image = new bitmapImage (new URI ("")); Writeable bitmap newImage = faucet; Image.ImageOpened + = (s, e) = & gt; NewImage = new writable bitmap (image); Please also keep in mind that cross-domain contexts are allowed. See for details, you shou...

c# - Runtime problems for ASP.Net website in IIS7/Win7 .Net 4.0 -

The project's target framework is 4.0 in VS-2010. In IIS7, the net version of the localhost is 4.0. But for my application's app pool, there is no 4.0 framework available to choose from. And after browsing to a file after visiting the site, I get this error: Parser error message: Unrecognized feature 'targetFramework' Note that attribute names are case-sensitive. Source error: Line 14: Line 15: & lt; System.web & gt; Line 16: & lt; Compilation debug = "true" targetFramework = "4.0" /> Line 17: Line 18: & lt; Authentication mode = "form" & gt; Source file: C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ TestApp \ web.config Line: 16 version information: Microsoft. Net Framework version: 2.0.50727.4927; ASP.NET version 2.0.50727.4927 Please help me. Thanks Reddy You should install the .NET 4 runtime on your server. If you already run aspnet_regiis.exe

caching - Can anyone explain the different Perl Cache implementations? -

The CPAN has a bunch of different cache implementations. I am using the cache :: file (because it is installed on my operating system) but I also get the reference of file :: cache, cache: file cache, cache :: cache etc. Many people appear to be in the implementation of "cash interface", which seems to be the module "Cash" or "Cash :: Cash". A Google search is difficult for the right document, can anyone explain a different cache implementation (by emphasizing file caching) and why are so many? Bonus points have been told to me that what I really figured out: what is the syntax for the expiration time values: file? Ive not only seen some examples like 600 or '600 seconds' , but no description of complete syntax. Thank you. Update: I think I've got the answer to my bonus question. This may be of some help, though it is a bit date (2005?): In addition, the difference between cash and cash :: cache (as you have seen two Th...

iphone - Whats more efficent Core Data Fetch or manipulate/create arrays? -

I have a core data application and I would like to get results from DB based on some parameters. For example, if I only want to catch the events that took place in the last week and the events that took place in the last month. Is it better to fetch it for the whole unit, and then work with that result array, it is better to create arrays out of each position, or to use better predictions, and to fetch more? The answer depends on many factors. I want to describe the description of the documentation. If you use the SQLite store type, for example, it is more efficient to use the date range and to bring only those people in the given category. On the contrary, it is said that you use a non-standard feature such as looking for a substring in the encrypted string - you have to draw everything, decrypt the strings, do your searching, and have to note the matches. At the end of the spectrum, you have a binary store type, which means that the whole thing will always be dragged into ...

android - setOnClickListener of a ListView not working -

Then trying to set a setOnClickListener for my list view, but due to this crash in my program for some reason I try because I am. I am quite new to programming, when it comes to troubleshooting, then I can really talk about anything sad: (My code is down so there can be any wrong idea that Will be very useful are public classes Expanding activity of the OmPackage activity {// List view that holds the list ListView lstTest; // Array adapter, which holds ArrayList and displays items on the ListView AlertsAdapter array adapter; // list items which are ArrayList & amp; alerts & amp; gt; alrts = null; /. setContentView (R.layout.homepage), ** called when the activity went previously created * / @Override void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState) protected // Start ListView lstTest = (ListView) findViewById (; // I ArrayList alrts = Start new ArrayList & amp; Lt; Alert & amp; Gt; (); // Start the array adapter array = a...

Rails not adding model field to insert query -

I added a column to the rail in DB through the migration, and new.html to add the field. In the form The correct data is in the request parameter, but the generated query is a null one every time for the column. Here are the request parameters: 5 "," Allocation "=>" 50 "," person_id "=" 33 "," end_date "=>" 2010/08/05 "}," authenticity_token "=> 8f157a2a220caf716607162ce9557ab6505aab1a "} and there is an error as a result of the query showing the tap column here: Mysql :: error: column 'end_date' can not be zero : `Assignment` start_date,` created_at`, `project_id`,` updated_t`, `allocation`, 'person_i`,' and_data`) value ('2010-08-04', '2010-08-04 03:36: Code> class ChangeDates & LT; ActiveRecord :: Migrate DF self.up add_column: assignment,: and_date, date =: empty => false, rename_column: function, date, date, start date, end self.down remo...

ruby on rails - how to raise/rescue from ActionMailer deliver method -

मैं निम्नलिखित विधि से ईमेल भेज रहा हूं: class कम्युनिकेशन & lt; ActionMailer :: बेस डीईएफ़ संदेश (उप, msg, लोग) विषय उप बीसीसी लोगों को '' से भेजा गया समय। समय शरीर: ग्रीटिंग = & gt; Msg end end बीसीसी में 4 या 5 ईमेल पते हैं अपने परीक्षण के दौरान मैंने दो चीजों को देखा है: यह कि यदि ईमेल में से कोई भी एक वास्तविक ईमेल नहीं है (उदाहरण के लिए fake_email_no_domain ) यह किसी भी प्राप्तकर्ता को ईमेल नहीं भेजता है यदि बीसीसी सूची में एक बुरा ईमेल पता है (उदाहरण के लिए ), तो यह अन्य को ईमेल भेजता है प्राप्तकर्ता लेकिन अभी भी एक त्रुटि लॉग करने के लिए फेंकता है। दोनों स्थितियों में त्रुटि डाली गई है: http: // localhost पर पुनर्निर्देशित: 3000 / पूर्ण 2601ms (डीबी: 1) | 302 पाया [http: // localhost / notifications] [2010-08-04 00:49:00] त्रुटि एर्रो :: ECONNRESET: पीअर / यूआरएल / लोकल / लिब / रुबी / 1.9.1 / व्हाइब्रिक / एचपीएसएर्वर द्वारा कनेक्शन रीसेट। आरबी: 56: में `ईओफ़? ' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/webr...

dns - Understanding dig output - will this redirect a browser? -

I am trying to set a subdomain elstest1 on my domain to redirect to a fixed IP. After following some instructions on the web, I have created a DNS record. Currently, if I do this: dig I am getting: ... ... ;; Answer section: (IP address is hidden) Will you take me to the IP address above? This is not working at present, but it should be expected because the web server is not + I have just made DNS changes, etc. But I have to make sure that the above DNS settings are those they need. First of all, you made a nickname, not a redirect. The alias indicates the IP, does not redirect it. Actually, all the domain names are there. Second, changing DNS records take some time. From 15 minutes to 1-2 days This is because there are so many DNS servers in the world, and they all have to be updated. Will I be taken to the above IP address? In fact, your ISP will be updated after the DNS.

A zip file cannot include itself - Ant build error -

I have an error in the first line of the following code during the creation of anti-builder, & Amp; Gt; War warfile = "$ {wartemp.dir} / $ {name} .war" basedir = "$ {wartemp.dir}" web xml = "$ {wartemp.dir} /WEB-INF/web.xml" & gt; & Lt; Include name = "*" /> & Lt; Include name = "script / **" /> & Lt; Include name = "genres / **" /> & Lt; Include name = "picture / **" /> & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF /*.*"/& gt; & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / lib / **" / & gt; & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / view / **" / & gt; & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / classes / **" /> & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / jsp / **" /> & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / resource / **" /> & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / spring / **" / & gt; & Lt; Include name = "WEB-INF / Message /...

java - Hotfix / Patch build & delivery approach -

We are in the process of building and optimizing ours; The release process of one of our Java-based products to support patches / hotfix release Today, we have a complete installation package (which is a set of RPM packages wrapped in an ISO) Pushes out of the pipeline. However, our goal is to support incremental / more subtle upgradation / patch shipments. In order to keep things as simple as an initial step, we plan to prepare RPM packages for a maximum and a dedicated hotfix is ​​converted into a subset of these RPMs (only in the realm of release in ISO ) Plan the package with full installation ISO (we have considered other options like binary inter-delta RPM - a different hotfix RPM etc.). That not it would like to hear how you manage your build pipeline - packaging and version control (as it is also a release management issues core to support such hotfix deployments)? I would like to hear about the management of my build pipeline - packaging and version control I...

c# - Exit Application from ApplicationContext -

I have a custom application contact and I'm trying to eliminate it if I meet specific conditions I'm using a mute to make sure the example. I have tried base.OnMainFormClosed (empty, empty); Application.exit () and ExitThread . Everything stops processing, but the process is still going on. Full main () method: static zero main () {bool firstInstance; (Mutex Mutex = New Muteux (true, @ "Global \ MyAppNegment", using the first instance) (if (first instance) {MessageBox.Show ("Another example is already running"); Return;} Application. Enabledview style (); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault (wrong); Applications (new custom contact);}} What is the right technology? Run applications (new custom contact); It's fine but you're up There is no way to call the ExitThread method, so do not like it: class program {Private static Custom syntax text app CONTACT; [STAThread] Public static zero main () {// Init code // .....

css - JSF2 / Primefaces layout performance -

I am currently using a full page layout and P: layoutUnits and the page composition in my webapp, I have a menu bar, and There is a certain header with a content layout, and that's all. It was easy to install, but when I navigate to a new page in IE (7), the whole page is reloaded (apparently), the header gets cleared, and loads - Even more annoyingly - the menubar is displayed to each other with This effect does not really appear in other browsers, unfortunately, IE 7 is my goal. Now I'm thinking about saying goodbye: layoutUnits and implementation layouts with simple CSS magic and fixed div for the top - will this improve performance in IE? Is there anything that I can do to make it faster and smooth? I have to see that the header is not changing at all, only the content How about using iframe ? Will this allow the bookmarkable URL? I think this is an old question, but I still have a new answer ... PrimeFace 3.0 & lt; P: datatable & gt; Supports In...

c++ - Windows Mobile Hopper Test Tool, FocusApp -

Hi Recently I finished my WM6 Pro.6.1 application and happily found out that it was put in the market Go, then test him some test. - Application Verifier - Microsoft Hopper Test Tool for Windows Mobile 6.0, 6.1 and 6.5 I use VS 2008 and Windows Mobile 6.1 and I can not run any of these tests, Hopper Tools has FocusEp C ++ application that should be manufactured and run before testing, but its VS . 2005 project and I will call it VS Could not run at 200. And without it I can not do anything test Any ideas in this blog post are many tips for this process. How can I create this for VS2008? : Try it first. If they do not post more information about the special problems you have made.

c# - Reference type not passed as reference -

I have this strange problem in my unit testing. See the following code _pos = null; Utilities.Inter POS (_pos, trans); Assert.IsNotNull (_pos); // disables InitPOS functions public static zero InitPOS (POSimplementation pos, Transaction newTransaction) {Pos = new POSimplementation (); Pos.SomeProp = New SomeProp (); Pos.SomeProp.SetTransaction (newTransaction); Assert.IsNotNull (POS); Assert.IsNotNull (pos.SomeProp); } Object POSimplementation is the implementation of some interface and it is a class, so this is a reference type ... Anyone idea? You can InitPOS (i.e. a null reference ), The name of the named variable is not the reference _pos effect is that the new POSimplementation example is in local variable pos in InitPOS Method, but the _pos variable remains unchanged. Change your code _pos = utilities.InitPOS (trans); Assert.IsNotNull (_pos); Where public static POSimplementation InitPOS (new conversion conversion) {POSimplement...

.net - Ria services reference is missing from silverlight 4 on VS2010 -

I am running through a tutorial for Riya Services and Silverlight 3, but my coding environment is VS2010 (Net 4.0 And with SL4)). The tutorial reference system.web.ria and I can not find it in reference window for reference VS2010 at all. The assembly has been changed into the system. Servicemodel. Domain Services Server + system Servicemodel. Domain Services Hosting Check out

How to find the file exists in Perl -

उदाहरण के लिए: #! / Usr / bin / perl my @arr = ( '/usr/test/test.*.con'); मेरा $ परिणाम = फाइलएक्सिस्ट (\ @ arr); प्रिंट का परिणाम; उप FileExists {मेरे $ param = shift; मेरी $ फ़ाइल (@ {$ param}) को प्रिंट करें {print $ file; यदि (-e $ फ़ाइल) {वापसी 1; }} वापसी 0; } यह 0 देता है। लेकिन मैं सभी जंगली पात्रों को भी ढूंढना चाहता हूं ... यह कैसे हल करें? -e फ़ाइल ग्लोब को नियंत्रित नहीं कर सकता इस लाइन को बदलें मेरे @arr = ('/usr/test/test.*.con'); से मेरा @arr = glob ('/ usr / test / test। *। Con'); पहले ग्लोब पैटर्न का विस्तार करने के लिए और फिर मौजूदता के लिए मिलान की गई फ़ाइलों की जांच करें। हालांकि, क्योंकि ग्लोब पैटर्न से मेल खाते मौजूदा फाइलों को ही वापस करेगा, सभी फाइल वैसे भी मौजूद रहेंगी।

java - What's the closest equivalent to a Session / Cookie variable in Android? -

For example, I want my users to click the "Get a new quote" button, which is a new line To start collecting the database for the data, but I am not sure how to store independent (or cross-activity) data in the activity, such as the line's _id, for which I have new data available Required and updated line Defense will be the name of the system after the activities are done and how to do it? How do I perform actions / services within a single application? It depends on the type of data you want to share: Primitive data types Share primitive data between, use Intent.putExtras (). To pass primitive data that is required to continue to use the storage system Non-Permanent Object To share complex non-continuous user-defined objects for a short period, the following methods are recommended: class The Android.AP application is the base class for those who need to maintain the global application status. It can be accessed through ...

Python regex string to list of words (including words with hyphens) -

I would like to parse a string containing all the words (including the hyphenated word, too). The current code is: s = '-his is. A - sentence; One word recompile ("\ W +", again .UNICODE) .split (s) returns: [ and I have to return it: ['', 'this',' is', ' A ',' sentence ',' one word '] If you have a leading empty string Is not required, you can use pattern \ w (?: [- \ w] * \ w)? For match : & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import re & gt; & Gt; & Gt; S = '- this is a - sentence; One word '& gt; & Gt; & Gt; Rx = re.compile (r '\ w (?: [- \ w] * \ w)?') & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Note that this word will not match apostrophes like will not be .

Removing things from Python list during for loop -

यह मेरा कोड है: toBe = [] # अगर कोई मिल अनुरोध अगर अनुरोध। GET.items ()! = []: एक्स के लिए डीबी में: प्रयास करें: # यह पीएमटी को हटा रहा है जो नाम के लिए विशिष्ट है अगर अनुरोध। GET ['pmtName']! = "कोई नहीं": यदि नहीं X ['tags'] में ['pmtName'] का अनुरोध करें। प्रिंट एक्स ['शीर्षक'], एक्स ['टैग'] to.Be.append (x) जारी रखें # यह चोटी सामान को हटा रहा है यदि int (request.GET) ['पीकमिन']): यदि इंट (अनुरोध। जीईटी ['पीकमिन']) & lt; Int (x ['charge_peak']): tobe.append (x) अगर int (request.GET ['peakMax']) जारी रखें: यदि int (request.GET ['peakMax']) & gt; Int (x ['charge_peak']): tobe.append (x) अगर int (request.GET ['widthMin']) जारी रखें: यदि int (request.GET ['widthMin']) & lt; Int (x ['charge_width']): tobe.append (x) अगर int (request.GET ['widthMax']) जारी रखें: यदि int (request.GET ['widthMax']) & gt; Int (x ['charge_width...

scala - Comparing String and Enumeration -

I have a calculation slapped for string in JPA. For more comfortable coding, I define the implicit conversions among them. So I can now define the value val person. = "User" , - person.role is a type of code "user" a string so there is a conversion but when I compare these two If I try, I always feel falsely, because def equals (arg0: any): any to boolean, so no trigger is triggered. has gone. I need some explicit conversion, but to be able to leave my plan, do you think the best practice is the best solution here? value ("user") code> enumeration type Is wal . And I believe that this does not compare the string name of the implementation value of equal to I think joining a heavy hand to do this is my own census and Is making value so that the name is correct if it is correct. but uses my code, not with JPA, I always convert the string to MyEnumeration.Value . It's easy with things: Object is expanded to e {val user ...

coding style - How do you edit files over SSH? -

I use programs with Eclipse and sometimes GUI text editors like SECTE or VIM. However, I am at a point in the project that I need to edit files on an SSH connection in an 80 column SSH window. Before opening the file (* shudder) sudo vim , I'm not sure how to open a file in an editor outside the terminal (which Allow me to see extensive text from 80 columns) If the command line was bigger then I think there would be no problem using Vim directly. I have had a loss of this situation and how can I change this nightmare in a manageable coding environment? Maybe you should mount the remote filesystem on your local machine and then whatever editor you would prefer . On running Debian derivative, install sshfs install sudo aptitude sshfs and then mount remote file system like this Mkdir ~ / remote_code sshfs$USER/code ~ / remote_code Once this is done, you get ~ / remote_code w / Any of the codes can access SSH-X without your GUI tool...

call - iPhone mobile number using Core telephony -

As far as I understand, there is no public API available in the iPhone SDK to find users' mobile number. Can we get the mobile number of the iPhone user using the core telephony framework in the 4.0 SDK? No, core telephony framework provides some basic information about the carrier and limited information about the call Is not much, no more The amount of current active calls in limited information, call ID (no mobile number, only a specific ID that uses OS to track special calls) and call status, such as Whether the call is on hold or not. The main feature in CallTelefi is an API to check whether a carrier allows VoIP on 3G or not.

php - which is better, a 404 error page or redirecting to the front page -

I was under the impression that the 404 redirect on the front page is considered bad. All websites should have a 404 page. But at the same time I see a lot of people in those forums who want their site to be redirected to the front page in the name of 404. Which is good Definitely a 404 page that sends 404 pages or 404 error pages or redirects to the front page This prevents problems with duplicate content (frowns on that search engine) It shows to users then When their URLs are outdated or they have typed something incorrectly People redirecting incoming visitors to the front page I can say that it creates more annoyance because it does not give the incoming users a clue about the resources they were seeing. A good 404 page, possibly with intelligent link ("What were you searching for ...?") And a site map, is the best option

crash - Visual Studio 2010 crashes repeatedly -

I've been running Visual Studio 2010 for the time being (official release) recently, VS for my 8-hour work Crashing 10+ times during the day. In VS 2008, Crash was normal when dealing with large XML files, and when I experience some of these with VS 2010, debugging, debugging debugger, pausing debugger and other random while editing code Crashes in time. > I have seen the problem report, and what I have found is most often: Description Faulting application path: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 \ Common7 \ IDE \ devenv.exe Problem Signature Name of the problem: APPLASH Application name: devenv.exe Application version: 10.0.30319.1 Application timestamp: 4ba1fab3 fault module name: ntdll. DL module Fault module version: 6.1.7600.16385 Fault module timestamp: 4a5bdb3b Exception code: c0000005 Exception offset: 0002e23e I'm running Windows 7 (x64). Nervousness has come to somebody in this problem and found a solution. I...

php - Shortening a "for / switch-case" -

There are 30 schools in the school system, the lowest school code is 298 and the highest is 516. For each school, similar procedures will be called. So far the approach that I have taken can be seen below. How can I shorten this code? Thank you. ($ I = 298; $ i & lt; = $ 516; $ i ++) {Switch ($ i) {Case 298: $ c_sch = strval ($ i) for ; // Call a function uf_mem_requester ($ c_sch, $ t_mem1, $ t_mem2, $ t_mem3, $ d_year, $ d_datadate); Case 303: // etc .... etc ..... Case 30 9: // etc .... Default ...}} Definitely I do not understand what is the switch because there exists some ID between 298 and 516 Are not you? In that case, I like $ school_ids = array (298, 300, 304, 312, 319, 320, 321, ..... .. all school ids which actually exist); Foreign Language (school $ $ school_ids) // List of all IDs {$ c_sch = strval ($ school) exists; Uf_mem_requester ($ c_sch, $ t_mem1, $ t_mem2, $ t_mem3, d_year, $ d_datadate); }

javascript - Fetching xml with GM_xmlhttpRequest -

I am trying to retrieve a page with greasemonkey and to remove a link again, Enter the link in the page. I'm having some trouble with this: GM_xmlhttpRequest ({method: "GET", url: "", Onload : Function (data) {if (! Data.responseXML) {data.responseXML = new DOMParser (.) ParseFromString (data.responseText, "text / xml");} alert ("!"); Var xmldata = data.response .xml; var test = xmldata.getElementsByTagName ('test'); warning (test [0] .winnerHTML);}}); This page is valid, and GM_xmlhttpRequest has correctly returned it as a string, when I tried earlier, but I can not seem to understand that it How to do so that I can use the node operation on it thanks in advance. Editing - A second, related question How do I refine the current page so that I can pass it to work, as I Will the received page be passed? Pre function fastcut (current page) {currentpage.getElementById ('blah...

php - Possible uses of CCK node-reference and user-reference -

CCK has gone from Drupal 7 and it has been replaced with Fields API, which is now part of the core, but nodereference And the users were not ported. This creates a problem for me because I use those 2 modules extensively. These 2 modules are an attempt to do some work to do some work with compatible with Dual 7, but its use will depend on usage. I'm curious why people are using these 2 modules. Please list down your usage below so that the replacement solution can be noticed when possible. I started I use the user to give personal permission for a private node To provide node reference, user reference, area group, field-level permissions, CCK will present CCK in D7, and an upgrade path D7 from D6 CCK API For Field API. See for more information. It is a matter of dividing the remaining CCK modules into separate projects, but I honestly think that this will not happen, especially with the upgrade path important. - Google My map control -

Whether Google My Maps controls are available for free downloads, which are used to attract shapes on the map There are geometry controls for API V2: I do not know for V3 Marcelo

jquery - JavaScript new keyword and objects scopes -

Later today, I was scrolling through slides and I found the following: Give this code doing the function () {this.myvar = true; } Katana (); (MyWor); The last time I compiled the code, I thought that myworld is linked to the function. Basically, this window is attached to objects, which pollutes the global namespace. I returned to my projects, which use all the same approach. A little different ways function katana () {this.myvar = true; } Var xyz = new comment (); (MyWor); I have a function object and instead of executing the function, I make a new example of this (I'm not really sure what is happening). I use those values ​​through the prototype methods to store values ​​using XYZ and to do some work. I am surprised that when I do some debugging with firebug, XYZs do not exist. There is no variable attached to the window object. Why? I did some more debugging and connected to the XIZ object window> object, but this is...

tomcat putting quotes around the cookie value -

I have a strange problem The problem is that when I'm running Tomcat 6 on my machine, this cookie value Cuts the quote. For example if a cookie name is A and its value is key = us & amp; Val = wdc , it puts quotation around the value and the value looks like "key = us & val = wdc" . The problem is, I do not want Tomcat to put such extra quotes in the cookie value. A possible solution is to use the Tomcat 5.5.12

jquery - Why does this Javascript object not go out of scope after $(document).ready? -

I have some javascript which manages some dome elements The problem is, I do not understand that Why This works, which is never a good thing, I'm trying to learn more about Object Oriented Javascript and Javascript best practices, so the organization looks a bit awkward. In fact, I wrap two methods that manipulate the DOM inside a CSContent object. I make an example of that object, content in $ (document). Bind some events to work in and content . However, I am confused as to how these tasks can still be said after $ (document). This does not mean that content has gone out of the scope, and its work is not available? Anyway, here's the code: function CSContent () {var tweetTextArea = document.getElementById ('cscontent-tweet'), tweetTextElement = document.getElementById ('edit-cscontent-cs-content -TV '), charCountElement = document.getElementById (' cscontent-Tweet-charactercount '); This.toggleTweetTextarea = function () {$ (tweetT...

Macvim and rails.vim on rails 3 rc - Uninitialized constant Bundler (NameError) -

Configure vim and gvim on Windows, as well as vim and macvim on OS X Intention of learning tracks 3, then install Rail 3 RC on both OS OS so far, very good. When using Macwim, each script is executed by rails.vim, then gives me an "uninilized constant bundler (name-error)" error. Tried: Rudder, Regenerate, .... However, on staying on OSX, when firing the Vim from the terminal window, rail. The wheel is just fine, as well as runs the execution of the rail script directly from the terminal. So somewhere, somehow my MacVM configuration seems to mess things up, unless it's not wrong, it only uses settings from .vimrc and .gvimrc files. Now, .gvimrc is actually minimal, so I can add it here: set guifont = Inconsolata: h17 "font family and font size. Set Antilles" MacVim: smooth fonts set Set encoding = UTF-8 "UTF-8 everywhere. Set guioptions- =" hide toolbar "set background = light" background set line = 40 column = 100 "window dim...

Latex: Any way to have a caption on the table that won't show up in the list of tables? -

What I'm trying to do is: table caption text (source , Year), In the list of tables, I want to show "Caption Text", but not the source. However, if I put it all in the caption {} , then they do. Ohhhow, I realized that if I were from " \ cite {source} \ start {table} and \ end {table} But after the table, I can get the text without showing it in the list, but if you have a better way of doing this please tell me. : \ caption [caption text.] {Caption text (source, year)} adapted from

How do I reference a hidden input in a specifc form using jQuery? -

I have many forms on that page that all have an hidden input. The form name / id is GPA-Entry-Form-1, I am trying to get the value of hidden fields like this: $ ('# deleteThisGPAEntry-1'). Click (function () {var recordId = $ ('GPA-Entry-Form-1 # RCORID'). Val (); Alert ('You clicked me ID:' + recordId); Return return; }); Unfortunately, I am doing something wrong I What am I doing wrong? Thank you, Josh You forgot to sign pounds! (Perhaps the most common mistake of jQuery). Consistent with your form, use GPA-Entry-Form-1 as an ID: $ ('# GPA-Entry-Form-1 #recordId '). Val (); Use this if its name is: $ ('form [name = GPA-entry-form-1] #recordId'). Val (); You should use this descriptive selector correctly. Good luck!

css - Is there a way to get a background-image to render over moz-linear-gradients -

In CSS, you can usually set both a background-image, and background color, and render the image at the top Color of #someDiv {background-image: url (arrow.png); Background color: blue; } For this reason #someDiv should have a blue background with up arrow.png. However, if I want to use Firefox -moz-linear-shield to do a gradient for the background, is there a way to render the image on this gradient? > Edit: MDC tells that gradient changes background-image tags. So in that situation, I think a follow-up question is whether it is possible to specify two background images and it is possible to present them one above the other? In this example on the Mozilla site, there are background gradients below the background images:

self reference - DLL unloading itself -

Is it possible for a function to unload DLL? I need to do this so that I can make sure DLL is not in use, then write to DLL file. itemprop = "text"> I do not think this will work. Calling Free Library with a handle from the outside (the load library would be called from outside an area outside DLL), because the code runs on the memory space, which will no longer be valid. Even if this is possible, then it may smell like a bad design that you want to make some updaters or the same. Tell a little more what you expect to do is there is no way to unload a DLL from within yourself.